Results for 'Eschatology, Jewish. '

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  1. Prophecy Interpreted: The Formation of Some Jewish Apocalyptic Texts and of the Eschatological Discourse Mark 13 Par.Lars Hartman & Neil Tomkinson - 1966
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    Journey to heaven: exploring Jewish views of the afterlife.Leila Leah Bronner - 2011 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Lambda Publishers.
    The Hebrew Bible: glimpses of immortality -- Early post-biblical literature: gateways to heaven and hell -- The mishnah: who will merit the world to come? -- The Talmud: what happens in the next world? -- Medieval Jewish philosophy: faith and reason -- Mysticism: reincarnation in Kabbalah -- Modernity: what do we believe? -- The Messiah: the eternal thread of hope.
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    Jewish Thought, Utopia, and Revolution.Elena Namli, Jayne Svenungsson & Alana M. Vincent (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Editions Rodopi.
    In response to the grim realities of the present world Jewish thought has not tended to retreat into eschatological fantasy, but rather to project utopian visions precisely on to the present moment, envisioning redemptions that are concrete, immanent, and necessarily political in nature. In difficult times and through shifting historical contexts, the messianic hope in the Jewish tradition has functioned as a political vision: the dream of a peaceful kingdom, of a country to return to, or of a leader who (...)
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    Occidental Eschatology.Jacob Taubes - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    One of the great Jewish intellectuals of the twentieth century, Taubes published only this one book during his life, and here the English translation finally becomes available.
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    Collins, A Y, 1996 - Cosmology and eschatology in Jewish and Christian apocalypticism.P. M. Venter - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (1).
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  6. The Dawn of Apocalyptic. The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology.Paul D. Hanson & Peter R. Ackroyd - 1975
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    Paul, empire and eschatology.Philip La G. du Toit - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-10.
    Various approaches to Paul's relationship with the Roman Empire have come to the fore, including those who see Paul's discourse as anti-imperial, pro-imperial, ambiguous towards empire and those who argue that Paul's discourse transcends that of empire. The nature and influence of the Roman Empire are examined, and the various scholarly approaches to Paul's relationship to empire are considered. Romans 13:1-7 is used as a test case to better understand Paul's stance towards the Roman Empire or government authorities in general. (...)
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    The Jewish background of the oneness language in John’s Gospel.Brury E. Saputra - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    Interest in the oneness language of John’s Gospel started in the 1970s. Many scholarly contributions have been offered ever since. Recent studies show that the oneness language in the Gospel closely related to how the Jews had utilised it. This study attempted to sketch the Jewish background of the oneness language useful to understand the similar language usage in John’s Gospel. It employs the narrative approach associated with N.T. Wright. The focus is on the common Judaism of the Second Temple (...)
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    The Jewish Response to Hegel: Samuel Hirsch and Hermann Cohen.William Kluback - 1986 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (1):5-12.
    The question that is posed regarding the Jewish response to Hegel’s philosophy forces us to question the meaning of the adjective ‘Jewish’, and whether it points to some peculiar and distinct path and way of interpretation. I would say that in response to Hegel’s philosophy three distinguished thinkers, Samuel Hirsch, Hermann Cohen, and Franz Rosenzweig, responded to Hegel’s attitude toward religion and to the principles of his logic which underlie his concept of religion. Their response cannot be divorced from their (...)
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    The Balfour Declaration: Scottish Presbyterian Eschatology and British Policy Towards Palestine.Alasdair Black - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (4):35-59.
    This article considers the theological influences on the Balfour Declaration which was made on the 2 November 1917 and for the first time gave British governmental support to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It explores the principal personalities and political workings behind the Declaration before going on to argue the statement cannot be entirely divested from the religious sympathies of those involved, especially Lord Balfour. Thereafter, the paper explores the rise of Christian Restorationism in the context of (...)
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    The dynamics of God’s reign as a hermeneutic key to Jesus’ eschatological expectation.Jakub Urbaniak & Elijah Otu - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):9.
    With this study, we seek to contribute to the theological discussion regarding the nature and the meaning of the Christian eschaton. We will argue that the dynamics of God’s reign provide a hermeneutic key to Jesus’ ‘eschatological expectation’. It is not possible to grasp the full meaning of Jesus’ urgent expectation of the end unless one realises that God’s action is always eschatological. That is to say, right from creation, God is always acting in history in an eschatological way, though (...)
