Results for 'Erwan Sommerer'

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  1.  21
    L’impossible désordre démocratique. Réduction de l’incertitude et neutralisation de l’antagonisme.Erwan Sommerer - 2020 - Cités 83 (3):25-38.
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  2. The logic of natural language.Fred Sommers - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Feminist Revelation.Christina Sommers - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):141.
    In the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association for the fall of 1988, we find the view that “the power of philosophy lies in its radicalness.” The author, Tom Foster Digby, tells us that in our own day “the radical potency of philosophy is particularly well-illustrated by contemporary feminist philosophy” in ways that “could eventually reorder human life.” The claim that philosophy is essentially radical has deep historical roots. Aristotle and Plato each created a distinctive style of social philosophy. Following (...)
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    Is epistemology necessary?Erwan Lamy - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (3):373-394.
    The necessity of epistemological theorisation for management science is questionable. However, epistemology can be useful if the following distinction between three kinds of epistemology, usually overlooked, is taken into account: epistemology as a structured academic discipline, epistemology as an intellectual exercise produced outside academic epistemology, and finally the epistemology specific to each researcher. When this distinction is not made, epistemology can become counterproductive and impede scientific work.
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  5. Mitzvot.Avraham Sommer & Israel J. Cohen - forthcoming - In Giuseppe Veltri, Encyclopedia of Scepticism and Jewish Tradition. Brill.
  6.  20
    The Poverty of Radical Ecological Economics: A Supportive Comment.Erwan Queinnec - 2023 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 29 (1):45-60.
    This paper builds on the critique that Renaud Filleule addresses in this issue to radical ecological economics – known also as socio-ecological economics (SEE) – and more specifically to the works of one of his most famous representatives, Clive Spash. Filleule builds his critique from Austrian economics. I adopt a broader perspective. Indeed, although Austrian economics identifies key caveats of SEE, one may challenge its whole scientific substance on more general grounds. True, Clive Spash’s works are keen on putting forth (...)
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    Epistemic Responsibility in Business: An Integrative Framework for an Epistemic Ethics.Erwan Lamy - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):1-14.
    How can we make businesspeople more concerned about the truth of the information they spread or allow to circulate? In this age of ‘fake news’, ‘business bullshit’ and ‘post-truth,’ the issue is of the utmost importance, especially for business trustworthiness in the internet economy. The issue is related to a kind of epistemic responsibility, that consists in accounting for one’s own epistemic wrongdoings, such as making a third party believe something false. Despite growing interest in epistemic misbehavior in the literature (...)
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  8.  49
    Negotiating responsibility.Tamler Sommers - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Le désir de faire science de gestion.Erwan Lamy - 2015 - le Portique 35.
    Les sciences de gestion ne sont pas dans la science, mais dans le désir de faire science, le désir d’une science fantasmée. Cela apparaît dans leur obsession pathologique pour une « méthode scientifique » chimérique. Rien ne doit dépasser, tout doit être propre et lisse, alors que c’est l’approximation qui est au cœur du travail scientifique. Les sciences de gestion ratent ainsi quelque chose de fondamental dans la démarche scientifique en état incapable de saisir son imperfection. Comme les sciences médiévales, (...)
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    Un lemme d'analyse dont use Ibn al-haytham en gnomonique, dioptrique et cinématique céleste.Erwan Penchèvre - 2019 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 29 (1):133-156.
    RésuméÀ plusieurs reprises et poursuivant des buts distincts, Ibn al-Haytham a déterminé les variations d'une fonction bien connue aujourd'hui. Le contexte de ces applications révèle certaines caractéristiques de la pensée mathématique et physique de ce savant. Une étude précise de ses démonstrations mathématiques de monotonie suggère combien il a pu approcher d'un concept élaboré du continu.
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    Vénus selon Ibn al-šāṭir.Erwan Penchèvre - 2016 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 26 (2):185-214.
