Results for 'Existential reading'

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  1. Aristotle and Łukasiewicz on Existential Import.Stephen Read - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (3):535--544.
    Jan Lukasiewicz's treatise on Aristotle's Syllogistic, published in the 1950s, has been very influential in framing contemporary understanding of Aristotle's logical systems. However, Lukasiewicz's interpretation is based on a number of tendentious claims, not least, the claim that the syllogistic was intended to apply only to non-empty terms. I show that this interpretation is not true to Aristotle's text and that a more coherent and faithful interpretation admits empty terms while maintaining all the relations of the traditional square of opposition.
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    Is an Existential Reading of the Fight with Covey Sufficient to Explain Frederick Douglass's Critique of Slavery?Frank M. Kirkland - 2015 - Critical Philosophy of Race 3 (1):124-151.
    There are three major items involved in Frederick Douglass's critique of enslavement—moral suasion, political abolitionism, and violent resistance. They are interrelated and comprise his critique. But ever since Angela Davis's use of existential philosophy to interpret Douglass's critique, the focus of existential readings on Douglass has been exclusively and constantly on the item of violent resistance, specifically Douglass's fight with Covey. The three items wholly derive their importance solely from this fight, according to the existential reading. (...)
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    Existential Investigations into Our Existential Crisis.Rupert Read & Joseph Eastoe - 2023 - Think 22 (65):65-71.
    Now that the opportunity to build back from COVID in an intelligent and thoughtful way has largely passed us by, how do we cope with the existential threat of ecological collapse? We posit that economic concerns have been granted undeserved weight in conversations around climate policy, while the role of philosophy has thus far been an untapped resource of potentially liberating knowledge that can inspire action and a deliberative, collective reconsideration of what parts of society should be valued.
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  4. Being Alive, Being Conscious, and Being: An Existential Reading of Heraclitus' Fragment 101.Shawn Loht - 2011 - Proceedings of the Southeast Philosophy Congress 4:116-26.
    Advocates an existential, phenomenological reading of Heraclitus suggested by Hans-Georg Gadamer. Gadamer observes that within the Heraclitean fragments lay a subliminal wonder at the contradiction and groundlessness of the human experience, particularly the unmediated experience of thinking. I take Gadamer to suggest in part that Heraclitus writes the fragments motivated by a sort of phenomenological disclosure, not necessarily of Being (pace Heidegger), but of the human experience as one of contradictory transitions and unrestricted movements between poles of opposition.
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    Against the Existential Reading of Euthydemus 283e-284c, with Help from the Sophist.Colin C. Smith - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):67-81.
    I argue that the fallacy concerning false speech (283e-284c) in Plato’s Euthydemus does not entail conflation of the alleged existential and veridical senses of ‘einai’ (‘to be’), but instead confusion regarding predicative statements. I consider this passage by advancing interpretations of nonbeing and the structure of true and false speech in the Sophist. I aim to refute those who hold that this passage demands an ‘existential’ sense of ‘einai ’ by offering a more Platonic interpretation.
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    Reading ‘is’ Existentially in Republic 476–80.Patrick Toner - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):171-183.
    An existential reading of ‘is’ in the argument at Republic 476–480 is widely thought to be objectionable because it commits Plato to belief in degrees of existence. In this paper, I argue that neither proposed alternative—the veridical reading or the predicative reading—can be reconciled with the text, thus forcing the existential reading upon us. Further, I show that when Plato's doctrine of existence is properly understood, his commitment to degrees of existence is not at (...)
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    Reading ‘is’ Existentially in Republic 476–80.Patrick Toner 1 - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):171-183.
    An existential reading of ‘is’ in the argument at Republic 476–480 is widely thought to be objectionable because it commits Plato to belief in degrees of existence. In this paper, I argue that neither proposed alternative—the veridical reading or the predicative reading—can be reconciled with the text, thus forcing the existential reading upon us. Further, I show that when Plato's doctrine of existence is properly understood, his commitment to degrees of existence is not at (...)
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    (1 other version)No Empathy for Empathy: An Existential Reading of Husserl’s Forgotten Question.Iraklis Ioannidis - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (2):201-223.
    Empathy is a term used to denote our experience of connecting or feeling with an Other. The term has been used both by psychologists and phenomenologists as a supplement for our biological capacity to understand an Other. In this paper I would like to challenge the possibility of such empathy. If empathy is employed to mean that we know another person’s feelings, then I argue that this is impossible. I argue that there is an equivocation in the use of the (...)
