Results for 'Explotación sexual'

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  1.  13
    Asistencia y Protección Integral a Mujeres y Niñas Víctimas de Trata Con Fines de Explotación Sexual.Rocío Mora Nieto - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2:225-252.
    La trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual es un delito que se encuentra vinculado a las desigualdades de género y sociales, a la alta demanda de prostitución, a la inmigración irregular y al crimen organizado internacional. Es una vulneración de los derechos de las personas víctimas, especialmente la dignidad y la libertad. Aunque se han realizado importantes avances normativos y políticos tanto en el ámbito internacional como nacional, en los países donde las mujeres son explotadas, suelen (...)
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    Judicialización de la explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes.Yolima Serna Mesa, María Antonia Valencia & Luis Steven Rozonzew - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):87-110.
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    Desigualdades y discriminaciones de las trabajadoras sexuales migrantes.Tamara González Fernández - 2021 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 38:74-97.
    Ser migrante en situación administrativa irregular implica no ser considerada/o ciudadana/o, no tener derecho a tener derechos. Si además estás ocupado en alguna forma de economía informal mediante una actividad no reconocida tampoco puedes acceder a la ciudadanía a través del trabajo. Esta es la realidad las trabajadoras sexuales migrantes en España quienes sufren múltiples discriminaciones derivadas de la intersección entre las políticas de intervención abolicionistas y la política migratoria europea. Desde la epistemología feminista y la perspectiva de los derechos (...)
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  4. Consumo sentimental y sexual de masas en Internet: pornografía en la red.Yolanda Alba - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):73-76.
    Nuestra sociedad está siendo testigo de la creciente expansión de la industria del sexo convirtiéndose en un negocio transnacional de dimensión exagerada. La prostitución, la pornografía y la trata de mujeres con fines de explotación sexual (o más exactamente el sistema prostitucional), no paran de desarrollarse a través de formas diferentes, cada vez más toleradas y extendidas: turismo sexual, servicios de compañía, compra de esposas por catálogo procedentes de los países asiáticos, pornografía en Internet, pederastia, etc.
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    La constitución sentimental. Prostitución, trabajo sexual Y trata de personas en colombia.Esteban Restrepo Saldarriaga - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 48:37-67.
    El propósito central de este ensayo consiste en contextualizar el debate contemporáneo entre la abolición de la prostitución o la regulación el trabajo sexual en la dinámica de un humanitarismo sexual altamente sentimentalizado. El texto muestra, en primer lugar, que la compasión —como fuerza central que mueve al humanitarismo sexual a “rescatar” a las víctimas de explotación sexual— no es necesariamente, como sostienen algunos, una fuerza que silencia a quien la recibe. Las diferencias de contexto (...)
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    La “nueva” esclavitud.Thomas Casadei - 2009 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 43:167-194.
    Este trabajo trata sobre la esclavitud del siglo XXI, tomando como presupuesto la historia de la (vieja) esclavitud, centrándose en una caracterización de la nueva esclavitud que ha surgido en el complejo fenómeno migratorio internacional actual y en el contexto de la globalización económica. Se analizan las formas de esclavitud contemporáneas, entre las que destaca la trata o tráfico de seres humanos, especialmente de mujeres y niños para su explotación sexual, junto al trabajo forzado y otras formas modernas (...)
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    Imagen social y contextos socioculturales en el discurso publicitario institucional español con fines sociales.Esperanza R. Alcaide-Lara - 2020 - Pragmática Sociocultural 7 (3):297-334.
    Resumen Este trabajo trata la relación entre la imagen social que las instituciones presentan, tanto de sí mismas como de los agentes sociales implicados en su discurso, y los contextos socioculturales en los que se hallan insertas creencias y premisas que intentan ser erradicadas. Nos centramos en discursos publicitarios institucionales de campañas contra la prostitución, la trata y el tráfico de personas con fines de explotación sexual. A través de ellos observamos cómo a lo largo de las diferentes (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze: Esquizo-análisis vs. Materialismo Dialéctico. Parte I. Salvajes, Bárbaros y Civilizados: ¿procesos dialécticos o procesos maquínicos? [REVIEW]Martín Chicolino - 2025 - Tábano 25:e7.
    El presente estudio monográfico (que se divide en dos artículos que serán publicados consecutivamente en esta revista) está dedicado a estudiar la manera en que Gilles Deleuze abordó el problema psico-político de la dominación y de la violencia psico-sexo-política masculina. Para ello, será necesario partir de la pregunta que interroga acerca de la relación genética que el Patriarcado (en tanto que mega-red de relaciones de alianzas masculinas de sexo-poder) guarda con el Estado (en tanto que forma de organizar la sociabilidad (...)
