Results for 'Enrico Papaleo'

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  1.  23
    Mobile executions of Slow DoS attacks.Enrico Cambiaso, Gianluca Papaleo, Giovanni Chiola & Maurizio Aiello - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (1).
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    Factors Associated With a High Motivation to Undergo Fertility Preservation in Female Cancer Patients.Valentina Elisabetta Di Mattei, Gaia Perego, Paola Taranto, Paola M. V. Rancoita, Mariangela Maglione, Lisa Notarianni, Giorgia Mangili, Alice Bergamini, Raffaella Cioffi, Enrico Papaleo & Massimo Candiani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Fertility loss due to cancer treatment can be a devastating experience for women and the couple. Undergoing fertility preservation can be a complex decision from both a medical and emotional point of view. The aim of the present study was to evaluate which socio-demographic and psychological factors predict a high motivation to undergo fertility preservation.Methods: Fifty-eight female cancer patients who accessed an Oncofertility Unit completed: a questionnaire to collect socio-demographic characteristics and the level of motivation, the Beck-Depression Inventory-II, the (...)
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  3. La filosofia morale di Francesco Bacone.Enrico De Mas - 1960 - Filosofia 11 (3):404.
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    Path Learning in Individuals With Down Syndrome: The Floor Matrix Task and the Role of Individual Visuo-Spatial Measures.Chiara Meneghetti, Enrico Toffalini, Silvia Lanfranchi & Barbara Carretti - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:513847.
    Environment learning is essential in everyday life. In individuals with Down syndrome (DS), this skill has begun to be examined using virtual exploration. Previous studies showed that individuals with DS can learn and remember paths in terms of sequences of turns and straight stretches, albeit with some difficulty, and this learning is supported by their cognitive abilities. This study further investigates environment learning in the DS population, newly examining their ability to learn a path from actual movements, and to learn (...)
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  5. La filosofia linguistica e poetica di Francesco Bacone.Enrico De Mas - 1963 - Filosofia 14 (3):495-542.
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  6. La meritocrazia nella scuola.Gian Enrico Manzoni - 2010 - Studium 106 (4):575-581.
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    Korsch's Political Development.Gian Enrico Rusconi - 1976 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1976 (27):61-78.
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  8. Montini e l'Università Cattolica: testi e documenti.Gian Enrico Manzoni - 2001 - Studium 97 (4):617-621.
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    Modelling Bistabilities that Link Macro and Microscopic Biological Phenomena.Gastone C. Castellani & Enrico Giampieri - 2011 - In Brian Hurwitz & Paola Spinozzi, Discourses and Narrations in the Biosciences. V&R Unipress. pp. 8--237.
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    Metafísica e história.Ernani Maria Fiori, Maria Sieczkowska Mascarello, Otilia Beatriz Fiori Arantes & Maria Tereza Papaléo - 1987 - Porto Alegre-RS: L&PM Editores. Edited by Maria Sieczkowska Mascarello, Maria Tereza Papaléo & Otilia Beatriz Fiori Arantes.
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    A Note on Gödel, Priest and Naïve Proof.Massimiliano Carrara & Enrico Martino - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (1):79-96.
    In the 1951 Gibbs lecture, Gödel asserted his famous dichotomy, where the notion of informal proof is at work. G. Priest developed an argument, grounded on the notion of naïve proof, to the effect that Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem suggests the presence of dialetheias. In this paper, we adopt a plausible ideal notion of naïve proof, in agreement with Gödel’s conception, superseding the criticisms against the usual notion of naïve proof used by real working mathematicians. We explore the connection between (...)
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    The view from outside: On a distinctively cinematic achievement.Mario De Caro & Enrico Terrone - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (2):154-170.
    What aesthetic interest do we have in watching films? In a much debated paper, Roger Scruton argued that this interest typically comes down to the interest in the dramatic representations recorded by such films. Berys Gaut and Catharine Abell criticized Scruton’s argument by claiming that films can elicit an aesthetic interest also by virtue of their pictorial representation. In this article, we develop a different criticism of Scruton’s argument. In our view, a film can elicit an aesthetic interest that does (...)
