Results for 'Elizabeth P. Quintero'

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  1. The whole world is a chorus : Paulo Freire's influence.Elizabeth P. Quintero - 2022 - In Lynn E. Cohen & Sandra Waite-Stupiansky, Theories of early childhood education: developmental, behaviorist, and critical. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Miguel de Unamuno.Elizabeth P. Crowe - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:352-354.
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    Women's public image in Italian honorary inscriptions.Elizabeth P. Forbis - 1990 - American Journal of Philology 111 (4).
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  4. Jose & Marilyn Pardo: Balance Sheet.Elizabeth P. Orbeta - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):357-359.
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    The post-classical greek agora - (c.P.) Dickenson on the agora. The evolution of a public space in hellenistic and Roman greece (c. 323 bc – 267 ad ). ( Mnemosyne supplements 398.) Pp. XVIII + 480, b/w & colour ills, maps. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2017. Cased, €175, us$194. Isbn: 978-90-04-32671-2. [REVIEW]Elizabeth P. Baltes - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):208-210.
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    Racism, Not Race: A Physician Perspective on Anti‐Black Racism in America.Elizabeth P. Clayborne - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):29-31.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S29-S31, March‐April 2022.
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    The Gender Binary Meets the Gender-Variant Child: Parents’ Negotiations with Childhood Gender Variance.Elizabeth P. Rahilly - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (3):338-361.
    Until recently, raising a young child as transgender was culturally unintelligible. Most scholarship on transgender identity refers to adults’ experiences and perspectives. Now, the increasing visibility of gender-variant children, as they are identified by the parents who raise them, presents new opportunities to examine how individuals confront the gender binary and imagine more gender-inclusive possibilities. Drawing on Foucault’s notion of “truth regime” to conceptualize the regulatory forces of the gender binary in everyday life, this work examines the strategies of 24 (...)
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    Book Review: E. Öhlmann and J. Stork (Eds.), Religious Communities and Ecological Sustainability in Southern Africa and Beyond. [REVIEW]Elizabeth P. Motswapong - 2023 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 3:157-166.
    This is a book review of Philipp Öhlmann & Juliane Stork (Eds.), Religious Communities and Ecological Sustainability in Southern Africa and Beyond, Globethics Sustainability Series No. 1, Geneva: Globethics Publications, 2024, ISBN 978-2-88931-548-2. Following the great importance of the Southern African region for the debates on Sustainability and Climate change, the proposed book tackles many of the issues around the topic. Extracted from the 2020 expert consultations Religious Communities and Ecological Sustainability in Southern Africa (RCSD Berlin) and Water, Environment and (...)
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    Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: How Bioethics Can Learn from Organized Medicine.Marcella Nunez-Smith & Elizabeth P. Clayborne - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):1-2.
    As physicians, the supreme importance of health and its integral role in any individual’s pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is exhibited on a daily basis. It is abundantly clear that without h...
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    Cognitive and temperamental vulnerability to depression: Longitudinal associations with regional cortical activity.Elizabeth P. Hayden, Stewart A. Shankman, Thomas M. Olino, C. Emily Durbin, Craig E. Tenke, Gerard E. Bruder & Daniel N. Klein - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (7):1415-1428.
  11. The relationships among working memory, math anxiety, and performance.Mark H. Ashcraft & Elizabeth P. Kirk - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (2):224.
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    Stability of self-referent encoding task performance and associations with change in depressive symptoms from early to middle childhood.Brandon L. Goldstein, Elizabeth P. Hayden & Daniel N. Klein - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1445-1455.
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    Long-term transformations in the Sundarbans wetlands forests of Bengal.John F. Richards & Elizabeth P. Flint - 1990 - Agriculture and Human Values 7 (2):17-33.
    The landscape of the Sundarbans today is a product of two countervailing forces: conversion of wetland forests to cropland vs. sequestration of the forests in reserves to be managed for long-term sustained yield of wood products. For two centures, land-hungry peasants strove to transform the native tidal forest vegetation into an agroecosystem dominated by paddy rice and fish culture. During the colonial period, their reclamation efforts were encouraged by landlords and speculators, who were themselves encouraged by increasingly favorable state policies (...)
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    (1 other version)Business troubles in the republic of Ireland.Peter J. Clarke & Elizabeth P. Tierney - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (2):134–138.
    Perspectives on recent business scandals and the current debate.
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    The search for fixed generalizable limits of “pure STM” capacity: Problems with theoretical proposals based on independent chunks.K. Anders Ericsson & Elizabeth P. Kirk - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):120-121.
