Results for 'Emmanuel Chima'

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  1. Otherwise than being: or, Beyond essence.Emmanuel Levinas - 1974 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    A sequel to Levinas' Totality and Infinity.
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  2. Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence.Emmanuel Levinas & Alphonso Lingis - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 17 (4):245-246.
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  3. The political philosophy of social suffering.Emmanuel Renault - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn (eds.), New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  4. God and Philosophy.Emmanuel Levinas - 1978 - Philosophy Today 22 (2):127-145.
  5. (1 other version)Seeing-in, seeing-as, seeing-with: Looking through pictures.Emmanuel Alloa - 2010 - In Elisabeth Nemeth, Richard Heinrich & Wolfram Pichler (eds.), Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Preproceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 179-190.
    In the constitution of contemporary image theory, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy has undoubtedly become a major conceptual reference. Rather than trying to establish what Wittgenstein’s own image theory could possibly look like, this paper would like to critically assess some of the advantages as well as some of the quandaries that arise when using Wittgenstein’s concept of ‘seeing-as’ for addressing the plural realities of images. While putting into evidence the tensions that come into play when applying what was initially a theory (...)
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    Frantz Fanon: social and political thought.Emmanuel Hansen - 1978 - Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
  7.  58
    Moral Communities in Anti-Doping Policy: A Response to Bowers and Paternoster.Emmanuel Macedo, Matt Englar-Carlson, Tim Lehrbach & John Gleaves - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (1):49-61.
    This article argues that Bowers and Paternoster’s emphasis on a moral community marks an important step towards a more ethical and effective approach to anti-doping. However, it also argues that the authors’ proposed strategies undermine their stated goal of effectively engaging athletes as partners in anti-doping efforts and raise ethical concerns. Their proposed emphasis on exploiting shaming as a punishment and their general view of athletes as adversaries fosters mistrust between athletes and those who enforce the anti-doping rules. Instead, this (...)
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    Critical Theory, Social Critique and Knowledge.Emmanuel Renault - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (3):189-204.
    ABSTRACT While the first generation of the so-called Frankfurt School has promoted a strong interconnection between social critique and knowledge of the social world, contemporary critical theory seems to consider that epistemological issues don’t deserve anymore consideration. Is it really possible to elaborate a convincing theory of social critique without taking seriously the various links between social critique and knowledge? This article argues that the answer is no. In a first step, it recalls the ways in which the philosophical debate (...)
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  9. L'au-delà du verset. Lectures et discours talmudiques.Emmanuel Levinas - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (4):680-681.
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  10. On Thinking-of-the-Other.Emmanuel Lévinas, Michael B. Smith & Barbara Harshav - 1998 - Columbia University Press.
  11. Bare exteriority. Philosophy of the Image and the Image of Philosophy in Martin Heidegger and Maurice Blanchot.Emmanuel Alloa - 2005 - Colloquy (10):69-82.
    The article explores the striking coincidences in Heidegger's and Blanchot's account of the image as death mask. The analysis of the respective theories of the image brings forth two radically divergent conceptions of thinking as "laying patent" (Heidegger) and of thinking as "laying bare" (Blanchot).
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    Dewey et la reconstruction du concept de nature humaine.Emmanuel Renault - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 2:43-60.
    La théorie deweyenne de la nature humaine permet de clarifier le sens du naturalisme deweyen ainsi que ses implications politiques. La première partie de l’article analyse la manière dont Dewey défend une conception processuelle, interactionnelle et intégrative de la nature humaine. La deuxième partie analyse la fonction classificatoire du concept de nature humaine et la troisième la manière dont Dewey attribue une fonction explicative à ce concept en discutant les références politiques conservatrices ou progressistes, voire révolutionnaires, à la nature humaine.
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    Defending the Decolonization Trope in Philosophy: A Reply to Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò.Abímbọ́lá Olúwafẹ́mi Emmanuel - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (2):304-319.
    The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Volume 60, Issue 2, Page 304-319, June 2022.
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  14. The rules versus similarity distinction.Emmanuel M. Pothos - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):1-14.
    The distinction between rules and similarity is central to our understanding of much of cognitive psychology. Two aspects of existing research have motivated the present work. First, in different cognitive psychology areas we typically see different conceptions of rules and similarity; for example, rules in language appear to be of a different kind compared to rules in categorization. Second, rules processes are typically modeled as separate from similarity ones; for example, in a learning experiment, rules and similarity influences would be (...)
