Results for 'Faruk Kaya'

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  1. How religious identity affects life satisfaction of Afghan immigrants in Turkey: The role of social support and discrimination.Abdurrahim Güler, Faruk Kaya, Akif Öztürk, Ceren Avcil & Alperen Kayserili - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    This study investigates the relationship between religious identity and life satisfaction, exploring the potential mediating roles of perceived social support and perceived discrimination. The study included 182 Afghan immigrants (age range: 18–65 years, with mean age = 29.73 ± 9.16) residing in Agri, Turkey. They completed self-reported measures of religious identity, perceived social support, perceived discrimination, and life satisfaction using a paper-and-pencil format. The results suggest that religious identity is positively associated with perceived social support and negatively associated with perceived (...)
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    William James'te İnancın Rasyonelliği.Ömer Faruk Erdem - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:3):1355-1375.
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    Conceptual, Historical and Practical Aspects of Apostasy and Freedom of Belief.Faruk Sancar & Rıza Korkmazgöz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):404-421.
    The rapid change in the world after the Enlightenment not only brought about revolutionary scientific and technological innovations, but also opened the door to important transformations in the context of thought. Especially with the wind created by the French Revolution, some concepts such as equality, fraternity, and justice, which were already in circulation before, came to the fore even more. One of the concepts that was magnified in this process was freedom. The concept manifested itself in philosophy as an understanding (...)
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    İktisat Kaynağı Olarak Hisbe Literatürü Ve Yahya B. Ömer El Endülüsi'nin Ahk'mu's-sûk Adlı Eseri.Faruk Bal - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):133-133.
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    Bir Eğitim Tarihi Kaynağı Olarak Giresun Şeriye Sicilleri: Tereke Kayıtlarına Yansıyan Kitaplar.Faruk DOĞAN - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 9):153-153.
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    Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Çevre Sorunlarına İlişkin Algıları: Metafor Analizi Örneği.Mehmet Fatih Kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):917-917.
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    Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenlerinin Başarı Algılarının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Nitel Bir Çalışma.Mehmet Fatih Kaya - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 15):563-563.
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    Osmanlı Hamam Mimarisine Karabük Eskipazar'dan Yeni Örnekler II.Lütfiye Göktaş Kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):577-577.
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    Another Aspect of Translation: Metamorphosis.Faruk GÜRBÜZ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1449-1469.
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    A Point Of Agreements For Protection And Developing Turkish Language.Faruk GÜRBÜZ - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:409-437.
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    Faiza Ambah's Mariam and the Embodied Politics of Veiling in France.Kaya Davies Hayon - 2019 - Paragraph 42 (3):333-350.
    This article argues that Mariam uses its eponymous heroine's lived and embodied experiences of veiling to explore the impact of French secular legislation on Muslim schoolgirls' everyday lives in F...
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    Konya In Ottoman Perıod Sufıs And Scholars As A Founder And A Boss.Yasar Sari̇kaya - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:162-195.
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    Kadın’ın Varlıksal Değeri ve Toplumdaki Varoluşuna Dair Alternatif Bir Düşünce: Ali Şeriati Örneği.Faruk Toy - 2024 - Nous Academy Journal 3:32-47.
    Kadınların, tarih boyunca çocukların eğitimi ve kültürel değerlerin aktarımı gibi önemli roller üstlenmelerinin yanı sıra aynı zamanda toplumun vazgeçilmez bir unsuru oldukları yadsınamaz bir vakıadır. Buna rağmen, günümüz bazı aile ya da toplumlarında olduğu gibi tarihin birçok döneminde de erkeğin gölgesinde kalmış ve öteki olarak lanse edilip ikincil konumda olmuştur. Bununla beraber büyük ölçüde sosyal hayattan soyutlanmış ve özgürlüğü kısıtlanıp etkisizleştirilmesine rağmen toplumsal düzenin sağlanması gibi birçok sorumluluk yine kadına yüklenmiştir. Bu durumu uzun yıllar boyunca bir alın yazısı olarak telakki (...)
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  14. Biobanking and risk assessment: a comprehensive typology of risks for an adaptive risk governance.Kaya Akyüz, Olga Tzortzatou, Łukasz Kozera, Melanie Goisauf, Signe Mezinska, Gauthier Chassang & Michaela Th Mayrhofer - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-28.
    Biobanks act as the custodians for the access to and responsible use of human biological samples and related data that have been generously donated by individuals to serve the public interest and scientific advances in the health research realm. Risk assessment has become a daily practice for biobanks and has been discussed from different perspectives. This paper aims to provide a literature review on risk assessment in order to put together a comprehensive typology of diverse risks biobanks could potentially face. (...)
