Results for 'Edward McSweegan'

934 found
  1.  43
    Scientific evidence and best patient care practices should guide the ethics of Lyme disease activism.Paul G. Auwaerter, Johan S. Bakken, Raymond J. Dattwyler, J. Stephen Dumler, John J. Halperin, Edward McSweegan, Robert B. Nadelman, Susan O'Connell, Sunil K. Sood, Arthur Weinstein & Gary P. Wormser - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):68-73.
    Johnson and Stricker published an opinion piece in the Journal of Medical Ethics presenting their perspective on the 2008 agreement between the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the Connecticut Attorney General with regard to the 2006 IDSA treatment guideline for Lyme disease. Their writings indicate that these authors hold unconventional views of a relatively common tick-transmitted bacterial infection caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that their opinions would clash with the IDSA's (...)
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    Dewey.Edward F. Pietrowski - 1970 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 2:131-134.
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    The Conditions of Ontic Responsibility.Edward Pols - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (2):297 - 319.
    In this essay I will assume that all well-developed discussions of the authenticity of responsibility are metaphysical ones. But as I intend to make use of the notion of being at a number of crucial points, I will call responsibility ontic responsibility rather than metaphysical responsibility. If ontic responsibility should be authentic, both social responsibility and its most important particular instance, legal responsibility, will be qualified by it, and we shall not be able to capture their full meaning in terms (...)
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    La Juridiction de l’Église sur la Cité.Edward G. Roelker - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (4):376-377.
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    Lumping Versus Individualization.Edward Alsworth Ross - 1919 - International Journal of Ethics 30 (1):58-67.
  6.  11
    14 my thesis.Edward Said - 2019 - In A. L. Macfie, Orientalism: A Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 106-107.
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    Beyond Liberation Theology?Edward A. Lynch - 1994 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 6 (1-2):147-164.
    Liberation theology is in retreat. Once orthodox Catholics, starting with Pope John Paul II, recognized liberation theology's cultural challenge, they effectively countered it. They insisted on a traditional Catholic hierarchy of values. They undercut liberation theology's appeal by taking back key words and precepts that liberationists tried to appropriate. The Magisterium's sensus fidei included practical steps to demonstrate the weakness of liberation theology's hold, especially on poor people. Orthodox Catholics thus used the theological and practical weapons that the Church always (...)
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    Asa Mahan's Analysis of Synthetic Apriori Judgments.Edward H. Madden - 1981 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 17 (4):297 - 318.
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    Methodological pragmatism appraised.Edward H. Madden - 1980 - Metaphilosophy 11 (1):76–94.
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    Avoidance conditioning in two species of platy.Edward W. C. McAllister - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):389-390.
  11. Dostateczna racja istnienia świata.Edward Nieznanski - 2004 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 40 (2):189-195.
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  12. Sprawa oczywistosci zasad racji bytu.Edward Nieznanski - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (1):5-12.
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  13.  42
    Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley.Edward Clodd - 1897 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    "Pioneers of Evolution" is a 1896 treatise by English Edward Clodd within which he explores the early proponents of evolution and the scientific answers to the origin of humankind. Looking at the world of such notable figures as Charles Darwin and Gerbert Spencer, this fascinating volume is not to be missed by those with an interest in evolution and the history of related ideas. Contents include: "Pioneers of Evolution From Thales to Lucretius," "The Arrest of Enquiry," "From the Early (...)
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    35 orientalism reconsidered.Edward Said - 2019 - In A. L. Macfie, Orientalism: A Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 343-362.
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  15.  52
    Film and the Politics of Culture.Edward Sankowski - 1999 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 33 (1):81.
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  16.  20
    Chaotic behavior of myocardial cells: possible implications regarding the pathophysiology of heart failure.Edward G. Lakatta - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 32 (3):421-433.
  17.  28
    Thomas Paine and the literature of revolution.Edward Larkin - 2005 - New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.
    The American School of Empire considers how an American idea of empire evolved in the 1790s and would shape and be shaped by the literature and art of the early US. Hamilton's introductory essay suggests that empire was as important to the foundation of the US as concepts like democracy, freedom, nation, and republic. This book thus begins from the premise that the history of empire in the United States can be traced back to the inception of the country, if (...)
