Results for 'Emotion regulation flexibility'

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  1.  17
    Emotion Regulation Flexibility: Gender Differences in Context Sensitivity and Repertoire.K. Elise Goubet & Evangelia G. Chrysikou - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Social anxiety and emotion regulation flexibility: a daily diary approach.Germaine Y. Q. Tng & Hwajin Yang - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (2):199-216.
    Previous research suggests that social anxiety symptoms are maintained and intensified by inflexible emotion regulation (ER). Therefore, we examined whether trait-level social anxiety moderates ER flexibility operationalised at both between-person (covariation between variability in emotional intensity and variability in strategy use across occasions) and within-person (associations between emotional intensity and strategy use on a given day) levels. In a sample of healthy college-aged adults (N = 185, Mage = 21.89), we examined overall and emotion-specific intensities (shame, (...)
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    Translating theoretical insights into an emotion regulation flexibility intervention: assessing effectiveness.Prachi Sharma & Parwinder Singh - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Objective: Traditional research often categorizes emotion regulation strategies as adaptive or maladaptive, overlooking crucial situational and individual differences that dictate their efficacy. The literature highlights the need for a more nuanced approach, like the role of emotion regulation flexibility. Despite its importance, research on developing and testing interventions that promote this flexibility is scarce. Addressing this gap, our study designed and tested an “Emotion Regulation Flexibility Booster Program” (ERFBP). We aimed to (...)
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    Flexible Emotion Regulation: How Situational Demands and Individual Differences Influence the Effectiveness of Regulatory Strategies.Dorota Kobylińska & Petko Kusev - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  5.  95
    Implicit emotion regulation under demanding conditions: The moderating role of action versus state orientation.Sander L. Koole & Daniel A. Fockenberg - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):440-452.
    Action orientation is a volitional mode that promotes flexible self-regulation of emotional and motivational states; state orientation represents the conceptually opposite volitional mode that promotes fixation on (particularly negative) emotional and motivational states (Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994a). The present research investigated the link between action versus state orientation and implicit emotion regulation under demanding conditions. After inducing a demanding context, action-oriented participants displayed reduced affective priming effects of negative primes relative to state-oriented individuals (Studies 1–3). Action versus (...)
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    Variability in emotion regulation strategy use is negatively associated with depressive symptoms.Xiaoqin Wang, Scott D. Blain, Jie Meng, Yuan Liu & Jiang Qiu - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (2):324-340.
    Variability in the emotion regulation (ER) strategies one uses throughout daily life has been suggested to reflect adaptive ER ability and to act as a protective factor in mental health. Moreover, psychological inflexibility and persistent negative affect (or affective inertia) are key features of depression and other forms of mental illness and are often further exacerbated by rigid or overly passive regulatory behaviours. The current study investigated the hypothesis that ER variability might serve as a protective factor against (...)
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    A Systematic Review of Associations Between Interoception, Vagal Tone, and Emotional Regulation: Potential Applications for Mental Health, Wellbeing, Psychological Flexibility, and Chronic Conditions.Thomas Pinna & Darren J. Edwards - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Knowledge of COVID-19 and Its Influence on Mindfulness, Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Psychological Flexibility in the Indian Community.Neha Dubey, Priyanka Podder & Dinkar Pandey - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    This Time, It’s Real: Affective Flexibility, Time Scales, Feedback Loops, and the Regulation of Emotion.Tom Hollenstein - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):308-315.
    Because both emotional arousal and regulation are continuous, ongoing processes, it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them. Thus, affective dynamics can reveal the regulation of emotion as it occurs in real time. One way that this can be done is through the examination of intra- and interpersonal flexibility or the transitions into and out of affective states. The present article reviews and then expands upon the Flex3 model of real-time dynamic and reactive flexibility, (...)
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    Can Less Ever Be More? A Model of Emotion Regulation Repertoire of Social Support (ERROSS).Eva-Maria Stelzer & Mary-Frances O’Connor - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (2):125-138.
    Do people really fare better if they can rely on many social ties? Research suggests that benefits of interpersonal emotion regulation (ER) can be derived from both large and small social networks. Building on the intrapersonal regulatory flexibility model, we propose the emotion regulation repertoire of social support (ERROSS) model that views effective socioemotional support as the combination of network size and ER strategies, resulting in a repertoire of ER resources one can draw on. Best (...)
