Results for 'Ervik Cejvan'

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    Mind, Language, Work.Ervik Cejvan* - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    If AI is to emulate the language, mind, and work of humans, what remains of being human? One scenario is that humans are at risk of becoming robots of AI-powered systems, serving the interests of a few global corporations. We have already reached this stage of transformation. Given this predicament, the issues concerning the capacity of AI beyond the human should be addressed through a critique of AI ideology. Methodically, this would imply a shift in perspective, from the subject of (...)
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    Um, jezik, delo.Ervik Cejvan - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Če bo umetna inteligenca posnemala človeški jezik, um in delo, kaj bo ostalo od človeške biti? Po enem od scenarijev lahko ljudje postanejo roboti sistemov, ki jih poganja umetna inteligenca in služijo interesom par svetovnih korporacij. To stopnjo preobrazbe smo že dosegli. Glede na to oceno, je treba vprašanja, ki so povezana z sposobnostjo umetne inteligence preseči raven človeškega, obravnavati skozi kritiko ideologije umetne inteligence. Metodološko to narekuje premik perspektive, in sicer od predmeta UI k delovanju in zavajajoči moči njenih (...)
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    Laboratory of Stories.Olivia Cejvan - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):30-43.
    This article develops the concept of community lore, initially devised by the social learning theorists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger (1991). In extending this promising but hitherto neglected aspect of their work, this article sheds light on how and why community lore sustains and propels teaching and learning in the contemporary esoteric society Sodalitas Rosae Crucis (SRC). Ethnographic findings illuminate how the situated, informal community lore becomes a pervasive learning device that underwrites individual and collective learning, as it emerges in (...)
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    Importance of systematic deliberation and stakeholder presence: a national study of clinical ethics committees.Morten Magelssen, Reidar Pedersen, Ingrid Miljeteig, Håvard Ervik & Reidun Førde - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):66-70.
    BackgroundCase consultation performed by clinical ethics committees (CECs) is a complex activity which should be evaluated. Several evaluation studies have reported stakeholder satisfaction in single institutions. The present study was conducted nationwide and compares clinicians’ evaluations on a range of aspects with the CEC’s own evaluation.MethodsProspective questionnaire study involving case consultations at 19 Norwegian CECs for 1 year, where consultations were evaluated by CECs and clinicians who had participated.ResultsEvaluations of 64 case consultations were received. Cases were complex with multiple ethical (...)
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