Results for 'Father absence'

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  1.  33
    Father absence and age at menarche.Sabine Hoier - 2003 - Human Nature 14 (3):209-233.
    Life history data, attractiveness ratings of male photographs, and attitudes towards partnership and child-rearing of 321 women were used to test four evolutionary models (quantitative reproductive strategy, male short-age, polygyny indication, and maternal reproductive interests) which attempt to explain the influence of family composition on reproductive strategies. Links between early menarche and other markers of reproductive strategy were investigated. Childhood stress and absence of a father figure, whether genetically related or not, were found to have accelerated menarche whereas (...)
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  2.  17
    Father Absence, Childhood Stress, and Reproductive Maturation in South Africa.Kermyt G. Anderson - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (4):401-425.
    The hypothesis that father absence during childhood, as well as other forms of childhood psychosocial stress, might influence the timing of sexual maturity and adult reproductive behaviors has been the focus of considerable research. However, the majority of studies that have examined this prediction have used samples of women of European descent living in industrialized, low-fertility nations. This paper tests the father-absence hypothesis using the Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS), which samples young adults in Cape Town, (...)
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    Father Absence and Male Aggression. A Re‐Examination of the Comparative Evidence.Carol R. Ember & Melvin Ember - 2001 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 29 (3):296-314.
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    The Null Relation between Father Absence and Earlier Menarche.Kitae Sohn - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (4):407-422.
    Researchers have claimed that the absence of a biological father accelerates the daughter’s menarche. This claim was assessed by employing a large and nationally representative sample of Indonesian women. We analyzed 11,138 ever-married women aged 15+ in the Indonesian Family Life Survey 2015. We regressed age at menarche on the interaction of father absence and mother absence at age 12 with or without childhood covariates. For robustness checks, we performed a power analysis, re-ran the same (...)
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    Father Absence, Identification, and Identity.Roy G. D'Andrade - 1973 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 1 (4):440-455.
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    Father Absence, Social Structure, and Attention Allocation in Children: A Four‐Culture Comparison.Robert L. Munroe - 2001 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 29 (3):315-328.
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    Father Absence and Reproduction-Related Outcomes in Malaysia, a Transitional Fertility Population.Paula Sheppard, Kristin Snopkowski & Rebecca Sear - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (2):213-234.
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    After divorce:: Investigations into father absence.Terry Arendell - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (4):562-586.
    On the basis of in-depth interviews with 75 divorced New York fathers, the phenomenon of postdivorce paternal absence is investigated. The accounts provided by the interviewees suggest that father absence is more than a literal practice: it is also a perceived option and a standard of comparison. Father absence is a strategy of action, the objective of which is to control situations of conflict and tension and emotional states. That the majority of the fathers in (...)
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    Restructuring the Christian Fatherhood Model: A practical theological investigation into the ‘male problematic’ of father absence.Juanita Meyer - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-11.
    In South Africa, ideas around fatherhood, parenthood and family life are greatly shifting as people find themselves caught up between traditional and contemporary understandings of fatherhood and motherhood. Even though more than 70% of young South Africans stated in a national survey that parenthood is one of the top four defining features of adulthood, father absence is on the increase. Some in-depth literature study was conducted regarding South African research on fatherhood and father absence, and the (...)
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  10.  20
    Mother Behavior as a Variable Moderating the Effects of Father Absence.Richard Longabaugh - 1973 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 1 (4):456-465.
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  11. The Nature of Nurture: Poverty, Father Absence and Gender Equality.Alison E. Denham - 2019 - In Nicolás Brando & Gottfried Schweiger, Philosophy and Child Poverty: Reflections on the Ethics and Politics of Poor Children and Their Families. Springer. pp. 163-188.
    Progressive family policy regimes typically aim to promote and protect women’s opportunities to participate in the workforce. These policies offer significant benefits to affluent, two-parent households. A disproportionate number of low-income and impoverished families, however, are headed by single mothers. How responsive are such policies to the objectives of these mothers and the needs of their children? This chapter argues that one-size-fits-all family policy regimes often fail the most vulnerable household and contribute to intergenerational poverty in two ways: by denying (...)
