Results for 'Eutimio Navarro'

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  1. Jesus Navarro y Santiago: Father and I.Greg Navarro - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):375-377.
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    De la libertad del mundo: homenaje a Juan Manuel Navarro Cordón.Navarro Cordon & Juan Manuel - 2014 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores. Edited by García Norro, Juan José, Ramón Rodríguez, Callejo Hernanz & María José.
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  3. Aristóteles: el alma y la comparación.Eutimio Martino - 1975 - Madrid: Gredos.
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    Tratado de moral profesional.Antonio Peinador Navarro - 1962 - Madrid: [Editorial Católica].
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    Hypothesis generation, sparse categories, and the positive test strategy.Daniel J. Navarro & Amy F. Perfors - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (1):120-134.
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  6. Sampling Assumptions in Inductive Generalization.Daniel J. Navarro, Matthew J. Dry & Michael D. Lee - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):187-223.
    Inductive generalization, where people go beyond the data provided, is a basic cognitive capability, and it underpins theoretical accounts of learning, categorization, and decision making. To complete the inductive leap needed for generalization, people must make a key ‘‘sampling’’ assumption about how the available data were generated. Previous models have considered two extreme possibilities, known as strong and weak sampling. In strong sampling, data are assumed to have been deliberately generated as positive examples of a concept, whereas in weak sampling, (...)
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  7. Epistemic Luck and Epistemic Risk.Jesús Navarro - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):929-950.
    We are witnessing a certain tendency in epistemology to account for the anti-luck intuition in terms of risk. I.e., instead of the traditional anti-luck diagnosis of Gettier cases and fake barn cases, a new anti-risk diagnosis seems to be preferable by many. My goal in this paper is twofold: first, I contribute to motivate that drift; and second, I defend that we ought to partially resist it. An anti-risk diagnosis is valid and preferable for fake barn cases, but we still (...)
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    Luck and Risk.Jesús Navarro - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (1-2):63-75.
    This paper advances new theses about the relationship between luck and risk, using recent work by Duncan Pritchard (2014, 2015, 2016) as its foil. Once Pritchard’s views are introduced in section 1, the rest of the paper completes two different tasks, one critical and one constructive. By focussing on some epistemological cases that Pritchard’s model would fail to identify, section 2 shows that it relies on a difference that is in fact inessential: the one between the occurrence and the non‐occurrence (...)
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  9. Rousseau, o, La hierba doncella.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2022 - Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
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    Normas permisivas Y clausura de Los sistemas normativos.Pablo E. Navarro - 2011 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 34.
    En este trabajo analizo la autonomía y relevancia normativa de las normas permisivas. En especial, mis propósitos principales son revisar dos tesis escépticas: los permisos y las normas permisivas pueden reducirse a otras formas normativas, e.g. derogación de prohibiciones, y no se producen diferencias significativas cuando se permite una conducta que no había sido previamente regulada. Ambas tesis son examinadas en relación a la naturaleza y función del principio de clausura normativa. La conclusión de este trabajo es que las normas (...)
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    Escepticismo, estoicismo y subjetividad: Reevaluación de la influencia de Montaigne en Descartes.Jesus Navarro - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15.
    AbstractAccording to the standard view, Montaigne’s Pyrrhonian doubts would be in the origin of Descartes’ radical Sceptical challenges and his cogito argument. Although this paper does not deny this influence, its aim is to reconsider it from a different perspective, by acknowledging that it was not Montaigne’s Scepticism, but his Stoicism, which played the decisive role in the birth of the modern internalist conception of subjectivity. Cartesian need for certitude is to be better understood as an effect of the Stoic (...)
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    Los límites del derecho: estudios sobre los compromisos conceptuales del positivismo jurídico.Pablo Eugenio Navarro - 2005 - Bogotá, Colombia: Temis.
  13. Prosopon en Atanasio de Alejandría: Estudio semántico e implicaciones literarias.Luis A. Sánchez Navarro - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (112):231-262.
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    Adding Types, But Not Tokens, Affects Property Induction.Belinda Xie, Danielle J. Navarro & Brett K. Hayes - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12895.
