Results for 'Esther Schröter'

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  1. Evil Banality in Hannah Arendt's works.Esther Schroeter - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (2):265-284.
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  2. Schroeter, François: Moralité et Émotions.Laura Schroeter - 2010 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 57 (1):164-173.
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  3. Bootstrapping our way to samesaying.Laura Schroeter - 2012 - Synthese 189 (1):177-197.
    This paper articulates two constraints on an acceptable account of meaning: (i) accessibility: sameness of meaning affords an immediate appearance of de jure co-reference, (ii) flexibility: sameness of meaning tolerates open-ended variation in speakers' substantive understanding of the reference. Traditional accounts of meaning have trouble simultaneously satisfying both constraints. I suggest that relationally individuated meanings provide a promising way of avoiding this tension. On relational accounts, we bootstrap our way to de jure co-reference: the subjective appearance of de jure co-reference (...)
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  4. Gruesome diagonals.Laura Schroeter - 2003 - Philosophers' Imprint 3:1-23.
    Frank Jackson and David Chalmers have suggested that the diagonal intensions defined by their two-dimensional framework can play the two key roles of Fregean senses: they provide a priori accessible extension conditions for a representation and they provide the identity conditions for meanings and thought contents. In this paper, I clarify the nature of the psychological abilities that are needed to underwrite the first role. I then argue that these psychological abilities are not sufficiently stable or cognitively salient to individuate (...)
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  5. Normative Concepts: A Connectedness Model.Laura Schroeter - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    This paper proposes a new relational account of concepts and shows how it is particularly well suited to characterizing normative concepts. The key advantage of our ‘connectedness’ model is that it explains how subjects can share the same normative concepts despite radical divergences in the descriptive or motivational commitments they associate with them. The connectedness model builds social and historical facts into the foundations of concept identity. This aspect of the model, we suggest, reshapes normative epistemology and provides new resources (...)
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    Experimental philosophers, conceptual analysts, and the rest of us.François Schroeter - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations 11 (2):143-149.
    In an interesting recent exchange, Antti Kauppinen (2007) disagrees with Thomas Nadelhoffer and Eddy Nahmias (2007) over the prospects of experimental methods in philosophy. Kauppinen's critique of experimental philosophy is premised on an endorsement of a priori conceptual analysis. This premise has shaped the trajectory of their debate. In this note, I consider what foes of conceptual analysis will have to say about their exchange.
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  7. The dynamics of embodiment: A field theory of infant perseverative reaching.Esther Thelen, Gregor Schöner, Christian Scheier & Linda B. Smith - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):1-34.
    The overall goal of this target article is to demonstrate a mechanism for an embodied cognition. The particular vehicle is a much-studied, but still widely debated phenomenon seen in 7–12 month-old-infants. In Piaget's classic “A-not-B error,” infants who have successfully uncovered a toy at location “A” continue to reach to that location even after they watch the toy hidden in a nearby location “B.” Here, we question the traditional explanations of the error as an indicator of infants' concepts of objects (...)
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    Bodies of Philosophy.Esther Wolfe & Elizabeth Grosz - 2014 - Stance 7 (1):115-126.
    Article published in Stance by Wolfe and Grosz.
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    Evaluating care from a care ethical perspective:: A pilot study.Esther E. Kuis & Anne Goossensen - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (5):569-582.
    Background: Care ethical theories provide an excellent opening for evaluation of healthcare practices since searching for (moments of) good care from a moral perspective is central to care ethics. However, a fruitful way to translate care ethical insights into measurable criteria and how to measure these criteria has as yet been unexplored: this study describes one of the first attempts. Objective: To investigate whether the emotional touchpoint method is suitable for evaluating care from a care ethical perspective. Research design: An (...)
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    Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America.Esther Newton - 1979 - University of Chicago Press.
    Interviews with female impersonators reveal the social, cultural, and economic aspects of their occupation and the subculture of the homosexual transvestite.
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  11. Normative realism: co-reference without convergence?Laura Schroeter - 2013 - Philosophers' Imprint 13.
    This paper examines whether realists can explain co-reference without appealing to subjects’ ideal convergence in judgment. This question is particularly pressing in the normative domain, since deep disagreement about the applicability of normative predicates suggests that different speakers may not pick out the same property when they use normative terms. Normative realists, we believe, have not been sufficiently aware of the difficulties involved in providing a theory of reference-determination. Our aim in this paper is to clarify the nature of this (...)
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  12. Jazz Redux: a reply to Möller.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):303-316.
