Results for 'Film-Philosophy'

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  1.  14
    Film, Philosophy, and Reality: Ancient Greece to Godard.Nathan Andersen - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Film, Philosophy, and Reality: Ancient Greece to Godard is an original contribution to film-philosophy that shows how thinking about movies can lead us into a richer appreciation and understanding of both reality and the nature of human experience. Focused on the question of the relationship between how things seem to us and how they really are, it is at once an introduction to philosophy through film and an introduction to film through philosophy. (...)
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    Film & philosophy.K. Gopinathan (ed.) - 2003 - [Calicut]: University of Calicut.
    Papers presented at the International Seminar on Film & Philosophy, held at Kozhikode during 26-30 September 2000.
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    Film, Philosophy, and the Ordinary: A Response to Butle.Thomas E. Wartenberg - 2001 - Film-Philosophy 5 (1).
    Brian Butler Transgression: Ordinary and Otherwise _Film-Philosophy_, vol. 5 no. 22, July 2001.
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    Essays zur Film-Philosophie.Lorenz Engell - 2015 - Paderborn :: Wilhelm Fink.
    Vier Leitkonzepte der Film-Philosophie werden vorgestellt: der Affekt, die Agentur, die Aufhebung und das Außen. Entwickelt und erprobt werden diese Konzepte in der Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Filmen, insbesondere mit einer der spektakulärsten Filminstallationen der letzten Jahre, Christian Marclays”The Clock“. Film-Philosophie hat es mit zweierlei Problemstellung zu tun. Zum einen mit Fragen, die den Status des bewegten Bildes als eines eigenwilligen Gegenstands der Wahrnehmung und der Erfahrung betreffen sowie die Natur des kinematographischen Raums und der filmischen Zeit, die Spezifik (...)
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    Orúnmìliàn Film-Philosophy.Saheed Adesumbo Bello - 2023 - Film and Philosophy 27:89-103.
    This article discusses a relationship between the philosophical praxis of Ọ̀rúnmìlà and aesthetics of Èjìgbèdè Ẹ̀kú (i.e., the costume of the living and the costume of the dead) in Saworoidẹ (dir. Túndé Kèlání’s, 1999). I construct the Yorùbá/Ọ̀rúnmìlà philosophical method of Èjìgbèdè Ẹ̀kú in the contemporary Nigerian narrative film as case study of how contemporary African filmmakers, like their oral artiste counterparts, continue to articulate their inherited traditions via cinematic storytelling. In doing that I draw on what I call (...)
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    Abbas Kiarostami and film-philosophy.Mathew Abbott - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book presents a powerful new film-philosophy through the cinema of Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami. Mathew Abbott argues that Kiarostami's films carry out cinematic thinking: they do not just illustrate pre-existing philosophical ideas, but do real philosophical work. Crossing the divide between analytic and continental philosophy, he draws on Ludwig Wittgenstein, Stanley Cavell, John McDowell, Alice Crary, Noël Carroll, Giorgio Agamben and Martin Heidegger, bringing out the thinking at work in Kiarostami's later films: Taste of Cherry, The (...)
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    (1 other version)Film, philosophy and religion.William H. U. Anderson (ed.) - 2022 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    'Young People and Social Media: Contemporary Children's Digital Culture' explores the practices, relationships, consequences, benefits, and outcomes of children's experiences with, on, and through social media by bringing together a vast array of different ideas about childhood, youth, and young people's lives. These ideas are drawn from scholars working in a variety of disciplines, and rather than just describing the social construction of childhood or an understanding of children's lives, this collection seeks to encapsulate not only how young people exist (...)
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  8. A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment.Rupert J. Read - 2018 - New York & Oxon, UK: Routledge.
    Inspired by the philosophy of Wittgenstein and his idea that the purpose of real philosophical thinking is not to discover something new, but to show in a strikingly different light what is already there, this book provides philosophical readings of a number of ‘arthouse’ and Hollywood films. Each chapter contains a discussion of two films—one explored in greater detail and the other analyzed as a minor key which reveals the possibility for the book's ideas to be applied across different (...)
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    Introduction: Film-Philosophy and Stardom.Lucy Bolton - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 23 (2):109-113.
