Results for 'Filip Reyntjens'

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  1.  16
    Eenpartijstaten in Zwart Afrika : Evolutie, recente ontwikkelingen, perspectieven.Filip Reyntjens - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (2):143-179.
    Together with the emergence of strong executive presidencies and the frequency of coups d'Etat, the single party is one of the striking features of the political development in Africa South of the Sahara since 1960.More than half the countries of the continent are presently under one-party rule. This article attempts to analyse the origins, recent developments, and perspectives in the field of African single-party states. Sameelements favourable to the emergence of this phenomenon were the colonial heritage, the precolonial tradition, and (...)
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    Juridische mechanismen van conflictbeheersing in België : het onderwijsprobleem.Filip Reyntjens - 1986 - Res Publica 28 (4):591-614.
    Political and sociological research indicates that the use of consociational techniques has been a major means of ensuring peace and stability in a divided society like Belgium. This paper attempts to cast a first look at another component: what are the legal mechanisms of confiictmanagement in Belgium? This question is studied on the basis of the case of the school-confiict, which is one aspect of the ideological dividing line ; this was indeed the first to be institutionalised in Belgium. The (...)
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  3. The Sense of Touch: From Tactility to Tactual Probing.Filip Mattens - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):688-701.
    Because philosophical reflections on touch usually start from our ability to perceive properties of objects, they tend to overlook features of touch that are crucial to correct understanding of tactual perception. This paper brings out these features and uses them to develop a general reconception of the sense of touch. I start by taking a fresh look at our ability to feel, in order to reveal its vital role. This sheds a different light on the skin's perceptual potential. While it (...)
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    Der genealogische Hintergrund zu Pindars Pythia 4 und seine religiösen Implikationen.Filip Horáček - 2020 - Hermes 148 (4):437.
    The point of the contribution consists first and foremost in the genealogical table to Pindar’s Fourth Pythian. It depicts the complex relations that otherwise remain only implied in the ode and makes them easily accessible to the eye of the reader. Thanks to the working out of the net, Pindar’s Apolline theology in Pythian 4 was able to come to the fore substantially more clearly. Eventually, the paper contextualizes the table in the milieu of the specifically Archaic functioning of Greek (...)
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    Letnia szkoła Konika Polnego.Filip Kobiela - 2017 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 7 (2):383-386.
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  6. The Hand: An Organ of the Mind. MIT Press.Filip Mattens - 2013
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    A Anábase de XenofonteXenophon’s Anabasis – Resources for the study of Greek Religion.Filipe de Almeida Fernandes Soares - 2012 - Cultura.
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    Unconscious task application.Filip Van Opstal, Wim Gevers, Magda Osman & Tom Verguts - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):999-1006.
    The nature of unconscious information processing is a heavily debated issue in cognitive science, and neuroscience. Traditionally, it has been thought that unconscious cognitive processing is restricted to knowledge that is strongly prepared by conscious processes. In three experiments, we show that the task that is performed consciously can also be applied unconsciously to items outside the current task set. We found that a same–different judgment of two target stimuli was also performed on two subliminally presented prime stimuli. This was (...)
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    Can Interpersonal Behavior Influence the Persistence and Adherence to Physical Exercise Practice in Adults? A Systematic Review.Filipe Rodrigues, Teresa Bento, Luís Cid, Henrique Pereira Neiva, Diogo Teixeira, João Moutão, Daniel Almeida Marinho & Diogo Monteiro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Unconscious task application.Filip Opstavanl, Wim Gevers, Magda Osman & Tom Verguts - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):999-1006.
    The nature of unconscious information processing is a heavily debated issue in cognitive science , and neuroscience . Traditionally, it has been thought that unconscious cognitive processing is restricted to knowledge that is strongly prepared by conscious processes . In three experiments, we show that the task that is performed consciously can also be applied unconsciously to items outside the current task set. We found that a same–different judgment of two target stimuli was also performed on two subliminally presented prime (...)
