Results for 'Erhard Meueler'

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  1. Universitäre Bildung in der Krise.Erhard Meueler - 2011 - In Bernd Lederer (ed.), "Bildung": was sie war, ist, sein sollte: zur Bestimmung eines strittigen Begriffs. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren.
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  2. Erhard Meueler: Lob des Scheiterns. [REVIEW]Erwin Hufnagel - 2003 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 56 (4).
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    (1 other version)A comparison of two recent views on theories.Erhard Scheibe - 1982 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 3 (2):233-253.
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    Temporal anaphora in discourses of English.Erhard Hinrichs - 1986 - Linguistics and Philosophy 9 (1):63 - 82.
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    Physik, Philosophie und die Einheit der Wissenschaften: für Erhard Scheibe.Erhard Scheibe, Lorenz Krüger & Brigitte Falkenburg - 1995
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    Geschichte des historischen Denkens: zugleich eine Einführung in die Theorie der Geschichte.Erhard Wiersing - 2007 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    Erhard Wiersing ; Literaturverz. S. [1013] - 1071 ; Inhaltsverzeichnis ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- PVA 2007.1762.
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    Philosophy of Language, Logic and Semiotics.Erhard Albrecht - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62:161-168.
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    Demokratische „Bürgertugend“ und die Krise des Parlamentarismus.Erhard Denninger - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (1):114-127.
    Individual questions of the institutional reforms of the representative-democratic parliamentary system, such as issues of electoral law, party law, and parliamentary law, are frequently discussed. But all these reflections - and this is the principal thesis of this article - must eventually remain without success, if they do not address the preceding basic problem concerning the democratically indispensable conditions of the mental constitution of the active citizen, the „civis“. There, a key role, consciously experienced like a paradox, falls upon the (...)
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    Vernünftige Freiheit.Erhard Denninger - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (3):340-353.
    Like Kant at his time, Jürgen Habermas wants to encourage the reader to use his „reasonable liberty“. There is no doubt, that the philosophical positions of Kant on the one hand and of Hegel on the other hand hold, until today, a key role in the development of the „discourse of modern age“. In order to oppose a short-circuited synthesis of both systems, which are obliged to the idea of liberty quite differently, this essay demonstrates the substantial differences regarding to (...)
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    Tagung von Philosophiehistorikern der DDR und der Volksrepublik Polen.Erhard Lange & Frank Lindner - 1981 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (7):841.
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    Weyl׳s search for a difference between ‘physical’ and ‘mathematical’ automorphisms.Erhard Scholz - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 61 (C):57-67.
    During his whole scientific life Hermann Weyl was fascinated by the interrelation of physical and mathematical theories. From the mid 1920s onward he reflected also on the typical difference between the two epistemic fields and tried to identify it by comparing their respective automorphism structures. In a talk given at the end of the 1940s he gave the most detailed and coherent discussion of his thoughts on this topic. This paper presents his arguments in the talk and puts it in (...)
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  12. Wesen und Herkunft des “Apodiktischen Rechts”.Erhard Gerstenberger - 1965
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    (1 other version)Denken über nichts - Intentionalität und Nicht-Existenz bei Husserl.Christopher Erhard - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Christopher Erhard.
    Ever since Parmenides, one of philosophy's riddles has been how we are able to direct our thoughts to non-being. Erhard uses the problem of non-existence as the starting point for an analysis of Husserl's phenomenology. He examines Husserl's interpretation of judgments about non-being as judgments made "under assumption" and his analysis of "free fantasy." Erhard thus demonstrates that Husserl is compatible with today's non-relational theories.
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    Unifying Agency. Reconsidering Hans Reiner’s Phenomenology of Activity.Christopher Erhard - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (1):1-25.
    In this paper I argue that the almost forgotten early dissertation of the phenomenologist Hans Reiner Freiheit, Wollen und Aktivität. Phänomenologische Untersuchungen in Richtung auf das Problem der Willensfreiheit engages with what I call the unity problem of activity. This problem concerns the question whether there is a structure in virtue of which all instances of human activity—and not only “full-blown” intentional actions—can be unified. After a brief systematic elucidation of this problem, which is closely related to the contemporary “problem (...)