    RésuméNous avons tenté de restituer ici les mathématiques qui président aux théories planétaires exposées par l'astronome syrien Ibn al-Šāṭir dans son ouvrage Nihāyat al-Sūl. Dans la lignée des astronomes de l’école de Marāgha, en composant des mouvements de rotation à vitesse angulaire constante, Ibn al-Šāṭir atteint deux objectifs. Non seulement il élimine tout recours aux excentriques et aux points équants; mais il décrit aussi longitudes et latitudes planétaires par une méthode unique, sans adjoindre aucun orbe en sus des orbes nécessaires (...)
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    Causal effect on a target population: A sensitivity analysis to handle missing covariates.Erwan Scornet, Gaël Varoquaux, Julie Josse & Bénédicte Colnet - 2022 - Journal of Causal Inference 10 (1):372-414.
    Randomized controlled trials are often considered the gold standard for estimating causal effect, but they may lack external validity when the population eligible to the RCT is substantially different from the target population. Having at hand a sample of the target population of interest allows us to generalize the causal effect. Identifying the treatment effect in the target population requires covariates to capture all treatment effect modifiers that are shifted between the two sets. Standard estimators then use either weighting, outcome (...)
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  13.  17
    Erratum to: Structural ontology.Fred Sommers - 1972 - Philosophia 2 (1-2):176-176.
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  14. Experimental philosophy and free will.Tamler Sommers - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (2):199-212.
    This paper develops a sympathetic critique of recent experimental work on free will and moral responsibility. Section 1 offers a brief defense of the relevance of experimental philosophy to the free will debate. Section 2 reviews a series of articles in the experimental literature that probe intuitions about the "compatibility question"—whether we can be free and morally responsible if determinism is true. Section 3 argues that these studies have produced valuable insights on the factors that influence our judgments on the (...)
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  15. The objective attitude.Tamler Sommers - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):321–341.
    I aim to alleviate the pessimism with which some philosophers regard the 'objective attitude', thereby removing a particular obstacle which P.F. Strawson and others have placed in the way of more widespread scepticism about moral responsibility. First, I describe what I consider the objective attitude to be, and then address concerns about this raised by Susan Wolf. Next, I argue that aspects of certain attitudes commonly thought to be opposed to the objective attitude are in fact compatible with it. Finally, (...)
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    Can There be Relational Equality Across Generations? Or at All?Timothy Sommers - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (3):469-481.
    Relational egalitarianism, the view that social equality is fundamentally about equal relationships, has a problem addressing intergenerational justice. Specifically, how can we have any relationship, egalitarian or otherwise, with people that we do not overlap with temporally? I argue that the problem is even greater than that since we do not overlap in many other relevant ways, and are not in relationships with most of our temporal peers either. If relational equality relies on actual relationships, it cannot succeed as an (...)
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  17.  10
    Das Konzept einer negativen Dialektik: Adorno und Hegel.Marc Nicolas Sommer - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: The idea of a negative dialectics encapsulates the critical theory of Theodor W. Adorno in its entirety. In a critical engagement with Hegel's philosophy, Adorno develops a dialectic that is no longer tied to the idealistic concept of a speculative identity of subject and object, yet nevertheless aims at a concept of the absolute. So far neither the scope nor the argumentative consistency of this model of dialectics has been taken into account. Marc Nicolas Sommer reconstructs negative dialectics (...)
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  18.  22
    Do we have a duty not to discriminate when we date?Simone Sommer Degn & Søren Flinch Midtgaard - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Many believe that we have a duty not to discriminate when we act in certain ‘public’ capacities, for example when it is our job to select among various candidates for a job. In contrast, they deny that we have duties of a similar kind in our private lives, for example in our romantic lives. In this paper, we challenge this well‐entrenched asymmetry. We do so primarily by canvassing and rebutting central arguments to the effect that acting discriminatorily, for example when (...)
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  19.  45
    Das harte Geschlecht.Christian Sommer - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (2):441-449.
    This article suggests that the deconstruction of Heidegger’s reading of Hölderlin in the Letter on Humanism is a precondition for what Derrida attempts to do in his commentary of Heidegger’s reading of Trakl in Geschlecht III. This preliminary deconstruction, through a constellation of Hölderlinian motifs, controls the topology of Geschlecht III and determines Derrida’s approach to the themes of “nationality” and “philosophical nationalism”.
