Results for 'Elinor G. Barber'

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  1. The Bourgeoisie in 18th Century France.Elinor G. Barber, Frank E. Manuel, Alexander Herzen, Jean J. Joughin, Aaron Noland & Val R. Lorwin - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (3):264-272.
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    Informed Consent in Medical Therapy and Research.William G. Bartholome & Bernard Barber - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (4):21.
    Book reviewed in this article: Informed Consent in Medical Therapy and Research. By Bernard Barber.
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    Soziale Grundlagen der Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften in der alten SchweizEmil J. Walter.Elinor Barber - 1960 - Isis 51 (4):576-578.
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    Ethical ethics committees?S. G. Barber - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):142-a-142.
    sirAt a recent health authority meeting Professor Stacey, the NHSE Head of Research Ethics, was quoted as stating that for multicentre trials rapid responses were required ….
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  5. Homocystinuria and the Passing of the One Gene-- One Enzyme Concept of Disease.G. L. Spaeth & G. W. Barber - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (1):8-21.
    The title of this presentation may suggest that the subject is homocystinuria. It is not. Rather, the subject is how our epistemology influences our concept of disease, which in turn determines our ability to help patients.
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    (In)valid consent of advance directives.S. G. Barber - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):549-550.
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  7. Territories of Citizenship.A. Abizadeh, G. Agamben, D. Archibugi, C. Armstrong, B. Barber, K. Barry, R. Bauböck, K. Baynes & U. Beck - 2012 - In Eva Erman & Ludvig Beckman, Territories of Citizenship. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 170.
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  8. Rape, Recklessness, and Sexist Ideology.Elinor Mason - 2021 - In George I. Pavlakos & Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, Agency, Negligence and Responsibility. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Moral responsibility theorists and legal theorists both worry about what negligence is, and how it might be a ground of blameworthiness. In this paper I argue that negligence suitably understood, can be an appropriate grounds for mens rea in rape cases. I am interested in cases where someone continues with sex in the mistaken belief that the other person consents. Such a mistaken belief is often unreasonable: a wilfully blind agent, one who deliberately ignores evidence that there is no consent, (...)
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  9. (1 other version)The Iliad of Homer Part Two: Books 7-12 by Stephen G. Daitz. [REVIEW]Elinor West - 1993 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 86:515-516.
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    Discourse Cohesion (S.J.) Bakker, (G.) Wakker (edd.) Discourse Cohesion in Ancient Greek. (Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology 16.) Pp. xx + 284. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009. Cased, €97, US$138. ISBN: 978-90-04-17472-6. [REVIEW]Peter Jeffrey Barber - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):347-349.
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    Opening Pandora's Box: A Sociological Analysis of Scientists' Discourse by G. Nigel Gilbert; Michael Mulkay. [REVIEW]Bernard Barber - 1985 - Isis 76:95-97.
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    Large scale organisational intervention to improve patient safety in four UK hospitals: mixed method evaluation.A. Benning, M. Ghaleb, A. Suokas, M. Dixon-Woods, J. Dawson, N. Barber, B. D. Franklin, A. Girling, K. Hemming, M. Carmalt, G. Rudge, T. Naicker, U. Nwulu, S. Choudhury & R. Lilford - unknown
    Objectives To conduct an independent evaluation of the first phase of the Health Foundation’s Safer Patients Initiative (SPI), and to identify the net additional effect of SPI and any differences in changes in participating and non-participating NHS hospitals. Design Mixed method evaluation involving five substudies, before and after design. Setting NHS hospitals in the United Kingdom. Participants Four hospitals (one in each country in the UK) participating in the first phase of the SPI (SPI1); 18 control hospitals. Intervention The SPI1 (...)
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    Stephen G. Miller : Nemea: a Guide to the Site and Museum. Pp. xv + 214; frontispiece and 68 illustrations. Berkeley, Los Angeles and Oxford: University of California Press, 1990. $30. [REVIEW]R. L. N. Barber - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (1):260-260.
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    Cornelii Taciti Historiarum Libri III.IV. Recensuit Maximus Lenchantin De Gubernatis. Pp. xii + 179. Turin: G. B. Paravia and Co., 1929. L. 14 net. [REVIEW]E. A. Barber - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (2):91-92.
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    A Critical Study of Logical Paradoxes. [REVIEW]G. N. T. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):354-355.
