Results for 'Fidel-Nicolás Lolo'

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  1.  34
    How winner cells cause the demise of loser cells.Fidel-Nicolás Lolo, Sergio Casas Tintó & Eduardo Moreno - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):348-353.
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    The natural selection of fidelity in social learning.Dan Sperber & Nicolas Claidière - unknown
    Social learning mechanisms are usually assumed to explain both the spread and the persistence of cultural behaviour. In a recent article, we showed that the fidelity of social learning commonly found in transmission chain experiments is not high enough to explain cultural stability. Here we want to both enrich and qualify this conclusion by looking at the case of song transmission in song birds, which can be faithful to the point of being true replication. We argue that this high fidelity (...)
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    Socially Situated Transmission: The Bias to Transmit Negative Information is Moderated by the Social Context.Nicolas Fay, Bradley Walker, Yoshihisa Kashima & Andrew Perfors - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (9):e13033.
    Cultural evolutionary theory has identified a range of cognitive biases that guide human social learning. Naturalistic and experimental studies indicate transmission biases favoring negative and positive information. To address these conflicting findings, the present study takes a socially situated view of information transmission, which predicts that bias expression will depend on the social context. We report a large‐scale experiment (N = 425) that manipulated the social context and examined its effect on the transmission of the positive and negative information contained (...)
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    De la métaphysique à l’exigence démocratique.Nicolas Comtois & Jean-Marc Narbonne - 2022 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Jean-Marc Narbonne est reconnu internationalement pour ses travaux sur le néoplatonisme et la métaphysique grecque. Il dirige actuellement la Chaire de recherche du Canada en Antiquité critique et modernité émergente (ACMÉ), qui vise à mettre en lumière le rôle que l’héritage philosophique et littéraire de la Grèce antique a joué dans la modernité, et son importance pour la démocratie telle que nous la connaissons et qu’il nous revient encore aujourd’hui de la construire. Les présents entretiens permettent de mieux comprendre les (...)
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    Le sermon comme manuductio chez Nicolas de Cues.Jean-Michel Counet - 2015 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 98 (3):543-561.
    Après avoir donné quelques informations générales sur le corpus des Sermons de Nicolas de Cues, l’article se centre sur le concept de manuductio (fait de prendre par la main). Issue de la tradition dionysienne, il s’agit là d’une notion très importante pour le Cusain. L’intellect humain ne découvre que peu à peu les réalités les plus hautes, il a besoin pour cela d’un guide expérimenté qui l’initie à la pratique de la contemplation. L’art des Conjectures, l’enseignement du De Visione Dei, (...)
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    Superplurals analyzed away.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many natural languages include plural terms, i.e., terms which denote many individuals at once. Are there also superplural terms, i.e., terms which denote many pluralities of individuals at once? Some philosophers say ‘Yes’, citing a range of sentence-types which apparently can’t be analyzed in a first-order plural logic, but which can be analyzed in a superplural one. We argue that all the data presented in favor of the superplural can, in fact, be analyzed using only first-order resources. The key is (...)
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  7. The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation.Nicolas J. Bullot & Rolf Reber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):123-137.
    Research seeking a scientific foundation for the theory of art appreciation has raised controversies at the intersection of the social and cognitive sciences. Though equally relevant to a scientific inquiry into art appreciation, psychological and historical approaches to art developed independently and lack a common core of theoretical principles. Historicists argue that psychological and brain sciences ignore the fact that artworks are artifacts produced and appreciated in the context of unique historical situations and artistic intentions. After revealing flaws in the (...)
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    Tom Rockmore, Hegel et la tradition philosophique allemande.Nicolas Février - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (1-2):189-190.
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  9. (2 other versions)Le Désir et le Temps, « Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine ».Nicolas Grimaldi - 1971 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (4):476-479.
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  10. Sur la volonté de l'homme chez Descartes et notre ressemblance avec Dieu.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1987 - Archives de Philosophie 50 (1):95-107.
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    Apuntes para una revisión crítica de la Filosofía de la Historia en Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio.Fidel Tomás Ferrer - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Este trabajo pretende rastrear la concepción de la historia en la obra ensayística de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio. La hoja de ruta que se sigue para ello consiste en establecer los vínculos que desde la Ilustración acaban derivando en la historia universal de Hegel. La crítica ferlosiana se vertebra mediante la filosofía de la historia primero de Benjamin y luego de Adorno, para concluir en una visión menos idealista de la narración histórica que, ya en el siglo XX se reconoce como (...)
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    La opción fundamental.Fidel Herráez - 1978 - Salamanca: Sígueme.
  13.  23
    El teatro de Joaquín Dicenta: la otra revolución social.Fidel López Criado - 2011 - Arbor 187 (752):1197-1207.
