Results for 'Fabio Rizi'

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  1.  10
    "Coraggio nel presente e fiducia nell'avvenire": politica e cultura sotto il fascismo nel carteggio tra Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Laterza dal 1925 al 1943.Fabio Fernando Rizi - 2020 - Firenze: Franco Cesati editore.
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    Benedetto Croce and Italian Fascism.Fabio Rizi - 2003 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Drammi domestici e contrasti filosofici nel carteggio tra Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Gentile dal 1896 al 1914.Fabio Fernando Rizi - 2022 - Firenze: Franco Cesati editore.
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  4. Approximating the limit: the interaction between quasi 'almost' and some temporal connectives in Italian.Amaral Patrícia & Del Prete Fabio - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (2):51 - 115.
    This paper focuses on the interpretation of the Italian approximative adverb quasi 'almost' by primarily looking at cases in which it modifies temporal connectives, a domain which, to our knowledge, has been largely unexplored thus far. Consideration of this domain supports the need for a scalar account of the semantics of quasi (close in spirit to Hitzeman's semantic analysis of almost, in: Canakis et al. (eds) Papers from the 28th regional meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 1992). When paired with (...)
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  5. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma análise (...)
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  6. On truth unpersistence: At the crossroads of epistemic modality and discourse.Patrícia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2016 - Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 34.
    We propose a semantic analysis of the particles afinal (European Portuguese) and alla fine (Italian) in terms of the notion of truth unpersistence, which combines both epistemic modality and constraints on discourse structure. We argue that the felicitous use of these modal particles requires that the truth of a proposition p* fail to persist through a temporal succession of epistemic states, where p* is incompatible with the proposition modified by afinal/alla fine, and that the interlocutors share knowledge of a previous (...)
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  7. Modality, presupposition and discourse.Patrícia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - forthcoming - In Del Rosario Juanito, Ornelas de Avelar Juanito & Lazzarin Letizia (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    This paper provides a semantic analysis of the particles afinal (European Portuguese) and alla fine (Italian) in terms of the notion of truth unpersistence, which can be situated at the intersection of epistemic modality and discourse structure. In the analysis proposed, the particles are propositional operators and require that the truth of a proposition p* fail to persist through a temporal succession of epistemic states, this proposition being incompatible with the prejacent, and that the interlocutors share knowledge of a previous (...)
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    What constitutional protection for freedom of scientific research?A. Santosuosso, V. Sellaroli & E. Fabio - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (6):342-344.
    Is freedom of research protected at the constitutional level? No obvious answer can be given to this question, as European and Northern American constitutional systems are not unequivocal and the topic has not been discussed deeply enough.Looking at the constitutions of some European and Northern American countries, it is possible to immediately note that there are essentially two ways to deal with freedom of scientific research. On the one hand, in Canada and in the US, constitutions have no specific provisions (...)
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  9. In questo scenario: Cifre, icone e macchine.Vittorio Marchis, Umberto Bottazzini, Fabio Toscano, Massimo Negrotti & Giuseppe Longo - 2010 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 28 (1).
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    When an Event Makes a Difference.Massimiliano Amarante & Fabio Maccheroni - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (2-3):119-126.
    For (S, Σ) a measurable space, let ${\cal C}_1$ and ${\cal C}_2$ be convex, weak* closed sets of probability measures on Σ. We show that if ${\cal C}_1$ ∪ ${\cal C}_2$ satisfies the Lyapunov property , then there exists a set A ∈ Σ such that minμ1∈ ${\cal C}_1$ μ1(A) > maxμ2 ∈ ${\cal C}_2$ (A). We give applications to Maxmin Expected Utility (MEU) and to the core of a lower probability.
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  11. Mawlânâ jalâl ed-dîn rûmî ei dervisci rotanti: Tra esperienza Del corpo E danza estatica.Alberto Fabio Ambrosio - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (3):155-172.
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  12. Universali e particolari. II.Luca Angelone, Fabio Minocchio & Andrea Pagliardi - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (25):49-74.
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    (1 other version)Ontologia da liberdade na rede. A guerra das narrativas na Internet e a luta social na democracia.Henrique Antoun & Fábio Malini - 2011 - Multitudes 5:184-197.
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    Value, Distribution and Capital: Essays in Honour of Pierangelo Garegnani.Gary Mongiovi & Fabio Petri - 1999 - Routledge.
