Results for 'Feminine values'

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  1.  31
    The Feminine Dimension of Human Values: A Journey with Tagore and Others.S. K. Chakraborty - 2000 - Journal of Human Values 6 (1):39-49.
    This article takes a close look at the nature offeminine values in congruence with natural law. The thoughts of Tagore primarily and to a lesser degree of Vivekananda, Gandhi and Nivedita on this most momentous area of social-psychological well-beingfor humans are highlighted. Trendy and shallow modernism seems to be aiming at cheap goals in the name of women's liberation, and the long-term damage to humanity is becoming incalculable. The tragic and bizarre events occurring across the whole spectrum, from homes (...)
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    Feminine spiritual values and the problem of feminihilism [Buddhist tradition].T. J. Chosang - 1985 - Journal of Dharma 10:361-378.
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    Femininity Lost and Regained.Robert A. Johnson - 2011 - Harper Collins.
    The author of the phenomenal bestsellers He and She discusses the importance of regaining the feminine dimension in our lives. According to Johnson, regaining the power of feminine feeling and value is critical to the development of human peace and consciousness.
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    Values of Autonomy.Marilyn Friedman - 2003 - In Autonomy, gender, politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter presents a variety of considerations suggesting that autonomy is a valuable ideal, focusing on its value for women. The focus is on women for several reasons. First, autonomy has not always been idealized for women. Even though autonomy is more widely encouraged and supported in women than ever before, it is still not regarded as a particularly feminine value or virtue. If a case for autonomy can be made out for women in particular against this history, then (...)
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    Femininity, Shame, and Redemption.Bonnie Mann - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):402-417.
    At a time when some modicum of formal gender equality has been won in many late‐capitalist societies of the West, what explains the persistence of practices that extract labor and value from women and girls while granting a “surplus” of value to men and boys? Gendered shame is a central mechanism of the apparatus that secures the continued subordination of women across a number of class and race contexts in the mediatized, late‐capitalist West. Focusing on the story of Amanda Todd, (...)
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  6. Femininity, love, and alienation: the genius of The Second Sex.Kate Kirkpatrick - 2024 - Journal of the British Academy 12 (1/2):1-26.
    This article presents an axiological reading of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex, reframing its most famous sentence ‘one is not born, but becomes, a woman’ as a claim about femininity, love, and alienation under particular conditions of sexual hierarchy. Because this sentence is often taken to express the thesis of The Second Sex on social constructionist readings, Section 1 rejects the aptness of this approach on three grounds. Section 2 outlines an alternative, axiological reading, which better attends to all (...)
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    The Feminine Condition and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Brazil and France.Simone Santana da Silva, Cinira Magali Fortuna, Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière & Anne Pilotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionElements mark the reality of reading the female body in symbolic constructions and social symbols in the exercise of their reproductive health. The study aims to identify elements that characterize the female condition while analyzing the reproductive health of Brazilian and French women.Materials and MethodsA qualitative, multicenter, international study was conducted in Brazil and in France between 2016 and 2019. Data were produced through the use of semi-structured scripts. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were conducted with women who gave (...)
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    The feminine question as social inequality: a historical overview.Roberto Veraldi - 2019 - Science and Philosophy 7 (1):81-94.
    In this work, I have used many sources because this theme is very complex and it is very useful to follow tracks already well used by other authors who have ventured with these themes. The Gender report is a report on equality. No company will ever be expected to be right if it does not foresee includesive actions rather than excludents. The social constructions of the same company will have to contend with a reality of reference that embraces all the (...)
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    Schizoid Femininities and Interstitial Spaces: Childhood and Gender in Celine Sciamma’s Tomboy and P.J. Hogan’s Peter Pan.Robbie Duschinsky - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (1):128-140.
    Childhood innocence has often been treated by scholars as an empty, idealised signifier. This article contests such accounts, arguing that innocence is best regarded as a powerfully unmarked training in heternormativity, alongside class and race norms. This claim will be demonstrated through attention to two recent films addressing childhood: Celine Sciamma’s Tomboy and P.J. Hogan’s Peter Pan. The films characterise young femininity as an ‘impossible space’, in which subjects face the contradictory, schizoid demands to simultaneously show both childhood innocence and (...)