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    Children's executive functions predict their preferences for emotion regulation strategies.Yelim Hong, Megan G. Klinginsmith & Laura E. Quiñones-Camacho - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The development of emotion regulation (ER) in early childhood is shaped by the development of cognitive skills, particularly executive functions (EF). However, it remains unclear whether specific types of EFs differentially predict ER strategies across various emotional contexts. The current study aimed to explore the association between children's EFs (e.g. attentional control, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility) and children's cognitive vs. behavioural ER strategies preference for sad, fear, and anger contexts. Participants were 78 8- to 12-year-old Latine (...)
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  12. Sacred Movements: A Philosophical Inquiry Into the Spiritual Dimensions of Regional Dance and its Role in Emotion Regulation and Mental Well-Being.Yukun Mei & Tingting Zhang - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):183-197.
    This study presents a philosophical exploration of how regional dance, as a form of cultural heritage, influences emotional regulation and mental health, drawing on theories of psychological resilience and cognitive engagement with cultural practices. Engaging 206 participants from diverse regional, age, and occupational backgrounds, we employed the Simplified Mood State Scale, Anxiety Self-Rating Scale, and Depression Self-Rating Scale to quantitatively assess their emotional states. Our findings reveal that engagement in folk dance markedly enhances mood, with participants showing lower scores (...)
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    The Ideal of the Dispassionate Judge: An Emotion Regulation Perspective.Terry A. Maroney & James J. Gross - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (2):142-151.
    According to legal tradition, the ideal judge is entirely dispassionate. Affective science calls into question the legitimacy of this ideal; further, it suggests that no judge could ever meet this standard, even if it were the correct one. What judges can and should do is to learn to effectively manage—rather than eliminate—emotion. Specifically, an emotion regulation perspective suggests that judicial emotion is best managed by cognitive reappraisal and, often, disclosure; behavioral suppression should be used sparingly; and (...)
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  14.  14
    The Effects of Cognitive-Affective Switching With Unpredictable Cues in Adults and Adolescents and Their Relation to “Cool” Executive Functioning and Emotion Regulation.Jessica L. Samson, Lucien Rochat, Julien Chanal, Deborah Badoud, Nader Perroud & Martin Debbané - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The impact of emotion on executive functioning is gaining interest. It has led to the differentiation of “cool” Executive Functioning processes, such as cognitive flexibility, and “hot” EF processes, such as affective flexibility. But how does affective flexibility, the ability to switch between cognitive and affective information, vary as a function of age and sex? How does this construct relate to “cool” executive functioning and cognitive-emotion regulation processes? In this study, 266 participants, including 91 (...)
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    Regulation of Emotions to Optimize Classical Music Performance: A Quasi-Experimental Study of a Cellist-Researcher.Guadalupe López-Íñiguez & Gary E. McPherson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:627601.
    The situational context within which an activity takes place, as well as the personality characteristics of individuals shape the types of strategies people choose in order to regulate their emotions, especially when confronted with challenging or undesirable situations. Taking self-regulation as the framework to study emotions in relation to learning and performing chamber music canon repertoire, this quasi-experimental and intra-individual study focused on the self-rated emotional states of a professional classical cellist during long-term sustained practice across 100-weeks. This helped (...)
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  16.  10
    A unified approach to managing emotions and pursuing purpose in life.Todd B. Kashdan & Fallon R. Goodman - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):371-377.
    Much of the scientific work on emotion regulation has examined strategies in isolation. Now that we have a better understanding of emotion regulatory strategy use and frequency, there is an opportunity to explore new psychological territory. As a starting point, we illustrate how a highly touted strategy, cognitive reappraisal, supercharges a critical component of well-being: purpose in life. We also examine how purpose in life offers a framework to better understand when and how cognitive reappraisal is adaptive. (...)
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  17. Curiosity and the Regulation of Affective Memory.Joy Ham, Vishnu P. Murty & Chelsea Helion - forthcoming - Emotion Review.
    We propose a cognitive and neurobiological model by which curiosity regulates affective memory, by positively biasing memory encoding through the promotion of emotion regulation. We begin with a brief overview of curiosity's observed emotional effects. Then we introduce three prominent models of affective memory encoding to suggest that the dopaminergic modulation of encoding associated with curiosity may positively bias memory processes. We situate the role of curiosity role in emotion regulation relative to its promotion of abstract (...)
