Results for 'Enzo Ottaviani'

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  1.  16
    Ecoimmunology: is there any room for the neuroendocrine system?Enzo Ottaviani, Davide Malagoli, Miriam Capri & Claudio Franceschi - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (9):868-874.
    Ecological Immunology assumes that immunological defenses must be minimized in terms of cost (energy expenditure). To reach this goal, a complex and still largely unexplored strategy has evolved to assure survival. From invertebrates to vertebrates, an integrated immune–neuroendocrine response appears to be crucial for the hierarchical redistribution of resources within the body according to the specific ecological demands. Thus, on the basis of experimental data on the intimate relationship between stress and immune responses that has been maintained during evolution, we (...)
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    Cytotoxicity and cytotoxic molecules in invertebrates.Anthony J. Nappi & Enzo Ottaviani - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (5):469-480.
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  3. What Can Epistemic Normativity Tell Us About Politics? Ideology, Power, and the Epistemology of Radical Realism.Enzo Rossi - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    This paper examines how radical realism, a form of ideology critique grounded in epistemic rather than moral normativity, can illuminate the relationship between ideology and political power. The paper argues that radical realism can has both an evaluative and a diagnostic function. Drawing on reliabilist epistemology, the evaluative function shows how beliefs shaped by power differentials are often epistemically unwarranted, e.g. due to the influence of motivated reasoning and the suppression of critical scrutiny. The paper clarifies those mechanisms in order (...)
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  4. Being realistic and demanding the impossible.Enzo Rossi - 2019 - Constellations 26 (4):638-652.
    Political realism is characterised by fidelity to the facts of politics and a refusal to derive political judgments from pre- political moral commitments. Even when they are not taken to make normative theorising impossible or futile, those characteristics are often thought to engender a conservative slant, or at least a tendency to prefer incremental reformism to radicalism. I resist those claims by distinguishing between three variants of realism—ordorealism, contextual realism, and radical realism—and contrasting them with both non-ideal theory and utopianism. (...)
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    Opere di Enzo Paci.Enzo Paci - 1988 - Milano: Bompiani.
    1. Il significato del Parmenide nella filosofia di Platone -- 3. Tempo e verità nella fenomenologia di Husserl -- 4. Kierkegaard e Thomas Mann -- 5. Ingens sylva.
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  6. Material conditions and human freedom.Enzo Rossi, Annelien de Dijn, Grant McCall, David Wengrow & Karl Widerquist - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (1).
    This debate or “Critical Exchange” section from Contemporary Political Theory includes the following four articles discussing the book, the Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow: “We make our own history, but in circumstances of other people’s choosing: intercultural materialism in The Dawn of Everything” by Enzo Rossi, “Questions about The Dawn of Everything” by Karl Widerquist and Grant McCall, “Freedom and the bureaucratic state” by Annelien de Dijn, and “On historical materialism and The Dawn of Everything” (...)
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  7. Justice, Legitimacy, and (Normative) Authority for Political Realists.Enzo Rossi - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (2):149-164.
    One of the main challenges faced by realists in political philosophy is that of offering an account of authority that is genuinely normative and yet does not consist of a moralistic application of general, abstract ethical principles to the practice of politics. Political moralists typically start by devising a conception of justice based on their pre-political moral commitments; authority would then be legitimate only if political power is exercised in accordance with justice. As an alternative to that dominant approach I (...)
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  8. Noumenorum non datur scientia. Kant e la nozione di mondo intelligibile: tra monadologia e platonismo.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 7:427-457.
    In quest’articolo, articolo prenderò in esame i passi in cui Kant descrive la monadologia leibniziana come un “concetto platonico” del mondo, ossia come una descrizione del mondo intelligibile che non ha nulla a che vedere con la spiegazione del mondo fenomenico. In generale, vorrei mostrare che quest’interpretazione non va contrapposta a quella che lo stesso Kant aveva dato nella prima Critica, dove la monadologia era caratterizzata come un “sistema intellettuale del mondo”. Per fare ciò, risponderò a due domande. La prima (...)
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  9. Property, Legitimacy, Ideology: A Reality Check.Enzo Rossi & Carlo Argenton - forthcoming - Journal of Politics.
    Drawing on empirical evidence from history and anthropology, we aim to demonstrate that there is room for genealogical ideology critique within normative political theory. The test case is some libertarians’ use of folk notions of private property rights in defence of the legitimacy of capitalist states. Our genealogy of the notion of private property shows that asking whether a capitalist state can emerge without violations of self-ownership cannot help settling the question of its legitimacy, because the notion of private property (...)