    This work is, in large part, a series of refutations; it is also the author's Ph.D. thesis. First to be refuted is Russell's vicious circle principle as a general remedy for the solution of the paradoxes. The author rejects the classification of paradoxes into syntactic and semantic, since in his view there are no purely syntactic paradoxes. The distinction in logic between the uninterpreted syntactical aspect of a system and the system when given a determinate interpretation is held to be (...)
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    Ethical ethics committees?: a response.G. J. Tildsley - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (4):289-a-290.
    sirFollowing Dr Barber's letter1 relating to the mechanism for approval of Local Research Ethics Committees , I have also had concerns over the intense pressure for a fast turn around for local approval. Projects may have been six months or more in the Multicentre Research Ethics Committe process and then arrive on my desk with multiple telephone calls requiring ….
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    Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain.Nicholas Phillipson, Quentin Skinner, Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities Quentin Skinner & James Tully (eds.) - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    Inspired by the work of intellectual historian J. G. A. Pocock, this 1993 collection explores the political ideologies of early modern Britain.
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  18. The other ways of paradox.William G. Lycan - unknown
    For Quine, a paradox is an apparently successful argument having as its conclusion a statement or proposition that seems obviously false or absurd. That conclusion he calls the proposition of the paradox in question. What is paradoxical is of course that if the argument is indeed successful as it seems to be, its conclusion must be true. On this view, to resolve the paradox is (1) to show either that (and why) despite appearances the conclusion is true after all, or (...)
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  19.  41
    Robert K. Merton;, Elinor Barber. The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A Study in Sociological Semantics and the Sociology of Science. xxv + 313 pp., refs., indexes. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2004. $20.97. [REVIEW]Sergio Sismondo - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):540-540.
  20. Making Science by Serendipity. A review of Robert K. Merton and Elinor Barber's the Travels and Adventures of Serendipity.R. Campa - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 17 (1):75-83.
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  21.  30
    The Historian Ephorus. G. L. Barber.M. Ashley-Montagu - 1936 - Isis 26 (1):157-158.
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    El regreso de la educación cívica. Benjamin R. Barber Y la democracia fuerte.José María Seco Martínez & Rafael Rodríguez Prieto - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:115-140.
    La educación cívica se encuentra en la misma base de la democracia . T odo sistema democrático que prescinda de esta necesidad acabará haciendo de s v anecerse la racionalidad democrática de sus instituciones. La democracia liberal es un buen ejemplo de este debilitamiento pr o g res i v o de las estructuras democráticas. Benjamin R. Barber no tarda en referirse a ella como "democracia débil". La democracia carece de plenitud sin ciudadanos fo r mados cívicamente. Educación y (...)
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    Les ironies de serendipity dans l’œuvre de Robert K. Merton.Saint-Martin Arnaud - 2016 - 24.
    Dans quelles circonstances et pourquoi Robert K. Merton a-t-il rencontré l’idée de serendipity? Quelle place occupe-t-elle dans son œuvre? Cet article propose de reconstituer pas à pas l’histoire de cette rencontre, qui ne manque pas d’ironie ni de piquant. En elle-même « sérendipienne », la découverte accidentelle mais tellement féconde du mot serendipity ouvrit à Merton nombre de pistes de recherche au cours des années 1940. Le concept intrigant de la découverte fortuite qui – entre autres vertus – engendre des (...)
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    Experimenting the human: art, music, and the contemporary posthuman.G. Douglas Barrett - 2023 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    An engaging argument about what experimental music can tell us about being human. -/- In Experimenting the Human, G Douglas Barrett argues that experimental music speaks to the contemporary posthuman, a condition in which science and technology decenter human agency amid the uneven temporality of postwar global capitalism. Time moves forward for some during this period, while it seems to stand still or even move backward for others. Some say we’re already posthuman, while others endure the extended consequences of never (...)
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    The thermoelectric power of the alloy Cu3Au as a function of order.G. Airoldi, M. Asdente & E. Rimini - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (103):43-48.
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    Platonisme en christendom.G. J. D. Aalders & H. Wzn - 1946 - Philosophia Reformata 11 (2):80-100.
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  27. Interpretation worlds.G. Abel - 1989 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 96 (1):1-19.
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    Phase field modelling of grain boundary motion driven by curvature and stored energy gradients. Part I: theory and numerical implementation.G. Abrivard, E. P. Busso, S. Forest & B. Appolaire - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3618-3642.
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    Johann Herder, Early Nineteenth-Century Counter-Enlightenment, and the Common Roots of Multiculturalism and Right-Wing Populism.G. Adamson, A. Carlbom & P. Ouis - 2014 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2014 (169):28-38.
