Elisabeth Weber [13]Elijah Weber [6]Eli Weber [5]
  1.  12
    Points de suspension: entretiens.Jacques Derrida & Elisabeth Weber - 1992 - Editions Galilée.
    La 4e de couv. indique : "Prenant ici toute l’initiative, Elisabeth Weber a choisi, en les présentant, vingt entretiens parmi tous ceux auxquels Jacques Derrida a participé depuis près de vingt ans. Elle s’est donné pour cela un certain nombre de critères, et d’abord celui de la diversité : celle des sujets (la question des femmes, la poésie, la drogue, le sida, l’enseignement, en particulier celui de la philosophie, et, croisant tous ces thèmes, la politique et les médias), celle des (...)
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    Moral Distress, Workplace Health, and Intrinsic Harm.Elijah Weber - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (4):244-250.
    Moral distress is now being recognized as a frequent experience for many health care providers, and there's good evidence that it has a negative impact on the health care work environment. However, contemporary discussions of moral distress have several problems. First, they tend to rely on inadequate characterizations of moral distress. As a result, subsequent investigations regarding the frequency and consequences of moral distress often proceed without a clear understanding of the phenomenon being discussed, and thereby risk substantially misrepresenting the (...)
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    Brain Death False Positives Reliably Track What Matters in Brain Death Cases.Eli Weber - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):285-286.
    Nair-Collins and Joffe (2023) rightly call attention to an incompatibility between brain-based criteria for death, as defined by the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA), and what the current...
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    Allocating Remdesivir Under Scarcity: Social Justice or More Systemic Racism.Eli Weber & Mark J. Bliton - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):31-33.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 31-33.
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  5. Rebels with a Cause: Self-Preservation and Absolute Sovereignty in Hobbes's Leviathan.Elijah Weber - 2012 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 29 (3):227-246.
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  6. A Difference that Makes a Difference: Welfare and the Equality of Consideration.Elijah Weber - 2010 - Between the Species 13 (10):6.
    In Welfare, Happiness, and Ethics, L.W. Sumner defends two significant constraints on one’s theory of welfare: formality and generality. An adequate theory of welfare, claims Sumner, must give a constitutive account of the “good-for” relation. This constitutive account must be sufficiently general that any entity whose status as a welfare subject is uncontroversial falls within its scope. This paper will argue that Sumner’s proposed constraints are particularly significant to utilitarian arguments for the equal moral considerability of non-human animals. In the (...)
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    Let’s Not Be Hasty: A Framework for Honoring Imprudent Health Care Decisions.Alan Murphy, Thomas Vandiver Cunningham & Eli Weber - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):96-98.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 96-98.
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    What Do We Owe to Patients Who Leave Against Medical Advice? The Ethics of AMA Discharges.Leenoy Hendizadeh, Paula Goodman-Crews, Jeannette Martin & Eli Weber - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):139-145.
    Discharges against medical advice (AMA) make up a significant number of hospital discharges in the United States, and often involve vulnerable patients who struggle to obtain adequate medical care. Unfortunately, much of the AMA discharge process focuses on absolving the medical center of liability for what happens to these patients once they leave the acute setting. Comparatively little attention is paid to the ethical obligations of the medical team once an informed decision to leave the acute care setting AMA has (...)
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    Vulnerability, Dependence, and Special Obligations to Domesticated Animals: A Reply to Palmer.Eli Weber - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):683-694.
    Clare Palmer has recently argued that most humans have special obligations to assist domesticated animals, because domestication creates vulnerable, dependent individuals, and most humans benefit from the institution of domestication. I argue that Palmer has given us no grounds for accepting this claim, and that one of the key premises in her argument for this claim is false. Next, I argue that voluntarism, which is the view that one acquires special obligations only by consenting to those obligations in some way, (...)
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    "Everything is Breath": Critical Plant Studies' Metaphysics of Mixture.Elisabeth Weber - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):117-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Everything is Breath":Critical Plant Studies' Metaphysics of MixtureElisabeth Weber (bio)In her book Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, Robin W. Kimmerer contrasts two creation stories that are thoroughly incompatible. One starts with an all-powerful male creator calling the world and its vegetation and animals into existence through words, and forming the first human beings from clay; the other starts with Skywoman tumbling through the (...)