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    Child Abuse at an Ecuadorian School in Ambato.Katherine Romero Viamonte, Marina Isabel Villacís Salazar & Ernesto Jara Vázquez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):215-226.
    Introducción: El maltrato infantil se define como el abuso y la desatención de que son objeto los menores de 18 años; incluye el maltrato físico o psicológico, abuso sexual, desatención, negligencia y explotación comercial o de otro tipo que puedan causar un daño a la salud, al desarrollo o la dignidad del niño, y poner en peligro su supervivencia, en el contexto de una relación de responsabilidad, confianza o poder. Método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, (...)
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  10. Sexual Harassment and Solidarity.Sexual Intimidation - 2008 - In Tom L. Beauchamp, Norman E. Bowie & Denis Gordon Arnold, Ethical Theory and Business. New York: Pearson/Prentice Hall. pp. 227.
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  11. Framework for a Church Response, Report of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Advisory Committee on Child Sexual Abuse by Priests and Religious.Child Sexual Abuse - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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  12. Keele University, 28–30 June 2002.Sexuality Gender & I. I. Law - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10:111-112.
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    Hortense Spillers.Violence Sexuality - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal, Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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  14. An Ethics of Sexual Difference.Luce Irigaray - 1984 - Cornell University Press.
    This collection consists of lectures given at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. They were delivered under the provisions of the Jan Tin- bergen Chair, ...
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  15. The Sexual Contract.Carole Pateman - 1988 - Ethics 100 (3):658-669.
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  16. Sexual perversion.Thomas Nagel - 1969 - Journal of Philosophy 66 (1):5-17.
  17. Caring for Valid Sexual Consent.Eli Benjamin Israel - forthcoming - Hypatia.
    When philosophers consider factors compromising autonomy in consent, they often focus solely on the consent-giver’s agential capacities, overlooking the impact of the consent-receiver’s conduct on the consensual character of the activity. In this paper, I argue that valid consent requires justified trust in the consent-receiver to act only within the scope of consent. I call this the Trust Condition (TC), drawing on Katherine Hawley’s commitment account of trust. TC constitutes a belief that the consent-receiver is capable and willing to act (...)
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    The ethics of sexual reorientation: what should clinicians and researchers do?Sean Aas & Candice Delmas - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):340-347.
    Technological measures meant to change sexual orientation are, we have argued elsewhere, deeply alarming, even and indeed especially if they are safe and effective. Here we point out that this in part because they produce a distinctive kind of ‘clinical collective action problem’, a sort of dilemma for individual clinicians and researchers: a treatment which evidently relieves the suffering of particular patients, but in the process contributes to a practice that substantially worsens the conditions that produce this suffering in (...)
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  19. Geschlecht sexual difference, ontological difference.Jacques Derrida - 1983 - Research in Phenomenology 13 (1):65-83.
  20. How to Project a Socially Constructed Sexual Orientation.Peter Finocchiaro - 2021 - Journal of Social Ontology 7 (2):173-203.
    Was bisexuality a widespread feature of ancient Greek society? This question is an instance of cross-cultural projection -- of taking the means through which people are categorized in one culture and applying it to members of another. It’s widely held by those who think that sexual orientation is socially constructed that its projection poses a problem. In this paper, I offer a more careful analysis of this alleged problem. To analyze projection, I adapt Iris Einheuser’s substratum-carving model of conventionalism (...)
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  21. Provocative Dress and Sexual Responsibility.Jessica Wolfendale - 2016 - Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law 17 (2):599-624.
    Numerous studies have found that many people believe that a provocatively dressed woman is at greater risk for sexual assault and bears some responsibility for her assault if she is attacked. Furthermore, in legal, academic, and public debates about sexual assault the appropriateness of the term ‘provocative’ as a descriptor of certain kinds of women’s clothing is rarely questioned. Thus, there is a widespread but largely unquestioned belief that it is appropriate to describe revealing or suggestive women’s clothing (...)
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  22.  30
    An ecological theory of sexual dimorphism in animals.Joseph N. Abraham - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (1):23-35.
    Both male ornamentation and male combat result in increased male mortality. Because population sizes are limited by a carrying capacity, increased age-specific adult male mortality will result in decreased age-specific adult female mortality, as well as decreased juvenile mortality. As intersexual competition is one form of intraspecific competition, through choosing to mate with ornamented and/or combative males, females in polygamous systems reduce intraspecific competition. Because average male fitness must exactly equal average female fitness, male fitness will paradoxically rise with increasing (...)
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    Hobbes on Sexual Morality.Susanne Sreedhar - 2020 - Hobbes Studies 33 (1):54-83.