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  9. Readings in existential phenomenology.Nathaniel Morris Lawrence - 1967 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall. Edited by Daniel O'Connor.
  10.  18
    Readings in Existential Phenomenology. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):389-390.
    This book of readings would make a superb ancillary text for an advanced or even graduate course in "existential phenomenology." Twelve of the twenty-two selections have been translated for the first time into English. This includes Sartre's defense of the major theses of Being and Nothingness before the Société française de philosophie and Ric£ur's similar defense of La Philosophie de la Volonté, I before the same body. As with Merleau-Ponty's similar defense, "The Primacy of Perception," also included in this (...)
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    Existential Isolation in Whisky (2004), reading Uruguayan cinema beyond the concept of small cinema.Cesar Lopes Gemelli - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):146-166.
    The Cinematography in Whisky (2004) is essential in the directors’ efforts to explore existential isolation. The incompleteness of knowledge, the uncrossable gaps between people, and the impossibility of communion among individuals are some of the themes explored in this film, directed by Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll. These are mostly absent in the scholarship about the movie, which tends to focus on the concept of small cinema. The present text aims to build on these discussions to propose a (...)
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  12. The Problem of Reading, Phenomenologically or Otherwise in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Joseph Margolis - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:559-568.
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    Readings in Existential Phenomenology, edited by Nathaniel Lawrence and Daniel O'Connor.Philip Pettit - 1970 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 1 (1):95-96.
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  14. Existential generics.Ariel Cohen - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (2):137-168.
    While opinions on the semantic analysis of generics vary widely, most scholars agree that generics have a quasi-universal flavor. However, there are cases where generics receive what appears to be an existentialinterpretation. For example, B's response is true, even though only theplatypus and the echidna lay eggs: (1) A: Birds lay eggs. B: Mammals lay eggs too. In this paper I propose a uniform account of the semantics of generics,which accounts for their quasi-existential readings as well as for their (...)
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    Time, existential presence and the cinematic image: ethics and emergence to being in film.Sam B. Girgus - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    In Time, Existential Presence and the Cinematic Image, Sam B. Girgus relates Laura Mulvey's theory of 'delayed cinema' to ideas on time and the relationship to the other in the writings of Jean-Luc Nancy, Emmanuel Levinas and Julia Kristeva, among others. The sustained tension in film between, in Mulvey's phrase, 'stillness and the moving image' enacts a drama of existential emergence. The stillness of the framed image in relation to the moving image opens 'free' cinematic time and space (...)
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    Accomplishing Meaning in a Stratified World: An Existential-Phenomenological Reading of Max Weber’s ‘Class, Status, Party’.Joaquin Trujillo - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (4):345-356.
    This is an existential-phenomenological reading of Max Weber's "Class, Status, Party" that seeks a fuller understanding of meaning accomplishment in a stratified World. I appropriate stratification as a single meaning structure ontically defined by domination, intersubjectivity, and life-chances and ontologically determined by the power-to-be, There-being-with-others, and potentiality. I then discuss the significance of these structures in finite transcendence and describe ways they factually unfold in World achievement. I conclude with logotherapeutic reflections concerning meaning accomplishment in a stratified World (...)
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  17.  12
    Existential encounters for teachers.Maxine Greene - 1967 - New York,: Random House.
    The readings have been assembled with the specific intention of providing people in education with opportunities for first-hand encounters with men exploring facets of existence that concern those with responsibilities in the transformed world. The chapters will permit him to confront some of his own uncertainties; they will stir him to evaluate his commitments, and provide an introduction to a philosophic stance which has aroused interest among teacher: the diverse strains of thinking identified as existentialism. The selections are all pre-occupied (...)
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    Originary Temporality and Existential Commitment: A Defense of Heidegger's A Potiori Claim.Nate Zuckerman - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):811-830.
    Being and Time's fundamental ontoogy and existentialism both rest on the A Potiori Claim, which states that originary temporality is, although non-sequential, a genuine and basic concept of time from which we derive our more ordinary, sequential concept of time. In this paper, I develop a new reading and defense of this claim against the readings of William Blattner, which ties originary temporality too tightly to the particular roles and identities we live out and must therefore find Heidegger's project (...)
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  19.  48
    Existential graphs as an instrument of logical analysis: Part I. alpha.Francesco Bellucci & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):209-237.