    This book explores some of the most important themes in neo-Ricardian economics. It explores the many contributions of Pierangelo Garengnani to modern economics, including his work in capital theory, the theory of effective demand and stability analysis. Contributors include Paul Samuelson, John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Edward Nell, Alessandro Roncaglia and Ian Steedman.
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  15. A infiltração tecnológica no espaço urbano.Fabio La Rocca - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):61-70.
    Doctor in sociology and a researcher at CEAQ (Centre d’Etude sur l’Actuel et le Quotidien) of the Sorbonne University Paris Descartes, he is a lecturer at the Sorbonne, the founder and head of the GRIS (Groupe de Recherche sur l’Image en Sociologie).
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    Light Has Been Thrown (on Human Origins): a Brief History of Palaeoanthropology, with Notes on the "Punctuated" Origin of Homo Sapiens.Giorgio Manzi & Fabio Di Vincenzo - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):31-48.
    “Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history”: this was the single line that Charles Darwin devoted to human evolution in the Origin of Species (1859). At present, there is a number of extinct species, which we understand to be related to human evolution, demonstrating that the Darwin’s prediction was correct: light has been thrown, indeed. Moreover, the science of human origin (or palaeoanthropology) appears to be able to shed much light not only on the natural (...)
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    La ragione.Ludovico Geymonat, Carlo Sini & Fabio Minazzi - 1994 - Casale Monferrato: Piemme. Edited by Carlo Sini & Fabio Minazzi.
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  18. Registro sintético de uma vida: entrevista com Fábio Alves dos Santos (Synthetic record of a life - Interview with Fabio Alves dos Santos).Fábio Alves dos Santos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1637-1649.
    Fábio Alves dos Santos (1954-2013) cursou Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais e Teologia, era Especialista em Filosofia da Religião (PUC Minas), Advogado (PUC Minas) e Mestre em Direito Constitucional (UFMG). Lecionou na PUC Minas como professor de Cultura Religiosa e depois como professor no Curso de Direito, atuando principalmente no Serviço de Assistência Judiciária – SAJ, especialmente cuidado de causas populares como as da ASMARE (Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável de Belo Horizonte), da Pastoral de Rua, da Pastoral (...)
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    The system of autono‑mobility: computer vision and urban complexity—reflections on artificial intelligence at urban scale.Fabio Iapaolo - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1111-1122.
    Focused on city-scale automation, and using self-driving cars (SDCs) as a case study, this article reflects on the role of AI—and in particular, computer vision systems used for mapping and navigation—as a catalyst for urban transformation. Urban research commonly presents AI and cities as having a one-way cause-and-effect relationship, giving undue weight to AI’s impact on cities and overlooking the role of cities in shaping AI. Working at the intersection of data science and social research, this paper aims to counter (...)
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  20. Chapter Seven Medieval Settlements and Landscapes in Northern Italy: Methods, Strategies and Problems Fabio Saggiore.Fabio Saggiore - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven (eds.), Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 132.
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  21. Crítica de Ludwing Wittgenstein al problema de los lenguajes privados.Fabio Garzón - 1994 - Universitas Philosophica 23:133-152.
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    Positive Relational Management for Healthy Organizations: Psychometric Properties of a New Scale for Prevention for Workers.Annamaria Di Fabio - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Ruinous Arguments: Escalation of disagreement and the dangers of arguing.Fabio Paglieri - unknown
    People argue to reconcile differences of opinion, but reconciliation may fail to happen. In these cases, most theorists assume arguers are left with the same disagreement from which they started. This is too optimistic, since disagreement might instead escalate, and this may happen because of the argumentative practice, not in spite of it. These dangers depend on epistemological, pragmatic, and cultural factors, and show why arguers should be careful in picking their dialogical fights.
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  24. Friederike Moltmann, parts and wholes in semantics.Fabio Pianesi - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (1):97-120.
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    A Deliberative Model of Intra‐Party Democracy.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):297-320.
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  26. Fantasmi: scritti di psicopolitica.Fabio Domenico Palumbo - 2023 - Napoli: Eutimia.
