Results for 'Francesca Tinelli'

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  1.  22
    Math difficulties in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder do not originate from the visual number sense.Giovanni Anobile, Mariaelisa Bartoli, Gabriele Masi, Annalisa Tacchi & Francesca Tinelli - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:949391.
    There is ample evidence from literature and clinical practice indicating mathematical difficulties in individuals with ADHD, even when there is no concomitant diagnosis of developmental dyscalculia. What factors underlie these difficulties is still an open question. Research on dyscalculia and neurotypical development suggests visual perception of numerosity (the number sense) as a building block for math learning. Participants with lower numerosity estimation thresholds (higher precision) are often those with higher math capabilities. Strangely, the role of numerosity perception in math skills (...)
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    (1 other version)The modern-day “Rest Cure”: “The yellow Wallpaper” and underrepresentation in clinical research.Camille Francesca Villar - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-8.
    Gothic literature—a genre brimming with madness, supernaturalism, and psychological terror—offers innumerable case studies potentially representing how psychiatric patients perceive their treatment from healthcare professionals. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s famous 1892 short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” offers a poignant example of this through its fictional narrator, a diarist many interpret to be suffering from postpartum depression. The fiction here does not stray far from reality: Gilman orchestrated her diarist’s experience to mirror her own, as both real author and fictional character suffocated from (...)
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  3. Enacting Intersubjectivity: Paving the Way for a Dialogue Between Cognitive Science, Social Cognition, and Neuroscience.Antonella Carassa, Francesca Morganti & Guiseppa Riva (eds.) - 2009 - Universita della Svizzera Italiana.
  4.  24
    Conoscenza, linguaggio e azione: studi in onore di Francesca Di Lorenzo.Claudia Rosciglione & Francesca Di Lorenzo Ajello (eds.) - 2021 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    Ermeneutica e sistema: Dilthey lettore dell'etica di Schleiermacher.Francesca D'Alberto - 2011 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    Information-driven network analysis: evolving the “complex networks” paradigm.Remo Pareschi & Francesca Arcelli Fontana - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):155-167.
    Network analysis views complex systems as networks with well-defined structural properties that account for their complexity. These characteristics, which include scale-free behavior, small worlds and communities, are not to be found in networks such as random graphs and lattices that do not correspond to complex systems. They provide therefore a robust ground for claiming the existence of “complex networks” as a non-trivial subset of networks. The theory of complex networks has thus been successful in making systematically explicit relevant marks of (...)
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    Physical Disability Affects Women’s but Not Men’s Perception of Opposite-Sex Attractiveness.Farid Pazhoohi, Francesca Capozzi & Alan Kingstone - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Physical appearance influences our perceptions, judgments, and decision making about others. While the current literature with regard to the perceptions and judgments of nondisabled people’s attractiveness is robust, the research investigating the perceived physical attractiveness and judgments of physically disabled individuals is scarce. Therefore, in the current study, we investigated whether people with physical disabilities are perceived by the opposite sex as more or less attractive relative to nondisabled individuals. Our results, based on over 675 participants, showed a positive effect (...)
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  8.  21
    Computing finite models by reduction to function-free clause logic.Peter Baumgartner, Alexander Fuchs, Hans de Nivelle & Cesare Tinelli - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (1):58-74.
  9. Nietzsche with Dostoevsky : unrequited collaborators in crime without punishment.Geoff Waite & Francesca Cernia Slovin - 2016 - In Jeff Love & Jeffrey Metzger, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: philosophy, morality, tragedy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    An Analytic Calculus for the Intuitionistic Logic of Proofs.Brian Hill & Francesca Poggiolesi - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (3):353-393.
    The goal of this article is to take a step toward the resolution of the problem of finding an analytic sequent calculus for the logic of proofs. For this, we focus on the system Ilp, the intuitionistic version of the logic of proofs. First we present the sequent calculus Gilp that is sound and complete with respect to the system Ilp; we prove that Gilp is cut-free and contraction-free, but it still does not enjoy the subformula property. Then, we enrich (...)
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  11. Ambiguity in asset pricing and portfolio choice: a review of the literature. [REVIEW]Massimo Guidolin & Francesca Rinaldi - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (2):183-217.
    We survey the literature that has explored the implications of decision-making under ambiguity for financial market outcomes, such as portfolio choice and equilibrium asset prices. This ambiguity literature has led to a number of significant advances in our ability to rationalize empirical features of asset returns and portfolio decisions, such as the failure of the two-fund separation theorem in portfolio decisions, the modest exposure to risky securities observed for a majority of investors, the home equity preference in international portfolio diversification, (...)