    Peirce considered the principal business of logic to be the analysis of reasoning. He argued that the diagrammatic system of Existential Graphs, which he had invented in 1896, carries the logical analysis of reasoning to the furthest point possible. The present paper investigates the analytic virtues of the Alpha part of the system, which corresponds to the sentential calculus. We examine Peirce’s proposal that the relation of illation is the primitive relation of logic and defend the view that this (...)
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  20.  24
    Reading the republic: Is utopianism redundant?Costas Stratilatis - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (4):565-584.
    The aim of this essay is to present a reading of Plato's utopianism, as expressed mainly through the 'big letters' of the Republic, which will lead us beyond Karl Popper's and Leo Strauss' modernist understandings of Plato and of his world. The author argues that, despite the 'transcendent' aspects of Platonic utopianism, the ideal city should be understood neither as a blueprint to be realized through some totalitarian political project nor as a mere fiction that cannot by definition give (...)
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    A Snowslide of Entities. Does Sosa's Existential Relativism Provide a Barrier Against Being Buried?Markus Seidel & Alexander Thinius - 2016 - In Amrei Bahr & Markus Seidel (eds.), Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 101-118.
    This paper discusses Sosa’s via media between existential relativism and absolutism. We discuss three implications of Sosa’s account which require some further clarification. First, we distinguish three alternative readings of Sosa’s account – the indexicalist, the homonymist and the (proper) relativist reading – and argue that they differ with respect to two crucial points: (a) they lead to different analyses of the lack of disagreement in existential discourse, and (b) they differ with respect to the question of (...)
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  22.  13
    Amartya Sen and His Morals of Economics: A Reading in Existential Ethics.Anamika Girdhar - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):37-47.
    The present paper discusses the views of Noble Laureate Amartya Sen with reerence o his book Resourses, Values and Development and in relation to his existential emphasis on moral foundation of policy-making. Sen deviates from traditional welfare econamics. He feels that utilitarianism is sensitive to total benefit of different persons; while maximin or leximin principle cares for the worst-off.
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    Reading Angela Davis Beyond the Critique of Sartre.Edward O'Byrn - 2022 - Sartre Studies International 28 (2):17-41.
    This paper examines Angela Davis’s 1969 Lectures on Liberation and her critique of Jean-Paul Sartre’s views regarding freedom and enslaved agency. Across four sections, the paper etches out Davis’s response to what she calls Sartre’s ‘notorious statement’ through her own existential reading of Frederick Douglass’s resistance to chattel slavery. Instead of interpreting Davis’s existential insights through the work of Sartre or other Western continental philosophers, the paper engages Lewis Gordon, George Yancy, Frank Kirkland, and LaRose Parris to (...)
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  24. Existential selfhood in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception.B. Scot Rousse - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (4):595-618.
    This paper provides an interpretation of the existential conception of selfhood that follows from Merleau-Ponty’s account of perception. On this view, people relate to themselves not by “looking within” in acts of introspection but, first, by “looking without” at the field of solicitations in which they are immersed and, eventually, in Merleau-Ponty’s words, by “making explicit” the “melodic unity” or “immanent sense” of their behavior. To make sense of this, I draw out a distinction latent in Merleau-Ponty’s view between (...)
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  25. The Existential Moment: Rereading Dōgen's Theory of Time.Rein Raud - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):153-173.
    This article argues for a new way to interpret Dōgen's theory of time, reading the notion of uji as momentary existence, and shows that many notorious difficulties usually associated with the theory can be overcome with this approach, which is also more compatible with some fundamental assumptions of Buddhist philosophy (the non-durational existence of dharmas, the arbitrariness of linguistic designations and the concepts they point to, the absence of self-nature in beings, etc.). It is also shown how this (...) leads to an innovative treatment of the concept of selfhood, viewing the self as the active openness of an existent to the surrounding world, with which it is able to identify through a mutual relation with other existents within the existential moment. This argument is supported by an alternative translation in the "momentary mode" of those extracts of the fascicle that introduce or elaborate on Dōgen's key concepts. (shrink)
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    Being and Space: A Re-Reading of Existential Spatiality inBeing and Time.Robert Frodeman - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (1):33-41.
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    Reading the Inscriptions of Our Lifeworld: Transgenerational Existence and the Metaphysics of the Grave.Natan Elgabsi - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (3):529-545.
    This existential phenomenological exploration concerns how writing is not the mere tool for communication and commemoration, or the supplementary image of a memory, but is closely connected to the phenomenon of the grave. The exploration aims to show a transgenerational mode of human existence and moral life, by considering how the becoming of a historical, which is to say a transgenerational subject through the features that writing and the grave together lets us capture, is also importantly bound to the (...)