    Cowan's experimental techniques cannot constrain subject's recall of presented information to distinct independent chunks in short-term memory (STM). The encoding of associations in long-term memory contaminates recall of pure STM capacity. Even in task environments where the functional independence of chunks is convincingly demonstrated, individuals can increase the storage of independent chunks with deliberate practice – well above the magical number four.
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    NIK1, a host factor specialized in antiviral defense or a novel general regulator of plant immunity?Joao P. B. Machado, Otavio J. B. Brustolini, Giselle C. Mendes, Anésia A. Santos & Elizabeth P. B. Fontes - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (11):1236-1242.
    NIK1 is a receptor‐like kinase involved in plant antiviral immunity. Although NIK1 is structurally similar to the plant immune factor BAK1, which is a key regulator in plant immunity to bacterial pathogens, the NIK1‐mediated defenses do not resemble BAK1 signaling cascades. The underlying mechanism for NIK1 antiviral immunity has recently been uncovered. NIK1 activation mediates the translocation of RPL10 to the nucleus, where it interacts with LIMYB to fully down‐regulate translational machinery genes, resulting in translation inhibition of host and viral (...)
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    Sex Differences in the Brain:From Genes to Behavior: From Genes to Behavior.Jill B. Becker, Karen J. Berkley, Nori Geary, Elizabeth Hampson, James P. Herman & Elizabeth Young (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Sex is a fundamentally important biological variable. Recent years have seen significant progress in the integration of sex in many aspects of basic and clinical research, including analyses of sex differences in brain function. Significant advances in the technology available for studying the endocrine and nervous systems are now coupled with a more sophisticated awareness of the interconnections of these two communication systems of the body. A thorough understanding of the current knowledge, conceptual approaches, methodological capabilities, and challenges is a (...)
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    Revisión del estado del arte de manipuladores paralelos.P. Saravia, Darly Babeth, Herrera López, Marlon Jhair & Héctor Fabio Quintero Riaza - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Institutional review board: management and function.Elizabeth A. Bankert, Bruce G. Gordon, Elisa A. Hurley & Sharon P. Shriver (eds.) - 2022 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) invests over $37 billion per year in support of research to improve human health. All research funded by NIH that involves human subjects is subject to regulatory oversight, requiring institutions to staff and manage Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). IRB members, chairs, and the many associated human subjects protections oversight professionals who support the work of the IRB must navigate complex federal regulations issued by multiple agencies. This book is the industry standard reference work for (...)
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  20. Back to the open future.Elizabeth Barnes & Ross P. Cameron - 2011 - Philosophical Perspectives 25 (1):1-26.
    Many of us are tempted by the thought that the future is open, whereas the past is not. The future might unfold one way, or it might unfold another; but the past, having occurred, is now settled. In previous work we presented an account of what openness consists in: roughly, that the openness of the future is a matter of it being metaphysically indeterminate how things will turn out to be. We were previously concerned merely with presenting the view and (...)
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    Matthew S. Santirocco.Elizabeth Choy, Aaron Freeman, Michael Seguin, Harrison Sepulveda, Judith P. Hallett & Henry Bender - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):548-548.
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  22. Standards, students, and exploration: Creating a curriculum intersection of excellence.P. Elizabeth Pate - 2001 - In Thomas S. Dickinson, Reinventing the middle school. New York: RoutledgeFalmer. pp. 79--95.
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    Value restructures the organization of free recall.Elizabeth A. Horwath, Nina Rouhani, Sarah DuBrow & Vishnu P. Murty - 2023 - Cognition 231 (C):105315.
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    Couched in Death: Klinai and Identity in Anatolia and Beyond. By Elizabeth P. Baughan.Elizabeth Simpson - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    Couched in Death: Klinai and Identity in Anatolia and Beyond. By Elizabeth P. Baughan. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2013. Pp. xvii + 487, illus. $65.
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    A note on the information content of a consistent pairwise comparison judgment matrix of an AHP decision maker.Elizabeth E. Noble & Pedro P. Sanchez - 1993 - Theory and Decision 34 (2):99-108.
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    Explicit and Implicit Affect and Judgment in Schizotypy.Elizabeth A. Martin, Jessica P. Y. Hua, Kelsey T. Straub & John G. Kerns - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Acknowledgment of external reviewers for 2004.Elizabeth Armstrong, Ron Aminzade, Kenneth Baynes, Jerome P. Baggett, Fred Block, Christine Boyer, Gene Burns, Nick Couldry, Nick Crossley & Harry F. Dahms - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (1):109-110.
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    Graves 1 to 99.Elizabeth Carter, Harriet P. Martin, Jane Moon & J. N. Postgate - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):116.
