Results for 'Emilia Kramkowska'

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  1.  11
    Spinoza, ricerche e prospettive: per una storia dello spinozismo in Italia: atti delle Giornate di studio in ricordo di Emilia Giancotti, Urbino, 2-4 ottobre 2002.Emilia Giancotti, Daniela Bostrenghi & Cristina Santinelli (eds.) - 2007 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    L'héritage de Hegel =.Emilia Angelova & Kaveh Boveiri (eds.) - 2022 - Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard and Melanie Klein on Rationality.Emilia Steuerman - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Bounds of Reason: Habermas, Lyotard & Melanie Klein on Rationality_ is a highly original yet accessible study of the debate between modernity and postmodernity. Emilia Steuerman clearly explains the modernity/postmodernity dispute by examining the problem that has driven the whole debate: whether the use of reason is an emancipatory or enslaving force. Steuerman clearly sets out this debate by critically examining the arguments of two of its key proponents, Jurgen Habermas and Jean-François Lyotard. She clearly explains Habermas' defence (...)
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    A Continuity Between the A and B Deductions of the Critique.Emilia Angelova - 2009 - Idealistic Studies 39 (1-3):53-69.
    Heidegger’s Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics controversially claims that the A deduction is superior to the B deduction because the imagination, as the“common root” of understanding and sensibility, opens the first Critique to metaphysical ground. Drawing on Dieter Henrich, this paper reinterprets Heidegger’sreading by moving beyond the Analytic and taking the Dialectic into account. This suggests a continuity between the A and B deductions, namely that the imagination, as more than an ontic faculty, remains a basic power that keeps (...)
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  5. Heidegger and Descartes.Emilia Angelova - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson, The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 13--97.
  6. Robert R. Williams, ed., Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Right Reviewed by.Emilia Angelova - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (3):229-231.
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    La materia della mente: lavori in corso.Emilia Barile - 2007 - Roma: Aracne.
  8. La Risalat al-safiha al-mustaraka ala al-sakkaziyya de Ibn al-Banna' de Marrakus.Emilia Calvo - 1989 - Al-Qantara 10 (1):21-50.
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    Mapping the protest. Static, dynamic, and spatial qualities of Occupy and Indignados movements protests in Spain and the United States of America in 2011-2012.Emilia Jeziorowska - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 41:51-63.
    This article examines the topic of protest mapping during the rise of Occupy Wall Street in the United States in 2011–2012. It focuses on various practices of protest mapping, including a con­sideration of how space (public, urban, or of the protest camp) is represented in the visual sources discussed. It also addresses the qualitative difference between protest mapping and other mapping practices, as well as the categorization of protest mapping terms. Using the method of source analysis and online research, the (...)
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    Nowe wcielenie biopolityki.Emilia Kaczmarek - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 19:281-293.
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    The Hurrians.Emilia Masson - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):87-.
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    On the reception of marxism in bulgaria.Emilia Mineva - 2001 - Studies in East European Thought 53 (1-2):61-74.
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    A natureza do filósofo.Emilia Maria Mendonça de Morais - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):473-488.
  14. Concetto e funzione della dialettica nella linea di svolgimento del pensiero di Kant: introduzione allo studio della dialettica della Ragion pura-pratica.Emilia Nobile - 1940 - Napoli: L. Loffredo.
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  15. La legge morale alla luce del dualismo filosofico.Emilia Nobile - 1943 - Napoli,: G. U. F. "Mussolini," Sezione editoriale.
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    La confianza en el Derecho. Un centro de gravedad permanente.Emilia Bea Pérez - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:27-36.
    En el marco del debate suscitado por el último libro de Tommaso Greco, la re-flexión se centrará en el doble sentido evocado en el título del presente trabajo: confiar en el derecho y en el papel que la confianza juega dentro de él. Frente a la perspectiva antropológico-jurídica dominante, fundada en la desconfianza, la sospecha y el temor, abordamos un paradigma alternativo, basado en la necesidad de fiarse del otro y en el establecimiento de lazos cooperativos, cuyo núcleo reside en (...)
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  17.  24
    Exploring the Nuanced Links Between Internet Use and Subjective Well-Being Among Older Adults: A Nordic Population-Based Study.Emilia W. E. Viklund & Anna K. Forsman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    AimThe aim was to explore the various associations between subjective well-being and internet use among older adults in two regions in Finland and Sweden.MethodsThe data was collected through a population-based survey as part of the GERDA project conducted in 2016. The connection between subjective well-being and internet use was studied by conducting binary regression analyses, calculating odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. The analyses also controlled for key subjective well-being covariates.ResultsStatistically significant associations were found between perceived life meaningfulness and internet (...)
