Results for 'Erna Yackel'

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  1. Analogies from the philosophy and sociology of science for understanding classroom life.Paul Cobb, Terry Wood & Erna Yackel - 1991 - Science Education 75 (1):23-44.
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    Petrićev put: od kritike Aristotela do pobožne filozofije.C. Erna Bani C.-Pajni - 2001 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju.
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    Mathemata: Festschrift fur Helmuth Gericke. Menso Folkerts, Uta Lindgren.Erna Hilfstein - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):271-272.
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    Nowe materiały do działalności publicznej Mikołaja Kopernika z lat 1512-1537Marian Biskup.Erna Hilfstein & Edward Rosen - 1973 - Isis 64 (4):551-551.
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    Optyka w XV wieku: Miȩdzy nauka̧ średniowieczna̧ a nowożytna̧ . Grażyna Rosińska.Erna Hilfstein - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):518-519.
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    Pirro ligorio's illustrations to aesop's fables.Erna Mandowsky - 1961 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 (3/4):327-331.
  7. Foucault as Nietzschean Objective Scholar?Erna Strnisa - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (3):171 - +.
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    Recent Discussion of Subjunctive Conditionals.Erna F. Schneider - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (4):623 - 649.
    In all cases, the problem concerns the proper meaning of subjunctive and counterfactual conditionals. For present purposes, a conditional sentence is one composed of at least two clauses, the central connective of which is, or is understood to be, "if... then." A subjunctive conditional is a conditional sentence in which the clause following the "if," the antecedent, may be true or false, but in which the truth or falsity of the entire sentence does not depend upon the truth or falsity (...)
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    Zur Geschichte der Neuen Fries’schen Schule und der Jakob Friedrich Fries-Gesellschaft.Erna Blencke - 1978 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 60 (2):199-208.
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    Mikołaj Kopernik w śweietle swej korespondencji. Jerzy Drewnowski.Erna Hilfstein - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):344-345.
  11.  11
    Modernization and Emancipation from Above: Women's Studies in Portugal.Erna Kas & Marianne Grünell - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (4):535-545.
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    Galen AlS vorläufer der hormonforschung.Erna Lesky - 1950 - Centaurus 1 (2):156-162.
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  13. Ethopoetic Knowledge: Seneca and Foucault.Erna Strnisa - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (3):145 - +.
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    (1 other version)Inducing visibilities: An attempt at Santiago Ramón y Cajal's aesthetic epistemology.Erna Fiorentini - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (4):391-394.
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    Strategic Planning in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis.Erna Kusumawati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1815-1829.
    This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of strategic planning in education, using SCOPUS data from 2010 to 2024. The research identifies key trends and focal areas within the literature, particularly in higher education. From an initial 1,082 documents, a refined dataset of 400 was analyzed based on specific inclusion criteria. The findings reveal a significant increase in interest in strategic planning over the past decade, with the United States, China, and Indonesia as leading contributors. King Abdulaziz University and Texas A&M (...)
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    Deutsche galenübersetzungen zu beintker-kahlenberg, werke Des galenos, V.Erna Lesky - 1955 - Centaurus 4 (1):58-62.
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  17. Peripheral vision and painting: A note on the work of Evan Walters (1894–1951).Erna Meinel - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (3):287-297.
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    Etudes d'histoire des sciences en Pologne. Aleksander Birkenmajer.Erna Hilfstein & Edward Rosen - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):98-99.
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    Kopernik i heliocentryzm w polskiej kulturze umyslowej do końca XVIII wieku. Barbara Bieńkowska.Erna Hilfstein & Edward Rosen - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):254-255.
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    The English Version of Nicholas Copernicus Complete Works (1972 - 1984 [?]).Erna Hilfstein - 1983 - Dialectics and Humanism 10 (4):63-70.
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    A move towards heutagogy to empower theology students.Erna Oliver - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    Society is transforming from the industrial era to an information based, network society. Thereis widespread consensus that due to this revolution in society, education needs to make aparadigm shift in order to stay relevant to the changing needs of society. Although thisparadigm shift is promoted widely in academic literature, it seems as if in practice there arestumbling blocks preventing higher education to make positive strides into a new directionwithin the South African context. This research highlights some of the hurdles that (...)
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    Afrikaner spirituality: A complex mixture.Erna Olivier - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (4).
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    Change agency and higher education in South Africa.Erna Oliver - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):9.
    This article applies change agency to the institutions of higher education in South Africa – referring here to all the post-school institutions and educators in general and more specifically focused on the unique opportunities and responsibilities towards change agency in theological training. The focus is on the characteristics of a change agent, which could be an individual or a group. Seemingly, change is not going to be initiated in a ‘top-down’ approach; therefore, this article suggests a ‘bottom-up’ approach, starting with (...)
