Results for 'Elena Artimovich'

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  1.  45
    The Ethics of Gene Editing Technologies in Human Stem Cells.Michael W. Nestor, Elena Artimovich & Richard L. Wilson - 2014 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 5 (4):323-338.
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    Injustice by Design.Elena Ruíz & Ezgi Sertler - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Systemic epistemic failings in institutions are often explained through settler epistemologies and settler colonial frameworks that both obscure and reproduce the conditions necessary for those failings to endure. What is never questioned in the standard picture of institutional epistemic injustice is the implicit origin myth of an ‘institutional big bang’ that spawned many modern social institutions out of presumably noble orienting goals for a well-functioning society in democratic nation-states. We are concerned with the functional outcomes of institutions in settler colonial (...)
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    Chemical substance, material, product, goods, waste: a changing ontology.Luigi Cerruti & Elena Ghibaudi - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (2):97-123.
    A chemical substance is instantiated in the material world by a number of quantities of such substance, placed in different locations. A change of location implies a change in the net of relationships entertained by the QCS with the region wherein it is found. This fact entails changes of the ontological status of the CS, as this is not fully determined by the inherent features of the CS and includes a relevant relational contribution. In order to demonstrate this thesis, we (...)
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    Values in Public Health: An Argument from Trust.Elena Popa - 2024 - Synthese 203 (200):1-23.
    Research on the role of values in science and objectivity has typically approached trust through its epistemic aspects. Yet, recent work on public trust in science has emphasized the role of non-epistemic values in building and maintaining trust. This paper will use a concept of trust that adds concerns about justice to epistemic conditions to investigate this problem in relation to public health. I will argue that trust-conducive values, particularly justice, are relevant in deciding which value influences are legitimate in (...)
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    The Preface to the Translation of M. Dufrenne’s Book “Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience”.Elena Zolotuhina-Abolina - 2014 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 3 (2):159-161.
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    Racism in Europe: Characteristics and Intersections With Other Social Categories.Elena Ball, Melanie C. Steffens & Claudia Niedlich - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Concerning race and its intertwinements with gender, sexual orientation, class, accents, or ability there is a scarcity of social psychological research in Europe. With an intersectional approach studying racism in Europe it is possible to detect specific experiences of discrimination. The prevalent understanding of European racism is connected to migration from the former colonies to the European metropoles and the post-Second-World-War immigration of ‘guest workers.’ Thus, the focus of this research is on work-related discrimination. Against the background of a short (...)
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    Atmospheres, Art, and Aesthetics: A Conversation.Brian Goeltzenleuchter & Elena Mancioppi - 2024 - Espes 13 (1):31-47.
    Initially conceived as an interview with the hybrid media artist Brian Goeltzenleuchter, this text gradually took the form of a conversation on various issues regarding olfactory art and the aesthetic significance of smell. Framing the artistic uses of odours in the context of contemporary art, the paper discloses some of its foundational traits, variations, and underlying impulses. By commenting on Goeltzenleuchter’s olfactory artworks through a philosophical perspective, this contribution covers a number of subjects including the notion of atmosphere, the socio-cultural (...)
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    Engineering Education in Ukraine and Europe (18th–Early 20th Century).Elena Tverytnykova, Manfred Heinemann & Maryna Gutnyk - 2024 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 12 (2):110-134.
    The article examines the system of engineering education in European countries, analyzing the formation of polytechnical education in France on the example of l'École Polytechnique (the Polytechnic School of Paris), which became the foundation of the French educational model and influenced the subsequent development of engineering education not only in France but also in Europe. The article also highlights the process of preparing engineering professionals in Germany, one of the features of which was the introduction of vocational training. It was (...)
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  9.  32
    Fracaso y experiencia del límite. Naturalismo metodológico y crisis escéptica en el Tratado de D. Hume.Elena Yrigoyen Carpintero - 2023 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 28 (3):9-23.