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    "Our place in al-Andalus": Kabbalah, philosophy, literature in Arab Jewish letters.Gil Anidjar - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    The year 1492 is only the last in a series of “ends” that inform the representation of medieval Spain in modern Jewish historical and literary discourses. These ends simultaneously mirror the traumas of history and shed light on the discursive process by which hermetic boundaries are set between periods, communities, and texts. This book addresses the representation of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as the end of al-Andalus (Islamic Spain). Here, the end works to locate and separate Muslim from Christian (...)
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    Between Prophecy and Apocalypse: Buber, Benjamin, and Socialist Eschatology.Asher Wycoff - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (3):354-379.
    Martin Buber’s political thought has enjoyed renewed attention lately, particularly his concept of “theopolitics,” a type of political practice that recognizes God as the ultimate political authority. In Buber’s biblical exegesis, theopolitics is a condition of everyday life in premonarchical Israel, but following the installation of the monarchy, it becomes a specialized activity of prophets, consisting chiefly in divinely commanded intercession against state actions. Buber suggests that a version of this prophetic activity is manifest in present-day socialist cooperatives, especially the (...)
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    Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy: Islamic, Jewish and Christian Perspectives ed. by Tamar Rudavsky. [REVIEW]Peter A. Redpath - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (4):716-718.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:716 BOOK REVIEWS phies for each section (20 in all); (2) the summaries of major conclusions at the end of many chapters; (2) the explanations of how one body of texts (or its traditions) has been re-read (i.e., re-worked) by later texts; and (4) how one body of texts (e.g., the Psalms), provides for understanding a certain perspective other parts of the Old Testament (e.g., the Pentateuch). Some shortcomings (...)
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  15. Sefer ha-Dor ha-aḥaron: bo niḳbetsu u-vaʼu yaḥdaṿ rov divre nevuʼot... ʻal ha-dor ha-aḥaron ha-zeh..Alṭer Mosheh Goldberger - 2000 - Monsi, Nyu Yorḳ (P.O.B. 1223, Monsey 10952): A.M.M. Goldberger.
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  16. Hakhen tsedah la-derekh:‏.Shaʼul Buṭbiḳah - 2020 - [Israel?]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  17. El pensamiento de la apocalíptica judía: ensayo filosófico-teológico.Carlos Blanco - 2013 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
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    Das Ende der Zeit: Mythos und Methaphorik als Fundamente einer Hermeneutik biblischer Eschatologie.Thomas Schmidt - 1996
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    Teologia e história da escatologia e da apocalíptica.Jorge Martins de Jesus - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):100-111.
    This article aims to study the origin, nature and development of eschatology and apocalyptic in the post-exilic Judaism over the centuries III and II BC. Its theoretical reference is based on two scientific analyzes about the two phenomena: the historical-critical analysis of Friedrich Dingermann and the analysis from the history of religions made by Johann Maier. As a method of approach is used the deductive method, whereby it is possible, from the main present theories, analyze each one within their own (...)
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  20.  38
    History of Error: Jacob Taubes’s Apocalyptic Interpretation of Martin Heidegger’s Vom Wesen der Wahrheit.Willem Styfhals - 2024 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 32 (1):60-82.
    Through a close reading of the opening pages of Occidental Eschatology, this paper analyzes how Jacob Taubes relied on Martin Heidegger’s philosophy to understand the nature of eschatology. Taubes implemented Heidegger’s notions of truth, error, and history from his seminal essay “On the Essence of Truth,” (mis)interpreting the essay by ascribing an eschatological meaning to it. This surprisingly allowed him to find in Heidegger a model to come to terms with the Jewish experience of history. In order to fully understand (...)
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    Michael Wyschogrod's Messianic Zionism.Alex S. Ozar - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (4):606-628.
    This essay presents an integrated account of Michael Wyschogrod's Zionism as a function of his broader theological anthropology, eschatology, and carnal interpretation of Israel's election. Against Leora Batnitzky, I show that Wyschogrod's Zionism, while definitively messianic, is decidedly not fanatical or fundamentalist. Against Meir Soloveichik, I show that Wyschogrod has maintained this non-fanatical messianism consistently throughout his career, and so his pacific political prescriptions are organically at one with his vigorous calls for Jewish sovereignty over the land.
