Results for 'Estes Zachary'

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    Freeze or flee? Negative stimuli elicit selective responding.Zachary Estes & Michelle Verges - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):557-565.
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    Individual differences in the perception of similarity and difference.Sabrina Simmons & Zachary Estes - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):781-795.
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    A tale of two similarities: comparison and integration in conceptual combination.Zachary Estes - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):911-921.
    The perception of semantic similarity derives from distinct processes of comparison and integration. A dual process model of conceptual combination claims that attributive combination (e.g., umbrella tree) entails comparison, while relational combination (e.g., pancake spatula) requires integration. The present research uses similarity as a test of this dual process model. Participants (N = 168) were presented attributive and relational conceptual combinations. Half of the participants interpreted the combinations before rating the similarity of their constituent concepts, while the other half provided (...)
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    Relational processing in conceptual combination and analogy.Zachary Estes & Lara L. Jones - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):385-386.
    We evaluate whether evidence from conceptual combination supports the relational priming model of analogy. Representing relations implicitly as patterns of activation distributed across the semantic network provides a natural and parsimonious explanation of several key phenomena observed in conceptual combination. Although an additional mechanism for role resolution may be required, relational priming offers a promising approach to analogy.
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    Convergent and divergent thinking in verbal analogy.Lara L. Jones & Zachary Estes - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (4):473-500.
    Individual differences in convergent and divergent thinking may uniquely explain variation in analogical reasoning ability. Across two studies we investigated the relative influences of divergent and convergent thinking as predictors of verbal analogy performance. Performance on both convergent thinking and divergent thinking uniquely predicted performance on both analogy selection and analogical generation tasks. Moreover, convergent and divergent thinking were predictive above and beyond creative behaviours in Study 1 and a composite measure of crystallised intelligence in Study 2. Verbal analogies in (...)
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    Emotion and memory: A recognition advantage for positive and negative words independent of arousal.James S. Adelman & Zachary Estes - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):530-535.
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    Emotional sound symbolism: Languages rapidly signal valence via phonemes.James S. Adelman, Zachary Estes & Martina Cossu - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):122-130.
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    Beauty is in the iris: Constricted pupils (enlarged irises) enhance attractiveness.Martina Cossu, Maria Giulia Trupia & Zachary Estes - 2024 - Cognition 250 (C):105842.
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  9. The Curious Case of the Refrigerator–TV: Similarity and Hybridization.Michael Gibbert, James A. Hampton, Zachary Estes & David Mazursky - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):992-1018.
    This article examines the role of similarity in the hybridization of concepts, focusing on hybrid products as an applied test case. Hybrid concepts found in natural language, such as singer songwriter, typically combine similar concepts, whereas dissimilar concepts rarely form hybrids. The hybridization of dissimilar concepts in products such as jogging shoe mp3 player and refrigerator TV thus poses a challenge for understanding the process of conceptual combination. It is proposed that models of conceptual combination can throw light on the (...)
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    Making ends meet on disability benefits.Zachary A. Morris - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):15-28.
    La démarchandisation, ou la capacité à maintenir un niveau de vie raisonnable pour une personne incapable de participer au marché du travail, est l’objectif principal des prestations liées au handicap. Toutefois, peu de recherches ont été menées jusqu’à présent pour savoir si les dispositifs mis en œuvre atteignent cet objectif dans le monde réel. Cet article propose un retour socio-historique sur les dispositifs de prestations handicap et décrit les réformes entreprises, qui sont largement transnationales à l’ère post-industrielle. L’article évalue ensuite (...)
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    (1 other version)La fenomenología de la percepción en Spinoza.Zachary Hugo - 2018 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 74:91-108.
    ResumenEn este artículo desafío la aseveración sostenida por Peden (2014) y Brandt (2011) de que la filosofía de Spinoza es esencialmente incompatible con ciertas posiciones fundamentales de la fenomenología. Contra eso, sostengo que lo que Spinoza llama la imaginación se asemeja a la percepción en la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty. Se justifica esa tesis a partir de una lectura semiótico-hermenéutica de la teoría de la imaginación spinozista, la cual permite ver ciertas semejanzas entre las epistemologías de percepción entre estos respectivos filósofos. (...)