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    Gamification as transformative assessment in higher education.Erna Oliver - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):15.
    Gamification in education is still a very new concept in South Africa. Being a 21st-centuryinvention, it has already established itself in the world within the environs of the corporatemarket, marketing, training and the social world. This article will first discuss gamification(and all its other designations) and its applications in general; thereafter, the focus will be onthe application of gamification within the environment of education, and more specificallywith an emphasis on assessment. The burning question for South Africa is whethergamification can enhance (...)
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    Theological education with the help of technology.Erna Oliver - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Gender Studies Towards the Year 2000: Athens, 2-5 June 1993.Erna Kas - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (1):119-121.
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    The limits of literal meaning new models for understanding metaphor.Erna Oesch - 1996 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 31 (1):169-180.
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    The traditional Afrikaans-speaking churches in dire straits.Erna Oliver - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):7.
    Christianity is entering another revolution or reformation phase. Five hundred years ago, Luther stood up against the Roman Catholic Church, which started the reformation and the reformed movement, culminating in the birth of the Reformed Churches (RC). Today these RCs are seemingly the victims of the new revolution. The traditional Afrikaans-speaking RCs in South Africa serve as a striking example. The symptoms of these churches correspond to those of a dying church, highlighted by scholars like Rainer, Noble, Niewhof and Mattera. (...)
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    Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki. Tadeusz BieńkowskiOrganon. Bogdan Suchodolski.Erna Hilfstein - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):300-301.
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    Las quimeras de los cielos: Aspectos epistemologicos de la revolucion copernicana. Alberto Elena.Erna Hilfstein - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):101-102.
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    Can Christians really make a difference? A response to the call for change to make the world a better place.Oliver Erna, Tsabele Vusi, Baartman Floris, Masooa Alfred & Laister Lorna - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-11.
    Christianity changed the world for the better through the development of education, charity organisations, art, music, law and medical care among others. However, not all changes initiated by Christianity were positive. The Christian religion was also responsible for division, death, destruction and war. Focusing on the positive changes, nearly 500 years after the reformation though, it seems as if Christianity has lost its renewing and transformative powers. It seems as if society, politics and the economy are pressurising Christianity to conform (...)
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    Can Christians really make a difference? A response to the call for change to make the world a better place.Erna Oliver, Vusi Tshabele, Floris Baartman, Alfred Masooa & Lorna Laister - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    Christianity changed the world for the better through the development of education, charity organisations, art, music, law and medical care among others. However, not all changes initiated by Christianity were positive. The Christian religion was also responsible for division, death, destruction and war. Focusing on the positive changes, nearly 500 years after the reformation though, it seems as if Christianity has lost its renewing and transformative powers. It seems as if society, politics and the economy are pressurising Christianity to conform (...)
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    The Colonisation of South Africa: A unique case.Erna Oliver & Willem H. Oliver - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    From the 15th century onwards, most of the countries in Africa have been colonised by theEuropean world powers, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Italy and Belgium.South Africa was officially colonised in 1652. Apart from the European colonisation beingexecuted from the south of the continent, South Africa also experienced a migration andinvasion of people groups from the north. The indigenous people groups, inhabiting thecountry long before these two groups arrived there, will be discussed as background to the restof the article. (...)
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    Znajomosc dziel Jana Amosa Komenskiego na ziemiach czeskich, slowackich i polskich od polowy XVII wieku do czasow obecnychM. Beckova T. Bienkowski D. Capkova. [REVIEW]Erna Hilfstein - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):330-331.
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    An African Reformation.Erna Oliver & Willem H. Oliver - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-8.
    The year 2017 is the year in which the Reformation, started by Martin Luther, is celebrating its 500th birthday. This depicts a milestone in the life of the Church of the Reformation and also in the life of Christians worldwide. This is a good time to ponder on the epistemological question of the validity and necessity of the Reformation. If this question is answered in a positive way, then it could bring us to the realisation that the time is ripe (...)
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    Alternative assessment to enhance theological education.Erna Oliver - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    The knowledge driven, network society that is founded upon technology, demands from students to become independent, confident and motivated life-long, self-directed learners that can transfer their knowledge, skills and values. In order to deliver this type of graduates from a diverse and unequal student pool, effective education must be provided. Educators are encouraged to focus education on student-centeredness and to use technology effectively. Alternative assessment methods that are technology driven could enable both educators and students to become more effective in (...)
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    Menswaardig.Erna Oliver - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (3).
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    The Great Emergence: An exposition.Erna Oliver - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-12.
    In this review article, the book entitled Emergence Christianity, What it is, Where it is Going, and Why it Matters, written by Phyllis Tickle in 2012, is discussed. The discussion is both informative and critical. The publication, being a follow-up of a book she wrote in 2008, refers to the Great Emergence that is almost in full swing all over the Western and Latinised world. According to Tickle, an Emergence happens approximately every 500 years, and this concerns Christianity as well. (...)
