Results for 'Ei Zielinski'

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  1. Aristotle and aristotelianism at the catholic-university of lublin, Poland.Ei Zielinski - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 85 (2-4):640-658.
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    Une éthique du sensible : penser la relation autrement.Agata Zielinski - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (3):135-150.
    En mettant à mal la réciprocité, certaines situations de maladie en viennent à questionner la reconnaissance et l’appartenance de l’autre à une commune humanité. La lecture de Merleau-Ponty et Levinas permet d’esquisser une phénoménologie de la rencontre en l’absence de communication. La chair chez l’un, la vulnérabilité chez l’autre révèlent une proximité malgré soi. L’inquiétante étrangeté de l’autre renvoie à une expérience primordiale de détresse et de dépendance qui nous est commune. À partir de là, peut se constituer une éthique (...)
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  3. Andrew Asibong (2008) François Ozon.Ger Zielinski - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):146-152.
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    ...After the Media: News From the Slow-Fading Twentieth Century.Siegfried Zielinski - 2013 - Univocal Publishing.
    In an overview of developments spanning the past seventy years, Siegfried Zielinski discusses how the means of technology-based communication assumed a systemic character and how theory, art, and criticism were operative in this process. [... After the Media] advocates for a distinction to be made between online existence and offline being.
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    Jerozolima, Ateny, Aleksandria: greckie źródła perwszych nurtów filozofii chrześcijańskiej.Jacek Zielinśki - 2000 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    (1 other version)Causação descendente, emergência de propriedades E modos causais aristotélicos (downward causation, property emergence, and aristotelian causal modes).Charbel Niño Ei-Hani & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2001 - Theoria 16 (2):301-329.
    O problema da causação descendente é um ponto central na formulação do fisicalismo não-redutivo e na compreensão da emergência de propriedades. Duas interpretações possíveis da causação descendente, nas quais a contribuição do pensamento aristotélico é importante, são examinadas. Os requisitos do programa de matematização da natureza na mecanica clássica, que levaram ao abandono de três dos modos causais aristotélicos, nao parecem igualmente importantes nas ciencias especiais. Isto sugere que a contribuição de Aristóteles pode ser, de certa maneira, retomada. Uma definição (...)
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  7. Discussion concerning true news, false news and difficult problems-the author of a recent article responds to points raised by restaino, France and Antiseri, Dario.Ei Rambaldi - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 51 (1):210-213.
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    (1 other version)Don't Look Back.Dave Zielinski - 1993 - Business Ethics 7 (5):16-16.
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    III. Eine Reform des Aristophanes.Th Zielinski - 1888 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 47 (1-4):25-32.
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  10. Lullism: a modern (media-) philosophical approach.Siegfried Zielinski - 2018 - In Armador Vega & Peter Weibel (eds.), Dia-logos: Ramon Llull's method of thought and artistic practice. Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota Press.
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  11. Moralność i etyka w działalności gospodarczej (głos ostatni).Wojciech Zieliński - 2005 - Diametros 6:265-267.
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  12. Relacyjna funkcja Logosu według Filona z Aleksandrii.Jacek Zieliński - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:17-38.
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    Rozmowy o filozofii.Andrzej Zieliński, Maciej Bagiński & Jacek Wojtysiak (eds.) - 1996 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    The address of professor Janusz przemieniecki upon receiving doctorate honoris causa from the..Z. Zielinski - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9 (1-2):137-140.
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    Theses ex universa philosophia juxta tam recentiorum quam veterum philosophorum systemata.Victorinus Zielinski - 2002 - Pelplin: Wydawn. "Bernardinum". Edited by Longinus Rogalski.
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  16. W poszukiwaniu filozofii znaczącej (Uwagi na marginesie dyskusji).Wojciech Zieliński - 2006 - Diametros 10:78-92.
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    Lecture de Merleau-Ponty et Levinas: le corps, le monde, l'autre.Agata Zielinski - 2002 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    L'originalité de cet ouvrage consiste à poser à deux philosophes contemporains français des questions-clefs de la phénoménologie que jusqu'ici on ne posait guère qu'à Husserl. Ce changement de perspective permet de lire autrement des problèmes essentiels de ce champ philosophique : la corporéité, la relation à autrui, l'être au monde. Le renouveau actuel de l'intérêt pour Merleau-Ponty et Levinas, que l'on commence enfin à étudier pour eux-mêmes et non plus simplement comme des disciples plus ou moins fidèles de la phénoménologie (...)
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  18. The Media Have Become Superfluous.Sigfried Zielinski - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):2-6.
    In a world where media exist in superabundance, media theorist Siegfried Zielinski argues for an increased sensitivity to 'deep-time' orientations towards understanding the past not "as a collection of retrievable facts, but as a collection of possibilities" and renewed investment in the value of criticisms that exist on the periphery, not in the center, of established discourses, fashions, and orders.
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    An automorphism group of an ω-stable structure that is not locally.Joseph Zielinski - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (6):547-551.
