Results for 'Family caregiver'

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  1.  34
    Family Caregiving and the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty.Richard L. Kaplan - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):629-635.
    The United States relies on uncompensated family caregivers to provide most of the long-term care required by older adults as they age. But such care comes at a significant financial cost to these caregivers in the form of lower lifetime earnings and diminished Social Security retirement benefits, ineligibility for Medicare coverage of their healthcare costs, and minimal retirement savings. To reduce the impact of uncompensated caregiving on the intergenerational transmission of poverty, this paper discusses three possible mechanisms of compensating (...)
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    Family caregivers’ role in dignity of people with schizophrenia: A qualitative study.Elham Amiri, Hossein Ebrahimi, Hossein Habibzadeh & Rahim Baghaei - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: When patients with schizophrenia feel a lack of dignity, their sense of worth is weakened and they are more likely to feel like a burden to their family. In this regard, families play a vital role in supporting the patient, who can effectively contribute to preserving their dignity. The concept of understanding the role of families in the patients’ dignity is influenced by various factors. Still, there is limited knowledge in this domain in the sociocultural context of Iran. (...)
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    Information disclosure to family caregivers: Applying Thiroux's framework.John Rowe - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (4):435-444.
    In the UK, community care has led to more complex relationships for mental health nurses. They need to respect the rights of service users to confidentiality while also respecting the rights of family caregivers to information that directly affects them. An unsatisfactory situation has arisen in which utilitarian and legally driven motives have seen family caregivers’ interests become subsidiary to those of service users and providers. An ethical case is made for sharing information with family caregivers, even (...)
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    How family caregivers' medical and moral assumptions influence decision making for patients in the vegetative state: a qualitative interview study.Katja Kuehlmeyer, Gian Domenico Borasio & Ralf J. Jox - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):332-337.
    Background Decisions on limiting life-sustaining treatment for patients in the vegetative state (VS) are emotionally and morally challenging. In Germany, doctors have to discuss, together with the legal surrogate (often a family member), whether the proposed treatment is in accordance with the patient's will. However, it is unknown whether family members of the patient in the VS actually base their decisions on the patient's wishes. Objective To examine the role of advance directives, orally expressed wishes, or the presumed (...)
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    Family caregivers and the ethical relevance of moral identity.Mario Kropf & Martina Schmidhuber - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12670.
    Many people want to spend the last stages of their lives at home, in familiar surroundings, and possibly with people they know. However, this increasing desire on the part of older, ill, or even dying people also makes support from other people unavoidable, which in many cases involves family members, loved ones, or even friends. These family caregivers care for the person concerned, even though they lack the professional skills of nursing staff, for example, and have usually not (...)
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    Decent care and decent employment: family caregivers, migrant care workers and moral dilemmas.Daniella Arieli & Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (5):314-326.
    This paper examines moral dilemmas faced by family caregivers of older adults who employ live-in migrant care workers. Being both a family caregiver as well as an employer of a live-in migrant care worker often puts family members at a crossroad, where moral decisions must be made. Lacking a formal role, family members do not have a professional code of ethics or other clear rules that can guide their actions, and their choices are rooted in (...)
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  7.  52
    Aspects of indignity in nursing home residences as experienced by family caregivers.Dagfinn Nåden, Arne Rehnsfeldt, Maj-Britt Råholm, Lillemor Lindwall, Synnøve Caspari, Trygve Aasgaard, Åshild Slettebø, Berit Sæteren, Bente Høy, Britt Lillestø, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad & Vibeke Lohne - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (7):0969733012475253.
    The overall purpose of this cross-country Nordic study was to gain further knowledge about maintaining and promoting dignity in nursing home residents. The purpose of this article is to present results pertaining to the following question: How is nursing home residents’ dignity maintained, promoted or deprived from the perspective of family caregivers? In this article, we focus only on indignity in care. This study took place at six different nursing home residences in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Data collection methods (...)
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    In the last decade, the cases of breast and cervical cancer have been positioned at the top rank of cancer statistics worldwide. Consequently, many husbands become family caregivers (FCGs) and get the burden of cancer caregiving. Being blind and incompetent, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals (HCPs). To support them, HCPs provide various healthcare information to meet their needs. Further, their demand for a specific type of healthcare information may reflect their need for emotional support from the HCPs (...)
