Results for 'Evelyn Alsultany'

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  1.  52
    Protesting Muslim Americans as Patriotic Americans: The All-American Muslim Controversy.Evelyn Alsultany - 2012 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 27 (2):145 - 148.
    Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Volume 27, Issue 2, Page 145-148, April-June.
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    The Diary of John Evelyn.John Evelyn - 1996 - Routledge.
    John Evelyn (1620-1706) is best remembered for Sylva - his magnum opus - and his Diary . Alongside Pepys' diary, Evelyn's is as well known now as anything else written in their time. A connoisseur of architecture, painting, music, coins, and sermons, Evelyn was renowned for his practical knowledge on horticulture and arboriculture, and he was one of the original Fellows of the Royal Society. His Diary begins with an account of his early life and travels in (...)
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    Wahrheit Suchen Und Wahrheit Bekennen: Alexius Meinong: Skizze Seines Lebens.Evelyn Dölling (ed.) - 1999 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Es gibt Gegenstände, von denen gilt, daß es dergleichen Gegenstände nicht gibt. Dieser Satz hat dem Österreicher Alexius Meinong nicht nur Berühmtheit, sondern auch vernichtende Urteile beschert. Hindern konnten sie ihn jedoch keinesfalls daran, die weltweit bekannte Schule der Grazer Gegenstandstheorie zu etablieren. Wertphilosophische, erkenntnistheoretische sowie psychologische Schriften und die Gründung des ersten experimentalpsychologischen Laboratoriums in Österreich komplettieren das Schaffen dieses Philosophen. Meinongs Lebensgeschichte ist die Verquickung der Geschichte seiner Publikationen und der akademischen Aktivitäten seiner kleinen Schule von Schülern. Platz (...)
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  4. The Diary of John Evelyn: Volume 6: Additions & Corrections, Index.John Evelyn (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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    Secrets of life, secrets of death: essays on language, gender, and science.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    The essays included here represent Fox Keller's attempts to integrate the insights of feminist theory with those of her contemporaries in the history and philosophy of science.
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  6. The Century of the Gene.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (3):613-615.
  7. Beyond Prejudice: The Moral Significance of Human and Nonhuman Animals.Evelyn B. Pluhar - 1995 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Beyond Prejudice_, Evelyn B. Pluhar defends the view that any sentient conative being—one capable of caring about what happens to him or herself—is morally significant, a view that supports the moral status and rights of many nonhuman animals. Confronting traditional and contemporary philosophical arguments, she offers in clear and accessible fashion a thorough examination of theories of moral significance while decisively demonstrating the flaws in the arguments of those who would avoid attributing moral rights to nonhumans. Exposing the (...)
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    Evelyn Waugh and Fascism.Evelyn Waugh & Donat Gallagher - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):388-390.
  9. Evelyn Waugh on the American Epoch in the Catholic Church.Evelyn Waugh - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):317-333.
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    Evelyn Waugh's review of.Evelyn Waugh - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (3):434-436.
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  11. Evelyn Waugh on Thomas Merton.Evelyn Waugh - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):364-365.
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    A Conversation between Evelyne Grossman & Jacob Rogozinski & : Deleuze, reader of Artaud – Artaud, reader of Deleuze.Evelyne Grossman & Jacob Rogozinski - 2019 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (1):1-13.
    A translation of a dialogue between Evelyne Grossman and Jacob Rogozinski on Artaud, Deleuze, and the status of the ego.
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    A Guide to Field Philosophy: Case Studies and Practical Strategies.Evelyn Brister & Robert Frodeman (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers increasingly engage in practical work with other disciplines and the world at large. This volume draws together the lessons learned from this work--including philosophers' contributions to scientific research projects, consultations on matters of policy, and expertise provided to government agencies and non-profits--on how to effectively practice philosophy. Its 22 case studies are organized into five sections: I Collaboration and Communication II Policymaking and the Public Sphere III Fieldwork in the Academy IV Fieldwork in the Professions V Changing Philosophical Practice (...)
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  14. Refiguring Life: Metaphors of Twentieth-Century Biology.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (2):312-313.
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    The bourgeoisie and democracy: historical and contemporary perspectives.Evelyne Huber & John D. Stephens - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Trans Identities and Contingent Masculinities: Being Tombois in Everyday Practice.Evelyn Blackwood - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (3):454-480.
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  17. Evelyn Fox Keller Science and Gender.Bill D. Moyers, Evelyn Fox Keller, Leslie Clark, N. Y.) Wnet York & Ill) Wttw Chicago - 1994 - Films for the Humanities.