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    Capturing the Formation and Regulation of Emotions in Collaborative Learning: The FRECL Coding Procedure.Nikki G. Lobczowski - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite recent increases in research on emotions and regulation in collaborative learning, measuring both constructs remains challenging and often lacks structure. Researchers need a systematic method to measure both the formation of emotions and subsequent regulation in collaborative learning environments. Drawing from the Formation and Regulation of Emotions in Collaborative Learning model, I introduce a new observational coding procedure that provides comprehensive guidelines for coding these phenomena. The FRECL coding procedure has been implemented successfully in other studies (...)
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  19.  25
    Associations Between Mental Health, Interoception, Psychological Flexibility, and Self-as-Context, as Predictors for Alexithymia: A Deep Artificial Neural Network Approach.Darren J. Edwards & Rob Lowe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Alexithymia is a personality trait which is characterized by an inability to identify and describe conscious emotions of oneself and others.Aim: The present study aimed to determine whether various measures of mental health, interoception, psychological flexibility, and self-as-context, predicted through linear associations alexithymia as an outcome. This also included relevant mediators and non-linear predictors identified for particular sub-groups of participants through cluster analyses of an Artificial Neural Network output.Methodology: Two hundred and thirty participants completed an online survey which (...)
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    Psychological Flexibility With Prejudices Increases Empathy and Decreases Distress Among Adolescents: A Spanish Validation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–Stigma.Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, José Martín-Albo, Araceli Cruz, Víctor J. Villanueva-Blasco & Teresa I. Jiménez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Empathy is an emotional response that may facilitate prosocial behavior and inhibit aggression by increasing empathic concern for others. But the vicarious experience of other’s feelings may also turn into personal distress when the person has poor regulation skills and holds stigmatizing beliefs. In thinking about the processes that may trigger the experience of personal distress or empathic concern, research on the influence of psychological flexibility and inflexibility on stigma is showing promising results. Both processes are assessed with (...)
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  21.  18
    Childhood maltreatment and expressive flexibility: specific effects of threat and deprivation?Simina Pițur & Andrei C. Miu - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1721-1728.
    While childhood maltreatment has been consistently associated with a high risk for psychopathology, the mechanisms underlying this relation are still unclear. Dysfunctional emotion regulation has b...
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  22.  17
    Free Will Implicates Inner Speech via Self-Regulation.Alain Morin - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):547-555.
    Free will typically refers to any form of significant control over one’s actions. This definition is remarkably similar to that of self-regulation—the control of one’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts in pursuit of long-term goals. Indeed, several scholars have proposed that the latter constitutes the psychological equivalent of the former. A large body of empirical work demonstrates that both covert (inner) and overt (private) forms of self-directed speech are causally associated with self-regulatory outcomes such as action planning, problem-solving, emotion (...)
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  23.  25
    Regulating germline editing in assisted reproductive technology: An EU cross‐disciplinary perspective.Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Oliver Feeney, Iñigo Miguel Beriain, Lucia Galvagni & Kirmo Wartiovaara - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (1):16-32.
    Potential applications of genome editing in assisted reproductive technology (ART) raise a vast array of strong opinions, emotional reactions and divergent perceptions. Acknowledging the need for caution and respecting such reactions, we observe that at least some are based on either a misunderstanding of the science or misconceptions about the content and flexibility of the existing legal frameworks. Combining medical, legal and ethical expertise, we present and discuss regulatory responses at the national, European and international levels. The discussion has (...)
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    Think again: the role of reappraisal in reducing negative valence bias.Maital Neta, Nicholas R. Harp, Tien T. Tong, Claudia J. Clinchard, Catherine C. Brown, James J. Gross & Andero Uusberg - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (2):238-253.
    Stimuli such as surprised faces are ambiguous in that they are associated with both positive and negative outcomes. Interestingly, people differ reliably in whether they evaluate these and other ambiguous stimuli as positive or negative, and we have argued that a positive evaluation relies in part on a biasing of the appraisal processes via reappraisal. To further test this idea, we conducted two studies to evaluate whether increasing the cognitive accessibility of reappraisal through a brief emotion regulation task (...)
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    Regulating germline editing in assisted reproductive technology: An EU cross‐disciplinary perspective.Ana Nordberg, Timo Minssen, Oliver Feeney, Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, Lucia Galvagni & Kirmo Wartiovaara - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (1):16-32.
    Potential applications of genome editing in assisted reproductive technology (ART) raise a vast array of strong opinions, emotional reactions and divergent perceptions. Acknowledging the need for caution and respecting such reactions, we observe that at least some are based on either a misunderstanding of the science or misconceptions about the content and flexibility of the existing legal frameworks. Combining medical, legal and ethical expertise, we present and discuss regulatory responses at the national, European and international levels. The discussion has (...)