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  27. Functional neuroanatomy of developmental dyslexia: the role of orthographic depth.Fabio Richlan - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits in social support: the role of ability based emotional intelligence.Annamaria Di Fabio - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
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    On Zizek's Dialectics: Surplus, Subtraction, Sublimation.Fabio Vighi - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Not only as value, but also as surplus -- The will to enjoyment -- Jouissance at arms length -- From surplus-value to surplus-jouissance -- The unbearable lightness of being the proletariat -- Karatani's wager -- On shame and subversion -- From subject to politics -- Democracy under duress -- Dialectical materialism as parallax -- Vicissitudes of subtraction -- The invisible rabbit inside the hat -- Though this be madness, yet there is method in it?
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    How to Disagree About Argument Schemes.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (4):500-522.
    Argumentation theorists often disagree about which scheme best represents a given type of argument. Unfortunately, authors sometimes become involved in fruitless pseudo-agreement because they fail to perceive that their supposedly competing schemes are means for achieving different practical or theoretical goals. This paper explains some of the different purposes that an argument scheme may serve, and it indicates how the relevant type of pseudo-disagreement may be avoided.
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  31. Actuality, Tableaux, and Two-Dimensional Modal Logics.Fabio Lampert - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (3):403-443.
    In this paper we present tableau methods for two-dimensional modal logics. Although models for such logics are well known, proof systems remain rather unexplored as most of their developments have been purely axiomatic. The logics herein considered contain first-order quantifiers with identity, and all the formulas in the language are doubly-indexed in the proof systems, with the upper indices intuitively representing the actual or reference worlds, and the lower indices representing worlds of evaluation—first and second dimensions, respectively. The tableaux modulate (...)
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    The grounds of solidarity: From liberty to loyalty.Fabio Wolkenstein & Jakob Kapeller - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (4):476-491.
    Solidarity can be conceived in multiple ways. This article probes possible underlying ontological and normative assumptions of solidarity. In order to conceptually clarify the notion of solidarity, we distinguish between five types of solidarity. We suggest that solidarity is either grounded in the Enlightenment ideas of liberty, or a category of loyalty and allegiance. If the former is the case, solidarity can be justified on rational grounds. If the latter is the case, it is contingent on narratives of historical continuity (...)
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    Duality and Completeness for US-Logics.Fabio Bellissima & Saverio Cittadini - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (2):231-242.
    The semantics of e-models for tense logics with binary operators for `until' and `since' (US-logics) was introduced by Bellissima and Bucalo in 1995. In this paper we show the adequacy of these semantics by proving a general Henkin-style completeness theorem. Moreover, we show that for these semantics there holds a Stone-like duality theorem with the algebraic structures that naturally arise from US-logics.
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    The language of the “Givens”: its forms and its use as a deductive tool in Greek mathematics.Fabio Acerbi - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (2):119-153.
    The aim of this article is to present and discuss the language of the «givens», a typical stylistic resource of Greek mathematics and one of the major features of the proof format of analysis and synthesis. I shall analyze its expressive function and its peculiarities, as well as its general role as a deductive tool, explaining at the same time its particular applications in subgenres of a geometrical proposition like the locus theorems and the so-called «porisms». The main interpretative theses (...)
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    On and beyond artifacts in moral relations: accounting for power and violence in Coeckelbergh’s social relationism.Fabio Tollon & Kiasha Naidoo - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2609-2618.
    The ubiquity of technology in our lives and its culmination in artificial intelligence raises questions about its role in our moral considerations. In this paper, we address a moral concern in relation to technological systems given their deep integration in our lives. Coeckelbergh develops a social-relational account, suggesting that it can point us toward a dynamic, historicised evaluation of moral concern. While agreeing with Coeckelbergh’s move away from grounding moral concern in the ontological properties of entities, we suggest that it (...)
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    Arte como experiencia. Pasado y presente.Fabio Campeotto & Claudio Marcelo Viale - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (175):117-138.
    Resumen Art as Experience de J. Dewey es una obra clave para quienes se encuentran interesados en la estética. En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar que una mirada contemporánea que rescate los mejores aspectos de este libro debe, necesariamente, relacionar la estética con algunos aspectos de su pedagogía y su filosofía de la educación.Dewey’s Art as Experience is an indispensable work for people interested in aesthetics. Our purpose in this article is to show that a contemporary reading that rescues the (...)
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    Relational Attributes in Aristotle.Fabio Morales - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3):255-274.
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    The Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development for Well-Being in Organizations.Annamaria Di Fabio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Unworkable: Delusions of an Imploding Civilization.Fabio Vighi - 2022 - SUNY Press.