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    Looking before you leap: A theory of motivated control of action.Peter F. Liddle Elizabeth B. Liddle, Gaia Scerif, Christopher P. Hollis, Martin J. Batty, Madeleine J. Groom, Mario Liotti - 2009 - Cognition 112 (1):141.
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    Practical wisdom as an adaptive algorithm for leadership: Integrating Eastern and Western perspectives to navigate complexity and uncertainty.Mai P. Trinh & Elizabeth A. Castillo - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (S1):45-64.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Stephanie Arnold, Kim Elizabeth Herschaf, Peter M. Anthony, Jean R. Hausheer, Raymond O’Brien, Jean Barban, Bill McDonald, Ellen Whealton, Nancy Evans Bush, Chris Batts, Karen Thomas, Erica McKenzie, Rynn Burke, Peter Baldwin Panagore, Sue Pighini, Tony Woody, Ingrid Honkala & P. M. H. Atwater - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (1):1-31.
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    Action Research for Teacher Candidates: Using Classroom Data to Enhance Instruction.Robert P. Pelton, Elizabeth Baker, Johnna Bolyard, Reagan Curtis, Jaci Webb-Dempsey, Debi Gartland, Mark Girod, David Hoppey, Geraldine Jenny, Marie LeJeune, Catherine C. Lewis, Aimee Morewood, Susan H. Pillets, Neal Shambaugh, Tracy Smiles, Robert Snyder, Linda Taylor & Steve Wojcikiewicz - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book has been written in the hopes of equipping teachers-in-training—that is, teacher candidates—with the skills needed for action research: a process that leads to focused, effective, and responsive strategies that help students succeed.
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  33. The nature of fourth graders' understandings of electric circuits.Daniel P. Shepardson & Elizabeth B. Moje - 1994 - Science Education 78 (5):489-514.
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    Development of coded emergency alarms through word-association tasks.Norman Groner, John P. Keating & Elizabeth F. Loftus - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (2):139-140.
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    Ethical climates and managerial success in Russian organizations.Satish P. Deshpande, Elizabeth George & Jacob Joseph - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (2):211 - 217.
    This study investigated employee perceptions of ethical climates in a sample of Russian organizations and the relationship between ethical climate and behaviors believed to characterize successful managers. A survey of managerial employees in Russia (n = 136) indicates that "rules" was the most reported and "independence" was the least reported ethical climate type. Those who perceived a strong link between success and ethical behavior report high levels of a "caring" climate and low levels of an "instrumental" climate. Implications for practitioners (...)
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    Frogs without polliwogs: Evolution of anuran direct development.Elizabeth M. Callery, Hung Fang & Richard P. Elinson - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (3):233-241.
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  37. Isomorphism between the Peres and Penrose Proofs of the BKS Theorem in Three Dimensions.Elizabeth Gould & P. K. Aravind - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (8):1096-1101.
    It is shown that the 33 complex rays in three dimensions used by Penrose to prove the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem have the same orthogonality relations as the 33 real rays of Peres, and therefore provide an isomorphic proof of the theorem. It is further shown that the Peres and Penrose rays are just two members of a continuous three-parameter family of unitarily inequivalent rays that prove the theorem.
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  38. Philosophical Writings: A Selection.R. Descartes, Elizabeth Anscombe & P. T. Geach - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (23):257-257.
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    Do declarative titles affect readers’ perceptions of research findings? A randomized trial.Tudor P. Toma, Iveta Simera, Douglas G. Altman & Elizabeth Wager - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundMany journals prohibit the use of declarative titles that state study findings, yet a few journals encourage or even require them. We compared the effects of a declarative versus a descriptive title on readers’ perceptions about the strength of evidence in a research abstract describing a randomized trial.MethodsStudy participants (medical or dental students or doctors attending lectures) read two abstracts describing studies of a fictitious treatment (Anticox) for a fictitious condition (Green’s syndrome). The first abstract (A1) described an uncontrolled, 10-patient, (...)
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    The Balancing Act—Ethical Issues in Parent Training Research: Confidentiality, Harm Reduction, and Methodology.Sharonne D. Herbert, Elizabeth A. Harvey & Richard P. Halgin - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (3):222-232.
    Attention and disruptive behavior disorders present considerable challenges for children and their parents. These challenges have led to the development of parenting programs; however, there is a paucity of literature that discusses the ethical dilemmas parent training researchers face. This article reviews ethical principles and professional standards relevant to parent training research and provides case material to illustrate the challenge of balancing ethical adherence and empirical rigor using three ethical issues that commonly arise in parent training research. In particular, this (...)
