Results for 'Financial capital'

982 found
  1.  45
    On the Constitution and Financial Capital.Toni Negri - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):25-38.
    Antonio Negri’s article explores the relationship between the juridical categories of ‘public’ and ‘private’ and the political concept of the common through the theme of the ‘material constitution’ defining actual relations of power which defy the crystallization of ‘formal constitutions’. The financial convention shaping the material constitution of contemporary capitalism refers to the rise of what Foucault called biopower, where value is no longer the expression of a mere quantity of commodities but of a set of activities and services, (...)
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    Money and Financial Capital.Christian Marazzi - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):39-50.
    The current post-workerist analyses of the crisis of financial capitalism are rooted in the declaration of inconvertibility of the Dollar in 1971 and the consequent collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system. The experience of ‘Primo Maggio’, the magazine on militant history directed by Sergio Bologna, was determinant in developing a consistent explanation of the relationship between ‘money as capital’ and working class struggles. The transition from Fordism to Post-fordism, which begun in those years, coincides on the one (...)
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    The “Systems Rationality” of Financial Capital.Tony Smith - 2019 - Radical Philosophy Review 22 (1):171-176.
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  4. Voluntarism as an investment in human, social and financial capital: evidence from a farmer-to-farmer extension program in Kenya. [REVIEW]Evelyne Kiptot & Steven Franzel - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):231-243.
    A decline in public sector extension services in developing countries has led to an increasing emphasis on alternative extension approaches that are participatory, demand-driven, client-oriented, and farmer centered. One such approach is the volunteer farmer-trainer approach, a form of farmer-to-farmer extension where VFTs host demonstration plots and share information on improved agricultural practices within their community. VFTs are trained by extension staff and they in turn train other farmers. A study was conducted to understand the rationale behind the decisions of (...)
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  5. Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital.R. van Wyk - 2003 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (2):122-123.
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    Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance: Comparison With Financial and Pharmaceutical Industries in Vietnam.Xiao-Bing Zhang, Tran Phuong Duc, Eugene Burgos Mutuc & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:595615.
    This study investigates the impacts of intellectual capital through Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) and its components: human capital efficiency (HCE) and structural capital efficiency (SCE) on financial performance in terms of return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). In addition, this study compares the effects between firms from financial and pharmaceutical industries. A total of 149 Vietnamese firms comprising of 108 financial firms and 41 pharmaceutical firms were examined. Based on the (...)
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    The Empirical and Policy Linkage between Primary Goods, Human Capital, and Financial Capital.Sonia Sodha - 2012-02-17 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson, Property‐Owning Democracy. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 249–265.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Primary Goods, Self‐Respect, and Capabilities Primary Goods: The Empirical Evidence What is the Role of the State in Redistributing PrimaryGoods? Conclusion References.
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    between Primary Goods, Human Capital, and Financial Capital.Sonia Sodha - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 249.
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    Financial Reports and Social Capital.Anand Jha - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):567-596.
    I examine social capital’s impact on financial reports. Based on the social capital literature, I predict that the quality of the financial reports is higher when a firm is headquartered in a region with high social capital. Consistent with this prediction, I find that the firms that are headquartered in this type of region in the USA have a lower probability of committing fraud by misrepresenting financial information. Further, I find that the firms in (...)
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    Social Capital Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, Financial Literacy, and the Role of Knowledge Sharing as a Moderator in Enhancing Financial Well-Being: From Bibliometric Analysis to a Conceptual Framework Model.Asha Thomas & Vikas Gupta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A person’s financial well-being is the complete contentment gained from one’s present financial condition. This has a powerful impact on the entire achievement of an employee’s “well-being.” Researchers, financial analysts, financial planners, educationists, and economists have explored the “enablers” to improve employees’ living standards by investigating the possible “FWB” resources for decades. There is no literature available to show the connection between social capital theory, social exchange theory, social cognitive theory, financial literacy and FWB, (...)