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    Feminine Origin in the Cosmogonic ideas of the Slavic and Eastern Philosophy: a Comparative Analysis.Oksana Petinova & Violeta Svitlytska - 2023 - Philosophy and Cosmology 31:96-107.
    The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the role of the feminine principle in the cosmogonic ideas of the Slavic peoples and the philosophy of the Ancient East, in particular, India and China, to the establishment of common and distinctive features of female personification. The authors conclude that the ancient tribal culture, which was based on the logic of nature, the maintenance of the world in unity and the balance of opposites, was much more favorable to women (...)
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    Feminine Power in Proclus's Commentary on Plato's Timaeus.Danielle A. Layne - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (1):120-144.
    Notorious for advancing a strict dichotomy between the masculine “demiurgic father” and the feminine “nurse/receptacle of becoming” as the “natural” origin of the cosmos, Plato's Timaeus has become a site for feminist interrogation. Most critics easily deem the text a masculine fantasy that projects feminine impotence and obligatory heterosexuality, reinforcing patriarchal power structures that are blindly reproduced in their historical reception. Consequently, this article analyzes the Neoplatonic replication of this framework, but with special attention given to Proclus's challenges (...)
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    Work Values of Turkish and American University Students.Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Mahmut Arslan & Salih Güney - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):205-223.
    The first aim of this paper was to investigate how the traditional Protestant work ethic and more contemporary work values were related to one another, and differed across genders and two cultural contexts, namely Turkey and the U.S. The second aim was to elucidate the role of religiosity in PWE among the two cultural groups. Two hundred and sixty six American and 211 Turkish university students participated in this questionnaire study. The analyses examining cross-cultural differences revealed that Turkish university (...)
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  13. Kierkegaard and the Feminine Self.Leslie A. Howe - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):131-157.
    Kierkegaard shows two contrary attitudes to woman and the feminine: misogyny and celebration. The Kierkegaardian structure of selfhood, because combined with a hierarchical assumption about the relative value of certain human characteristics, and their identification as male or female, argues that woman is a lesser self. Consequently, the claim that the Kierkegaardian ideal of selfhood is androgynist is rejected, though it is the latter assumptions alone that force this conclusion.
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  14. Feminism against'the feminine'.Stella Sandford - 2001 - Radical Philosophy 105:6-14.
    Whilst the distinction between French and Anglo-American feminism was always rather dubious two specific linguistic differences between French and English have nevertheless determined two streams of feminist thought, and complicated the relation between them. Since the 1960s, English-language feminisms, in so far as they are distinctive, have centrally either presupposed or explicitly theorized the category of gender, for which there is no linguistic equivalent in French. At the same time, much (although not all) that came to be categorized as ʻFrenchʼ (...)
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  15. Toward the Feminine Firm.John Dobson & Judith White - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):463-478.
    This paper concerns the influence of gender on a firm’s moral and economic performance. It supports Thomas White’s intimation of a male gender bias in the value system underlying extant business theory. We suggest that this gender bias may be corrected by drawing on the concept of substantive rationality inherent in virtue-ethics theory. This feminine-oriented relationship-based value system complements the essential nature of the firm as a nexus of relationships between stakeholders. Not only is this feminine firm morally (...)