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    Resilience is more about being flexible than about staying positive.Sander L. Koole, Susanne Schwager & Klaus Rothermund - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e109.
    Kalisch et al. propose a positive appraisal style as the key mechanism that underlies resilience. The present authors suggest that flexibility in emotion processing is more conducive to resilience than a general positivity bias. People may achieve emotional flexibility through counter-regulation – a dynamic processing bias toward positive stimuli in negative contexts and negative stimuli in positive contexts.
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    Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Among Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak and Relationships With Expressive Flexibility and Context Sensitivity.Vittorio Lenzo, Maria C. Quattropani, Alberto Sardella, Gabriella Martino & George A. Bonanno - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed at investigating depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms among healthcare workers and examine the role of expressive flexibility and context sensitivity as key components of resilience in understanding reported symptoms. We hypothesized a significant and different contribution of resilience components in explaining depression, anxiety, and stress. A total sample of 218 Italian healthcare workers participated in this study through an online survey during the lockdown, consequently to the COVID-19. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 was used to measure (...)
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  28. Reconceptualizing Emotion Regulation.Joseph J. Campos, Eric A. Walle, Audun Dahl & Alexandra Main - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):26-35.
    Emotion regulation is one of the major foci of study in the fields of emotion and emotional development. This article proposes that to properly study emotion regulation, one must consider not only an intrapersonal view of emotion, but a relational one as well. Defining properties of intrapersonal and relational approaches are spelled out, and implications drawn for how emotion regulation is conceptualized, how studies are designed, how findings are interpreted, and how generalizations (...)
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  29.  57
    Emotion regulation in depression: Relation to cognitive inhibition.Jutta Joormann & Ian H. Gotlib - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):281-298.
    Depression is a disorder of impaired emotion regulation. Consequently, examining individual differences in the habitual use of emotion-regulation strategies has considerable potential to inform models of this debilitating disorder. The aim of the current study was to identify cognitive processes that may be associated with the use of emotion-regulation strategies and to elucidate their relation to depression. Depression has been found to be associated with difficulties in cognitive control and, more specifically, with difficulties inhibiting (...)
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  30.  41
    Emotion regulation and the temporal dynamics of emotions: Effects of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression on emotional inertia.Peter Koval, Emily A. Butler, Tom Hollenstein, Dianna Lanteigne & Peter Kuppens - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):831-851.
    The tendency for emotions to be predictable over time, labelled emotional inertia, has been linked to low well-being and is thought to reflect impaired emotion regulation. However, almost no studies have examined how emotion regulation relates to emotional inertia. We examined the effects of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression on the inertia of behavioural, subjective and physiological measures of emotion. In Study 1 (N = 111), trait suppression was associated with higher inertia of negative behaviours. (...)
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  31.  84
    The Emotion Regulation Roots of Job Satisfaction.Hector P. Madrid, Eduardo Barros & Cristian A. Vasquez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:609933.
    Job satisfaction is a core variable in the study and practice of organizational psychology because of its implications for desirable work outcomes. Knowledge of its antecedents is abundant and informative, but there are still psychological processes underlying job satisfaction that have not received complete attention. This is the case of employee emotion regulation. In this study, we argue that employees’ behaviors directed to manage their affective states participate in their level of job satisfaction and hypothesize that employee affect-improving (...)
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  32.  33
    Emotion Regulation, Subjective Well-Being, and Perceived Stress in Daily Life of Geriatric Nurses.Marko Katana, Christina Röcke, Seth M. Spain & Mathias Allemand - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:424127.
    This daily diary study examined the within-person coupling between four emotion regulation strategies and both subjective well-being and perceived stress in daily life of geriatric nurses. Participants ( N = 89) described how they regulated their emotions in terms of cognitive reappraisal and suppression. They also indicated their subjective well-being and level of perceived stress each day over 3 weeks. At the within-person level, cognitive reappraisal intended to increase positive emotions was positively associated with higher subjective well-being and (...)
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  33.  44
    Emotion Regulation in Participants Diagnosed With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Before and After an Emotion Regulation Intervention.Marta Sánchez, Rocío Lavigne, Juan Fco Romero & Eduardo Elósegui - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The study of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder addresses variables related to three core symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. However, it has been suggested that in recent years emotional difficulties and subsequent social challenges have not received sufficient attention. This study had two objectives: 1) to compare the performance of participants (age range: 8-14 years) on facial emotion recognition tasks using the Affect Recognition subtest of the Children Neuropsychological Battery II; and 2) to assess the perceptions of family members in (...)
