Results for 'F. Bourgeois'

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  1. Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques : I. La science de la logique, « Bibliothèque des Textes philosophiques ».G. W. F. Hegel & Bernard Bourgeois - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:356-358.
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    DIRE LA GUERRE, PENSER LA PAIX: Un point de vue de l'aumônerie protestante aux armées.Frank Bourgeois & F. Bourgeois - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 86 (4):475-492.
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    Assisted nucleation of θ′ phase in Al–Cu–Sn: the modified crystallography of tin precipitates.L. Bourgeois *, J. F. Nie & B. C. Muddle - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (29):3487-3509.
    The formation of particles of elemental tin in association with the nucleation of the precipitate phase θ′ in an Al–1.7 at.% Cu–0.01 at.% Sn alloy has been investigated by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Analysis of lattice images has demonstrated that these tin particles associated with θ′ platelets formed during short-term ageing (typically 3 min at 200 degrees Celcius) exhibit a crystallographic form that is distinctly different from that previously reported in such ternary alloys and also from that observed in (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Emily Zakin, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.Louise M. Antony, Norbert Hornstein, Robert W. Bailor, Laurence BonJour, Ernest Sosa, Warren Bourgeois, Sharyn Clough, Elliot D. Cohen, Ronald F. Duska & Brenda Shay - 2003 - Teaching Philosophy 26 (3):331.
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  5. Der Begriff des Staates (sec. 257-271).Bernard Bourgeois - 2016 - In Ludwig Siep, G. W. F. Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  6. L'esprit cartésien: quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Descartes: actes du XXVIe Congrès de l'Association des sociétés de philosophie de langue française (A.S.P.L.F.): organisé par la Société française de philosophie, en Sorbonne et à la maison de l'UNESCO, 30 août-3 septembre 1996.Bernard Bourgeois & Jacques Havet (eds.) - 2000 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
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    12. Der Begriff des Staates.Bernard Bourgeois - 2014 - In Ludwig Siep, G. W. F. Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 225-246.
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    L'esprit cartésien: quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Descartes: actes du XXVIe Congrès de l'Association des sociétés de philosophie de langue française (A.S.P.L.F.): organisé par la Société française de philosophie, en Sorbonne et à la maison de l'UNESCO, 30 août-3 septembre 1996.Jacques Bourgeois (ed.) - 2000 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    Les textes presentes dans ce volume sont ceux des conferences prononcees en seance pleniere dans le cadre du XXVIe Congres international de Philosophie de Langue Francaise (ASPLF), consacre, pour marquer le quatrieme centenaire de la naissance de Descarte, au theme general L'esprit cartesien, et organise du 30 aout au 3 septembre 1996, en Sorbonne et au Palais de l'UNESCO, par la Societe Francaise de Philosophie. Le volume est complete par une version en langue francaise des contributions a un Hommage international (...)
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    10. Der Begriff des Staates. (§§ 257–271).Bernard Bourgeois - 2005 - In Ludwig Siep, G. W. F. Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. Boston: Akademie Verlag. pp. 217-242.
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    10. Der Begriff des Staates.Bernard Bourgeois - 2014 - In Ludwig Siep, G. W. F. Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 217-242.
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    Method of Analysis in Contemporary Bourgeois Philosophy.A. F. Begiashvili - 1965 - Philosophical Review 74 (4):543-545.
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    Vues legislatives pour les femmes 1790: a reformist-feminist vision 'And we too are citizens'.F. Gordon - 1999 - History of Political Thought 20 (4):649-673.
    Marie Madeleine Jodin, actress, philosophe and feminist, published in 1790 her Vues legislatives pour les femmes, addressed to the National Assembly, one of the first signed, woman-authored, feminist works of the Revolutionary period, which has been largely neglected by scholars. This study analyses her treatise's arguments in detail, relating its two principal themes; the reform of prostitution and a plea for the Assembly to pass laws permitting divorce, to the context of Enlightenment thought, as well as to Jodin's own experience. (...)
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    Transcendental Thomism and the Thomistic Texts.John F. X. Knasas - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):81-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TRANSCENDENTAL THOMISM AND THE THOMISTIC TEXTS JOHN F. x. KNASAS Genter for Thomistic Studies Houston, Temas SOME THIRTY YEARS ago in the journal Thought, there appeared an article by Fr. Joseph Donceel, S.J., entitled " A Thomistic Misapprehension? " Its thesis is that American Thomism had seen too much of the a posteriori in Aquinas's noetic.1 In fact the interpretation was so a posteriori that it bordered on empiricism (...)