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    Public Reporting and Pay-for-Performance: Safety-Net Hospital Executives' Concerns and Policy Suggestions.L. Elizabeth Goldman, Stuart Henderson, Daniel P. Dohan, Jason A. Talavera & R. Adams Dudley - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (2):137-145.
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    Assent and Dissent: Ethical Considerations in Research With Toddlers.Hallie R. Brown, Elizabeth A. Harvey, Shayl F. Griffith, David H. Arnold & Richard P. Halgin - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (8):651-664.
    In accordance with ethical principles and standards, researchers conducting studies with children are expected to seek assent and respect their dissent from participation. Little attention has been given to assent and dissent in research with toddlers, who have limited cognitive and emotional capabilities. We discuss research with toddlers in the context of assent and dissent and propose guidelines to ensure that research with toddlers still adheres to ethical principles. These guidelines include designing engaging studies, monitoring refusal and distress, and partnering (...)
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    Drop-the-p: Bayesian CFA of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in Australia.Pedro Henrique Ribeiro Santiago, Adrian Quintero, Dandara Haag, Rachel Roberts, Lisa Smithers & Lisa Jamieson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    AimWe aimed to investigate whether the 12-item Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) constitutes a valid and reliable measure of social support for the general adult Australian population.MethodsData were from Australia’s National Survey of Adult Oral Health 2004–2006 and included 3899 participants aged 18 years old and over. The psychometric properties were evaluated with Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis. One-, two-, and three-factor (Significant Other, Family and Friends) structures were tested. Model fit was assessed with the posterior predictivep-value (PPPχ2), Bayesian (...)
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    A Quantum Geometric Framework for Modeling Color Similarity Judgments.Gunnar P. Epping, Elizabeth L. Fisher, Ariel M. Zeleznikow-Johnston, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Naotsugu Tsuchiya - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13231.
    Since Tversky argued that similarity judgments violate the three metric axioms, asymmetrical similarity judgments have been particularly challenging for standard, geometric models of similarity, such as multidimensional scaling. According to Tversky, asymmetrical similarity judgments are driven by differences in salience or extent of knowledge. However, the notion of salience has been difficult to operationalize, especially for perceptual stimuli for which there are no apparent differences in extent of knowledge. To investigate similarity judgments between perceptual stimuli, across three experiments, we collected (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Deborah P. Britzman, Faith Rogow, Elizabeth Ellsworth, William Haver, Kim Hall, Anne Jm Mamary, Kathleen Martindale, Alice Pitt, Greg Thomas & Bat-Ami Bar on - 1993 - Educational Studies 24 (3):225-299.
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    Autism Research: An Objective Quantitative Review of Progress and Focus Between 1994 and 2015.Caroline P. Whyatt & Elizabeth B. Torres - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Through Aristotelian Lenses, Potential Reforms of the Leveraged Buyout Model.Richard P. Nielsen & Elizabeth A. Hood - 2023 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 42 (3):401-435.
    The overall objectives of this article are to help the reader see and understand through Aristotelian lenses: (1) positive and negative aspects of the Leveraged Buyout (LBO) business model; and, (2) how LBO practices can be reformed so as to retain positives and reduce negatives. Aristotelian lenses considered are: wealth acquisition through wealth expansion, wealth creation, and wealth transfers; distributive and corrective justice; and, a dialectic analytic process of retaining positives, reducing negatives, and reforming. Key net positive wealth expansion aspects (...)
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  48. “ S knows that P ” expanded: Apology 20 d–24 B.Elizabeth Tropman & Patrick McKee - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (1):29-43.
    There are calls to expand the schema “ S knows that p ” to accommodate ways of knowing that are socially important but neglected in recent epistemology. A wider, more adequate conception of human knowing is needed that will include interested or motivated inquirers as “S,” and personal traits of persons as “ p .” Historically important treatments of knowing that accommodate these features deserve examination as part of the effort to create a broader epistemology. We find such a treatment (...)
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    Rigveda: The Earliest Religious Poetry of India. Translated by Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton.Elizabeth Tucker - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1).
    The Rigveda: The Earliest Religious Poetry of India. Translated by Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton. South Asia Research. New York. Oxford University Press, 2014. 3 vols. Pp. 1693. $420.
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    Preventive Misconception and Risk Behaviors in a Multinational HIV Prevention Trial.Jeremy Sugarman, Li Lin, Jared M. Baeten, Thesla Palanee-Phillips, Elizabeth R. Brown, Flavia Matovu Kiweewa, Nyaradzo M. Mgodi, Gonasagrie Nair, Samantha Siva, Damon M. Seils & Kevin P. Weinfurt - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (2):79-87.
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