Results for 'Filippo-Enrico Cardini'

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    Manner of motion saliency: An inquiry into Italian.Filippo-Enrico Cardini - 2008 - Cognitive Linguistics 19 (4).
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  2. The Problem of Taste to the Experimental Test.Filippo Contesi, Enrico Terrone, Marta Campdelacreu, Ramón García-Moya & Genoveva Martí - 2024 - Analysis 84 (2):239-248.
    A series of recent experimental studies have cast doubt on the existence of a traditional tension that aestheticians have noted in our aesthetic judgments and practices, viz. the problem of taste. The existence of the problem has been acknowledged since Hume and Kant, though not enough has been done to analyse it in depth. In this paper, we remedy this by proposing six possible conceptualizations of it. Drawing on our analysis of the problem of taste, we argue that the experimental (...)
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  3. Introduction to "Linguistic Justice and Analytic Philosophy".Filippo Contesi & Enrico Terrone - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 47 (1):1-20.
    In recent years, increasing attention has been devoted to the underrepresentation, exclusion or outright discrimination experienced by women and members of other visible minority groups in academic philosophy. Much of this debate has focused on the state of contemporary Anglophone philosophy, which is dominated by the tradition of analytic philosophy. Moreover, there is growing interest in academia and society more generally for issues revolving around linguistic justice and linguistic discrimination (sometimes called ‘linguicism’ or ‘languagism’) (see e.g. Van Parijs 2011). Globalization (...)
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    Beauty Beyond the Subjective and Objective.Filippo Contesi, Enrico Terrone, Marta Campdelacreu & Genoveva Martí - 2024 - Institute of Art and Ideas News.
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so we are told. Filippo Contesi, Enrico Terrone, Marta Campdelacreu and Genoveva Martí argue that the traditional view in philosophy of art is that, whilst most of us claim to believe that beauty is subjective, we actually act as though it is objective. The true problem of aesthetics then, is not whether or not we believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but why our behaviour around (...)
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    Linguistic Justice and Analytic Philosophy.Filippo Contesi & Enrico Terrone (eds.) - 2018
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    Effects of More-Affected vs. Less-Affected Motor Cortex tDCS in Parkinson’s Disease.Giuseppe Cosentino, Francesca Valentino, Massimiliano Todisco, Enrico Alfonsi, Rosaria Davì, Giovanni Savettieri, Brigida Fierro, Marco D’Amelio & Filippo Brighina - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    ‘War to war!’: the pacifist propaganda of Coenobium (1913–1919).Claudio Giulio Anta - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (4):591-603.
    ABSTRACT Amongst the Italian exiles who arrived at the Canton of Ticino following repression perpetrated by the Di Rudinì and Pelloux administrations – after the popular uprisings of 1898 – are Enrico Bignami, Giuseppe Rensi and Arcangelo Ghisleri, who, in Lugano, created a sort of secular symposium for fostering spiritual values. This gave birth to Coenobium, the ‘international journal of independent studies’, which remained in operation between 1906 and 1919. This periodical distinguished itself due to the diversity of the (...)
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  8. La dinamica del diritto: contributi ad una scienza del diritto.Enrico Paresce - 1975 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Persona e comunità: il pensiero etico di Fichte.Enrico Peroli - 2014 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  10. Storia delle antiche teologie atomiste, Collana di Studi e Ricerche.Enrico Piergiacomi - 2017
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    Dancing and Flying the Body Mechanical: Five Visions for the New Civilisation.Katia Pizzi - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (7):785-798.
    This article explores Futurist technophilia and some more or less latent technophobia, in the period after 1918. Fuelled by the economic and industrial advancements of the so-called “Giolittian age,” as well as an extensive employment of war technology in the First World War, the Futurist technological imagination remains both robust and wide-ranging in the postwar period. Resonant of nineteenth-century French and Italian literary traditions, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's official position clusters round the powerful, if hackneyed, images of the steam train (...)
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    I modelli e la concezione del mondo nella fisica moderna da Laplace a Bohr.Enrico Bellone - 1973 - Milano,: Feltrinelli.
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    Il pensiero politico di Aristotele.Enrico Berti & Aristotle - 1997 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Aristotle.
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  14. La critica di Hegel al principio di contraddizione.Enrico Berti - 1980 - Filosofia 31 (4):629.
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  15. (1 other version)L'unità del sapere in Aristotele.Enrico Berti - 1966 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 71 (3):369-371.
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    La filosofia oggi, tra ermeneutica e dialettica.Enrico Berti & Rüdiger Bubner - 1987
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    La suprématie du mouvement local selon aristote: Ses conséquences et ses apories.Enrico Berti - 1985 - In Aristoteles - Werk Und Wirkung, Bd I, Aristoteles Und Seine Schule. De Gruyter. pp. 123-150.