    This paper is a response to Niklas Möller’s (Philosophical Studies, 2013) recent criticism of our relational (Jazz) model of meaning of thin evaluative terms. Möller’s criticism rests on a confusion about the role of coordinating intentions in Jazz. This paper clarifies what’s distinctive and controversial about the Jazz proposal and explains why Jazz, unlike traditional accounts of meaning, is not committed to analycities.
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  13. Why be an anti-individualist?Laura Schroeter - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 77 (1):105-141.
    Anti-individualists claim that concepts are individuated with an eye to purely external facts about a subject's environment about which she may be ignorant or mistaken. This paper offers a novel reason for thinking that anti-individualistic concepts are an ineliminable part of commonsense psychology. Our commitment to anti-individualism, I argue, is ultimately grounded in a rational epistemic agent's commitment to refining her own representational practices in the light of new and surprising information about her environment. Since anti-individualism is an implicit part (...)
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  14. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 97: 1997 Lectures and Memoirs.Goody Esther - 1998
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  15. Hope and faith : Kierkegaard's call for the self to develop its relationship to itself.Esther Oluffa Pedersen - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    A Deficit in Movement-Derived Sentences in German-Speaking Hearing-Impaired Children.Esther Ruigendijk & Naama Friedmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:184940.
    Children with hearing impairment (HI) show disorders in morphology and syntax. The question is whether and how these disorders are connected to problems in the auditory domain. The aim of this paper is to examine whether moderate to severe hearing loss at a young age affects the ability of German-speaking orally trained children to understand and produce sentences. We focused on sentence structures that are derived by syntactic movement, which have been identified as a sensitive marker for syntactic impairment in (...)
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  17. of Meaning.Laura Schroeter & John Bigelow - 2009 - In Ian Ravenscroft, Minds, Ethics, and Conditionals: Themes from the Philosophy of Frank Jackson. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 85.
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    Tugend und Moraltheorie.François Schroeter - 1995 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 49 (1):104 - 123.
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    Time-scale dynamics and the development of an embodied cognition.Esther Thelen - 1995 - In Tim van Gelder & Robert Port, Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 69--100.
  20. Semantic Deference versus Semantic Coordination.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):193-210.
    It's widely accepted that social facts about an individual's linguistic community can affect both the reference of her words and the concepts those words express. Theorists sympathetic to the internalist tradition have sought to accommodate these social dependence phenomena without altering their core theoretical commitments by positing deferential reference-fixing criteria. In this paper, we sketch a different explanation of social dependence phenomena, according to which all concepts are individuated in part by causal-historical relations linking token elements of thought.
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    The limit of responsibility: engaging Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a globalizing era.Esther D. Reed - 2018 - London: T & T Clark.
    This volume frames the question of responsibility as a problem of agency in relation to the systems and structures of globalization. According to Ricoeur responsibility is a “shattered concept” when considered too narrowly as a problem of act, agency and individual freedom. To examine this Esther Reed develops a short genealogy of modern liberal and post-liberal concepts of responsibility in order to understand better the relationship dominant modern framings of the meanings of responsibility. Reed engages with writings by major (...)
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  22. Two-dimensional semantics.Laura Schroeter - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Two-dimensional (2D) semantics is a formal framework that is used to characterize the meaning of certain linguistic expressions and the entailment relations among sentences containing them. 2D semantics has also been applied to thought contents. In contrast with standard possible worlds semantics, 2D semantics assigns extensions and truth-values to expressions relative to two possible world parameters, rather than just one. So a 2D semantic framework provides finer-grained semantic values than those available within standard possible world semantics, while using the same (...)
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  23. The Limits of Metalinguistic Negotiation: The Role of Shared Meanings in Normative Debate.François Schroeter, Laura Schroeter & Kevin Toh - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):180-196.
    According to philosophical orthodoxy, the parties to moral or legal disputes genuinely disagree only if their uses of key normative terms in the dispute express the same meaning. Recently, however, this orthodoxy has been challenged. According to an influential alternative view, genuine moral and legal disagreements should be understood as metalinguistic negotiations over which meaning a given term should have. In this paper, we argue that the shared meaning view is motivated by much deeper considerations than its recent critics recognize, (...)
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  24. The Generalized Integration Challenge in Metaethics.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2019 - Noûs 53 (1):192-223.
