Results for 'Fijian Prayers'

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  1.  36
    Current periodical articles.Petitionary Prayer - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (2).
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    A systematic investigation of the invariance of resting-state network patterns: is resting-state fMRI ready for pre-surgical planning?K. Kollndorfer, F. Ph S. Fischmeister, G. Kasprian, D. Prayer & V. Schöpf - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  3.  28
    Indo-Fijian Children’s BMI.Dawn B. Neill - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (3):209-224.
    Health research has shown that overweight and obesity in children and adults are becoming significant public health problems in the developing world. Evidence suggests that this phenomenon is more marked in urban than rural areas and may be associated with modernization. However, the underlying reasons for this nutrition transition remain unclear. Dietary shifts, often in conjunction with income and time constraints in urban environments, may entail a greater reliance on more convenient sugar and fat-dense food. Also, the necessity of labor-intensive (...)
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    Prayer and Perceptual (and Other) Experiences.Eleanor Schille-Hudson, Kara Weisman & Tanya M. Luhrmann - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (12):e70029.
    Prayer, a repeated practice of paying attention to one's inner mental world, is a core behavior across many faiths and traditions, understudied by cognitive scientists. Previous research suggests that humans pray because prayer changes the way they feel or how they think. This paper makes a novel argument: that prayer changes what they feel that they perceive. Those who pray, we find, are more likely to report sensory and perceptual experiences which they take to be evidence of a god or (...)
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    Prayer and Morality in the Sermon on the Mount.Oliver O'Donovan - 2009 - Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (1):21-33.
    The Lord's Prayer is at the centre of the Sermon on the Mount in a section on restraint in religious performance. The flanking sections treat of the opposition of lower and higher law, and of simplicity of agency, themes reflected in the central section in the opposition of public and secret. The Lord's Prayer inducts the worshipper into the elementary relations of the universe: the Father, the source of intelligible governance of the universe; the community of human beings created to (...)
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    Prayer Flags - The Life and Spiritual Teachings of Jigten Sumgön. Khenpo Könchog Gyaltsen.Gavin Kilty - 1988 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (2):185-187.
    Prayer Flags - The Life and Spiritual Teachings of Jigten Sumgön. Khenpo Könchog Gyaltsen. Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca (New York) 1984, repr. 1986. 95 pp. $6.95.
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  7. Prayer-bots and religious worship on Twitter: a call for a wider research agenda.Carl Öhman, Robert Gorwa & Luciano Floridi - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (2):331-338.
    The automation of online social life is an urgent issue for researchers and the public alike. However, one of the most significant uses of such technologies seems to have gone largely unnoticed by the research community: religion. Focusing on Islamic Prayer Apps, which automatically post prayers from its users’ accounts, we show that even one such service is already responsible for millions of tweets daily, constituting a significant portion of Arabic-language Twitter traffic. We argue that the fact that a (...)
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    Prayer as Inner Sense Cultivation: An Attentional Learning Theory of Spiritual Experience.T. M. Luhrmann & Rachel Morgain - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (4):359-389.
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    Petitionary Prayer for the Dead and the Boethian Concept of a Timeless God.William M. Webb - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):65-76.
    The practice of prayer for the dead has been criticized by some Christians on the grounds that it is useless (on the assumption that a postmortem change in spiritual state is impossible) and even sinful inasmuch as it wills a state of affairs contrary to that which God has already ordained. In this article, I challenge these arguments using a Boethian or Augustinian conception of God’s relationship to time. If prayers from all times are perceived by God in a (...)
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    Prayer and Subjective Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Religious Support.Sukkyung You & Ji Eun Yoo - 2016 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (3):301-315.
    We examined the associations of different types of prayer with subjective well-being—with a religious support as a potential moderator—in a sample of Korean adults. In a cross-sectional study, 468 participants completed measures of five prayer types, subjective well-being, and religious support. After controlling for background variables, the thanksgiving prayers had positive associations and supplication prayers had negative associations with subjective well-being. In examining the potential moderating role of religious support, the current findings showed that religious support strengthened the (...)
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    Prayer and the Teaching of Christian Ethics: Socratic Dialogue with God?Brian Brock - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (1):40-54.
