Results for 'Ervin Baktay'

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  1.  17
    Critical Commentary on Ervin Laszlo’s Paper “In Defense of Intuition”.Ervin Laszlo - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (3).
    Dr. Laszlo’s hypothesis (2009) is in my opinion appealing on many levels. He proposes that phenomena of apparent transpersonal communication between human beings are due to the intermediary of information-carrying holograms in the reactive quantum vacuum produced by human brain activity. He also suggests that valid information regarding the world in general is available through the same mechanism, on the grounds that all material objects “excite the ground state of the [zero point] fi eld” and produce further such holograms. On (...)
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    Improving Ethics: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior to Include Moral Disengagement.Ervin L. Black, F. Greg Burton & Joshua K. Cieslewicz - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):945-978.
    We extend the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) for ethics in the workplace. Using a path modeling methodology, we find evidence that, for ethics, moral disengagement is an antecedent to the TPB predictors of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (PBC). We show that the TPB predictors mediate the influence moral disengagement has on ethical behavioral intentions. Thus, to improve ethical behavior, reducing moral disengagement is critical. We find support for including both types of PBC (self-efficacy and locus of (...)
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    Mark W. Hamilton, Kenneth W. Cukrowski, Nancy W. Shankle, James Thompson i John T. Willis-Riječ koja preobražava.Ervin Budiselić - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (1):223-225.
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    Foreword.Ervin Laszlo Editor in Chief - 2003 - World Futures 59 (3):125-126.
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    A hiányzó másik fél: politikai és kulturális elmélkedések.Ervin Csizmadia - 2021 - Budapest: Ad Librum.
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  6. The Fake: Forgery and Its Place in Art.Ervin Dunai - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (200):425-427.
    SOndor Radn-ti looks at forgeries, artistic reproductions, replicas, variations, and pastiches in order to study the dilemmas surrounding artistic illusion and 'poetic license.' He reveals how forgeries as the parasites of art make clear and transparent the meaning of artistic orginality.
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    Exploring political ecology: issues, problems, and solutions to the climate change crisis.Alexander M. Ervin - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores some of the conditions and underlying causes of the multiple environmental crises facing humanity. Rooted in anthropology, but multidisciplinary in scope, it surveys the many socio-cultural and socio-economic errors, foibles, and follies that brought us to these circumstances. Crucially and uniquely, it outlines an array of viable and practical solutions, some of which are radically different from the current status quo and cultural expectations. The first chapter canvasses the emerging, interdisciplinary field of political ecology, then Part I (...)
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    Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development: The Case of Transgenic Crops.David E. Ervin & Rick Welsh - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (2):153-172.
    The commercialization of transgenic crops has engendered significant resistance from environmental groups and defensive responses from industry. A part of this struggle entails the politicization of science as groups gather evidence from the scholarly literature to defend a supportive or opposing position to transgenic crop commercialization. The authors argue that novel technology development and associated scientific uncertainty have led to two competing approaches to risk management: precaution and ex post trial and error. In this paper we use the controversies over (...)
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  9. Some strategies for the first two years.Susan Ervin-Tripp - 1973 - In T. E. Moore, Cognitive Development and the Acquisition of Language. Academic. pp. 261--286.
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    Why should I believe in science?Ervin Laszlo - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (4):477-488.
    Whether one believes in science, or opts for other modes of apprehending reality depends on the values he happens to possess. And since further reasons depend on these values, these values cannot be justified by further reasons. We have reached rock bottom, and it turned out to be a morass of values. But this is not the end of the story. The values which shape our preferences for modes of knowledge cannot be deduced from bodies of knowledge without circularity, but (...)
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  11.  30
    David Hume, Ekonomske rasprave.Ervin Plehandžić - 2006 - Prolegomena 5 (1):132-135.
  12.  6
    Az igazság paradoxonjai.Ervin Rozsnyai - 1989 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    The St. Louis Hegelians and the Institutionalization of Democratic Education.Joe Ervin, David Beisecker & Jasmin Özel - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (1):47-64.
  14.  20
    The evolutionary outrider: the impact of the human agent on evolution: essays honoring Ervin Laszlo.Ervin Laszlo & David Loye (eds.) - 1998 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Illustrates how the theory of evolution can be expanded into a source of social guidance.
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    The consciousness revolution: a transatlantic dialogue: two days with Ervin Laszlo, Stanislav Grof, and Peter Russell.Ervin Laszlo - 2003 - Las Vegas, CA: Elf Rock Productions. Edited by Stanislav Grof & Peter Russell.