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  16.  14
    Personification and the Feminine in Roman Philosophy.Alex Dressler - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    While the central ideal of Roman philosophy exemplified by Lucretius, Cicero and Seneca appears to be the masculine values of self-sufficiency and domination, this book argues, through close attention to metaphor and figures, that the Romans also recognized, as constitutive parts of human experience, what for them were feminine concepts such as embodiment, vulnerability and dependency. Expressed especially in the personification of grammatically feminine nouns such as Nature and Philosophy 'herself', the Roman's recognition of this private ' (...)' part of himself presents a contrast with his acknowledged, public self and challenges the common philosophical narrative of the emergence of subjectivity and individuality with modernity. To meet this challenge, Alex Dressler offers both theoretical exposition and case studies, developing robust typologies of personification and personhood that will be useable for a variety of subjects beyond classics, including rhetoric, comparative literature, gender studies, political theory and the history of ideas. (shrink)
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    Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent: Reassessing the 'Minor' Novels.J. Thomas - 1998 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Drawing on aspects of Foucauldian feminist theory Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent offers original and detailed readings of six critically under-valued novels: Desperate Remedies, A Pair of Blue Eyes, The Hand of Ethelberta, A Laodicean, Two on a Tower and The Well-Beloved, demonstrating Hardy's peculiarly modern appreciation of how individuals negotiate the forces which shape their sense of self. Tracing his interest in the evolutionary debate and the woman question this book reveals a new politically engaged rather than a grimly (...)
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    L’Homosexualité féminine dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine by Sandra Boehringer (review).Kirk Ormand - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (1):163-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:L’Homosexualité féminine dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine by Sandra BoehringerKirk OrmandSandra Boehringer. L’Homosexualité féminine dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007. 405 pp. Paper, €35.00.Until recently, I held several informed assumptions about sexuality in the ancient world: (a) that without exception the ancient Greeks and Romans did not define categories of sexual activity by the sex of the object of desire (as in the modern (...)
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    Le pseudo-féminisme du néo-conservatisme féminin.Michel Lavoie - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (2):357-364.
    Le féminisme a réussi à transformer partiellement le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Mais la résistance de la société traditionnelle à ces changements, ainsi que la remontée de la droite et la valorisation forcenée de l'individualisme, risquent de compromettre ses acquis. Dans ce contexte, l'avènement d'un discours pseudo-féministe qui véhicule les valeurs traditionnellement considérées comme « féminines » par les hommes risque d'embrouiller le message féministe pour tous ceux qui y accordaient créance et espéraient le voir aller plus loin dans (...)
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  20. In Defense of Femininity: Commentary on Sandra Bartky's Femininity and Domination.Patroc1nio P. Schweickart - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):178-191.
    According to Bartky, "To be a feminist, one has first to become one," and to become a feminist, one has to overcome femininity. Although I agree with Bartky's critique of femininity, I argue that feminist consciousness has to involve a contradictory attitude toward femininity-not just a critique, but also an appreciation of the utopian values it harbors.
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    Personal values among undergraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional study.Michela Luciani, Giulia Rampoldi, Stefano Ardenghi, Marco Bani, Sandra Merati, Davide Ausili, Maria Grazia Strepparava & Stefania Di Mauro - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (6):1461-1471.
    Background:Personal values influence nursing students’ development of professional values, which affect professional outcomes, and how nursing students react to different situations. Personal values can be shaped by different factors, including culture, gender, and age.Aims:To explore personal values held by nursing students, and to verify if and how gender and year of study affect nursing students’ personal values.Research design:A multicenter, cross-sectional study was used.Participants and research context:The whole population of nursing undergraduate students available at the time (...)
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    Peer audience effects on children's vocal masculinity and femininity.Valentina Cartei, David Reby, Alan Garnham, Jane Oakhill & Robin Banerjee - unknown
    Existing evidence suggests that children from around the age of 8 years strategically alter their public image in accordance with known values and preferences of peers, through the self-descriptive information they convey. However, an important but neglected aspect of this 'self-presentation' is the medium through which such information is communicated: the voice itself. The present study explored peer audience effects on children's vocal productions. Fifty-six children (26 females, aged 8-10 years) were presented with vignettes where a fictional child, matched (...)
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    Patents as Vehicles of Social and Moral Concerns: The Case of Johnson & Johnson Disposable Feminine Hygiene Products.Franck Cochoy - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1340-1364.
    This paper is about disposability as a technological concern and about how to trace the related issues through the analysis of patents. It examines how moral and social concerns happened to be embedded in technology, based on the case of disposable feminine hygiene products. The focus is placed on what “disposable” means and on exploring relative notions as well as their dynamic and consequences. To conduct such analysis, the paper proposes to perform a classic and computer-assisted analysis of the (...)