    The extent to which we generalize a novel property from a sample of familiar instances to novel instances depends on the sample composition. Previous property induction experiments have only used samples consisting of novel types (unique entities). Because real‐world evidence samples often contain redundant tokens (repetitions of the same entity), we studied the effects on property induction of adding types and tokens to an observed sample. In Experiments 1–3, we presented participants with a sample of birds or flowers known to (...)
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    Gibbs, Einstein and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics.Luis Navarro - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 53 (2):147-180.
    It is generally accepted that, around the turn of the century, GIBBS and EINSTEIN independently developed two equivalent formulations of statistical mechanics. GIBBS version is taken as genuine and rigorous, while EINSTEINs, despite some features which are characteristic of him, is usually considered a not totally satisfactory attempt.It will be shown in the present work that such a picture is oversimplified and requires further nuancing. In fact, there are significant differences, with important implications which have not been sufficiently examined, between (...)
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    Feedback Related Potentials for EEG-Based Typing Systems.Paula Gonzalez-Navarro, Basak Celik, Mohammad Moghadamfalahi, Murat Akcakaya, Melanie Fried-Oken & Deniz Erdoğmuş - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Error related potentials, which are elicited in the EEG in response to a perceived error, have been used for error correction and adaption in the event related potential -based brain computer interfaces designed for typing. In these typing interfaces, ERP evidence is collected in response to a sequence of stimuli presented usually in the visual form and the intended user stimulus is probabilistically inferred and presented to the user as the decision. If the inferred stimulus is incorrect, ErrP is expected (...)
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  17. Detection of Executive Performance Profiles Using the ENFEN Battery in Children Diagnosed With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Ignasi Navarro-Soria, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José Manuel García-Fernández, Carlota González-Gómez, Marta Real-Fernández, Marta Sánchez-Múñoz de León & Rocío Lavigne-Cervan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children and adolescents. People who have this disorder are characterized by presenting difficulties in the processes of sustained attention, being very active, and having poor control of their impulses. Despite the high prevalence of this disorder and the existence of various tests used for its diagnosis, few data are available regarding the usefulness and diagnostic validity of these tools. Given the difficulties that these subjects present in executive functions, (...)
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    The way things go: moral relativism and suspension of judgment.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (1):49-64.
    A popular accusation against moral relativism is that it goes too far in its vindication of tolerance. The idea behind accusations like this can be summarized in the slogan, frequently attributed to relativism, that “anything goes”. The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it is an “anything goes” view; from the accusation that it forces us to suspend our judgment in cases in which we do not think we should even be allowed to. (...)
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  19. Carlos Chiarella.Eduardo Navarro - 1998 - Polis 1 (2):64.
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    Not Expressivist Enough: Normative Disagreement about Belief Attribution.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro, Víctor Fernández Castro, Javier González de Prado Salas & Manuel Heras–Escribano - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (4):409-430.
    The expressivist account of knowledge attributions, while claiming that these attributions are nonfactual, also typically holds that they retain a factual component. This factual component involves the attribution of a belief. The aim of this work is to show that considerations analogous to those motivating an expressivist account of knowledge attributions can be applied to belief attributions. As a consequence, we claim that expressivists should not treat the so-called factual component as such. The phenomenon we focus on to claim that (...)
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    Pensar sin certezas: Montaigne y el arte de conversar.Jesús Navarro Reyes - 2007 - Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    Suele considerarse que los ensayos de Montaigne contienen el germen del subjetivismo moderno: incapaz de superar su crisis escéptica, Montaigne habría iniciado el giro de la filosofía hacia la interioridad del yo, ensayándose a sí mismo en su escritura, replegándose sobre sí. Sin embargo, conviene no olvidar que los Ensayos carecieron del firme -y falaz- apoyo de la certeza; por ese motivo Montaigne no nos ofrece un decálogo a seguir por un sujeto solitario en el ejercicio autárquico de su razón. (...)
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    Sodoma y el barón Haussman: Por una deslocalización queer.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (61):267-286.
