Results for 'FDR big tent'

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  1.  91
    Big-Tent Metaphysics.Lynne Rudder Baker - 2008 - Abstracta 4 (S1):8-15.
    Eric Olson won the hearts of my graduate students by dedicating his book “to the unemployed philosophers.” (The students subsequently got fine jobs, but it’s the thought (or rather the sympathy) that counts.) As appreciated as the dedication was, however, I doubt that it was responsible for the wonderful reception that Olson’s book, The Human Animal, has had. Rather, the cleverness of his arguments, the vigor with which Olson writes, and the new interpretations of old thought experiments and arguments have (...)
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  2. Big Tent Aesthetics.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (1):87-88.
    Theoretical work on aesthetic value has taken off in the past 5 or 10 years. Since work on artistic value dates at least as far back as the first debates about the interaction between artistic and other values, aesthetic value presumably differs from artistic value. Unlike artistic value, aesthetic value is found in art, but also in nature, design, and intellectual material, even philosophy (Lopes 2022a). Indeed, continued use of “aesthetic” as a synonym for “artistic” has held up work on (...)
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  3. “BIG Tent” Historiography.David Cannadine - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (3):375-392.
  4.  75
    Phenomenological Psychiatry Needs a Big Tent.Osborne P. Wiggins & Michael A. Schwartz - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (1):31-32.
    This article by Louis Sass, Josef Parnas, and Dan Zahavi takes us into the midst of a debate over recent developments in phenomenological psychiatry. In "Phenomenological Psychopathology and Schizophrenia: Contemporary Approaches and Misunderstandings" (Sass et al. 2011), Sass et al. are responding to criticisms of their position lodged by Aaron L. Mishara in "Missing Links in Phenomenological Clinical Neuroscience: Why We Are Still Not There Yet" (Mishara 2007). In their reply, Sass et al. offer several helpful clarifications and justifications of (...)
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  5. Policy & Politics: Big Tent Bioethics: Toward an Inclusive and Reasonable Bioethics.Adrienne Asch - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):11.
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    (1 other version)The Promises and Problems of Two Stoic Big Tents.Alyssa Lowery - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Alyssa Lowery ABSTRACT: Stoicism’s tremendous recent popularity provides an opportunity to update the tradition for a contemporary audience. In this paper, I review one such update: Stoicism’s conception as a ‘big tent,’ first as depicted by two prominent figures in contemporary Stoicism – Ryan Holiday and Massimo Pigliucci – then how it fares in light ….
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    Search For Facts, Truth Or Enlightenment You Get Them All In the Big Tent of Tucson-2002-And Quantum Too.B. Faw - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (7):44-49.
    I have long concluded that psychologists seek 'facts' but don't care about 'truth'; while philosophers seek 'truth' but don't care about 'facts'. After attending Tucson-2002, I would create a third reckless stereotype: eastern philosophy seek 'enlightenment' but don't care about 'facts' or 'truth'. To avoid this seeming to be the equal-opportunity put-down that it really is, let me amend that to: scientists seek inductive 'facts' about consciousness, western philosophers seek deductive 'truth' about consciousness, and eastern philosophers seek transcendent 'enlightenment' - (...)
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    Taking one's lumps while doing the splits: A big tent perspective on emotion generation and emotion regulation.James J. Gross, Gal Sheppes & Heather L. Urry - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (5):789-793.
  9. How Big a Tent? Commentary on The Uncertain Sciences by Bruce Mazlish.Richard Wilk - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (2):158-164.
  10. Effective Altruism: How Big Should the Tent Be?Amy Berg - 2018 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (4):269-287.
    The effective altruism movement (EA) is one of the most influential philosophically savvy movements to emerge in recent years. Effective Altruism has historically been dedicated to finding out what charitable giving is the most overall-effective, that is, the most effective at promoting or maximizing the impartial good. But some members of EA want the movement to be more inclusive, allowing its members to give in the way that most effectively promotes their values, even when doing so isn’t overall-effective. When we (...)
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  11. La tentative.Jane Lake & Hugo Wolf - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):25-26.
    This piece, framed by sight and sound, is an (un)written essay on repetition, memory, rhythm, and marks made by the passage of time. The authorship condenses at once in the music, the initial creation, and then in the movement of the image, created with the memory of music spooling out in the silence of a train through the Rhône-Alpes. The result, an attempt— une tentative —a temptation, marks moments of feeling kept aloft through seeing what was once heard and marking (...)
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  12. Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition.William D. Casebeer - 2003 - Bradford.