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    Tempo tra esattezza e infinito: atti IX Convegno interdisciplinare dei dottorandi e dottori di ricerca: 14-16 giugno 2017.Simeone Del Prete & Francesca Rosati (eds.) - 2019 - Roma: UniversItalia.
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  13. Francesca Brezzi e Fina Birulés su La sapienza di Diotima.Francesca Brezzi & Fina Birulés - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 2.
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  14. Aria, Terra, Acqua, Fuoco I Quattro Elementi E le Loro Metafore / a Cura di Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera = Luft, Erde, Wasser, Feuer : Die Vier Elemente Und Ihre Metaphern / Hrsg. Von Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera.Francesca Rigotti & Pierangelo Schiera - 1996
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  15.  20
    Santa Francesca Romana e papa Eugenio IV: profezia e potere a Roma al tempo del Concilio di Basilea.Francesca Canepuccia - 2022 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 34 (66):31-44.
    A cavallo tra i due concili di Costanza e Basilea, che hanno fortemente influito sul giudizio della Chiesa in relazione alle donne visionarie, si staglia la figura di Francesca Bussa dei Ponziani. Le visioni politiche di Francesca rappresentano un fulgido esempio di come i modelli brigidini e cateriniani siano stati ripresi e rimodellati su un nuovo, mutato contesto storico. La sua consolidata autorità le consentì di ammonire a più riprese papa Eugenio IV riguardo alla sua partecipazione al concilio (...)
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  16. Ṭodros Ṭodrosi's accessus ad auctorem : A Hebrew "Aristotelian Prologue" to Averroes's Middle Commentaries on Rhetoric and Poetics.Francesca Gorgoni - 2024 - In Racheli Haliva, Yoav Meyrav & Daniel Davies, Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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  17.  7
    L'estetica di Ermanno Migliorini: la militanza e la misura.Francesca Peruzzi - 2011 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
  18.  51
    Models as Make-believe: Imagination, Fiction and Scientific Representation.Francesca Pero - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (4):447-450.
  19.  15
    Alexander vel De animalibus.Francesca Simeoni - 2023 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 107 (1):3-34.
    La tâche de cette contribution est de situer le traité de Philon d’Alexandrie Alexander vel De ratione quam habere etiam bruta animalia dans le panorama des options philosophiques antiques concernant le statut des animaux et d’interpréter les thèses spécifiques de l’auteur. Dans un premier temps, les positions de Philon et d’Alexandre, les protagonistes du traité, seront brièvement examinées. Ensuite, nous tenterons de retracer leur contexte philosophique : les thèses de Philon, qui exclut les animaux de la rationalité et de la (...)
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  20. Cesare Beccaria : il diritto penale fra la tutela dei diritti umani e le ragioni dell'efficienza.Francesca Zanuso - 2015 - In Giovanni Rossi & Francesca Zanuso, Attualità e storicità del Dei delitti e delle pene a 250 anni dalla pubblicazione. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Corpo e spazio. A partire da Francesca Woodman.Francesca Brencio (ed.) - 2014
  22. Communicative competence and theory of mind in autism: A test of relevance theory.Francesca G. E. Happé - 1993 - Cognition 48 (2):101-119.
  23.  11
    John Locke als Ethiker.Francesca Nobili - 2021 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
  24.  7
    Temporalità e umanità: la diacronia in Emmanuel Levinas.Francesca Nodari - 2017 - Firenze: Giuntina.
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  25.  19
    One Socrates and Many. A Discussion of the Volume Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue.Francesca Pentassuglio - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (2):431-443.
    The volume Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue, recently edited by Ch. Moore and A. Stavru (Brill, 2018), favours the pluralistic approach to the sources that has gained increasing acceptance over the last decades, and thus shares the choice not to limit the study of Socrates to the canonical ‘quartet’ Aristophanes, Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle. Indeed, the volume partly continues an existing trend, but at the same time proves to reinforce it by further refining and scrutinising this field of research. The (...)
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  26.  8
    Ripensare la pena: teorie e problemi nella riflessione moderna.Francesca Zanuso, Stefano Fuselli & Francesco Cavalla (eds.) - 2004 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Why Publishing Pseudonymously Can Protect Academic Freedom.Francesca Minerva - 2014 - Bioethics 28 (4):178-180.
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  28.  13
    Effects of a Coordinative Ability Training Program on Adolescents’ Cognitive Functioning.Francesca Latino, Stefania Cataldi & Francesco Fischetti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week coordinative ability training program on adolescents’ cognitive functioning, using evaluation tests of visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We randomly assigned 60 public school students (14–15 years) to either an experimental coordinative abilities training (∼40 min twice/week) group (n= 30) or a control group (n= 30) who received general psycho-physical wellness training (∼40 min., twice a week). At baseline and after training we used two standardized (...)