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  12. Meta-Analysis of Direct and Indirect Effects of Father Absence on Menarcheal Timing.Shaolingyun Guo, Hui Jing Lu, Nan Zhu & Lei Chang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13.  63
    Does Absence Matter?Mary K. Shenk, Kathrine Starkweather, Howard C. Kress & Nurul Alam - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (1):76-110.
    This paper examines the effects of three different types of father absence on the timing of life history events among women in rural Bangladesh. Age at marriage and age at first birth are compared across women who experienced different father presence/absence conditions as children. Survival analyses show that daughters of fathers who divorced their mothers or deserted their families have consistently younger ages at marriage and first birth than other women. In contrast, daughters whose fathers were (...)
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  14.  44
    Does Investment in the Sexes Differ When Fathers Are Absent?Mhairi A. Gibson - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):263-276.
    This study examines child survival and growth in a patrilineal Ethiopian community as a function of father absence and sex. In line with evolutionary predictions for sex-biased parental investment, the absence of a father and associated constraints on household resources is more detrimental for sons’ than daughters’ survival in infancy. Father absence doubles a son’s risk of dying in infancy but has a positive influence on the well-being of female members of the household, improving (...)
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  15.  12
    A father: puzzle.Sibylle Lacan - 2019 - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Edited by Adrian Nathan West & Sibylle Lacan.
    The daughter of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan tries to make sense of her relationship with her father. “When I was born, my father was already no longer there.” Sibylle Lacan's memoir of her father, the influential French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, is told through fragmentary, elliptical episodes, and describes a figure who had defined himself to her as much by his absence as by his presence. Sibylle was the second daughter and unhappy last child of Lacan's first (...)
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  16. A Case Study of Literary Therapy for Healthy Mother-Child Relationships in Unmarried Mothers – Focusing on the Question of the Absence of the Child’s Father and the Issue of the Acceptance of Heterosexual Relationships by Unmarried Mothers in Custody –. 정영미 & 김혜미 - 2024 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 14:85-125.
    본 연구는 출산 후 양육을 선택한 미혼모의 건강한 모자관계 형성을 위하여 설화를 활용한 문학치료 사례연구로 2시간씩 총 10회기로 진행하였다. 사용설화는 양육미혼모에게 이성이 생겼을 경우 모자의 결별 여부에 따라 와 를, 자녀가 아버지를 찾을 때는 자녀의 물음 수용여부에 따라 과 을 선정하여 진행하였다.연구는 4단계로, 1단계는 설화 감상 및 정서반응형 검사, 2단계는 이해가 가는 인물 및 거부감이 드는 인물과 그 이유, 3단계는 작품 이어쓰기를 통한 내담자의 변화 평가, 4단계는 재창작 및 책 표지 그리기로 진행하였다.연구결과, 문학치료를 통해 양육미혼모에게 이성이 생겼을 경우에는 자녀에게 수용받고 (...)
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  17.  54
    Male-female differences in effects of parental absence on glucocorticoid stress response.Mark V. Flinn, Robert J. Quinlan, Seamus A. Decker, Mark T. Turner & Barry G. England - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (2):125-162.
    This study examines the family environments and hormone profiles of 316 individuals aged 2 months-58 years residing in a rural village on the east coast of Dominica, a former British colony in the West Indies. Fieldwork was conducted over an eight-year period (1988–1995). Research methods and techniques include radioimmunoassay of cortisol and testosterone from saliva samples (N=22,340), residence histories, behavioral observations of family interactions, extensive ethnographic interview and participant observation, psychological questionnaires, and medical examinations.Analyses of data indicate complex, sex-specific effects (...)
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  18.  66
    Father of the Logos.Michael Davis - 2003 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (2):169-187.
    The three sorts of soul in Aristotle’s On Soul (nutritive, animal, and cognitive) may be understood as one insofar as each must go out of itself in order to confirm itself as itself. This feature of soul, without which there would be no distinction between inside and outside at all, proves to be the underlying theme of the Nicomachean Ethics. It is at the core of both moral virtue and intellectual virtue and points as well to the principle of their (...)
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  19.  30
    Family background and female sexual behavior.Sara Grainger - 2004 - Human Nature 15 (2):133-145.