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  13.  35
    Aristotle: metaphysics and practical philosophy: essays in honour of Enrico Berti.Enrico Berti & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 2011 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    Enrico Berti has had a profound influence on the birth and development of Italian studies in ancient philosophy. His sizable work has shaped a great part of Italian studies on Aristotle and other ancient philosophers. To celebrate him and express their gratitude for his work, some of his disciples, under the impulse of the late Franco Volpi, have brought together a volume in his honour, requesting the participation of some foreign scholars particularly close to him. The volume comprises essays (...)
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    La triade Ouranos‑Kronos‑Zeus chez Plotin et ses relations avec le Cratyle et le Timée. Entre problème exégétique et philosophique.Enrico Volpe - 2023 - Chôra 21:71-93.
    The myth in Plotinus is a constitutive element of his metaphysics, as it is present in several treatises of the Enneads as an element aimed at justifying certain metaphysical theses through recourse to an analogy with the ancient tradition. In the case of the divine triad Ouranos‑Kronos‑Zeus, the relationship is extremely problematic since, from a Platonic perspective, these figures relate to two dialogues in particular : the Cratylus and the Timaeus. Regarding the Cratylus, the greatest difficulty for Plotinus lies in (...)
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  15. Gli Illuministi E la Musica. Scritti Scelti. Traduzione, Introduzione E Note a Cura di Enrico Fubini.Enrico Fubini - 1969 - Principato.
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  16. Bibliografia ragionata delle riviste filosofiche italiane dal 1900 al 1955. Zampetti, Enrico & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1956 - Roma: Università.
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  17. A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence.Enrico Pattaro - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (4):489-500.
    . “The Notebook Corner,” edited by Enrico Pattaro, makes its first appearance here as a new section of Ratio Juris. This new section can be described in a sense as an offshoot of the project for A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence, a work still in progress composed of five theoretical volumes and six historical ones. The theoretical volumes receive a brief presentation in the paper immediately below, with a specific focus on Volume 1, entitled The Law (...)
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  18. Peter Sloterdijk e le catastrofi timotiche: Interventi di Enrico Donaggio e Dimitri D’Andrea.Enrico Donaggio & Dimitri D’Andrea - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 33:175-182.
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    Le Temps harcelant: par Enrico Castelli. [Traduit de l'italien.] Préface de René Le Senne,..Enrico Castelli - 1952 - Presses universitaires de France.
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  20. (1 other version)Arbitrary reference in mathematical reasoning.Enrico Martino - 2001 - Topoi 20 (1):65-77.
  21. Esistenza, mito, ermeneutica: scritti per Enrico Castelli.Enrico Castelli (ed.) - 1980 - Padova: CEDAM.
    v. 1. Demoniaco e problema del male. Umanesimo e pensiero simbolico. Tempo e temporalità -- v. 2. Ermeneutica e demitizzazione. Storia della filosofia. Filosofia della religione.
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  22. On Inversion Principles.Enrico Moriconi & Laura Tesconi - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (2):103-113.
    The idea of an ?inversion principle?, and the name itself, originated in the work of Paul Lorenzen in the 1950s, as a method to generate new admissible rules within a certain syntactic context. Some fifteen years later, the idea was taken up by Dag Prawitz to devise a strategy of normalization for natural deduction calculi (this being an analogue of Gentzen's cut-elimination theorem for sequent calculi). Later, Prawitz used the inversion principle again, attributing it with a semantic role. Still working (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Temporal and atemporal truth in intuitionistic mathematics.Enrico Martino & Gabriele Usberti - 1994 - Topoi 13 (2):83-92.
    In section 1 we argue that the adoption of a tenseless notion of truth entails a realistic view of propositions and provability. This view, in turn, opens the way to the intelligibility of theclassical meaning of the logical constants, and consequently is incompatible with the antirealism of orthodox intuitionism. In section 2 we show how what we call the potential intuitionistic meaning of the logical constants can be defined, on the one hand, by means of the notion of atemporal provability (...)