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  24. Receptacle/ Chōra: Figuring the Errant Feminine in Plato's Timaeus.Emanuela Bianchi - 2001 - Hypatia 21 (4):124-146.
    This essay undertakes a reexamination of the notion of the receptacle/chōra in Plato's Timaeus, asking what its value may be to feminists seeking to understand the topology of the feminine in Western philosophy. As the source of cosmic motion as well as a restless figurality, labile and polyvocal, the receptacle/chōra offers a fecund zone of destabilization that allows for an immanent critique of ancient metaphysics. Engaging with Derridean, Irigarayan, and Kristevan analyses, Bianchi explores whether receptacle/chōra can exceed its reduction (...)
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    Receptacle/ Chōra: Figuring the Errant Feminine in Plato's Timaeus.Emanuela Bianchi - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (4):124-146.
    This essay undertakes a reexamination of the notion of the receptacle/chōra in Plato's Timaeus, asking what its value may be to feminists seeking to understand the topology of the feminine in Western philosophy. As the source of cosmic motion as well as a restless figurality, labile and polyvocal, the receptacle/chōra offers a fecund zone of destabilization that allows for an immanent critique of ancient metaphysics. Engaging with Derridean, Irigarayan, and Kristevan analyses, Bianchi explores whether receptacle/chōra can exceed its reduction (...)
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  26.  12
    Asian Self-Effacement or Feminine Modesty?: Attributional Patterns of Women University Students in Taiwan.Kathleen S. Crittenden - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (1):98-117.
    This report describes the attributional styles of women university students in Taiwan and compares these patterns to those of men students in Taiwan and women students in the United States. Using a self-presentational perspective on attributions and drawing on data involving audience reactions to attributional accounts in Taiwan and the United States, the author explains the patterns in terms of two sociocultural factors: cultural norms and gender-role stereotypes. Women students in Taiwan are more self-effacing than Taiwan men students and are (...)
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    Ideologies of Masculinity and Femininity in the Projection of the ‘National Language’: Gendered Discourse of Hindi–Urdu Dichotomization and Standardization.Atul Kumar Singh & Prabha Shankar Dwivedi - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):274-284.
    This article takes the linguistic space of North India during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and tries to see how a nationalistic linguistic ideology that was shaping up at that time, creating Hindi and Urdu linguistic communities, used gender as a tool to portray and assert a masculinist vision of language and nation. It involved not just censoring certain representations of women and their cultural spaces, but also using the issue of ‘vulgar’ representations as a premise to marginalize certain languages (...)
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  28.  87
    Gender, Nation, and the Politics of Shame: Magdalen Laundries and the Institutionalization of Feminine Transgression in Modern Ireland.Clara Fischer - 2016 - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 41 (4):821-843.
    In this article, I trace the politics of shame in the context of the problematization of women’s bodies as markers of sexual immorality in modern Ireland. I argue that the post-Independence project of national identity formation established women as bearers of virtue and purity and that sexual transgression threatening this new identity came to be severely punished. By hiding women, children, and all those deemed to be dangerous to national self-representations of purity, the Irish state, supported by Catholic moral (...) and teaching, physically removed its embodied instances of national shame through a system of mass institutionalization. Just as shame entails the covering of one’s blemishes, so the shaming of women deemed to be deviant by church and state involved their covering via incarceration in Magdalen laundries, among other institutions. By assessing recent events highlighted by inquiries into Irish institutions—Magdalen laundries, reformatory and industrial schools, and soon mother and baby homes—in terms of the politics of shame, this article aims to shed light on the pervasiveness of institutionalization in Ireland and the complex relationship between said institutions, gender, sexuality, and nation building in the early decades of the Irish state. (shrink)
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    Gender in audiovisual translation: Naturalizing feminine voices in the French Sex and the City.Anne-Lise Feral - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):391-407.