    Since the seminal works of Draper and Harpending (1982) and Belsky et al. (1991) there has been considerable interest in the link between the family environment experienced as a child and consequent mating and reproductive strategy of females. In this paper, predictions from the hypothesis were tested using postal survey data from a cross-section of 415 women in Merseyside, UK. No relationships were found between father-absence, unrelated male-presence, parental divorce or parental death with age at first coitus, number (...)
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  20.  59
    Silence and Absence: Feminist Philosophical Implications of Mormonism’s Heavenly Mother.Taylor G. Petrey - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):57-68.
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints affirms the existence of a divine woman, a Heavenly Mother as a companion to a Heavenly Father. Feminist philosophers of religion have argued for the importance of a divine feminine as a challenge to patriarchal religion, yet the Heavenly Mother tradition has not created an egalitarian religion in Mormonism. Mormon feminists have charged that relative silence about this teaching is a primary cause of this discrepancy. This paper explores the performative dynamics (...)
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  21.  28
    Effect of household structure on female reproductive strategies in a Caribbean village.Robert J. Quinlan - 2001 - Human Nature 12 (3):169-189.
    Household structure may have strong effects on reproduction. This study uses household demographic data for 59 women in a Caribbean village to test evolutionary hypotheses concerning variation in reproductive strategies. Father-absence during childhood, current household composition, and household economic status are predicted to influence age at first birth, number of mates, reproductive success, and pair-bond stability. Criterion variables did not associate in a manner indicative of r- and K-strategies. Father-absence in early childhood had little influence on (...)
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  22.  28
    A fatherless South Africa: The importance of missional parenting and the role of the church.Fazel E. Freeks - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    This article employs descriptive and explorative methods concerning father absence and missional parenting. It identifies numerous ramifications caused by father absence and the failing role of men. Father absence has been a serious social issue in South Africa, which has become more tenacious in post-colonial South Africa because of economic reasons, untold fatherhood, refused fatherhood, fatherhood accountability, divorce and dissolution of households. This social issue influenced and affected both family and society dysfunction and created (...)
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  23.  27
    The sorrow that dare not say its name: The inadequate father, the motor of history.Patrick Madigan - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):739-750.
    Although the following essay is literary-philosophical, it arose from a practical interest. I have been struck by how widespread today is the complaint about the ‘inadequate father’. Of course a father may be inadequate in diverse ways, either absconding, absent and weak, or overbearing, bullying, and tyrannical, or some combination of these. Further, I am not restricting the term ‘father’ to its narrow biological sense, but using it rather as a metaphor for any institution or structure which (...)
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  24.  34
    Introduction to “Coping with Environmental Risk and Uncertainty: Individual and Cultural Responses”. [REVIEW]Carol R. Ember - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (1):1-4.
    The papers in this special issue of Human Nature collectively consider societal and individual responses to a wide variety of environmental and social risks. The first paper considers societal level effects of pathogen risk on collectivism and conformity, avoidance of outsiders, and in-group loyalty in a worldwide cross-cultural sample. The second deals with societal-level effects of resource unpredictability on the nature and conduct of warfare in eastern Africa. The third deals with effects of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and mediating factors (...)
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  25.  50
    Evolutionary pathway of child development.Tamas Bereczkei & Andras Csanaky - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (3):257-280.
    An evolutionary theory of socialization suggests that children from father-absent families will mature earlier, and form less-stable pair bonds, compared with those from father-present families. Using a sample of about 1,000 persons the recent study focuses on elements of father-absent children’s behavior that could be better explained by a Darwinian approach than by rival social science theories. As a result of their enhanced interest in male competition, father-absent boys were found to engage in rule-breaking behavior more (...)
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  26.  80
    Early stress predicts age at menarche and first birth, adult attachment, and expected lifespan.James S. Chisholm, Julie A. Quinlivan, Rodney W. Petersen & David A. Coall - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (3):233-265.
    Life history theory suggests that in risky and uncertain environments the optimal reproductive strategy is to reproduce early in order to maximize the probability of leaving any descendants at all. The fact that early menarche facilitates early reproduction provides an adaptationist rationale for our first two hypotheses: that women who experience more risky and uncertain environments early in life would have (1) earlier menarche and (2) earlier first births than women who experience less stress at an early age. Attachment theory (...)
