Results for 'Francescantonio Zaccaria'

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  1.  36
    Das Nichts denken (Leopardi).Gino Zaccaria - 2003 - Heidegger Studies 19:159-178.
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    De nuevo sobre la interpretación Y Los principios jurídicos.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:281-292.
    Los cambios en los procesos de producción del derecho y la modificación estructural del sistema de fuentes ponen en tela de juicio el modelo de derecho diseñado por el positivismo jurídico del XIX, basado en el monopolio legislativo en la creación del derecho y en la consideración de proceso de aplicación del derecho como un procedimiento de subsunción formal. En ese nuevo escenario, el momento aplicativo y hermenéutico del derecho adquieren un protagonismo central. En las nuevas y complejas funciones que (...)
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    Esperienza giuridica, dialettica e storia in Giuseppe Capograssi: contributo allo studio del rapporto tra Capograssi e l'idealismo.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 1976 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  4. La Jurisprudencia como fuente de derecho: una perspectiva hermenéutica.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 2010 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 32:93-118.
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    Pensare il nulla: Leopardi, Heidegger.Gino Zaccaria - 2008 - Como: Ibis Edizioni.
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  6. Sulle opere di Pier Candido Decembrio.Vittorio Zaccaria - 1956 - Rinascimento 7:13-74.
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    The First Dog: Diogenes (Aristot. Rhet. 3,10,1411a24–25).Pietro Zaccaria - 2017 - Hermes 145 (3):364-370.
    The mention of a “Dog” (Κύων) by Aristot. Rhet. 3,10,1411a24-25 should be interpreted as a reference to Diogenes the Cynic, and not to Antisthenes, as was argued by Goulet- Caze.
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    Trends in Contemporary Hermeneutics and Analytical Philosophy.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (3):274-285.
    This paper focuses on some issues where the process of convergence between analytical and hermeneutic perspectives, with respect to their general philosophical grounds, mainly turns out to be clear. On the analytical side, the overcoming of logical Neopositivism and radical formalism and the rejection of the atomistic theory of reference by holistic theories of meaning have been the core shifts. On the side of the continental philosophical tradition, the main theoretical change lies in replacing the centrality of the subject with (...)
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    The People and Populism.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 2018 - Ratio Juris 31 (1):33-48.
    “What is and what is defined as populism?” In response to this question the best political theories and philosophies have put forward many different answers, that are taken into account in this article. The article affirms the constitutive ambiguity of the concept of “populism” and its ability to unify very different issues. After analyzing some of the implications that populism entails in practice, the article stresses the link between populism and the end of the logic of the principle of representation, (...)
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    William Godwin, le constructeur: fédérations de personnes.Cesare Zaccaria - 1953 - Paris: Pensée & action.
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    The Enigma of Art: On the Provenance of Artistic Creation.Gino Zaccaria - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    In _The Enigma of Art. On the provenance of Artistic Creation_ Gino Zaccaria offers a meditation on art in light of its ancient Greek sense and of its task inaugurated by “artist-thinkers” like Cézanne, Boccioni and van Gogh.
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  12. Dimensioni dell'ermeneutica e interpretazione giuridica.Giuseppe Zaccaria - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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    Ermeneutica e giurisprudenza: i fondamenti filosofici nella teoria di Hans Georg Gadamer.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 1984 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  14. L'epistolario di Pier Candido Decembrio,«.Vittorio Zaccaria - 1952 - Rinascimento 3:85-118.
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  15. La frugalità di Van Gogh.Gino Zaccaria - 2014 - In La provenienza dell'arte. Atena e l'enigma. Como: Ibis Edizioni.
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  16. La proveneinza dell'arte: Atena e l'enima.Gino Zaccaria - 2014 - In La provenienza dell'arte. Atena e l'enigma. Como: Ibis Edizioni.
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  17. Una visita apostolica a Camaldoli nel 1419.R. M. Zaccaria - 1989 - Rinascimento 29:249-253.
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    L'arte dell'interpretazione: saggi sull'ermeneutica giuridica contemporanea.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 1990 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Machine Learning to Assess Relatedness: The Advantage of Using Firm-Level Data.Giambattista Albora & Andrea Zaccaria - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    The relatedness between a country or a firm and a product is a measure of the feasibility of that economic activity. As such, it is a driver for investments at a private and institutional level. Traditionally, relatedness is measured using networks derived by country-level co-occurrences of product pairs, that is counting how many countries export both. In this work, we compare networks and machine learning algorithms trained not only on country-level data, but also on firms, which is something not much (...)