    "The Consciousness Revolution is an extrodinary discussion among three of the very finest minds of our time, spirited in its exchange, compassionate in its embrace, brilliant in its clarion call to awaken our conscience and consciousness." Ken Wilber, author of Sex, Ecology, Spirituality and One Taste.
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    The Pluralist and Possibilist Aspect of the Scientific Enterprise.Ervin Laszlo - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (2):279-281.
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  17.  18
    Beth SNODDERLY & A. Scott MOREAU (eds.)-Evangelical and Frontier Mission Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel.Ervin Budiselić - 2012 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 6 (1):101-105.
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  18. Critical Reflection on the Parables of the Leaven and the Mustard Seed as Foundational for Postmillennialist Eschatology.Ervin Budiselić - 2010 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 4 (1):51-62.
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    Impartacija darova Duha Svetoga u Pavlovoj teologiji.Ervin Budiselić - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (2):249-273.
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  20.  10
    The Fake: Forgery and its Place in Art.Ervin Dunai (ed.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Sándor Radnóti looks at forgeries, artistic reproductions, replicas, variations, and pastiches in order to study the dilemmas surrounding artistic illusion and "poetic license." He reveals how forgeries as the parasites of art make clear and transparent the meaning of artistic orginality.
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  21. A psychologist's point of view.S. Ervin-Tripp - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
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    Studies in legal terminology.Ervin Paul Hexner - 1941 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The central concept of this work is, "rules of law", which the author discusses in various aspects. The treatment of these various facets of the law is a mixture of Anglo-American positivism & German idealism.
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    La métaphysique de Whitehead: recherche sur les prolongements anthropologiques.Ervin Laszlo - 1970 - La Haye,: M. Nijhoff.
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  24. La Métaphysique de Whitehead.Ervin Laszlo, Christine Harzic, La Haye & Martinus Nijhoff - 1974 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 79 (3):426-428.
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    Preface.Ervin Laszlo - 2014 - World Futures 70 (1):1-1.
    (2014). Preface. World Futures: Vol. 70, Strategy, Story, and Emergence: Essays on Scenario Planning, pp. 1-1.
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    The immortal mind: science and the continuity of consciousness beyond the brain.Ervin Laszlo - 2014 - Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions. Edited by Anthony Peake.
    Scientific evidence for the continual presence of consciousness with or without connection to a living organism.
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  27.  14
    The y-field universe: A new theory of the whole.Ervin Laszlo - 1990 - In Kishor Gandhi, The Odyssey of science, culture, and consciousness. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. pp. 228.
  28.  12
    What is consciousness?: three sages look behind the veil.Ervin Laszlo - 2016 - New York: SelectBooks. Edited by Jean Houston & Larry Dossey.
    What is consciousness? Conventional thinking tells us it is the images, sensations, thoughts, and feelings produced by the brain. When the neurons in the brain stop firing, consciousness ceases to be. But does it?
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    Notes and comments: Infallibility and logic.Ervin Nemesszeghy - 1968 - Heythrop Journal 9 (2):179–183.
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    Perceptual wholes can reduce the conscious accessibility of their parts.Ervin Poljac, Lee de-Wit & Johan Wagemans - 2012 - Cognition 123 (2):308-312.
  31. Quantitative stereology.Ervin E. Underwood - 1970 - Reading, Mass.,: Addison-Wesley.
  32.  9
    The intelligence of the cosmos: Why are we here?: New answers from the frontiers of science.Ervin Laszlo (ed.) - 2017 - Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.
    From the cutting edge of science and living spirituality: a guide to understanding our identity and purpose in the world • Outlines the new understanding of matter and mind coming to light at the cutting edge of physics and consciousness research • Explains how we can evolve consciously, become connected with each other, and flourish on this planet • Includes contributions from Maria Sagi, Kingsley L. Dennis, Emanuel Kuntzelman, Dawna Jones, Shamik Desai, Garry Jacobs, and John R. Audette For the (...)
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  33.  13
    Charles FINNEY, Lekcije o probuđenju.Ervin Budiselić - 2007 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1 (1):167-169.
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  34. New Apostolic Reformation: Apostolic Ministry for Today.Ervin Budiselić - 2008 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2 (2):209-226.
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  35. The Impartation of the Gifts of the Spirit in Paul's Theology.Ervin Budiselić - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (2):245-270.
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    Origins and Development of the Turkish Novel.Ellen W. Ervin, Ahmet Ö Evin & Ahmet O. Evin - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):809.
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  37.  50
    Tasks and Objectives of the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University.Ervin Laszlo - 2012 - World Futures 68 (1):3 - 6.
    World Futures, Volume 68, Issue 1, Page 3-6, January 2012.