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  27.  21
    Gender-based violence as a destructive form of warfare against families: A practical theological response.Fazel E. Freeks - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    War is an appalling crisis and destructive force on human dignity and life. War was permitted in biblical times at the hand of God, with disastrous consequences for the nations of the Ancient World. The current war between Ukraine and Russia is fast becoming a global catastrophe, with the threat of World War III looming. Warfare destroys families, and families are vital units God instituted in society. The critical issue addressed in this article is the ruining effects of gender-based violence (...)
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  28.  29
    Parent and offspring strategies in the transition at adolescence.Michele K. Surbey - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (1):67-94.
    Adolescence signifies a transition from the use of prereproductive to reproductive strategies in the life history of Homo sapiens. Insofar as human generations overlap, events at adolescence, surrounding the onset of puberty, offer a unique glimpse into human adaptation from the point of view of the changing strategies of both parents and offspring. The timing of puberty is an important life history trait that varies between species, but also between and within the sexes in human beings. The onset of puberty (...)
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  29.  29
    Adolescentes que vivenciam a ausência paterna temporária: características pessoais e planos em relação ao futuro.Ilciane Maria Sganzerla & Daniela Centenaro Levandowski - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:81-95.
    O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar características mencionadas por adolescentes do sexo feminino, em avaliação para psicoterapia, acerca de si mesmas, bem como seus planos em relação ao futuro. Participaram do estudo cinco adolescentes de 13 a 17 anos, que vivenciavam em seus contextos familiares a..
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  30.  20
    (1 other version)Nihilism and Emancipation: Ethics, Politics, and Law.Gianni Vattimo (ed.) - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    A daring marriage of philosophical theory and practical politics, this collection is the first of Gianni Vattimo's many books to combine his intellectual pursuits with his public and political life. Vattimo is a paradoxical figure, at once a believing Christian and a vociferous critic of the Catholic Church, an outspoken liberal but not a former communist, and a recognized authority on Nietzsche and Heidegger as well as a prominent public intellectual and member of the European parliament. Building on his unique (...)
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    Nihilism and Emancipation: Ethics, Politics, and Law.Santiago Zabala (ed.) - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    A daring marriage of philosophical theory and practical politics, this collection is the first of Gianni Vattimo's many books to combine his intellectual pursuits with his public and political life. Vattimo is a paradoxical figure, at once a believing Christian and a vociferous critic of the Catholic Church, an outspoken liberal but not a former communist, and a recognized authority on Nietzsche and Heidegger as well as a prominent public intellectual and member of the European parliament. Building on his unique (...)
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  32.  35
    Aristophanes’ Ecclesiazvsae and the Remaking of the Πατριοσ Πολιτεια.Alan Sheppard - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):463-483.
    Ecclesiazusae, the first surviving work of Aristophanes from the fourth centuryb.c.e., has often been dismissed as an example of Aristophanes’ declining powers and categorized as being less directly rooted in politics than its fifth-century predecessors owing to the after-effects of Athens’ defeat in the Peloponnesian War. Arguing against this perception, which was largely based on the absence of ad hominem attacks characterizing Aristophanes’ earlier works, this paper explores howEcclesiazusaeengages with contemporary post-war Athenian politics in a manner which, while different (...)
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  33.  68
    The representation of the shoah in Maus: History as psychology.Janet Thormann - 2002 - Res Publica 8 (2):123-139.
    The contemporary tendency in United States culture to substitute a discourse of psychology for political and social analysis is especially evident in treatments of the Shoah. Drawing on postmodernist techniques, Art Spiegelman's“Holocaust commix”, Maus, dramatizes not historical reality but the effort of representing the memory of trauma. In the absence of symbolic authority, suffering from rivalry with his father and haunted by the real of the father's voice, the son becomes the subject of the narration. Like Maus, (...)
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  34.  50
    Back in the Cave of the Cyclops.Pura Nieto Hernandez - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (3):345-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Back in the Cave of the CyclopsPura Nieto HernándezIt is many years now since Denys Page (1955) demonstrated how the story of the Cyclops, as presented in book 9 of the Odyssey, is the product of a conflation of two distinct folklore themes that are well attested over a wide geographical area: on the one hand, that of the ogre-type giant who devours human flesh and is, in the (...)