    This article explores how certain feminine voices are adapted or ‘naturalized’ in audiovisual translation in order to conform to the intended audience’s assumed gender beliefs and values. Using purposefully selected examples from the American series Sex and the City, the author analyses elements pertaining to American feminism and how they are rendered in the French dubbing and subtitles. While the subtitles retain most references, the dubbing reveals a marked tendency to delete, weaken and transform allusions to American feminist (...)
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    Still no pill for men? Double standards & demarcating values in biomedical research.Christopher ChoGlueck - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):66-76.
    Double standards are widespread throughout biomedicine, especially in research on reproductive health. One of the clearest cases of double standards involves the feminine gendering of reproductive responsibility for contraception and the continued lack of highly effective, reversible methods for cisgender men. While the biomedical establishment accepts diversity and inclusion as important social values for clinical trials, their continued use of inequitable standards undermines their ability to challenge unfair social hierarchies by developing male contraception. Thus, the gender/sex bias present (...)
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  31. Schreber's soul-voluptuousness: Mysticism, madness and the feminine in schreber's memoirs.Brent Dean Robbins - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (2):117-154.
    Freud's 1911 case study based on Schreber's Memoirs of My Nervous Illness provides the investigator with the opportunity to reexamine Freud's interpretation through a return to the original data Freud used. This study reveals both the insights and limitations of Freud's theory of paranoia. An alternative interpretation of the case is overed from an existential-phenomenological perspective which aims both to expand upon and transform Freud's study without negating its value. Freud draws on the mythologies of the sun to argue for (...)
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    Teen girls, sexual double standards and ‘sexting’: Gendered value in digital image exchange.Sonia Livingstone, Rosalind Gill, Laura Harvey & Jessica Ringrose - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (3):305-323.
    This article explores gender inequities and sexual double standards in teens’ digital image exchange, drawing on a UK qualitative research project on youth ‘sexting’. We develop a critique of ‘postfeminist’ media cultures, suggesting teen ‘sexting’ presents specific age and gender related contradictions: teen girls are called upon to produce particular forms of ‘sexy’ self display, yet face legal repercussions, moral condemnation and ‘slut shaming’ when they do so. We examine the production/circulation of gendered value and sexual morality via teens’ discussions (...)
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  33.  62
    Moral Choice and the Declining Influence of Traditional Value Orientations Within the Financial Sector of a Rapidly Developing Region of the People’s Republic of China.Gordon Francis Woodbine - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (1):43-60.
    This paper describes the results of a field experiment involving 400 employees from ten financial institutions operating within the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone of the People's Republic of China. It was found that, when faced with an agency-based problem, employees indicated they would be less inclined to advise management of the existence of unethical work practices. Younger employees without supervisory experience displayed significant risk aversion. Traditional Chinese values associated with Confucian work dynamism, were shown to be poor predictors of (...)
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    Parental mediation of internet use and cultural values across Europe: Investigating the predictive power of the Hofstedian paradigm.Leen D’Haenens & Stefan Mertens - 2014 - Communications 39 (4):389-414.
    The EU Kids Online project aims to enhance knowledge of the experiences and practices of European children and their parents regarding online risks and safety. A crucial research effort by the EU Kids Online network has been a survey in 25 European countries which targeted approximately 1,000 children per country. This article applies a cross-cultural values filter to the data that were gathered on parental mediation and the Internet in this survey. Our intention is to test whether Geert Hofstede’s (...)
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    (1 other version)Book Review: Gay Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research, Reinventing the Sexes: The Biomedical Construction of Femininity and Masculinity. [REVIEW]Martha McCaughey - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (4):552-555.
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    The norms of equality between the sexes versus traditional gender values in communist Mongolia.Marie-Dominique Even - 2015 - Clio 41:175-185.
    Les normes religieuses des Mongols s’ancraient dans le culte des ancêtres patrilinéaires, qui accordait une valeur supérieure au masculin, et assignaient aux individus des statuts et des rôles sexués, réservant en particulier aux hommes la sphère socio-politique. Elles ont orienté par la suite les pratiques bouddhiques des Mongols. Le régime révolutionnaire instauré en 1924 sur le modèle soviétique leur a substitué jusqu’à 1990 un nouveau modèle normatif neutralisant les différences sexuées entre citoyens, imposant l’égalité des droits politiques, promouvant l’accès des (...)
