Results for 'Elsa Fernandez'

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  1. Filosofía y ética gerencial para las empresas del siglo XXI.Elsa Fernandez & Leida Pino - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (1):37-50.
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    Addressing joint action challenges in HRI: Insights from psychology and philosophy.Victor Fernandez Castro, Kathleen Belhassein, Amandine Mayima, Aurélie Clodic, Elisabeth Pacherie, Michèle Guidetti, Rachid Alami & Hélène Cochet - 2022 - Acta Psychologica 222 (103476):103476.
    The vast expansion of research in human-robot interactions (HRI) these last decades has been accompanied by the design of increasingly skilled robots for engaging in joint actions with humans. However, these advances have encountered significant challenges to ensure fluent interactions and sustain human motivation through the different steps of joint action. After exploring current literature on joint action in HRI, leading to a more precise definition of these challenges, the present article proposes some perspectives borrowed from psychology and philosophy showing (...)
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    An implicit measure of undetected change.Ian Thornton & Diego Fernandez-Duque - 2000 - Spatial Vision 14 (1):21-44.
    b>—Several paradigms (e.g. change blindness, inattentional blindness, transsaccadic integra- tion) indicate that observers are often very poor at reporting changes to their visual environment. Such evidence has been used to suggest that the spatio-temporal coherence needed to represent change can only occur in the presence of focused attention. However, those studies almost always rely on explicit reports. It remains a possibility that the visual system can implicitly detect change, but that in the absence of focused attention, the change does not (...)
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  4. La edición leonina del Opus Thomisticum: Un modelo y guía para la crítica textual de manuscritos médiévales.Antonio Osuna Fernandez-Largo - 2008 - Ciencia Tomista 135 (1):5-102.
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  5. La obediencia al Derecho estatal moderno.A. Osuna Fernandez-Largo - 1991 - Estudios Filosóficos 40 (115):403-422.
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  6. La Viva traditio. Indagaciones en torno a la tradición de la Iglesia.Antonio Osuna Fernandez-Largo - 1996 - Ciencia Tomista 123 (1):115-147.
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  7. Nuestra resurrección personal. Propuestas.Antonio Osuna Fernandez-Largo - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (449):457-490.
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  8. Cronologia comparada de las intervenciones de Las Casas y Vitoria en los asuntos de América (Pauta basica para la comparacion de sus doctrinas).Isacio Pérez Fernández - 1988 - Studium 28 (2):235-264.
  9. Juan Nuix i Perpinyá, SJ, frente a Bartolomé de las Casas, OP (continuación).Isacio Pérez Fernández - 1998 - Studium 38 (1):81-114.
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    Managing Teachers' Job Attitudes: The Potential Benefits of Being a Happy and Emotional Intelligent Teacher.María Angeles Peláez-Fernández, Sergio Mérida-López, Nicolás Sánchez-Álvarez & Natalio Extremera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    According to the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, the frequency of positive emotions is associated with the development of positive attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors in organizational contexts. However, positive and negative attitudes at work might also be influenced by different personal and job resources. While emotional intelligence has been significantly associated with positive job attitudes and personal well-being, no studies have yet examined the joint role of teacher happiness and emotional intelligence in key teacher job attitudes. The present study assesses (...)
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    Axiomatizing the lexicographic products of modal logics with linear temporal logics.Philippe Balbiani & David Fernández-Duque - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 78-96.
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  12. Phenomenology, Psychopathology, and Pre-Reflective Experience.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2023 - In J. Robert Thompson (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Implicit Cognition. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this chapter, I introduce phenomenology and phenomenological psychopathology by clarifying the kind of implicit experiences that phenomenologists are concerned with. In section one, I introduce the phenomenological concept of pre-reflective experience, focusing especially on its relation to the concept of implicit experience. In section two, I introduce the structure of pre-reflective self-consciousness, which has been studied extensively by both classical phenomenologists and contemporary phenomenological psychopathologists. In section three, I show how phenomenological psychopathologists rely on an account of pre-reflective self-consciousness (...)
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    La interpretación hegeliana de la filosofía medieval / The Hegelian Interpretation of Medieval Philosophy.Arsenio Ginzo Fernández - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:87.