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  18.  12
    „Woprosy Fiłosofii” o naukowości etyki.Emilia Żyro - 1967 - Etyka 2:309-314.
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  19.  10
    W. I. Lenin o kryterium moralności komunistycznej.Emilia Żyro - 1968 - Etyka 3:29-30.
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  20.  76
    How to distinguish medicalization from over-medicalization?Emilia Kaczmarek - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):119-128.
    Is medicalization always harmful? When does medicine overstep its proper boundaries? The aim of this article is to outline the pragmatic criteria for distinguishing between medicalization and over-medicalization. The consequences of considering a phenomenon to be a medical problem may take radically different forms depending on whether the problem in question is correctly or incorrectly perceived as a medical issue. Neither indiscriminate acceptance of medicalization of subsequent areas of human existence, nor criticizing new medicalization cases just because they are medicalization (...)
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  21. Understanding Moral Judgments: The Role of the Agent’s Characteristics in Moral Evaluations.Emilia Alexandra Antonese - 2015 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (2): 203-213.
    Traditional studies have shown that the moral judgments are influenced by many biasing factors, like the consequences of a behavior, certain characteristics of the agent who commits the act, or the words chosen to describe the behavior. In the present study we investigated a new factor that could bias the evaluation of morally relevant human behavior: the perceived similarity between the participants and the agent described in the moral scenario. The participants read a story about a driver who illegally overtook (...)
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    Rethinking Facticity.Emilia Angelova - 2009 - Symposium 13 (1):137-140.
  23.  63
    Mística y Política En El Discurso Femenino Contemporáneo.Emilia Bea - 2007 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 41:33-50.
    El estudio reflexiona sobre la relación entre la mística y la política a través del discurso de una serie de pensadoras contemporáneas que comprometieron su vida con la causa de los oprimidos y de las víctimas. Dorothy Day, Etty Hillesum, María Skobtsov, Edith Stein, Simone Weil y María Zambrano, con su escritura humanizadora y de resistente, nos proporcionan un mensaje con el que construir un pensamiento compasivo y poético para iluminar un mundo desencantado.
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  24. Vers une civilisation du travail. Action et contemplation dans la pensée de Simone Weil.Emilia Bea & Cristina Basili - 2019 - In Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel, Simone Weil, réception et transposition. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Comentário ao artigo “Liberdade democrática como desenvolvimento de si, resistência à opressão e à injustiça epistêmica” Da liberdade democrática à vontade de potência: comentários ao texto de Gustavo Hessmann Dalaqua.Emília Carvalho Leitão Biato - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):235-238.
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    Gait Pattern and Motor Performance During Discrete Gait Perturbation in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Emilia Biffi, Cristina Costantini, Silvia Busti Ceccarelli, Ambra Cesareo, Gian Marco Marzocchi, Maria Nobile, Massimo Molteni & Alessandro Crippa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Hegel's Monism and Christianity.Emilia Digby - 1896 - The Monist 7 (1):114-119.
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  28. Che cosa ha veramente detto Spinoza.Emilia Giancotti - 1972 - Roma,: Ubaldini.
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  29. La teoria del'Assolutismo in hobbes e Spinoza.Emilia Giancotti - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:231-258.
  30.  21
    On Direct Limit Closed Classes of Algebras.Emília Halušková - 2016 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (3/4).
    Axiomatic classes of algebras of a given type which are closed with respect to direct limits are studied in this paper.
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    Comparative studies, phylogenies and predictions of coevolutionary relationships.Emília P. Martins - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):714-716.
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    Tortura,¿ nunca más? Reflexiones ante el riesgo posthumanista.Emilia Bea Pérez - 2007 - In Jesús Ballesteros & Encarna Fernández, Biotecnología y posthumanismo. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Editorial Aranzadi.
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    Sexing hormones and materializing gender in Brazil.Emilia Sanabria - 2014 - Clio 37.
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    Storici e storia in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento.Emilia Scarcella - 2010 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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  35. El contexto de la hermenéutica analógica.Emilia Irina Strat - 2005 - Analogía Filosófica 19 (2):139-152.
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  36.  12
    Orizzonti della bioetica: strategie formative per nuovi scenari di cittadinanza.Emilia Taglialatela - 2023 - Roma: Lithos.
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  37.  22
    Notes on the International Society for Universal Dialogue.Emilia A. Tajsin - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):243-252.