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    The triangle of effective education implemented for Theology.Erna Oliver - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):8.
    Higher education in general, and more specifically in the South African environment, is under pressure to transform. Although learning is often seen as the main focal point, the education process consists of three equally important pillars that form the triangle of effective education that fits within the intersection of the spheres of the community of inquiry framework. The basic pillars expand to student-centred teaching, blended learning and transformative assessment. This study is a short explanation of how these three pillars form (...)
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    Hermes Trismegistos, Corpus hermeticum.Erna Banić-Pajnić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (1):113-116.
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    Značajke Petrićeve recepcije Zoroastru pripisanih Oracula chaldaica.Erna Banić-Pajnić - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):457-466.
    Petrić, koji na Pletonovu tragu spise poznate pod naslovom Kaldejska proroštva pripisuje Zoroastru, »suvremeniku Abrahamovu, prvom otkrivaču astrologije i magije tj. mudrosti«, objavljuje te spise u »Dodatku« svoje Nove sveopće filozofije 1591. te 1593. godine pod naslovom Zoroaster et eius CCCXX Oracula Chaldaica, eius opera e tenebris eruta et latine reddita . Spisi će 1593. godine kao zasebno izdanje biti objavljeni u Hamburgu pod naslovom Magia philosophica hoc est Zoroaster et eius CCCXX Oracula chaldaica .Zoroastru pripisanu filozofiju Petrić zajedno sa (...)
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  42. Copernicus'earliest astronomical treatise.Edward Rosen & Erna Hilfstein - 1987 - Dialectics and Humanism 14:257.
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    Translating Copernicus.Edward Rosen, Erna Hilfstein & N. Swerdlow - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):629-631.
  44. El "Cuadro de Costumbres" y el proyecto hispano-católico de unificación nacional en Colombia.Erna von der Walde - 2007 - Arbor 183 (724):243-253.
    Entre 1858 y 1872, un grupo de letrados que se reunía en la tertulia de El Mosaico procesó los materiales recogidos por la expedición geográfica que se había realizado entre 1851 y 1859 bajo la dirección del geógrafo italiano Agustín Codazzi y elaboró una visión de la nación como un país de regiones. Esta visión se transmitió a través del cuadro de costumbres. Al mismo tiempo, José María Vergara y Vergara, cofundador de la tertulia, escribió la primera historia de la (...)
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    The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol.George Schwab & Erna Hilfstein (eds.) - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both Nazi sympathizer and modern-day Thomas Hobbes. First published in 1938, _The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes _used the Enlightenment philosopher’s enduring symbol of the protective Leviathan to address the nature of modern statehood. A work that predicted the demise of the Third Reich and that still holds relevance in today’s security-obsessed society, this volume will (...)
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    Snježana Paušek-Baždar: Hrvatski alkemičari tijekom stoljeća.Erna Banić-Pajnić - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (4):905-908.
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    Zemlja – »plemenita zvijezda« ili »izmet svih stvari« (Kuzanski/Petrić).Erna Banić-Pajnić - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (1):165-176.
    U tekstu se polazi od uvida da Nikola Kuzanski i Frane Petrić pripadaju onim renesansnim misliocima koji zastupaju stav o beskonačnosti svemira. S obzirom na to zajedničko polazište, zanimljivo je njihovo neslaganje i štoviše oprečnost stavova vezanih uz položaj Zemlje u svemiru i njeno vrednovanje. Dok je za Kuzanskog ona »stella nobilis«, tj. plemenita zvijezda, za Petrića je »faex omnium rerum«, izmet sviju stvari. U tekstu se pokušava istražiti što je razlog tog razmimoilaženja u stavovima oko Zemlje dvojice renesansnih mislilaca.
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    (1 other version)Window on Eastern Europe.Katrin Erna Hjort - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (3):171-177.
    Commercial cooperation between transBaltic neighbours Denmark and Poland is thriving, yet relationships between business people in the two countries are not always easy as a consequence of differing cultural histories and misunderstandings. The author is Associate Professor in the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management in Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have 15, DK‐2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.
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  49. (1 other version)Plain particulars.Ernâni Magalhães - 1986 - In Abraham Zvie Bar-On, Grazer Philosophische Studien. Distributed in the U.S.A. By Humanities Press.
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    Changing perspectives on the Crusades.Jacques Theron & Erna Oliver - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-12.
    The notion and consequences of the Crusades are still influencing the modern Christian pattern of thinking. These 'holy wars', fought by members of the Roman Catholic Church, mostly against infidels, including the Muslims of the time, lasted for several centuries and had varied levels of success. These wars were both lauded and criticised and currently these two opposite perceptions still persist. After the background to the historical setting of the Crusades, this article provides an overview of the changing viewpoints on (...)
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