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  9. Examining the demanded healthcare information among family caregivers for catalyzing adaptation in female cancer: Insights from home-based cancer care.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Made Mahaguna Putra, Abigael Grace Prasetiani, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Adaptation and stress are two main concepts useful for better understanding the phases of illness and health-related human behavior. The two faces of adaptation, adaptation as a process and adaptation as a product, have raised the question of how long the adaptation process will take in cancer trajectories. The care setting transition from clinical-based into home-based cancer care has stressed the role of family caregivers (FCG) in cancer management. This study examines how types of demanded healthcare information affect the (...)
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  10. Understanding the Supportive Care Needs of Family Caregivers in Cancer Stress Management: The Significance of Healthcare Information.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Adrino Mazenda, Agustina Chriswinda Bura Mare, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cancer care has transitioned from clinical-based to home-based care to support longterm care in a more familiar and comfortable environment. This care transition has put family caregivers (FCGs) in a strategic position as care providers. Cancer care at home involves psychological and emotional treatment at some point, making FCGs deal with the stress of cancer patients frequently. Due to their limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer stress management. This study aims to examine how (...)
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  11.  22
    Nurses’, patients’, and family caregivers’ perceptions of compassionate nursing care.Banafsheh Tehranineshat, Mahnaz Rakhshan, Camellia Torabizadeh & Mohammad Fararouei - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1707-1720.
    Background: Compassion is the core of nursing care and the basis of ethical codes. Due to the complex and abstract nature of this concept, there is a need for further investigations to explore the meaning and identify compassionate nursing care. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe compassionate nursing care based on the experiences of nurses, patients, and family caregivers. Research design: This was a qualitative exploratory study. Data were analyzed using the conventional content analysis (...)
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  12.  7
    Death attitudes and truth disclosure: A survey of family caregivers of elders with terminal cancer in China.Yong Tang - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):1968-1975.
    Background: Although family caregivers play an important role in end-of-life care decisions, few studies have examined the communication between family caregivers and patients at the end of life. Objective: The objective was to describe family caregivers’ attitudes toward death, hospice, and truth disclosure. Research design: A quantitative method was used, and a closed-ended survey of 140 family caregivers was conducted in China. The subjects included 140 primary family caregivers of elders with terminal cancer enrolled at (...)
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  13.  28
    The impact on patients of objections by institutions to assisted dying: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions.Ben P. White, Ruthie Jeanneret, Eliana Close & Lindy Willmott - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Voluntary assisted dying became lawful in Victoria, the first Australian state to permit this practice, in 2019 via the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic). While conscientious objection by individual health professionals is protected by the Victorian legislation, objections by institutions are governed by policy. No research has been conducted in Victoria, and very little research conducted internationally, on how institutional objection is experienced by patients seeking assisted dying. Methods 28 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 family caregivers (...)
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  14.  21
    Beyond Private? Dementia, Family Caregiving and Public Health.Monique Lanoix - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (3-4):89-101.
    Le Forum économique mondial a qualifié la démence de l'une des plus grandes crises sanitaires mondiales du XXIe siècle. Dans cet article, je soutiens que les soins non rémunérés prodigués par la famille ou les proches des personnes atteintes de démence devraient être une question de santé publique. Shaji et Reddy l’ont proposé en 2012 dans le contexte des soins aux personnes atteintes de démence en Inde. Ils reconnaissent explicitement l’influence de l’article de Talley et Crews de 2007 sur la (...)
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  15. Taking care of one's own: Justice and family caregiving.Nancy S. Jecker - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (2):117-133.
    This paper asks whether adult children have aduty of justice to act as caregivers for theirfrail, elderly parents. I begin (Sections I.and II.) by locating the historical reasons whyrelationships within families were not thoughtto raise issues of justice. I argue that thesereasons are misguided. The paper next presentsspecific examples showing the relevance ofjustice to family relationships. I point outthat in the United States today, the burden ofcaregiving for dependent parents fallsdisproportionately on women (Sections III. andIV.). The paper goes on (...)