    In his Confessions Augustine recasts the Greco-Roman dialogue as a conversation with God. This repositioning of the premier pedagogical form of the ancient world Augustine takes as an implication of the Christian confession of God as a speaking God. Introducing Jewish forms of prayer into the Greco-Roman dialogue form transforms it in a manner that has implications for the teaching of Christian ethics today, in offering a theologically elaborated model of the formative and investigative power of conversation. Conversational learning is (...)
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    Analyzing Prayer: Theological and Philosophical Essays.Oliver Crisp, James M. Arcadi & Jordan Wessling (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Analyzing Prayer draws together a range of theologians and philosophers to deal with different approaches to prayer as a Christian practice. The essays included deal with issues pertaining to petitionary prayer, prayer as reorientation of oneself in the presence of God, prayer by those who do not believe, liturgical prayer, mystical prayer, whether God prays, the interrelation between prayer and various forms of knowledge, theologizing as a form of prayer, lament and prayer, prayer and God's presence, and even prayer and (...)
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    Prayers for the departed: A white elephant in the hymnal of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania.Kim S. Groop & Nehemia Moshi - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):10.
    The aim of this article is to study the general and contextual issues related to prayers for the departed with a focus on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT). In 2012, the ELCT published a new hymnal, which included a number of prayers for those mourning their deceased friends and relatives, as well as prayers for the deceased individuals themselves. As a result of considerable criticism, this hymnal was replaced by a new edition in 2017, in (...)
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  14. The phenomenology of prayer.Bruce Ellis Benson & Norman Wirzba (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This collection of ground-breaking essays considers the many dimensions of prayer: how prayer relates us to the divine; prayer's ability to reveal what is essential about our humanity; the power of prayer to transform human desire and action; and the relation of prayer to cognition. It takes up the meaning of prayer from within a uniquely phenomenological point of view, demonstrating that the phenomenology of prayer is as much about the character and boundaries of phenomenological analysis as it is about (...)
  15. God, Causality, and Petitionary Prayer.Caleb Murray Cohoe - 2014 - Faith and Philosophy 31 (1):24-45.
    Many maintain that petitionary prayer is pointless. I argue that the theist can defend petitionary prayer by giving a general account of how divine and creaturely causation can be compatible and complementary, based on the claim that the goodness of something depends on its cause. I use Thomas Aquinas’s metaphysical framework to give an account that explains why a world with creaturely causation better reflects God’s goodness than a world in which God brought all things about immediately. In such a (...)
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    Prayer for Good Governance: A Study of Psalm 72 in the Nigeria Context.Mary Jerome Obiorah - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):192.
    Contextualizationof Biblical texts is a priority of every exegete, who endeavors to bring the ancient scripts to dialogue with contemporary issues. This paper, which studies Psalm 72 and a prayer composed for good governance in Anambra State Nigeria, focuses on this hermeneutical interpretation. The writer adopts a simplified literary method in Biblical research that takes cognizance of the varied poetic techniques in Psalm 72 and engages in a detailed comparative study of a Psalm composed more than two millennia ago and (...)
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  17. Does prayer change things?Michael Murray - manuscript
    The belief that God responds to prayer is widespread. According to a recent Newsweek survey 87% of Americans said that they believe that God answers prayers. In fact, they believe so heartily in the efficacy of prayer that nearly one third of those polled said that they prayed to God more than once a day. What is even more interesting about this belief among ordinary Americans is that it has been denied by so many theologians. One might think such (...)
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    Prayer According to Kierkegaard.Jean-Louis Chrétien & Filippo Pietrogrande - 2021 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (2):188-202.
    In this article first appeared in 1997, Jean-Louis Chrétien examines the meaning of prayer in Kierkegaard’s writings and existence. By focusing on the difficulties of this task and with meticulous attention to the vast work of the Danish philosopher, Chrétien describes prayer as a tense and agonistic experience, akin to the evangelical struggle between Jacob and the angel. Just like in his well-known phenomenological analysis, “The Wounded Word: Phenomenology of Prayer”, the author identifies in prayer a paradoxical articulation of struggle (...)
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  19. The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida: Religion Without Religion.John D. Caputo - 1997 - Indiana University Press.
    There can be no mistaking the importance of Caputo's work." —Edith Wyschogrod "No one interested in Derrida, in Caputo, or in the larger question of postmodernism and religion can afford to ignore this pathbreaking study.