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  28. The Existential Integralism of Suárez: Reevaluation of Gilson's allegation of Suarezian essentialism.José Pereira - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):660-688.
    In declaring that «existence as existence corresponds to being as such, and pertains to its intrinsic significance», Suárez accords to existence a preeminence perhaps not ascribed to it by any Scholastic philosopher. Conceptually distinct, existence and essence are really identical, their identity indicated by the term essentia realis, or «existent essence.» Being is at once unitary in meaning and dyadic; it denotes existence that is both actual and aptitudinal . «Actual» existence is realized extra-mentally, while the «aptitudinal» is existence insofar (...)
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    Waking to Wonder: Wittgenstein's Existential Investigations.Gordon C. F. Bearn - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    The central claim of this book is that, early and late, Wittgenstein modelled his approach to existential meaning on his account of linguistic meaning. A reading of Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy sets up Bearn’s reading of the existential point of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Bearn argues that both books try to resolve our anxiety about the meaning of life by appeal to the deep, unutterable essence of the world. Bearn argues that as Wittgenstein’s and Nietzsche’s thought matured, (...)
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  30. Reading, Writing, and Speech Act Theory: Prolegomena to any Future Logic of Fiction.Peter Alward - unknown
    meaning of a proper name is simply its referent.[1] This thesis, however, brings with it a whole host of problems. One particularly thorny difficulty is that of negative existentials, sentences of the form ‘N does not exist’ (where ‘N’ is a proper name). Intuitively, some such sentences are true, but the direct reference theory seems to imply that they must be either false or meaningless. After all, if the meaning of a name is just its referent, then a sentence such (...)
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    “Why Is There Anything Rather Than Nothing?”: A Critical Appraisal of Grünbaum’s Critique on “Primordial Existential Question” and His Reading of Leibniz and Bergson. 이지선 - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 132:119-145.
    왜 아무 것도 없지 않고 어떤 것이 있는가? 이 질문은 정통 형이상학이 주요하게 다룬 문제 중 하나로, 오늘날에는 현대우주론에서 다양한 방식으로 변용해서 탐색하는 문제인 동시에, 과학(만)으로는 답을 찾을 수 없는 궁극적인 문제로 간주되기도 한다. 이에 착안하여 현대 신학자들은 고전적 신존재 증명 중 하나인 우주론적 논증이 현대적으로 재해석가능하며 또 타당함을 주장하기도 한다. A. 그륀바움은 이 문제를 “근원적 실존 문제(PEQ)”라 부르고 무의 가능성과 무의 자발성이라는 두 가지 전제를 분석한다. 우선 PEQ가 유사문제임을 보인 뒤 PEQ에서 신존재 증명으로 이어지는 신학적 시도들이 실패함을 보이는 것이 (...)
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    Essays in existential psychoanalysis: on the primary of authenticity.M. Guy Thompson - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this brilliant and revolutionary collection of fourteen major essays that draw from more than twenty-five years of painstaking research, M. Guy Thompson regales us with a stunning revisioning of conventional psychoanalysis that deepens our understanding of the human condition. Integrating the most seminal existentialist philosophers, including Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre, with the most forward thinking psychoanalysts over the past century, including Freud, Laing, Bion, Winnicott, and Lacan, Thompson offers a profound yet deeply personal vision of what psychoanalysis can be (...)
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    The Existential Sociology of Jean-Paul Sartre. [REVIEW]D. W. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (1):167-169.
    Whoever decides to read this book will get what the title promises, nothing more, and nothing less. He will get nothing more, for it would be difficult indeed to elaborate upon all of Sartre's work in 148 pages. The author has not attempted to do so, but what she has done, she has done well.
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    Two papers on existential graphs by Charles Peirce.Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):881-922.
    The following two articles comprise two sets of Charles Peirce’s manuscripts, “Recent Developments of Existential Graphs and their Consequences for Logic” (MS 498, MS 499, MS 490 & S-36, 1906) and “Assurance through Reasoning” (MS 669 & MS 670, 1911), written for the National Academy of Sciences meetings in 1906 and 1911. The papers are deposited at Houghton Library, Harvard University. Only some parts of MS 470 have been published before, and in somewhat defective form. Although “Assurance” follows “Recent (...)
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    Voegelinian Readings of Modern Literature.Charles R. Embry (ed.) - 2011 - University of Missouri.