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    La métaphysique d'Ammonius chez Zacharie de Mytilène.Koenraad Verrycken - 2001 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:241-267.
    L’article se propose de vérifier le caractère néoplatonicien de la métaphysique d’Ammonius, fils d’Hermias, dans le dialogue intitulé Ammonius de Zacharie de Mytilène. Jusqu’à présent la recherche a cru pouvoir conclure de ce texte que la pensée d’Ammonius se rapprochait à certains égards du christianisme. Plusieurs éléments dans l’ Ammonius prouvent pourtant sans équivoque que le chef d’école alexandrin est resté fidèle au néoplatonisme païen, et notamment à la distinction proclusienne entre l’éternité divine et la perpétuité du monde.
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    Du Grec en Syriaque : La transmission du récit de la prise d'Amid (502) dans l'historiographie Byzantine.Muriel Debié - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):601-622.
    Le récit du siège et de la prise d'Amid, place-forte de Mésopotamie, en 502, constitue un exemple intéressant de la manière dont se transmet un récit historique de la tradition grecque au domaine syriaque et au-delà. Présent dans l'historiographie grecque (Évagre, Procope, Malalas, Théophane) comme un épisode de la brève période d'affrontement entre Perses et Romains dans les années 502–507, ce récit connaît un succès particulier dans les textes syriaques où il passe du domaine de l'histoire à celui de la (...)
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    The Case against Ethics Review in the Social Sciences.Zachary M. Schrag - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (4):120-131.
    For decades, scholars in the social sciences and humanities have questioned the appropriateness and utility of prior review of their research by human subjects' ethics committees. This essay seeks to organize thematically some of their published complaints and to serve as a brief restatement of the major critiques of ethics review. In particular, it argues that 1) ethics committees impose silly restrictions, 2) ethics review is a solution in search of a problem, 3) ethics committees lack expertise, 4) ethics committees (...)
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    Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany.Zachary Purvis - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany examines the dual transformation of institutions and ideas that led to the emergence of theology as science, the paradigmatic project of modern theology associated with Friedrich Schleiermacher. Beginning with earlier educational reforms across central Europe and especially following the upheavals of the Napoleonic period, an impressive list of provocateurs, iconoclasts, and guardians of the old faith all confronted the nature of the university, the organization of knowledge, and the unity of theology's various parts, (...)
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  16. Sustainability of What? Recognizing the Diverse Values that Sustainable Agriculture Works to Sustain.Zachary Piso, Ian Werkheiser, Samantha Noll & Christina Leshko - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (2):195-214.
    The contours of sustainable systems are defined according to communities’ goals and values. As researchers shift from sustainability-in-the-abstract to sustainability-as-a-concrete-research-challenge, democratic deliberation is essential for ensuring that communities determine what systems ought to be sustained. Discourse analysis of dialogue with Michigan direct marketing farmers suggests eight sustainability values – economic efficiency, community connectedness, stewardship, justice, ecologism, self-reliance, preservationism and health – which informed the practices of these farmers. Whereas common heuristics of sustainability suggest values can be pursued harmoniously, we discuss (...)
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    Out of the fog: Catalyzing integrative capacity in interdisciplinary research.Zachary Piso, Michael O'Rourke & Kathleen C. Weathers - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56:84-94.
    Social studies of interdisciplinary science investigate how scientific collaborations approach complex challenges that require multiple disciplinary perspectives. In order for collaborators to meet these complex challenges, interdisciplinary collaborations must develop and maintain integrative capacity, understood as the ability to anticipate and weigh tradeoffs in the employment of different disciplinary approaches. Here we provide an account of how one group of interdisciplinary fog scientists intentionally catalyzed integrative capacity. Through conversation, collaborators negotiated their commitments regarding the ontology of fog systems and the (...)
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    A Resilient Punching Bag: A Defense of a Character-Evaluation Account of Blame.Zachary Odermatt - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1521-1537.
    The literature on blame is rather unfriendly to views that might be characterized as “character-evaluation” accounts. Here I will defend one such account against the many objections that are leveled against it. Defending the view against these objections will help us to evaluate what such a view has to offer. This paper defends the view against objections that accounts such as this cannot account for how much we care about blame, for the distinctively human nature of the blame phenomenon, for (...)