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    Person and Polis: Max Scheler's Personalism as Political Theory.Stephen F. Schneck - 1987 - SUNY Press.
    Martin Heidegger cited him as “the most potent philosophical power... in all of contemporary philosophy.” Ortega y Gasset called him “the first man of genius, the Adam of the new Paradise.” Writing at a crucial time in intellectual history, his influence has extended to persons as diverse as Dietrich von Hildebrand, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Karol Wojtyla, Jurgen Habermas, Ernst Bloch, and members of the generation of thinkers that developed in the German universities during the Weimar years. Despite this far-reaching impact, the (...)
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    The Languages of LandscapeLandscape and PowerToil and Plenty: Images of the Agricultural Landscape in England 1780-1890The Idea of the English Landscape Painter: Genius as Alibi in the Early Nineteenth CenturyArt and Science in German Landscape Painting 1770-1840The Spectacle of Nature: Landscape and Bourgeois Culture in Nineteenth-Century France. [REVIEW]Stephanie Ross, Mark Roskill, W. J. T. Mitchell, Christiana Payne, Kay Dian Kriz, Timothy F. Mitchell & Nicholas Green - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (4):407.
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    The Problem of Social Determinism and Ethics in the Works of Lenin.A. F. Shishkin - 1968 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 6 (4):22-31.
    As in Marx's and Lenin's time, bourgeois critics of Marxism are accusing Marxists of denying ethics in principle. Some of them say that Marxist economic theory entirely rules out any element of free choice of actions and ethical judgment. Others say that Marx's economic analysis includes a moral indictment of capitalism as an unjust society, but that this means no more than that the ethical element in Marxism is entirely pushed aside by economic analysis and plays no independent role. (...)
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    Sartre and the Sacred. [REVIEW]R. F. T. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (4):757-758.
    Described in the blurb as "the first systematic account of Sartre’s phenomenology of religion," King’s work also locates Sartre’s observations in the tradition of religious mysticism which Sartre is said to have studied in the early ‘30s. In fact, one of King’s most telling criticisms throughout the exposition is that Sartre was not faithful enough to the phenomena of mysticism, sacrificing phenomenology to his ontological commitments whenever the two seemed to conflict. The opening chapter sets the theme by treating the (...)
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    Bertrand Russell—Philosopher and Humanist.I. S. Narskii & E. F. Pomogaeva - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 12 (1):33-53.
    One hundred years have passed since the birth of Bertrand Russell, major English bourgeois philosopher of the twentieth century, logician, mathematician, sociologist, publicist, and Nobel Laureate for literature, who died two years ago. Russell was a philosopher who always sought truth, who tried to use for philosophy the lessons and achievements of diverse sciences, who responded deeply to social events in England and other countries, and who participated actively in them. He was a prominent public figure, a passionate humanist, (...)
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  19. B Bourgeois ’s G.W.F.Hegel: Encyclopedie Des Sciences Philosophiques Iii. Philosophie De L'esprit. [REVIEW]D. Janicaud - 1990 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 21:95-97.
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    The divided nation: The roots of a Bourgeois thinker: G. W. F. Hegel.Darrel E. Christensen - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (4):485-487.
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    The divided nation: the roots of a bourgeois thinker, G. W. F. Hegel.José María Ripalda - 1977 - Amsterdam: Van Gorcum.
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    G. W. F. Hegel Encyclopédie des sciences philosophiques, III, Philosophie de l'esprit, Texte intégral présenté, traduit et annoté par Bernard BOURGEOIS, Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1988, 605 p. Prix: 270 F. [REVIEW]Dominque Janicaud - 1990 - Hegel Bulletin 11 (1-2):95-97.
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    Encoding in Conceivability-Contexts: Zalta’s Theory of Intentionality versus Bourgeois-Gironde’s Notion of Quasi-encoding.Valentina Luporini - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):341-367.
    In, the author proposes a survey of Zalta’s Object Theory and, more specifically, of the Modal Axiom of Encoding. MAE claims that if something x possibly encodes a property F, then x necessarily encodes F. According to Bourgeois-Gironde, MAE fails to account for intentional phenomena which occur in conceivability-contexts. His solution is based on the notion of quasi-encoding: x quasi-encodes F iff x possibly encodes F. In this paper, I show that Bourgeois-Gironde’s concern is misguided and that Zalta’s (...)