    In Natural Ethical Facts William Casebeer argues that we can articulate a fully naturalized ethical theory using concepts from evolutionary biology and cognitive science, and that we can study moral cognition just as we study other forms of cognition. His goal is to show that we have "softly fixed" human natures, that these natures are evolved, and that our lives go well or badly depending on how we satisfy the functional demands of these natures. Natural Ethical Facts is a comprehensive (...)
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  13.  12
    A bioethicist's dictionary.William Eisenhower - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    With a “big tent” understanding of bioethics, this dictionary provides definitions of 755 important terms drawn from a wide variety of contexts: medicine, nursing, behavioral health, forensic science, research ethics, public safety, social work, and epidemiology, on the one hand; bioethics, ethics, law, history, philosophy, and theology, on the other. Bioethical approaches and ethical categories are given their due, as are the major theoretical orientations. Terms from outside the USA, especially the UK, are in evidence. Many Greek and a (...)
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  14. Introduction to Folk Psychology: Pluralistic Approaches.Kristin Andrews, Shannon Spaulding & Evan Westra - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1685-1700.
    This introduction to the topical collection, Folk Psychology: Pluralistic Approaches reviews the origins and basic theoretical tenets of the framework of pluralistic folk psychology. It places special emphasis on pluralism about the variety folk psychological strategies that underlie behavioral prediction and explanation beyond belief-desire attribution, and on the diverse range of social goals that folk psychological reasoning supports beyond prediction and explanation. Pluralism is not presented as a single theory or model of social cognition, but rather as a big-tent (...)
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  15.  18
    Rudolf A. Makkreel 1936-2021.Jack Zupko - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (1).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rudolf A. Makkreel 1936-2021Jack Zupko, Former Editor, Journal of the History of PhilosophyRudi Makkreel, longtime editor (1983–98) of the Journal of the History of Philosophy and President of its Board of Directors (1998–2018), died October 2021 in Atlanta, GA, of complications from ALS.Rudi was one of the foremost Kant scholars of his generation, helping to bring the Critique of Judgment into the broader currency it enjoys among philosophers today. (...)
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  16.  38
    Organizational Horcruxes.Regina Robson - 2016 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 35 (2-3):129-164.
    This article examines the potential effect of organizing as a benefit corporation both on reducing transaction costs and as a container and creator of firm “identity.” It argues that to the extent that the Model Benefit Corporation Law (MBCL) creates a permissive environment—a big tent that can accommodate a diverse set of investors—it diminishes the power of the benefit organizational form to shape a unique benefit identity. Conversely, to the extent the MBCL creates a schema of mandatory defaults that (...)
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  17. Intelligent design.William Hasker - 2009 - Philosophy Compass 4 (3):586-597.
    The intelligent design movement aspires to create a new scientific paradigm which will replace the existing Darwinian paradigm of evolution by random mutation and natural selection. However, the creation of such a paradigm is hampered by the fact that the movement pursues a 'big tent' strategy that refuses to make a choice between young-earth creationism, old-earth (progressive) creationism, and divinely directed natural selection. The latter two options are discussed in some detail, and it becomes apparent that either one presents (...)
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  18. "Food Ethics and Religion".Tyler Doggett & Matthew C. Halteman - 2016 - In Anne Barnhill, Mark Budolfson & Tyler Doggett, Food, Ethics, and Society: An Introductory Text with Readings. Oxford University Press USA.
    How does an engagement with religious traditions (broadly construed) illuminate and complicate the task of thinking through the ethics of eating? In this introduction, we survey some of the many food ethical issues that arise within various religious traditions and also consider some ethical positions that such traditions take on food. To say the least, we do not attempt to address all the ethical issues concerning food that arise in religious contexts, nor do we attempt to cover every tradition’s take (...)
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    The Narrative and Identity of Pragmatism in America: The History of a Dysfunctional Family?Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2014 - The Pluralist 9 (2):65-83.
    we have recently seen the publication of several books on the narrative and identity of Pragmatism. Perhaps this is a sign that, after the first decade of the twenty-first century, scholars of Pragmatism now have the required distance or historical perspective to be confident about the history of Pragmatism in the twentieth century. In this paper, I examine the narratives of Pragmatism in Richard Bernstein’s The Pragmatic Turn and Colin Koopman’s Pragmatism as Transition.1 In spite of their differences, these scholars (...)