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  16. Assessing the needs of healthcare information for assisting family caregivers in cancer fear management: A mindsponge-based approach.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Made Mahaguna Putra, Pande Made Arbi Yudamuckti, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fear of cancer is mostly related to cancer recurrence, metastasis, additional cancer, and diagnostic tests. Its legacy as a lethal disease has raised fear of approaching death. Currently, cancer’s total suffering and the worsening phenomena have raised fear, especially among female patients. Family caregivers (FCGs) who are responsible for the day-to-day cancer care at home need to help the patients deal with this fear frequently. Due to the limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer (...)
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  17.  37
    Stories of family caregiving: Case studies in moral reasoning. [REVIEW]Suzanne Poirier & Lioness Ayres - 1991 - Journal of Medical Humanities 12 (3):97-110.
    Family relationships are complex, interdependent, multifactorial, cultural, and sociopolitical. In instances of family caregiving, the dynamics of these relationships influence the well-being of all members. This paper will address one dynamic of family relationships, moral reasoning, as set forth in the theories of Carol Gilligan. Gilligan's theories about two patterns of reasoning, based on the ethics of justice and care, will be examined within “stories” from fiction and interviews with family caregivers. This examination will raise issues (...)
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  18.  20
    Psychosocial Support in Liver Transplantation: A Dyadic Study With Patients and Their Family Caregivers.Sabrina Cipolletta, Lorenza Entilli, Massimo Nucci, Alessandra Feltrin, Giacomo Germani, Umberto Cillo & Biancarosa Volpe - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:461481.
    Background and aims: Liver transplantation provides an opportunity of survival for patients with liver failure, however, this procedure is known to be psychologically and physically fatiguing for patients and their informal caregivers. The aim of this study was to investigate how perceived social support and the distribution of dependency were associated with the psychological wellbeing of patients waiting for liver transplantation and their caregivers, as a dyad. Methods: The present was a cross sectional study. 95 participants were recruited at a (...)
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  19.  11
    End-of-life care at home: Dignity of family caregivers.Katrine Staats, Kristin Jeppestøl, Bente Egge Søvde, Bodil Aarmo Brenne & Anett Skorpen Tarberg - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):385-398.
    Background Healthcare services are increasingly being shifted to home settings for patients nearing end-of-life. Consequently, the burden on family caregivers is significant. Their vulnerable situation remains poorly understood and there is little information available regarding their experiences of dignity. Aim This study seeks to understand the experiences of family caregivers related to dignity and loss of dignity, aiming to provide a deeper insight into their situation when caring for a home-dwelling family member nearing end-of-life. Research design and (...)
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  20.  19
    Should Cash Subsidy Be Offered to Family Caregivers for the Elderly? The Case of Hong Kong.Ruiping Fan & Lawrence Y. Y. Yung - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):101-113.
    Hong Kong’s Covid-19 epidemic circumstances have given us a valuable opportunity to reflect on Hong Kong’s elderly care policies. This essay argues that Hong Kong should learn from the West and provide a subsidy to family caregivers for proper elderly care. We rebut the social and moralistic reasons for not introducing such a subsidy in Hong Kong. We indicate that providing cash subsidy to family caregivers does not monetize or tarnish Confucian filial obligation to take care of elderly (...)
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  21.  29
    Universality of aging: family caregivers for elderly cancer patients.Lea Baider & Antonella Surbone - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  22.  37
    Caregiving and Moral Distress for Family Caregivers during Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease.Chris Weigel - 2019 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 12 (2):74-91.
    As the global prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease increases, the need to understand family caregiving becomes increasingly pressing. I argue that there is an under-recognized form of caregiving for people with early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease. This type of caregiving involves, roughly, helping people reason through their values. It arises along with the loss of the capacity for executive functioning. Moreover, it is prone to give rise to moral distress, which is an under-recognized vulnerability in family caregiving. Categories of (...)
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  23.  20
    Unmet Needs for Family Caregivers of Elderly People With Dementia Living in Italy: What Do We Know So Far and What Should We Do Next?C. De Cola Maria, Lo Buono Viviana, Mento Agata, Foti Mariella, Marino Silvia, Bramanti Placido, Manuli Alfredo & S. Calabrò Rocco - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801771370.