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    There is No Anima Mundi: Leibniz on the Impossibility of a Soul of the World.Filippo Costantini - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    The main source of perplexity raised by Leibniz’s (mathematical) argument against the soul of the world stems from the idea that it is the infinity of the universe that precludes it from having a soul. But if this is so, how is it possible that organic bodies, which, having infinitely many parts, are also infinite, are endowed with a soul? The present paper aims to provide a new solution to this puzzle. The solution explains the difference between the body and (...)
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    Finally, the death of the author! A ‘detournement’ strategy for decolonizing the artistic venue.Filippo Fabrocini, Kostas Terzidis & De’en Chen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    In the famous ‘Fragment on Machines’ of the ‘Grundrisse’, Marx points out how social or collective knowledge (the ‘general intellect’) has become a ‘direct force of production’ through its embodiment into technical devices. The rhetorical wording ‘artificial intelligence’, with its own misleading anthropomorphic connotations, looks, from a Marxist perspective, the apex of this process in which knowledge becomes the core of the fixed capital that ideally must be re-appropriated by the workers. In this context, AI Art appears as one of (...)
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  20. The Ontology of The Band.Enrico Terrone - 2024 - In Ludger Jansen & Thorben Petersen, ONTOLOGY OF MUSIC GROUPS: Identity, Persistence, and Agency of Creative. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  21. Immagini in serie e fuoriserie.Enrico Terrone & Federica Cavaletti - 2024 - In Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Storia e teoria della serialità. 3: Le forme della narrazione contemporanea tra arte, consumi e ambienti artificiali. Milan: Meltemi. pp. 235-257.
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    La triade Ouranos‑Kronos‑Zeus chez Plotin et ses relations avec le Cratyle et le Timée. Entre problème exégétique et philosophique.Enrico Volpe - 2023 - Chôra 21:71-93.
    The myth in Plotinus is a constitutive element of his metaphysics, as it is present in several treatises of the Enneads as an element aimed at justifying certain metaphysical theses through recourse to an analogy with the ancient tradition. In the case of the divine triad Ouranos‑Kronos‑Zeus, the relationship is extremely problematic since, from a Platonic perspective, these figures relate to two dialogues in particular : the Cratylus and the Timaeus. Regarding the Cratylus, the greatest difficulty for Plotinus lies in (...)
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    La déroutante situation de la philosophie italienne.Enrico Castelli - 1971 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2:147.
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  24. Ricordo di Felice Balbo.Enrico Castelli - 1964 - Filosofia 15 (3):543.
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    The Descriptivist vs. Anti-descriptivist Semantics Debate between Syntax and Semantics.Enrico Cipriani - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (8).
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    Evaluating the Sustainability of the Productive Effects of a Universal Cash Transfer in Rural Uganda: Do Impacts on Savings, Investment, Production and Labour Persist After Program end?Filippo Grisolia, Nathalie Holvoet & Sara Dewachter - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    The productive impacts of cash transfer (CT) programs have not been widely studied, though interest in this area is growing, with existing evidence generally pointing to rather positive findings. Notably, one key takeaway from the (limited) available research is the debunking of a common criticism drawn against cash transfers and social assistance, more in general – namely, the assumption that social programs disincentivize or discourage work. Even less is known about the sustainability of CT impacts, as these interventions are typically (...)
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    Missed encounters: what may be relevant for an AI is not for a human being.Filippo Silvestri - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):251-268.
    The World Wide Web has been a fundamental part of our daily lives for years. Its algorithmic framework ensnares our online journeys in an “endless recurrence” of the “same” by creating multiple filter bubbles. Digital algorithms establish a precise “order of discourse,” leaving little to no room for deviation. Functioning as a colossal machinic apparatus, the web embodies the culmination of Artificial Intelligence (AI), transforming every piece of posted content into a database that profiles our online behavior and activities. This (...)
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    Fred C. Woudhuizen, The Liber Linteus. A Word for Word Commentary to and Translation of the Longest Etruscan Text.Enrico Benelli - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):343-346.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 343-346.
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  29. Encore sur l'intellection des "indivisibles" selon Aristote, De anima II 6.Enrico Berti - 1994 - In Antonina M. Alberti, Realtà e ragione: studi di filosofia antica. Firenze: Librarie Droz.
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  30. For the" essentializing" of metaphysics.Enrico Berti - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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  31. Il nichilismo dell'Occidente secondo Nietzsche, Heidegger e Severino.Enrico Berti - 1980 - Filosofia Oggi 3 (4):501-509.
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  32. ¿Sabiduría o filosofía práctica?Enrico Berti - 2015 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 4 (5):155--173.
    [ES] El así llamado «regreso de la filosofía práctica», empezado en 1960 por H. G. Gadamer con su Wahrheit und Methode, ha provocado a menudo confusión entre la auténtica filosofía práctica de Aristóteles y la virtud que él llama phronêsis o sabiduría. En efecto, éstas representan dos formas de conocimiento muy diferentes. La sabiduría es la virtud de la razón práctica que consiste en la habilidad de deliberar correctamente, es decir en la habilidad de identificar la acción más adecuada para (...)