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  11.  13
    Uczucie, osoba i wartości w fenomenologicznych badaniach Edyty Stein.Filip Borek - 2018 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 53 (2):5.
    W niniejszym artykule podejmuje się próbę przeanalizowania zaprezentowanych przez Edytę Stein w O zagadnieniu wczucia opisów relacji między uczuciami, osobą oraz wartościami. Pokaże się przede wszystkim, na czym polega postulowana przez Stein korelacja między osobą a wartościami. Istotne dla tego celu będzie zarysowanie Stein fenomenologii uczucia. W artykule wskazuje się na problematyczność niektórych ujęć proponowanych przez autorkę. Zwraca się uwagę przede wszystkim na niedostateczność analizy przedmiotowej strony uczuć oraz istoty wartości. Centralnym punktem krytyki jest jednak pogląd Stein, traktujący czucie wartości (...)
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  12. Complementary nature of science and religion.Filipe Neri Ferrao - 2011 - Journal of Dharma 36 (2):213-220.
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  13. Signaly ėsteticheskoĭ informat︠s︡ii.I︠U︡. A. Filipʹev - 1971 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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  14. On Psychotherapy: A Freudo-Lacanian Point of View.Filip Geerardyn - 1995 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 6:91.
  15. Jak to jest być filozofem.Filip Kobiela - 2015 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 10 (3).
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    (1 other version)Body or Eye: A Matter of Sense and Organ.Filip Mattens - 2008 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 8:93-125.
  17. Liberdade em situação.Filipe Rocha - 1971 - Braga,: Livraria Cruz.
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    Why Rip Matters?Filip Čukljević - 2021 - Logos and Episteme 12 (2):153-173.
    The aim of this paper is to reexamine the importance of Rip van Winkle’s case for the problem of cognitive dynamics. First I shall present the main problem of cognitive dynamics. Then I shall explain the relevance of Rip’s case to this problem. After that I shall provide a short presentation of the main solutions to this problem. I shall explicate the problem concerning the manner in which philosophers who propose those solutions defend their response to the question of Rip’s (...)
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    Reduced autobiographical memory specificity and affect regulation.Filip Raes, Dirk Hermans, J. Mark G. Williams & Paul Eelen - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (3):402-429.
    The effect of specificity of autobiographical memory (AM) retrieval on the affective impact of an emotional event was examined. In Study 1 (N = 90) the impact of a negative and positive experience was compared between student participants who habitually retrieve autobiographical memories (AMs) in a specific way and participants who generally retrieve less specific memories. In Study 2 (N = 48) the effect of an experimentally induced (specific vs. overgeneral) retrieval style on the impact of a negative experience was (...)
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  20. A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship.Filipe M. Santos - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):335-351.
    I propose a theory aimed at advancing scholarly research in social entrepreneurship. By highlighting the key trade-off between value creation and value capture and explaining when situations of simultaneous market and government failure may arise, I suggest that social entrepreneurship is the pursuit of sustainable solutions to neglected problems with positive externalities. I further discuss the situations in which problems with externalities are likely to be neglected and derive the central goal and logic of action of social entrepreneurs, in contrast (...)
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  21. Is market liberalism adaptive? Rethinking F. A. Hayek on moral evolution.Filipe Nobre Faria - 2017 - Journal of Bioeconomics 19 (3):307–326.
    Hayek’s social theory of evolution suggests that market liberal morality is adaptive for social groups. He justified the evolutionary superiority of market liberalism by asserting that groups operating under a market liberal morality would have a higher capacity to expand and reproduce than groups with alternative tribal moralities. Thus, market liberal groups would be favoured through cultural and genetic group selection. But in fact, market liberal morality reveals maladaptive tendencies and remains insufficiently powerful to create adaptive social groups. Hayek’s dismissal (...)
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  22.  47
    The Three Semiotic Lives of Domestic Cats: A Case Study on Animal Social Cognition.Filip Jaroš - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (2):279-293.
