Results for 'Federico Reggio'

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  1. Compassione, utilità, tutela dei diritti individuali : rileggendo Dei delitti e delle pene in margine ad un recente dibattito.Federico Reggio - 2015 - In Giovanni Rossi & Francesca Zanuso, Attualità e storicità del Dei delitti e delle pene a 250 anni dalla pubblicazione. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  2. La filosofia giuridica di G.B.Vico nella lettura di Giovanni Ambrosetti.Federico Reggio - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3 (3):461-480.
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    A Proposal for a Coherent Ontology of Fundamental Entities.Diego Romero-Maltrana, Federico Benitez & Cristian Soto - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (4):705-717.
    We argue that the distinction between framework and interaction theories should be taken carefully into consideration when dealing with the philosophical implications of fundamental theories in physics. In particular, conclusions concerning the nature of reality can only be consistently derived from assessing the ontological and epistemic purport of both types of theories. We put forward an epistemic form of realism regarding framework theories, such as Quantum Field Theory. The latter, indeed, informs us about the general properties of quantum fields, laying (...)
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  4. Towards a Notion of Intervention in Big-Data Biology and Molecular Medicine.Emanuele Ratti & Federico Boem - 2016 - In Marco Nathan & Giovanni Boniolo, Foundational Issues in Molecular Medicine. Routledge.
    We claim that in contemporary studies in molecular biology and biomedicine, the nature of ‘manipulation’ and ‘intervention’ has changed. Traditionally, molecular biology and molecular studies in medicine are considered experimental sciences, whereas experiments take the form of material manipulation and intervention. On the contrary “big science” projects in biology focus on the practice of data mining of biological databases. We argue that the practice of data mining is a form of intervention although it does not require material manipulation. We also (...)
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  5. A Discussion on Particle Number and Quantum Indistinguishability.Graciela Domenech & Federico Holik - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):855-878.
    The concept of individuality in quantum mechanics shows radical differences from the concept of individuality in classical physics, as E. Schrödinger pointed out in the early steps of the theory. Regarding this fact, some authors suggested that quantum mechanics does not possess its own language, and therefore, quantum indistinguishability is not incorporated in the theory from the beginning. Nevertheless, it is possible to represent the idea of quantum indistinguishability with a first-order language using quasiset theory (Q). In this work, we (...)
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    Los Servicios de Inteligencia ante los retos de la Comunidad Internacional.Federico Torres Muro - 2005 - Arbor 180 (709):207-215.
    El título de mi contribución a este número de la revista Arbor, «Los Servicios de inteligencia ante los retos de la comunidad internacional", posiblemente debería completarse con la frase, para las que aquéllos deben tener respuesta. Me explico. Es obvio que la comunidad internacional tiene que afrontar retos como el hambre, la pobreza, el cambio climático, que no menciono en mi artículo ya que no entran dentro del ámbito de actuación de los servicios de inteligencia, aunque ningún analista cualificado los (...)
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    I confini della musica e della poesia: studio di estetica musicale.August Wilhelm Ambros & Federico Mompellio - 1978 - Cremona: Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi. Edited by Federico Mompellio.
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  8. Le tout et ses parties. Langue, système, Structure.Lia Formigari & Albano Leoni Federico - 2015
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  9. Referencias históricas del Museo de La Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo: Trayectorias necesarias para entender su presente.Carlos Federico González Pérez - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):15 - 16.
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    Francis Bacon : sobre la carnalidad.Federico Rodríguez Gómez - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:399.
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    ¿ Hasta qué punto sería el solipsismo un problema filosófico? Aproximaciones al complejo intersubjetivo contemporáneo.Federico Rodríguez Gómez - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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  12. Commento ai programmi di filosofia.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1970 - Milano,: Marzotati. Edited by Maria Teresa Gentile & Giuseppe Galli.
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    Italienische Philosophie der Genenwart.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1948 - Bern,: A. Francke.
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  14. La Filosofia, Hoy.Michele Federico Sciacca & Claudio Matons Rossi - 1948 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 4 (3):307-308.
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    La philosophie italienne contemporaine.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1951 - E. Vitte.
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    (1 other version)Studi sulla filosofia antica.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1935 - Napoli-Città di Castello,: F. Perrella.
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  17. Temas del pensamiento filosófico de Antonio Rosmini.Michael Federico Sciacca - 1957 - Dianoia 3:259-275.
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  18. Informatica.di Federico Leoni - 2021 - In Massimo Adinolfi, Nova theoretica: manifesto per una nuova filosofia. Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Potential and 'Power of a Collectivity to Act'.Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (2):187-194.
    This paper connects two notions: Hart and Mas-Colell’s ‘potential’, related to the value of coalitional games, and Coleman’s earlier notion of ‘power of a collectivity to act’, related to the easiness to make decisions by means of a voting rule.
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    The representations of the Caribbean in The great zoo of Nicolás Guillén.Carlos Federico Vidal Ortega - 2020 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (25):45-55.
    El gran zoo (1984), del poeta cubano Nicolás Guillén, ofrece distintas representaciones sobre el Caribe. El artículo argumenta que el texto de Nicolás Guillén se inscribe dentro del movimiento literario hispanoamericano de la neovanguardia. Luego, se examinan algunas características formales del texto, tomando como ejemplo los poemas “El sueño” y “Guitarra”. Otro poema que se estudia con más detenimiento es “El tenor”, el cual parodia la división entre la alta cultura y la cultura popular. Por último, se analizan varias alusiones (...)
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    Apologia del caos. Considerazioni storiche e filosofiche su una teoria emergente.Federico Di Trocchio - 1993 - Idee 23:67-80.
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    Memoria de la muerte.Federico Ortiz Quesada - 1996 - [México, D.F.]: Laboratorios Columbia.