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  34.  7
    Civilisation and Informalisation: Connecting Long-Term Social and Psychic Processes.Cas Wouters & Michael Dunning (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Over the last century and a half, manners and formalities in the West have become less status-ridden, stiff and rigid. Debates around Norbert Elias' theory of civilising processes gave rise to questions of a change in direction of these patterns. The concept of informalisation, which describes these transformations, was first used to analyse the tumultuous changes of the 1960s and 1970s. This increasing informality, leniency and flexibility, comes hand-in-hand with a growing demand on individuals to self-regulate their emotions. This (...)
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    Emotion regulation choice: a broad examination of external factors.Gerald Young & Gaurav Suri - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):242-261.
    Emotion regulation choices are known to be profoundly consequential across affective, cognitive, and social domains. Prior studies have identified two important external factors of emotion regulati...
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  36.  8
    Effective emotion regulation as a protective factor of depression symptoms in Slovak adolescents during a COVID-19 pandemic.Ľubor Pilárik, Petr Mikoška, Jakub Helvich & Alica Melišíková - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:37-46.
    The aim of our study was to verify relationships between individual difficulties in emotion regulation (ER), ER strategies (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression), and compassion (to self and others) with the presence of depressive symptomatology in a sample of Slovak adolescents during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the sample of 140 Slovak adolescents (age between 17–19 years) was administrated The Beck Depression Inventory- II. (Beck et al., 1996), The Overall Depression Severity and Impairment Scale (Bentley (...)
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  37.  20
    Emotion regulation via reappraisal – mechanisms and strategies.Klaus R. Scherer - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (3):353-356.
    Emotion regulation, and in particular cognitive reappraisal. Gross has been booming in theory development and empirical research for the last two decades. A large number of publications have demonstrated the importance of these mechanisms for understanding and promoting well-being and mental health. It is thus timely for Cognition and Emotion to examine the current state of theory in this domain. The resultant invited article, authored by Uusberg, A., Ford, Uusberg, H., and Gross, aims to expand the scope (...)
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  38. The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review.Sander L. Koole - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (1):4-41.
    The present article reviews modern research on the psychology of emotion regulation. Emotion regulation determines the offset of emotional responding and is thus distinct from emotional sensitivity, which determines the onset of emotional responding. Among the most viable categories for classifying emotion-regulation strategies are the targets and functions of emotion regulation. The emotion-generating systems that are targeted in emotion regulation include attention, knowledge, and bodily responses. The functions of (...) regulation include satisfying hedonic needs, supporting specific goal pursuits, and facilitating the global personality system. Emotion-regulation strategies are classified in terms of their targets and functions and relevant empirical work is reviewed. Throughout this review, emotion regulation emerges as one of the most far-ranging and influential processes at the interface of cognition and emotion. (shrink)
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  39. Emotion Generation and Emotion Regulation: One or Two Depends on Your Point of View.James J. Gross & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):8-16.
    Emotion regulation has the odd distinction of being a wildly popular construct whose scientific existence is in considerable doubt. In this article, we discuss the confusion about whether emotion generation and emotion regulation can and should be distinguished from one another. We describe a continuum of perspectives on emotion, and highlight how different (often mutually incompatible) perspectives on emotion lead to different views about whether emotion generation and emotion regulation can (...)
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    Emotion, Emotion Regulation, and Conflict Resolution.Eran Halperin - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):68-76.
    The central role played by emotions in conflict has long been recognized by many of the scholars who study ethnic conflicts and conflict resolution. Yet recent developments in the psychological study of discrete emotions and of emotion regulation have yet to receive adequate attention by those who study and seek to promote conflict resolution. At the same time, scholars of emotion and emotion regulation have only rarely tested their core theories in the context of long-term (...)
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  41. Emotion regulation and religion.Fraser Watts - 2007 - In James J. Gross (ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press. pp. 504--520.
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    Emotion regulation and aging.Susan Turk Charles & Laura L. Carstensen - 2007 - In James J. Gross (ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press.
  43. The Harmony of the Unrestrained Mind.R. L. Tripathi - 2024 - Psychology and Psychological Research International Journal 9 (3):3.