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  11.  24
    Intellectual capital and financial performance: A comparative study.Shahid Ali, Ghulam Murtaza, Martina Hedvicakova, Junfeng Jiang & Muhammad Naeem - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Intellectual Capital is a driving force behind the financial performance of non-financial firms. Investing in intellectual and physical capital allows companies to optimize their financial performance by maximizing resource utilization. This study aims to determine whether IC efficiency impacts the financial performance of listed Pakistani and Indian companies between 2010 and 2020. Return on Assets and Return on Equity are used to calculate financial performance, and IC is calculated using the modified Value-Added Intellectual (...)
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  12.  39
    Social Capital and Individual Ethics: Evidence from Financial Adviser Misconduct.John Bai, Chenguang Shang, Chi Wan & Yijia Eddie Zhao - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):495-518.
    AbstractWe show that social capital has a strong mitigating effect on financial adviser misconduct in the United States. Moreover, advisers who have committed misconduct are also more likely to relocate to counties with a relatively lower level of social capital than that of his previously residing county. These findings provide support for both the deterrence and displacement effects of social capital on financial adviser misconduct, and are robust to tests that address potential endogeneity concerns. Our (...)
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  13.  14
    Resocializing Capital: Putting Pension Savings in the Service of “Financial Pluralism”?Ewald Engelen - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (2):187-218.
    Since the late 1980s, social scientists have argued that advanced economies have undergone a process of financial concentration that is resulting in a growing unevenness of the accessibility of capital. Households, small and medium-sized businesses as well as non-standard economic activities have increasing difficulties in finding funds. There are both sound economic and compelling moral reasons to address this issue. In order to ensure a more equal accessibility of capital, the author proposes a mandatory levy on the (...)
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  14.  15
    Role of Social Capital and Financial Wellbeing in Reaching Successful Entrepreneurial Financial Performance: A Moderated-Mediated Model of Financial Intelligence.Lei Yao & Da Meng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:843501.
    Financial wellbeing is an emerging variable in business psychology that is expected to measure overall financial status and future financial trajectories. Financial intelligence and wellbeing have been key determining factors for the financial performance of entrepreneurs. The present study aimed to examine the crucial financial determinants and social capital factors for the entrepreneurial intentions and their financial performances among the 326 entrepreneurs in China. The study's findings showed that the key financial (...)
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  15.  17
    Capital Round-Tripping: Determinants of Emerging Market Firm Investments into Offshore Financial Centers and Their Ethical Implications.Päivi Karhunen, Svetlana Ledyaeva & Keith D. Brouthers - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):117-137.
    AbstractForeign direct investment (FDI) in offshore financial centers (OFCs) is gaining increased attention in business ethics research. Much of this research tends to focus on OFCs as locations where firms can avoid taxes, considering such behavior as unethical. Yet, there is dearth of studies on capital round-tripping by emerging market firms, which is an integral part of this phenomenon. Such round-tripping involves firms sending capital into OFCs only to invest it back in the home country under the (...)
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  16. Global capital markets and financial reporting : international regulation but national application?Pontus Troberg - 2013 - In Jan Klabbers & Touko Piiparinen, Normative pluralism and international law: exploring global governance. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  17.  27
    Transformation of Trust into Capital, Financialization and the Moment of Betrayal.Andrzej Leder - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (2):68-92.
    In his text, the author develops the notion of trust as a condition for the possibility of any relational anthropology. Referring to the root associated with trust as the foundation of the relationship, he takes a position in the dispute about the primal nature of trust or perfidy; believes that in the abusive practices of credit and debt there is a reversal of the meaning of what is a necessary element of human life, relationships based on trust. Perfidy is possible (...)
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  18.  22
    Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial Liberalization. By Jeffrey M. Chwieroth.Rodica Milena Zaharia - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (2):264-264.
  19.  47
    Capital Failure: Rebuilding Trust in Financial Services, ed. Nicholas Morris and David Vines. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 329 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-871222-0. [REVIEW]Marc A. Cohen - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (3):405-409.