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  35. THIS IS NICE OF YOU. Introduction by Ben Segal.Gary Lutz - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):43-51.
    Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Currently available in the collection I Looked Alive . © 2010 The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions | ISBN 978-1934029-07-7 Originally published 2003 Four Walls Eight Windows. continent. 1.1 (2011): 43-51. Introduction Ben Segal What interests me is instigated language, language dishabituated from its ordinary doings, language startled by itself. I don't know where that sort of interest locates me, or leaves me, but a lot of the books I see in the stores (...)
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  36.  17
    Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives From Psychoanalytic Gender Theory.Bruce Reis & Robert Grossmark (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    In recent years there have been substantial changes in approaches to how genders are made and what functions genders fulfill. Most of the scholarly focus in this area has been in the areas of feminist, gay, and lesbian studies, and heterosexual masculinity - which tended to be defined by lack and absence - has not received the critical and scholarly attention these other areas have received. _Heterosexual Masculinities _rethinks a psychoanalytic tradition that has long thought of masculinity as a (...)
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    Image and Silence.Giorgio Agamben & Leland de la Durantaye - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (2):94-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Image and SilenceGiorgio AgambenTranslated by Leland de la Durantaye (bio)[End Page 94]In the Roman pantheon there is a goddess named Angerona, represented with her mouth bound and sealed (ore obligato signatoque).1 Her finger is raised to her lips as if to command silence. Scholars claim that she represents, in the context of pagan mystery cults, the power of silence, although there is no consensus among them as to how (...)
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  38.  19
    Adolessente se ervaring binne ’n lesbiese ouerhuis: ’n Pastorale-Gestaltteoretiese hulpverlening.Belinda Van der Vlies, Herman B. Grobler & Rudy A. Denton - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    The article describes the development of adolescents for a sense of self in a lesbian home, in order to compile guidelines for lesbian parents as well as pastoral counsellors to help and guide adolescents to develop a healthy sense of self. From the research results, it appears that there are certain positive and negative aspects of a lesbian home that influence adolescents’ sense of self. Where both parents are involved with the adolescents, share household duties equally and have a quality (...)
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  39. Epicureanism at the origins of modernity.Catherine Wilson - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This landmark study examines the role played by the rediscovery of the writings of the ancient atomists, Epicurus and Lucretius, in the articulation of the major philosophical systems of the seventeenth century, and, more broadly, their influence on the evolution of natural science and moral and political philosophy. The target of sustained and trenchant philosophical criticism by Cicero, and of opprobrium by the Christian Fathers of the early Church, for its unflinching commitment to the absence of divine supervision and (...)
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    Prisoner of History: Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition (review).Sarah B. Pomeroy - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):648-651.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prisoner of History: Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical TraditionSarah B. PomeroyMadeleine M. Henry. Prisoner of History: Aspasia of Miletus and Her Biographical Tradition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 201 pp. Cloth, $29.95.Pericles declared that the best women are those who are known neither for praise nor blame (Thuc. 2.45.2). Despite the invisibility of respectable women in fifth-century Athens, skeletal biographies including the names of (...)
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    Surrogate decision making in crisis.Bianca Jackson, Kirsty Horsey & Andrew Spearman - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):297-298.
    The case states that a male same-sex couple entered into a surrogacy arrangement with an unrelated surrogate using donor sperm and the surrogate’s eggs. M is the legal mother pursuant to s33 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. Though the facts tell us that there was no legally binding arrangement, this is in fact the position of the law: under s1A Surrogacy Arrangements Act, no surrogacy arrangements can ever be binding on the parties. It is not clear whether (...)
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  42.  72
    Parental obligation and compelled caesarean section: careful analogies and reliable reasoning about individual cases.Elselijn Kingma & Lindsey Porter - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):280-286.
    Whether it is morally permissible to compel women to undergo a caesarean section is a topic of longstanding debate. Despite plenty of arguments against the moral permissibility of a forced caesarean section, the question keeps cropping up. This paper seeks to scrutinise a particular moral argument in favour of compulsion: the appeal to parental obligation. We present what we take to be a distillation of the basic form of this argument. We then argue that, in the absence of an (...)