    The article reveals the ambivalence of the Hegelian interpretation of medieval philosophy. Hegel shares the «anti-medieval» prejudice prevailing in modern thought since the Renaissance and Reformation. In Hegel, the Protestant heritage is especially strong. Yet when he observes the subjectivist tendencies of modern Protestant theology, he proposes, as a counter-model, the more speculative and philosophical approaches of medieval thinkers.One can thus speak of a «vindication» of medieval philosophy in Hegel´s thought, despite his anti-medieval prejudice.
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  14. Delusion and self-deception: Mapping the terrain.Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández - 2008 - In Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández (eds.), Delusion and Self-Deception: Affective and Motivational Influences on Belief Formation (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science). Psychology Press. pp. 1-21.
    The papers in this volume are drawn from a workshop on delusion and self-deception, held at Macquarie University in November of 2004. Our aim was to bring together theorists working on delusions and self-deception with an eye towards identifying and fostering connections—at both empirical and conceptual levels—between these domains. As the contributions to this volume testify, there are multiple points of contact between delusion and self-deception. This introduction charts the conceptual space in which these points of contact can be located (...)
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  15. Semántica bidimensional: desarrollos recientes.Juan José Acero Fernández - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):131-137.
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    Sobre la teoría lingüística de la verdad a priori.Juan José Acero Fernández - 1975 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 46:21.
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  17. Ideología brumarista y Napoleón Bonaparte.José Manuel Fernández Cepedal - 1994 - El Basilisco 17:37-44.
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    Commitments and the sense of joint agency.Victor Fernández Castro & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2022 - Mind and Language 38 (3):889-906.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the role commitments may play in shaping our sense of joint agency. First, we propose that commitments may contribute to the generation of the sense of joint agency by stabilizing expectations and improving predictability. Second, we argue that commitments have a normative element that may bolster an agent's sense of control over the joint action and help counterbalance the potentially disruptive effects of asymmetries among agents. Finally, we discuss how commitments may contribute (...)
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    Feng shui and the Demarcation Project.Damian Fernandez-Beanato - 2021 - Science & Education 30 (6):1333–1351.
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    Imagining oneself being someone else.Jordi Fernández - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):1030-1044.
    Sometimes, one can imagine, in virtue of having some experience, that one is someone else having some property. This is puzzling if imagination is a guide to possibility, since it seems impossible for one to be someone else. In this paper, I offer a way of dissolving the puzzle. When one claims that, by having some experience, one imagines that one is someone else having some property, what one imagines, I suggest, is that if the other person had the property (...)
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  21.  36
    The Expression of Pain in "Chant de Linos" by André Jolivet.María Luz Rivera Fernández - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):93-103.
    In this article we present the profound relationship between the ideas of the Ancient Greek tradition and the aesthetics that underlies the composition at hand, Chant de Linos, a 1944 work for flute and piano by André Jolivet. Jolivet configures his language in this work from the ideas about the music that he receives from the Greek tradition and from the mythical history of Lino. We will illuminate the context and production of Jolivet at this creative stage.
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    Aprender a vivir. Existencia, pensamiento, huella en/de Derrida.Domingo Fernández Agis - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (289):277-295.
    En este trabajo abordo el problema de la herencia nietzscheana en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida como base para plantear la cuestión de la huella de éste último en la filosofía actual. Para ello, me aproximo a la relación entre vida e ideal de vida, tal como la pensaron ambos. Partiendo de este aspecto, planteo el problema de la relación entre vida y obra, la cuestión de la identidad personal, la valoración del pensamiento como actividad crítica y la cuestión de (...)
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    Las emociones en la Antigüedad: indignación y envidia en Aristóteles y Aristófanes.Claudia N. Fernández - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (1):75-98.
    El estudio de las emociones en la Antigüedad ha tenido en las últimas décadas una gran eclosión. En su desarrollo, la propuesta aristotélica de los afectos ha recibido una atención especial. En ese marco, se ha observado que la emoción de la ‘indignación’, tal como la define el Estagirita no habría recibido por parte de los griegos el nombre que este le asigna. La objeción se funda, sobre todo, en los testimonios de las oraciones forenses. Nuestra propuesta incorpora el testimonio (...)
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    Memoria, verdad y justicia en la filosofía medieval: una visión general de las teorías más influyentes.Carolina Fernández - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (2):123-144.