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    Günahlarımızda yıkandık: örneklerle gazetecilik meslek etiği.Faruk Bildirici - 2018 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
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  16. Bir Çağdaşlaşma/Çağdaşlaşamama Projesi: Bir Deneme.Faruk Birtek - 1998 - Cogito 15:170-184.
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    Arap Dilinde İz'fet Kavramı, Çeşitleri Ve Türk Dilindeki Karşılığı (Bir Muk'yeseli Gramer Çalışması.Mehmet Faruk ÇİFÇİ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):311-311.
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    The Comparation Of Two Stories From The Aspect Of Existans And Time: “On İkiye Bir Var” And “İnsanlar ve Saatler”.Ahmet Faruk Güler - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1204-1209.
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    Ulusal Televizyon Kanallarında Engelli Hakları.Ömer Faruk Sönmez - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):2073-2073.
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    Thoughts of Teachers About the Effect of Readiness Level of the Students on Education Progress.Fatih Kaya Mehmet - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:737-754.
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  21. Karaca-Sucu Göçmenler İÇi̇N Psi̇Ko-Sosyal Uyum Ölçeği̇.Faruk Karaca & Gülistan Sucu - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 62:146-157.
    Uyum konusu gerek sosyal psikolojinin gerekse sosyolojinin önemli konularından biridir. Göç, yerleşik kültürlerde birçok faktörün etkili olduğu psiko-sosyal uyum olgusunu derinden etkileyen faktörlerdendir. Literatürde az da olsa uyum konusunda işlevsel ölçek bulunmakla birlikte göçmenler üzerinde kullanılabilecek ölçekler yok denecek kadar az sayıdadır. Göçmenlere ulaşmanın güçlüğü, dil yeterliliği ve göçmenlerin tecrübi araştırmalara katılmaya kolay ikna olmaması gibi nedenler; göç deneyimi yaşayan bireylerle yapılacak çalışmalarda kullanılabilecek ölçeklerin az sayıda olmasının başlıca nedenlerindendir. Çalışmada görece uzun bir zaman dilimi farklı bir kültürde yaşayan göçmenlerin (...)
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    Devlet Ve Özel Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Umutsuzluk Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi Ve Çeşitli Değişkenlerle İl.İbrahim Yerli̇kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):865-865.
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    İlköğretim 3. Sınıf Öğrencilerine Soyut.Kaya Yilmaz - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):895-921.
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    The Place Of Husein [Karasayevich] Karasayev And Konstantin [Kuzmich] Yudahin In Kyrgyz Lexicography.Faruk ÖZTÜRK - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2643-2654.
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    Dual-Use in Cybersecurity Research. Towards a New Culture of Research Ethics.Kaya Cassing & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2024 - In Elisabeth Ehrensperger, Jeannette Behringer, Michael Decker, Bert Droste-Franke, Nils B. Heyen, Mashid Sotoudeh & Birgit Weimert (eds.), Gestreamt, gelikt, flüchtig – schöne neue Kulturwelt? Digitalisierung und Kultur im Licht der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Baden-Baden: Nomos. pp. 349-359.
    The fact that information and communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly shape our online and offline lifeworlds has lead to the emergence of a new societal threat in the form of vulnerabilities in critical ICT systems that may be exploited by malicious actors. Cybersecurity researchers work on finding such vulnerabilities and on identifying new attack vectors, i.e. they systematically step into the role of attackers. Normatively, however, the goal of this research is to strengthen ICTs against cyberattacks and, thus, to reduce the (...)
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    Determination of Primary Education Secondary Stage Students’ Map Skill Levels.Faruk Sönmez Ömer - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1905-1924.
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    Abraham Cahanın Davıd Levınsky Adlı Romanına Yeni Tarihselci Bir Çalışma.Faruk Kalay - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):539-539.
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  28. Image of the Presidency of Religious Affairs: A Study on Media Columnists’ Perception of Religious Affairs.Faruk Yazar, M. Fatih Turanalp & Nuri Paşa Özer - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (60):134-148.
    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı teşkilatı kurumsal olarak Türk medyasında en çok tartışılan kurumlar arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çerçevede Diyanet teşkilatının kamuoyunda nasıl algılandığı ve nasıl bir imaja sahip olduğu önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada köşe yazarlarının yazdığı yazılar üzerinden Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın imajının medyada nasıl algılandığı araştırılmıştır. Nicel içerik analizi yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada iki aşamalı akış kuramı temelinde köşe yazarları kanaat önderi olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırma, 2013-2022 yıllarını kapsayan 10 yıllık bir veri setinde kota örneklemesi ve maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesi uygulanarak Diyanet İşleri (...)