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  20.  25
    The Memorability of Supernatural Concepts: Some Puzzles and New Theoretical Directions.Joseph Sommer, Julien Musolino & Pernille Hemmer - 2022 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 22 (1-2):90-135.
    We evaluate the literature on the memorability of supernatural concepts, itself part of a growing body of work in the emerging cognitive science of religion. Specifically, we focus on Boyer’s Minimally Counterintuitive hypothesis according to which supernatural concepts tap a cognitively privileged memory-enhancing mechanism linked to violations of default intuitive inferences. Our assessment reveals that the literature on the MCI hypothesis is mired in empirical contradictions and methodological shortcomings which makes it difficult to assess the validity of competing theoretical models, (...)
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  21.  61
    Psychical research and the origins of American psychology.Andreas Sommer - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):23-44.
    Largely unacknowledged by historians of the human sciences, late-19th-century psychical researchers were actively involved in the making of fledgling academic psychology. Moreover, with few exceptions historians have failed to discuss the wider implications of the fact that the founder of academic psychology in America, William James, considered himself a psychical researcher and sought to integrate the scientific study of mediumship, telepathy and other controversial topics into the nascent discipline. Analysing the celebrated exposure of the medium Eusapia Palladino by German-born Harvard (...)
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  22.  18
    Biology as a Technology of Social Justice in Interwar Britain: Arguments from Evolutionary History, Heredity, and Human Diversity.Marianne Sommer - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):561-586.
    In this article, I am concerned with the public engagements of Julian Huxley, Lancelot Hogben, and J. B. S. Haldane. I analyze how they used the new insights into the genetics of heredity to argue against any biological foundations for antidemocratic ideologies, be it Nazism, Stalinism, or the British laissez-faire and class system. The most striking fact—considering the abuse of biological knowledge they contested—is that these biologists presented genetics itself as inherently democratic. Arguing from genetics, they developed an understanding of (...)
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    Modulation of H3.3 chromatin assembly by PML: A way to regulate epigenetic inheritance.Erwan Delbarre & Susan M. Janicki - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (10):2100038.
    Although the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein is renowned for regulating a wide range of cellular processes and as an essential component of PML nuclear bodies (PML‐NBs), the mechanisms through which it exerts its broad physiological impact are far from fully elucidated. Here, we review recent studies supporting an emerging view that PML's pleiotropic effects derive, at least partially, from its role in regulating histone H3.3 chromatin assembly, a critical epigenetic mechanism. These studies suggest that PML maintains heterochromatin organization by restraining (...)
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  24.  12
    Georg Simmel, inventeur de la sociologie? Un contrepoint franco-allemand.Erwan Dianteill - 2019 - Cités 4:153.
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    Media Review: Off Track: Classroom Privilege for All.Shirley Mthethwa-Sommers & Sandra Spickard Prettyman - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (3-4):388-393.
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    Die Hortung: eine Philosophie des Sammelns.Andreas Urs Sommer - 2000 - Düsseldorf: Parerga. Edited by Dagmar Winter & Miguel Skirl.
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    Do Managerial Practices Need Philosophy?Marian Eabrasu & Erwan Lamy - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (3):309-320.
    This article serves as an introduction to the special issue discussing the usefulness of philosophy in managerial practice. We present the papers included in this special issue and identify keynote directions for further research. The initial intention of the call for papers was to promote this topic on research agendas by offering a platform for discussing if, why, and how philosophy can complement and enhance management practice. Now that this special issue has been published, we see a broader significance: the (...)
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    How to Make Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable? A Diagnosis and a Few Elements of a Response.Erwan Lamy - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):645-662.
    Social entrepreneurship is a precarious activity that must always strike a delicate balance between commercial principles and social concerns. There is no shortage of discussion concerning the possible solutions that could help to maintain this balance, and social entrepreneurs are striving to reconcile conflicting aims on a daily basis, but the economic roots of this precariousness remain. Based on an analysis of these root causes, we propose a new radical approach to this precariousness, “radical” in the etymological sense of the (...)