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    Popper and quantum logic.Erhard Scheibe - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):319-328.
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    (1 other version)Semantische Relationen im Text und im System.Erhard Agricola - 1969 - Halle (Saale): Niemeyer.
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    Das nichtmarxistische Denken in seinem Verhältnis zur Erkennbarkeit der Welt.Erhard Albrecht - 1949 - [Rostock,:
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    The many faces of the unusual biofilm activator RemA.Erhard Bremer, Tamara Hoffmann, Felix Dempwolff, Patricia Bedrunka & Gert Bange - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (5):2200009.
    Biofilms can be viewed as tissue‐like structures in which microorganisms are organized in a spatial and functional sophisticated manner. Biofilm formation requires the orchestration of a highly integrated network of regulatory proteins to establish cell differentiation and production of a complex extracellular matrix. Here, we discuss the role of the essential Bacillus subtilis biofilm activator RemA. Despite intense research on biofilms, RemA is a largely underappreciated regulatory protein. RemA forms donut‐shaped octamers with the potential to assemble into dimeric superstructures. The (...)
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  19. Law – Force – Justice.Erhard Denninger - 2018 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (2):145-164.
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  20. Theologies in the Old Testament.Erhard S. Gerstenberger - 2002
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    Nietzsche und Weimar: Werk und Wirkung im 20. Jahrhundert.Erhard Naake - 2000 - Köln: Böhlau.
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    Klassenlogische Syllogistik: ein geschlossenes Verbandssystem definiter Klassen.Erhard-Wolfram Platzeck - 1984 - Paderborn: F. Schöningh.
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    Wozu Metaphysik? Historisch-systematische Perspektiven.Christopher Erhard, David Meißner & Jörg Ulrich Noller (eds.) - 2017
    Inwiefern ist Metaphysik heutzutage noch relevant? Gibt es einen Sinn, in dem Metaphysik fur die Philosophie unverzichtbar ist? Was ist gute Metaphysik, und worin unterscheidet sie sich von schlechter Metaphysik? Was sind Chancen und Probleme genuin metaphysischen Denkens? Die Beitrage des Sammelbandes widmen sich diesen Fragen aus historischer und systematischer Perspektive.
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    Das selbstbewusste Gehirn: Perspektiven der Neurophilosophie.Erhard Oeser - 2006 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Über Relativbegriffe in der Philosophie Platons.Erhard Scheibe - 1967 - Phronesis 12 (1):28-49.
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    Hermann Weyls Analysis of the Problem of Space and the Origin of Gauge Structures.Erhard Scholz - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (1-2):165-197.
    Hermann Weyl was one of the early contributors to the mathematics of general relativity. This article argues that in 1929, for the formulation of a general relativistic framework of the Dirac equation, he both abolished and preserved in modified form the conceptual perspective that he had developed earlier in his “analysis of the problem of space.” The ideas of infinitesimal congruence from the early 1920s were aufgehoben in the general relativistic framework for the Dirac equation. He preserved the central idea (...)
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    The role of experience in science: proceedings of the 1986 Conference of the Académie international de philosophie des sciences (Bruxelles) held at the University of Heidelberg.Erhard Scheibe (ed.) - 1988 - New York: De Gruyter.
    ERHARD SCHEIBE Kant's Apriorism and Some Modern Positions The terms a priori and its counterpart a posteriori are of medieval origin.1 In the fourteenth ...
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    »Wie jede andere fiktionale Literatur …«? Einwürfe eines Exegeten zum Beitrag von Jochen Teuffel.Erhard Blum - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (3):251-258.
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  29. Sinn und Möglichkeiten wissenschaftlicher Prognosse.Erhard Denninger - 1965 - [Mainz,: Universität]. Edited by Roellecke, Gerd, [From Old Catalog] & Otto Saame.
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    Privatisierung der politischen Moral?Erhard Eppler - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  31. Empirische Bedeutung und Twin Earth - Husserls Bedeutungstheorie modifiziert.Christopher Erhard - 2011 - In Verena Mayer, Christopher Erhard & Marisa Scherini (eds.), Die Aktualität Husserls. Freiburg: Karl Alber.