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  10. Realism in Normative Political Theory.Enzo Rossi & Matt Sleat - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):689-701.
    This paper provides a critical overview of the realist current in contemporary political philosophy. We define political realism on the basis of its attempt to give varying degrees of autonomy to politics as a sphere of human activity, in large part through its exploration of the sources of normativity appropriate for the political and so distinguish sharply between political realism and non-ideal theory. We then identify and discuss four key arguments advanced by political realists: from ideology, from the relationship of (...)
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  11.  27
    Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory.Enzo Traverso - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the Cold War but also the rise of a melancholic vision of history as a series of losses. For the political left, the cause lost was communism, and this trauma determined how leftists wrote the next chapter in their political struggle and how they have thought about their past since. Throughout the twentieth century, argues Left-Wing Melancholia, from classical Marxism to psychoanalysis to the advent of critical theory, a culture of (...)
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  12.  9
    La naissance de la science politique: autour de Marsile de Padoue.Didier Ottaviani - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    "Classée au sein de la morale et considérée à la fin du Moyen Âge comme une simple pratique, un art de gouverner, la politique ne pouvait prétendre proprement au titre de science, réservé aux savoirs purement théoriques. À la charnière entre les XIIIe et XIVe siècles, certains penseurs vont néanmoins chercher à donner un nouveau sens à la science civile en utilisant, à l'instar de Dante, des raisonnements démonstratifs dans leurs traités. Ce n'est pourtant qu'avec le Defénsor pacis de Marsile (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Consensus, Compromise, Justice and Legitimacy.Enzo Rossi - 2013 - Critical Review of Social and International Political Philosophy 16 (4):557-572.
    Could the notion of compromise help us overcoming – or at least negotiating – the frequent tension, in normative political theory, between the realistic desideratum of peaceful coexistence and the idealistic desideratum of justice? That is to say, an analysis of compromise may help us moving beyond the contrast between two widespread contrasting attitudes in contemporary political philosophy: ‘fiat iustitia, pereat mundus’ on the one side, ‘salus populi suprema lex’ on the other side. More specifically, compromise may provide the backbone (...)
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  14. Facts, Principles, and (Real) Politics.Enzo Rossi - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (2):505-520.
    Should our factual understanding of the world influence our normative theorising about it? G.A. Cohen has argued that our ultimate normative principles should not be constrained by facts. Many others have defended or are committed to various versions or subsets of that claim. In this paper I dispute those positions by arguing that, in order to resist the conclusion that ultimate normative principles rest on facts about possibility or conceivability, one has to embrace an unsatisfactory account of how principles generate (...)
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    The function of the sciences and the meaning of man.Enzo Paci - 1972 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
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    Progreso y valor.Enzo Maccagnolo - 1965 - Augustinus 10 (37):81-87.
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  17. Introduction.Enzo Melandri - 1989 - Topoi 8 (1):1-2.
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    Inconscio, percezione e razionalità: per una fenomenologia dell'esperienza.Enzo Novara - 1988 - Milano: Unicopli.
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    Práxis de Jesus E práxis da libertação à Luz do anticristo de Nietzsche.Edélcio Ottaviani - 2007 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 19 (24):79.
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  20. " Subtle morphology" in Italy: Darwinism and the experimental method in the anatomical and embryological research of Francesco Todaro and Giovan Battista Grassi.A. Ottaviani - 1997 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 17 (3):365-396.
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    Religion as Communication: God's Talk.Enzo Pace - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Introduction -- Religion as communication -- Religion and sense -- From capacity of improvisation to belief system -- Spirit and order -- Conclusion.
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  22. Bonhoeffer e la metafisica.Enzo Randone - 1970 - Rivista di Filosofia 61 (2):149-190.
  23. La filosofía de la religión de Xavier Zubiri: Presentación, contextualización y evaluación.Enzo Solari - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (128):517-635.
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  24. Critical Responsiveness: How Epistemic Ideology Critique Can Make Normative Legitimacy Empirical Again.Enzo Rossi - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):274-293.
    This essay outlines an empirically grounded account of normative political legitimacy. The main idea is to give a normative edge to empirical measures of sociological legitimacy through a nonmoralized form of ideology critique. A power structure’s responsiveness to the values of those subjected to its authority can be measured empirically and may be explanatory or predictive insofar as it tracks belief in legitimacy, but by itself it lacks normative purchase. It merely describes a preference alignment, and so tells us nothing (...)