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    The Mirage of a Space between Nature and Nurture.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    In this powerful critique, the esteemed historian and philosopher of science Evelyn Fox Keller addresses the nature-nurture debates, including the persistent disputes regarding the roles played by genes and the environment in determining individual traits and behavior. Keller is interested in both how an oppositional “versus” came to be inserted between nature and nurture, and how the distinction on which that opposition depends, the idea that nature and nurture are separable, came to be taken for granted. How, she asks, (...)
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    The disappearance of function from 'self-organizing systems'.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2007 - In Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff (eds.), Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations. Boston: Elsevier.
  20.  15
    Let a woman's longing and fulfillment be hers.Evelyn Monteiro - 2001 - Disputatio Philosophica 3 (1):215-224.
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    Kohlberg and Concern for Nonhumans.Evelyn B. Pluhar - 1989 - Between the Species 5 (2):7.
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    Organisms, Machines, and Thunderstorms: A History of Self-Organization (II).Evelyn Fox Keller - 2009 - Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 39 (1):1-31.
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  23. Reflections on Gender and Science.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1985 - Yale University Press.
    "-Barbara Ehrenreich, Mother Jones "This book represents the expression of a particular feminist perspective made all the more compelling by Keller's evident commitment to and understanding of science.
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    Making Sense of Life.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2002 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    What do biologists want? If, unlike their counterparts in physics, biologists are generally wary of a grand, overarching theory, at what kinds of explanation do biologists aim? A history of the diverse and changing nature of biological explanation in a particularly charged field, "Making Sense of Life" draws our attention to the temporal, disciplinary, and cultural components of what biologists mean, and what they understand, when they propose to explain life.
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  25.  37
    Mobile Brain/Body Imaging (MoBI) of Physical Interaction with Dynamically Moving Objects.Evelyn Jungnickel & Klaus Gramann - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  26.  48
    It’s no accident: Our bias for intentional explanations.Evelyn Rosset - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):771-780.
  27. Cognitive Ecology as a Framework for Shakespearean Studies.Evelyn Tribble & John Sutton - 2011 - Shakespeare Studies 39:94-103.
    ‘‘COGNITIVE ECOLOGY’’ is a fruitful model for Shakespearian studies, early modern literary and cultural history, and theatrical history more widely. Cognitive ecologies are the multidimensional contexts in which we remember, feel, think, sense, communicate, imagine, and act, often collaboratively, on the fly, and in rich ongoing interaction with our environments. Along with the anthropologist Edwin Hutchins,1 we use the term ‘‘cognitive ecology’’ to integrate a number of recent approaches to cultural cognition: we believe these approaches offer productive lines of engagement (...)
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  28. Basic Income for Canadians: The key to a healthier, happier, more secure life for all.Evelyn Forget - 2018
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    Leibniz’s Moral Psychology of an Evil Person.Evelyn Vargas & Markku Roinila - forthcoming - Dialogue.
    Our focus in this article concerns Leibniz’s views on evil. Our goal is to examine which are the consequences of his conception of moral agency for the moral psychology of the genuinely evil person. For Leibniz, moral failure is an epistemic error since it involves some false practical judgement. Moral maxims may be represented in blind or symbolic cognitions, but then moral agents can misrepresent the evil consequences of their behaviour. Finally, we discuss Leibniz’s view on habits that may help (...)
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  30. Baconian Science: A Hermaphroditic Birth.Evelyn Fox Keller - 1980 - Philosophical Forum 11 (3):299.
  31. Homesickness in an expanding world: the case of the nineteenth-century lyric.Evelyne Ender - 2010 - In Christie McDonald & Susan Rubin Suleiman (eds.), French Global: A New Approach to Literary History. Columbia University Press.
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  32. Thomas Paine als Publizist.Evelyn Rabien - 1956 - [München]:
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    (1 other version)The Governmental Topologies of Database Devices.Evelyn Ruppert - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):116-136.
    In business and government, databases contain large quantities of digital transactional data (purchases made, services used, finances transferred, benefits received, licences acquired, borders crossed, tickets purchased). The data can be understood as ongoing and dynamic measurements of the activities and doings of people. In government, numerous database devices have been developed to connect such data across services to discover patterns and identify and evaluate the performance of individuals and populations. Under the UK’s New Labour government, the development of such devices (...)