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    The Choice and the Responsibility.Ervin László - 1993 - Process Studies 22 (3):131-133.
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    What is reality: the new map of cosmos and consciousness.Ervin Laszlo - 2016 - New York: SelectBooks.
    Explores the truth of human existence and human consciousness, presenting a view of our lives as an infinite existence in spacetime and beyond spacetime to resolve the paradoxes of our commonly held scientific conceptions of the nature of the cosmos and show a way toward a sustainable global civilization.
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    A qualitative study on patients' selection in the scarcity of resources in the COVID‐19 pandemic in a communal culture.Ervin Dyah Ayu Masita Dewi, Lara Matter, Astrid Pratidina Susilo & Anja Krumeich - 2025 - Developing World Bioethics 25 (1):71-79.
    The scarcity of resources during the COVID‐19 pandemic caused ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for treatment. Medical and ethical guidance only emphasizes clinical procedures but does not consider the sociocultural aspect. This study explored the perception of former COVID‐19 patients and their families on the decision‐making process of the patient's selection at a time of scarcity of resources. The result will inform the development of an ethical guide for allocating scarce resources that aligns with Indonesian culture. We conducted qualitative research (...)
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  41.  86
    A Systems View of Ervin Laszlo, from One Generation to the Next: An Edited and Annotated Autobiographical Piece.Alexander Laszlo, Christopher Laszlo & Ervin Laszlo - 2011 - World Futures 67 (4-5):219 - 243.
    This article represents a concerted Laszlo effort. What you will find here is a collection of autobiographical reflections written by Ervin Laszlo that speaks to his involvement with the field of systems thinking and his impact on it, interspersed with comments and illustrative examples on points of special interest. As such, this essay should be read as a reflection piece?one in which a new generation of Laszlos muse on the power and inspiration of the vision that has served as (...)
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  42.  6
    In Defense of Intuition: Exploring the Physical Foundations of Spontaneous Apprehension.Ervin Laszlo - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 23 (1).
    The thesis advanced in this paper is that human experience encompasses not only elements registered by the exteroceptive and interoceptive senses, but also elements received intuitively, in a direct and spontaneous mode. Findings at the cutting edge of quantum physics and brain research support the hypothesis that the brain can receive information not only through nerve-signals conducted from the senses but also through quantum resonance at the level of cytoskeletal structures. Confirmation of this hypothesis would provide a physical foundation for (...)
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    Pravilno razumijevanje evanđelja kao ključ za zdravu evangelizaciju, život i službu Crkve.Ervin Budiselić - 2013 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1:9-32.
  44.  10
    Snaga stola: revizija teologije, forme i uloge Gospodnje večere u bogoštovlju kršćanske crkve.Ervin Budiselić - unknown
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    The Power of the Table-Revising the Theology, Form and Place of the Lord's Supper in the Worship of the Christian Church.Ervin Budiselić - 2012 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 6 (2):135-161.
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    John Turtle Wood, Discoverer of the Artemision 1869.St John Ervine - 1938 - Isis 28 (2):376-384.
  47.  16
    Dawn of an era of well-being: new paths to a better world.Ervin Laszlo - 2021 - New York: SelectBooks. Edited by Frederick Tsao.
    Authors believe we can reverse humanity's destructive environmental path, positing that a new worldview of a "quantum paradigm" is emerging in society, based on awareness that consciousness is a universal energy field from which we form our reality-and guide civilizations to find solutions combining Western medicine and Eastern wisdom traditions to create better lives for all.
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    Information in the Universe and in the Organism.Ervin Laszlo - 2016 - World Futures 72 (3-4):101-106.
    There is a branch of modern medicine that relies on information rather than on biochemical substances to maintain health and cure disease. Known as information medicine, it offers an important complement to the dominant biochemical approach of mainstream medicine. This note offers a few reflections on the potentials of information medicine in reference to what is currently known regarding the role of information in the universe, and in the living organism.
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  49.  69
    The rise of general theories in contemporary science.Ervin Laszlo - 1973 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 4 (2):335-344.
    The developmental trend in many fields of contemporary science is toward integrated general theories. These trends are viewed as essential components of the nature of science rather than expressions of arbitrary preferences of scientists. The law-like factors which lead science toward reliance on general theories include empirical as well as rational components. A model is proposed which exhibits the balance of the relevant factors as calling for increasing use of theories the primitive terms of which are progressively more abstract and (...)
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    Omladozó téveszmék: írások Istenről, az emberekről és eszmékről.Ervin Nagy - 2016 - Máriabesnyő: Attraktor.
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