    Despite the vast amount of scholarship on Hobbes’s philosophy, his writings on sexuality have gone largely unexplored. This paper offers an interpretation of Hobbes’s writing on that topic. I argue that if we pay attention to his remarks on sexuality, we can retrieve a coherent account of sexual morality, one that takes a strong stance against doctrines of natural sexual morality, replacing them with a commitment to positivism about sexual norms. With this reconstruction of the Hobbesian view (...)
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  24. The private parts of animals: Aristotle on the teleology of sexual difference.Karen Nielsen - 2008 - Phronesis 53 (4-5):373-405.
    In this paper I examine Aristotle's account of sexual difference in Generation of Animals, arguing that Aristotle conceives of the production of males as the result of a successful teleological process, while he sees the production of females as due to material forces that defeat the norms of nature. My suggestion is that Aristotle endorses what I call the "degrees of perfection" model. I challenge Devin Henry's attempt to argue that Aristotle explains sex determination exclusively with reference to material (...)
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  25. The Parasite as Virtuoso: Sexual Desire and Political Order in Machiavelli's Mandgragola.George Thomas - 2003 - Interpretation 30 (2):179-194.
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    Beyond the Sexual Contract: Traversing the Fantasy of Fraternal Alliance.Emily Zakin - 2002 - In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin, Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 159.
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    Sexual citizenship: defending society’s most disadvantaged.Steven J. Firth & Ivars Neiders - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2023 (1):1-4.
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    Gendered Challenges in the Line of Duty: Narratives of Gender Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Violence Against Female Police Officers.R. A. Aborisade & O. G. Ariyo - 2023 - Criminal Justice Ethics 42 (3):214-237.
    Gender discrimination and sexual harassment of female police officers by their male counterparts remain areas of liability where police departments appeared to have failed to effectively confront the nagging issues. However, the appreciable level of research conducted on these issues in the global North has not been matched by the South, where issues bordering on sexual violence have cultural underpinnings. Drawing from the case of the Nigeria Police Force, feminist analysis was used to explore the lived reality of (...)
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  29. Autonomy, self-alteration, sexual difference.Stathis Gourgouris - 2010 - In Elena Tzelepis & Athena Athanasiou, Rewriting Difference: Luce Irigaray and ‘the Greeks’. State University of New York Press.
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    Choosing the sexual orientation of children.Edward Stein - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (1):1–24.
    Many people believe that a person's sexual orientation is genetic. Given the widespread prejudice against, and hatred of, homosexuals in many societies, it seems likely that many parents will be interested in using genetic technologies to prevent the birth of children who will not be heterosexual. This paper considers the moral and legal implications of such procedures (whether or not they would work). It is argued that the availability of procedures to select the sexual orientation of children would (...)
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    All Eukaryotes Are Sexual, unless Proven Otherwise.Paulo G. Hofstatter & Daniel J. G. Lahr - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (6):1800246.
    Here a wide distribution of meiotic machinery is shown, indicating the occurrence of sexual processes in all major eukaryotic groups, without exceptions, including the putative “asexuals.” Meiotic machinery has evolved from archaeal DNA repair machinery by means of ancestral gene duplications. Sex is very conserved and widespread in eukaryotes, even though its evolutionary importance is still a matter of debate. The main processes in sex are plasmogamy, followed by karyogamy and meiosis. Meiosis is fundamentally a chromosomal process, which implies (...)
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    Gender Ontology, Sexual Difference, and Differentiating Sex.Emily Apter - 2017 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 7 (1):109-124.
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    Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-efficacious Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018.D. Paul Sullins - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDo sexual minority persons who have undergone unsuccessful sexual orientation change efforts suffer subsequent psychological or social harm from the attempt? Previous studies have conflated present and past, even pre-SOCE, harm in addressing this question. This study attempts, for the first time, to isolate and examine the question of current psychosocial harm for former SOCE participants among sexual minorities in representative population data.MethodUsing nationally representative data across three cohorts of sexual minorities in the United States, persons (...)
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    Cross-Lagged Relations Between Sexual Attitudes, Perception of Love and Sex, and Young Adults’ Relationship Status: A Two-Wave Study.Katarzyna Adamczyk - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    “I’m Not One of Those Girls”: Boundary-Work and the Sexual Double Standard in a Liberal Hookup Context.Sveinung Sandberg, Willy Pedersen & Eivind Grip Fjær - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):960-981.
    Sexual morality is not keeping up with the new sexual practices of young people, even in cultures oriented toward gender equality. The Norwegian high school graduation celebration constitutes an exceptionally liberal context for sexual practices. Many of the 18-year-old participants in this three-week-long celebration engage in “hookup” activities, involving kissing, fondling, and sexual intercourse. Through an analysis of qualitative interviews with 25 women and 16 men, we argue that while they avoided overt slut-shaming, the morally abject (...)