    El trabajo estudia la aportación del teatro de Joaquín Dicenta al llamado “teatro social” o “de la cuestión social” en España. Su tesis difiere de la consideración crítica habitual y mantiene que el teatro social de Dicenta nace de un pensamiento kaustkiano (es decir, social-demócrata, que no marxista-leninista), que tiene a la burguesía y no al proletario como su principal destinatario. Así, pues, el teatro de Dicenta se convierte en un espectáculo revolucionario, de agitación y propaganda, dirigido a la burguesía (...)
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    Abortion Facility Closings and Abortion Rates in Texas.Troy Quast, Fidel Gonzalez & Robert Ziemba - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770094.
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    La revolución científica: tensión entre continuismo y discontinuismo en el estudio de caso de la teoría del ímpetu.Llinás Zurita & Fidel Alejandro - 2007 - [Barranquilla, Colombia]: Universidad del Atlántico.
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    The Sunlit Bar of Soap.Nicolas J. Bellord - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):849-849.
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  17. La palabra política en el Bicentenario: rememorar y decir.Nicolás Bermúdez - 2011 - Anclajes 15 (1):1 - 14.
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    A Treatise of Nature and Grace. To which is Added, the Author's Idæa of Providence, and His Answers to Several Objections Against the Foregoing Discourse.Nicolas Malebranche - 1695 - Printed and Are to Be Sold by John Whitlock.
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  19. Traité de la Nature Et de la Gr'ce. Introduction Philosophique, Notes Et Commentaire du Texte de 1712.Nicolas Malebranche & Ginette Dreyfus - 1958 - Vrin.
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  20. Facts, artifacts, and mesosomes: Practicing epistemology with the electron microscope.Nicolas Rasmussen - 1993 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 24 (2):227-265.
  21. Real Numbers are the Hidden Variables of Classical Mechanics.Nicolas Gisin - 2020 - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 7:197–201.
    Do scientific theories limit human knowledge? In other words, are there physical variables hidden by essence forever? We argue for negative answers and illustrate our point on chaotic classical dynamical systems. We emphasize parallels with quantum theory and conclude that the common real numbers are, de facto, the hidden variables of classical physics. Consequently, real numbers should not be considered as ``physically real" and classical mechanics, like quantum physics, is indeterministic.
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    Predictive Modeling of Individual Human Cognition: Upper Bounds and a New Perspective on Performance.Nicolas Riesterer, Daniel Brand & Marco Ragni - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):960-974.
    Syllogisms (e.g. “All A are B; All B are C; What is true about A and C?”) are a long‐studied area of human reasoning. Riesterer, Brand, and Ragni compare a variety of models to human performance and show that not only do current models have a lot of room for improvement, but more importantly a large part of this improvement must come from examining individual differences in performance.
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  23. Wrongs, Rights, and Third Parties.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 43 (2):109-143.
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    The role of attraction in cultural evolution.Nicolas Claidière & Dan Sperber - 2007 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 7 (1-2):89-111.
    Henrich and Boyd (2002) were the first to propose a formal model of the role of attraction in cultural evolution. They came to the surprising conclusion that, when both attraction and selection are at work, final outcomes are determined by selection alone. This result is based on a deterministic view of cultural attraction, different from the probabilistic view introduced in Sperber (1996). We defend this probabilistic view, show how to model it, and argue that, when both attraction and selection are (...)
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    Malebranche.Henri Joly - 1901 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Malebranche / par Henri JolyDate de l'edition originale: 1901Sujet de l'ouvrage: Malebranche, Nicolas de (1638-1715)Collection: Les grands philosophesCe livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete numerisees par (...)
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    De la connaissance de soi au devenir soi: Platon, Pindare et Nietzsche.Nicolas Quérini - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Deviens ce que tu es.Nicolas Quérini - 2016 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 40:189-213.
    Notre travail se concentre sur la signification de la célèbre sentence de Pindare reprise par Nietzsche et que l’on traduit généralement en français par « Deviens ce que tu es ». Nous l’avons confrontée à l’impératif socratique « connais-toi toi-même » en interrogeant la relation de priorité qui gouvernait les deux sentences. À partir d’Hannah Arendt, nous nous sommes également efforcés de construire une distinction précise entre « ce que l’on est », c’est-à-dire les qualités qui sont les nôtres, et (...)
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    Faire justice.Nicolas Regis - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:67.
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  29. Relativized realizability in intuitionistic arithmetic of all finite types.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (1):23-44.
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    God-like robots: the semantic overlap between representation of divine and artificial entities.Nicolas Spatola & Karolina Urbanska - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):329-341.
    Artificial intelligence and robots may progressively take a more and more prominent place in our daily environment. Interestingly, in the study of how humans perceive these artificial entities, science has mainly taken an anthropocentric perspective (i.e., how distant from humans are these agents). Considering people’s fears and expectations from robots and artificial intelligence, they tend to be simultaneously afraid and allured to them, much as they would be to the conceptualisations related to the divine entities (e.g., gods). In two experiments, (...)
