Results for 'Elisabeth Colon'

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  1.  55
    Absence of Evidence or Evidence of Absence? Commentary: Captured by the pain: Pain steady-state evoked potentials are not modulated by selective spatial attention.Elisabeth Colon & André Mouraux - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2.  28
    Migraine in the Young Brain: Adolescents vs. Young Adults.Elisabeth Colon, Allison Ludwick, Sophie L. Wilcox, Andrew M. Youssef, Amy Danehy, Damien A. Fair, Alyssa A. Lebel, Rami Burstein, Lino Becerra & David Borsook - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  3. Slurring Perspectives.Elisabeth Camp - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (3):330-349.
    Slurs are rhetorically insidious and theoretically interesting because they communicate something above and beyond the truth-conditional predication of group membership, something which typically though not always projects across 'blocking' constructions like negation, conditionals, and indirect quotation, and which is exceptionally resistant to direct challenge. I argue that neither pure expressivism nor straightforward truth-conditionalism can account for the sort of commitment that speakers undertake by using slurs. Instead, I claim, users of slurs endorse a denigrating perspective on the targeted group.
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    Why maps are not propositional.Elisabeth Camp - 2018 - In Alex Grzankowski & Michelle Montague (eds.), Non-Propositional Intentionality. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 19-45.
    A number of philosophers and logicians have argued for the conclusion that maps are logically tractable modes of representation by analyzing them in propositional terms. But in doing so, they have often left what they mean by "propositional" undefined or unjustified. I argue that propositions are characterized by a structure that is digital, universal, asymmetrical, and recursive. There is little positive evidence that maps exhibit these features. Instead, we can better explain their functional structure by taking seriously the observation that (...)
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    Shattering the Illusion of Development: The Changing Status of Women and Challenges for the Feminist Movement in Puerto Rico.Idsa Alegria-Ortega & Alice E. Colón-Warren - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):101-117.
    In this paper we examine the weaknesses of development strategies which have been applied in Puerto Rico. The process of industrialization by invitation, referred to as Operation Bootstrap, was instituted by the United States of America by the end of the 1940s. This involved tax incentives and subsidies for companies and was dependent on industrial peace and low wages in labor-intensive, low-wage industries, especially those of textile and clothing. Naturally, women's labor was encouraged as a result of the lower cost, (...)
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    Threads of memory: the historical novel in Suriname as a writing of resistance.Natali Fabiana da Costa E. Silva - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):12-24.
    This article aims to analyze The free negress Elisabeth: prisoner of color, a historical novel from Suriname written by Cynthia McLeod. The focus given to the research intends to problematize the way the place of speech acts in the construction of the fiction, highlighting historically silenced voices. In addition, the study of the place of speech of black women during the Dutch colonization in Suriname aims to contribute to the debate on racial and gender inequality that underlies colonial societies (...)
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    Children, Collect Bones!Elisabeth Vaupel & Florian Preiß - 2018 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 26 (2):151-183.
    Knochen waren im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert ein unverzichtbarer, größtenteils importabhängiger Rohstoff der chemischen Industrie, die daraus Düngemittel, Tierfutter, Leim, Gelatine, Seife und andere Produkte herstellte. Das Thema Knochenverwertung wurde im Schulunterricht der NS-Zeit genutzt, um Jugendlichen die Relevanz des Vierjahresplans und der deutschen Autarkiepolitik zu verdeutlichen und sie zu motivieren, sich im Rahmen der Altstoffsammlungen an der heimischen Erfassung dieses Rohmaterials zu beteiligen. Diverse NS-Instanzen hatten ein differenziertes Spektrum von Lehrmitteln erarbeitet, um die Behandlung dieses Themas in der (...)
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    A Dual Act Analysis of Slurs.Elisabeth Camp - 2018 - In David Sosa (ed.), Bad Words: Philosophical Perspectives on Slurs. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 29-59.