    Resumen La discusión de las políticas culturales del duelo ofrecida por Judith Butler tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre servirá aquí para cuestionar las fracturas sexuales, genéricas y raciales, entre otras, que rigen la inteligibilidad cultural de la vulnerabilidad compartida en contextos pandémicos. Esta revisión de la idea de comunidad se pondrá en relación con el desarrollo de la medicina social urbana explorado por Michel Foucault para deslocalizar la resistencia a los procesos de estigmatización y normalización puestos en marcha (...)
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    Interpretar y argumentar: la hermenéutica gadameriana a la luz de las teorías de la argumentación.María G. Navarro - 2009 - Madrid: Spanish National Research Council/ Plaza & Valdés.
    Dentro de la tradición de la hermenéutica filosófica y, más específicamente, de la ontología hermenéutica del filósofo alemán H.G. Gadamer, "Interpretar y argumentar" constituye una indagación en el modelo de racionalidad propio ...
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    Indexical Relativism?Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):1365-1389.
    The particular behavior exhibited by sentences featuring predicates of personal taste such as “tasty” may drive us to claim that their truth depends on the context of assessment, as MacFarlane does. MacFarlane considers two ways in which the truth of a sentence can depend on the context of assessment. On the one hand, we can say that the sentence expresses a proposition whose truth-value depends on the context of assessment. This is MacFarlane’s position, which he calls “truth relativism” and, following (...)
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    Mente y cosmos. La idea de la conciencia en Vasubandhu y Buddhagosha.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (298 S. Esp):295-312.
    Para las tradiciones escolásticas budistas, el universo es inseparable de la vida mental de los seres que lo habitan, siendo las acciones de los seres, con sus estados mentales asociados, las que trazan el mapa y calendario cósmico. Algunos investigadores han visto en estas asociaciones entre mente y universo la «contraparte imaginativa, mítica y poética de los estados meditativos». Este artículo intenta mostrar cómo la propia escolástica mantiene cierta ambigüedad sobre si el cosmos debe entenderse como una metáfora de la (...)
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  26. Central and northern mexico : Curanderos' altar-mesas in mexico city.Roberto Campos-Navarro - 2003 - In Douglas Sharon & James Edward Brady (eds.), Mesas & cosmologies in Mesoamerica. San Diego: San Diego Museum of Man.
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    Astrology in court: The Spanish Inquisition, authority, and expertise.Tayra M. C. Lanuza-Navarro - 2017 - History of Science 55 (2):187-209.
    Astrology, its legitimacy, and the limits of its acceptable practice were debated in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe. Many of the related arguments were mediated by the work of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and the responses to it. Acknowledging the complexities of the relationship between astrological ideas and Christian teachings, this paper focuses on the Catholic debates by specifically considering the decisions about astrology taken by the Spanish Inquisition. The trials of astrologers are examined with the aim of understanding the role (...)
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    Lineamientos filosóficos.Rogelio Navarro - 1964 - [Montevideo?: Ediciones del Faro de Punta Carretas.
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    Promulgation and derogation of legal rules.Pablo E. Navarro - 1993 - Law and Philosophy 12 (4):385 - 394.
    In this paper, I consider some problems concerning the structure of legal systems. In order to do this, I basically analyze the promulgation and derogation of legal rules. Frequently, promulgation has been referred to as the introduction of a rule into, and derogation as the removal of a rule from, a normative system. I try to show that there is more to it than that. One of the main ideas of the paper is that the enactment or derogation of a (...)
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  30. Testi e commenti-Fabola de Psiche, traducción renacentista italiana. Edición.Andrés Navarro Lázaro - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:101.
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    Signs, paradox, and sporting games in school physical education.Vicente Navarro-Adelantado & Miguel Pic - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):153-168.
    The wide range of semiotic possibility, through networks of motor communications, reveal processes for decision-making with playful meaning. We describe a physical education experience according to a sequence based on five motor games, corresponding to five networks of motor communications, with the purpose of revealing the signs to interpret a fully comprehension of playful communication. A total of 180 high school students were part of this pedagogic experience. Events were obtained through the systematic observation of three game conducts, to be (...)