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    Epistemic arithmetic is a conservative extension of intuitionistic arithmetic.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):192-203.
  32. Creating a communication system from scratch: gesture beats vocalization hands down.Nicolas Fay, Casey J. Lister, T. Mark Ellison & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Scaffold proteins in MAP kinase signaling: more than simple passive activating platforms.Nicolas Dard & Matthias Peter - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (2):146-156.
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  34. Épistémologie et sociologie de la connaissance.Nicolas Fillion - 2006 - Revue Phares 6 (3).
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    Etudes cartésiennes: Dieu, le temps, la liberté.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1996 - Paris: Vrin.
    Dieu, le temps, la liberte: trois manieres de poser le probleme des rapports du fini et de l'infini. Comment un etre fini peut-il etre tellement hante par l'idee de l'infini, qu'elle soit la plus originaire et l'horizon de toutes ses pensees? Si Dieu a tout cree sans ordre ni raison, l'infinite de sa puissance n'est-elle pas son unique perfection? Comment une creature finie peut-elle desirer acquerir les perfections infinies qu'elle concoit en Dieu sans s'assigner ainsi une tache infinie? Pour deduire (...)
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  36. Metrology of internet networks.Nicolas Larrieu & Philippe Owezarski - 2010 - In Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud, Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 101--117.
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  37. The Development of Arabic Logic.Nicolas Rescher - 1965 - Foundations of Language 1 (4):359-360.
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    Alexithymia disrupts verbal short-term memory.Nicolas Vermeulen - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (3):559-568.
    ABSTRACTWhile some research has now started to suggest that there are long-term memory deficits in alexithymia, short-term memory in alexithymia remained largely unexplored. This study...
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    Switching Between Sensory and Affective Systems Incurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):183-192.
    Recent models of the conceptual system hold that concepts are grounded in simulations of actual experiences with instances of those concepts in sensory-motor systems (e.g., Barsalou, 1999, 2003; Solomon & Barsalou, 2001). Studies supportive of such a viewhave shown that verifying a property of a concept in one modality, and then switching to verify a property of a different concept in a different modality generates temporal processing costs similar to the cost of switching modalities in perception. In addition to non-emotional (...)
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    Developing scaling relations for the yield strength of nanoporous gold.Nicolas J. Briot & T. John Balk - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (27):2955-2973.
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    Mitochondrial structure and the practice of cell biology in the 1950s.Nicolas Rasmussen - 1995 - Journal of the History of Biology 28 (3):381-429.
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    Topological models of epistemic set theory.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 46 (2):147-167.
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    De Pierre Le Vénérable À Eudes De Ch'teauroux: La Réception Du Talmud, Entre Hostilité Et Incompréhension.Amélia Lecousy - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (4):3-20.
    Cet article met en lumière la réception du Talmud parmi les érudits parisiens chrétiens entre 1140, avec la rédaction du Adversus judaeorum de Pierre le Vénérable, et 1248, la condamnation officielle par Eudes de Châteauroux. Avec la création des universités au XIIe siècle, la curiosité intellectuelle et la soif de savoir dirigent les théologiens chrétiens vers des textes non plus uniquement bibliques, mais aussi rabbiniques. Simultanément, la présence de l’Église et son orthodoxie doctrinale se renforcent, avec un désir encore plus (...)
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    Why Physicians Ought to Lie for Their Patients.Nicolas Tavaglione & Samia A. Hurst - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (3):4-12.
    Sometimes physicians lie to third-party payers in order to grant their patients treatment they would otherwise not receive. This strategy, commonly known as gaming the system, is generally condemned for three reasons. First, it may hurt the patient for the sake of whom gaming was intended. Second, it may hurt other patients. Third, it offends contractual and distributive justice. Hence, gaming is considered to be immoral behavior. This article is an attempt to show that, on the contrary, gaming may sometimes (...)
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    Abitare gli ambienti virtuali: per un'estetica delle tecnologie immersive.Nicolas Bilchi - 2022 - Roma: Bulzoni editore.
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  46. Inmigración, comunicación y convivencia multicultural.Rodrigo Fidel Rodríguez Borges - 2006 - Laguna 18:125-142.
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  47. La deducción de los modos silogísticos en la lógica oblicua de Juan Caramuel: (Propuesta de un procedimiento que permite su comprensión y clarificación).Nicolás Borrego - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:165-178.
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    La democratización moral del derecho.Nicolás María López Calera - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 28:225-240.
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    Racionalización social del derecho.Nicolás María López Calera - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 13 (1):61-76.
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    Política de la alteridad.Fidel Canelón F. - 2010 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico.
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