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    Norberto Bobbio: gli anni padovani: celebrazioni del centenario della nascita.Baldassare Pastore & Giuseppe Zaccaria (eds.) - 2010 - Padova: Padova University Press.
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  21.  34
    Problem awareness for skilled humanoid robots.Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Antonello Scalmato, Antonio Sgorbissa & Renato Zaccaria - 2011 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 3 (01):91-114.
  22. Vorbereitende Überlegungen zu einer schiedlichen Ausgabe der Fragmente des Heraklit. Der λόγος und das Sein (I. Teil)” / “Verso un’edizione scismatica dei frammenti di Eraclito. Il λόγος e l’essere (parte I) [Λόγος and Being]”.Ivo De Gennaro, Ralf Lüfter, Sergiusz Kazmierski & Gino Zaccaria - 2015 - Eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art 9:1-40.
    Lo scritto costituisce un primo saggio preparatorio (redatto in forma di dialogo a quattro voci) di un volume consacrato al pensiero di Eraclito. In esso, si indaga il senso greco iniziale della parola "logos", quale dizione fondamentale della grecità.
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  23.  31
    Zaccaria Lilio and the shape of the earth: A brief response to Allegro’s “Flat earth science”.C. Philipp E. Nothaft - 2017 - History of Science 55 (4):490-498.
    This is a response to James J. Allegro’s article “The Bottom of the Universe: Flat Earth Science in the Age of Encounter,” published in Volume 55, Number 1, of this journal. Against the solid consensus of modern scholars, Allegro contends that the decades around 1500 saw a resurgence of popular and learned doubts about the existence of a southern hemisphere and the concept of a spherical earth more generally. It can be shown that a substantial part of Allegro’s argument rests (...)
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    Ut illi non repugnet esse in materia” – La dottrina di Zaccaria Pasqualigo sulla natura della metafisica e del suo oggetto.Marco Forlivesi - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (3):156-172.
    Zaccaria Pasqualigo developed his doctrine concerning the nature of metaphysics and of its object in the twenties of the 17th century. It belongs to the group of reactions, in the Catholic milieu, to the theses propounded by Francisco Suárez on this topic. Pasqualigo develops a metaphysics whose formal object is not the transcendental being, but the being considered as the way of being of the quidditas rei omnino abstrahens a materia. However, the ‘prescinding from matter’ that is proper of (...)
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  25. Il padre Zaccaria, l’abate Cesarotti e l’attualità’ di Marsilio nel secolo dei lumi.Gregorio Piaia - 1980 - Medioevo 6:619-637.
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  26. Book reviews (Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; ..., etc.). [REVIEW]Gabriel Cercel, Attila Szigeti, Cristian Ciocan, Cristina Ionescu, Mădălina Diaconu, Roxana Albu, Bogdan Mincă, Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban & Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1):319-435.
    "Gabriel Cercel: Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; Attila Szigeti: Emmanuel LEVINAS, Positivité et transcendance. Suivi de Lévinas et la phenomenology; Cristian Ciocan: Jean-Luc MARION, Crucea vizibilului; Gabriel Cercel: Mădălina DIACONU, Blickumkehr. Mit Martin Heidegger zu einer relationalen ästhetik; Cristina Ionescu: Mark WRATHALL, Jeff MALPAS, Essays in Honour of Hubert L. Dreyfus; Cristian Ciocan: Ion COPOERU, Aparenţă şi sens. Repere ale fenomenologiei constitutive; Cristian Ciocan: Michael INWOOD, A Heidegger Dictionary; Cristian Ciocan: Linda FISCHER, Lester EMBREE, Feminist Phenomenology; Mădălina (...)
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  27. Eguaglianza.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1987 - In Giuseppe Zaccaria (ed.), Lessico della politica. Giuseppe Zaccaria (ed.). Roma, Italy: Edizioni Lavoro. pp. 211-219.
  28. Equità.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1987 - In Giuseppe Zaccaria (ed.), Lessico della politica. Giuseppe Zaccaria (ed.). Roma, Italy: Edizioni Lavoro. pp. 230-238.
    A reconstruction of the history of a family of words, from ancient Greek and Hebrew to Modern languages, with an overview of one century discussion about justice, the separation of law and politics, and the ethical element in political theory.
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  29. Società civile.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1987 - In Giuseppe Zaccaria (ed.), Lessico della politica. Giuseppe Zaccaria (ed.). Roma, Italy: Edizioni Lavoro. pp. 579-586.
    A reconstruction of the history of the wording civil society and of the curious twist in its usage and meaning, highlighting why the term had an important role in Continental political thinking and was ignored until comparatively recently in Anglo-Saxon political discourse.
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