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    Antropología política y trascendencia en la obra filosófica temprana de Enrique Dussel.Juan Matías Zielinski - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-30.
    Este artículo presenta las notas esenciales, a modo de contradistición comparativa distinción por comparación ––, del análisis realizado por Enriq ue Dussel en su « obra temprana » sobre el « humanismo semita » y sobre el «humanismo helénico». Primeramente, se analiza la perspectiva desde la que Dussel comprende el «humanismo helénico». En el segundo apartado se sistematiza el análisis de D ussel en referencia a la configuración antropológica del pueblo hebreo. En el tercer apartado se analiza de qué manera (...)
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  21. Gott spricht.Johannes Zielinski - 1968 - München: (Verlag) Ars sacra.
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    La critique de I’ontologie sartrienne dans Le visible et I’invisible.Agata Zielinski - 2000 - Chiasmi International 2:389-411.
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  23. La pedagogía crítica como ética de la liberación.Matías Zielinski - 2020 - In Pablo Javier Aguzín & Javier Di Matteo (eds.), Filosofía americana y educación. [Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina?]: Editorial Fundación Ross.
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    The Imaginary Force of History: On Images, the Imaginary, and Myths in Foucault’s Early Works.Aaron Zielinski - 2022 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 34 (3):425-446.
    In manuscripts and unpublished articles written in the 1950s, Foucault developed a notion of myth that was intimately linked to what he called “imaginary forces,” a notion that he framed as a new critical approach. Its most important functions lie in exposing how mythological narratives naturalize social processes, and in developing a skeptical stance towards the allegedly liberating function of truth. This notion of myth is central in History of Madness, but it features most prominently in a passage that was (...)
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  25. Risō no haiboku Mōshi.Ei Muramatsu - 1973
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    (1 other version)Discussion with Mr. Chou Ku-Ch'eng Concerning Formal Logic and Dialectics.Ma P'ei - 1969 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 1 (1):43-54.
    Recently I have read in succession the four articles on formal logic and dialectics in the current year's Hsin chien-she: Mr. Chou Ku-ch'eng's "Formal Logic and Dialectics" in the second issue, Mr. I Chih's "A Criticism of Confused Concepts on Problems of Logic" in the fourth issue, Mr. Shen Ping-yuan's "A Discussion of ‘Formal Logic and Dialectics,’ " and Mr. Chou Ku-ch'eng's "Further Discourse on Formal Logic and Dialectics," both in the seventh issue. In my opinion, in Mr. Chou's articles, (...)
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    Opposition to Feudal Ethics During the May 4th Movement Was an Uncompromising Revolutionary Struggle.Meng P'ei-yüan - 1969 - Chinese Studies in History 3 (2):169-176.
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    Kelsen-is możġvreba samartʻalsa da saxelmcipʻoze.Al Vačʻeišvili - 2020 - Tʻbilisi: Zviad Korżażis gamomcʻemloba.
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    Jednoznaczność transcendentalna w metafizyce Jana Dunsa Szkota.Edward Iwo Zieliński - 1988 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw KUL.
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    Czy Tatarkiewicz jest do szczęścia jeszcze komuś potrzebny? Spojrzenie z perspektywy filozofii bardzo praktycznej.Wojciech Zieliński - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Article shows, that the practical philosophy of Władysław Tatarkiewicz – especially from his Analysis of Happiness – can be important for the contemporary acting man, which is living always in the own world of the life. In the introduction, author explains the title, assumptions and character of his ethical analysis. Next part shows the subjective perspective of the author’s statement. This is a statement from the work with students of non-philosophical directions. Students’ postulates and questions to ethics, answers of Tatarkiewicz, (...)
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    Człowiek współczesny i problem jego wyzwolenia (Anthony de Mello, Przebudzenie; Wezwanie do miłości).Konrad Zieliński - 1995 - Etyka 28:181-188.
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  32. Integracyjna i dezintegracyjna rola artystycznych środków przekazu w kształtowaniu tożsamości narodowej i jednoczeniu Europy.W. Zieliński - 2002 - Ruch Filozoficzny 4 (4).
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  33. Krytyczny racjonalizm w etyce życia gospodarczego.Wojciech Zieliński - 2005 - Diametros 5:98-115.
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    La perte de l'évidence humaine: phénoménologie de la relation en situations extrêmes.Agata Zielinski - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
    Que se passe-t-il en nous face à la perte de l'évidence humaine, lorsque les attributs classiques de la personne humaine font défaut? Les situations de non-communication, d'absence de réciprocité interrogent la définition de l'humain: qu'est-ce que rester ou cesser d'être humain? La question de l'appartenance commune à l'humanité passe par l'interrogation sur le semblable, jusqu'à mettre au jour un paradoxe qui nous semble être la clef de la relation en situations extrêmes: une ressemblance qui s'impose et indispose, causant un effroi (...)
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    The Vilém Flusser Archive: A Heterotopia.Siegfried Zielinski - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):191-193.
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  36. Wojna chłopska w Polsce, cz. 1,„.M. Zieliński - 1989 - Res Publica (Misc) 5.