    The social cognition of domestic cats is a scarcely studied topic due to the reputation of the animal as individualistic. Nevertheless, cats are capable of cognitively demanding cooperative activities such as a communal nest-moving. The cognitive abilities of free-ranging cats are evaluated against the background of the shared intentionality hypothesis, proposed by a research group of Michael Tomasello. Although their comparative studies are carried out on chimpanzees, they are valuable as a source of conceptual work linking empirical cognitive studies with (...)
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  23.  38
    Dampening of positive affect prospectively predicts depressive symptoms in non-clinical samples.Filip Raes, Jorien Smets, Sabine Nelis & Hanne Schoofs - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):75-82.
  24. Singular Reference Without Singular Thought.Filipe Martone - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (1):33-60.
    In this paper I challenge the widespread assumption that the conditions for singular reference are more or less the same as the conditions for singular thought. I claim that we refer singularly to things without thinking singularly about them more often than it is usually believed. I first argue that we should take the idea that singular thought is non-descriptive thought very seriously. If we do that, it seems that we cannot be so liberal about what counts as acquaintance; only (...)
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  25.  39
    Aristotle on Prevision through Dreams.Filip Radovic - 2016 - Ancient Philosophy 36 (2):383-407.
  26.  87
    Philosophy of biology: Naturalistic or transcendental?Filip Kolen & Gertrudis Van de Vijver - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (1):35-46.
    The aim of this article is to clarify the meaning of a naturalistic position within philosophy of biology, against the background of an alternative view, founded on the basic insights of transcendental philosophy. It is argued that the apparently minimal and neutral constraints naturalism imposes on philosophy of science turn out to involve a quite heavily constraining metaphysics, due to the naturalism’s fundamental neglect of its own perspective. Because of its intrinsic sensitivity to perspectivity and historicity, transcendental philosophy can avoid (...)
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  27.  67
    The sense of death and non-existence in nihilistic delusions.Filip Radovic - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):679-699.
  28.  42
    The Finitistic Consistency of Heck’s Predicative Fregean System.Luís Cruz-Filipe & Fernando Ferreira - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):61-79.
    Frege’s theory is inconsistent. However, the predicative version of Frege’s system is consistent. This was proved by Richard Heck in 1996 using a model-theoretic argument. In this paper, we give a finitistic proof of this consistency result. As a consequence, Heck’s predicative theory is rather weak. We also prove the finitistic consistency of the extension of Heck’s theory to $\Delta^{1}_{1}$-comprehension and of Heck’s ramified predicative second-order system.
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  29. Perception, body, and the sense of touch: Phenomenology and philosophy of mind.Filip Mattens - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (2):97-120.
    In recent philosophy of mind, a series of challenging ideas have appeared about the relation between the body and the sense of touch. In certain respects, these ideas have a striking affinity with Husserl’s theory of the constitution of the body. Nevertheless, these two approaches lead to very different understandings of the role of the body in perception. Either the body is characterized as a perceptual “organ,” or the body is said to function as a “template.” Despite its focus on (...)
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  30. What the mortal parts of the soul really are.Filip Karfík - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:197-217.
    The paper examines the account of the mortal parts of the human soul in theTimaeus. What is their nature? What is their relationship to the immortal part of the soul and its inner structure on the one hand, and to the body and its organs and their functioning on the other? Are they incorporeal or corporeal? What kind of movement do they have? In what sense precisely are they ‘another kind of soul’ ?
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  31. Axel Honneth e a virada afetiva na teoria crítica.Campello Filipe - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (Espec):104-126.
    Ao longo das últimas duas décadas, a amplamente repercutida proposta teórica desenvolvida por Axel Honneth sugere um modelo de racionalidade que, contudo, permanece em larga medida ainda implícito. No presente artigo, proponho que a abordagem de Honneth sugere o que podemos entender como uma virada afetiva na teoria crítica. Para tanto, desdobro minha exposição em quatro passos. Primeiramente, apresento como a categoria do reconhecimento, a partir do sentido adotado por Honneth de uma “transcendência-imanência” da teoria social, mostra-se como uma crítica (...)