  20.  59
    Costo de Capital en Empresas Mexicanas Socialmente Responsables (Financial performance in Social Responsible Mexican Firms).Cortez Alejandro, Klender Aimer, Martha del Pilar Rodríguez García, Adrián Wong Boren, Miguel Ángel García & Roxana Saldívar - 2010 - Daena 5 (2):16-30.
    Resumen. El siguiente artículo muestra el estado actual de la Responsabilidad Empresarial enMéxico y su efecto en el Riesgo medido a través del Costo de Capital. Para ello, revisamos lasprincipales teorías que muestran que el uso de prácticas sociales en Estados Unidos provocandisminución del riesgo y por ende del Costo de Capital, Aras y Crowther, Richardson yWelker y Diamond y Verrechia. Con el fin de contrastar que las empresas SocialmenteResponsables tienen costos de capital menores consideramos como variable (...)
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  21.  16
    Impact of intellectual capital on corporate financial performance: An empirical evidence from pharmaceutical sector of pakistan.Amber Qadar, Muhammad Abdul Majid Makki & Muhammad Athar Hussain - 2015 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54 (2):91-109.
    The basic purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of intellectual capital on corporate financial performance. This study is conducted on pharmaceutical sector listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange. Data for this study was collected from audited annual financial statements of selected business organizations over period of ten year i.e. from 2005-2014. Value Added Intellectual Coefficient methodology is employed, in order to measure IC and its different components. The firm’s financial performance is measured by using (...)
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  22.  58
    Capital flows and the process of financial hegemony.Beth Mintz & Michael Schwartz - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (1):77-101.
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  23.  72
    The World Capital Markets’ Perception of Sustainability and the Impact of the Financial Crisis.Kerstin Lopatta & Thomas Kaspereit - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (3):475-500.
    Using a unique dataset provided by the international rating agency GES®, we investigate the effects of corporate sustainability and industry-related exposure to environmental and social risks on the market value of MSCI World firms. The results show a negative relationship in the earlier years of our sample period. However, the analysis reveals that the capital market perception of sustainability has changed owing to the financial crisis. Looking at the height of the crisis in September 2008, the month in (...)
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  24.  24
    Credit/debt and human capital: Financialized neoliberalism and the production of subjectivity.Josh Bowsher - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (4):513-532.
    Adding to contemporary debates about the relationship between financialization and neoliberalism, this article investigates their entanglement at the level of subjectivity. Primarily, the article argues that financialization and neoliberalism are converging to produce a new form of subjectivity, post-profit homo œconomicus, an always indebted but credit-seeking enterprise. The value of this approach, the article demonstrates, is that it provides theoretical tools capable of grasping the differential production of subjectivity across the uneven and unequal striations of contemporary neoliberal society, from precarious (...)
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  25.  79
    Making social capital produce for society: on the US financial crisis and capital credit. [REVIEW]Xiaohe Lu - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):15-34.
    The global financial crisis, triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis in the USA, raises an important issue—namely, private production without the control of private property. The credit system has concentrated increasingly large social assets into the hands of financial institutions governed by a few people. This paper argues that the use of social capital for private production has played a key role in causing the subprime mortgage crisis. The credit and banking systems have abolished the private nature (...)
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  26.  31
    The global Gamble on financial liberalization: Reflections on capital mobility national autonomy, and social justice.Barry Eichengreen - 1999 - Ethics and International Affairs 13:205–226.
    Eichengreen gives an overview of the connections between financial globalization, domestic autonomy, and social justice.
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  27.  21
    Does Tourism Induce Sustainable Human Capital Development in BRICS Through the Channel of Capital Formation and Financial Development? Evidence From Augmented ARDL With Structural Break and Fourier-TY Causality.Jun Li & Md Qamruzzaman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The motivation of the study is to explore the nexus tourism-led sustainable human capital development in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa for the period 1984–2019. The study applied several econometrical techniques for exposing the empirical association between tourism and HCD, such as the conventional and structural break unit root test, the combined cointegration test, long-run and short-run coefficients detected through implementing the Augmented Autoregressive Distributed Lagged, and directional causality by following Toda-Yamamoto with Fourier function. The unit-roots test (...)