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    Global Metaphors for Wisdom: Philosophy as a Species of the Genus Hao-Xue.Joshua Mason - unknown
    Many philosophers have refused to recognize Chinese traditions as genuinely philosophical. The conceptual foundations of these exclusionary efforts appear in Aristotle’s dividing philosophy from rhetoric, then associating philosophy with truth, and rhetoric with metaphor. The Chinese have frequently been defined as metaphorical thinkers, in contrast with the logical, scientific, or literal pursuits of Occidental traditions. Because metaphor is classed with rhetoric, and Chinese was associated with metaphor, critics had a way to say that the Chinese weren’t participating in philia-sophia as (...)
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    Leaders’ Personal Wisdom and Leader–Member Exchange Quality: The Role of Individualized Consideration.Hannes Zacher, Liane K. Pearce, David Rooney & Bernard McKenna - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):1-17.
    Business scholars have recently proposed that the virtue of personal wisdom may predict leadership behaviors and the quality of leader–follower relationships. This study investigated relationships among leaders’ personal wisdom—defined as the integration of advanced cognitive, reflective, and affective personality characteristics (Ardelt, Hum Dev 47:257–285, 2004)—transformational leadership behaviors, and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality. It was hypothesized that leaders’ personal wisdom positively predicts LMX quality and that intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, two dimensions of transformational leadership, mediate this relationship. Data came from (...)
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    Living with Blindness and Fibromyalgia while Occupying Aging.Katherine Schneider - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):216-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Living with Blindness and Fibromyalgia while Occupying AgingKatherine SchneiderI’m blind from birth and in middle age developed fibromyalgia. I’ve retired from a thirty year career as a clinical psychologist and am working on my third book tentatively titled “Occupying Aging: Delights, Disabilities and Daily Life.” My relationship with medical professionals includes gratitude (without good care I would not be alive) and also frustration for assumptions often made about my (...)
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    Passing strange: The convergence of evolutionary science with scientific history.William H. McNeill - 2001 - History and Theory 40 (1):1–15.
    In the second half of the twentieth century, a surprising change in the notion of scientific truth gained ground when an evolutionary cosmology made the Newtonian world machine into no more than a passing phase of the cosmos, subject to exceptions in the neighborhood of Black Holes and other unusual objects. Physical and chemical laws ceased to be eternal and universal and became local and changeable, that is, fundamentally historical instead, and faced an uncertain, changeable future just as they had (...)
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  24.  49
    Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe. By Roger Penrose. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016. 520 pages. US $29.95. [REVIEW]Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):905-913.
    In his latest book,Roger Penrose deals with three foundational problems of current physics fromhis particularly fresh perspective.He criticizes mainstream string the- ories, standard interpretations of quantum mechanics, and pre-Big Bang cosmolo- gies inasmuch as they aim to solve profound questions while glossing over equally deep issues in our understanding of nature. In this review, I analyze Penrose’s main arguments, emphasizing his presentation of the Second Law conundrum as “the most profound mystery of cosmology”, and discuss his own proposals to overcome (...)
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  25.  27
    Conformal compacifications from spinor geometry.P. Budinich - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (6):949-963.
    Compactified Minkowski spacetime is suggested by conformal covariance of Maxwell equations, while E. Cartan's definition of simple spinors leads to the idea of compactified momentum space. Assuming both diffeomorphic to (S 3 × S 1 )/Z 2 , one may obtain in the conformally flat stereographic projection field theories both infrared and ultraviolet regularized. On the compact manifold themselves instead, Fourier integrals of wave-field oscillations would have to be replaced by Fourier series summed over indices of spherical eigenfunctions: n, l, (...)
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    Um outro mundo já começou: questões para a escatologia cristã (Another World has already started: issues for the Christian eschatology).Orivaldo Pimentel Lopes Junior - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):638-649.
    A juventude evangélica brasileira se viu, durante os anos 1970, bombardeada por uma carga considerável de versões fundamentalistas da escatologia e, com isso, essa questão veio a ocupar um lugar secundário dentre os temas teológicos dos evangélicos brasileiros. A introdução de uma perspectiva não disjuntada da escatologia, como a do teólogo George Eldon Ladd, foi o que possibilitou a difusão da Teologia da Missão Integral, indicando o quanto a missiologia é inseparável de escatologia. Posteriormente, as versões fundamentalistas mantiveram um espaço (...)
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  27. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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    EuroNews, l'information dans les langues de l'Europe.Luis Rivas - 2004 - Hermes 40:109.
    La chaîne de télévision EuroNews est une alternative internationale aux grands médias audiovisuels anglo-saxons. Elle offre un même programme d'information en sept langues qui se veut objectif et anti-nationaliste. Transmettre la même actualité dans des langues différentes et faire travailler des journalistes de différentes cultures, ne sont pourtant pas des tâches faciles. Les choix politiques et organisationnels démontrent qu'EuroNews tente chaque jour de créer une « Europe de l'information ». L'expérience EuroNews prouve aussi que les diversités culturelles et linguistiques ne (...)