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    F. Rück- und Ausblick.Christopher Erhard - 2014 - In Denken über nichts - Intentionalität und Nicht-Existenz bei Husserl. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 556-567.
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    Vorwort.Christopher Erhard - 2014 - In Denken über nichts - Intentionalität und Nicht-Existenz bei Husserl. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  34. Einführung in die Ästhetik.Erhard John - 1978 - Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut, VEB.
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    Eros und Gewalt: Untersuchungen zum Freiheitsbegriff bei Herbert Marcuse.Erhard Koch - 1985 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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  36. Hegel und wir.Erhard Lange (ed.) - 1970 - Berlin,: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.
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    MITTEILUNGEN: VI. Jenaer Klassik-Seminar.Erhard Lange & Werner Kahle - 1984 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 32 (12):1143.
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    Die antike Dialektik in der Spätphilosophie Schellings.Erhard Oeser - 1965 - Wien,: R. Oldenbourg.
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  39. Konrad Lorenz y la pregunta sobre el origen del perro.Erhard Oeser - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 9 (20):17-25.
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    Psychozoikum: Evolution und Mechanismus der menschlichen Erkenntnisfähigkeit.Erhard Oeser - 1987 - Berlin: P. Parey.
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    Kohärenz und Kontingenz. Die Einheit der Physik und die rationalistische Tradition.Erhard Scheibe - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (3):321 - 336.
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    Between Rationalism and Empiricism: Selected Papers in the Philosophy of Physics.Erhard Scheibe - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
    Scheibe is one of the most important philosophers of science in Germany. He has written extensively on all the problems that confront the philosophy of physics: rationalism vs. empiricism; reductionism; the foundations of quantum mechanics; space-time, and much more. Since little of his work has been translated into English, he is not yet well known internationally. However, this collection of some 40 of his papers will remedy this unfortunate situation.
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    Conditions of Progress and the Comparability of Theories.Erhard Scheibe - 1976 - In R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.), Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos. Reidel. pp. 547--568.
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    Philosophy as a cultural resource and medium of reflection for Hermann Weyl.Erhard Scholz - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (2):331-351.
    Dans un discours prononcé à Zurich vers la fin des années 1940, Hermann Weyl a examiné l'épistémologie dialectique de Ferdinand Gonseth et l'a considérée comme trop strictement limitée aux aspects de changement historique. Son expérience de la philosophie diaclectique post-kantienne, en particulier la dérivation du concept de l'espace et de la matière chez Johann Gottlieb Fichte, avait constitué une base dialectique solide pour ses propres études de 1918 en une géométrie purement infinitésimale et la théorie antérieure d'un champ de matière (...)
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    Husserls Irreversibilitätsargument gegen den Materialismus.Christopher Erhard - 2023 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (1):104-137.
    In this paper I offer a reconstruction of one of Husserl’s various anti-materialist arguments. Husserl hints at this argument in Ideas II & III where he exposes essential differences between mental and material reality (Realität). At its core, Husserl claims that mental entities by their very essence can never be in the same qualitative condition at different times. By sharp contrast, for purely material or physical entities such a cyclical development is not essentially excluded. Accordingly, I will speak of Husserl’s (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Die Reduktion physikalischer Theorien. Ein Beitrag zur Einheit der Physik.Erhard Scheibe - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (2):388-396.
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  47. Weltanschauung und Methodologie: dem 60. Jahrestag der Grossen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution gewidmet.Erhard Albrecht & Werner Imig (eds.) - 1977 - Greifswald: [Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität].
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  48. Von den Grenzen der Politik.Erhard Busek - 1987 - In Meinrad Peterlik (ed.), Wissenschaft, Ethik, Politik. Wien: Verlag für Geschichte und Politik.
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    Probleme der sozialistischen Kulturrevolution auf dem XXI. Parteitag der KPdSU.Erhard John - 1959 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 7 (5-6):814.
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    In search of common features of animals' color vision systems and the constraints of environment.Erhard Maier & Dietrich Burkhardt - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):44-45.
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