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    Friends with the Good: Moral Relativism and Moral Progress.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):886-899.
    The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it would make it irrational to classify past changes in public opinion as instances of moral progress, for they would constitute an improvement only from our current point of view. The argument is this. For our assessment of a change in public opinion as an instance of moral progress to be rational, we need to take the moral claims made before the change to be false simpliciter (...)
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    Decision-making in an emergency department: A nursing accountability model.Alfonso Rubio-Navarro, Diego José García-Capilla, Maria José Torralba-Madrid & Jane Rutty - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):567-586.
    Introduction: Nurses who work in an emergency department regularly care for acute patients in a fast-paced environment, being at risk of suffering high levels of burnout. This situation makes them especially vulnerable to be accountable for decisions they did not have time to consider or have been pressured into. Research objective: The objective of this study was to find which factors influence ethical, legal and professional accountability in nursing practice in an emergency department. Research design: Data were analysed, codified and (...)
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    “Connectedness to Nature Scale”: Validity and Reliability in the French Context.Oscar Navarro, Pablo Olivos & Ghozlane Fleury-Bahi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  35. Speech Acts, Criteria and Intentions.Jesús Navarro-Reyes - 2010 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 6 (1):145-170.
    Speech Acts, Criteria and Intentions What makes a speech act a speech act? Which are its necessary and sufficient conditions? I claim in this paper that we cannot find an answer to those questions in Austin's doctrine of the infelicities, since some infelicities take place in fully committing speech acts, whereas others prevent the utterance from being considered as a speech act at all. With this qualification in mind, I argue against the idea that intentions—considered as mental states accomplishing a (...)
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    Anticipating seizure: Pre-reflective experience at the center of neuro-phenomenology.Claire Petitmengin, Vincent Navarro & Michel Le Van Quyen - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):746-764.
    The purpose of this paper is to show through the concrete example of epileptic seizure anticipation how neuro-dynamic analysis and “pheno-dynamic” analysis may guide and determine each other. We will show that this dynamic approach to epileptic seizure makes it possible to consolidate the foundations of a cognitive non pharmacological therapy of epilepsy. We will also show through this example how the neuro-phenomenological co-determination could shed new light on the difficult problem of the “gap” which separates subjective experience from neurophysiological (...)
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    Ordem e perigo: superfícies do corpo político.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (1):327-346.
    Abstract:: This essay addresses the notion of public order from the point of view of biopolitics. With that aim, it relates the authoritarian response to social protest with the moral ordering of public space, using the case of the 15-M movement in Spain. Then, it reads the notion of public order as a dispositive, in the Foucauldian sense of the term. Departing from there, it presents a brief genealogical approach to the relations among sexual and racial ordering o public space. (...)
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  38. Das Bewußtsein als Zeichen.Jorge Navarro-Pérez - 1999 - Fichte-Studien 16:391-405.
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    Antropología filosófica en los tratados de medicina sánscrita = Philosophical anthropology in the enciclopaedias of sanskrit medicine.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2013 - Endoxa (32):11.
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  40. Emancipación contra natura. La crítica ecológica a la teoría marxiana de la alienación.Joaquín Valdivielso Navarro - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:496-506.
    Emancipación contra natura. La crítica ecológica a la teoría marxiana de la alienación.
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    Las nuevas pedagogías y el asedio de lo público.David Navarro - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Una de las vías por la cuales el pensamiento neoliberal cobra cada vez más fuerza es la de la educación. Las nuevas pedagogías se han convertido en poderosas propagadoras de un sistema educativo que favorece el individualismo y acentúa la injusticia social. Este modelo no se ha conformado con conquistar el ámbito de la educación privada, sino que está consiguiendo dar el salto al sistema público. Para analizar el alcance de este fenómeno nos serviremos de las ideas que sobre la (...)
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    À propos de la notion de «trace» dans la syntaxe chez Harris et chez Chomsky.Javier Arias Navarro - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 93:53-64.