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  15. Positivité et transcendance.Emmanuel Lévinas - 2000 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Jean-Luc Marion & Emmanuel Lévinas.
    La pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas a d'emblée été connue des philosophes et des universitaires, dès son premier ouvrage, La théorie de l'intuition chez Husserl, en 1930. Avec " Totalité et Infini " (en l963), il fut reconnu comme un innovateur puissant et originel pour son développement de la phénoménologie. Pourtant, plus récemment, l'immense intérêt du public pour Lévinas s'est déplacé, plutôt, vers les conséquences ou les marges de son projet initial. Ce déplacement a sa légitimité, prouvant au moins la pertinence (...)
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    Iconic Turn: A Plea for Three Turns of the Screw.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Culture, Theory, and Critique 56 (3).
    In the early 1990s, W.J.T. Mitchell and Gottfried Boehm independently proclaimed that the humanities were witnessing a ‘pictorial’ or ‘iconic turn’. Twenty years later, we may wonder whether this announcement was describing an event that had already taken place or whether it was rather calling forth for it to happen. The contemporary world is, more than ever, determined by visual artefacts. Still, our conceptual arsenal, forged during centuries of logocentrism, still falls behind the complexity of pictorial meaning. The essay has (...)
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  17. Critique and Refinement of the Wakefieldian Concept of Disorder: An Improvement of the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis.Emmanuel Smith - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):530-539.
    One way in which bioethicists can benefit the medical community is by clarifying the concept of disorder. Since insurance companies refer to the DSM for whether a patient should receive assistance, one must consider the consequences of one’s concept of disorder for who should be provided with care. I offer a refinement of Jerome Wakefield’s hybrid concept of disorder, the harmful dysfunction analysis. I criticize both the factual component and the value component of Wakefield’s account and suggest how they might (...)
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  18. Writing, Embodiment, Deferral: Merleau-Ponty and Derrida on The Origin of Geometry.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (2):219-239.
    A simplistic image of twentieth century French philosophy sees Merleau-Ponty’s death in 1961 as the line that divides two irreconcilable moments in its history: existentialism and phenomenology, on the one hand, and structuralism on the other. The structuralist generation claimed to recapture the dimension of objectivity and impersonality, which the previous generation was supposedly incapable of. As a matter of fact, in 1962, Derrida’s edition of Husserl’s The Origin of Geometry was taken to be a turning point that announced the (...)
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    One or two dimensions in spontaneous classification: A simplicity approach.Emmanuel M. Pothos & James Close - 2008 - Cognition 107 (2):581-602.
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    Le cogito dans la pensée de saint Augustin.Emmanuel Bermon - 2001 - Vrin.
    Entend dégager l'enjeu philosophique de la pensée augustinienne du cogito, dans " La cité de Dieu " et dans " La Trinité ", en situant la réflexion du saint dans le champ de la philosophie antique, et en rapprochant sa perspective de celles de Descartes et de Husserl.
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  21. La « Phénoménologie de l'Esprit » de Hegel.Martin Heidegger & D'emmanuel Martineau - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (4):514-514.
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    An experimental approach to adverbial modification.Emmanuel Chemla - 2009 - In Uli Sauerland & Kazuko Yatsushiro (eds.), Semantics and pragmatics: from experiment to theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 249--263.
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    Two types of potential functions and their use in the modeling of information: two applications from the social sciences.Emmanuel E. Haven - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Le problème de la résistance ouvrière dansLe Capital.Emmanuel Renault - 2015 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 154 (4):513.
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    Le premier livre de Merleau-Ponty, un roman.Emmanuel Alloa - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:253-268.
    Dans son oeuvre tardive, Merleau-Ponty a souligné les convergences entre une pensée philosophique et une pensée s’exprimant par l’écriture littéraire, considérant que toutes deux répondent à une tâche commune liée à la description du monde. Ses premiers écrits théoriques – Simone de Beauvoir comme Jean-Paul Sartre l’ont souligné – sont quant à eux marqués par une distance plus nette vis-à-vis de la pratique littéraire. Pourtant, bien avant de publier ses premières monographies, Merleau-Ponty est l’auteur d’un livre écrit pour le compte (...)
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    The Theatre of the Virtual. How to Stage Potentialities with Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - In Laura Cull & Alice Lagaay (eds.), Encounters in Performance Philosophy. PalgraveMacmillan. pp. 147-170.