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    Karaca Umre Motivasyonları ve Etkileri Ölçeği.Karaca Faruk - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 7):315-315.
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    Looking at the Social Aspects of Nature of Science in Science Education Through a New Lens.Sila Kaya, Sibel Erduran, Naomi Birdthistle & Orla McCormack - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (5-6):457-478.
    Particular social aspects of the nature of science, such as economics of, and entrepreneurship in science, are understudied in science education research. It is not surprising then that the practical applications, such as lesson resources and teaching materials, are scarce. The key aims of this article are to synthesize perspectives from the literature on economics of science, entrepreneurship, NOS, and science education in order to have a better understanding of how science works in society and illustrate how such a synthesis (...)
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  31. Mahmut Kelpetin, İsl'm Öncesi Güney ve Kuzey Arabistan, Kuramer Yay., İstanbul 2016.Asım Sarıkaya - 2017 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 48:299-303.
    Tarih ilmi bir bütünlük ve süreklilik arz eder. Bir olay hakkında başlangıç ve bitiş tarihlendirmeleri izâfidir. Dolayısıyla olayın başlangıcı kabul edilen tarih öncesi bir doğuş ve gelişme sürecinin olduğu, aynı şekilde olayın bittiği zannedilen dönemde de etkilerinin bazen yıllarca devam ettiği görülmektedir. Ancak gerek araştırmacı gerekse okuyucu dikkate alınarak, araştırmanın kolaylaştırılması, derinliği/vukûfiyeti arttırma, anlama, anlamlandırmayı kolaylaştırma gibi sebep ve amaçlar göz önüne alınarak tarih, kısımlara ayrılmıştır. Tarihin kısımlara ayrılmasında savaşlar, bir devletin doğuşu veya yıkılışı gibi dönemin siyasî, sosyal veya dinî (...)
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    The development of the Professional Values Model in Nursing.Ayla Kaya & İlkay Boz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):914-923.
    One of the most important criteria for professionalism is accumulation of knowledge that is usable in professional practice. Nursing models and theories are important elements of accumulating nursing knowledge and have a chance to guarantee the ethical professional practice. In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of models in nursing research and newly created terminology has started to be used in nursing. In this study, a new model, termed as the Professional Values Model, developed by the (...)
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    Coğrafya Öğretmen Adaylarının Stres Kaynakları.Mehmet Fatih Kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 1):235-235.
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    An Integrative Review of the Influence of Expectancies on Pain.Kaya J. Peerdeman, Antoinette I. M. Van Laarhoven, Madelon L. Peters & Andrea W. M. Evers - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Dynamic Logic of Data-Informed Knowledge.Kaya Deuser, Junli Jiang, Pavel Naumov & Wenxuan Zhang - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (2):521-557.
    With agents relying more and more on information from central servers rather than their own sensors, knowledge becomes property not of a specific agent but of the data that the agents can access. The article proposes a dynamic logic of data-informed knowledge that describes an interplay between three modalities and one relation capturing the properties of this form of knowledge. The main technical results are the undefinability of two dynamic operators through each other, a sound and complete axiomatisation, and a (...)
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  36. Postmodernism and its Challenge to the Discipline of History: Implications for History Education.Kaya Yilmaz - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (7):779-795.
    There is a confusion over and inchoate understanding of how the past is made understandable through postmodernist historical orientation. The purpose of the article is to outline the characteristic features of the postmodernist movement in social sciences, to explain its confrontation with history, to document its critique of the conventional practice of history, and to discuss its implications for history education. The postmodernist challenge to the foundations of the discipline of history is elucidated with an emphasis on its epistemological underpinnings. (...)
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    The Legal Nature of The Ta‘ātī Took Place After The Void/Bāṭil and Invalid/Fāsid Sales Contract in Ḥanafī Legal Thought.Ünal Yerli̇kaya - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1095-1121.
    In Ḥanafī legal thought, ta‘ātī (mutual delivery of goods and price) has been seen as a sales contract without the need for an additional legal transaction. This situation raises the question of whether the delivery transaction took place after a void (bāṭil) or invalid (fāsid) sales contract can be considered as a new contract that is revealed through ta‘ātī. In this study, which we aim to answer the aforementioned question, first of all, the issue of what kind of relationship is (...)