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  19. Multiple-Offense Sentencing Discounts: Score One for Hybrid Accounts of Punishment.Zachary Hoskins - 2017 - In Jesper Ryberg, Julian V. Roberts & Jan Willem de Keijser, Sentencing Multiple Crimes. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 75-93.
    This chapter examines one intuitively appealing legal practice for which retributivist accounts struggle to find justification: multiple-offense sentencing discounts. It also considers several proposed strategies for justifying bulk discounts on the basis of retributivism. Three strategies are discussed: those that appeal to an absolute punishment maximum, those that appeal to interpersonal practices of blame and making amends, and those that suggest that perpetrators of multiple offenses sometimes have reduced culpability. The chapter argues that each of these strategies either is implausible (...)
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  20. Gozba zasluga: Razmatranje temeljnih načela zasluge u Jobu.Zachary Alexander - 2009 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1:23-34.
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    The Panamanian Crucible: Manuel Noriega, The Reagan Doctrine, and the U.S. Invasion of Panama.Zachary Blake - 2022 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 7 (2).
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    Human Rights and Healthy Secularity.Zachary Calo - 2010 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 7 (2):231-251.
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    Precedential Reasoning and Dynastic Self-Fashioning in the Rescripts of Severus Alexander.Zachary Herz - 2020 - História 69 (1):103.
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    Cultural Nationalism and Modern Manuscripts: Kingsley Amis, Saul Bellow, Franz Kafka.Zachary Leader - 2013 - Critical Inquiry 40 (1):160-193.
  25.  14
    Assessing the tone of televised economic messages during economic recovery: Positive and negative, global and local.Zachary Sheaffer & Amir Hetsroni - 2013 - Communications 38 (2):147-165.
    Objective: To map the tone of local and global economic information transmitted in news and non-news TV programming during economic recovery, and to resolve a conflict in the literature between research where a negative trend in economic news was identified and studies which concluded that economic news reflects actual economic circumstances. Method: A content analysis of 140 hours of prime-time programming aired by commercial networks and public broadcasting in Israel during one month. Results: Local news reflects fairly accurately current trends (...)
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  26. Oil Heritage and the Mass Urbanization of the Sea.Zachary S. Casey & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Jonathan Alexander Perez, Harmony Smith, Cornine Tendorf, David Turturo & Derek Rahn Williams, Crop X: Yield. Bruges, Belgium: Die Keure. pp. 218-219.
    Brought to you by: Crop X editors: Jonathan Alexander Perez, Harmony Smith, Corinne Tendorf, David Turturo, and Derek Rahn Williams. Faculty Advisor: David Turturo; Crop X team included: Chaimae Alehyane, Zachary S. Casey, Suzanna Brinez, Jacob Brown, Elizabeth George, Francisco Javier Muniz Ituarte, Brodey Myers. -/- Credits: Huckabee College of Architecture; Graphic Designers: Studio BLDG (Blossom Liu + Danny Gray); English Editor: Luke Studebaker; Spanish Translator: Jessie Forbes; Printer: Die Keure. Cover Photo: Derek Williams. -/- Generously supported by the (...)
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  27. The Philosophy of Mind Wandering.Irving Zachary & Thompson Evan - 2018 - In Kieran C. R. Fox & Kalina Christoff, The Oxford Handbook of Spontaneous Thought: Mind-wandering, Creativity, and Dreaming. Oxford University Press.
    Our paper serves as an introduction to a budding field: the philosophy of mind-wandering. We begin with a philosophical critique of the standard psychological definitions of mind-wandering as task-unrelated or stimulus-independent. Although these definitions have helped bring mind-wandering research onto centre stage in psychology and cognitive neuroscience, they have substantial limitations that researchers must overcome to move forward. Specifically, the standard definitions do not account for (i) the dynamics of mind wandering, (ii) task-unrelated thought that does not qualify as mind-wandering, (...)
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    Education, Civic Empowerment, and Race.Zachary Hoskins - 2015 - Social Philosophy Today 31:163-168.