    In the quest for mental peace and philosophical insight, the most profound approach is to let the mind function freely, without the interference of a controlling thinker. This essay explores the philosophical and cognitive implications of an unimpeded mind, drawing from Eastern traditions such as Zen Buddhism and Taoism, alongside contemporary cognitive science. It argues that the natural rhythm of thought is disrupted by the ego’s need for control, leading to mental fragmentation and turbulence. By embracing the concept of “no-mind” (...)
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    Interpersonal emotion regulation and physiological synchrony: cognitive reappraisal versus expressive suppression.Yanmei Wang & Yinzhi Shi - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The present study aimed to explore the effectiveness of two typical intrapersonal strategies (cognitive reappraisal, CR; expressive suppression, ES) on interpersonal emotion regulation (IER), and uncover the physiological synchrony pattern underlying this. A sample of 90 friend dyads (N = 180) was randomly assigned to the CR, the ES, or the control group. In each dyad, the target underwent a negative emotional task (induce sadness by recalling a negative event), and the regulator was assigned to implement the CR (...)
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    Interpersonal emotion regulation strategy choice in younger and older adults.J. W. Gurera, Hannah E. Wolfe, Matthew W. E. Murry & Derek M. Isaacowitz - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):643-659.
    When managing their emotions, individuals often recruit the help of others; however, most emotion regulation research has focused on self-regulation. Theories of emotion and aging suggest younger and older adults differ in the emotion regulation strategies they use when regulating their own emotions. If how individuals regulate their own emotions and the emotions of others are related, these theorised age differences may also emerge for interpersonal emotion regulation. In two studies, younger and (...)
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    Emotion regulation and cooperation.Trip Glazer - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (8):1125-1145.
    Classic accounts of the evolution of human cooperation conceive emotions as automatic and uncontrollable impulses toward prosocial behavior. I argue that this view of emotion is incorrect, but that classic accounts of the evolution of human cooperation can benefit from an alternative view. The social and moral emotions are not untamed passions, but carefully cultivated and regulated states, which promote cooperation only if they develop properly in childhood and then are actively managed in adulthood. I argue that part and (...)
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    Emotion regulation through listening to music in everyday situations.Myriam V. Thoma, Stefan Ryf, Changiz Mohiyeddini, Ulrike Ehlert & Urs M. Nater - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):550-560.
    Music is a stimulus capable of triggering an array of basic and complex emotions. We investigated whether and how individuals employ music to induce specific emotional states in everyday situations for the purpose of emotion regulation. Furthermore, we wanted to examine whether specific emotion-regulation styles influence music selection in specific situations. Participants indicated how likely it would be that they would want to listen to various pieces of music (which are known to elicit specific emotions) in (...)
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    Emotion Regulation and the Cognitive-Experimental Approach to Emotional Dysfunction.Colin MacLeod & Romola S. Bucks - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):62-73.
    Since the 1980s, there has been a steady growth of interest in the psychological mechanisms that regulate normal emotional experience. In this same period, cognitive-experimental researchers have sought to delineate the information processing biases that characterize emotional disorders. Exciting potential synergies exist between these two areas of investigation. In this article, we consider ways in which reciprocal benefits could be gained by the constructive transfer of theoretical ideas and methodological approaches between emotion regulation researchers and cognitive-experimental investigators. We (...)
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  49.  13
    Emotion malleability beliefs influence emotion regulation and emotion recovery among individuals with depressive symptoms.Elizabeth T. Kneeland & Lauren E. Simpson - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1613-1621.
    Despite the centrality of emotion regulation in psychiatric disorders such as depression, there is a lack of experimental studies examining the psychological factors that influence emotion regulation in individuals with depressive symptoms. Participants with current depressive symptoms were randomly assigned to an experimental manipulation promoting more malleable emotion beliefs or the control condition. Participants underwent a negative emotion induction and reported on their affect and emotion regulation during the induction. Individuals who received (...)
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  50.  18
    Emotion Regulation Tactics: A Key to Understanding Age (and Other Between- and Within-Person) Differences in Emotion Regulation Preference and Effectiveness.Derek M. Isaacowitz & Hannah E. Wolfe - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (4):252-264.
    Older adults report high emotional well-being, but age-comparative studies of emotion regulation strategies have not identified systematic age differences. We propose that emotion regulation tactics may be more promising. Emotion regulation tactics involve strategy implementation in a specific situation, and have features shared across strategies involving positive or negative elements (objects/thoughts) in the environment that may be approached or receded from in the regulation attempt (i.e., a valence dimension about the environmental element, and (...)
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