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    Conjuring Green: Jacques Derrida’s Plants.Elisabeth Weber - 2023 - Derrida Today 16 (1):47-66.
    Taking its point of departure in a childhood memory of Derrida around raising silkworms, this essay explores the urgency invoked in the same memory of ‘conjuring green’. Following the polysemy of the French verb ( conjurer means to ‘ward off’, ‘cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear’, ‘implore’, and literally, ‘swear together’), the conjured green binds the child and later the writer surreptitiously to both the community and language of Islam, in which the colour green evokes the gardens of paradise, (...)
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    In This Together: Navigating Ethical Challenges Posed by Family Clustering during the Covid‐19 Pandemic.Nicole R. Van Buren, Elijah Weber, Mark J. Bliton & Thomas V. Cunningham - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (2):16-21.
    Harrowing stories reported in the media describe Covid‐19 ravaging through families. This essay reports professional experiences of this phenomenon, family clustering, as encountered during the pandemic's spread across Southern California. We identify three ethical challenges following from it: Family clustering impedes shared decision‐making by reducing available surrogate decision‐makers for incapacitated patients, increases the emotional burdens of surrogate decision‐makers, and exacerbates health disparities for and the suffering of people of color at increased likelihood of experiencing family clustering. We propose that, in (...)
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    Context-Dependence in Searle’s Impossibility Argument: A Reply to Butchard and D’Amico.Elijah Weber - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (3):433-444.
    John Searle claims that social-scientific laws are impossible because social phenomena are physically open-ended. William Butchard and Robert D’Amico have recently argued that, by Searle’s own lights, money is a social phenomena that is physically closed. However, Butchard and D’Amico rely on a limited set of data in order to draw this conclusion, and fail to appreciate the implications of Searle’s theory of social ontology with regard to the physical open-endedness of money. Money is not physically open-ended in the strong (...)
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  14.  14
    Die Dekonstruktion ist die Gerechtigkeit.Elisabeth Weber - 2007 - In Georg Christoph Tholen & Hans-Joachim Lenger, Mnema: Derrida Zum Andenken. Transcript Verlag. pp. 93-100.
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    Deconstruction is Justice.Elisabeth Weber - 2005 - Substance 34 (1):38-43.
  16. Literature calls justice : deconstruction's "coming-to-terms" with literature.Elisabeth Weber - 2018 - In Jean-Michel Rabaté, After Derrida: literature, theory and criticism in the 21st century. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Living together: Jacques Derrida's communities of violence and peace.Elisabeth Weber (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    " In this volume, the paradoxes, impossibilities, and singular chances that haunt the necessity of "living together" are evoked in Derrida's essay "Avowing--The Impossible: 'Returns,' Repentance, and Reconciliation," around which the ...
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    Subvertir le désir de royaume: enjeux politiques de la déconstruction.Elisabeth Weber - 2012 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 21 (41):81-105.
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  19.  13
    Schwarze Tränen, Tintenspur.Elisabeth Weber - 1993 - In Michael Wetzel & Jean-Michel Rabaté, Ethik der Gabe: Denken Nach Jacques Derrida. De Gruyter. pp. 39-56.
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  20.  36
    The Social Contract, the Conservative Attitude, and Antibiotics Development.Elijah Weber - 2008 - Between the Species 13 (8):7.
    The prevalence of antibiotic resistant microbes has led to a call for new antibiotics development. Due to the irresponsible practices of the medical community in prescribing antibiotics, much of the demand for new antibiotics is suspect. I argue that the social contract, which properly includes human relationships with laboratory animals, requires a conservative attitude toward new antibiotics development. This attitude places limits on the justificatory role of demand in determining whether a particular research project meets the conditions for morally justified (...)
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  21.  30
    Willfulness--Eigensinn.Elisabeth Weber - 1991 - Semiotics:231-236.
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