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    Petitionary Prayer: A Philosophical Investigation.Scott Alan Davison - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume explores the philosophical issues involved in the idea of petitionary prayer, where this is conceived as an activity designed to influence the action of the all-knowing, all-powerful, perfectly good God of traditional theism. Theists have always recognized various logical and moral limits to divine action in the world, but do these limits leave any space among God's reasons for petitionary prayer to make a difference? Petitionary Prayer: A Philosophical Investigation develops a new account of the conditions required for (...)
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    Prayer and koinonia in the Fourth Gospel.Armand Barus - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    Prayer, the central spirituality in the theological and ethical life of Christ’s disciples, has not yet received significant attention from Johannine scholars. Although some scholars emphasised and discussed prayer in the New Testament, Johannine scholars have failed to recognise the significance of prayer in the Fourth Gospel. Using narrative criticism the article aims to uncover the relationship between prayer and koinonia in the Fourth Gospel. The research on the theme of prayer and koinonia conducted in the Fourth Gospel has yielded (...)
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  22. Petitionary prayer.Scott A. Davison - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Traditional theists believe that there exists an all-knowing, all-powerful, perfectly loving, and perfectly good God. They also believe that God created the world, sustains it in being from moment to moment, and providentially guides all events, in accordance with a plan, towards a good ending. Historically, most traditional theists have believed that God sometimes answers prayers for particular things. In keeping with the literature on this subject, these prayers are referred to as ‘petitionary prayers’. This article discusses (...)
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    Prayer and the Doctrine of God in Contemporary Theology.Don E. Saliers - 1980 - Interpretation 34 (3):265-278.
    Christian prayer and worship are not so much derived from as generative of the doctrine of God.
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    Prayer and Liturgy as Constitutive‐Ends Practices in Black Immigrant Communities.Margarita A. Mooney & Nicolette D. Manglos-Weber - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (4):459-480.
    Much social theory tends to emphasize the external goods of social practices, often neglecting the internal goods of those practices. For example, many analyses of religious rituals over-emphasize the instrumental and individualistic ends of prayer and liturgy by describing such religious practices as effective means for achieving external ends like positive emotions, psychological benefits, social status, or social capital. By contrast, we use a neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics perspective to analyze the relational goods, such as trust and intimacy, which are expressed (...)
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  25. The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida: Religion without Religion.John D. Caputo - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (2):398-401.
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  26. Is Petitionary Prayer Superfluous?Isaac Choi - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 7:32-62.
    Why would God institute the practice of efficacious petitionary prayer? Why would God not simply give us what we need before we ask? I examine recently proposed solutions to this puzzle and argue that they are inadequate to explain why an omniscient and perfectly good God would act differently in response to prayer. I propose that God has reasons to not always maximize a creature’s good, even in a sinless world, and that petitionary prayer functions as a means to reward (...)
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    The magic of prayer: an introduction to the psychology of faith.Mel D. Faber - 2002 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    This comprehensive, psychological, and naturalistic analysis of prayer offers an alternative to William James's model of prayer. Faber analyzes religious faith psychologically and anthropologically, concluding that subjective prayer is finally an instance of homeopathic "magical" conduct. It ritualistically conjures up a version of the first, primal, biological situation, in which the dependent "little" one cries out to a parental "big" one for physical and emotional nourishment. Eventually, religion, and its expression of faith through prayer, provides us with a magical protective (...)
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    Locating Prayerful Submission for Feminist Ecumenism: Holy Saturday or Incarnate Life?Shelli M. Poe - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (2):171-184.
    R. Marie Griffith and Sarah Coakley suggest that feminist ecumenism across the evangelical-liberal spectrum is valuable for feminist studies of religion and theologies. In this context, I trace the conversation that has arisen around the idea of adopting ‘submission’ vis-à-vis the Christian notion of kenosis, and turn it in a new direction. I argue that Coakley’s apophatically cruciform understanding of submission in contemplative prayer contrasts with womanist approaches like that of Delores Williams. Drawing on Williams’ considerations of atonement and Friedrich (...)
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  29. The Puzzle of Petitionary Prayer.Daniel Howard-Snyder & Frances Howard-Snyder - 2010 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (2):43-68.
    The fact that our asking God to do something can make a difference to what he does underwrites the point of petitionary prayer. Here, however, a puzzle arises: Either doing what we ask is the best God can do or it is not. If it is, then our asking won’t make any difference to whether he does it. If it is not, then our asking won’t make any difference to whether he does it. So, our asking won’t make any difference (...)