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  33. Il pitagorismo confrontato con le altre scuole.Enrico Caporali - 1916 - Todi,: Casa editrice "Atanòr".
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  34. Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Studi Umanistici. Christianesimo et ragion di Stato, L'Umanesimo et il demoniaco nell'arte.Enrico Castelli - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:162-163.
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  35. Il tempo esaurito.Enrico Castelli - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:354-356.
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  36. Le temps harcelant.Enrico Castelli & René Le Senne - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (2):349-349.
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    Retorica e Barocco, Atti del III congresso internazionale di studi umanistici.Enrico Castelli - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (2):264-265.
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    Il tesoro della salute: Dall'onnipotenza dei semplici all'atomizzazione del farmaco. Marco Beretta.Enrico Cingolani - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):141-142.
  39. Analisi dei Rapports cabanisiani: antropologia filosofica.Enrico Marco Cipollini - 1998 - Padova: Libreria padovana editrice.
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    Albert Schweitzer, wir Epigonen. Kultur und Kulturstaat. Werke aus NachlaB.Enrico Colombo - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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    Foreword.Enrico Colombatto - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (1).
    Transition has not always been a success story. In some cases failure was due to the introduction of topdown legislature, which was not always compatible with the existing informal rules of the game. In other cases transition was just a euphemism for a fight for power with little substantial change.Still, most Western analysts indulged in analysing all East-European economies according to a rather standard pattern. This paper explains this approach by referring to the need to maintain rentseeking policies in the (...)
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    Food support provision in COVID-19 times: a mixed method study based in Greater Manchester.Filippo Oncini - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1201-1213.
    COVID-19 has brought to light the severity of economic inequalities by testing the capacity of the poorest families to make ends meet. Food insecurity has in fact soared all over the UK, with many people forced to rely on food support providers to not go hungry. This paper uses a unique dataset on 55 food support organizations active in Greater Manchester during the first COVID-19 wave, and 41 semi-structured interviews with food aid spokespersons and stakeholders, to shed light on what (...)
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    Guiding Principles for Methodological Integrity and Epistemological Consistency in Mixed Methods Studies.Oussama Abdoun, Enrico Fucci & Stefano Poletti - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):229-232.
    Medeiros et al. implement a mixed methods approach to explore the mechanisms underlying individual transformation during mindfulness-based interventions. We provide critiques, questions and ….
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    Spinoza's Philosophy of Religion.Herman De Dijn, Filippo Mignini & Peter T. van Rooden - 1996
  45. L'uomo e le scimie.Filippo De Filippi - 1983 - In Filippo De Filippi, Giacomo Giacobini & Gian Luigi Panattoni, Il Darwinismo in Italia: testi. Torino: Unione tip.-editrice torinese.
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  46. Ma dove sono le opere d'arte?: un glossario i-espirato dalla documenta 15.Marco Enrico Giacomelli - 2023 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
    L'arte è l'espressione intima--ma concepita per essere condivisa--della sensibilità di alcuni individui che avvertono l'urgenza di manifestare il proprio sentire rispetto al reale, o al non-reale. Gli artisti e, di conseguenza, le loro opere non possono non accogliere le sollecitazioni provenienti dall'attualità che li anima elaborando le complessità del mondo contemporaneo. È quindi necessario intrecciare come in una mappa neuronale lo studio delle opere d'arte con altre discipline, come antropologia, filosofia, biologia, perché una più ampia libertà di indagine consente di (...)
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    Marxism in West Germany.Gian Enrico Rusconi - 1975 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1975 (25):6-12.
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    When the Cement of the Universe Breaks Apart. Hume, Causality, and The Leftovers.Enrico Terrone - 2021 - Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 13:61–71.
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    La problematica natura onto-teologica del cosmo in Numenio di Apamea.Enrico Volpe - 2022 - Thaumàzein 10 (2):46-66.
    The metaphysical system of Numenius of Apamea is structured according to an onto-theological hierarchy, which presents three levels of reality that Numenius calls “Gods”. Even though the role of the first and the second God is of paramount importance in the metaphysics of Numenius, the third God, which is also defined “cosmos”, has a troublesome ontological status. According to Numenius, the cosmos has “dianoetic thought” since his nature derives from the “encounter” of two metaphysical principles: the demiurge and the matter. (...)
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    Épistémologie 1900 la tradition française.Enrico Castelli Gatiinara - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):347-365.
    L'article s'interroge sur la tradition française en matière d'épistémologie et analyse la réaction du milieu philosophique du début du xxe siècle face à la crise des acquis philosophiques traditionnels provoquée par le développement des sciences. Les interventions au premier congrès international de Philosophie de 1900 montrent que la philosophie essaie de continuer à exercer une hégémonie sur les sciences, mais que, pour réagir à la crise, elle doit s'engager dans l'histoire des sciences. L'histoire des sciences devient alors le moyen employé (...)
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