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    The Universe Is One: Towards a Theory of Knowledge and Life Paul A. Olivier Lanham, MD, University Press of America, 1999, XL, 203 p. [REVIEW]Christine Daigle - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):415-.
    «?!» Tel est le premier commentaire qui vient au lecteur issu du monde philosophique face à cet ouvrage de Paul Olivier. Le titre donne à penser qu'il s'agit d'un livre sur l'épistémologie qui tente probablement d'établir un système dans lequel épistémologie et ontologie se rejoignent et s'unissent à une vision scientifico-cosmologique du monde. Un premier regard à la table des matières détrompe tout de suite le lecteur. Il sera bel et bien question d'une théorie de la connaissance, d'une théorie de (...)
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    Classifying totally categorical groups.Katrin Tent - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 77 (1):81-100.
    Assume T is unidimensional, 1-based and every minimal type in T is locally finite. If H is an Λ -definable irreducible group, we find an irreducible supergroup G of H in acleq such that any connected subgroup of Gn, n < ω, is the connected component of a subgroup linearly defined over the ring End*. In some cases we can take G = H.
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    The application of Montague translations in universal research and typology.Katrin Tent - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (6):661 - 686.
  32.  32
    The free pseudospace is n-ample, but not -ample.Katrin Tent - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (2):410-428.
  33.  19
    Split BN-pairs of finite Morley rank.Katrin Tent - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 119 (1-3):239-264.
    Let G be a simple group of finite Morley rank with a definable BN-pair of rank 2 where B=UT for T=B ∩ N and U a normal subgroup of B with Z≠1. By [9] 853) the Weyl group W=N/T has cardinality 2n with n=3,4,6,8 or 12. We prove here:Theorem 1. If n=3, then G is interpretably isomorphic to PSL3 for some algebraically closed field K.Theorem 2. Suppose Z contains some B-minimal subgroup AZ with RMRM for both parabolic subgroups P1 and (...)
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    De historische jezus en het bijbelse beeld Van jezus AlS de christus volgens Paul Tillich.Marc van Tente - 1970 - Bijdragen 31 (2):171-188.
    (1970). The Relation between the Historical Jesus and the Biblical Picture of Jesus as the Christ, according to Paul Tillich. Bijdragen: Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 171-188.
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  35. ""biology 78, 79; biological complexity 73, 133; function 88, 266" blind watchmaker" hypothesis 133 Buddhism 204 Cambridge Platonists 81, 88. [REVIEW]Big Bang - 2003 - In Paul Copan & Paul Moser, The Rationality of Theism. Routledge. pp. 78--80.
  36.  32
    A qualitative analysis of sarcasm, irony and related #hashtags on Twitter.Thomas W. Jackson, Suzanne Elayan & Martin Sykora - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    As the use of automated social media analysis tools surges, concerns over accuracy of analytics have increased. Some tentative evidence suggests that sarcasm alone could account for as much as a 50% drop in accuracy when automatically detecting sentiment. This paper assesses and outlines the prevalence of sarcastic and ironic language within social media posts. Several past studies proposed models for automatic sarcasm and irony detection for sentiment analysis; however, these approaches result in models trained on training data of highly (...)
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  37.  23
    Digital epidemiology, deep phenotyping and the enduring fantasy of pathological omniscience.Lukas Engelmann - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Epidemiology is a field torn between practices of surveillance and methods of analysis. Since the onset of COVID-19, epidemiological expertise has been mostly identified with the first, as dashboards of case and mortality rates took centre stage. However, since its establishment as an academic field in the early 20th century, epidemiology’s methods have always impacted on how diseases are classified, how knowledge is collected, and what kind of knowledge was considered worth keeping and analysing. Recent advances in digital epidemiology, this (...)
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    A note on the model theory of generalized polygons.Katrin Tent - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):692-702.
    Using projectivity groups, we classify some polygons with strongly minimal point rows and show in particular that no infinite quadrangle can have sharply 2-transitive projectivity groups in which the point stabilizers are abelian. In fact, we characterize the finite orthogonal quadrangles Q, Q$^-$ and Q by this property. Finally we show that the sets of points, lines and flags of any N$_1$-categorical polygon have Morley degree 1.
