Results for 'Ermanno Castanò'

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  1.  15
    Italian Thought and Animality.Ermanno Castanò - 2021 - Radical Philosophy Review 24 (1):85-88.
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  2. Agamben e l'animale: la politica dalla norma all'eccezione.Ermanno Castanò - 2018 - Aprilia: NovaLogos.
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    A Theory of Language and Mind.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1997 - University of California Press.
    In his most recent book, Ermanno Bencivenga offers a stylistically and conceptually exciting investigation of the nature of language, mind, and personhood and the many ways the three connect. Bencivenga, one of the most iconoclastic voices to emerge in contemporary American philosophy, contests the basic assumptions of analytic (and also, to an extent, postmodern) approaches to these topics. His exploration leads through fascinating discussions of education, courage, pain, time and history, selfhood, subjectivity and objectivity, reality, facts, the empirical, power (...)
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    Mental Simulation in the Processing of Literal and Metaphorical Motion Language: An Eye Movement Study.Emilia Castaño & Gareth Carrol - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (3):153-170.
    An eye-tracking while listening study based on the blank screen paradigm was conducted to investigate the processing of literal and metaphorical verbs of motion. The study was based on two assumpti...
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    On good and bad arguments.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):247 - 259.
  6.  31
    Notas sobre la noción de mando político en Aristóteles.Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2005 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (2):256-265.
    The article treats with one of the major principles of the aristotelian practical philosophy, i. e. the distinction between rational rule and despotic power. The former rests on the rational nature of the subjects and aims to an end which is common both to the superior and to the subjects. On the contrary, neither of those properties are implicated in the latter. This aristotelian thesis, shared by the whole classical natural law theory - from Aquinas to Althusius -, supports authority’s (...)
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    Gentzen-Style Sequent Calculus for Semi-intuitionistic Logic.Diego Castaño & Juan Manuel Cornejo - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1245-1265.
    The variety \ of semi-Heyting algebras was introduced by H. P. Sankappanavar [13] as an abstraction of the variety of Heyting algebras. Semi-Heyting algebras are the algebraic models for a logic HsH, known as semi-intuitionistic logic, which is equivalent to the one defined by a Hilbert style calculus in Cornejo :9–25, 2011) [6]. In this article we introduce a Gentzen style sequent calculus GsH for the semi-intuitionistic logic whose associated logic GsH is the same as HsH. The advantage of this (...)
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  8. The Metaphysical Structure of Kant’s Moral Philosophy.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1991 - Philosophical Topics 19 (1):17-29.
  9. Sogno o son Desktop? Dal valore probante delle libere associazioni a un nuovo statuto scientifco della psicoanalisi interno alle neuroscienze.Ermanno Arreghini - 2004 - Epistemologia 27 (1):5-28.
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  10. An Old Problem about Identity.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1983 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 17 (40-41):91-100.
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    Filosofia: nuove istruzioni per l'uso.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2000 - Milano: Mondadori.
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    Prendiamola con filosofia: nel tempo del terrore, un'indagine su quanto le parole mettono in gioco.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2017 - Firenze - Italia: Giunti.
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  13. The Irony of It.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1993 - Philosophical Forum 25 (2):125-133.
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  14.  8
    Theories of the Logos.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book offers insight into the nature of meaningful discourse. It presents an argument of great intellectual scope written by an author with more than four decades of experience. Readers will gain a deeper understanding into three theories of the logos: analytic, dialectical, and oceanic. The author first introduces and contrasts these three theories. He then assesses them with respect to their basic parameters: necessity, truth, negation, infinity, as well as their use in mathematics. Analytic Aristotelian logic has traditionally claimed (...)
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    A Pilot Study on Data-Driven Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation in Chronically Implanted Essential Tremor Patients.Sebastián Castaño-Candamil, Benjamin I. Ferleger, Andrew Haddock, Sarah S. Cooper, Jeffrey Herron, Andrew Ko, Howard J. Chizeck & Michael Tangermann - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    El juez constitucional: garante de la democracia y realizador de la justicia.Luis Ociel Castaño Zuluaga - 2007 - Ratio Juris 2 (5):36-49.
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    La agenda interna de desarrollo en Risaralda.Juan Carlos Castaño Benjumea, M. Torres, Jairo Ordilio, S. Alzate & Doris Ruth - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  18. " Possibility", de Michael Jubien.Rodrigo Neira Castaño - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):179-183.
  19.  5
    Réponse à Heidegger sur l'humanisme.Stelios Castanos - 1966 - Paris: A. Pedone.
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  20.  40
    Again on Existence as a Predicate.Ermanno Benciv Enga - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 37 (2):125 - 138.