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    This Is What Climate Change Looks Like: McKenzie Wark’s Post-Literary Critiques Give Equal Value to Participation.Carrie Giunta - 2022 - CounterText 8 (1):227–240.
    This essay revisits a debate about literary fiction’s ability to depict the consequences of climate change. Philosopher McKenzie Wark’s 2017 essay, ‘On the Obsolescence of the Bourgeois Novel in the Anthropocene’, offers one of many critiques of climate fiction, such as Amitav Ghosh’s influential book, The Great Derangement. But while Ghosh sees a shortcoming in contemporary novels in their lack of representation of major climate events, Wark emphasises the importance of collective action, conversation, and connection, beyond the limits of literature. (...)
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    Męska trwoga Otto Weiningera.Nina Gładziuk - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 21:107-137.
    Otto Weininger’s work entitled Sex and Character is an important text in the intellectual history of Viennese modernism of the f‌in de siècle period. The author makes a pessimistic diagnosis of modern culture, which, according to him, is infected by anti-cultural feminine values. With desperate passion, he looks for a way to heal this state of affairs and finds it in the project of male reorientation in culture. To make this plan a reality, he thoroughly redef‌ines sex and (...)
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    Killing for Girls: Predation Play and Female Empowerment.Elena Bertozzi - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (6):447-454.
    Predation games—games in which the player is actively encouraged and often required to hunt and kill in order to survive—have historically been the purview of male players. Females, though now much more involved in digital games than before, generally play games that stress traditionally feminine values such as socializing with others, shopping, and nurturing. This article argues that playing games that virtually simulate predation has many benefits for female players. Predation play teaches participants how to survive and succeed (...)
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    A soft gynocentric critique of the practice of modern sport.Lisa Edwards & Carwyn Jones - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (3):346 – 366.
    In this article we propose a philosophical critique of two general, but not exhaustive, approaches to gender studies in sport, namely gynocentric feminism and humanist feminism. We argue that both approaches are problematic because they fail clearly to distinguish or articulate their epistemological and ideological commitments. In particular, humanist feminists articulate the human condition using the sex/gender dichotomy, which fails to account adequately for gendered subjectivity. For them gender difference is a contingent feature of humanity developed through socialisation. As a (...)
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  41. The puzzle of Fanny price.Joyce Jenkins - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):346-360.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Puzzle of Fanny PriceJoyce L. JenkinsIt is common to open a work regarding the merits of Mansfield Park by noting that Fanny Price is very difficult to like. Nietzsche might have described her as a "moral tarantula." 1 She sits, making negative moral judgments about the actions of others, while doing nothing herself. Fanny spends most of her time, literally, sitting or lying down. Austen describes her character (...)
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    Of Masters, Men, Machines and (M)others: Revisiting the Virgin and the Dynamo in a Post/trans-human Context.Sorina Chiper - 2015 - Human and Social Studies 4 (2):78-100.
    The Education of Henry Adams owes its cultural cachet, in part, to Adams’ elaboration of a dichotomy that has pitted religion against science and technology. Though Western ideologies of modernity have viewed religion in rather negative terms, the current revival of religiosity in the postist context invites a reconsideration of the role of religious belief, practice and objects/symbols in the current society. This article discusses Henry Adams’s dichotomy of the Virgin and the Dynamo, and recontextualizes it from a post-human perspective. (...)
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  43. Comparing Society’s Awareness of Women: Media-Portrayed Idealized Images and Physical Attractiveness.Chyong-Ling Lin & Jin-Tsann Yeh - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):61-79.
    An advertiser develops visual associations of signs and symbols to create a product image that motivates consumers. Today is characterized by a solid consumer culture based on visual identity consumption that articulates and interacts with each consumer's daily actions, words, and visual perceptions. The frequent use of female role portrayals and physical attractiveness in advertising contributes to an increase in society's awareness of women. Some scholars have developed an ethical discussion out of the phenomenon of female role portrayals not matching (...)