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    Gifting the other, or why are nineteenth-century German bourgeois men acting like Trobriand Islanders?Jay Geller - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (3):293-307.
    Taking its lead from analyses of gift exchange by Marcel Mauss and Marshall Sahlins as well as of contact by Charles Long and Jonathan Z Smith, this article elaborates a theory of the exchange, among dominant social subjects, of representations of their subjected proximate others in order to rectify the crisis precipitated by contact with otherness that threatens their claims to autonomy, authority, homogeneity, and universality. Specifically it situates the polemical exchange of representations of women among Friedrich Schlegel, G W (...)
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    G. W. F. Hegel und Hermann Cohen: Wege zur Versöhnung: Festschrift für Myriam Bienenstock.Norbert Waszek & Myriam Bienenstock (eds.) - 2018 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Dass sich Hegel und Hermann Cohen trotz scheinbarer Gegensatze miteinander versohnen lassen, ist eine Grunduberzeugung des Werkes von Myriam Bienenstock, welches sich stets durch die doppelte Ausrichtung auf Hegel und das judische Denken auszeichnete. Mit diesem Band wird Myriam Bienenstock, seit 1997 Professorin fur Philosophie an der Universitat Francois Rabelais in Tours, anlasslich ihres 70. Geburtstages geehrt. Mit Beitragen von Dominque Bourel, Bernard Bourgeois, Christophe Bouton, Pierfrancesco Fiorato, Jean-Francois Goubet, Dana Hollander, Helmut Holzhey, Gerhard Kurz, Claudia Melica, Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, (...)
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    Social philosophy: from Plato to Che.Robert Elias Abu Shanab & Stephen P. Halbrook (eds.) - 1972 - Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co..
    Plato. The republic.--Aristotle. Politics.--Cicero, M. T. On the commonwealth.--John of Salisbury. The prince versus the tyrant.--Machiavelli, N. The prince and the people.--Hobbes, T. The state of nature and the Leviathan.--Locke, J. The right of revolution.--Marx, K. and Engels, F. Bourgeois and proletarians.--Bakunin, M. A. The Paris Commune and the idea of the state.--Mill, J. S. On liberty.--Lenin, V. I. Marxism and the withering away of the state.--Hitler, A. Race and the folkish state.--Mao Tse-tung. From the masses, to the masses.--Che (...)
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  27. A definition of subjective probability.F. Anscombe & Robert Aumann - 1963 - Annals of Mathematical Statistics 34:199–204.
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    Nu kommer Bonden.Anne Engelst Nørgaard - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 71:129-144.
    This article investigates how a Danish peasant movement, united in the association ‘Bondevennernes Selskab’, became a social movement and therefrom developed into an early version of a parliamentary party. Established in 1846, it was the revolutions of 1848 and following political development in Denmark that triggered the movement’s entrance to parliamentary politics. In this process, the association challenged the bourgeois liberal concept of politics, as the association argued that it would represent one particular class – the peasants – in (...)
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  29. A History of Philosophy. Vol. I : Greece and Rome.F. COPLESTON - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:448-451.
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  30. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic.F. M. Cross - 1973
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  31. Indexicaliteit en dynamische intenties.F. A. I. Buekens, X. Vanmechelen & K. Maessen - 2001 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 93 (3):165-180.
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    An introduction to moral and social philosophy.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1973 - Belmont, Calif.,: Wadsworth Pub. Co..
    Plato. Crito.--Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism.--Rawls, J. Two concepts of rules.--Kant, I. Fundamental principles of the metaphysic of morals.--Rawls, J. Justice as fairness.--Benn, S. I. and Peters, R. S. Society and types of social regulation.--Hobbes, T. Leviathan, abridged.--Hayek, F. A. The principles of a liberal social order.--Marx, K. Alienation and its overcoming in Communism.--Lukes, S. Alienation and anomie.--Garver, N. What violence is.--Zinn, H. The force of nonviolence.--Caudwell, C. Pacifism and violence; a study in bourgeois ethics.--Bennett, J. Whatever the consequences.--Foot, P. (...)