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    What is Film-Philosophy? Round Table.David Martin-Jones - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):81 mins.
    Held on Monday 12th October 2009, 5.30 - 7.00 pm, University of St Andrews, Scotland. Participants Dr Robert Sinnerbrink (Philosophy, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia) Dr John Mullarkey (Philosophy, University of Dundee) Professor Berys Gaut (Philosophy, University of St Andrews) Dr David Martin-Jones (Film Studies, University of St Andrews) Dr William Brown (Film Studies, University of St Andrews)Over the course of at least the last hundred years the intellectual study of cinema has experienced a number of (...)
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  11. Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy and Cognitive Science.Gregory Currie - 1995 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about the nature of film: about the nature of moving images, about the viewer's relation to film, and about the kinds of narrative that film is capable of presenting. It represents a very decisive break with the semiotic and psychoanalytic theories of film which have dominated discussion. The central thesis is that film is essentially a pictorial medium and that the movement of film images is real rather than illusory. A (...)
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    La valeur d'un film: philosophie du beau au cinéma.Éric Dufour - 2015 - Paris: Armand Colin.
    Qu'est-ce qui permet de juger de la qualité d'un film? Sur quels critères? Cette question fait écho à la question plus générale du beau dans l'art : qu'est-ce que le beau? Cet ouvrage tente d'y répondre en proposant une réflexion sur ce qui fait la valeur d'un film et sur la façon de l'estimer. Contextes artistique et sociopolitique, référents cinématographiques et historiques sont bien entendu des débuts de réponse, mais l'auteur nous apprend surtout qu'il n'y pas de "bons (...)
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    Supercinema: film-philosophy for the digital age.William Brown - 2013 - New York: Berghahn.
    Introduction -- Chapter 1: Digital cinema's conquest of space -- Chapter 2: The nonanthropocentric character of digital cinema -- Chapter 3: From temporalities to time in digital cinema -- Chapter 4: The film-spectator-world assemblage -- Chapter 5: Concluding with love.
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    The Colour of Film-Philosophy.William Brown - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (2):197-221.
    This article draws upon the work of Sylvia Wynter and W.E.B. Du Bois in order to propose that film-philosophy has historically not paid due attention to race. Drawing upon the former’s concept of “the sociogenic principle”, as well as the latter’s theories of “the colour line” and “double-consciousness”, the article argues that modernity has been constructed coterminously with whiteness, as well as a “photographic/cinematographic” logic whereby Blackness is cast into a “negative” realm. That is, while modernity might be (...)
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  15.  36
    New takes in film-philosophy.Havi Carel & Greg Tuck (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    New Takes in Film-Philosophy offers a space for the advancement of the film-philosophy debate by some of its major figures. Fifteen leading academics from Philosophy and Film Studies develop new approaches to film-philosophy, broaden theoretical analyses of the topic and map out problems and possibilities for its future. The collection examines theoretical issues about the relationship between film and philosophy; looks at the relationships film-philosophy has to other media (...)
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    Introduction: Film-Philosophy and a World of Cinemas.David Martin-Jones - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (1):6-23.
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  17. Film-philosophy Conference.William Brown - 2011 - Cinema:218-229.
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    A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment, by Rupert Read.Mio Lindman - 2019 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 8 (1-2):253-255.
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    Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit im Film: Philosophie des Dokumentarfilms.Klaus Arriens - 1999 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Introduction: The Surfaces of Film-Philosophy.Catherine Constable, Matt Denny & Timotheus Vermeulen - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (2):143-147.
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    Thinking Film: Philosophy at the Movies, edited by Richard Kearney and M. E. Littlejohn.Nathan Andersen - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (4):593-595.
  22.  50
    Death as Film-Philosophy’s Muse: Deleuzian Observations on Moving Images and the Nature of Time.Susana Viegas - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (2):222-239.
    This article explores the affinities between film and philosophy by returning to a shared meditation on death and the nature of time. Death has been considered the muse of philosophy and can also be considered the muse of film-philosophy. But what does it mean to say that to film-philosophise is to learn to die, or a kind of training for dying? Film is an artistic object that reminds us of death’s inevitability; it is (...)