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  29.  19
    Dynamic in Logic.Francesca Poggiolesi - unknown
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  30.  24
    The utopia of International peace during the Thirty years war. «Le Nouveau Cynée» written by Eméric Crucé.Francesca Russo - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The main purpose of Le Nouveau Cynée, published by Emeric Crucé in 1623, is to find a better way to establish an enduring peace in the whole world. This pacifist utopia is very interesting, because it contains for the first time the idea of avoiding war, by establishing an international arbitration court settled in Venice. The court is an assembly with representatives of all States, even the Turkish Empire. The assembly is called to discuss any kind of controversy which may (...)
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  31.  18
    Professioniste della tradizione. Le donne migranti nel mercato del lavoro domestico.Francesca Scrinzi - 2004 - Polis 18 (1):107-136.
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  32.  16
    La città di Sismondi. Genesi, apogeo e declino di una riflessione costituzionale.Francesca Sofia - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (53).
    During his multiannual reflection Sismondi seems reluctant to define his concept of city, while devoting most of his energy to the importance of cities self-government – starting with his famous Histoire des Républiques italiennes au Moyen Age. This essay tries to frame his reflection in the intersection between his economic and constitutional proposals. In the background stands a continuous dialogue with Adam Smith, revisited through the relationship that the canton of Geneva has had during the Restoration with its rural population.
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  33. The Metaphysics of Pregnancy.Francesca Bellazzi - forthcoming - Philosophy Compass.
    Pregnancy is a one of the most complex phenomena of life and is essential to the life cycle of mammals. Pregnancy is also a crucial aspect of humans’ life and experience. But what is pregnancy? This question has received little attention in philosophy until recently, when it got picked up by metaphysicians and philosophers of science. However, the philosophical discussion is still in its infancy. This article provides a survey of the recent debate on the metaphysics of pregnancy. It explores (...)
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  34.  10
    Take the First-Person Perspective to Become Dementia-Friendly: The Use of 360° Video for Experiencing Everyday-Life Challenges With Cognitive Decline.Francesca Morganti, Nicola Palena, Paola Savoldelli & Andrea Greco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  35. Evolutionary Chance Mutation: A Defense of the Modern Synthesis' Consensus View.Francesca Merlin - 2010 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 2 (20130604).
    One central tenet of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis , and the consensus view among biologists until now, is that all genetic mutations occur by “chance” or at “random” with respect to adaptation. However, the discovery of some molecular mechanisms enhancing mutation rate in response to environmental conditions has given rise to discussions among biologists, historians and philosophers of biology about the “chance” vs “directed” character of mutations . In fact, some argue that mutations due to a particular kind of mutator (...)
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  36.  76
    A cut-free simple sequent calculus for modal logic S5.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):3-15.
    In this paper, we present a simple sequent calculus for the modal propositional logic S5. We prove that this sequent calculus is theoremwise equivalent to the Hilbert-style system S5, that it is contraction-free and cut-free, and finally that it is decidable. All results are proved in a purely syntactic way.
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  37.  63
    Unification Principles for Biochemical Kinds.Francesca Bellazzi & Tuomas E. Tahko - 2025 - In Maria J. García-Encinas & Fernando Martínez-Manrique, Special Objects: Social, Fictional, Modal, and Non-Existent. Springer. pp. 13-30.
    Biochemical kinds present an interesting case study in the philosophical literature on natural kinds and functions, as they fall between chemical kinds, defined by their intrinsic microstructural properties, and biological kinds, which involve functional and evolutionary considerations. Here we examine how the distinct chemical and functional properties of biochemical kinds are unified, as well as their identity criteria. We contend that unification principles are crucial for explaining the clustering of properties shared by members of natural kinds and for establishing identity (...)
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  38.  88
    On constructing a logic for the notion of complete and immediate formal grounding.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1231-1254.
    In Poggiolesi we have introduced a rigorous definition of the notion of complete and immediate formal grounding; in the present paper our aim is to construct a logic for the notion of complete and immediate formal grounding based on that definition. Our logic will have the form of a calculus of natural deduction, will be proved to be sound and complete and will allow us to have fine-grained grounding principles.
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  39. Morale, etica, religione tra filosofia classica tedesca e pensiero contemporaneo: studi in onore di Francesca Menegoni = Morality, ethics, religion between classical German philosophy and contemporary thought: studies in honor of Francesca Menegoni = Moral, Ethik, Religion zwischen klassischer deutscher Philosophie und gegenwärtigem Denken: Studien zu Ehren von Francesca Menegoni.Luca Illetterati & Francesca Menegoni (eds.) - 2020 - Padova: Padova UP.