    The Generalized Integration Challenge is the task of providing, for a given domain of discourse, a simultaneously acceptable metaphysics, epistemology and metasemantics and showing them to be so. In this paper, we focus on a metaethical position for which seems particularly acute: the brand of normative realism which takes normative properties to be mind-independent and causally inert. The problem is that these metaphysical commitments seem to make normative knowledge impossible. We suggest that bringing metasemantics into play can help to resolve (...)
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  25. Epistemic Two-Dimensionalism and Empirical Presuppositions.Laura Schroeter - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):391-394.
    This note argues that Laura Schroeter's [2005] critique of David Chalmers's epistemic two-dimensional semantics is not touched by a reply by Edward Elliott, Kelvin McQueen, and Clas Weber [2013].
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  26. The limits of conceptual analysis.Laura Schroeter - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (4):425-453.
    It would be nice if good old a priori conceptual analysis were possible. For many years conceptual analysis was out of fashion, in large part because of the excessive ambitions of verificationist theories of meaning._ _However, those days are over._ _A priori conceptual analysis is once again part of the philosophical mainstream._ _This renewed popularity, moreover, is well-founded. Modern philosophical analysts have exploited developments in philosophical semantics to formulate analyses which avoid the counterintuitive consequences of verificationism, while vindicating our ability (...)
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    Fürsorge und Autonomie als normative Grundlagen von assistiertem Suizid.Esther Braun - 2024 - In Claudia Bozzaro, Gesine Richter & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Ethik des assistierten Suizids: Autonomien, Vulnerabilitäten, Ambivalenzen. transcript Verlag. pp. 175-186.
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  28. Thomas Reid: Theory of Action.Esther Engels Kroeker - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Thomas Reid: Theory of Action Thomas Reid made important contributions to the fields of epistemology and philosophy of mind, and is often regarded as the founder of the common sense school of philosophy. However, he also offered key arguments and observations concerning human agency and morality. Reid carefully criticized the views of his contemporaries, and defended … Continue reading Reid: Theory of Action →.
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  29. Are Concepts Creatures of Darkness?Laura Schroeter - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (2):277-292.
    In Our Knowledge of the Internal World, Robert Stalnaker presents a sophisticated new defense of a radically externalist and contextualist approach to mental content. Stalnaker holds that unstructured propositions—sets of possible worlds—can provide a complete account of mental content, including Fregean cognitive significance phenomena. So there is no theoretical job for concepts to fulfill. Stalnaker sees concepts as ‘creatures of darkness’ that encourage theoretical confusion. Concepts are a vestige of the mistaken internalist picture of the mind: internal states that are (...)
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    The Politics of Sources Meets the Practices of the Librarian: An Interview with Esther Chen.Esther Chen, Lara Keuck & Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):508-516.
    Abstract[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early (...)
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  31. Scrutability and Epistemic Updating: Comments on Chalmers's Constructing the World.Laura Schroeter - 2014 - Analysis 74 (4):638-651.
    In Constructing the World, Chalmers seeks to articulate and defend an important epistemic accessibility thesis, the Scrutability of Truth, which is crucial to Chalmers’ rationalist approach to meaning and modality. Chapters 3 and 4 of the book are devoted to persuading us that the move from weaker to stronger forms of Scrutability is intuitively plausible. In these comments, I want to question this move. The plausibility of strong forms of Scrutability hinges on controversial views about epistemic norms for answering ‘what (...)
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    The place of the hypothesis in logic.Esther Crane - 1923 - Chicago, Ill.,: The University of Chicago press.
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    Forethoughts from the editor.Esther Hicks - 1998 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (4):3-6.
    Perhaps the fundamental question involved in assessing research can best be summarized as follows: On the basis of what criteria must the long-term accountability of public funds allocated for research be measured, and who should determine these criteria? Should these criteria be based on the quality or the quantity of research produced; on the actual utilization of the research results; on the relevance of research to one or more aspects of “development”; or on the medium- or long-range “potential” impact of (...)
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    Remembering the Holocaust: generations, witnessing and place.Esther Jilovsky - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    This book traces the evolution of Holocaust memory through the prism of place as it passes from survivors to their children and grandchildren.
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    Satanic Mills: On Robert Kurz.Esther Leslie - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (3-4):408-423.
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    The Effect of Noisy Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation on Learning of Functional Mobility and Manual Control Nulling Sensorimotor Tasks.Esther J. Putman, Raquel C. Galvan-Garza & Torin K. Clark - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Galvanic vestibular stimulation is a non-invasive method of electrically stimulating the vestibular system. We investigated whether the application of GVS can alter the learning of new functional mobility and manual control tasks and whether learning can be retained following GVS application. In a between-subjects experiment design, 36 healthy subjects performed repeated trials, capturing the learning of either a functional mobility task, navigating an obstacle course on a compliant surface with degraded visual cues or a manual control task, using a joystick (...)