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    What semantic dementia tells us about the ability to infer others' communicative intentions.François Osiurak & Giovanni Federico - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e12.
    As Heintz & Scott-Phillips rightly argued, pragmatics has been too commonly considered as a supplement to linguistic communication. Their aim to reorient the study of cognitive pragmatics as the foundation of many distinctive features of human behavior finds echo in the neuropsychological literature on tool use, in which the investigation of semantic dementia challenges the classical semantics versus pragmatics dissociation.
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  24. Ancora a proposito di un "Concorso".Michele Federico Sciacca - 1952 - Giornale di Metafisica 7 (2):276.
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  25. Brevi note sul pensiero di Giorgio Santayana.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1963 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 17 (1=63):62.
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    Dallo spiritualismo critico allo spiritualism cristiano: (1939 - 1951).Michele Federico Sciacca - 1965 - Marzorati.
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  27. « In spirito e verità ». Pensieri e meditazioni.Michèle Federico Sciacca - 1952 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (4):454-454.
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    La filosofia nell'età del Risorgimento.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1948 - F. Vallardi.
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    La interioridad objetiva.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1963 - Editorial L. Miracle.
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  30. La Libertà e il Tempo.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (3):382-383.
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  31. Risposta a Mons. Olgiati.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1950 - Giornale di Metafisica 5 (3):300.
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  32. (2 other versions)« S. Agostino ». Vol. I: « La vita e l'opera ». « L'itinerario della mente ».Michele Federico Sciacca - 1949 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4 (3):477-478.
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  33. Conquista y finalidad del hombre.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1947 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (23):733.
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  34. Il concetto "naturalistico" della morte nella trasposizione dialettica dello Hegel.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1959 - Giornale di Metafisica 14 (3):313.
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  35. Il rovesciamento della prospettiva e la emarginazione della verità.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1986 - Giornale di Metafisica 8 (3):243.
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  36. La filosofia.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1945 - [Milano]: Mondadori.
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    Les éléments fondamentaux de la gnoséologie rosminienne.Michèle Federico Sciacca - 1955 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 53 (38):225-238.
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    Momento Metafisico e Momento Gnoseologico.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1955 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 11 (3/4):684 - 689.
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    Present-Day Italian Philosophy.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1965 - New Scholasticism 39 (1):69-83.
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    Vinte e três Séculos depois da sua Morte.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1954 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 10 (2):113 - 121.
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    Mendel's experiments: A reinterpretation. [REVIEW]Federico Di Trocchio - 1991 - Journal of the History of Biology 24 (3):485-519.
    My conclusion is that Mendel deliberately, though without any real falsification, tried to suggest to his audience and readers an unlikely and substantially wrong reconstruction of the first and most important phase of his research. In my book I offer many reasons for this strange and surprising behavior,53 but the main argument rests on the fact of linkage. Mendelian genetics cannot account for linkage because it was based on the idea of applying probability theory to the problem of species evolution. (...)
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  42. La Iglesia y la civilización moderna. [REVIEW]Michele Federico Sciacca - 1951 - Sapientia 6 (22):306.
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  43. La existencia de Dios. [REVIEW]Michele Federico Sciacca - 1956 - Sapientia 11 (42):391.
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    Lezioni sull'illuminismo: atti del seminario di studi organizzato dalla Provincia de Reggio Emilia, ottobre 1978-febbraio 1979.Paolo Rossi & Reggio Emilia Province) - 1980 - Feltrinelli.
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  45. E-mail: Federico. Laudisa@ unimib. It.Federico Laudisa - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield, Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 223.
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    Knowledge From Non-Knowledge: Inference, Testimony and Memory.Federico Luzzi - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    According to the received view in epistemology, inferential knowledge from non-knowledge is impossible – that is, in order for a subject to know the conclusion of their inference, they must know the essential premises from which that conclusion is drawn. In this book, Federico Luzzi critically examines this view, arguing that it is less plausible than intuition suggests and that it can be abandoned without substantial cost. In a discussion that ranges across inference, testimony and memory he analyses the (...)
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    Coordination processes in open source software development: The Linux case study.Federico Iannacci - 2005 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 7 (2).
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  48. Dignity and Animals. Does it Make Sense to Apply the Concept of Dignity to all Sentient Beings?Federico Zuolo - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (5):1117-1130.
    Although the idea of dignity has always been applied to human beings and although its role is far from being uncontroversial, some recent works in animal ethics have tried to apply the idea of dignity to animals. The aim of this paper is to discuss critically whether these attempts are convincing and sensible. In order to assess these proposals, I put forward two formal conditions that any conception of dignity must meet and outline three main approaches which might justify the (...)
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  49. Non-Local Realistic Theories and the Scope of the Bell Theorem.Federico Laudisa - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (12):1110-1132.
    According to a widespread view, the Bell theorem establishes the untenability of so-called ‘local realism’. On the basis of this view, recent proposals by Leggett, Zeilinger and others have been developed according to which it can be proved that even some non-local realistic theories have to be ruled out. As a consequence, within this view the Bell theorem allows one to establish that no reasonable form of realism, be it local or non-local, can be made compatible with the (experimentally tested) (...)
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    Consciousness in a Rotor? Science and Ethics of Potentially Conscious Human Cerebral Organoids.Federico Zilio & Andrea Lavazza - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):178-196.
    Human cerebral organoids are three-dimensional biological cultures grown in the laboratory to mimic as closely as possible the cellular composition, structure, and function of the corresponding organ, the brain. For now, cerebral organoids lack blood vessels and other characteristics of the human brain, but are also capable of having coordinated electrical activity. They have been usefully employed for the study of several diseases and the development of the nervous system in unprecedented ways. Research on human cerebral organoids is proceeding at (...)
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