    Neither for today’s Russia, nor for the whole of the contemporary world is there, perhaps, a more important issue than the possibility of a civilized, peaceful dialogue between cultures, peoples, governments and individuals. The International Society for Universal Dialogue is one among other philosophical schools, societies and organizations which promote the idea of universal dialogue. It tries to solve problems associated with language and ideological barriers, strengthening professional and friendly ties and implementation, through joint efforts, of a peaceful and fair (...)
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  38.  43
    The bounds of reason: Habermas, Lyotard, and Melanie Klein on rationality.Emilia Steuerman - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    What is the meaning of reason in our postmodern society today? Is reason a weapon of domination, or can it also serve as a means for emancipation? Is it possible for reason to understand its "other"--what it is not? Confronting such questions, Bounds of Reason is a compelling discussion of the limits and meaning of rationality as a tool for understanding the ideas of truth, justice and freedom. Emilia Steuerman explores the modernist and postmodernist controversy between Habermas and Lyotard (...)
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  39.  19
    Characterizing strong equivalence for argumentation frameworks.Emilia Oikarinen & Stefan Woltran - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (14-15):1985-2009.
  40.  21
    Військово-медична авіація в україні: Історія і сучасність.Kazan Emilia - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):58-63.
    The article analyzes the historical experience of creation and development of military medical aircraft in Ukraine from the 1920s. to the present. In particular, reviewed the activity of Design Bureaus of K. Kalinin and O. Antonov. Special attention is paid to the creation of military medical aircraft after Ukraine gained independence in 1991 and their application to evacuate the wounded during Armed conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2014-2016. The first attempt of creation a sanitary aircraft were made in (...)
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    Lezioni sull'illuminismo: atti del seminario di studi organizzato dalla Provincia de Reggio Emilia, ottobre 1978-febbraio 1979.Paolo Rossi & Reggio Emilia Province) - 1980 - Feltrinelli.
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    Pensare Damasio.Emilia Barile - 2014 - Rome: Ledizioni. Edited by Emilia Barile.
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    Ángeles Solanes Corella, ¿Castigar o premiar? Las sanciones positivas.Emilia Bea - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 51:401-410.
    Este artículo reseña: Ángeles SOLANES CORELLA, ¿Castigar o premiar? Las sanciones positivas,Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2023, 320 pp.
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    Carlos Feíxa Pámpols: jóvenes la emergencia de nuevas formas de ser y estar.Emilia Bermúdez - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (57):5-6.
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  45. Leftist Critique or Fight for Democracy? ‟Contimporanul” Covering the Trial From Dealul Spirii.Emilia Faur - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:69-83.
    Leftist Critique or Fight for Democracy? Contimporanul Covering the Trial from Dealul Spirii. The general knowledge about the political dimension of the Romanian historical avant-garde places the groups on the left of the political spectrum. However, there is little work on what this means precisely when it comes to the concrete historical situations. It may well be that Contimporanul, the main press organ of the avant-garde supported a political agenda of socialist origin, but what does it mean specifically? In order (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Gorset i skalpel.Emilia Kaczmarek - 2014 - Civitas 16:191-198.
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    Philosophical Truth in Mathematical Terms and Literature Analogies.Emilia Anvarovna Taissina - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:273-278.
    The article is based upon the following starting position. In this post-modern time, it seems that no scholar in Europe supports what is called “Enlightenment Project” with its naïve objectivism and Correspondence Theory of Truth1, - though not being really hostile, just strongly skeptical about it. No old-fasioned “classical” academical texts; only His Majesty Discourse as chain of interpretations and reinterpretations. What was called objectivity “proved to be” intersubjectivity; what was called Object (in Latin and German and Russian tradition) now (...)
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  48.  13
    Tiempo humano y tiempo natural: una distinción problemática en los debates sobre el tiempo histórico del siglo XX. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de María Emilia Arabarco.María Emilia Arabarco - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (2):e095.
    Resumen de Tesis Tiempo humano y tiempo natural: una distinción problemática en los debates sobre el tiempo histórico del siglo XX por M. E. Arabarco.
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  49. Habermas vs Lyotard: Modernity vs Postmodernity?Emilia Steuerman - 1992 - In Andrew E. Benjamin, Judging Lyotard. New York: Routledge. pp. 99--118.
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    Aksjologiczna treść pojęcia sprawiedliwości w poglądach Karola Marksa.Emilia Żyro - 1966 - Etyka 1:191-219.
    The article presents an attempt to reconstruct the axiological contents of Marx’s –concept of justice In the broadest terms, the axiological content of Marx’s concept of justice consists, in the author’s opinion, in the eternal conviction of man that it is just to render unto man what is rightfully due to him, while to deprive man of his due rights is a wrong. Accordingly, every man, by reason of his work or merits, rightly deserves the use and enjoyment of the (...)
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