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  28.  35
    Describing model relations: The case of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) family in financial economics.Melissa Vergara-Fernández, Conrad Heilmann & Marta Szymanowska - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):91-100.
    The description of how individual models in families of models are related to each other is crucial for the general philosophical understanding of model-based scientific practice. We focus on the Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) family, a cornerstone in financial economics, to provide a descriptive analysis of model relations within a family. We introduce the concepts of theoretical and empirical complementarity to characterise model relations. Our complementarity analysis of model relations has two types of payoff. Specifically regarding the (...)
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  29.  16
    Financial Markets: Masters or Servants?John Quiggin - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (3):331-346.
    Throughout the history of capitalism, there have been tensions between financial institutions and the state, and between financial capital and the firms and households engaged in the production and consumption of physical goods and services. Periods of financial sector dominance have regularly ended in spectacular panics and crashes, often resulting in the liquidation of large numbers of financial institutions and the reimposition of regulatory controls previously dismissed as outmoded and unnecessary. The aim of this article (...)
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  30.  23
    The Complexity of Social Capital: The Influence of Board and Ownership Interlocks on Implied Cost of Capital in an Emerging Market.Luciano Rossoni, Cezar Eduardo Aranha & Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    Starting from sociological perspectives on complexity, we show how the social capital of boards and owners networks affects the implied cost of capital of companies listed on Brazilian stock exchange. We specifically show arguments and evidence that the effect of the relational resources found in the direct, indirect, and heterogeneous board’s ties reduces the cost of capital while relational resources embedded in shareholder networks increase the cost of capital. Our results show that while the increase in (...)
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  31.  27
    The Financial Crisis and a Crisis of Expertise: A Chinese Genealogy of Neoliberalism.Giulia Dal Maso - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (4):67-98.
    The paper investigates the distinctly Chinese intertwining of expertise and state & financial capital to enrich the current understanding of neoliberalism as a hegemonic governing rationale. Since the summer of 2015, China has been experiencing one of its most severe financial crises since the adoption of a ‘socialist market economy’ in 1978. However, globally circulating narratives have failed to look beyond a Western-centric corollary, rehashing a critique of the Chinese one-party system and its lack of a ‘genuine’ (...)
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  32.  15
    Research on Decision-Making of Complex Venture Capital Based on Financial Big Data Platform.Tao Luo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
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  33.  7
    Money Capital in the Theory of the Firm: A Preliminary Analysis.Douglas Vickers - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    The place of money capital in the theory of the firm has remained a relatively neglected question in traditions of economic analysis. In this highly integrative work, issues in production, pricing, capital investment and financial theory are brought to new levels of interdependence. Developing a three-part argument, Money Capital in the Theory of the Firm deals successively with the theoretical issues and analytic motivation, the neoclassical tradition and postclassical perspectives. In doing so, it presents a self-contained (...)
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  34.  25
    Should Financial Gatekeepers be Publicly Traded?Haozhi Huang, Mingsheng Li & Jing Shi - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):175-200.
    We investigate how a broker firm’s initial public offering affects its analysts’ fiduciary duty of providing independent and objective recommendations. We find that the analysts of newly listed broker firms issue more positively biased recommendations in the first 2 to 3 years after their employers’ IPO than before the IPO. The increase in the recommendation bias is greater among analysts of affiliated brokers and brokers that raise additional capital after their IPO than among other analysts. Newly listed broker firms (...)
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  35.  23
    From Reputation Capital to Reputation Warfare: Online Ratings, Trolling, and the Logic of Volatility.Emily Rosamond - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (2):105-129.