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    Ablondi, Fred. Gerauld de Cordemy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian. Marquette Studies in Philosophy, 44. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2005. Pp. 127. Paper, $17.00. d'Alfonso, Matteo Vincenzo. Vom Wissen zur Weisheit: Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1811. Fichte Studien Supplementa. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2005. Pp. 311. Paper, $80.00. Bambach, Charles. Heidegger's Roots: Nietzsche, National Socialism, and the Greeks. Ithaca, NY: Cornell. [REVIEW]Big Questions - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):325-27.
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    Coarse groups, and the isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups.André Nies, Philipp Schlicht & Katrin Tent - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    Let S∞ denote the topological group of permutations of the natural numbers. A closed subgroup G of S∞ is called oligomorphic if for each n, its natural action on n-tuples of natural numbers has onl...
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  41. Asymptotic cones and ultrapowers of lie groups.Linus Kramer & Katrin Tent - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):175-185.
    §1. Introduction. Asymptotic cones of metric spaces were first invented by Gromov. They are metric spaces which capture the ‘large-scale structure’ of the underlying metric space. Later, van den Dries and Wilkie gave a more general construction of asymptotic cones using ultrapowers. Certain facts about asymptotic cones, like the completeness of the metric space, now follow rather easily from saturation properties of ultrapowers, and in this survey, we want to present two applications of the van den Dries-Wilkie approach. Using ultrapowers (...)
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  42. Omega-Categorical Pseudofinite Groups.Dugald Macpherson & Katrin Tent - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-14.
    We explore the interplay between $\omega $ -categoricity and pseudofiniteness for groups, and we conjecture that $\omega $ -categorical pseudofinite groups are finite-by-abelian-by-finite. We show that the conjecture reduces to nilpotent p-groups of class 2, and give a proof that several of the known examples of $\omega $ -categorical p-groups satisfy the conjecture. In particular, we show by a direct counting argument that for any odd prime p the ( $\omega $ -categorical) model companion of the theory of nilpotent class (...)
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    Erziehungswissenschaftliche Reflexion und pädagogisch-politisches Engagement: Wolfgang Klafki weiterdenken.Karl Heinz Braun, Frauke Stübig & Heinz Stübig (eds.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Zentrale Denkfiguren der von Wolfgang Klafki begründeten kritisch-konstruktiven Erziehungswissenschaft werden in diesem Buch aufgegriffen und in ihrem Innovationswert für die wissenschaftliche Pädagogik reflektiert. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren unterschiedlicher Subdisziplinen und Generationen vertiefen Klafkis Ansatz theoretisch wie methodisch und öffnen Problemstellungen, die bisher nicht bearbeitet worden sind.
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    Thought-Provoking Blend of Theory and Practice. [REVIEW]R. Ricardo, Big Berd & A. J. - 2024 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson From Quantum and Information Theories”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories”.
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  45. [Will to Power Re-Examined].Walter Kaufman, Heinz Ludwig Ansbacher, Helene Papanek & Big Sur Recordings - 1971 - Big Sur.
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    Simplicity of the automorphism groups of some Hrushovski constructions.David M. Evans, Zaniar Ghadernezhad & Katrin Tent - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (1):22-48.
  47. Reptile Haven 1,000 S in stock captive-bred & imported:• Boas & pythons• turtles & tortoises.Free Catalogs, Order Catalogs Toll Free, Reptile Needs At Far, Size Orders, Big Brand, Housing Enclosures, Tera Top Screen Covers, E. S. U. Lizard Litter, Zoo Med Reptisun Bulbs & Reptile Leashes - 1997 - Vivarium 9:26.
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    Near Eastern Tribal Societies during the Nineteenth Century: Economy, Society and Politics between Tent and Town. By Eveline van der Steen.D. T. Potts - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3):688.
    Near Eastern Tribal Societies during the Nineteenth Century: Economy, Society and Politics between Tent and Town. By Eveline van der Steen. London: Equinox, 2013. Pp. xvii + 302. $110. [Distributed by ISD, Bristol, Conn.].
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    The complexity of topological group isomorphism.Alexander S. Kechris, André Nies & Katrin Tent - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):1190-1203.
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    ‘And Sarah Heard It in the Tent Door’ (Genesis 18, 10): Uncovering Sarah’s Covenant.Dvora Lederman Daniely - 2018 - Feminist Theology 27 (1):26-42.
    The hypothesis of this article is that Sarah was the equal of Abraham in establishing the faith of the Hebrew nation, and therefore, she was also a party to a constitutive covenant that was most likely concealed and omitted from the canonical version of the Bible. First, this article introduces research claims regarding Sarah’s central role as a formative leading matriarch. The article then goes on to examine the significance of the tradition of the covenant with Abraham in terms of (...)
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