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    Philosophy's big questions: comparing Buddhist and Western approaches.Steven M. Emmanuel (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Certain questions have recurred throughout the history of philosophy. They are the big questions-about happiness and the good life, the limits of knowledge, the ultimate structure of reality, the nature of consciousness, the relation between causality and free will, the pervasiveness of suffering, and the conditions for a just and flourishing society-that thinkers in different cultures across the ages have formulated in their own terms in an attempt to make sense of their lives and the world around them. The essays (...)
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    ICT evaluation models and performance of medium and small enterprises.Emmanuel O. Adu & Anass Bayaga - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 20 (1-2):9-24.
    Building on prior research related to impact of information communication technology and operational risk management in the context of medium and small enterprises, the focus of this study was to investigate the relationship between ICT operational risk management and performances of MSEs. To achieve the focus, the research investigated evaluating models for understanding the value of ICT ORM in MSEs. Multiple regression, Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance and Repeated-Measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance were performed. The findings of the distribution revealed that (...)
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    Prospects of Ecclesia in Africa in the Twenty-first Century.Emmanuel Katongole - 2001 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 4 (1):178-195.
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    Health and human rights: epistemological status and perspectives of development.Emmanuel Kabengele Mpinga, Leslie London & Philippe Chastonay - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (3):237-247.
    The health and human rights movement (HHR) shows obvious signs of maturation both internally and externally. Yet there are still many questions to be addressed. These issues include the movement’s epistemological status and its perspectives of development. This paper discusses critically the conditions of emergence of HHR, its identity, its dominant schools of thought, its epistemological postures and its methodological issues. Our analysis shows that: (a) the epistemological status of HHR is ambiguous; (b) its identity is uncertain in the absence (...)
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    Présentation.Emmanuel Raufflet & Mailhot - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    Au cours des dernières années, un double phénomène autour des grands projets dits « de développement économique » a été observé. D’une part, les controverses socio-économiques et environnementales autour de ces projets se multiplient ; elles portent sur leurs aspects tant sociaux, qu’économiques, politique et environnementaux. Elles attirent l’attention des médias et des sciences sociales, qui interprètent et influencent la trajectoire de ces controverses en temps réel. D’autre part, ces cont...
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    Hegel, la naturalisation de la dialectique.Emmanuel Renault - 2001 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    La philosophie de la nature de l'Encyclopedie des sciences philosophiques fut, jusqu'a une date recente, presque ignoree par les etudes hegeliennes. Hegel s'y serait rendu coupable d'une pretention a concurrencer les sciences positives sur leur propre terrain et a rivaliser avec elles, en revelant a la fois son incomprehension de la scientificite la mieux etablie et la faible rationalite de son propre projet. Une lecture attentive permet de rectifier ces prejuges, en montrant non seulement que Hegel s'y trouve attentif et (...)
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    Getting in Touch. Aristotelian Diagnostics.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - In Richard Kearney & Brian Treanor (eds.), Carnal Hermeneutics. New York: Fordham. pp. 57-72.
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    Helen Verran and the Question of African Logic.Emmanuel Ofuasia - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-10.
    Hitherto, the African intellect had been decimated by notable European scholars such as David Hume, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Hegel, Lucien Levy-Bruhl to name a few. The common denominator among these male scholars is that the African intellect is not yet developed to the extent that it can accommodate logical reasoning. Whereas notable African scholars have responded to these charges as misleading whilst exploring ways of coming up with a logic system that can mediate the theory, thought and practice peculiar to (...)
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  35. Der Leib, ein 'merkwürdig unvollkommen konstituiertes Ding'.Emmanuel Alloa & Natalie Depraz - 2012 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.), Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
  36. La phénoménologie comme science de l’homme sans l’homme.Emmanuel Alloa - 2010 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 72 (1):79-100.
    Husserlian phenomenology sets off as a fundamental rejection of those psychologisms and anthropologisms that deduce the structures of appearance from some preexisting essence of man. However, despite a clear rejection of all anthropological foundations of phenomenology, the examples of Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty show that the question of man continues to haunt the phenomenological project and constitutes something like a ‘blind spot’. Relating these unspoken tensions to another historical ‘scene’ (the debate between the Sophists and Aristotle), the article argues why (...)
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    Abstract: Flesh as embodied Diacritics.Emmanuel Alloa - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:262-262.