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    Gibt es so etwas wie weibliche und männliche Werte? Versuch einer alltagssprachlichen Interpretation.Susanne Moser - 2023 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (2):90-117.
    Is there something as masculine and feminine values? Attempt of an everyday language approach The aim of the paper is to answer a question that has often been raised but not thoroughly explored, namely, whether there are masculine and feminine values. In axiology values are mostly considered in a gender-blind way, while in feminist critique, e.g., in difference feminism, there is a valorization of the feminine but a differentiated axiological consideration is not undertaken. By (...)
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  45.  46
    La mujer como sujeto , ¿utopía o realidad?María Novo - 2003 - Polis 6.
    La autora revisa el papel que las sociedades patriarcales han otorgado a las mujeres, para centrarse luego en la Modernidad,un tiempo cuyos valores dominantes están definidos desde la visión masculina y occidental del mundo, pretendiéndose como valores universales. Profundiza en la invisibilidad de la mujer y la naturaleza en el paradigma moderno y la predominancia del economicismo, y señala que el proceso emancipador de las mujeres anticipa la emergencia de un nuevo paradigma con valores femeninos como propuesta para una reconstrucción (...)
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    Lessons in Nondualism from World Philosophies.Sandra A. Wawrytko - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (2):153-158.
    My intellectual journey to philosophy was paved by Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, which intrigued me as a high school student. Once on the path, however, I was frustrated by the inherent barriers to women’s participation both as originators and practitioners of philosophies. Excursions into Daoism and ancient goddess culture offered welcome alternatives. Gradually I realized the problem posed by the delusion of hierarchical dualism—whether male/female, mind/body, reason/emotion, human law and order/natural chaos, or Apollonian/Dionysian—that permeates the “Western Canon.” My PhD (...)
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    Weaving a Woman Artist with-in the Matrixial Encounter-Event.Bracha L. Ettinger - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (1):69-94.
    Criticizing Lacan and Levinas, and starting from Freud and Lacan’s denial of the womb and from the Genius-Male-Hero (as theorized by Rank), who is self-creating and holds the power of creation and thus depends on the elimination of the birth-giving begetting mother, I continue my research to formulate a feminine difference that is neither dependency/disguise (Riviere, Butler) nor revolt and struggle in the phallic texture (Kristeva). Unlike other ideas concerning the difference of the feminine, the originary difference that (...)
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    Vision Quest into Indigenous Space.Walter Robinson - 2016 - In Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl, The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 199–210.
    An essential motif of the Western is the frontier in which people of European descent encounter American Indians as other. Indians were viewed as bloodthirsty savages, despite the fact that Europeans were the primary aggressors. The bloodthirsty savage stereotype finds intellectual support in the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Governance in most traditional North American Indian communities isn't about ruling over subordinates, but about forging consent among equals. Indigenous government was often based on equal respect for the values and (...)
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    Stories from the perspective of Eastern cultural complex: taking Mulan as an example.Fangfang Ding - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400181.
    Resumo: Como uma pérola brilhante na cultura tradicional chinesa, Mulan está profundamente enraizada no coração das pessoas com sua imagem única de heroína feminina. Este trabalho busca retratar a experiência lendária da luta heroica de Hua Mulan, no exército, no lugar de seu pai, e integrar os elementos centrais de família, honra, lealdade, dentre outros, no contexto da cultura oriental, de modo que a história tenha profunda herança cultural. O artigo mostra, em primeiro lugar, o complexo cultural oriental que está (...)
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  50. A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers.Lorna Green - manuscript
    June 2022 A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers We are in a unique moment of our history unlike any previous moment ever. Virtually all human economies are based on the destruction of the Earth, and we are now at a place in our history where we can foresee if we continue on as we are, our own extinction. As I write, the planet is in deep trouble, heat, fires, great storms, and record flooding, (...)
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