    These essays supply a theoretical grounding for the reading of novels, poems, and plays and reveal how the Voegelinian perspective exposes the existential and philosophical dimensions of the literary works themselves.
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  36. The Genesis of Existentials in Animal Life: Heidegger's Appropriation of Aristotle's Ontology of Life.Christiane Bailey - 2011 - Heidegger Circle Proceedings 1 (1):199-212.
    Paper presented at the Heidegger Circle 2011. Although Aristotle’s influence on young Heidegger’s thought has been studied at length, such studies have almost exclusively focused on his interpretation of Aristotle’s ethics, physics and metaphysics. I will rather address Heidegger’s appropriation of Aristotle’s ontology of life. Focusing on recently published or recently translated courses of the mid 20’s (mainly SS 1924, WS 1925-26 and SS 1926), I hope to uncover an important aspect of young Heidegger’s thought left unconsidered: namely, that Dasein’s (...)
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    Living Poetically: Kierkegaard's Existential Aesthetics.Sylvia Walsh - 1990 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Living Poetically_ is the first book to focus primarily on Kierkegaard's existential aesthetics as opposed to traditional aesthetic features of his writings such as the use of pseudonyms, literary techniques and figures, and literary criticism. _Living Poetically_ traces the development of the concept of the poetic in Kierkegaard's writings as that concept is worked out in an ethical-religious perspective in contrast to the aesthetics of early German romanticism and Hegelian idealism. Sylvia Walsh seeks to elucidate what it means, in (...)
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  38. Reading Wittgenstein (on Belief) with Tillich (on Doubt).Gorazd Andrejč - 2015 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 57 (1):60-86.
    In this paper, I explore the possibility of reading Wittgenstein’s understanding of religious belief with Tillich’s concept of existential/religious doubt, especially as developed in his Dynamics of Faith. I argue, first, that Wittgenstein’s understanding of religious belief as a deep certainty of a grammatical remark is not the same as his understanding of hinge-certainty of “hinge propositions”, and that the relevant difference is that Wittgenstein leaves room for the possibility of doubt in the former but not in the (...)
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    Skyttegravenes zoner af meningsintensitet - Karl Ove Knausgårds eksistentielle læsning af første verdenskrig.Claus Kloster Elbæk - 2014 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 70:111-125.
    This article investigates how the Norwegian author Karl Ove Knausgård in My struggle uses his existential reading of 1914 and World War I to nuance our general understanding of the war. Knausgård wants to demonstrate that the collective enthusiasm, which took millions of men by storm, was existentially motivated. The war was able to give the soldiers a sense of meaning, a project and a community; feelings they needed in their civilian lives. Furthermore, Knausgård uses his reading (...)
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    Thinking with Kierkegaard: Existential Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Ethics.Arne Grøn - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter. Edited by Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen & René Rosfort.
    Arne Grøn’s reading of Søren Kierkegaard’s authorship revolves around existential challenges of human identity. The 35 essays that constitute this book are written over three decades and are characterized by combining careful attention to the augmentative detail of Kierkegaard’s text with a constant focus on issues in contemporary philosophy. Contrary to many approaches to Kierkegaard’s authorship, Grøn does not read Kierkegaard in opposition to Hegel. The work of the Danish thinker is read as a critical development of Hegelian (...)
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  41. Heidegger and the roots of existential therapy.Hans W. Cohn - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    `Hans Cohn has given us a personal and valuable statement about the theoretical underpinnings of his work as a psychotherapist. These can be little doubt about his contribution to our thinking practice is invaluable. Students will find Cohn's easygoing exposition of complex ideas enormously helpful' - Professor Emmy van Deurzen, Existential Analysis `One of the most important books published this year. This long-awaited book by the foremost expert on the relationship between Heidegger and psychotherapy, manages to encapsulate the essence (...)
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    “Friendship of Dharma” as Existential Communion between Enemies.Itsuki Hayashi - 2022 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 8 (1):73-96.
    “Atsumori” is a Noh play composed by master playwright Zeami sometime before 1423, featuring characters from the Tales of the Heike. Although popular to this day, the philosophical significance of the play remains underdeveloped and underappreciated. Prima facie, it features a ghost who is liberated thanks to the sincere prayer of the priest who killed him. Simplistic reading would yield simplistic understanding of the characters and their dynamism, and would fail to appreciate, for instance, the agency of the ghost (...)
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    (1 other version)Culture as Existential Territory: Ecosophic Homelands for the Twenty-first Century.Janell Watson - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):306-327.