    Meira Levinson’s No Citizen Left Behind is a thoughtful, accessible, philosophically rich look at civic education in U.S. schools. The book’s central claims are, on the whole, quite persuasive. In the interests of fostering further discussion, this essay raises some questions about the book’s accounts of racial microaggressions in schools, the extent of authenticity in student experiences, and the practice of code-switching.
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  29. ''Correlative Obligations''.Zachary Hoskins - 2011 - In Deen K. Chatterjee, Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Springer.
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  30. ''Non-combatant Immunity''.Zachary Hoskins - 2011 - In Deen K. Chatterjee, Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Springer.
  31.  54
    A Survey of Artistic Value: From Analytic Philosophy to Neurobiology.Zachary P. Norwood - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):135-152.
    Analytic philosophers have disputed the nature of “artistic value” for over six decades, bringing much needed clarity and rigor to a subject discussed with fashionable obscurity in other disciplines. This essay frames debates between analytic philosophers on artistic value and suggests new directions for future research. In particular, the problem of “intrinsic value” is considered, that is, whether a work’s value derives from its experienced properties, as a work of art, or from cultural trends outside the work’s properties. It is (...)
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  32. Integrating facts and values in explanations of social-ecological resilience.Zachary Piso - 2019 - In Kelly A. Parker & Heather E. Keith, Pragmatist and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Une vie avec Blaise Pascal.Zacharie Tourneur - 1943 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Philip Burton, ed., Sulpicius Severus’ Vita Martini.Zachary Yuzwa - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (2):217-220.
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    Commentary.R. B. Zachary - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (1):11-13.
  36. The Knowledge Norm of Belief.Zachary Mitchell Swindlehurst - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):43-50.
    Doxastic normativism is the thesis that norms are constitutive of or essential to belief, such that no mental state not subject to those norms counts as a belief. A common normativist view is that belief is essentially governed by a norm of truth. According to Krister Bykvist and Anandi Hattiangadi, truth norms for belief cannot be formulated without unpalatable consequences: they are either false or they impose unsatisfiable requirements on believers. I propose that we construe the fundamental norm of belief (...)
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  37. Exercising quality control in interdisciplinary education: Toward an epistemologically responsible approach.Zachary Stein, Michael Connell & Howard Gardner - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (3-4):401-414.
    This article argues that certain philosophically devised quality control parameters should guide approaches to interdisciplinary education. We sketch the kind of reflections we think are necessary in order to produce epistemologically responsible curricula. We suggest that the two overarching epistemic dimensions of levels of analysis and basic viewpoints go a long way towards clarifying the structure of interdisciplinary validity claims. Through a discussion of how best to teach basic ideas about numeracy in Mind, Brain, and Education, we discuss what it (...)
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    Dysfunction, Disease, and the Limits of Selection.Zachary Ardern - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (1):4-9.
    Paul Griffiths and John Matthewson argue that selected effects play the key role in determining whether a state is pathological. In response, it is argued that a selected effects account faces a number of difficulties in light of modern genomic research. Firstly, a modern history approach to selection is problematic as a basis for assigning function to human traits in light of the small population sizes in the hominin lineage, which imply that selection has played a limited role in shaping (...)
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    Where exactly is the ‘real’ in critical realism? Plus, a Dewey-James alternative.Zachary Wehrwein - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):337-346.
    In this Special Issue of Journal of Critical Realism on Normativity, Elder-Vass has provided a paper that in part responds to one that Chris Winship and I wrote together, which was presented at the...
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    Characters and fixed-points in provability logic.Zachary Gleit & Warren Goldfarb - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (1):26-36.
  41.  33
    Academic Honesty, Linguistic Dishonesty: Analyzing the Readability and Translation of Academic Integrity and Honesty Policies at U.S. Postsecondary Institutions.Zachary W. Taylor & Ibrahim Bicak - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (1):1-15.
    A large body of research has indicated international students in the United States and abroad experience difficulties understanding what academic integrity is and how to avoid academic misconduct, 159–172 2011; Brown & Howell, 2001; Gullifer and Tyson Studies in Higher Education, 39, 1202-1218 2014). While most studies focus on academic misconduct and academic corruption in research ethics, 339-358 2014), this study analyzes the length, English-language readability, and translation of academic integrity policies of 453 four-year U.S. institutions of higher education. Findings (...)
