Results for 'Elmer Hankiss'

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  1.  19
    Educating for Democracy: Paideia in an Age of Uncertainty.Mona Abousenna, Alexander Ageev, Alexander Chumakov, William Desmond, Dr Ovadia Ezra, Eduard Girusov, Charles L. Glenn, Bradley Googins, Sidney Griffith, Elmer Hankiss, Vittorio Hosle, Elena Karpuhina, Steven Katz, Nur Kirabiev, Vladislav Lektorsky, Igor Lukes, Alexei Malashenko, Katherine Marshall, Alan Olson, James Post, Sheila Puffer, Kurt Salamun, John Silbur, David Steiner, Viachaslav Stepin, Bassam Tibi, Elena Trubina, Irina Tuuli, Mourad Wahba & Gregory Walters (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The central conflicts of the world today are closely related to cultural, traditional, and religious differences between nations. As we move to a globalized world, these differences often become magnified, entrenched, and the cause of bloody conflict. Growing out of a conference of distinguished scholars from the Middle East, Europe, and the United States, this volume is a singular contribution to mutual understanding and cooperative efforts on behalf of peace. The term paideia, drawn from Greek philosophy, has to do with (...)
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  2.  12
    Fears and Symbols: An Introduction to the Study of Western Civilization.Elemér Hankiss - 2001 - Central European University Press.
    An encyclopedic study on the role that fear and anxiety have played as the organizing motives of human existence and social life. Hankiss explains how human beings have surrounded themselves with protective symbols: myths and religions, values and belief systems, ideas and scientific theories, moral and practical rules of behaviour, and a wide range of everyday rituals and trivialities.
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    Review of M. C. Elmer: The Sociology of the Family[REVIEW]M. C. Elmer - 1946 - Ethics 56 (2):147-148.
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    The Science of Mentation.Elmer Gates - 1895 - The Monist 5 (4):574-597.
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    The science of mentation and some new general methods of psychologic research.Elmer Gates - 1894 - The Monist 5 (4):574 - 597.
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    The morality of scientists.Elmer C. Hall, Charles M. Huguley, Panagiotis N. Symbas & Neil C. Moran - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    A befejezetlen ember: gondolatok a világról, az emberről, a szabadságról.Elemér Hankiss - 2014 - [Budapest]: Helikon.
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    Az emberi kaland: egy civilizáció-elmélet vázlata.Elemér Hankiss - 1998
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    Globalization and the end of the nation state?Elemer Hankiss - 1999 - World Futures 53 (2):135-147.
  10.  90
    The aesthetic mechanism of tragic experience in Hamlet.Elemér Hankiss - 1965 - British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (4):368-381.
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    The Democratic Puzzle: Has Hungary Solved It?Elemér Hankiss - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (4):487-502.
    This article is an attempt to describe how far democracy has developed in Hungary since 1989. It takes an inventory of those factors that have been described by political scientists as essential criteria for a working democracy and considers how far these criteria have been satisfied in Hungary up to now. It concludes that every democracy in the world must struggle with deficiencies, every society must incessantly work to solve the emerging problems and to rearrange the pieces of the 'democratic (...)
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  12.  43
    The rope dancers.Elemer Hankiss - 1996 - World Futures 47 (4):263-276.
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  13.  32
    The "Second Society": Is There an Alternative Social Model Emerging in Contemporary Hungary?Elemer Hankiss - 1988 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 55.
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  14. Friedrich Nietzsche: Instrumentalist.Elmer Hartzel - 1938 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 19 (4):379.
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    The grand social enterprise.Elmer Louis Kayser - 1932 - New York,: New York.
  16. God's Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology.Elmer A. Martens - 1981
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    Spinoza and religion.Elmer Ellsworth Powell - 1906 - Chicago,: The Open court publishing company; [etc., etc.].
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    The Downfall of Oratory: Our Undemocratic Arts.Elmer Edgar Stoll - 1946 - Journal of the History of Ideas 7 (1/4):3.
  19.  38
    A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful.Elmer H. Duncan - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (1):113-113.
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  20. The Small Sects in America.Elmer T. Clark - 1949
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  21.  13
    Die Darstellung des heidnischen Altars auf gotländischen Bildsteinen und der Runenstein von Elgesem. Diskussionsbeitrag.Elmer H. Antonsen - 1984 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 18 (1):334-335.
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  22. The Font and the Table.Elmer J. F. Arndt - 1967
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    The psychology of religious awakening.Elmer Talmage Clark - 1929 - New York,: Macmillan.
  24. Toward Root Metaphor: Pepper's Writings in the University of California Publications in Philosophy.Elmer Duncan - 1982 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 3 (4).
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    The Southwestern Philosophical Society.Elmer Duncan - 1998 - Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (1):187-194.