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  30. Answer to Our Prayers.Martin Pickup - 2018 - Faith and Philosophy 35 (1):84-104.
    There is a concern about the effectiveness of petitionary prayer. If I pray for something good, wouldn’t God give it to me anyway? And if I pray for something bad, won’t God refrain from giving it to me even though I’ve asked? This problem has received significant attention. The typical solutions suggest that the prayer itself can alter whether something is good or bad. I will argue that this is insufficient to fully address the problem, but also that the problem (...)
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    A Prayer for the Baby.Katherine J. Gold - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):200-202.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Prayer for the BabyKatherine J. GoldWe didn’t talk much about religion in medical school. Rightly so, it seemed to me at the time. I didn’t know how or why it would fit in to my patient care other than respecting patients who used their faith as a coping strategy. I was not at all religious and didn’t like the thought of talking about such things with patients. And (...)
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    Uninterrupted prayer – A spiritual challenge.Kees Waaijman - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-4.
    This contribution probes the question how the biblical instruction to pray continuously was understood in the history of Christian spirituality. It investigates two main traditions of interpretation. The first tradition interprets the instruction from a material-temporal perspective. Prayer should be, in the literal sense of the word, everlasting, never ending and perpetual. The second tradition focuses more on the relationship with God, its permanent character, and its lasting and enduring quality. It has to do with the question how a sustainable (...)
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    Major philosophers of Jewish prayer in the twentieth century.Jack Cohen - 2000 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Major Philosophers of Jewish Prayer in the Twentieth Century addresses the troubling questions posed by the modern Jewish worshiper, including such obstacles to prayer as the inability to concentrate on the words and meanings of formal liturgy, the paucity of emotional involvement, the lack of theological conviction, the anthropomorphic and particularly the masculine emphasis of prayer nomenclature, and other matters. In assessing these difficultites, Cohen brings to the reader the writings on prayer of some seminal 20th century Jewish theologians. These (...)
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    Prayer in Greek Religion (review).Frances V. Hickson - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):632-636.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prayer in Greek ReligionFrances Hickson–HahnSimon Pulleyn. Prayer in Greek Religion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. xvi + 245 pp. Cloth, $75.The study of prayer in ancient Greece faces rather daunting obstacles. Only four brief texts remain which scholars agree may represent authentic examples of cultic prayer: the twoword prayer of Eleusinian initiates, the Athenian [End Page 632] prayer to Zeus for rain, a prayer to Demeter for the barley (...)
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    Prayerful persistence: Luke 18:1–8 through the lens of resilience.Annette Potgieter - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):6.
    The parable of the widow and the unjust judge is unique to Luke. It forms part of three other parables shedding light on the coming of the Son of Man. It also bears striking resemblances with the parable of the friend at midnight, but unlike the friend of midnight, persistence is a focal point for interpreting the parable. There is an intersection between the parable of the unjust judge and resilience theory. Resilience may be understood as the ability to have (...)
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    Prayer, the Political Problem.W. Chris Hackett - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (1):209-233.
    This essay attempts to describe some basic aspects of the political logic of religious belief by reference to some recent work of Sarah Coakley. It does so in two parts. First we examine two models of God, the model of “competition,” shared by pop atheism and religious fundamentalism, and the model of “cooperation,” as espoused by classical religious belief. As an explication of this latter model, in the second part we examine what I term the “doxological feminism” of Sarah Coakley (...)
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    A Prayer for the Dead, A Prayer for the Living.Vincent J. Minichiello - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):204-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Prayer for the Dead, A Prayer for the LivingVincent J. MinichielloAs a first year resident physician, I am just beginning to understand the responsibilities and the practice of medicine. I have difficulty telling people “I’m a doctor,” because I’m not sure I believe it myself. And yet within the past eight months, I have already been challenged to mediate situations that bring me to not only fully accept (...)
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    Prayer, Magic and Memory in Plotinus’ Treatise on the Soul (Enneads iv 4 [28], 30-45).Wendy Elgersma Helleman - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 17 (2):208-231.
    In an environment where astrology was widely respected, Plotinus accepted the role of heavenly bodies in answering prayer. Considering them divine, he denied them the use of memory (iv 4, 6-8); how then could he explain response to prayer received after an interval of time? Plotinus was also concerned to deny attributing intentionality in any response given, for good or evil, since that would make the astral deities responsible also for morally dubious answers. In his treatment of the issue in (...)