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    The Adaptive Landscape in Sexual Selection Research.Adam G. Jones, Nicholas L. Ratterman & Kimberly A. Paczolt - 2012 - In Erik Svensson & Ryan Calsbeek, The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology. Oxford University Press. pp. 110.
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  37. “Democratic Norms and Sexual Identity”.Chris Keegan - 2007 - Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critique, Vol. 19, No. 1: 2007, 1-10 19 (1:2):1-10.
  38. Effects of sexual offender treatment.Friedrich Lösel & Martin Schmucker - 2005 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 1:117-146.
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    Discussion: The sexual element in sensibility.W. I. Thomas - 1904 - Psychological Review 11 (1):61-67.
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  40. The politics of love: Sexual selection theory and the role of the female.Penny Young - 1991 - Nexus 9 (1):7.
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  41. On the persistence of sexual harassment in the workplace.S. Gayle Baugh - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (9):899-908.
    The persistence of sexual harassment in the workplace, despite the general abhorrence for the behavior and programs designed to eradicate it, is puzzling. This paper proposes that gender differences in perceptions of sexual harassment and power differentials in the workplace which permit men to legitimize and institutionalize their perspective are implicated. These two phenomena combine to result in blaming the victim of sexual harassment for her own plight. Shifting attention to the target of sexual harassment facilitates (...)
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  42. Forever Functional: Sexual Fitness and the Ageing Male Body.Barbara L. Marshall & Stephen Katz - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (4):43-70.
    Historically, male sexual fitness was framed by a patriarchal politics of life centred on regeneration, population and nation. In the later 20th century, as successful ageing became promoted by the lifestyle practices of an idealized healthy and active senior citizenry, traditional gerontocratic power over the sexual risks of youth gave way to a medical sexology concerned with sexual functionality across the lifecourse; in particular, erectility. Recently, erectile dysfunction has expanded to become a population-wide health problem with increasingly (...)
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    Condom use at sexual debut among chinese youth.Wei Guo, Zheng Wu, Christoph M. Schimmele & Xiaoying Zheng - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (2):1-16.
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  44. High risk sexual behaviour.Sunita Simon Kurpad - 2017 - In David B. Cooper, Ethics in mental-health substance use. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Relative Importance of Sexual Dimorphism, Fluctuating Asymmetry, and Color Cues to Health during Evaluation of Potential Partners’ Facial Photographs.Justin K. Mogilski & Lisa L. M. Welling - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (1):53-75.
    Sexual dimorphism, symmetry, and coloration in human faces putatively signal information relevant to mate selection and reproduction. Although the independent contributions of these characteristics to judgments of attractiveness are well established, relatively few studies have examined whether individuals prioritize certain features over others. Here, participants (N = 542, 315 female) ranked six sets of facial photographs (3 male, 3 female) by their preference for starting long- and short-term romantic relationships with each person depicted. Composite-based digital transformations were applied such (...)
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    “Was It Good for You?”: Recasting Catholic Sexual Ethics in Light of Women’s Sexual Pain Disorders.Elizabeth L. Antus - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):611-634.
    Over the past one hundred years, Catholic sexual ethics has become more hospitable to sexual bonding as a good that is distinct from procreation. However, our increasing knowledge of women’s sexual pain disorders highlights ongoing problems with official Catholic sexual ethics. This essay argues that the Catholic Church still reproduces gendered social scripts that unwittingly encourage heterosexual women to ignore their sexual pain and continue to engage desperately in intercourse, out of an exacerbated concern to (...)
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    Teoria do Amor sexual: Uma reflexão em torno de platão, Schopenhauer E Freud.Jair Barboza - 2007 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 19 (25):225.
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    Personality, anonymity, and sexual difference: The temporal formation of the transcendental ego.Sara Heinämaa - 2011 - In Christina Schües, Dorothea E. Olkowski & Helen A. Fielding, Time in Feminist Phenomenology. Indiana University Press. pp. 41.
  49. La comedia sexual española de principios de los setenta y el film reaccionario.Barry Jordan - 2004 - Res Publica. Murcia 13 (1).
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    Milieus and Sexual Difference.Rebecca Hill - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (2):132-140.
    Irigaray's critique of the phallocentric subject's implicit dependence on the maternal-feminine “outside” is compelling. Her postulation of nonhierarchical sexual difference gives the relational world of woman specificity and Irigaray brings the subject's worldview to earth as merely the relation of the male human to the world. But the focus of her transvaluation remains largely anthropocentric; and she maintains too many aspects of the privilege of the subject's sovereignty as proper to male subjectivity. I suggest that, we need to extend (...)
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