    Slurs are incendiary terms so much that many ordinary speakers and theorists deny that sentences containing them can ever be true, and utterances where they occur embedded within normally "quarantining" contexts, like conditionals and indirect reports, are still typically offensive. At the same time, however, many speakers and theorists also find it obvious that sentences containing slurs can be true; and there are clear cases where embedding does inoculate a speaker from the slur's offensiveness. I argue that four standard accounts (...)
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  9. Insinuation, Common Ground, and the Conversational Record.Elisabeth Camp - 2018 - In Daniel Fogal, Daniel W. Harris & Matt Moss (eds.), New Work on Speech Acts. Oxford University Press. pp. 40–66.
  10. Imaginative Frames for Scientific Inquiry: Metaphors, Telling Facts, and Just-So Stories.Elisabeth Camp - 2019 - In Arnon Levy & Peter Godfrey-Smith (eds.), The Scientific Imagination. New York, US: Oup Usa. pp. 304-336.
    I distinguish among a range of distinct representational devices, which I call "frames", all of which have the function of providing a perspective on a subject: an overarching intuitive principle or for noticing, explaining, and responding to it. Starting with Max Black's metaphor of metaphor as etched lines on smoked glass, I explain what makes frames in general powerful cognitive tools. I distinguish metaphor from some of its close cousins, especially telling details, just-so stories, and analogies, in ordinary cognition and (...)
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  11. Perspectives and Frames in Pursuit of Ultimate Understanding.Elisabeth Camp - 2019 - In Stephen Robert Grimm (ed.), Varieties of Understanding: New Perspectives From Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology. New York, New York: Oup Usa. pp. 17-45.
    Our ordinary and theoretical talk are rife with “framing devices”: expressions that function, not just to communicate factual information, but to suggest an intuitive way of thinking about their subjects. Framing devices can also play an important role in individual cognition, as slogans, precepts, and models that guide inquiry, explanation, and memory. At the same time, however, framing devices are double-edged swords. Communicatively, they can mold our minds into a shared pattern, even when we would rather resist. Cognitively, the intuitive (...)
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  12.  30
    Puerto Rico: Feminism and Feminist Studies.Alice E. Colón Warren - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (5):664-690.
    In this article, the author presents some of the counterpoints between historical developments and feminist studies in Puerto Rico since the 1970s, elaborating on the most recurrent topics. She includes a brief historical overview of Puerto Rico and the trends in women's status, feminism, and feminist studies in the Island. Next, she provides a brief summary of general theoretical and methodological issues. Then she discusses research on specific topics, including the intersections of gender, nation, race, class, and sexuality; women's employment (...)
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  13.  89
    Stories and Selves: A Twisted Love Story about the Meaning of Life.Elisabeth Camp - 2024 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 95:157-179.
    I argue that stories are ‘equipment for living’ in two senses: retrospectively, they provide ‘configurational comprehension’ of a temporal sequence of events; prospectively, they offer templates for action. Narrative conceptions of the self appear well poised to leverage these functional roles for stories into an intuitively compelling view of self-construction as self-construal. However, the narrative conception defines selves in terms of the lives they live: a self is the protagonist in a lifelong story. And narrative structure is itself defined by (...)
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  14. Instrumental Reasoning in Nonhuman Animals.Elisabeth Camp & Eli Shupe - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. 100-118.
  15. Just saying, just kidding : liability for accountability-avoiding speech in ordinary conversation, politics and law.Elisabeth Camp - 2022 - In Laurence R. Horn (ed.), From lying to perjury: linguistic and legal perspective on lies and other falsehoods. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 227-258.
    Mobsters and others engaged in risky forms of social coordination and coercion often communicate by saying something that is overtly innocuous but transmits another message ‘off record’. In both ordinary conversation and political discourse, insinuation and other forms of indirection, like joking, offer significant protection from liability. However, they do not confer blanket immunity: speakers can be held to account for an ‘off record’ message, if the only reasonable interpreta- tions of their utterance involve a commitment to it. Legal liability (...)
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  16.  65
    Alterations of agency in hypnosis: A new predictive coding model.Jean-Rémy Martin & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (1):133-152.
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    Dimensional order property and pairs of models.Elisabeth Bouscaren - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 41 (3):205-231.