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    On compliance with ethical standards in tax return preparation.Evelyn C. Hume, Ernest R. Larkins & Govind Iyer - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (2):229 - 238.
    The Statements on Responsibilities in Tax Practice (SRTPs) provide guidance to the CPA when making decisions in tax practice. Many of these decisions are ethical in nature and have implications for tax compliance. In this study, a survey methodology is used to test whether the SRTPs affect decisions that CPAs make. The findings suggest that a clear majority of CPAs follow the SRTPs when making ethical decisions relating to tax return preparation and that CPAs follow the SRTPs more often than (...)
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  35. Models of and models for: Theory and practice in contemporary biology.Evelyn Fox Keller - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):86.
    Two decades of critique have sensitized historians and philosophers of science to the inadequacies of conventional dichotomies between theory and practice, thereby prompting the search for new ways of writing about science that are less beholden than the old ways to the epistemological mores of theoretical physics, and more faithful to the actual practices not only of physics but of all the natural sciences. The need for alternative descriptions seems particularly urgent if one is to understand the place of theory (...)
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  36.  9
    La fonction critique de l'art: dynamiques et ambiguïtés.Evelyne Toussaint (ed.) - 2009 - Bruxelles: La Lettre Volée.
    Les communications du colloque sur "La fonction critique de l'Art" qui s'Est déroulé à l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, les 28, 29 et 30 novembre 2007 sous l'Impulsion d'Evelyne Toussaint, témoignent d'Une volonté d'eclairer la production d'Artistes qui ont pris position sur des questions politiques, sociales, économiques ou esthétiques. Sans céder à certains jugements qui se révèlent souvent comme autant de témoignages de méconnaissance, de distraction, d'emballements rhétoriques ou de volonté d'emprise, résistant aux arbitrages qui les inciteraient (...)
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  37. Sexuality and gender in Native American tribes: Th e case of crossgender females.Evelyn Blackwood - 1994 - In Anne Herrmann & Abigail J. Stewart (eds.), Theorizing feminism: parallel trends in the humanities and social sciences. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 301--315.
  38. Kritik der Urteilslehre: Land versus Brentano, mit Blick auf Frege.Evelyn Dolling - 1997 - Brentano Studien 7:123-146.
    Der mathematische Logiker Gottlob Frege und der philosophische Logiker Franz Brentano hatten im Ausgang des 19.Jahrhunderts ein gemeinsames Anliegen: Sie wollten die Aristotelische Logik, insbesondere die Aristotelische Urteilslehre, reformieren. Ihre Bemuhungen mundeten in die Behauptung, dass sich alle kategorischen Urteile auf die Form von Existentialurteilen zuruckfuhren liessen. Den Motiven von Brentano und Frege fur den Entwurf einer neuen Urteilslehre nachzuspuren sowie einen Vergleich zwischen den Auffassungen beider vorzunehmen, ist das Anliegen des Aufsatzes. Konfrontiert werden ihre Untersuchungen mit der Kritik von (...)
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  39. Imagining Jerusalem in the Medieval West.Edson Evelyn - 2012
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    Modern developments in mental welfare work.Evelyn Fox - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (3):165.
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    ""The kinds of" individuals" one finds in evolutionary biology.Evelyn Fox Keller & Margaret S. Ewing - 1993 - In Matthew H. Nitecki & Doris V. Nitecki (eds.), Evolutionary Ethics. SUNY Press.
  42. A Reappraisal of Moral Development Theory.Evelyn B. Kincaid & W. B. Cameron - 1979 - Journal of Thought 14 (3):187-93.
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    Child psychology.Evelyn Lawrence - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):132.
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    Redeeming the time. A survey of the junior instruction centre movement.Evelyn Lawrence - 1942 - The Eugenics Review 33 (4):132.
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    The measurement of abilities.Evelyn Lawrence - 1940 - The Eugenics Review 32 (3):93.
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    The psychological aspects of child development.Evelyn Lawrence - 1935 - The Eugenics Review 27 (3):239.
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    The ethical dimension.Evelyn Urban Shirk - 1965 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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    William Peter McEwen 1912-1990.Evelyn Shirk - 1990 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 64 (1):23 - 24.
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  49. Mp Fogarty.Evelyn Underhill & Wa Sinclair - 1946 - Hibbert Journal: A Quarterly Review of Religion, Theology, and Philosophy 44:95.
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  50. (1 other version)Sources of Power in Human Life.Evelyn Underhill - 1920 - Hibbert Journal 19:385.
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