    ¿Qué significa "fracasar" para un naturalista metodológico? ¿Está éste abocado al escepticismo, y es este un fracaso? Para responder a estas preguntas, realizaré (1) un análisis de lo que se considera "naturalismo" en Hume, desde el que analizaré (2) la crisis escéptica narrada en la conclusión del Libro I del Tratado. Allí defenderé que la metafórica utilizada, engarzada con el concepto de fracaso, permite dos lecturas: una que une necesariamente naturalismo metodológico y escepticismo mitigado, y otra que no. No obstante, (...)
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  10. Is Future-Oriented Mental Time Travel Inextricably Linked to the Self?Elena Popa - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (4):420-425.
    Ganeri's [2018] discussion of mental time travel and the self focuses on remembering the past, but has less to say with respect to the status of future-oriented mental time travel. This paper aims to disambiguate the relation between prospection and the self from the framework of Ganeri's interpretation of three Buddhist views—by Buddhaghosa, Vasubandhu, and Dignaga. Is the scope of Ganeri's discussion confined to the past, or is there a stronger assumption that future thought always entails self-representation? I argue that (...)
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    Confucian democratic constitutionalism.Elena Ziliotti, Sungmoon Kim, Rogers M. Smith, Yong Li, Richard Bellamy & Simon Sihang Luo - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory:1-30.
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    Gestural-vocal deixis and representational skills in early language development.Elena Antinoro Pizzuto, Micaela Capobianco & Antonella Devescovi - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (2):223-252.
    This study explores the use of deictic gestures, vocalizations and words compared to content-loaded, or representational gestures and words in children’s early one- and two-element utterances. We analyze the spontaneous production of four children, observed longitudinally from 10–12 to 24–25 months of age, focusing on the components of children’s utterances, the information encoded, and the temporal relationship between gestures and vocalizations or words that were produced in combination. Results indicate that while the gestural and vocal modalities are meaningfully and temporally (...)
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  13.  5
    Hegel as a Key to the Social Role of Art in Gadamer’s Aesthetics.Elena Romagnoli - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 56 (1):18-31.
    My paper aims to highlight the presence of a social conception of art in Gadamer’s thought by analysing his reading of Hegel’s aesthetics. In an initial section I reconstruct the core of Gadamer’s reading of Hegel’s aesthetics as a paradigm to reassess art against the limits of aestheticism. I subsequently focus on the analysis Gadamer provides of the fundamental topic of the “past-character of art”, by stressing how this is reassessed as a “presence of the past”. On this basis, I (...)
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  14.  10
    Roger Bacon’s indirect realism of quantity perception.Elena Băltuță - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-17.
    My goal in this paper is to contribute to the literature on Roger Bacon's epistemology by focusing on the issue of perception of quantity. The reading I aim to substantiate is that Bacon's account is best understood in terms of indirect realism. I call it indirect realism because although we have access to quantities as they exist in nature, the account is mediated by the use of a quasi-syllogism. The quasi-syllogism is constructed based on three inputs, the species of the (...)
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  15.  13
    Heroicidad epistémica y conciencia feminista. Una reflexión a partir de los casos de Christine de Pizan y sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.Elena Nájera - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e15.
    El presente trabajo lleva a cabo una reflexión sobre el proceso de incorporación de la conciencia feminista en el imaginario occidental a partir de los casos de Christine de Pizan y sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, que permiten ejemplificar el concepto de heroicidad epistémica propuesto por José Medina. Para ello se expondrán las posiciones críticas de ambas autoras y se valorará el efecto que tuvieron en sus respectivos contextos, así como el rastro que dejaron en momentos posteriores. Este recorrido (...)
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  16.  10
    Responsabilidad Hacia El Extraño.Elena Álvarez Álvarez - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:137-166.
    Las migraciones representan el principal desafío para la sociedad global, tanto por sus dimensiones como por sus causas. Ante el fracaso de las propuestas puramente liberales o cuantitativas, es necesario buscar nuevas soluciones a la crisis, en la línea de la filosofía moral y de la creación de una cultura de la acogida. A este efecto, se analiza la propuesta de Bauman, porque en su pensamiento se reúnen la experiencia del exilio y una reflexión sociológica humanista y especialmente cercana a (...)