  18.  3
    Uniting theory and data: the promise and challenge of creating an honest model of facial expression.Sophie Wohltjen, Yolanda Ivette Colón, Zihao Zhu, Karina Miller, Wei-Chun Huang, Bilge Mutlu, Yin Li & Paula M. Niedenthal - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    People routinely use facial expressions to communicate successfully and to regulate other’s behaviour, yet modelling the form and meaning of these facial behaviours has proven surprisingly complex. One reason for this difficulty may lie in an over-reliance on the assumptions inherent in existing theories of facial expression – specifically that (1) there is a putative set of facial expressions that signal an internal state of emotion, (2) patterns of facial movement have been empirically linked to the prototypical emotions in this (...)
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  19. Playing with labels: Identity terms as tools for building agency.Elisabeth Camp & Carolina Flores - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1103-1136.
    Identity labels like “woman”, “Black,” “mother,” and “evangelical” are pervasive in both political and personal life, and in both formal and informal classification and communication. They are also widely thought to undermine agency by essentializing groups, flattening individual distinctiveness, and enforcing discrimination. While we take these worries to be well-founded, we argue that they result from a particular practice of using labels to rigidly label others. We identify an alternative practice of playful self-labelling, and argue that it can function as (...)
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    Agency, Stability, and Permeability in "Games".Elisabeth Camp - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 23 (3).
    In “Games and the Art of Agency,” Thi Nguyen argues that games both highlight and foster a profound complexity in human motivation, in the form of “purposeful and managed agential disunity.” I agree that human agency is “fluid and fleeting” rather than stable and unified; but I argue that Nguyen’s analysis itself relies on a traditional conception of selves as enduring goal-driven agents which his discussion calls into question. Without this conception, games look more like life, and both look riskier, (...)
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  21.  16
    Crítica del Juicio. Estudio interdisciplinar o Moralidad sin Concepto II.Ilia Colón Rodríguez - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 101:71-130.
    Hay que entender que los cambios súbitos de todo tipo que nos están afectando globalmente, demuestran claramente que los modelos puramente racionales resultan ser insuficientes para dar respuesta a las complejidades de este mundo. Pero también, hay que entender que los modelos no puramente racionales han sido de difícil lectura y de poca aceptación. Pienso que este es el caso de la Crítica del Juicio. La falta de sensibilidad respecto de la apreciación de esta obra puede deberse a que la (...)
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  22.  85
    (1 other version)Countable models of nonmultidimensional ℵ0-stable theories.Elisabeth Bouscaren & Daniel Lascar - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1):377 - 383.
  23. Sarcastic ‘Like’: A Case Study in the Interface of Syntax and Semantics.Elisabeth Camp & John Hawthorne - 2008 - Philosophical Perspectives 22 (1):1-21.
    The expression ‘Like’ has a wide variety of uses among English and American speakers. It may describe preference, as in (1) She likes mint chip ice cream. It may be used as a vehicle of comparison, as in (2) Trieste is like Minsk on steroids.
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    Metaphor and Varieties of Meaning.Elisabeth Camp - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 361–378.
    I compare two of Davidson's main discussions of metaphor. I argue, first, that despite some puzzling inconsistencies, the overall thrust of “What Metaphors Mean” is a radical form of noncogitivism, on which speakers of metaphors merely cause their hearers to perceive certain features in the world, but do not claim or implicate that things are any particular way. By contrast, in “A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs,” Davidson endorses a neo‐Gricean account of metaphor as a form of speaker's meaning. However, he (...)
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  25.  24
    Creating learner-centered assessment strategies for promoting greater student retention and class participation.John D. Rich, Arabia N. Colon, Dominique Mines & Kimberly L. Jivers - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  26.  12
    Moralidad sin concepto Estudio interdisciplinar.Ilia Colón Rodríguez - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:235-307.