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  29. [no title].Andreas Urs Sommer - unknown
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    Timing Training in Female Soccer Players: Effects on Skilled Movement Performance and Brain Responses.Marius Sommer, Charlotte K. Häger, Carl Johan Boraxbekk & Louise Rönnqvist - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31. Predicability.Fred Sommers - 1964 - In Max Black, Philosophy in America. Ithaca: Routledge. pp. 262--281.
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  32.  14
    Nietzsche-Kommentar: "Der Fall Wagner" und "Götzen-Dämmerung".Andreas Urs Sommer - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    When Nietzsche published his pamphlet The Case of Wagner in 1888 he succeeded in catching the attention of the reading public after many years of neglect. His radical critique of Wagner is viewed as influential in reception history. The Twilight of the Idols captures the essence of Nietzsche's late philosophy. The work shows Nietzsche at the high point of his creative powers and provides a vivid example of experimental philosophy in practice.
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    Nietzsche-Kommentar: "Der Antichrist", "Ecce homo", "Dionysos-Dithyramben" und "Nietzsche contra Wagner".Andreas Urs Sommer - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    The last posthumous manuscripts from 1888 bear witness to an enormous stylistic and intellectual radicalization. The Antichrist purports to be a total "reevaluation of all values." In Ecce homo, Nietzsche explores the genealogy of his own thinking, opening up new dimensions of self-reflection. Nietzsche contra Wagner sums up the many years of Nietzsche's continuing critique of Wagner, while the Dionysian Dithyrambs seek to breathe new life into lyric poetry.
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    Historicismo ayer y hoy.Carla Cordua Sommer - 2015 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 6:7-17.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the philosophical sources of some of the criticisms made in the second half of the 20th century to the practices and the main assumptions of historiography. In particular, the influence of the writings by Nietzsche dedicated to European Historicism on the renewed concept of history which is imposed in the twentieth century from the thought of Heidegger and Foucault. The divergent concepts of historical time and existential temporality, as well as those of (...)
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    Prevalence and Therapy Rates for Stuttering, Cluttering, and Developmental Disorders of Speech and Language: Evaluation of German Health Insurance Data.Martin Sommer, Andrea Waltersbacher, Andreas Schlotmann, Helmut Schröder & Adam Strzelczyk - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    PurposeTo evaluate the prevalence and treatment patterns of speech and language disorders in Germany.MethodsA retrospective analysis of data collected from 32% of the German population, insured by the statutory German health insurance. We used The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, German Modification codes for stuttering, cluttering, and developmental disorders of speech and language to identify prevalent and newly diagnosed cases each year. Prescription and speech therapy reimbursement data were used to evaluate treatment patterns.ResultsIn 2017, (...)
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  36.  56
    Pierre Bourdieu and the sociology of religion: A central and peripheral concern. [REVIEW]Erwan Dianteill - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (5-6):529-549.
  37.  32
    Homology and the hierarchy of biological systems.Ralf J. Sommer - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (7):653-658.
    Homology is the similarity between organisms due to common ancestry. Introduced by Richard Owen in 1843 in a paper entitled “Lectures on comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals”, the concept of homology predates Darwin's “Origin of Species” and has been very influential throughout the history of evolutionary biology. Although homology is the central concept of all comparative biology and provides a logical basis for it, the definition of the term and the criteria of its application remain controversial. Here, (...)
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  38. More work for hard incompatibilism.Tamler Sommers - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79 (3):511-521.
  39. Ethical considerations in crisis and humanitarian interventions.Rita Sommers-Flanagan - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (2):187 – 202.
    The need for professionals to volunteer their time in crisis situations and to reach across time and culture in the service of humanitarian interventions will likely not abate in the near future. This article provides readers with multiple venues for considering the ethical dimensions present in crisis and humanitarian interventions. Core ethical concerns common to helping situations are magnified in crisis work. In addition, issues unique to the nature of volunteer and crisis work must also be considered. Using hypothetical case (...)