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    Späte paracelsus-exzerpte aus unbekannten handschriften.Gerhard Eis - 1955 - Centaurus 4 (2):148-162.
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  38. La" storia come azione" in un libro recente.Ei Rambaldi Feldmann - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 4 (3):564-577.
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    Compact Metrizable Structures and Classification Problems.Christian Rosendal & Joseph Zielinski - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):165-186.
    We introduce and study the framework of compact metric structures and their associated notions of isomorphisms such as homeomorphic and bi-Lipschitz isomorphism. This is subsequently applied to model various classification problems in analysis such as isomorphism ofC*-algebras and affine homeomorphism of Choquet simplices, where among other things we provide a simple proof of the completeness of the isomorphism relation of separable, simple, nuclearC*-algebras recently established by M. Sabok.
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    Observational learning in the large-billed crow.Ei-Ichi Izawa & Shigeru Watanabe - 2011 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 12 (2):281-303.
    Exploiting the skills of others enables individuals to reduce the risks and costs of resource innovation. Social corvids are known to possess sophisticated social and physical cognitive abilities. However, their capacity for imitative learning and its inter-individual transmission pattern remains mostly unexamined. Here we demonstrate the large-billed crows' ability to learn problem-solving techniques by observation and the dominance-dependent pattern in which this technique is transmitted. Crows were allowed to observe one of two box-opening behaviours performed by a dominant or subordinate (...)
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    Distinct cortical locations for integration of audiovisual speech and the McGurk effect.Laura C. Erickson, Brandon A. Zielinski, Jennifer E. V. Zielinski, Guoying Liu, Peter E. Turkeltaub, Amber M. Leaver & Josef P. Rauschecker - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  42. Inquiry in science education: Intemational perspectives.F. Abd-Ei-Khalick, S. Boujaoude, N. G. Lederman, R. Mamilok-Naaman, A. Hofstein & M. Niaz - 2004 - Science Education 88:397-419.
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    Zu Heinrich von Rees.Gerhard Eis - 1969 - Centaurus 13 (3):285-290.
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    Multisite functional connectivity MRI classification of autism: ABIDE results.Jared A. Nielsen, Brandon A. Zielinski, P. Thomas Fletcher, Andrew L. Alexander, Nicholas Lange, Erin D. Bigler, Janet E. Lainhart & Jeffrey S. Anderson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Obserwacja rzeczywistości a tworzenie teorii w myśli Panajotisa Kondylisa.Falk Horst, Konstantin Verykios & Lech Zieliński - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (3):79-92.
    Observation of Reality and Theory Creation in Panagiotis Kondylis’ Thought In the first part of the paper the authors present an outline of the Polish perception of thoughts and ideas of Panagiotis Kondylis which has started to develop only recently. This is followed by demonstrating major issues present in the output of this Greek philosopher who was strongly linked both with Greece and with Germany. The paper closes with a discussion of Kondylis’ concept of theory creation demonstrated in his work (...)
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    An Ethical Discussion Analysis Model for STS.David A. Wiley & Edward J. Zielinski - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (4):261-265.
    Many science teachers, especially those engaging in the science-technology-society approach, are finding it difficult to deal with issues having a strong ethical component. It would be useful to forecast the variety of positions that may be held by students when dealing with these issues. The Ethics Decision and Analysis Model provides a mechanism for this purpose. Building on the work of Kohlburg, the model identifies four decision-making orientations: a) normative order, b) utility consequences, c) justice/fairness, and d) ideal-self. Issues are (...)
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    Observational learning in the large-billed crow : Effect of demonstrator-observer dominance relationship.Ei-Ichi Izawa & Shigeru Watanabe - 2011 - Interaction Studies 12 (2):281-303.
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    (1 other version)COP27 climate change conference: urgent action needed for Africa and the world.Chris Zielinski - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):2-2.
    > Wealthy nations must step up support for Africa and vulnerable countries in addressing past, present and future impacts of climate change The 2022 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change paints a dark picture of the future of life on earth, characterised by ecosystem collapse, species extinction and climate hazards such as heatwaves and floods.1 These are all linked to physical and mental health problems, with direct and indirect consequences of increased morbidity and mortality. To avoid these catastrophic (...)
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    (1 other version)In the Final Analysis, Who "Has Violated Even Formal Logic"?Chang P'ei - 1978 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (1):34-43.
    With a vaulting ambition to usurp Party power, the "Gang of Four" has audaciously opposed Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought. Lacking truth in their allegations, they have been compelled to invoke sophistry. Their sophistry runs counter to materialist dialectics and even formal logic. Alien class element Yao Wen-yuan used to accuse others of "violating even formal logic," but it is the "Gang of Four" that ignores the definiteness and distinctiveness of thinking, says black is white, and tramples on formal logic.
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    Populismus: Bedrohung der Demokratie oder Konsequenz von Entpolitisierung?Andreas Eis, Frederik Metje & Claire Moulin-Doos - 2017 - Polis 21 (3):16-18.
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