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    [no title].Esther Ramharter & Sabine Mainberger - 2017 - In Esther Ramharter & Sabine Mainberger, Linienwissen Und Liniendenken. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-18.
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    La stásis dans la politique d'Aristote: la cité sous tension.Esther Rogan - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Notion complexe et problématique objet de crainte et de crispation, la stásis renvoie tout autant à la discorde, à la sédition, à la guerre civile, qu'à la division. Loin de lire dans cette équivocité le signe de son indétermination, cette enquête se propose de mettre en lumière l'unité et la cohérence de ce concept dans la philosophie pratique d'Aristote. Sans être banalisée, comment la stásis devient-elle le corrélat direct et explicite de la cité? En quel sens la théorie aristotélicienne rompt-elle (...)
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    Die Industrialisierung des Gehirns: eine Fundamentalkritik der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften.Matthias L. Schroeter - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Kants Theorie der formalen Bestimmung des Willens.François Schroeter - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 47 (3):388 - 407.
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  41. Un kantisme orthodoxe est-il viable en éthique?Francois Schroeter - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (1-2):216-236.
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    Wieviele moralische Wahrheiten gibt es?François Schroeter - 2008 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 37 (92):83-104.
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  43. Learning to remain human" : am Beispiel von Simone de Beauvoirs existentialistischer Altersethik.Esther Redolfi Widmann - 2017 - In Brigitte Buchhammer & Herta Nagl-Docekal, Lernen, Mensch zu sein: Beiträge des 2. Symposiums der SWIP Austria. Wien: Lit.
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  44. History curriculum with multiple narratives.Esther Yogev - 2010 - In Candice C. Carter & Ravindra Kumar, Peace Philosophy in Action. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 113--147.
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    The Continuity of Metaphor: Evidence From Temporal Gestures.Esther Walker & Kensy Cooperrider - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):481-495.
    Reasoning about bedrock abstract concepts such as time, number, and valence relies on spatial metaphor and often on multiple spatial metaphors for a single concept. Previous research has documented, for instance, both future-in-front and future-to-right metaphors for time in English speakers. It is often assumed that these metaphors, which appear to have distinct experiential bases, remain distinct in online temporal reasoning. In two studies we demonstrate that, contra this assumption, people systematically combine these metaphors. Evidence for this combination was found (...)
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  46. A slim semantics for thin moral terms?Laura Schroeter & Francois Schroeter - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (2):191 – 207.
    This paper is a critique of Ralph Wedgwood's recent attempt to use the framework of conceptual role semantics in metaethics. Wedgwood's central idea is that the action-guiding role of moral terms suffices to determine genuine properties as their semantic values. We argue that Wedgwood cannot get so much for so little. We explore two interpretations of Wedgwood's account of what it takes to be competent with a thin moral term. On the first interpretation, the account does not warrant the assignment (...)
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  47. The limits of sentimentalism.François Schroeter - 2006 - Ethics 116 (2):337-361.
    Unlike traditional sentimentalists, sophisticated sentimentalists don’t think that the main linguistic function of evaluative terms is simply to express emotional responses. Instead, they contend that to predicate an evaluative term to an object is to judge that a particular emotion is justified toward that object. I will raise a fundamental difficulty for the sophisticated sentimentalists’ attempt to provide a credible account of the meaning of our most important evaluative terms. A more careful examination of the relations between the affective and (...)
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    Fictive interaction within the sentence: A communicative type of fictivity in grammar.Esther Pascual - 2006 - Cognitive Linguistics 17 (2).
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    Shared and Unique Risk Factors Underlying Mathematical Disability and Reading and Spelling Disability.Esther M. Slot, Sietske van Viersen, Elise H. de Bree & Evelyn H. Kroesbergen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The conversation frame: Forms and functions of fictive interaction.Esther Pascual & Sergeiy Sandler (eds.) - 2016 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    This edited volume brings together the latest research on fictive interaction, that is the use of the frame of ordinary conversation as a means to structure cognition (talking to oneself), discourse (monologues organized as dialogues), and grammar (“why me? attitude”). This follows prior work on the subject by Esther Pascual and other authors, most of whom are also contributors to this volume. The 17 chapters in the volume explore fictive interaction as a fundamental cognitive phenomenon, as a ubiquitous discourse-structuring (...)
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