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  24.  18
    The state of the science of family caregiver‐care receiver mutuality: a systematic review.Esther O. Park & Karen L. Schumacher - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):140-152.
    This review critically examines the current state of the science on the concept of family caregiver–care receiver mutuality, summarizes accomplishments and gaps and identifies directions for future theory development and research. Mutuality between family caregivers and care receivers is of increasing interest to researchers. However, no analysis of the current state of the science of this important concept has been published. Our literature search revealed 34 research articles that met inclusion criteria. The studies were assessed in terms (...)
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  25.  47
    Assessment of Burden Among Family Caregivers of Schizophrenia: Psychometric Testing for Short-Form Zarit Burden Interviews.Yu Yu, Zi-wei Liu, Wei Zhou, Xiao-Chuan Chen, Xing-yu Zhang, Mi Hu & Shui-Yuan Xiao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Family Caregivers’ Hardiness Scale: A Sequential-Exploratory Mixed-Method Study.Lida Hosseini, Hamid Sharif Nia & Mansoureh Ashghali Farahani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveCaring for patients with Alzheimer’s disease is a stressful situation and an overwhelming task for family caregivers. Therefore, these caregivers need to have their hardiness empowered to provide proper and appropriate care to these older adults. From the introduction of the concept of hardiness, few studies have been conducted to assess the hardiness of caregivers of patients with AD. Presumably, one reason for this knowledge gap is the lack of a proper scale to evaluate hardiness in this group. This (...)
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  27.  2
    A care ethical perspective on family caregiver burden and support.Maaike Haan, Jelle van Gurp, Marianne Boenink & Gert Olthuis - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Family care—when partners, relatives, or other proxies care for each other in case of illness, disability, or frailty—is increasingly considered an important pillar for the sustainability of care systems. For many people, taking on a caring role is self-evident. Especially in a palliative care context, however, family care can be challenging. Witnessing caregivers’ challenges may prompt compassionate nurses to undertake actions to reduce burden by adjusting tasks or activities. Using a care ethical approach, this theoretical paper aims to (...)
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  28.  24
    “Doing Things Together Is What It’s About”: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Group Therapeutic Songwriting From the Perspectives of People With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers.Imogen N. Clark, Felicity A. Baker, Jeanette Tamplin, Young-Eun C. Lee, Alice Cotton & Phoebe A. Stretton-Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe wellbeing of people living with dementia and their family caregivers may be impacted by stigma, changing roles, and limited access to meaningful opportunities as a dyad. Group therapeutic songwriting and qualitative interviews have been utilized in music therapy research to promote the voices of people with dementia and family caregivers participating in separate songwriting groups but not together as dyads.ProceduresThis study aimed to explore how ten people with dementia/family caregiver dyads experienced a 6-week group TSW (...)
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  29.  28
    Structural impact on gendered expectations and exemptions for family caregivers in hospice palliative home care.Nisha Sutherland, Catherine Ward-Griffin, Carol McWilliam & Kelli Stajduhar - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (1):e12157.
    Evidence of gender differences in the amount and type of care provided by family caregivers in hospice palliative home care suggests potential inequities in health and health care experiences. As part of a larger critical ethnographic study examining gender relations among clients with cancer, their family caregivers and primary nurses, this article describes gendered expectations and exemptions for family caregivers within the sociopolitical context of end‐of‐life at home. Data were collected from in‐depth interviews (n = 25), observations (...)
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  30.  20
    Study Protocol for the Evaluation of Individual Psychological Interventions for Family Caregivers of Advanced Cancer Patients.Min Yang, Rui Sun, Yanfeng Wang, Haiyan Xu, Baohua Zou, Yanmin Yang, Minghua Cong, Yadi Zheng, Lei Yu, Fei Ma, Tinglin Qiu & Jiang Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Both anxiety and depression in family caregivers of advanced cancer patients are common, and they have a negative influence on both the FCs and the patients. Some studies suggested that a variety of interventions could alleviate the psychological symptoms of FCs. However, there is no consensus on much more effective methods for intervention, and relatively high-quality research is blank in psychological problems of these population in China. The validity of mindfulness-based stress reduction and psychological consultation guided by the (...)