    Unworkable discusses the ongoing implosion of our globalized world from three distinct angles: the capitalist elimination of labor through technological automation, the dissolution of our shared social narratives, and the subtle imposition of an increasingly pervasive ideological order. Aiming to root out the lost cause of this implosion, Fabio Vighi returns to Marx by way of Hegel, Lacan, Gorz, Baudrillard, and other thinkers who, in different ways, have reflected on the complex dialectical structure of modernity and its hidden conditions (...)
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    From Decent Work to Decent Lives: Positive Self and Relational Management in the Twenty-First Century.Annamaria Di Fabio & Maureen E. Kenny - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Hans Jonas’s image theory.Fabio Fossa & Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    This essay explores Jonas’s multifaceted and rich enquiries into the notion of image. In particular, it argues that reflecting on the “image” helps Jonas clarify the unique condition of human existence, where the twine of thought and being reveals a paradoxical (and yet crucial) relationship between time and eternity, change and permanence, immanence and transcendence. The employ of the interpretative device provided by the image enables a nuanced understanding of the human complexity which goes beyond the partial and reductive descriptions (...)
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  42. Artificial Moral Agents: Moral Mentors or Sensible Tools?Fabio Fossa - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology (2):1-12.
    The aim of this paper is to offer an analysis of the notion of artificial moral agent (AMA) and of its impact on human beings’ self-understanding as moral agents. Firstly, I introduce the topic by presenting what I call the Continuity Approach. Its main claim holds that AMAs and human moral agents exhibit no significant qualitative difference and, therefore, should be considered homogeneous entities. Secondly, I focus on the consequences this approach leads to. In order to do this I take (...)
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    No more charity, please! Enthymematic parsimony and the pitfall of benevolence.Fabio Paglieri - 2007 - In Christopher W. Tindale Hans V. Hansen (ed.), Dissensus and the Search for Common Ground. OSSA. pp. 1--26.
    Why are enthymemes so frequent? Are we dumb arguers, smart rhetoricians, or parsimonious reasoners? This paper investigates systematic use of enthymemes, criticizing the application of the principle of charity to their interpretation. In contrast, I propose to analyze enthymematic argumentation in terms of parsimony, i.e. as a manifestation of the rational tendency to economize over scant resources. Consequences of this view on the current debate on enthymemes and on their rational reconstruction are discussed.
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  44. Events, Topology and Temporal Relations.Fabio Pianesi & Achille C. Varzi - 1996 - The Monist 79 (1):89--116.
    We are used to regarding actions and other events, such as Brutus’ stabbing of Caesar or the sinking of the Titanic, as occupying intervals of some underlying linearly ordered temporal dimension. This attitude is so natural and compelling that one is tempted to disregard the obvious difference between time periods and actual happenings in favor of the former: events become mere “intervals cum description”.1 On the other hand, in ordinary circumstances the point of talking about time is to talk about (...)
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    Hedonic and eudaimonic well-being: the role of resilience beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits.Annamaria Di Fabio & Letizia Palazzeschi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Developing a New Instrument for Assessing Acceptance of Change.Annamaria Di Fabio & Alessio Gori - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Aristotle and euclid's postulates.Fabio Acerbi - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):680-685.
    Book 1 of Euclid's Elements opens with a set of unproved assumptions: definitions, postulates, and ‘common notions’. The common notions are general rules validating deductions that involve the relations of equality and congruence. The attested postulates are five in number, even if a part of the manuscript tradition adds a sixth, almost surely spurious, that in some manuscripts features as the ninth, and last, common notion. The postulates are called αἰτήματα both in the manuscripts of the Elements and in the (...)
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    Tecnociências, capitalismo, forças produtivas, células troncos e agenciamento estatal – Direito e Ética.Fábio Muniz - 2022 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 21 (1).
    O presente trabalho visa expor, utilizando dupla perspectiva, as tecnociências e suas inovações como resultantes do modo de produção capitalista e no que isso implica. Num primeiro momento, será apresentada a perspectiva utilizada por Deuleuze e Guattari em Mil Platôs para denotar a importância do Estado como garantidor de um modo de produção e como agenciador, via ordem jurídica, das linhas de fuga que emergem da sociedade, inclusive no que toca às inovações trazidas pelo desenvolvimento e ampliação dos conhecimentos e (...)
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    Credal networks.Fabio G. Cozman - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 120 (2):199-233.
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    Democracia e esportes em Atenas.Fábio de Souza Lessa - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:59-75.
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