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    Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Okul İklimine Yönelik Algılarını Yordayan Değişkenlerin.Ömer Faruk Tavşanli - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 9):821-821.
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    Hilmi Yavuz'un Doğu Şiirleri'ne Toplumcu Gerçekçi Bir Yaklaşım.Ömer Faruk Karataş - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1157-1157.
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    José Saramago'nun Din Eleştirileri Üzerine Bir Analiz.Ömer Faruk Erdem - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:3):797-818.
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    On The Data From Some Secret Languages In Derleme Sözlüğü.Yildirim Faruk - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:565-578.
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    The Nature and Legal Grounds of Islamic Family Foundations: A Critical Approach to Legal Discussions in Fıqh Perspective.Münir Yaşar Kaya - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):311-330.
    The foundation (waqf), which is a charity institution that was able to find an application area since the emergence of Islam, has developed over time in Islamic societies and has become a common institution. In the Ottoman Empire, these institutions had incorporated different services into its structure. This expansion has also led to the establishment of many different types and purposes of foundations such as charities; family, animal care, hospice, foodbank and educational institutions and mosques. Types of foundations in which (...)
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    Would a Feminist Appropriation of the Kantian Thought be Possible?Özlem Duva Kaya - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):110-126.
    It is one of the main allegations impelled by feminist theorists against Kant's philosophy that the subject Kant placed at the base of his understanding of rationality is masculine, a Westerner and belongs to upper/middle class. In fact, there is considerable supporting evidence to promote this claim for mainstream Western philosophy in general and Kant's philosophy in particular. On the other hand, while reckoning with the history of philosophy, and examining whether it is possible to break away from philosophical concepts (...)
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    On composition of bounded-recall plans.Kaya Deuser & Pavel Naumov - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103399.
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    Ekphrastic Expression of Western Painting and Cultural In-Betweenness in Evliy' Çelebi’s Seyahatn'me (The Book of Travels).Nilay Kaya - 2022 - Culture and Dialogue 10 (2):143-157.
    Ekphrasis, a part of the ancient Greek and Roman rhetorical practices, is, in its most basic sense, the verbal expression of a visual object. Since the description of Achilles’ shield in Homer’s Iliad, ekphrasis has been a literary practice used for the portrayal of visual artworks through fiction and poetry, as well as in prose written in history, art criticism and travelogues. Ekphrasis is a convenient literary tool for analysing the author’s treatment of the object depicted. Ekphrastic studies enable the (...)
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    Gazzâlî konuşmaları.M. Cüneyt Kaya (ed.) - 2012 - İstanbul: Küre yayınları.
  47. It is possible to develop the professional values of nurses.Ayla Kaya & Ayşegül Işler Dalgiç - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (4):515-528.
    Background: The awareness and development of professional values affect the quality of nursing care. This study is the first interventional study conducted to develop the professional values of nurses in a clinical setting. Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of a structured Professional Values Development Programme on the development of the professional values of nurses. Research design: This study was a non-randomised controlled trial that measured with pre-test and post-test. Data were collected by using an (...)
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  48. Necati Öner ve günümüz türk felsefesine katkıları.Mine Kaya Keha - 2022 - Ankara: Fenomen Yayıncılık.
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    The Drama of Ekphrastic Affect: Sculpture in Evliy' Çelebi's The Book of Travels.Nilay Kaya - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (4):99-110.
    Evliyâ Çelebi, who wrote accounts of his travels that lasted over forty years, was an enlightened Ottoman saraylı, a courtier as his name çelebi indicates. Seyahatnâme, a ten-volume, first-person narrative, is one of the few accounts of the seventeenth-century Ottoman world and its periphery from the perspective of a Muslim intellectual. Robert Dankoff states, "The Book of Travels is a unique geographical, social, cultural, and linguistic record of the places and peoples the author encountered, and an invaluable source for many (...)
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    Why Global Inequality Matters: Derivative Global Egalitarianism.Ayse Kaya & Andrej Keba - 2011 - Journal of International Political Theory 7 (2):140-164.
    This article integrates empirical and normative discussions about why global economic inequalities matter in critically examining an approach known as derivative global egalitarianism (DGE). DGE is a burgeoning perspective that opposes excessive global economic inequality not based on the intrinsic value of equality but inequality's negative repercussions on other values. The article aims to advance the research agenda by identifying and critically evaluating four primary varieties of DGE arguments from related but distinct literatures, which span a number of disciplines, including (...)
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