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    A Educação Na Prosa Poético-Filosófica de Oswald de Andrade.Filipe Ceppas - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 24:189-195.
    Este texto explora uma possível dimensão pedagógica da antropofagia de Oswald de Andrade. Procuramos mostrar como a antropofagia, enquanto “programa de reeducação da sensibilidade” e “teoria da cultura”, é também um combate contra o patriarcado, a venalidade e a usura do capitalismo; contra a lógica do léxico Berlitz, os preconceitos religiosos e as superstições ultrapassadas.
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    Antropofagia para além da metáfora: por uma filosofia da diferença.Filipe Ceppas - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (63).
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    Good Luck, Nature, and God: Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics 8.2.Filip Grgić - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (4):471-493.
    In this paper I argue that the basic form of good luck (eutuchia) that Aristotle identifies in his Eudemian Ethics 8.2 is the divine good luck, which is not also natural good luck, as is commonly assumed by interpreters. The property of being lucky is neither a primitive nor a natural property, nor such that it is based on some natural property, but a property bestowed by god. Hence, the only satisfactory explanation of good luck must be theological. Furthermore, I (...)
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    17. Die Hauptschrift des Sextus Empiricus als Torso erhalten?Filip Karfík & Jan Janda - 2008 - In Filip Karfík & Jan Janda, Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Marcuse in Yugoslavia.Filip Kovacevic - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (1):205-222.
    During the 1960s, Herbert Marcuse was an invited lecturer at the Korčula Summer School organized by the group of Yugoslav Marxist philosophers known as the Praxis Group. The aim of this article is to explore the way Marcuse and his ideas were received in the Yugoslav intellectual milieu. The article is based on the close reading of the forewords and afterwords written by Yugoslav philosophers in the translations of Marcuse’s books. It also gives an account of Marcuse’s activities during the (...)
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    O niektórych funkcjach muzyki według Henryka Enzelberga.Filip Maj - 2010 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 16:251-259.
    W artykule analizowane są uwagi Henryka Elzenberga dotyczące znaczenia i funkcji muzyki dla człowieka. Muzyka ma zdolność antycypowania, wywołania, przekazywania i przekierowywania treści emocjonalnych, ale jaka jest jej rola w poznaniu i myśleniu? Problem jest omawiany w kontekście relacji muzyki z mistyką, z życiem, z niemoralnością, w odwołaniu do Beethovena i Wagnera oraz myśli Wittgensteina o muzyce.
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    Problem twórczości artystycznej w teorii Henryka Bergsona.Filip Maj - 2008 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 14:191-204.
    Tekst omawia myśl Henryka Bergsona na temat twórczości artystycznej jako efekt „ewolucji twórczej”. Wyłanianiu się dzieła twórczego towarzysza dwa główne procesy, które utrwalaja relacje świata duchowego i materialnego: sympatia i asymilacja. Tworzenie można opisać za pomocą różnych technik, np. skupianie, mentalizacja, wykraczanie poza plan, selekcjonowanie, odwracanie przebiegów fizycznych w stronę przeciwna, obramowanie dzieła itd. Na poziomie analizy metafizycznej Bergson opisuje twórczość nie tyle jako relacje artysta–człowiek, ale jako relacje duszy artysty i świata natury, które wymykają się regułom logicznym.
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    A Ideia geral do "Aconselhamento filosófico".: Uma introduçao ao tema.Filipe M. Menezes - 2011 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 20 (39):101-140.
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    Beliefs, Values and Morals: The Philosophical Underpinnings of Dysthanasia.Filipe Monteiro - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):406-411.
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  41. Towards a Proper Monism.Filip Radovic - 1998 - In Philosophical Communications. Gothenburg University.