  21.  22
    Differential Analysis of Psychopathological Impact of Cyberbullying in University Students.Elena Felipe-Castaño, Benito León-del-Barco, Ma Isabel Polo-del-Río, Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Teresa Gómez-Carroza & Fernando Fajardo-Bullón - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. La vocaciÓn religiosa.Fray José Fernandez Castano - 2005 - Ciencia Tomista 132 (1).
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    Relativismo de la culpabilidad. Penalización, seguridad y control en las sociedades modernas.John Fredy Lenis Castaño - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:246-255.
    A partir de la reforma penal ilustrada y el normativismo jurídico contemporáneo, las sociedades modernas han intentado valerse de una culpabilización útil y objetiva, en contraposición a ideas metafísicas y teológicas tradicionales de castigo. Sin embargo, la moralidad social que subyace y acompaña la aplicación del Derecho penal está atravesada por motivos premodernos e intereses técnicos y económicos que han hecho de la racionalidad culpabilizadora un ejercicio complejo; entretejido con nociones como maldad, ejemplaridad, seguridad, control y productividad. El objetivo de (...)
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    Studi sul pensiero estetico del Settecento: Crousaz, Du Bos, André, Batteux, Diderot.Ermanno Migliorini - 1966 - [Firenze]: Il Fiorino.
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    Los planes de estudio en la aparición y consolidación.Begoña Moreno Castaño & Clara Eugenia Núñez - 2011 - Arbor 187 (749):465-483.
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    Cuadernos Salmantinos de FilosofíaVol. 45, 2018, 405-409, ISSN: 0210-4857405SOSA, Ernest, Con pleno conocimiento.Rodrigo Neira Castaño - 2018 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 45:405-409.
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    Ante el daño absoluto, la resistencia: una lectura desde Vladimir Jankélévitch.Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño - 2016 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 25:129-156.
    Este artículo, siguiendo al filósofo francés Vladimir Jankélévitch, desvela la ética de la resistencia como una vía frente a la imposibilidad de perdonar en casos de violencia extrema y, en particular, cuando no hay arrepentimiento por parte del victimario. La senda de la resistencia configura, entonces, no solo el compromiso y la necesidad de mantener vivo el recuerdo del horror y la preciosa ipséité, sino la posibilidad de re-sentir y re-significar el silencio como un modo de dignificar a las víctimas, (...)
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  28. Philosophical Reason and Human Rights in the Thought of Norberto Bobbio.Ermanno Vitale - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (4):385-400.
    In this essay, I focus on Norberto Bobbio’s reflections on human rights. Firstly, I seek to establish his underlying conception of philosophy: although it is impossible to spell out the philosophical foundations of human rights, this does not imply that philosophical thought, in the sense of critical reason, cannot make a useful contribution and provide valuable arguments in support of human rights. Secondly, I examine the related issue of the justification of human rights and assess his theory on the basis (...)
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    An epistemic theory of reference.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (12):785-805.
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    Logic and Other Nonsense: The Case of Anselm and His God.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1993 - Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
    Logic is often seen as the bedrock of intellectual life. It aims to be straight-forward, true, clear. But in this provocative book of postmodern philosophy, Ermanno Bencivenga presents an extended reflection on the subversive nature of logic--logic that is not stable and certain, but deceptive and tortuous. The author uses Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury at the end of the eleventh century, as his case study to show how human reason can be devious. In Anselm's famous texts, his beliefs (...)
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  31.  23
    Comparative study of socially responsible consumption measurement in three Latin American countries.Lida Esperanza Villa-Castaño, Jesús Perdomo-Ortiz, Sebastián Dueñas-Ocampo & William Fernando Durán León - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Socially responsible consumption reflects a consumer's political and ethical act. Its measurement is dependent on the socio-economic and cultural context. Consequently, measurement instruments reflecting various behaviour profiles of global consumers have been developed. This study employs a Latin-American-specific measurement instrument to compare socially responsible consumption behaviours in Colombia, Mexico and Peru, countries with the same cultural cluster, that is they reflect a set of values shaped by religion, family, a sense of authority and a nationalist bias in their cultural pattern. (...)
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  32. Free logics.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2002 - In D. M. Gabbay & F. Guenthner (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2nd Edition. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 147--196.
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  33.  96
    Free semantics for indefinite descriptions.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1978 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 7 (1):389 - 405.
  34.  97
    Kant's Copernican revolution.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1987 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This is a highly original, wide-ranging, and unorthodox discourse on the idea of philosophy contained in Kant's major work, the Critique of Pure Reason. Bencivenga proposes a novel explanation of the Critique's celebrated "obscurity." This great obstacle to reading Kant, Bencivenga argues, has nothing to do with Kant's being a bad writer or with his having anything very complicated to say; rather, it is the natural result of the kind of operation Kant was performing: a universal conceptual revolution. Bencivenga contends (...)
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  35.  21
    Tolerar sin asimilar: coexistencia entre judíos y cristianos en la Castilla bajomedieval.Gonzalo Pérez Castaño - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (3):1-14.