    What are the consequences of the tendency for ubiquitous online reputation calculation to lead not to more precise expressions of reputation capital but, rather, to greater reputational instability? This article contrasts two conceptions of online reputation, which enact opposing attitudes about the relation between reputation and the calculable. According to an early online reputation paradigm – reputation capital – users strove to achieve high scores, performing the presumption that reputation could be incrementally accumulated and consistently measured within relatively (...)
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  36.  67
    Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder.Bue Rübner Hansen - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):144-159.
    Nitzan and Bichler’s Capital as Power suggests that conventional theories of capitalism, Marxist and liberal alike, are unable to answer the question: what is capital? They argue that the basic units of Marxist economics, abstract labour and value, are unobservable and immeasurable, and hence ‘non-existent’ and ‘fictitious’. Against Marxists, they argue that capital is not an ‘economic’ entity, but a symbolic quantification of power.This review contends that what Nitzan and Bichler present as a critique of Marxism as (...)
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  37. Capital and Credit: A New Formulation of General Equilibrium Theory.Michio Morishima - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary general equilibrium theory is characteristically short-run, separated from monetary aspects of the economy, and as such does not deal with long-run problems such as capital accumulation, innovation, and the historical movement of the economy. These phenomena are discussed by growth theory, which assumes a given or shifting production function, and in turn cannot therefore deal with the fundamental problem of growth, namely how the production function is derived. Thus traditional theories have a common weakness in that they divorce (...)
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  38.  48
    The financial crisis: A crisis, too, for law and economics?Wladimir Kraus - 2011 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 23 (1):147-168.
    Richard A. Posner's two books on the financial crisis focus on possible macroeconomic (Keynesian) causes of it, neglecting legal causes that would have had only microeconomic effects, yet could have been responsible for the crisis. Specifically, Posner accepts too readily the conventional wisdom that banks? leverage levels, hence their capital cushions, were deregulated; this ignores Basel I, Basel II, and the Recourse rule, which internationally and (in the last case) in the United States minutely regulated not only leverage (...)
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  39.  24
    Financial Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Under Mediating Effect of Operational Self-Sustainability.Rai Imtiaz Hussain, Shahid Bashir & Shahbaz Hussain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Operational and financial sustainability have, over time, remained as issues in the microfinance industry. The microfinance industry is struggling to gain self-sufficiency in Pakistan due to non-performing loans and operating costs. Simultaneously, deliberation on corporate social responsibility is also considered in academic literature and organizational practices. However, studies on CSR and financial performance in the microfinance sector are scarce, especially in Pakistan. CSR will develop customer attraction and loyalty, employee attraction, motivation and commitment, MFIs' reputation and access to (...)
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  40.  26
    Community Social Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility.Chun Keung Hoi, Qiang Wu & Hao Zhang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):647-665.
    This study examines whether community social capital in US counties, as captured by strength of civic norms and density of social networks in the counties, affects corporate social responsibility of resident corporations headquartered in the counties. Analyses of longitudinal data from 3688 unique US firms between 1997 and 2009 provide strong empirical support for the propositions that community social capital facilitates positive CSR activities that benefit non-shareholder stakeholders and constrains negative CSR activities that are detrimental to non-shareholder stakeholders. (...)
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  41. The hazards of capital liberalization.Aaron James - unknown
    Financial crises are now commonplace in the global economy. It was not always so. For over two decades after World War II, under the Bretton Woods system of capital controls, financial crises were relatively rare.[1] Since the early 1970’s the number and frequency of financial crises (currency crises, banking crises, sovereign debt crises, or combinations thereof) increased dramatically, culminating in the enormously destructive global crisis of 2008-2009. (By one count, there were at least 124 banking crises (...)
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    Financialized Growth and the Structural Power of Finance: Turkey's Debt-Led Growth Regime and Policy Response after the Crisis.Ayca Zayim - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (4):543-570.
    This article analyzes the Turkish central bank's “managed uncertainty” policy after the global financial crisis. During 2010–14, the central bank intentionally generated uncertainty around short-term interest rates, using the level of predictability faced by financiers as a tool to buffer the domestic economy from volatile capital flows. How did the central bank implement this unconventional policy? Building on interview data and public texts, the article argues that the surge in capital inflows after the crisis sourced a debt-led, (...)