    My analysis of the mind-body problem suggests that the mind-body problem is a "problem" because: There are discrepancies in use between scientific notions like "physical" and philosophical notions like "phenomenal character". Phenomenological conceptions of the mind are primarily used as contrast-terms in arguments against metaphysical physicalism. "Qualia" and similar terms - properly analysed - reveal that they do not, as often claimed, have a "folk-psychological" origin. Rather these terms should be described as highly sophisticated technical terms and should not be (...)
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    A obra de arte como objeto comum.Filipe Ferreira Pires Völz - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):301-323.
    O objetivo deste artigo é relacionar o ready-made de Duchamp – uma obra de arte que é idêntica a um objeto comum – com a história da arte que o precedeu e entender de que modo sua ruptura radical já estava dentro dessa história. Inicio com uma introdução ao e interpretação do ready-made. Em seguida, me respaldando em Gombrich, Greenberg e outros, examino os três tipos de arte na história propostos por Peter Bürger, focando na questão da realidade/irrealidade da obra, (...)
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  43. Should chess and other mind sports be regarded as sports?Filip Kobiela - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (3):279-295.
    ABSTRACTIn the philosophy of sport, an opinion that chess is in fact not sports because it lacks physical skills is a standard position. I call the argument that leads to this conclusion a mind sport syllogism. Its analysis enables me to explicate four possible positions concerning the sport-status of chess. Apart from the standard position, which excludes chess from the sport family, I also present analysis of other possible positions, which – for various reasons – do not deny that chess (...)
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    Events and maximalization: The case of telicity and perfectivity.Hana Filip - 2008 - In Susan Deborah Rothstein, Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect. John Benjamins. pp. 110--217.
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    On some common objections to a behavioral approach to psychological categories.Filipe Lazzeri - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (3):405-418.
    This paper addresses several objections that have been leveled against a behavioral approach to psychological categories. It reconstructs and critically assesses the so-called causal objection; alleged counterexamples whereby one can exhibit the typical behaviors associated with a psychological phenomenon without exhibiting the latter, including Lewis’ “perfect actor” case and Kirk’s “zombie”; alleged counterexamples whereby organisms can exemplify psychological phenomena without exhibiting any behavior associated with them, including Armstrong’s imagined brain in a vat, Putnam’s “super-super-spartans” scenario, and related cases; and the (...)
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  46. Demonstratives and cognitive significance revisited.Filipe Martone - 2022 - Analysis 83 (1):61-69.
    The issue of whether a theory of demonstratives should be able to handle Frege’s Puzzle seems rather old hat, but it was not so much resolved as left hanging. This paper tries to remedy that. I argue that a major problem not previously noticed affects any theory of demonstratives that aims at dealing with Frege’s Puzzle. This problem shows itself in cases in which the cognitive significance of a single demonstrative identity – such as ‘that is that’ – differs for (...)
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    Not as natural as it seems: the social history of the environment in American sociology.Filip M. Alexandrescu - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (5):47-80.
    This article argues against Catton and Dunlap’s claims that the natural environment has been ignored or downplayed in American sociology before the emergence of environmental sociology in the 1970s. By reviewing a collection of 86 sociology textbooks between 1894 and 1980, the article provides quantitative evidence regarding the scope and types of references to the natural environment in mainstream sociology. The bulk of the article is based on an interpretive-historical analysis of the different representations of the environment in the textbook (...)
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    HIRSCHKOP, Ken. The Cambridge Introduction to Mikhail Bakhtin.Filipe Almeida Gomes - forthcoming - Bakhtiniana.
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    25. Είκός in Sextus Empiricus.Filip Karfík & Jan Janda - 2008 - In Filip Karfík & Jan Janda, Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis. Walter de Gruyter.
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    13. Sexti Empirici Opera, vol. I, rec. H. Mutschmann, ed. I. Mau.Filip Karfík & Jan Janda - 2008 - In Filip Karfík & Jan Janda, Studien zu Sextus Empiricus, Diogenes Laertius und zur pyrrhonischen Skepsis. Walter de Gruyter.
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