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  33. (1 other version)The unwritten Philosophy and other Essays.F. M. Cornford & W. K. C. Guthrie - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:580-581.
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    Raphaël Authier, Figures de l’histoire, formes du temps. Hegel, Schelling et l’élaboration d’un concept d’histoire.Ioanna Bartsidi - 2023 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 54:253-255.
    L’ouvrage s’inscrit dans une tentative, inaugurée par les travaux de B. Bourgeois et F. Fischbach, de lire Hegel et Schelling à titre d’égalité en envisageant la philosophie post-kantienne non pas comme un progrès linéaire, mais comme champ de virtualités qui ont aujourd’hui un sens autant généalogique que conceptuel. L’auteur revient ainsi à un moment historico-philosophique où « sous la triple influence de Herder, de Kant et de la Révolution française », l’histoire devient « une question pr...
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    Bergson: Thinking Backwards.F. C. T. Moore - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about the philosophy of Henri Bergson which shows how relevant Bergson is to much contemporary philosophy. The book takes as its point of departure Bergson's insistence on precision in philosophy. It then discusses a variety of topics including laughter, the nature of time as experienced, how intelligence and language should be construed as a pragmatic product of evolution, and the antinomies of reason represented by magic and religion. This is not just another exposition of Bergson's work. (...)
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  36. Logische Studien.F. A. Lange - 1878 - Mind 3 (9):112-118.
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  37. A Note on the Representation of Branching Quantifiers.F. Guenthner & J. P. Hoepelman - 1976 - Theoretical Linguistics 3:285--289.
  38. Interacting with the Envisioned Future as a Constructivist Approach to Learning.F. Kragulj - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):439-440.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Learning How to Innovate as a Socio-epistemological Process of Co-creation: Towards a Constructivist Teaching Strategy for Innovation” by Markus F. Peschl, Gloria Bottaro, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler & Katharina Rötzer. Upshot: I introduce and discuss an advancement of the idea of “learning from the future,” called “interacting with the envisioned future.” Further, this approach is put into the context of the target article and the perspective of radical constructivism.
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  39. The Use of the Self.F. Matthias Alexander - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:237.
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  40. Syādvāda theory of Jainism in terms of deviant logic.F. Bharucha & R. V. Kamat - 1984 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 9:181-187.
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    Theorizing and Empirical Belief.F. John Clendinnen - 1996 - In Peter J. Riggs, Natural Kinds, Laws of Nature and Scientific Methodology. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 63--92.
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  42. 'Being children of the resurrection': Ultimate experience and existence in Luke-Acts.F. G. Carpinelli - 1997 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 20 (1):3-22.
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  43. On the possibility of establishing judicial logic on the structure of the principle of non-contradiction-an introductory essay.F. Cavalla - 1983 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 12 (1):5-30.
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  44. Considérations presque philosophiques sur les commentaires de la Politique d'Albert le Grand et de Thomas d'Aquin.F. Cheneval - 1998 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 45 (1-2):56-83.
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  45. (1 other version)Les principes premiers: leur origine et leur valeur objective.F. Chovet - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18:569.
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  46. Su una ricostruzione biografica del PM Carlo Belleo da Ragusa OFMConv (1580) metafisico scotista dell'Università di Padova.F. Costa - 1999 - Miscellanea Francescana 99 (3-4):670-711.
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  47. (2 other versions)Creation and Abortion: A Study in Moral and Legal Philosophy.F. M. Kamm - 1993 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (4):331-348.
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    L'archaïque, le réel & la littérature: quelques chemins en hommage à Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey & Jean-Joël Duhot (eds.) - 2013 - Lyon: Jacques André éditeur.
    Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey, qui avait succédé à Pierre Aubenque à la chaire de philosophie antique de Paris IV, et qui a su maintenir très haut le rayonnement international du Centre de recherches sur la pensée antique, plus familièrement appelé Centre Léon Robin, n'est pas seulement un aristotélisant subtil et exigeant. Il a toujours refusé une pure érudition qui oublierait de se relier à une pensée philosophique. Et par là même, peut-être, il déborde le cadre strictement universitaire de la spécialisation, d'abord, (...)
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  49. Medieval Philosophy.F. C. Copleston - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):166-166.
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  50. Understanding and rationality.Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1981 - In Herman Parret & Jacques Bouveresse, Meaning and understanding. New York: W. de Gruyter.
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