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  42. Oil Heritage in the Golden Triangle. Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown.Zachary S. Casey & Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Joeri Januarius, TICCIH Bulletin No. 101. TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage). pp. 38-40.
    In the heart of southeast Texas, an industrial powerhouse often referred to as the 'Golden Triangle', the oil refineries and petrochemical plants stand as stalwart testaments to the region's economic evolution. Interestingly, before the discovery of oil at Spindletop, the lumber and cattle industries powered this region's economy. A profound shift occurred when the Lucas Gusher, a fountain of oil spurting thousands of feet into the air, struck the lands of Spindletop Hill on January 10, 1901. This remarkable discovery of (...)
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    Engineering and Philosophy: Reimagining Technology and Social Progress.Zachary Pirtle, David Tomblin & Guru Madhavan (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    ​Engineers love to build “things” and have an innate sense of wanting to help society. However, these desires are often not connected or developed through reflections on the complexities of philosophy, biology, economics, politics, environment, and culture. To guide future efforts and to best bring about human flourishment and a just world, Engineering and Philosophy: Reimagining Technology and Progress brings together practitioners and scholars to inspire deeper conversations on the nature and varieties of engineering. The perspectives in this book are (...)
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  44. Sustaining the Individual in the Collective: A Kantian Perspective for a Sustainable World.Zachary Vereb - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (3):405-420.
    Individualist normative theories appear inadequate for the complex moral challenges of climate change. In climate ethics, this is especially notable with the relative marginalization of Kant. I argue that Kant’s philosophy, understood through its historical and cosmopolitan dimensions, has untapped potential for the climate crisis. First, I situate Kant in climate ethics and evaluate his marginalization due to perceived individualism, interiority and anthropocentrism. Then, I explore aspects of Kant’s historical and cosmopolitan writings, which present a global, future-orientated picture of humanity. (...)
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  45. Kant’s Pre-critical Ontology and Environmental Philosophy.Zachary Vereb - 2021 - Environmental Philosophy 18 (1):81-102.
    In this paper I argue that Kant’s pre-critical ontology, though generally dismissed by environmental philosophers, provides ecological lessons by way of its metaphysical affinities with environmental philosophy. First, I reference where environmental philosophy tends to place Kant and highlight his relative marginalization. This marginalization makes sense given focus on his critical works. I then outline Kant’s pre-critical ontological framework and characterize the ways in which it is ecological. Finally, I conclude with some ecological reflections on the pre-critical philosophy and its (...)
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    Worse Off How?Zachary Silver - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (2):369-376.
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    Humans, Machines, and an Ethics for Technology in Dune.Zachary Pirtle - 2022-10-17 - In Kevin S. Decker, Dune and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 76–86.
    The worlds of Dune forbid the creation of “thinking machines,” due to an ancient war, called the Butlerian Jihad, which was fought to keep humans from using such machines. The relationship between humanity and forbidden technology in Dune touches on two basic possibilities for the relationship of humans and technology: social construction of technology and technological determinism. Life on Arrakis and under the Imperium is filled with technologies that range from the very realistic to the fantastical. Societies in the Dune (...)
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    Montaigne and the Rise of Skepticism in Early Modern Europe: A Reappraisal.Zachary S. Schiffman - 1984 - Journal of the History of Ideas 45 (4):499.
  49. Shortest Axiomatizations of Implicational S4 and S.Zachary Ernst, Branden Fitelson, Kenneth Harris & Larry Wos - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (3):169-179.
    Shortest possible axiomatizations for the implicational fragments of the modal logics S4 and S5 are reported. Among these axiomatizations is included a shortest single axiom for implicational S4—which to our knowledge is the first reported single axiom for that system—and several new shortest single axioms for implicational S5. A variety of automated reasoning strategies were essential to our discoveries.
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  50. The Moral Permissibility of Punishment.Zachary Hoskins - 2014 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Moral Permissibility of Punishment The legal institution of punishment presents a distinctive moral challenge because it involves a state’s infliction of intentionally harsh, or burdensome, treatment on some of its members—treatment that typically would be considered morally impermissible. Most of us would agree, for instance, that it is typically impermissible to imprison people, to […].
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