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    La fe incondicional frankleana y la fe dubitativa unamuniana dos acercamientos a la esperanza (y al sentido del sufrimiento de las víctimas de la Shoah).Antonia Tejeda Barros - 2024 - Salmanticensis. Revista de Investigación Teológica 71 (2):279–310.
    RESUMEN: Frankl abre una puerta a la esperanza con la dimensión suprahumana, define la religión como la búsqueda del sentido último y apuesta por una fe incondicional que otorga sentido al sufrimiento de las víctimas. Unamuno, angustiado y sufriente, se bate con su fe (una fe dubitativa –la duda, aunque se transforme en agonía, es crucial para Unamuno). Unamuno cree porque anhela creer (por necesidad); Frankl cree existencialmente (por de- cisión). En este artículo expongo los diferentes acercamientos de Frankl y (...)
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  23. Musre ha-Ramban: yotsʼim le-or la-rishonah mugahim ʻa. p. defusim rishonim ṿe-khitve yad ṿe-ʻa. y. tseṿet talmide ḥakhamim. Nahmanides - 1995 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Maʻarava.
    Shaʻar ha-gamul--Liḳuṭe Hadrashah le-Rosh ha-Shanah--Igeret ha-musar.
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    Torah in the observatory: Gersonides, Maimonides, Song of Songs.Menachem Marc Kellner - 2010 - Boston: Academic Studies Press.
    Providence and the rabbinic tradition -- Mosaic prophecy: Maimonides and Gersonides -- Eschatology and miracles -- Creation, miracles, revelation -- Song of Songs and Gersonides' world -- Maimonides and Gersonides on astronomy and metaphysics -- Gersonides on the Song of Songs and the nature of science -- Politics and perfection: Gersonides vs. Maimonides -- The role of the active intellect in human cognition -- Imitatio dei and the dissemination of scientific knowledge -- Moses ibn Tibbon and Gersonides on Song of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Veracity of Prophecy and Christ's Knowledge.Simon Francis Gaine Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072).
    It is widely assumed by scholars that Christ was in error on such matters as an expectation that the final judgement and its accompanying events would occur within the timeframe of a generation. While accepting that Christ did indeed prophesy his return within this timeframe, a recent co-authored work When the Son of Man Didn't Come aims to defend the veracity of his prophecy by drawing on the same historical-critical method that has given rise to doubts about it. The authors (...)
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  26. Le vivificateur: Etude d'eschatologie comparée (De 4Q521 aux Actes de Thomas).Marc Philonenko - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (1):61-69.
    L’origine iranienne du titre de « Vivificateur », donné en 4Q521 au héros eschatologique, auteur de la résurrection, a été établie dans un article antérieur. On suit ici le parcours du « Vivificateur » dans la littérature juive de langue grecque, dans le Nouveau Testament et dans les Actes de Thomas. In a former article we established that the title « Life-Giver » – which is attributed to an eschatological hero in 4Q521, who brings about the resurrection – has an (...)
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    Surprised by God: Praise Responses in the Narrative of Luke-Acts.Kindalee Pfremmer De Long - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Readers of the New Testament have long observed that Luke and Acts contain numerous scenes in which characters praise God. This study offers the first comprehensive analysis of this important narrative motif. Featuring a close reading of Luke-Acts, it draws insights from ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman views about praise of deity, and it compares praise in Luke with praise in two other ancient narratives: Tobit and Joseph and Aseneth. Attention to praise of God sheds light on Luke as historiographer and (...)
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    Senso mistico e senso letterale nel Commento a Giobbe di Nachmanide.Daniele Savino - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:105-131.
    Il _ Commento al Libro di Giobbe _ di Mosè Nachmanide rappresenta un ideale corollario antropologico ed escatologico al suo imponente _ Commento alla Torah _. Esponente di spicco della comunità ebraica di Gerona e della locale scuola cabalistica, dove agli insegnamenti del provenzale Isacco il Cieco si associano elementi provenienti dalla tradizione talmudica, ellenistica e araba, Nachmanide propone una lettura esoterico-cabalistica di _ Giobbe _ volta a confutare l’apparente inconciliabilità ontologica tra l’esperienza del dolore individuale e l’ordine di un (...)