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  24.  29
    The Ideological Dimension of Neopositivism.Enrico Viola - 2013 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (1):167-182.
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    Ipotesi sulla natura degli oggetti matematici.Enrico Giusti - 1999 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    A multidimensional account of democratic legitimacy: how to make robust decisions in a non-idealized deliberative context.Enrico Biale & Federica Liveriero - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):580-600.
    This paper analyses the possibility of granting legitimacy to democratic decisionmaking procedures in a context of deep pluralism. We defend a multidimensional account according to which a legitimate system needs to grant, on the one hand, that citizens should be included on an equal footing and acknowledged as reflexive political agents rather than mere beneficiaries of policies, and, on the other hand, that their decisions have an epistemic quality. While Estlund’s account of imperfect epistemic proceduralism might seem to embody a (...)
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    Le démoniaque dans l'art Par Enrico castelli.Enrico Castelli & Jeanne Parain-Vial - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):131 - 132.
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    Filosofia del film.Enrico Terrone - 2014 - Roma: Carocci.
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    Die Griechen im Denken Nietzsches.Enrico Müller - 2005 - De Gruyter.
    Enrico Müller legt hier die erste philosophische Gesamtdarstellung zur Bedeutung der Griechen für Nietzsches Denken vor. Er zeigt, wie sich in Auseinandersetzung mit dem Griechentum Nietzsches eigene Philosophie entwickelte, und problematisiert deren Abgrenzungen von der Logosphilosophie der griechischen Klassik. Müller kommt dabei zu dem Schluss, dass auch Nietzsches Philosophie letztlich auf die Vorgaben der sokratisch-platonischen Dialektik angewiesen bleibt.
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  30. Le leggi dell�urto dei corpi duri nei «Principia» di Descartes.Enrico Giusti - 2012 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (3):266-284.
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    Ordine e libertà: l'autorità del tempo in Edmund Burke.Enrico Graziani - 2006 - Roma: Aracne.
  32.  12
    Complete Gesture &….Enrico Guglielminetti - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (1).
    … eschatology. Imagine: it’s a sunny morning of January 20, 1961 in Washington D. C. JFK is delivering his presidential inaugural speech. He has just taken his oath of office. All of people is listening to him with attention and admiration (somebody perhaps with envy and hate). It’s his complete gesture (henceforth CG), the CG both of a man and of a nation. Recognition of identity through change [A=B] takes place, from the very beginning of the presidential address, as recognition (...)
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  33. The Standard of Correctness and the Ontology of Depiction.Enrico Terrone - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (4):399-412.
    This paper develops Richard Wollheim’s claim that the proper appreciation of a picture involves not only enjoying a seeing-in experience but also abiding by a standard of correctness. While scholars have so far focused on what fixes the standard, thereby discussing the alternative between intentions and causal mechanisms, the paper focuses on what the standard does, that is, establishing which kinds, individuals, features and standpoints are relevant to the understanding of pictures. It is argued that, while standards concerning kinds, individuals (...)
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  34. Problemi dell'Ur-Heidegger.Enrico Garulli - 1969 - Urbino,: Argalìa.
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  35. Nietzsche e l'evoluzionismo.Enrico Goni & Roberto Fondi - 1989 - Parma: Edizioni all'insegna del Veltro. Edited by Roberto Fondi.
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  36. L'aggiunta in quanto aggiunta: Per Una metafisica ermeneutica.Enrico Guglielminetti - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):453-465.
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    Dummett's transcendence.Enrico Moriconi & Ernesto Napoli - 1988 - Philosophia 18 (4):371-383.
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  38. Imagination and Perception in Film Experience.Enrico Terrone - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    Both perception and imagination seem to play a crucial role in our engagement with fiction films but whether they really do so, and which role they possibly play, is controversial. On the one hand, a fiction film, as film, is a depiction that invites us to perceive the events portrayed. On the other hand, as fiction, it invites us to imagine the story told. Thus, after watching the film Alien, one might say that one saw Ripley fighting the monster but (...)