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    Andean civilization in Poma de Ayala’s Chronicle.Elena Anatolievna Grinina & Galina Semenovna Romanova - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the analysis of this paper is the Andean civilization view by the Peruvian author of the XVI century Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, a Quechua Indian by origin, who became a Catholic monk, as well as a translator and mediator between two civilizations: European, personalized by Spanish administration and Catholic Church present in the conquered lands, and Andean civilization, represented by local population speaking native Quechua and other Native American languages. The collision of two worlds is clearly (...)
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    À la croisée de la morale, du droit et de la religion : Kant et la responsabilité.Elena Partene - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):67-82.
    Cet article se propose de retracer le parcours du concept kantien de responsabilité à travers les trois grands domaines dans lesquels il est mobilisé : la philosophie morale, qui fait de la liberté la condition de possibilité de la responsabilité ; la philosophie du droit, qui fait porter la responsabilité sur les seules actions extérieures, et non sur l’intériorité de l’intention ; la philosophie de la religion, dans laquelle Kant explore le rapport de la responsabilité au mal radical.
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    Decoding faces: Misalignments of gender identification in automated systems.Elena Beretta, Cristina Voto & Elena Rozera - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 19 (C):100089.
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  20. Intentions in interactions: an enactive reply to expressive communication proposals.Elena C. Cuffari & Nara M. Figueiredo - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-30.
    The search for origins of human linguistic behavior is a consuming project in many fields. Philosophers drawing on studies of animal behavior are working to revise some of the standard cognitive requirements in hopes of linking the origins of human language to non-human animal communication. This work depends on updates to Grice’s theory of communicative intention and Millikan’s teleosemantics. Yet the classic idea of speaker meaning on which these new projects rest presupposes coherent, stable, individual, internal, and prior intention as (...)
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  21.  6
    Between care and justice: the passions as social resource.Elena Pulcini - 2024 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Silvia Benso & Antonio Calcagno.
    Proposes a form of moral education that joins care and justice to nurture and develop the desirable moral sentiments for a more just world at the interpersonal, social, political economic, and environmental levels.
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    Oltre l'opera d'arte: l'estetica performativa di Gadamer tra idealismo e pragmatismo.Elena Romagnoli - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  23. Forms of Life: What Use Should We Make of Them?Elena Valeri - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    Anna Boncompagni’s book Wittgenstein on Forms of Life (2022) – published in the CUP series “Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein” – can be divided into two main parts: the first part, consisting of the Introduction and Sections 2 and 3, has a primarily critical-exegetical purpose; the second part coincides with Section 4, in which the author elaborates and briefly defends her own interpretative proposal on Wittgenstein’s use of the notion of forms of life, the pars destruens of w...
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    Metáforas tecnocientíficas en el discurso mediático: análisis hermenéutico e impacto socio-educativo.Elena Jiménez García, Juan R. Coca, Francisco J. Francisco Carrera & Jesús Valero Matas - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a171.
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    The Transcendental Deduction of Categories as Philosophical Proof.Elena Ficara - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (3):74-96.
    My aim is to reconstruct the basic steps and the fundamental idea of Kant’s transcendental deduction of categories as well as Hegel’s interpretation and reframing of Kant’s idea. Hegel’s reading is crucial for two reasons: first, for fixing the basic form of the Kant­ian argument and secondly, for understanding its metaphilosophical relevance. For Hegel, philosophical proof has a specific nature, which distinguishes it from scientific proof and brings it closer to a juridical one. In this perspective the transcendental deduction, which (...)
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  26. La calle como soporte de transgresión cultural en el siglo XX.Elena Segurajáuregui Álvarez - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.), Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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    Body Size Adaptation Alters Perception of Test Stimuli, Not Internal Body Image.Klaudia B. Ambroziak, Elena Azañón & Matthew R. Longo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    ‘Just Google It?’: Pupils’ Perceptions and Experience of Research in the Secondary Classroom.Kay Yeoman, Elena Nardi, Laura Bowater & Huyen Nguyen - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (3):281-305.
  29.  17
    Методологія та організація наукових досліджень в галузі соціально-гуманітарних та поведінкових наук.Elena Bojko, Valentina Voronkova & Vìtalina Nikitenko - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:23-35.