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    Del miqdaš ‘adam de Qumran al templo de luz ismailí.Laura Navajas Espinal - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:129-147.
    The purpose of this paper is to present the Qumran conception of temple as an intermediate stage between the understanding of temple in Jewish eschatology and the Ismaili innerness of the “temple of light.” All of it in the frame of the conception of temple as Garden of Eden based in the “alternative memory”2 yielded by parabiblical priestly traditions.
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    A Time for the Marginal: Levinas and Metz on Biblical Time.Manuel Losada-Sierra & John Mandalios - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):411-423.
    In the modern consideration of historical time, reason is the driving force of progress through a homogenous, linear and continuum time. In fact, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries humanity was witnessing a history of progress in which it appeared that history was progressing towards a better world. However, the tragedies of the twentieth century indicate the opposite. Western reason proved unable to stop the barbarism of war. At the heart of this panorama, according to Emmanuel Levinas and Johann Baptist (...)
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    The Matthean characterisation of Jesus by angels.Francois P. Viljoen - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-7.
    Angels play a significant role in the characterisation of the Matthean Jesus. The Gospel of Matthew displays particular interest in angels. This article focuses on passages in Matthew that relate the role of angels directly to Jesus. Matthew distinguishes between the angel of the Lord and angels in general. This article examines the latter group keeping in view their support of Jesus. It shows that Matthew assumes knowledge of Jewish angelic traditions among his readers. He adds new perspectives to their (...)
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    Levinas, messianism and parody.Terence Holden - 2011 - London: Continuum.
    There is no greater testament to Emmanuel Levinas' reputation as an enigmatic thinker than in his meditations on eschatology and its relevance for contemporary thought. Levinas has come to be seen as a principal representative in Continental philosophy - alongside the likes of Heidegger, Benjamin, Adorno and Zizek - of a certain philosophical messianism, differing from its religious counterpart in being formulated apparently without appeal to any dogmatic content. To date, however, Levinas' messianism has not received the same detailed attention (...)
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    La “troisième quête” du Jésus de l'histoire.Daniel Marguerat - 1999 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 87 (3):397-421.
    Il est toujours tentant de diviser l'histoire de la recherche en époques, surtout lorsqu'un groupe ou une tendance s'en fait le repère avec la « troi­sième quête », fût-ce au prix de pratiques exégétiques et de présupposés méthodologiques pour le moins discutables . Divers modèles et figures du Christ surgissent de cette quête multi­forme Jésus philosophe cynique itinérant, sapiential, homme de l'Esprit, prophète de la restauration d'Israêl, militant du changement social...), ce qui ne suffit pourtant pas à jeter le soupçon (...)
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    On (Im)Patient Messianism: Marx, Levinas, and Derrida.Chung-Hsiung Lai - 2016 - Levinas Studies 11 (1):59-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On (Im)Patient MessianismMarx, Levinas, and DerridaChung-Hsiung Lai (bio)In the past few decades a group of well-known thinkers and rising-star scholars within the field of continental philosophy have come together to rethink what “the messianic” might mean. From Levinas’s reading of the Talmud and Franz Rosenzweig, and Derrida’s work on Marx and Levinas, to Agamben’s reading of Benjamin and Saint Paul, and Žižek’s work on Saint Paul and Derrida, among (...)
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    From Cult to Culture: Fragments Toward a Critique of Historical Reason.Charlotte Fonrobert & Amir Engel (eds.) - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    After launching his career with the 1947 publication of his dissertation, _Occidental Eschatology_, Jacob Taubes spent the early years of his career as a fellow and then professor at various American institutions, including Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia. During his American years, he also gathered together a number of prominent thinkers at his weekly seminars on Jewish intellectual history. In the mid-60s, Taubes joined the faculty of the Free University in West Berlin, initially as the city's first Jewish Studies professor of (...)
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    A Survey on the Concept of ‘Tikkun olam: Repairing the World’ in Judaism.Mürsel Özalp - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):291-309.