    Este artículo presenta algunas de las visiones filosóficas más influyentes sobre la memoria, la verdad y la justicia en el Medioevo cristiano. En todasellas están presentes, en proporción diferente, las dos tradiciones dominantes, el neoplatonismo y el aristotelismo. San Agustín, Avicena y Tomás de Aquino encarnan perspectivas crecientemente desplatonizadas sobre la memoria. En cuanto al concepto de verdad, tanto el modelo teocéntrico de Agustín como el adecuacionista de Tomás son expresiones de una corriente principal que declina en el siglo XIV. (...)
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    Reseña de Lassalle Casanave, Abel, Por Construçao de Conceitos.Max Fernández de Castro - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):180-187.
    Resumen Este artículo analiza si en la teoría de los cuatro ethe de la modernidad capitalista, desarrollada por Bolívar Echeverría, no está contenida una debilidad de principio. Se trata de saber si para arribar a sus más altas aportaciones, esta teoría no termina pagando un precio que debiera dar que pensar. ¿Acaso renuncia a la crítica de la ideología, por lo menos en la radicalidad realizada por los autores de la Teoría crítica, inspirados en este punto originalmente por Georg Lukács?This (...)
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    Rodríguez Valls, francisco. Orígenes Del hombre. La singularidad Del ser humano, madrid, biblioteca nueva, 2017.Luis Fernández Navarro - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (2).
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    The cinema of cruelty in streaming: elements of perversity in Chernobyl and years and years.Carlos Fernández-Rodríguez & Luis M. Romero-Rodríguez - 2021 - Journal for Cultural Research 25 (2):202-219.
    This study aims to diagnose how the cinema of cruelty has been inserted into mainstream culture through the current streaming series, analysing the elements of the eroticism of perversity and the c...
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    Walking a tightrope: A meta‐synthesis from frontline nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic.Sara Fernández-Basanta, Marta Castro-Rodríguez & María-Jesús Movilla-Fernández - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12492.
    Nursing staff plays a key role in the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, being in the front line of care. This study sought to synthesise the qualitative literature on care experiences of frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. A search was conducted on five databases in January 2021. Fifteen qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the research, being submitted to interpretive meta-synthesis according to the eMERGe guide. The final synthesis included a line of argument (...)
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    (1 other version)From Deficits in Emotional Intelligence to Eating Disorder Symptoms: A Sequential Path Analysis Approach Through Self-Esteem and Anxiety.María Angeles Peláez-Fernández, Juana Romero-Mesa & Natalio Extremera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Past studies have reported emotional intelligence as a relevant factor in development and maintenance of eating disorders, as well as in increasing self-esteem and reducing anxiety. Similarly, research has showed that anxiety and self-esteem are positively and negatively associated to ED criteria, respectively. However, no prior studies have yet tested the multiple intervening roles of both self-esteem and anxiety as potential mediators of the association between EI and ED symptomatology. The present study aims to bridge these gaps by testing a (...)
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    Walter Benjamin: Experiencia, Tiempo e Historia.Eugenio Fernández García - 1995 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 12:107.
    Se trata de una reflexión interdisciplinar, a partir de W. Benjamin, sobre las relaciones entre experiencia, tiempo y memoria histórica. La primera parte analiza el empobrecimiento moderno de la "erfahrung" que genera una "nueva barbarie", a la vez que experimentación innovadora, y que reclama un concepto más rico de experiencia, ligada a la totalidad concreta de la existencia. La segunda señala algunas paradojas de la memoria, muestra la inconsistencia del tiempo, cristalizado en el mito de "cronos", como principio ordenador, y (...)
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    ¿Cuerpos Posthumanos? No tan rápido.Olaya Fernández Guerrero - 2011 - Dilemata 5:181-193.
    This article reflects on transhumanism and its promise to achieve bodies which will be forever young, healthy, and highly useful. From a critical approach mainly based on feminist theory, it recalls different points against this promise, as they can work as criteria for exclusion and could end up in a denial of the body and its main features. The paper starts with some reflections on the application of biotechnologies in order to enhance human bodies. It also recalls the discussion on (...)
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  32. El cuerpo y las barreras sociales.Carlos Rubén Fernández Gutiérrez - 2004 - Critica 54 (915):38-42.
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    Epistemología y Psicoanálisis.Pablo Fernández Sergio - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 5.