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    Planning later life with dementia: comparing family caregivers’ perspectives on biomarkers with laypersons’ attitudes towards genetic testing of dementia prediction.Zümrüt Alpinar-Sencan, Leopold Lohmeyer & Silke Schicktanz - 2020 - New Genetics and Society 39 (1):52-79.
    Predictive medicine presents opportunities to consider later life under conditions of illness, such as dementia. This paper examines how family caregivers (N = 27) assess the opportunity of prediction and early diagnosis of dementia for oneself based on their particular experience. Furthermore, it compares their attitudes with laypersons’ attitudes (N = 43) towards genetic testing of APOE. By this, we elaborate how much personal experience impacts anticipation and affects, but also moral attitudes towards predictive medicine. Differences in our settings (...)
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  32.  43
    Ethical Challenges and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals Working With Family Caregivers of Individuals With Serious Mental Illness.Katherine R. Bellesheim - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (7):607-620.
    Mental health professionals frequently work with family caregivers in the provision of psychotherapy services to individuals with serious mental illness. To address the need for ethical guidelines for working with family caregivers, an analysis of relevant ethical and legal issues is provided within the context of dynamic mental health care and legal systems. When working with family caregivers, practitioners utilize the American Psychological Association’s Ethics Code (2010), legal codes, and a complex decision-making plan; identify and communicate ethical (...)
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  33.  79
    Community-Dwelling People Living With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers Experience Enhanced Relationships and Feelings of Well-Being Following Therapeutic Group Singing: A Qualitative Thematic Analysis.Imogen N. Clark, Jeanette D. Tamplin & Felicity A. Baker - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Comprehensive Support for Family Caregivers of Post-9/11 Veterans Increases Veteran Utilization of Long-term Services and Supports: A Propensity Score Analysis. [REVIEW]Megan Shepherd-Banigan, Valerie A. Smith, Karen M. Stechuchak, Katherine E. M. Miller, Susan Nicole Hastings, Gilbert Darryl Wieland, Maren K. Olsen, Margaret Kabat, Jennifer Henius, Margaret Campbell-Kotler & Courtney Harold Van Houtven - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801876291.
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    Social Uncertainty in Disorders of Consciousness: Shedding Light on the Various Perspectives of Family Caregivers and Surrogates.Leah Schembs, Ralf J. Jox & Katja Kuehlmeyer - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (2):85-87.
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    “It’s Feasible to Write a Song”: A Feasibility Study Examining Group Therapeutic Songwriting for People Living With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers.Imogen N. Clark, Phoebe A. Stretton-Smith, Felicity A. Baker, Young-Eun C. Lee & Jeanette Tamplin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  37. (1 other version)Exhausted carers, neglected patients, and filial duties: When and how should health professionals intervene in family caregiving arrangements.J. Oakley - 1999 - Monash Bioethics Rev 18 (3):8-16.
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    Membership categories and time appraisal in interviews with family caregivers of disabled elderly.Isabella Paoletti - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (4):293-325.
    In this study caring is shown to be a membershipbound activity to kin and gender categories with strong moral connotations. Being a daughter or being a son are good enough reasons for becoming a caregiver, more so for women than for men. Caregivers were interviewed within the research project The role of women in family care of disabled elderly conducted by the Social and Economic Research Department of INRCA, Ancona, Italy. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed through a (...)
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    The Impact of Respite Programming on Caregiver Resilience in Dementia Care: A Qualitative Examination of Family Caregiver Perspectives.Emily Roberts & Kristopher M. Struckmeyer - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801775150.
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    An exploration of an ethics of care in relation to people with intellectual disability and their family caregivers in the Cape Town metropole in South Africa.Judith Anne McKenzie - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (1):67-78.
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    On the Mend: Alzheimer’s and Family Caregiving.Hilde Lindemann - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (4):314-320.
  42.  62
    Continuous sedation until death: the everyday moral reasoning of physicians, nurses and family caregivers in the UK, The Netherlands and Belgium.Kasper Raus, Jayne Brown, Clive Seale, Judith Ac Rietjens, Rien Janssens, Sophie Bruinsma, Freddy Mortier, Sheila Payne & Sigrid Sterckx - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):14.