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  25. The twilight of the Liberal Social Contract? On the Reception of Rawlsian Political Liberalism.Enzo Rossi - 2019 - In Kelly Becker & Iain D. Thomson, The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945–2015. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This chapter discusses the Rawlsian project of public reason, or public justification-based 'political' liberalism, and its reception. After a brief philosophical rather than philological reconstruction of the project, the chapter revolves around a distinction between idealist and realist responses to it. Focusing on political liberalism’s critical reception illuminates an overarching question: was Rawls’s revival of a contractualist approach to liberal legitimacy a fruitful move for liberalism and/or the social contract tradition? The last section contains a largely negative answer to that (...)
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  26. Modus Vivendi, Consensus, and (Realist) Liberal Legitimacy.Enzo Rossi - 2010 - Public Reason 2 (2):21-39.
    A polity is grounded in a modus vivendi (MV) when its main features can be presented as the outcome of a virtually unrestricted bargaining process. Is MV compatible with the consensus-based account of liberal legitimacy, i.e. the view that political authority is well grounded only if the citizenry have in some sense freely consented to its exercise? I show that the attraction of MV for consensus theorists lies mainly in the thought that a MV can be presented as legitimated through (...)
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    Changing our perspective: Is there a government obligation to promote autonomy through the provision of public prenatal screening?Aya Enzo, Taketoshi Okita & Atsushi Asai - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):40-46.
    In many countries, prenatal testing for certain fetal abnormalities is offered via publicly funded screening programs. The concept of reproductive autonomy is regarded as providing a justificatory basis for many such programs. The purpose of this study is to re‐examine the normative basis of public prenatal screening for fetal abnormalities by changing our perspective from that of autonomy to obligation. After clarifying the understanding of autonomy adopted in the justification for public prenatal screening programs, we identify two problems concerning this (...)
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  28. Legitimacy, Democracy and Public Justification: Rawls' Political Liberalism Versus Gaus' Justificatory Liberalism.Enzo Rossi - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (1):9-25.
    Public justification-based accounts of liberal legitimacy rely on the idea that a polity’s basic structure should, in some sense, be acceptable to its citizens. In this paper I discuss the prospects of that approach through the lens of Gerald Gaus’ critique of John Rawls’ paradigmatic account of democratic public justification. I argue that Gaus does succeed in pointing out some significant problems for Rawls’ political liberalism; yet his alternative, justificatory liberalism, is not voluntaristic enough to satisfy the desiderata of a (...)
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  29. What’s New About Woke Racial Capitalism (and What Isn’t): "Wokewashing" and the Limits of Representation.Enzo Rossi & Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò - 2020 - Spectre.
    Our contention is that while what may be termed woke capitalism is the result of real changes in both the material structure of capitalism and its ideological superstructure, those are not changes pulling in the same direction. The main material development is the consolidation of the shift from a quasi-deterministic to a more pronouncedly probabilistic nexus of class and race. But it is unclear that this makes much difference to the material prospects of the vast majority of people of color (...)
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  30. Legitimacy and Consensus in Rawls' Political Liberalism.Enzo Rossi - 2014 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 27:37-56.
    In this paper I analyze the theory of legitimacy at the core of John Rawls’ political liberalism. Rawls argues that a political system is well grounded when it is stable. This notion of stability embodies both pragmatic and moral elements, each of which constitutes a key desideratum of Rawlsian liberal legitimacy. But those desiderata are in tension with each other. My main claim is that Rawls’ strategy to overcome that tension through his theory of public justification is ultimately unsuccessful, because (...)
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    Produire la vérité : aveu et confession.Didier Ottaviani - 2021 - Philosophiques 48 (1):3-17.
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    The exemption that confirms the rule: Reflections on proceduralism and the uk hybrid embryos controversy.Enzo Rossi - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (3):237-250.
    This paper provides an interpretation of the licensing provisions envisaged under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 as a model for a rule and exemption-based procedural strategy for the adjudication of potential ethical controversies, and it offers an account of the liberal-democratic legitimacy of the procedure’s outcomes as well as of the legal procedure itself. Drawing on a novel articulation of the distinction between exceptions and exemptions, the paper argues that such a rule and exemption mechanism, while not devoid (...)
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  33. Can tolerance be grounded in equal respect?Enzo Rossi - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (3):240-252.
    In this paper I argue that equal respect-based accounts of the normative basis of tolerance are self-defeating, insofar as they are unable to specify the limits of tolerance in a way that is consistent with their own commitment to the equal treatment of all conceptions of the good. I show how this argument is a variant of the long-standing ‘conflict of freedoms’ objection to Kantian-inspired, freedom-based accounts of the justification of systems of norms. I criticize Thomas Scanlon’s defence of ‘pure (...)
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  34. Funzione delle Scienze e Significato dell'Uomo.Enzo Paci - 1964 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 69 (4):475-476.