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    Architectures of transparency.Emmanuel Alloa - 2008 - Res. Anthropology and Aesthetics 53 (Spring-Autumn):321-330.
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    Über Ausstellungszeit : Zur Sozialfotografie von Jacob Riis.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 26 (1):141-157.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 1 Seiten: 141-157.
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    Escritura, encarnação, temporização: Merleau-Ponty e Derrida acerca de A origem da Geometria.Emmanuel Alloa - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (1).
    A história intelectual do século XX tem sido escrita ao longo de um cenário que vê, na morte de Merleau-Ponty em 1961, a linha de divisória entre uma geração existencial e fenomenológica e o evento do estruturalismo imediatamente subsequente. A publicação das notas de leitura de Merleau-Ponty sobre o texto A origem da geometria, de Edmund Husserl, tem mostrado quão frágeis são os alicerces desta leitura simplificadora. Na verdade, enquanto a tradução e introdução de Derrida ao texto de Husserl, de (...)
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    Ex propria industria.Emmanuel Alloa - 2011 - In Sibylle Schmidt, Sybille Krämer & Ramon Voges (eds.), Politik der Zeugenschaft: zur Kritik einer Wissenspraxis. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 67-90.
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    »…ein Reden und ein Denken, das nicht wir haben«. Zur Figur der indirekten Rede bei Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2008 - In Alice Lagaay & Emmanuel Alloa (eds.), Nicht(s) Sagen: Strategien der Sprachabwendung Im 20. Jahrhundert. Transcript. pp. 207-224.
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    La transparence est notre censure.Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - Multitudes 73 (4):56-61.
    Contrairement à ce qu’on continue d’affirmer, l’âge de la censure n’a pas été remplacé par un âge de la transparence. Dans les régimes post-répressifs qui caractérisent nos sociétés, la transparence représente une forme nouvelle, particulièrement efficace – car imperceptible – de censure. Si la nature de ce nouveau mécanisme de sélection nous échappe encore, c’est parce que nous restons prisonniers d’une conception moderne – et prohibitive – de ce qu’est la censure. Pourtant, à ses origines, l’institution du « census » (...)
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  44. Leibverständnis und Leibvergessenheit. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge.Emmanuel Alloa (ed.) - 2022 - Alber.
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    Umkämpfte Zeugenschaft: Der Fall Serena N. im Brennpunkt von Holocaust-Forschung, Psychoanalyse und Philosophie.Emmanuel Alloa - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (6):1008-1023.
    The article focuses on a controversy between historians and psychoanalysts around the testimonial value of a Holocaust survivor (Serena N.). The survivor’s account of the Auschwitz uprising includes factual exaggerations, which has led historians to discard it. Psychoanalysts on the contrary stressed that the testimony accounted for something else: the possibility of resistance in the concentration camp, which gave the inmates hope in their struggle for survival. Survivors’ testimonies, so the argument, have both an epistemological and an ethical content. While (...)
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    Structure de l'art et structure de l'esprit.Emmanuel Anati - 2006 - Diogène 214 (2):95-115.
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    From Categories to Existentialia: The Programmed Destruction of Philosophy.Emmanuel Faye - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (4):274-291.
    ABSTRACTThis essay tracks Heidegger’s thought from 1919 forwards to the decisive years of his political engagement, on behalf of the Nazi movement. Part 1 tracks how the question concerning Being devolves into the implicitly identitarian question of who “we” are. Part 2 addresses the “existential” of Befindlichkeit which Heidegger in Sein und Zeit positions as prior to understanding, and examines his esoteric mode of writing as the means to cultivate a prerational Stimmung. Part 3 examines Heidegger’s response to his 1929–1930 (...)
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  48. A Critical Evaluation Of Traditional African Family System And Contemporary Social Welfare.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Elizabeth Okon John - 2019 - Nduñòde 15 (1).
    Beyond reasonable doubt, the influence of Western culture and civilizations has enervated traditional African family systems, and their functions as providers of social welfare. Hitherto, traditional African family and clan by extension served as the plausible medium by which Africans proffered solutions to those social, economic and other existential problems found within their communities. However, measuring and evaluating the successes of the various social welfare programs organized by the family and clan was a difficult task to achieve. It seems the (...)
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    African Philosophy of Religion and Western Monotheism.Emmanuel Ofuasia - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):289-292.
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  50. Soggettività e razza negli scritti di Martin Heidegger.Emmanuel Faye - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia 103 (1):69-90.
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