    La historiografía ha revisado el falso mito de la «idílica convivencia» de las tres culturas. Para ello, ha alejado la cohabitación pacífica entre las tres religiones del imaginario colectivo medieval. Los vínculos entre la mayoría cristiana y la minoría judía sufrieron una serie de alteraciones a lo largo de la Edad Media como consecuencia de la coexistencia y de los episodios de violencia. Así pues, el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar los sustantivos y adjetivos que hacen referencia a los (...)
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    My Kantian Ways.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1995 - University of California Press.
    In My Kantian Ways, Ermanno Bencivenga, one of the most creative and iconoclastic practitioners of American philosophy, sets out to explore Kant's legacy for contemporary thought. Seeking to extricate the German philosopher's work from the stranglehold of the prevailing analytic tradition, he presents his own defamiliarizing and unique interpretation of Kantianism. Kant emerges as a master thinker whose emphasis on judgment provides the basis for a new approach to the practice of philosophy as a vehicle for learning. Ranging from (...)
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    Anselm’s logic: Constructing God.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (4):413-414.
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    Understanding and Reason in the First Critique.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (2):195 - 205.
  39.  19
    A Chinese Word by Jacques Derrida.Héctor G. Castaño - 2021 - Derrida Today 14 (2):148-168.
    Some scholars claim that in Derrida's Of Grammatology the author presents China and its script as essentially and radically Other when compared to the West. In this paper, I argue that Derrida's discussion of Leibniz, his critique of the notions of ‘phonetic writing’ and ‘ideograph’, and the distinction he makes between ‘logocentrism’ and ‘phonocentrism’, enables him to deconstruct an essentialist conception of China or Chinese writing. However, far from conceiving China in a relativist or ethnocentric manner, Derrida also pays attention (...)
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    La reversión del poder al pueblo. Segunda escolástica y realidad política.Sergio-Raúl Castaño - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El presente artículo se introduce en la cuestión de la reversión del poder a partir de las posiciones de Suárez sobre el origen de la potestad política. A continuación aborda el problema en autores representativos de la segunda escolástica. Por último, con el ejemplo de los sucesos posteriores a 1808 en los reinos americanos de la monarquía castellana, intenta determinar si es dable sostener en la realidad objetiva alguna forma de reversión del poder a la comunidad.
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    Orden político y globalización: el estado en la contingencia actual.Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2000 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Abaco de Rodolfo Depalma.
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    Resistance Training Combined With Cognitive Training Increases Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Improves Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Adults.Luz Albany Arcila Castaño, Vivian Castillo de Lima, João Francisco Barbieri, Erick Guilherme Peixoto de Lucena, Arthur Fernandes Gáspari, Hidenori Arai, Camila Vieira Ligo Teixeira, Hélio José Coelho-Júnior & Marco Carlos Uchida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:870561.
    Background: The present study compared the effects of a traditional resistance training and resistance training combined with cognitive task on body composition, physical performance, cognitive function, and plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in older adults. Methods: Thirty community-dwelling older adults were randomized into TRT and RT+CT. Exercise groups performed a similar resistance training program, twice a week over 16 weeks. Cognitive Training involved performing verbal fluency simultaneously with RT. Exercise sessions were performed 2-3 sets, 8-15 repetitions at 60-70% of 1-repetition (...)
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    ¿Traslada el pueblo su poder al gobernante, tal como sostiene la teoría de Suárez?Sergio Raúl Castaño - 2017 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 20 (40):27-54.
    El presente estudio se refiere a una de las cuestiones más importantes en el ámbito de la filosofía política clásica y escolástica, como lo es el del origen del poder, según es propuesto por la llamada “teoría de la traslación”, cuyo más connotado sostenedor ha sido Francisco Suárez. En primer lugar, se analiza críticamente la teoría de la traslación en la versión del propio Suárez. Luego, el artículo enfoca el tratamiento de un caso histórico representativo, en el cual el poder (...)
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    Transcending oneself through social identification.Emanuele Castano, Vincent Yzerbyt & M. Paladino - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press. pp. 15--305.
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    Lo scolabottiglie di Duchamp.Ermanno Migliorini - 1970 - Firenze,: Il fiorino.
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    Studi sul pensiero estetico di Francis Hutcheson.Ermanno Migliorini - 1966 - Padova: Liviana.
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    La epistemología evolucionista bajo la Concepción de la teoría neutral de la evolución.Luis Gabriel Rivas Castaño - 2006 - Discusiones Filosóficas 7 (10):135-148.
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  48.  11
    Fine della modernità politica?Ermanno Vitale - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (3):607-622.
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    L'avventura senza tempo della felicità.Ermanno Vitale - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (2):399-408.
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  50.  21
    Ragione filosofica e diritti dell'uomo nel pensiero di Bobbio.Ermanno Vitale - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (3):579-594.
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