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  35. The 'analogia entis' according to Franz Brentano.Enzo Melandri - 1987 - Topoi 6 (1):51-58.
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    Il suono vivente: guida a una fenomenologia della musica.Enzo Fantin - 2007 - Firenze: Le Cáriti.
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    La Psicologia: scuole e indirizzi.Enzo Funari & Fabio Cereda (eds.) - 1978 - Milano: Teti.
  38.  15
    André Gorz: Portrait du Philosophe En Contrebandier Ou l'Écologie Politique Comme Reconquête du Sujet.Enzo Lesourt - 2011 - Harmattan.
    André Gorz (1923-2007), pionnier de l'écologie politique, est en voie de reconnaissance.
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  39. Quidditismo, associazionismo e socialità borghese.Enzo Mattarocci - 1977 - Napoli: Edizioni del delfino.
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    Logica e esperienza in Husserl.Enzo Melandri - 1960 - [Bologna]: Il Mulino.
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    Esperienza e linguaggio: ermeneutica e ontologia in Hans-Georg Gadamer.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2010 - Roma: Carocci.
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  42. Gentile E Severino. Appunti per un'ipotesi di lettura.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2011 - Divus Thomas 114 (3):313-339.
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    Le paradigme de l'embryon à la fin du Moyen Âge.Didier Ottaviani - 2003 - Astérion 1 (1).
    Le problème de l'embryon constitue au Moyen âge un paradigme problématique capable de "migrer" d'un domaine thématique à l'autre. L'embryologie transmise par la double tradition galénique et aristotélicienne étudie les rôles respectifs de la matière féminine et de la forme masculine dans la génération, posant le problème d'une matière capable de développer elle-même ses propres changements de forme, et suscitant les débats entre les positions d'Albert le Grand et de saint Thomas. La question strictement biologique du développemet de l'embryon s'enrichit (...)
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  44. Nuova scienza ed antiche questioni: Tommaso Cornelio fra i resti di un gigante �ritrovato�.Alessandro Ottaviani - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (3):295-308.
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    Diario Fenomenologico.Enzo Paci - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (2):298-299.
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    What deserves our respect? Reexamination of respect for autonomy in the context of the management of chronic conditions.Aya Enzo, Taketoshi Okita & Atsushi Asai - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):85-94.
    The global increase in patients with chronic conditions has led to increased interest in ethical issues regarding such conditions. A basic biomedical principle—respect for autonomy—is being reexamined more critically in its clinical implications. New accounts of this basic principle are being proposed. While new accounts of respect for autonomy do underpin the design of many public programs and policies worldwide, addressing both chronic disease management and health promotion, the risk of applying such new accounts to clinical setting remain understudied. However, (...)
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    Liberal legitimacy : a study of the normative foundations of liberalism.Enzo Rossi - unknown
    This thesis is a critique of the prominent strand of contemporary liberal political theory which maintains that liberal political authority must, in some sense, rest on the free consent of those subjected to it, and that such a consensus is achieved if a polity’s basic structure can be publicly justified to its citizenry, or to a relevant subset of it. Call that the liberal legitimacy view. I argue that the liberal legitimacy view cannot provide viable normative foundations for political authority, (...)
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  48.  30
    Leibniz's Ad schedam Hamaxariam.Osvaldo Ottaviani & Richard Arthur - 2021 - The Leibniz Review 31:61-106.
  49. Understanding Religion, Governing Religion: A Realist Perspective.Enzo Rossi - 2016 - In Cécile Laborde & Aurélia Bardon, Religion in Liberal Political Philosophy. New York, NY: oxford university press.
    Cécile Laborde has argued that the freedom we think of as ‘freedom of religion’ should be understood as a bundle of separate and relatively independent freedoms. I criticise that approach by pointing out that it is insufficiently sensitive to facts about the sorts of entities that liberal states are. I argue that states have good reasons to mould phenomena such as religion into easily governable monoliths. If this is a problem from the normative point of view, it is not due (...)
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  50.  37
    Noumenal Power, Reasons, and Justification : A Critique of Forst.Enzo Rossi & Sameer Bajaj - 2019 - In Ester Herlin-Karnell & Matthias Klatt, Constitutionalism Justified: Rainer Forst in Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    In this essay we criticise Rainer Forst's attempt to draw a connection between power and justification, and thus ground his normative theory of a right to justification. Forst draws this connection primarily conceptually, though we will also consider whether a normative connection may be drawn within his framework. Forst's key insight is that if we understand power as operating by furnishing those subjected to it with reasons, then we create a space for the normative contestation of any exercise of power. (...)
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