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  43. A Grande Crise do Capital.Rodrigo Dantas - 2009 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 14 (1):47-72.
    Resumo: Este artigo é uma análise marxista da crise econômica mundial e do modo como ela coloca em questão o sistema capitalista. Nele defendemos a tese de que não estamos diante de uma "crise financeira", mas de uma crise clássica de superprodução, determinada pelo caráter cada vez mais especulativo do capital e pela hipertrofia do capital financeiro diante do capital que produz diretamente a mais-valia. São analisadas as dimensões estruturais da crise, o papel do Estado, a natureza (...)
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    Finance without Financiers.Robert C. Hockett - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (4):491-527.
    Finance orthodoxy views finance capital as privately supplied, inherently scarce, and limited to assets accumulated by rentiers and held in financial institutions to be “intermediated” between virtuous savers and needful end users. But this “intermediated scarce private capital” orthodoxy is false and profoundly antagonistic to both democracy and productive investment. This article offers a more accurate portrayal that captures the critical role the public plays in generating and allocating its own full faith and credit in monetized form. (...)
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    Intellectual Capital – new Object Regulated by Property Law?Asta Jakutytė-Sungailienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):339-355.
    The article attempts to present a thorough analysis of intelectual property, as main property of a modern company, from the perspective of private law. The article anlyzes the essence of the intangible resources that form the intellectual capital and discusses whether the modern institutes of law allow the universal protection of companies‘ intellectual capital. The first part of the article analizes the conception of intangible resources and provides their qlassification. The second part of the article discusses the understanding (...)
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    The Specter of Capital.Joseph Vogl - 2014 - Stanford University Press.
    The Specter of Capital provides a searching historical analysis and critique of the role of classical and neoclassical economic theory in creating the economic conditions which produced the global financial crisis.
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  47. Financialised Capitalism: Crisis and Financial Expropriation.Costas Lapavitsas - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):114-148.
    The current crisis is one outcome of the financialisation of contemporary capitalism. It arose in the USA because of the enormous expansion of mortgage-lending, including to the poorest layers of the working class. It became general because of the trading of debt by financial institutions. These phenomena are integral to financialisation. During the last three decades, large enterprises have turned to open markets to obtain finance, forcing banks to seek alternative sources of profit. One avenue has been provision of (...)
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    Derivatives and Capitalist Markets: The Speculative Heart of Capital.Tony Norfield - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):103-132.
    Financial derivatives have been singled out as the major villain in the latest crisis, particularly through speculative trading by banks. Yet little attention has been paid to the fundamental rôle that derivatives play in modern capitalism. Even less has there been a focus on how the boom in derivatives-trading was prompted by the crisis of profitability and capital-accumulation. This article shows that while derivatives were one means by which speculation took off, the momentum behind this was driven by (...)
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    Building Reputational Capital: Strategies for Integrity and Fair Play That Improve the Bottom Line.Kevin T. Jackson - 2004 - Oup Usa.
    In the aftermath of scandals such as those at Enron and WorldCom, there is a growing suspicion of the corporate world. For this reason it is more important than ever for firms to maintain a good reputation. In Building Reputational Capital, Kevin T. Jackson offers a practical guide to taking the high road--the only path that leads to lasting success. Based on extensive research and real-world experience, Building Reputational Capital reveals basic principles of integrity and fairness with which (...)
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    Luck, Justice and Systemic Financial Risk.John Linarelli - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (3):331-352.
    Systemic financial risk is one of the most significant collective action problems facing societies. The Great Recession brought attention to a tragedy of the commons in capital markets, in which market participants, from the first-time homebuyer to Wall Street financiers, acted in ways beneficial to themselves individually, but which together caused substantial collective harm. Two kinds of risk are at play in complex chains of transactions in financial markets: ordinary market risk and systemic risk. Two moral questions (...)
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