    The urgency of the study lies in the fact that modern socio-economic development is characterized by a constant updating of the system of scientific knowledge, an intensive increase in the number and complexity of information. In these conditions, the task of highly qualified specialists, who on a qualitatively new theoretical and methodological basis, can analyze the complexities of the modern world deeply and systematically, make optimal solutions for society as a whole and for the economy, in particular rises as the (...)
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    Consentimiento Informado Desde la Filosofía Del Derecho.Elena Pernas Ciudad - 2023 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 57:309-314.
    Reseña al libro Martínez Doallo, Noelia. El derecho al consentimiento informado del paciente. Una perspectiva iusfundamental. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2021, 164 páginas.
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    Vivere la democrazia.Elena Gallina (ed.) - 2013 - Torino: Edizioni Gruppo Abele.
  32.  10
    Frantz Fanon desde América Latina: lecturas contemporáneas de un pensador del siglo XX.Elena Oliva, Lucía Stecher Guzmán & Claudia Zapata (eds.) - 2013 - Bs. As.: Corregidor.
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    Stability and cooperative solution in stochastic games.Elena M. Parilina & Alessandro Tampieri - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (4):601-625.
    This paper analyses the principles of stable cooperation for stochastic games. Starting from the non-cooperative version of a discounted, non zero-sum stochastic game, we build its cooperative form and find the cooperative solution. We then analyse the conditions under which this solution is stable. Principles of stability include subgame consistency, strategic stability and irrational behaviour proof of the cooperative solution. We finally discuss the existence of a stable cooperative solution, and consider a type of stochastic games for which the cooperative (...)
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    Hegel's logic and metaphysics. By Jacob McNulty, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2023. xxi + 264 pp. ISBN: 978‐1‐316‐51256‐2. [REVIEW]Elena Ficara - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):1139-1141.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Systems Theory and Algorithmic Futures: Interview with Elena Esposito.Elena Esposito, Katrin Sold & Bénédicte Zimmermann - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (3):356-361.
    : By introducing us into core concepts of Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, Elena Esposito shows their relevance for contemporary social sciences and the study of unsettled times….
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  36. Focus and weak noun phrases.Elena Herburger - 1997 - Natural Language Semantics 5 (1):53-78.
  37. The Negative Concord Puzzle Revisited.Elena Herburger - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (3):289-333.
    This paper investigates Negative Concord, arguing that it results from a systematic lexical ambiguity: the items that participate in Negative Concord ("n-words" in Laka's 1990 terminology) are ambiguous between negative polarity items and their genuinely negative counterparts. I try to show that on empirical grounds the proposed account compares favorably with other analyses that shy away from ambiguity. I furthermore suggest that the ambiguity is not implausible conceptually because it can be viewed as reflecting an intermediate stage of the Jespersen (...)
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    Judith Butler: ethics, law, politics.Elena Loizidou - 2007 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish.
    The first to use Judith Butlers work as a reading of how the legal subject is formed, this book traces how Butler comes to the themes of ethics, law and ...
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    Las TIC y tutoría virtual en la educación de personas jóvenes y adultas en México.Elena Anatolievna Zhizhko - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (6):204-217.
    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación documental-bibliográfica, cuyo objetivo fue identificar los principios de la tutoría virtual en la enseñanza apoyada por las TIC en el sistema de Educación de personas jóvenes y adultas en México. El estudio realizado mostró que la tutoría virtual en la Educación de personas jóvenes y adultas es un sistema de actividades académicas online planeadas, programadas, registradas, evaluadas y con seguimiento. Esta actividad debe de llevarse a cabo bajo los principios generales (...)
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    Tools of the mind: the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education.Elena Bodrova & Deborah Leong - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Deborah Leong.
    Now in its third edition, this classic text remains the seminal resource for in-depth information about major concepts and principles of the cultural-historical theory developed by Lev Vygotsky, his students, and colleagues, as well as three generations of neo-Vygotskian scholars in Russia and the West. Featuring two new chapters on brain development and scaffolding in the zone of proximal development, as well as additional content on technology, dual language learners, and students with disabilities, this new edition provides the latest research (...)