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    4. Kapitel. Die frühmittelalterliche islamische Philosophie und der Messias in den Hilkhot Melakhim U’Milhamotehem.Francesca Yardenit Albertini - 2009 - In Francesca Albertini, Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter.
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    0. Einleitung der Herausgeber: Was ist Medienrhetorik?Francesca Vidal & Arne Scheuermann - 2016 - In Francesca Vidal & Arne Scheuermann, Handbuch Medienrhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 1-8.
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    19. Sein wie Hoffnung. Näherungen an Gelungenheit: 5. Teil, Nr. 54, 55.Francesca Vidal & Ulrich Müller-Schöll - 2016 - In Rainer Ernst Zimmermann, Ernst Bloch: Das Prinzip Hoffnung. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 359-384.
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  43. A tutorial on assumption-based argumentation.Francesca Toni - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (1):89-117.
    We give an introductory tutorial to assumption-based argumentation (referred to as ABA) – a form of argumentation where arguments and attacks are notions derived from primitive notions of rules in a deductive system, assumptions and contraries thereof. ABA is equipped with different semantics for determining ‘winning’ sets of assumptions and – interchangeably and equivalently – ‘winning’ sets of arguments. It is also equipped with a catalogue of computational techniques to determine whether given conclusions can be supported by a ‘winning’ set (...)
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  44. ‘Theory of Mind’ and Tracking Speakers’ Intentions.Francesca Happé & Eva Loth - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (1-2):24-36.
    Typical theory of mind tasks assess children’s ability to attribute a false belief in order to predict or explain an action. According to these standard tasks, young children do not represent the independent (mistaken) beliefs of others until the fourth year—yet long before this, children are able to track speakers’ intentions in order to learn new words. Might communication be a privileged domain for theory of mind? In the present study we explored pre‐schoolers’ ability to track a false belief in (...)
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  45. The Invisible Discrimination Before Our Eyes: A Bioethical Analysis.Francesca Minerva - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (3):180-189.
    The goal of this article is to introduce a philosophical analysis of a widely neglected condition which affects between 3% and 18% of the population. People affected by this condition experience a lower level of wellbeing than the average population and are discriminated against in both their professional and their personal life. I will argue that this form of discrimination should be taken more seriously in philosophical debate and that social, legal and medical measures ought to be taken in order (...)
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  46.  66
    Acquired `theory of mind' impairments following stroke.Francesca Happé, Hiram Brownell & Ellen Winner - 1999 - Cognition 70 (3):211-240.
  47.  35
    Atlas of AI – Book review.Francesca Rossi - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 312 (C):103767.
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  48.  13
    Die Konzeption des Messias Bei Maimonides Und Die Frühmittelalterliche Islamische Philosophiemaimonides' Concept of the Messiah and Early Medieval Islamic Philosophy.Francesca Albertini - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Autorin analysiert die politische Konzeption des Messias als König und Gesetzgeber bei Maimonides in seinen Briefen, in Pereq Heleq sowie in Mishneh Torah. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf folgenden Schwerpunkten: a) die Konzeption des König-Philosophen bei Platon und Aristoteles; b) die karäischen Einflüsse auf Pereq Heleq sowie die Einflüsse der Mu'taziliten und der Ash'ariten durch die karäische Vermittlung; c) die individuelle und gemeinschaftliche Dimension des ́olam ha-ba im Werk Maimonides'; d.) die Beziehung zwischen Philosophie und Gesetz im Mishneh Torah und (...)
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  49.  85
    Dio, anima e intelligibili nella Stoa.Francesca Alesse - 2011 - Chôra 9:365-381.
    L’article analyse les témoignages stoïciens qui définissent la divinité comme «intellect» et comme «âme du monde», et qui permettent de déterminer les contenus de la pensée divine comme logoi, c’est-à-dire certains «discours» ou «raisonnements». En premier lieu, on examine les mots νοερόν, et νοητόν pour établir à quelles réalités les Stoïciens confèrent les caractères d’intelligence et d’intelligibilité et comment ils décrivent la pensée scientifique à laquelle ils comparent la pensée divine. En second lieu, on examine la théorie des raisons séminales (...)
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  50. Index auctorum modernorum.Francesca Alesse, Keimpe Algra, Julia Annas, Matthias Baltes, Jonathan Barnes, Thomas Benatouil, Mary Blundell, Susanne Bobzien, Mauro Bonazzi & Paul Boyancé - 2007 - In Mauro Bonazzi & Christoph Helmig, Platonic Stoicism, stoic Platonism: the dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in antiquity. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. pp. 289.
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