    Continuous sedation is increasingly used as a way to relieve symptoms at the end of life. Current research indicates that some physicians, nurses, and relatives involved in this practice experience emotional and/or moral distress. This study aims to provide insight into what may influence how professional and/or family carers cope with such distress.
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    An ethical perspective on caregiving in the family.Stephen Post - 1988 - Journal of Medical Humanities 9 (1):6-16.
    The emphasis on intra-family caregiving that prevailed from ancient until relatively recent times, in both philosophy and practice, was substantially displaced under the influence of the Eighteenth Century Enlightenment by an emphasis on individual independence. The ethics of familial relationships ceased to be at the center of philosophical interest. A consequence was growing inattention to the social conditions and practical arrangements needed to support family efforts to take care of the very young, the very old, the physically or (...)
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  44. Family Assessment Vs. Positive and Negative Emotions of Informal Caregivers of Oncology Patients Receiving Home-Based Palliative Care.Monika Paleczna, Sebastian Zdończyk & Daria Rusiecka - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:94-103.
    Some studies involving informal caregivers of oncology patients noted that family assessment is associated with their mental health. The objective of this study is to demonstrate such a dependency in relation to informal caregivers of oncology patients receiving home-based palliative care. This study is concerned with the dependency between family assessment (family cohesion, family flexibility, family communication, and satisfaction with family life) and perceived emotions, including stress. It comprised 109 Polish informal caregivers (34 men (...)
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    Caregivers, Gender, and the Law: An Analysis of Family Responsibility Discrimination Case Outcomes.Sylvia Fuller, Christina Treleaven & C. Elizabeth Hirsh - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (5):760-789.
    As workers struggle to combine work and family responsibilities, discrimination against workers based on their status as caregivers is on the rise. Although both women and men feel the pinch, caregiver discrimination is particularly damaging for women, because care is intricately tied to gendered norms and expectations. In this article, we analyze caregiver discrimination cases resolved by Canadian Human Rights Tribunals from 1985 through 2016, to explore how work and caregiving clash. We identify issues involved in disputes (...)
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    Untangling Caregiving Role From Parent Gender in Coparenting Research: Insights From Gay Two-Father Families.Nicola Carone & Vittorio Lingiardi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  47. Collaborative Caregiving in Multi-Generational Families.Shreyans Baid Parsons, Petek Basibuyuk & Saskia Aryono - 2024 - In Colleen Greer & Debra F. Peterson, Perspectives on social and material fractures in care. Hershey, PA: IGiGlobal.
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    Family routines within the ecological niche: an analysis of the psychological well-being of U.S. caregivers of children with disabilities.Elizabeth Larson & Thomas Miller-Bishoff - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Caregivers and Family Members’ Vulnerability in End-of-Life Decision-Making: An Assessment of How Vulnerability Shapes Clinical Choices and the Contribution of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Federico Nicoli, Alessandra Agnese Grossi & Mario Picozzi - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):14.
    Patient-and-family-centered care (PFCC) is critical in end-of-life (EOL) settings. PFCC serves to develop and implement patient care plans within the context of unique family situations. Key components of PFCC include collaboration and communication among patients, family members and healthcare professionals (HCP). Ethical challenges arise when the burdens (e.g., economic, psychosocial, physical) of family members and significant others do not align with patients’ wishes. This study aims to describe the concept of vulnerability and the ethical challenges faced (...)
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    Caregiver decision-making concerning involuntary treatment in dementia care at home.Vincent R. A. Moermans, Angela M. H. J. Mengelers, Michel H. C. Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle, Koen Milisen, Elizabeth Capezuti & Jan P. H. Hamers - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):330-343.
    Background: Dementia care at home often involves decisions in which the caregiver must weigh safety concerns with respect for autonomy. These dilemmas can lead to situations where caregivers provide care against the will of persons living with dementia, referred to as involuntary treatment. To prevent this, insight is needed into how family caregivers of persons living with dementia deal with care situations that can lead to involuntary treatment. Objective: To identify and describe family caregivers’ experiences regarding care (...)
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