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    The houseman and the dying patient.G. P. Adams & M. Cook - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (3):142-145.
  31. The Problem of Substance.G. P. Adams, J. Loewenberg & S. C. Pepper - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):496-501.
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    Plutarch’s Essay on Superstition as a Socio-Religious Perspective on Street Begging.G. O. Adekannbi - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (1):1-24.
    Plutarch, in his work,_ Peri __Deisidaimon_ia_ __,_ presents a striking portrayal of superstition in the First Century. The Philosopher who also served for decades as a priest of Apollo portrays the pernicious effects of some supposed religious practices as worse than the outcome of atheism. His position constitutes a forceful explanation to ostensibly controversial socio-religious behaviours. This article discusses some of the priest’s concerns as well as his rebuff of religious attitudes that are borne out of what he describes as (...)
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  33. Edward Aloysius Pace.G. A. G. A. - 1938 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 30:433.
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    Gezer I: Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons.G. W. Ahlström, William G. Dever, H. Darrell Lance, G. Ernest Wright & G. W. Ahlstrom - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):277.
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    Studies in the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essays.G. W. Ahlström, Tomoo Ishida & G. W. Ahlstrom - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):573.
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    Magnetic susceptibility of Cu3Au alloy as a function of order.G. Airoldi & M. Drosi - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (158):349-355.
  37. K.D. Ushinskiĭ -- 180.G. M. Akhmedov - 2004 - Baku: AMU.
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    Mnogourovnevai︠a︡ pedagogicheskai︠a︡ sistema formirovanii︠a︡ gotovnosti lichnosti k pedagogicheskoĭ dei︠a︡telʹnosti.G. V. Akhmetzhanova - 2002 - Saratov: Nauchnai︠a︡ kniga.
  39. Rossiĭskoe soznanie: psikhologii︠a︡, fenomenologii︠a︡, kulʹtura: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.G. V. Akopov, O. M. Buranov & V. A. Shkuratov (eds.) - 1994 - Samara: Izd-vo SamGPI.
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  40. “I do not allow myself to be harmed, it is a luxury; I have two children who need me”: Basic guidelines for planning an experiential research methodology in women who have undergone mastectomy due to breast cancer.G. Alexias, M. Lavdas & M. Tzanakis - forthcoming - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature.
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  41. Ocherk istorii sot︠s︡ialʹnykh ideĭ v drevneı Indii.G. F. Aleksandrov - 1959
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  42. Razvitie V.I. Leninym marksistskogo uchenii︠a︡ o zakonakh dialektiki.G. F. Aleksandrov - 1960 - Minsk,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk BSSR.
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    Il problema dei valori: l'etica di G.E. Moore.Giulio Preti & G. E. Moore - 1986 - Franco Angeli.
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    Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture (review).I. I. Dallas G. Denery - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):103-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European CultureDallas G. Denery IIStuart Clark. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xi + 415. Cloth, $75.00.A popular and pervasive historical narrative links the Renaissance development of linear perspective with Europe’s transition from a pre-modern to an early modern society. Erwin Panofsky gave this narrative its definitive form early (...)
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    Being and symptom: the intersection of sociology, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and continental philosophy.Suheyb Öğüt - 2020 - Washington - London: Academica Press.
    Boldly focusing on sexuality as a crucial definer of social order, Being and Symptom argues that there is an "M theory" -- a master theory of theories -- not only in Quantum Physics, but also in Continental Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Sociology, disclosing how the ontological structure of the "fantastic four" ingredients of metaphysics (potentiality, impotentiality, actuality, completion) has recurred through time. Öğüt also seeks to turn Thomas Hobbes's political philosophy into a social theory within the fields of sexuality and sovereignty (...)
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  46. Het wetenschappelijke kennen. Voorwoord tot de Fenomenologie van de geest.G. W. F. Hegel, Peter Jonkers & Samuel Ijsseling - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (1):151-151.
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  47. Leçons Sur la Philosophie de la Religion Iv: 3e Partie 1 : La Religion Absolue.G. Hegel - 1975 - Vrin.
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  48. Who thinks abstracted?G. W. F. Hegel - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (3):208-212.
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    XXII. Galeni περί των έαυτο} δοκουντων fragmenta inedita.G. Helmreich - 1894 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 52 (1-4):435-438.
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    Natural and Rational Selection.G. C. Henderson - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (2):127-147.
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