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    Nietzsches kulturschöpferische Barbaren: Beobachtungen zu blonden und anderen Bestien in Genealogie der Moral I 11, nebst einer unwissenschaftlichen Nachschrift.Andreas Urs Sommer - 2021 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Markus Winkler, Nietzsche, Das ›Barbarische‹ Und Die ›Rasse‹. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 163-180.
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    School of Shadows: The Return to Plato's Cave.Claire Sommers - 2018 - Arion 25 (3):131.
  42.  12
    Nouvelles phénoménologies en France: actes des journées d'étude autour de Hans-Dieter Gondek et László Tengelyi, Neue Phänomenologie in Frankreich.Christian Sommer (ed.) - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    La "cause de la phénoménologie" s'est trouvée défendue et illustrée en France par de multiples oeuvres, qui, au-delà même de la réception des pensées de Husserl et de Heidegger, ont aujourd'hui des effets en retour sur les pays germaniques d'où la phénoménologie est originaire. Organisées par Christian Sommer et Jean-Claude Monod, deux journées d'étude ont réuni aux Archives Husserl de Paris les principaux représentants de la "nouvelle phénoménologie" en France. Les textes du présent volume évoquent et réévaluent les évolutions, les (...)
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  43.  14
    L’être ou la vie.Christian Sommer - 2017 - Philosophiques 44 (2):365-368.
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    Updating, evidence evaluation, and operator availability: A theoretical framework for understanding belief.Joseph Sommer, Julien Musolino & Pernille Hemmer - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (2):373-401.
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    Beyond Support: Exploring Support as Existential Phenomenon in the Context of Young People and Mental Health.Mona Sommer & Tone Saevi - 2017 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 17 (2):1-11.
    Support in different modes, expressions and actions is at the core of the public welfare culture. In this paper, support is examined as an everyday interpersonal phenomenon with a variety of expressions in language and ways of relating, and its essential meaning is explored. The fulcrum for reflection is the lived experience shared by a young woman with mental health problems of her respective encounters with two professionals in mental health facilities. A phenomenological analysis of the contrasting accounts suggests that, (...)
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    Neuerscheinungen zu Kants Religionsphilosophie.Andreas Urs Sommer - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (1):31 - 53.
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    A diagrammatics of race: Samuel George Morton's ‘American Golgotha’ and the contest for the definition of the young field of anthropology.Marianne Sommer - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (3-4):34-63.
    Between the last decades of the 18th century and the middle of the 19th century, something of paramount importance happened in the history of anthropology. This was the advent of a physical anthropology that was about the classification of ‘human races’ through comparative measurement. A central tool of the new trade was diagrams. Being inherently about relations in and between objects, diagrams became the means of defining human groups and their relations to each other – the last point being disputed (...)
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    Psychical research in the history and philosophy of science. An introduction and review.Andreas Sommer - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:38-45.
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    Mythologie de l'événement: Heidegger avec Hölderlin.Christian Sommer - 2017 - Paris: PUF.
    Cette étude formule l'hypothèse critique d'une opération de remythologisation par une réactualisation théologico-politique de la tragédie chez Heidegger. Cette opération ne saurait simplement coïncider avec une revalorisation " irrationnelle " du mythe, car elle procède d'abord d'une mise en question, non moins problématique, de la dualité supposée entre muthos et logos pour culminer dans ce qu'une note des années 1950 appellera la " mytho-logie de l'événement ". La réélaboration de la notion de mythe s'accomplit à partir du poème de Hölderlin (...)
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  50. The Ji Self in Early Chinese Texts.Deborah A. Sommer - 2012 - In Jason Dockstader Hans-Georg Moller & Gunter Wohlfahrt, Selfhood East and West: De-Constructions of Identity. Traugott Bautz. pp. 17-45.
    The ji 己self is a site, storehouse, or depot of individuated allotment associated with the possession of things and qualities: wholesome and unwholesome desires (yu 欲) and aversions, emotions such as anxiety, and positive values such as humaneness and reverence. Each person's allotment is unique, and its "contents" are collected, measured, reflected on, and then distributed to others. The Analects, Mencius, Xunzi, Daodejing, and Zhuangzi each have their own vision for negotiating the space between self and other. Works as seemingly (...)
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