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    The waning of consciousness under chloroform.Elmer E. Jones - 1909 - Psychological Review 16 (1):48-54.
  27.  43
    Personality and the good: Psychological and ethical perspectives.Elmer Lear - 1965 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 4 (1):51-65.
  28.  65
    The Alienation of the Jewish Intellectual.Elmer N. Lear - 1972 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 47 (2):201-210.
    What are the taproots of estrangement among that breed of intellectual recognized as Jewish by accident of birth who have severed their religio-ethnic ties?
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    The effects of busing on the achievement of white and Black students.Elmer A. Lemke - 1979 - Educational Studies 9 (4):401-406.
  30. Jeremiah, Chronologically Arranged, Translated, and Interpreted.Elmer A. Leslie - 1954
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  31. Knowledge and value.Elmer Sprague (ed.) - 1967 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  32.  22
    The Archive, the Native American, and Jefferson's Convulsions.Jonathan Elmer - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):5-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Archive, The Native American, and Jefferson’s ConvulsionsJonathan Elmer (bio)1 Saxa loquunturTrauma theory proposes that there are inscriptions that befuddle any clean divide between present and past, records that have been neither selected nor destroyed by evolutionary veto but remain in some kind of limbo, “in abeyance,” as Jacques Lacan phrases it, “awaiting attention.” In a typical maneuver, Lacan emphasizes a double meaning in the French—the “reality” awaiting (...)
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  33.  9
    Teaching for Commitment: Liberal Education, Indoctrination, and Christian Nurture.Elmer John Thiessen - 1993 - McGill-Queens University Press.
    This book defends Christian nurture and education against the frequently made charge of indoctrination. It argues that Christian education is fully compatible with a liberal education.
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    Functional Connectivity in the Left Dorsal Stream Facilitates Simultaneous Language Translation: An EEG Study.Stefan Elmer & Jürg Kühnis - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Must we mislead the public?Elmer Holmes Davis - 1951 - Minneapolis: [Twin Cities Local, American Newspaper Guild and School of Journalism, University of Minnesota.
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  36. The Text, Canon, and Principal Versions of the Bible.Elmer E. Flack & Bruce M. Metzger - 1956
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  37.  10
    Az ember és az antilop: beszélgetések a szabadságról, a szépségről és sok minden másról.Elemér Hankiss (ed.) - 2001 - [Budapest]: Helikon.
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  38.  13
    A Nincsből a Van felé: gondolatok az élet értelméről.Elemér Hankiss - 2012 - Budapest: Osiris Kiadó.
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  39.  7
    A tízparancsolat ma.Elemér Hankiss - 2002 - Budapest: Helikon.
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  40. Érték és társadalom: tanulmányok az értékszociológia köréből.Elemér Hankiss - 1977 - Budapest: Magvető.
    Megismerés és értékelés.--A komikus határhelyzet.--Donald kacsa és a szemiotika.--Hogyan fér bele egy táj egy háromsoros versbe?--Miért nem írhatott Shakespeare vagy O'Neill jobb tragédiákat mint Szophoklész?--Túl vagy innen jón és rosszon?--A halál és a happy ending.--Remekművek terrora.--A tanári pálya foglalkozśi ártalmairól.--Szentgyörgyök és sárkányok.--Az igazságosságról.--Mit tartunk majd jónak, igaznak és szépnek 2000-ben?
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  41.  15
    Meaning as a Source of Aesthetic Experience.Elemér Hankiss - 1972 - Semiotica 6 (3).
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    Érték és társadalom: tanulmányok az értékszociológia köréből.Elemér Hankiss - 1977
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  43. 1. An Intimate View.Elmer A. Leslie - 1954 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 35 (4):357.
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  44.  35
    Spinozas Gottesbegriff.Elmer E. Powell - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:657.
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  45.  72
    Hume, Henry More and the Design Argument.Elmer Sprague - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):305-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:305 HUME, HENRY MORE AND THE DESIGN ARGUMENT This paper is a contribution to research on the sources of Hume's statement of the design argument, whose analysis is the great subject of Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. My surmise is that Hume's statement is probably his own. It is not a direct quotation from any source, but more 2 likely a fabrication drawn from several sources which presents the strongest (...)
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  46. Knowledge and Value Introductory Readings in Philosophy.Elmer Sprague & Paul W. Taylor - 1959 - Harcourt, Brace.
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    Metaphysical thinking.Elmer Sprague - 1978 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Without Proof or Evidence: Essays of O. K. Bouwsma.Elmer Spraglie - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (3):151-153.
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    Symbolism in Moby Dick.Elmer E. Stoll - 1951 - Journal of the History of Ideas 12 (1/4):440.
  50. Response to Ben Spiecker.Elmer John Thiessen - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15:293-300.
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