    Ce texte constitue un bref résumé de certains travaux en cours beaucoup plus longs et détaillés sur le concept de «trace» dans la théorie linguistique contemporaine, en particulier dans la syntaxe. On pense généralement que l'idée en revient à Noam Chomsky; cependant, nous découvrons déjà son utilisation, avec une valeur très précise, dans les premiers travaux de Zellig Harris sur la linguistique mathématique ou, pour être plus précis, sur les structures mathématiques du langage. À l'origine, plutôt que d'être un index (...)
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    Embedded feature selection for neural networks via learnable drop layer.M. J. JimÉnez-Navarro, M. MartÍnez-Ballesteros, I. S. Brito, F. MartÍnez-Álvarez & G. Asencio-CortÉs - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Feature selection is a widely studied technique whose goal is to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by removing irrelevant features. It has multiple benefits, such as improved efficacy, efficiency and interpretability of almost any type of machine learning model. Feature selection techniques may be divided into three main categories, depending on the process used to remove the features known as Filter, Wrapper and Embedded. Embedded methods are usually the preferred feature selection method that efficiently obtains a selection of the (...)
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    No matter who: what makes one a relativist?Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 36 (2):231-242.
    As part of her argument that relativism and contextualism are nothing but notational variants of each other, Stojanovic holds that contextualism is flexible enough to achieve whatever relativism might do if the matter is what truth-value is assigned to each pair of sentence and context. In this paper, I reply to this statement by arguing that contextualism cannot be made as flexible as relativism without in fact turning it into a version of relativism. The key to my response to Stojanovic (...)
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    Equal Validity or Nonneutrality? A defense of relativism1.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):492-498.
    The purpose of Baghramian and Coliva’s book is twofold. On the one hand, it aims at identifying a consistent set of commitments shared by all theories that have.
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    Draper in Spain: The Conflicting Circulation of the Conflict Thesis.Jaume Navarro - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):1107-1124.
    This article delves into the reception of John W. Draper's History of the Conflict between Religion and Science in Spain. With two translations into Spanish appearing almost simultaneously in 1876, the conflict became a weapon in a long political dispute. The tensions between conservatives and liberals, between monarchists and republicans had the university and pedagogical reforms as one of the main battlefields. One of the chief reformist movements was informed by “Krausism,” an ideology that had academic freedom as one if (...)
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  47. Risieri Frondizi o la divergencia axiológica entre holismo metodológico y reduccionismo epistémico.David Ernesto Diaz Navarro - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 43 (127):117-139.
    El presente artículo tiene como propósito criticar y reformular la teoría de valores del autor y filósofo argentino Risieri Frondizi. Para ello, se someterán a falsacionismo las tesis según las cuales la cualidad estructural es, primero, estructuralista y no analítica y, segundo, empírica, de acuerdo con la metodología holista de la ciencia. La crítica, así, se desarrollará a partir de los siguientes interrogantes. Inicialmente, ¿el autor acude al holismo o al reduccionismo como enfoques metodológicos de desarrollo? Finalmente, ¿cuál es la (...)
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    Ethical considerations of universal vaccination against human papilloma virus.Pedro Navarro-Illana, Justo Aznar & Javier Díez-Domingo - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):29.
    From an epidemiological perspective, the practice of universal vaccination of girls and young women in order to prevent human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and potential development of cervical cancer is widely accepted even though it may lead to the neglect of other preventive strategies against cervical cancer.
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    El «rostro» del otro: Una lectura de la ética de la alteridad de Emmanuel Lévinas.Olivia Navarro - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13:177-194.
    RESUMENEste artículo propone una aproximación a la ética de la alteridad de Emmanuel Lévinas tomando como eje argumentativo la noción «rostro». En primer lugar, este concepto nos permitirá profundizar en la articulación de la relación de alteridad bajo un enfoque pragmático-lingüístico. Posteriormente, nuestra reflexión se abrirá a un análisis del mismo, en tanto que palabra y discurso, que derivará en un estudio de la responsabilidad levinasiana. Finalmente, y aún a partir de esta noción, se ahondará en la actualidad del sentido (...)
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    Investigación y transmisión de la filosofía sāmkhya.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2014 - Endoxa 34:17.
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