    Este artículo trata de inventariar y enjuiciar las críticas que desde la filosofía de la ciencia se han realizado al psicoanálisis freudiano desde hace 30 años atrás y que hasta la fecha aún gozan de buena salud entre algunos profesores de metodología de la ciencia y algunos psicólogos que quier..
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  34. F. J. J. Buytendijk: Phénomenologie De La Rencontre.Maria Fernández Serrano & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (45):310.
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  35. Joseph Nuttin: Tendances Nouvelees Dans La Psicologie Contemporaine.M. Fernández Serrano & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (49):349.
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  36. Hijos y padres en la tele.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2005 - Critica 55 (928):66-68.
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  37. Jorge del Romero, Coordinador del Centro Sandoval.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco & Jorge del Romero - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):68-72.
  38. Imágenes y símbolos como expresión de la individualidad en la creación literaria.Angel Raimundo Fernández González - 1984 - Anuario Filosófico 17 (2):31-52.
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    Postcolonial Hope and Agency as a Contestation of Ideological Utopias in Claude McKay's: Amiable with Big Teeth.Mónica Fernández Jiménez - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):479-494.
    Abstractabstract:This article analyzes Claude McKay's last novel, Amiable with Big Teeth—recently discovered in 2017—as a piece of postcolonial utopianist writing. The novel participates in an important debate on the role of utopias and utopian writing as ideological mechanisms that perpetuate colonial structures such as the nation-state. Through a critique of the Popular Front project in the black community of 1930s Harlem, Amiable with Big Teeth vindicates local knowledges and the assessment of the specific conditions of the present—ever-changing and transformable—in the (...)
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  40. ¿Es el cosmos la única sustantividad material?Pilar Fernández Beites - 2006 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 33:463-510.
    En esta artículo se defiende que el cosmos no es un todo (una sustantividad) que se articule en meras partes, sino un agregado formado por distintos todos. Se introduce el tema partiendo de la teoría gestáltica de Wolfgang Köhler, para entrar a continuación en un terreno propiamente ontológico. En él se propone una reconstrucción de la ontología de Xavier Zubiri eliminando la tesis de la sustantividad del cosmos. El cosmos no es una magna cosa, sino un agregado de cosas; pero (...)
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  41. Deduction and abduction.Fernando Soler Toscano & Angel Nepomuceno Fernandez - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):5-16.
  42. Ignacio Ellacuria's Thoughts on Historical Processes of Political Reconciliation. An Analysis of Seven Concepts: Conflict, Violence, Cause, Dialogue, Pacification, Peace and Reconciliation.José Sols Lucía & Juan Camilo Pérez Fernández - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (251):103-124.
  43. Understanding My Avatar: Cyberbeing, Bio- Digital Personhood, and Fictional Transcendences from an Orthodox Perspective.Inti Yanes & Inti Yanes-Fernandez - 2019 - In Jess Gilbert Sergey Trostyanskiy (ed.), The Mystical Tradition of the Eastern Church: Studies in Patristics, Liturgy, and Practice. pp. 193–216.
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  44. Abyectos, cutres, horteras... La frikimanía nacional.Virginia Fernández - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):93.
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  45. Alternativas epistémicas para las ciencias sociales desde el Sur.Álvaro B. Márquez Fernández - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 70 (1):83-97.
    En este trabajo se propone la interpretación de cuatro movimientos alternativos para repensar las ciencias sociales desde una episteme liberadora desde el Sur. Se trata, también, además de repensar, por supuesto, de recrear a partir de la filosofía inter- cultural, el otro logos científico del pensamiento socio-político latinoamericano. Para lograr estos fines, las alternativas se conciben a partir de: i) un proyecto epistémico que de cabida a la investigación complejaya la formación transdisciplinar de investigadores; ii) un proyecto ético que permita (...)
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    Consistencia/Coherencia.José Miguel Sagüillo Fernández-Vega - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  47. (1 other version)Crónica científico-social de Cuba.J. M. FernÁndez - 1916 - Ciencia Tomista 12:463-465.
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  48. Católicos y judíos,¿ hermanos?Demetrio Fernández González - 1999 - Verdad y Vida 57 (224):25-44.
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  49. Dos curas de ficción y uno real.Virginia Fernández - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):95.
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    Dioses, héroes y orígenes del mundo: Lecturas de mitología.María del Pilar Fernández Deagustini - 2009 - Synthesis (la Plata) 16:217-220.
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