    La interioridad de lo viviente ha sido ignorada en una descripción científica del comportamiento humano. Hoy en día, sin embargo, la autopoiesis como paradigma de auto-organización, ha continuado incorpo- rando esos primeros atisbos de la interioridad de lo viviente que Kant desarrolló en la tercera Crítica. No hay organismo sin teleología y no hay teleología sin interioridad, nos dice, y sin un segmento teleológico el proyecto total de la moral se vuelve ininteligible. Hay un cambio de una ética basada en (...)
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  27. cosmopolitan History.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 1983 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 37 (147):440.
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    Homophobias: A Diagnostic and Political Manual.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 2002 - Constellations 9 (2):263-273.
  29. Too much ado about belief.Jérôme Dokic & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (1):185-200.
    Three commitments guide Dennett’s approach to the study of consciousness. First, an ontological commitment to materialist monism. Second, a methodological commitment to what he calls ‘heterophenomenology.’ Third, a ‘doxological’ commitment that can be expressed as the view that there is no room for a distinction between a subject’s beliefs about how things seem to her and what things actually seem to her, or, to put it otherwise, as the view that there is no room for a reality/appearance distinction for consciousness. (...)
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  30. Language: Power Plays in Communication.Elisabeth Camp - 2020 - In Melissa Shew & Kimberly Garchar (eds.), Philosophy for girls: an invitation to the life of thought. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 167-180.
    We do many things with words. We describe, we plan and promise, we invite and command, we hint and intimate. We also use words to wound – to demean, insult, and exclude. The fact that words can have such potent, pernicious effects is puzzling, because they are, after all, just words. As the schoolyard chant goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Words do hurt though–not only our feelings, but our social status, even (...)
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    Priorities and Diversities in Thought and Language.Elisabeth Camp - 2020 - In Andrea Bianchi (ed.), Language and reality from a naturalistic perspective: Themes from Michael Devitt. Cham: Springer. pp. 45-66.
    Philosophers have long debated the relative priority of thought and language, both at the deepest level, in asking what makes us distinctively human, and more superficially, in explaining why we find it so natural to communicate with words. The “linguistic turn” in analytic philosophy accorded pride of place to language in the order of investigation, but only because it treated language as a window onto thought, which it took to be fundamental in the order of explanation. The Chomskian linguistic program (...)
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    Autobiography as Enigma.Elisabeth Cardonne-Arlyck & Steven Vogel - 1989 - Substance 18 (3):30.
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    Am 19. August 1821 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 827-837.
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    Am 9. April 1820 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 93-103.
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    Am 26. April 1820 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 113-123.
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    Am 20. Februar 1820 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 49-57.
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    Am 3. Juni 1821 früh.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 672-680.
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    Am 29. Juli 1821 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 782-792.
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    Am 11. Juni 1820 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 207-218.
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    Am 4. März 1821 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 528-545.
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    Am 4. November 1821 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 933-942.
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    Editorial: Parenting in the Context of Opioid Use: Mechanisms, Prevention Solutions, and Policy Implications.Leslie D. Leve, Elisabeth Conradt & Emily E. Tanner-Smith - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Politik und Geschichte: zu den Intentionen von G.W.F. Hegels Reformbill-Schrift.Christoph Jamme & Elisabeth Weisser (eds.) - 1995 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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  44. Differences in brain metabolism between patients in coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state and locked-in syndrome.Steven Laureys, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & M. Ferring - 2003 - European Journal of Neurology 10.
  45. Vorlesungen über Pragmatismus.Charles S. Peirce & Elisabeth Walther - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (1):75-75.
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  46. Responsibility: the many faces of a social phenomenon.Ann Elisabeth Auhagen & Hans Werner Bierhoff (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    This important new volume argues that responsibility is a characteristic of fundamental importance for the survival of modern democratic structures. It represents a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge psychological, philosophical, sociological and evolutionary approaches to the topic.
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    Am 6. August 1820 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 289-300.
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    Am 20. August 1820 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 301-311.
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    Am 1. April 1821 vormittags.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 570-587.
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    Am 23. April 1821 früh.Elisabeth Blumrich - 1980 - In Predigten 1820-1821. De Gruyter. pp. 602-608.
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