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    Sophocles’s Enemy Sisters: Antigone and Ismene.Wm Blake Tyrrell & Larry J. Bennett - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:1-18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sophocles’s Enemy Sisters: Antigone and IsmeneWm. Blake Tyrrell (bio) and Larry J. BennettAt the core of the Oedipus myth, as Sophocles presents it, is the proposition that all masculine relationships are based on reciprocal acts of violence. Laius, taking his cue from the oracle, violently rejects Oedipus out of fear that his son will seize his throne and invade his conjugal bed. Oedipus, taking his cue from the oracle, (...)
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    Fictions of Sappho.Joan DeJean - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (4):787-805.
    I would like to end this questioning of canonical origins by returning to my point of departure, [Lawrence] Lipking’s notion of a “poetics of abandonment.” Lipking’s article was included in an issue of Critical Inquiry entitled Canons, in which it seemingly was held to represent a feminist perspective on canon formation. Lipking centers his attention on literary theory, a domain that has been granted new prominence, sometimes even the status of literature, in the most recent reformulation of the canon. It (...)
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    The wrath of poseidon.P. Murgatroyd - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):444-448.
    There is a major problem in connection with the wrath of Poseidon in Homer's Odyssey. We are told by Homer and Zeus that Poseidon raged continually against the hero from the time that the Cyclops was blinded until Odysseus reached Ithaca; and, when back on Ithaca the man complains to Athena about her absence and lack of help during the whole period of his wanderings after the fall of Troy, she says at 13.341-3 that she was avoiding confrontation with (...)
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    Desire is Mimetic: A Clinical Approach.Jean-Michel Oughourlian - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):43-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Desire is Mimetic: A Clinical Approach Jean-Michel Oughourlian Université de Besançon, American Hospital ofParis What is the clinical expression ofmimetic desire? Rivalry. What I see every day in my practice is not mimicking, nor copying, nor learning; it is rivalry. Rivalry is recurrent, it repeats itself. The repetition syndrome identified by psychoanalysis is mimetic for two reasons: 1) because it is always the clinical expression of a rivalry and (...)
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  47.  16
    An Extraordinary Theme in Classical Arabic Elegy Poetry: Joint-Presentation of Condolence and Celebration.Mehmet Şirin Aladağ - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):107-143.
    Mankind have lamented for their deaths since their existence, wept for them and written poems and proses to utter their sorrows. Thus, history of lamenting goes back as far as the pain and tragedies occurring in their lives. Although it is challenging to determine the date of first elegy poem, it can be said that elegiac is one of the oldest genres among the poems. Sadness and joy are the two important emotions in human nature. Humans mostly experience two feelings (...)
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    Veils: The Poetics of John Rawls.George Armstrong Kelly - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):343-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Veils: The Poetics of John Rawls*George Armstrong KellyPlutarch recounts in Sais, a holy place of Egypt, the image of Isis, understood by the Greeks to be a version of Pallas Athena, bore the inscription: “I am everything that has been, that is, and that shall ever be: no human mortal has discovered me behind my veil.” 1 This recalls a very different god, Yahweh, whose claim is also to (...)
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    Against age limits for men in reproductive care.Steven R. Piek, Andrea Martani & Guido Pennings - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (3):299-307.
    Almost all countries and fertility clinics impose age limits on women who want to become pregnant through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Age limits for aspiring fathers, however, are much less common and remain a topic of debate. This article departs from the principle of reproductive autonomy and a conditional positive right to receive ART, and asks whether there are convincing arguments to also impose age limits on aspiring fathers. After considering three consequentialist approaches to justifying age limits for aspiring fathers, (...)
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    Ease of Care.Travis Cearley - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ease of CareTravis CearleyRoughly nine years ago, I was deer hunting on a friend's property just outside of Canaan, Missouri, where he had graciously provided me access to one of his premier tree stands. It was early in bow season and even though the calendar had suggested it was Autumn, the weather mirrored a classic Missouri August morning, muggy and thick. Dressed in my lightest hunting gear, I had (...)
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