    The mass popular dissent which has marked the early twenty-first century, from al-Qaeda to the Arab Spring to the Occupy movement, can be read as expressions of collective, subjective, existential mutation. This reading is inspired by Félix Guattari, who described the 1979 Iranian revolution, the Polish Solidarity movement and the 1989 Chinese student demonstrations as demands for subjective singularisation. In each of these examples of social discontent, past and present, demands vary widely even within the same movement, spanning (...)
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    Reading Hegel's Phenomenology (review).Tom Rockmore - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):493-494.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reading Hegel’s PhenomenologyTom RockmoreJohn Russon. Reading Hegel’s Phenomenology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004. Pp. xi + 299. Cloth, $50.00. Paper, $27.95.Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit has been increasingly studied in ever-greater detail in recent years. In John Russon's interpretive study of Hegel's theories in this book, explanation is tightly constrained by the core argument of its various sections. The text is divided into an introduction and fifteen (...)
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    Merold Westphal’s existential theology as the development ideas of Soren Kierkegaard in age of Postmodern.Serhii Shevchenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:85-97.
    Serhii Shevchenko Merold Westphal’s existential theology as the development ideas of Soren Kierkegaard in age of Postmodern. The article reveals the problem of Merold Westphal’s understanding the specific of S. Kierkegaard’s religious existentialism. To analysed the basic statement of the books by M. Westphal «Becoming a Self: A Reading of Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript. It was studied thoroughly the problem of explication of S. Kierkegaard’s ethical and religious ideas in the post-existential and postmodern context. To investigate the (...)
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  46.  22
    Arne Grøn’s Existential Hermeneutics: Existence, Ethics and Religion.Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen, Mads Peter Karlsen & René Rosfort - 2020 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 53 (1):108-132.
    This paper presents an introduction to Arne Grøn’s existential hermeneutics as a philosophical method, while also attempting to indicate how Grøn’s work contributes to and engages in a number of crucial topics in modern continental philosophy. The first section of the paper shows how Grøn draws on Paul Ricoeur and Michael Theunissen to rethink the concept of existence through a reading of Kierkegaard that uncouples this concept from the self-evident status it attained in twenty-century existentialism. The second section (...)
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  47. Reading Fuzûlî with Heidegger: Poetic Language between Being and Nothingness.Onur Karamercan - 2022 - HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS 39 (1):283-295.
    The main goal of this article is to examine the link between the idea of language, being and nothingness by comparing 16th century Turkish-Azeri poet Fuzûlî’s poetry and 20th century German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s philosophy departing from the latter’s thinking of being. There are similarities between Heidegger and Fuzûlî’s respective thoughts concerning the role of the human being’s relation to finitude which grounds the relationship between being and nothingness. The article consists of three sections. The first section makes sense of (...)
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    Ligatures in Peirce's existential graphs.Frithjof Dau - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (186):89-109.
    Lines of Identity are important elements in Existential Graphs. They can be assembled to whole networks called “ligatures.” They are not straightforwardly understandable: for example, in constrast to LoI, ligatures may stand for more than one object.This article elaborates the handling of ligatures. It is precisely investigated how ligatures are dealt with in the calculus and how they can be modified without changing the meaning of a graph. Finally, a sufficient criterion for reading a ligature similar to a (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir, Women's Oppression and Existential Freedom.Patricia Hill Collins - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer (eds.), A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 325–338.
    Via a close reading of The Ethics of Ambiguity and The Second Sex, this chapter examines how Simone de Beauvoir's analogical thinking about race and gender shape her arguments concerning oppression and freedom. First, Beauvoir uses gender as an analytical category to examine women's oppression. In contrast, Beauvoir uses race, age, class and ethnicity as descriptive experiences that provide evidence for her analysis of women's oppression. Second, Beauvoir's analysis of women's oppression relies on an uncritical analogical method to develop (...)
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    What reading Montaigne during the Second World War can teach us about just war.Daniel R. Brunstetter - 2022 - Journal of International Political Theory 18 (3):355-374.
    Revisionist just war scholarship employs the rigors of analytical philosophy to make arguments about the deep morality of war. Accepting the individual and cosmopolitan are paramount to making sense of war as many revisionists do, this essay looks outside the just war canon to Montaigne—a sixteenth century French humanist hailed for his exploration of the self and cosmopolitan musings—for alternative insights. It explores how Montaigne was read during the Second World War by three intellectuals to make sense of war: Stefan (...)
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