    The Hebrew phrase tikkun olam means repairing, mending or healing the world. Today, the phrase tikkun olam, particularly in liberal Jewish American circles, has become a slogan for a diverse range of topics such as activism, political participation, call and pursuit of social justice, charities, environmental issues and healthy nutrition. Moreover, the presidents of the United States who attend Jewish religious days and Jewish ceremonies state the tikkun olam in its Hebrew origin, pointing out its origin embedded in the Judaism (...)
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    Anti-Modernism and Anti-Semitism in Hans Urs von Balthasar's Apokalypse der deutschen Seele.Paul Silas Peterson - 2010 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 52 (3):302-318.
    SUMMARYThis article analyzes Hans Urs von Balthasar's account of the rise of modernism in his Apokalypse der deutschen Seele . Balthasar's narration of the history of eschatology and the rise of the modern age is critical preparation for his rejection of modernism. It is also a forerunner for his definition of German culture through anti-Semitic adversary-markers. According to Balthasar, in the 18th century there was a fall from a romantic age when German culture was Christian. In the 19th and 20th (...)
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  38. Messianism.Judith Wolfe - 2013 - In Nicholas Adams, George Pattison & Graham Ward, The Oxford handbook of theology and modern European thought. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter explores the influence of Messianism on modern German thought. It analyzes philosophical and literary works on Messianic nationalism; Messianic suffering; National Socialism as Messianic ideology; and Jewish Messianism. Particular attention is given to the work of Martin Heidegger, who represents the most interesting crossroads between nationalist Messianism, ‘existential’ and deconstructionist anti-Messianism, and a residual religious Messianism.
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    (Dost-)Düşmanlar: Hıristiyan Siyonizminde Antisemitizm ve Anti-İslamizm [(Fr-)Enemies: Antisemitism and Anti-Islamism in Christian Zionism].Ömer Kemal Buhari̇ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1315-1330.
    Abstract: The paper deals with “Christian Zionists”, who have born out of Protestantism, conglomerate particularly in the United States of America, provide a non-proportional support for Israel and who at the same time antagonize Islam. The movement’s quiddity, genesis, theology, activities, as well as anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic tendencies are elaborated. According to initial findings, Christian Zionism constitutes an anomaly from a number of perspectives. Most importantly, Jews and Christians symbolize two communities that have been violently antagonizing each other since centuries. (...)
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  40. L'apôtre Paul et la parousie de Jésus Christ: L'eschatologie paulinienne et ses enjeux.J. -N. Aletti - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (1):15-41.
    L'interprétation de l'eschatologie paulinienne est dominée par la question de son rapport avec l'apocalyptique juive. Les points communs, soulignés par J.C. Beker à la suite de E. Käsemann, ne sont pas contestables, mais ne doivent pas occulter des différences notables, qui tiennent à la prééminence du Christ dans la vision paulinienne des événements de la fin. Ni l'attente ni le retard de la parousie ne semblent avoir eu, quoi qu'on en dise, d'influence décisive sur la pensée de l'Apôtre, mais bien (...)
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    Venturing beyond: law and morality in Kabbalistic mysticism.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Are mysticism and morality compatible or at odds with one another? If mystical experience embraces a form of non-dual consciousness, then in such a state of mind, the regulative dichotomy so basic to ethical discretion would seemingly be transcended and the very foundation for ethical decisions undermined. Venturing Beyond - Law and Morality in Kabbalistic Mysticism is an investigation of the relationship of the mystical and moral as it is expressed in the particular tradition of Jewish mysticism known as the (...)
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    Sinndeutung Und Periodisierung der Geschichte: Eine Systematische Ub̈ersicht der Theorien Und Auffassungen.Johan van der Pot - 1999 - Boston: Brill.
    In this huge study the author presents a systematic and thematic overview of all concepts and ideas, that are basic and gave shape to Western thinking about history: Jewish and Christian concepts of redemptive history, particularism vs. universal concepts, ethnocentric concepts, typology, eschatology and the apocalyptic. He considers concepts of history in the Classical Age, the Middle Ages, Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, the Romantic Age, Humanism, Positivism, the impact of the Holocaust and Postmodernism. He offers a critical treatment of (...)
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    Jewry ueber Alles.Graham Macklin - 2024 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 35 (1):112-128.