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    Horror as Film Philosophy.Lorenz Engell - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):146.
    The article starts from Gilles Deleuze’s assumption of film being a philosophy in its own right and applies it to the horror genre. It reads Stanley Cavell’s concept of genre, Timothy Jay Walker’s work on the Horror of the Other (1) and Eugene Thacker’s understanding of philosophical horror (2). It researches horror film as philosophically relevant access to nothingness (3) and shifts to the operations of assigning places to nothingness according to its respective place of access (off (...)
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  24.  13
    Discussing Pippin’s Film Philosophy within the Context of the “North Atlantic Triangle”.Waldemar Zacharasiewicz - 2016 - In Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Ludwig Nagl, Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium Mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir Und Das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 11-14.
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  25. An Introduction to Philosophy.Isaiah Berlin, Inc Bbc Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  26. Philosophy and Literature.Iris Murdoch, Bryan Magee, Inc Bbc Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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    Wim Wenders’s Road Movie Philosophy Education Without Learning: Series on Philosophies of Education in Art, Cinema and Literature, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, ISBN: HB: 978-1-3501-1042-7.Anna Pagès - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):379-382.
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    Editorial: Film-Philosophy-Poetry.Dominic Lash - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):375-376.
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  29.  10
    Animal worlds: film, philosophy and time.Laura McMahon - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Focusing on a recent wave of international art cinema, Animal Worldsoffers the first sustained analysis of the relations between cinematic time and animal life. Through an aesthetic of extended duration, films such as Bestiaire(2010), The Turin Horse(2011) and A Cow's Life(2012) attend to animal worlds of sentience and perception, while registering the governing of life through biopolitical regimes. Bringing together Gilles Deleuze's writings on cinema and on animals - while drawing on Jacques Derrida, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Nicole Shukin and others - (...)
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    Pictures and Film; Philosophy and the Empirical Disciplines: A Reply to Dean.Robert Hopkins - 1999 - Film-Philosophy 3 (1).
    Jeffrey T. Dean Getting a Good View of Depiction _Film-Philosophy_, vol. 3 no. 26, June 1999.
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  31.  21
    Transformational Ethics of Film: Thinking the Cinemakeover in the Film-Philosophy Debate.Martin P. Rossouw - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Charting new routes for film ethics, _Transformational Ethics of Film_ develops a critical account of the ethics of personal transformation at work within the ‘film as philosophy’ debate.
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    What is Film-Philosophy?David Sorfa - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (1):1-5.
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  33. (2 other versions)Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science.Gregory Currie - 1995 - Philosophy 71 (278):617-622.
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    The Possibility of Object-Oriented Film Philosophy.Edgaras Bolšakovas - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):97-214.
    The debate surrounding the definition and specificity of cinema continues in contemporary film philosophy and theory. This article challenges the traditional approach of medium specificity and proposes Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) as an alternative framework for understanding cinema. Drawing on OOO’s core principles, the article argues that films, like all objects, are autonomous entities with their own reality. Their meaning is not inherent, but rather emerges through the “performative” interaction between the film object and the viewer. This interaction (...)
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    Real Images Flow: Mullā Sadrā Meets Film-Philosophy.Laura U. Marks - 2016 - Film-Philosophy 20 (1):24-46.
    The eastern Islamic concept of the imaginal realm, which explains how supra-sensory realities present themselves to imaginative perception, can enrich the imagination of film-philosophy. The imaginal realm, in Arabic ‘alam al-mithal, world of images, or ‘alam al-khayal, imaginative world, is part of a triadic ontology of sensible, imaginal, and intelligible realms. Diverging from roots shared with Western thought in the concept of the imaginative faculty, the Islamic imaginal realm is supra-individual and more real than matter. The imaginal realm (...)
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    Ways of seeing: Materiality and grace in Wim Wenders's Road Movie Philosophy by René Arcilla.Rachel Wahl - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):710-713.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Response to commentators on Wim Wenders's Road Movie Philosophy: Education Without Learning.René V. Arcilla - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):776-781.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    RupertRead, A FilmPhilosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment (New York: Routledge, 2019). 231 pp, price £115 hb. [REVIEW]Britt Harrison - 2020 - Philosophical Investigations 43 (3):295-298.
    Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
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    Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy and Cognitive Science by Gregory Currie Cambridge University Press, 1995, xxiv + 282 pp. £35.00. [REVIEW]Stephen Mulhall - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (278):617-.
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    Dispositif, Matter, Affect, and the Real: Four Fundamental Concepts of Lyotard's Film-Philosophy.Ashley Woodward - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 23 (3):303-323.
    Jean-François Lyotard's work remains a largely untapped resource for film-philosophy. This article surveys four fundamental concepts which indicate the fecundity of this work for current studies and debates. While Lyotard was generally associated with the “theory” of the 1980s which privileged language, signs, and cultural representations, much of his work in fact resonates more strongly with the new materialisms and realisms currently taking centre stage. The concepts examined here indicate the relevance of Lyotard's work in four related contemporary (...)
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  41.  33
    Rupert Read (2019) A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment.Rong Wan - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (1):86-89.
  42. Film, Theory and Philosophy: The Key Thinkers.Felicity Colman (ed.) - 2009 - Acumen Publishing.
    An ideal introduction for students, Film, Theory and Philosophy brings together leading scholars to provide a clear, detailed overview of the key thinkers who have shaped the field of film philosophy. From continental philosophers to analytical philosophers, film-makers, film reviewers, sociologists, and cultural theorists, the essays reveal how philosophy can be applied to film analysis and how film can be used to illustrate philosophical problems. But most importantly, the essays explore how (...)
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    The neuro-image: a Deleuzian film-philosophy of digital screen culture.Patricia Pisters - 2012 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Introduction : schizoanalysis, digital screens and new brain circuits -- Schizoid minds, delirium cinema and powers of machines of the invisible -- Illusionary perception and powers of the false -- Surveillance screens and powers of affect -- Signs of time : meta/physics of the brain-screen -- Degrees of belief : epistemology of probabilities -- Powers of creation : aesthetics of material-force -- The open archive : cinema as world-memory -- Divine in(ter)vention : micropolitics and resistance -- Logistics of perception 2.0 (...)
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    Introduction: What is film-philosophy?Felicity Colman - 2009 - In Film, Theory and Philosophy: The Key Thinkers. Acumen Publishing. pp. 1-15.
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  45. Philosophy of Film: An Introduction.Aaron Smuts - 2016 - Routledge.
    Philosophy of Film: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge) provides a critical overview of the literature on eleven different issues in the philosophy of film, from "What is Film?" to "Can Film Do Philosophy?" It aims to provide an objective overview of the principal arguments on each side of the issues. The set of issues includes all of the most important topics as well as some that are less well represented in the discipline, such as (...)
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    The Availability of Jim Jarmusch’s Film-Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Derrida and Private Language in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai.Kyle Barrowman - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (3):352-374.
    To date, film scholars have found the films of Jim Jarmusch to be tantamount to works of postmodern philosophy. For as intriguing and productive as such interpretations of Jarmusch’s films have been, I submit that the postmodern framework occludes a crucial aspect of Jarmusch’s film-philosophy, namely, his investment in the ordinary. From this perspective, I intend to show the availability of Jarmusch’s films to Wittgensteinian interpretation. More specifically, I plan to situate Jarmusch’s arthouse action film (...)
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    Laura McMahon (2019) Animal Worlds: Film, Philosophy and Time.Savina Petkova - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (1):79-82.
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    Patricia Pisters (2012) The Neuro-Image: A Deleuzian Film-Philosophy of Digital Screen Culture.Maria Walsh - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Introducing Philosophy Through Film: Key Texts, Discussion, and Film Selections.Richard Fumerton & Diane Jeske (eds.) - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Philosophy Through Film_ offers a uniquely engaging and effective approach to introductory philosophy by combining an anthology of classical and contemporary philosophical readings with a discussion of philosophical concepts illustrated in popular films. Pairs 50 classical and contemporary readings with popular films - from Monty Python and _The Matrix_ to _Casablanca_ and _A Clockwork Orange_ Addresses key areas in philosophy, including topics in ethics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, free will and determinism, the problem of (...)
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  50. Bryan Magee Talks to Bernard Williams About Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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