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    (1 other version)On the Brouwerian concept of negative continuity.Enrico Martino - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (4):379 - 398.
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    Callimaco, Fr. 114 Pf., il "Somnium" ed il "Prologo" Degli 'Aitia'.Enrico Livrea - 1995 - Hermes 123 (1):47-62.
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    Maps of the Shared World. From Descriptive Metaphysics to New Realism.Enrico Terrone - 2014 - Philosophical Readings 6 (2):74-86.
    The main aim of this paper is to characterize Maurizio Ferraris’ New Realism as a metaphilosophical account that develops Peter Strawson’s project of a descriptive metaphysics. The paper consists of two sections. The former outlines Strawson’s descriptive metaphysics by highlighting its realist commitments. The latter characterizes New Realism as a way of turning Strawson’s metaphysics into a metaphilosophy. New Realism moves from Strawson’s metaphysical description of the world we share through our experience to the metaphilosophical claim that philosophy should primarily (...)
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    Representing action: indeterminacy and ramifications.Enrico Giunchiglia, G. Neelakantan Kartha & Vladimir Lifschitz - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 95 (2):409-438.
  43.  38
    Introduction: democracy, diversity.Enrico Biale, Anna Elisabetta Galeotti & Federica Liveriero - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):529-536.
    The chapters in this book deal with different, though related, topics concerning the tense relationship between democracy and diversity. On the one hand, social diversity represents an opportunity, widening the horizon of social options and perspectives of innovation, but, on the other hand, it creates problems for the social cohesion and peaceful coexistence of many groups, be they majority or minority. The chapters depart from the intrinsic connection between democracy and diversity – and the unavoidable challenges that pluralism poses to (...)
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    Valeur et limites d'une théorie monogénésique du crime fondée sur les troubles affectifs.Enrico Altavilla - 1952 - Theoria 18 (3):113-138.
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    Humanistic significance of science: Some methodological considerations.Enrico Cantore - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (3):395-412.
    This essay discusses the problem of the two cultures. According to the author the problem arises because science is the source of a new way of conceiving reality and man, different from the mental conception entertained by nonscientific persons. The article suggests methodological guidelines for the philosopher interested in understanding the humanistic mentality of the scientists. The approach proposed is inductive-genetic. The aim is to help the philosopher explore science in its developmental becoming so that he may become aware of (...)
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    On the New Method of A New Science: A Study of Giambattista Vico.Enrico De Mas & J. K. Houck - 1971 - Journal of the History of Ideas 32 (1):85.
  47. I teoremi di Godel e la fine del fondazionalismo.Enrico Moriconi - 2004 - Epistemologia 27 (2):319-326.
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  48. On the meaning of Hilbert's consistency problem (paris, 1900).Enrico Moriconi - 2003 - Synthese 137 (1-2):129 - 139.
    The theory that ``consistency implies existence'' was put forward by Hilbert on various occasions around the start of the last century, and it was strongly and explicitly emphasized in his correspondence with Frege. Since (Gödel's) completeness theorem, abstractly speaking, forms the basis of this theory, it has become common practice to assume that Hilbert took for granted the semantic completeness of second order logic. In this paper I maintain that this widely held view is untrue to the facts, and that (...)
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  49. Natura umana e conoscenza storica in Vico. Sulle recenti" riletture" vichiane di Leon Pompa.Enrico Nuzzo - 1994 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 24:163-182.
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    Ars experimentandi et conjectandi. Laws of Nature, Material Objects, and Contingent Circumstances.Enrico Pasini - 2019 - In Rodolfo Garau & Pietro Omodeo, Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 317-342.
    The scattered and pervasive variability of material objects, being a conspicuous part of the very experience of early-modern and modern science, challenges its purely theoretic character in many ways. Problems of this kind turn out in such different scientific contexts as Galilean physics, chemistry, and physiology. Practical answers are offered on the basis of different approaches, among which, in particular, two can be singled out. One is made out by what is often called an ‘art’ of experiments. From the Renaissance (...)
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