    This article explores the role of the Britons Society, a small racial nationalist sect founded in 1919, in the propagation of conspiracist antisemitism in the United Kingdom in the aftermath of the First World War. It focuses on its ideological output, aimed at cultivating an antisemitic ‘Jewwise’ mindset that viewed the fight against ‘the Jew’ as an eternal eschatological struggle. During its comparatively long life, the Britons published a voluminous quantity of antisemitic literature, including over eighty editions of _The Protocols (...)
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    ‘This paradoxall Restitution Iudaicall’: the apocalyptic correspondence of John Dee and Roger Edwardes.Stephen Clucas - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (3):509-518.
    Despite the later prominence of apocalypticism in John Dee’s ‘angelic conversations’ in the years 1583–85, his correspondence with Roger Edwardes in 1580 about the correct interpretation of eschatological passages in the bible has received surprisingly little attention in Dee scholarship. In this article I give an account of Edwardes’s ill-fated political career, and the apocalyptical writings which he sent to divines in England and Germany for validation. These apocalyptical reflections, which Dee called ‘the boke of Domes Day’, were the subject (...)
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    Messianica ratio. Affinities and Differences in Cohen’s and Benjamin's Messianic Rationalism.Fabrizio Desideri - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):133-145.
    In my paper, I intend firmly to criticize Taubes' interpretation of Benjamin's Theology as a modern form of Gnosticism. In a positive way, I sustain rather the thesis that Benjamin's Messianism is in close connection with his conception of reason and, in particularly, with the paradoxical unity of Mysticism and Enlightenment, which, according to the famous definition of Adorno, distinguishes his thought. As a radically anti-magical and anti-mythical conception of the historical time, Benjamin's Messianism has to be considered as an (...)
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    Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Historical and Theological Reflections by Matthew Levering.Brant Pitre - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1347-1353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Historical and Theological Reflections by Matthew LeveringBrant PitreDid Jesus Rise from the Dead? Historical and Theological Reflections by Matthew Levering (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 272 pp.In his book Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Historical and Theological Reflections, Matthew Levering writes "to make the case" that there is "good reason" to believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus (1). In this (...)
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    ‘Comprehended history’: Hegelian and Judaic conceptions of the embodiment of exile.Terrin Winkel - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (3):255-274.
    This paper explores the structural similarities between Hegel’s conception of spirit and the Jewish medieval text, the Zohar’s, figuration of Shekhinah. The formal logic of spirit’s self-actualization is historically exemplified by Shekhinah in her existence as divinity’s indwelling presence in the world and her mythic embodiment of Jewish history. This study reads Shekhinah’s journey towards union with God as analogous to spirit’s passage towards absolute knowledge, a passage which concludes with what is often referred to as spirit’s ‘return to its (...)
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    The general resurrection of the dead in the synoptic gospels.Carlos Blanco-Pérez - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (177).
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the idea of general resurrection of the dead at the end of times in the synoptic Gospels. We intend to clarify whether this concept can be interpreted as a transposition of the parallel belief contained in some intertestamental writings, or if the singularity of the religious experience expressed in the synoptic Gospels establishes an inexorable moment of discontinuity with the previous apocalyptic framework, making it impossible to understand this doctrine on the sole (...)
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    Pax Romana as agtergrond van die Christelike kerugma.Frans J. Boshoff - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Pax Romana as background of the Christian kerygma: The concept ‘kingdom of God’ is fundamental to the kerygma on the salvific meaning of Jesus Christ in New Testament times. This article aims to explore the raison d’être why this concept had been such an important element in the kerygma. It argues that the Pax Romana as the primary ideology of the Roman Empire played a significant role. The Pax Romana advocated harmony with the gods, and subsequent heavenly peace and global (...)
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    Richard H. Popkin 1923-2005.Harry M. Bracken & Richard A. Watson - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):v-v.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Richard H. Popkin 1923-2005Harry M. Bracken and Richard A. WatsonRichard H. Popkin, founding editor of the journal of the History of Philosophy, died on April 14, 2005. He was 81 years old and had continued his research and writing to the last moment before he entered the hospital on march 21st with extreme respiratory difficulties.Popkin's The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes (1960) revolutionized the study and understanding (...)
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