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    Erratum: Prayerful persistence: Luke 18:1–8 through the lens of resilience.Annette Potgieter - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):1.
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    Philosophical Prayer in Proclus’s Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus.Danielle A. Layne - 2013 - Review of Metaphysics 67 (2):345-368.
    In response to Timaeus’ invocation of the gods at Timaeus 27c1-d4, Proclus discusses, in his commentary on the text, the value of prayer. Heralding the fact that prayer marks the soul’s epistrophe or return to its causative principle, Proclus proceeds to exonerate those who invoke and pray to the gods, arguing that prayer enacts the emergence of human freedom in the determined world. He argues that since the gods are not only our superior causes but also the ones who have (...)
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  41. Atheistic Prayer.Shieva Kleinschmidt - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (2):152-175.
    In this paper I will argue, contrary to common assumptions, that rational atheistic prayer is possible. I will formulate and respond to two powerful arguments against the possibility of atheistic prayer: first, an argument that the act of prayer involves an intention to communicate to God, precluding disbelief in God’s existence; second, an argument claiming that reaching out to God through prayer requires believing God might exist, precluding rational disbelief in God. In showing options for response to these arguments, I (...)
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    Prayer After Augustine: A Study in the Development of the Latin Tradition.Jonathan D. Teubner - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    This study provides an account of Augustine's understanding of prayer and its importance to his theology by drawing on his practices as monk and bishop.
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    THE THERAPEUTIC FUNCTION OF PRAYER IN CURA ANIMARUM.Edvard Kristian Foshaugen - manuscript
    Prayer is not just about the composition of a message from the sender to God the receiver. I say this because I believe that prayer is not primarily conversation but fellowship and communion. There is a relation of trust in which the recipient of trust is true and faithful. Prayer loses its theological character and becomes a psychological phenomenon that is an introspection into oneself if there is no trusting faith and God who is faithful. Prayer is far more than (...)
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  44. Petitionary Prayer to an Omnipotent and Omnibenevolent God.Lawrence Masek - 2000 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 74 (Suppl.):273-283.
    Petitionary prayer might seem pointless. If God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent, then why wouldn't God give us what is good for us regardless of whether we ask for it? I answer this question by arguing that the efficacy of petitionary prayer does not contradict the doctrines of divine omnipotence and omnibenevolence.
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    Prayer in Greek Religion (review).Frances Hickson–Hahn - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):632-636.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prayer in Greek ReligionFrances Hickson–HahnSimon Pulleyn. Prayer in Greek Religion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. xvi + 245 pp. Cloth, $75.The study of prayer in ancient Greece faces rather daunting obstacles. Only four brief texts remain which scholars agree may represent authentic examples of cultic prayer: the twoword prayer of Eleusinian initiates, the Athenian [End Page 632] prayer to Zeus for rain, a prayer to Demeter for the barley (...)
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    Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice. By Marion Holmes Katz.Paul Powers - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice. By Marion Holmes Katz. Themes in Islamic History, vol. 6. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. ix + 243. $85 ; $29.99 ; $24.
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    (1 other version)Plants, Prayers, and Power.Jo Day - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien (eds.), Gardening ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 63–78.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Providence, prayer and power.Wilbur Fisk Tillett - 1926 - Nashville, Tenn.,: Cokesbury Press.
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    Your life is your prayer: wake up to the spiritual power in everything you do.Sam Beasley - 2019 - Coral Gables, FL: Mango Publishing. Edited by B. J. Gallagher.
    You may not realize it--many people don't--but the decisions you make throughout the day, the attitudes you adopt, the conversations you have, how you respond to others, the cadence of your thoughts, are all prayers. Your entire life is your prayer. Whatever you've got going on in your life is what you've been praying for--sometimes consciously, often unconsciously. If you want something different in your life, you must pray a different prayer. This book will show you how... one prayer (...)
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    Prayer as Therapy: A Challenge to Both Religious Belief and Professional Ethics.Cynthia B. Cohen, Sondra E. Wheeler, David A. Scott, Barbara Springer Edwards & Patricia Lusk - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):40-47.
    Scientists seeking hard evidence of prayer's curative powers misunderstand the nature of prayer in the Western theistic traditions. Yet theistically consonant ways in which religious belief may influence health do not figure as they should in current professional practice.
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