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    Galilean Particles: An Example of Constitution of Objects.Elena Castellani - unknown
    A draft version of Chapter 11 of the edited volume 'Interpreting Bodies. Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics',. The Chapter is devoted to illustrating the group-theoretic approach to the issue of physical objects. In particular, the Chapter discusses the group-theoretic constitution of classical and quantum particles in the nonrelativistic case.
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    Supporting One Health for Pandemic Prevention: The Need for Ethical Innovation.Elena R. Diller & Laura Williamson - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):345-352.
    Bioethics is a field in which innovation is required to help prevent and respond to zoonotic diseases with the potential to cause epidemics and pandemics. Some of the developments necessary to fight pandemics, such as COVID-19 vaccines, require public debate on the benefits and risks of individual choice versus responsibility to society. While these debates are necessary, a more fundamental ethical innovation to rebalance human, animal, and environmental interests is also needed. One Health (OH) can be characterized as a strategy (...)
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  43. Learning a fast 3D spectral approach to object segmentation and tracking over space and time.Elena Burceanu & Marius Leordeanu - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 340 (C):104281.
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    El derecho del menor extranjero a ser escuchado y su interés superior en los procedimientos de repatriación | The Right of foreign child to be heard and the best interests of the child in the return process.Elena Arce Jiménez - 2018 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 38:1-40.
    Resumen: Las dificultades para ser escuchado del menor extranjero en cualquier procedimiento que le afecte ponen de relieve las deficiencias generales existentes en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico para hacer efectivos los derechos de los que son titulares las personas menores de edad, sean extranjeras o no. Se analiza en primer lugar el artículo 12 de la Convención de los Derechos del niño, las condiciones imprescindibles para para hacer efectivo el derecho a ser escuchado y la conexión que existe entre ese derecho (...)
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    Language Signaling High Proportions and Generics Lead to Generalizing, but Not Essentializing, for Novel Social Kinds.Elena Hoicka, Jennifer Saul, Eloise Prouten, Laura Whitehead & Rachel Sterken - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13051.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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    An epistemic case for confucian democracy.Elena Ziliotti - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (7):1005-1027.
    The rise of East Asian Confucian heritage societies (China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and Singapore) has inspired an enormous amount of new empirical research. At the political level, one...
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    The effect of media populism on racist discourse in New Zealand.Elena Maydell, Keith Tuffin & Eleanor Brittain - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (3):309-325.
    ABSTRACT While populism is commonly considered antagonistic to democratic liberalism, recent research demonstrates how populist rhetoric may highjack traditional liberal discourses and opportunistically refashion them against the plight of minorities. Drawing on the concept of media populism, this research investigates how notions of ‘democracy’ and ‘equality’ were contested in debates on racism in New Zealand regional newspaper, The Taranaki Daily News, and further deployed to promote a populist agenda, against the representation of the Indigenous minority, Māori, in the local government. (...)
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    Evidential Modals at the Semantic-Argumentative Interface: Appearance Verbs as Indicators of Defeasible Argumentation.Elena Musi - 2014 - Informal Logic 34 (4):417-442.
    This contribution aims at providing an argumentative method to account for epistemic modality and evidentiality. I claim that these two linguistic categories can work as semantic components of defeasible argumentative schemes based on classification processes. This kind of approximate reasoning is, in fact, frequently indicated by appearance verbs which signal that the inferred standpoint is conceived by the speaker as uncertain due to the deceiving nature of perceptual data. Drawing from an analysis at the semantic-argumentative interface, the way in which (...)
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    Contradictions, Synthesis, and the Growth of Knowledge.Elena Mamchur - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (4):429-435.
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    Methodological and Analytical Dilemmas in Autoethnographic Research.Elena Maydell - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (1):Article M5.
    This article presents an argument on the application of theoretical and methodological frameworks to the study of identity from an autoethnographic perspective. In order to guide the analysis process, the author employed social constructionism as the main theoretical foundation, whereas thematic analysis and positioning theory were deployed as the methodological frameworks. Further, in the process of using ethnographic methods to study the identity of Russian immigrants to New Zealand, the author found herself also needing to use autoethnography to interrogate and (...)
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