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  18.  22
    The Essential of Theism.Edward J. Lintz - 1951 - New Scholasticism 25 (3):347-348.
  19.  34
    Whitehead’s Theory of Reality.Edward J. Lintz - 1954 - New Scholasticism 28 (2):235-237.
  20.  5
    American medicine in crisis.Edward Parker Luongo - 1971 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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  21.  70
    The Thinging of the Thing.Edward H. Minar - 1999 - Philosophical Topics 27 (2):287-307.
  22.  63
    Tombe tarquiniesi di eta ellenistica: catalogo di ventisei tombe a camera scoperte dalla Fondazione Lerici in localita Calvario. L Cavagnaro Vanoni.Edward Herring - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):435-436.
  23.  10
    Motivational Science: Social and Personality Perspectives: Key Readings.Edward Tory Higgins & Arie W. Kruglanski (eds.) - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    The reader begins with an original paper by the editors that introduces the social-personality perspective on motivational science and provides an integrated review of empirical and theoretical contributions. Major issues in motivational science are identified that form the basis for the organization of the book. Each section of the book also has a brief introduction, suggested additional readings, and questions for discussion.
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    A History of Politics.Edward Jenks - 1902 - International Journal of Ethics 12 (2):269-269.
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    Francis Bacon versus Lord Macaulay.Edward Dinwoody Johnson - 1949 - London: G. Lapworth & Co..
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    The social in cognition.Edward E. Jones - 1993 - In George Armitage Miller & Gilbert Harman, Conceptions of the human mind: essays in honor of George A. Miller. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 85--98.
  27.  18
    „Prawda o dobru” w koncepcji moralności kard. K. Wojtyły.Edward Kaczyński - 1980 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 28 (2):47-71.
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    Kant's Transition Project and Late Philosophy: Connecting the Opus postumum and Metaphysics of Morals by Oliver Thorndike.Edward Kanterian - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (1):153-154.
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  29.  15
    Where Science and Religion Intersect: The Work of Ian Stevenson.Edward F. Kelly & Emily Williams Kelly - 2010 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 22 (1).
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    "Laissez Faire" in English Classical Economics.Edward R. Kittrell - 1966 - Journal of the History of Ideas 27 (4):610.
  31. Fra Giordano Bruno's Catholic Passion.'.Edward A. Gosselin - 1987 - In Paul Oskar Kristeller, James Hankins, John Monfasani & Frederick Purnell, Supplementum festivum: studies in honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller. Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies. pp. 537--61.
  32.  38
    Medical Futility: Legal and Ethical Aspects.Edward R. Grant - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 20 (4):330-335.
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    Victor E. Thoren.Edward Grant - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (2):255-257.
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  34. Richard Rorty (1931- ).Edward Grippe - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  35. Introduction : dirty hands and beyond.Edward Hall & Andrew Sabl - 2022 - In Edward Hall & Andrew Sabl, Political Ethics: A Handbook. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  36. Political integrity.Edward Hall - 2022 - In Edward Hall & Andrew Sabl, Political Ethics: A Handbook. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  37.  15
    Great Men: Psychoanalytic Studies.Edward Hitschmann & Sydney G. Margolin - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (1):132-133.
  38.  10
    Kilka uwag na marginesie propozycji Etykiks. prof. Tadeusza Stycznia.Edward Kaczyński - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (2):124-128.
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  39.  17
    Justice as Respect for Person.Edward Kent - 1968 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):70-77.
  40.  13
    Regulatory stewardship of health research: navigating participant protection and research promotion.Edward S. Dove - 2020 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This timely book examines the interaction of health research and regulation with law through empirical analysis and the application of key anthropological concepts to reveal the inner workings of human health research. Through ground-breaking empirical inquiry, Regulatory Stewardship of Health Research explores how research ethics committees (RECs) work in practice to both protect research participants and promote ethical research.This thought-provoking book provides new perspectives on the regulation of health research by demonstrating how RECs and other regulatory actors seek to fulfil (...)
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    Unfolding the unconscious psyche: pathways to the arts.Edward Applebaum - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Music to create a universe -- Theme, Part 1: the haunting melody -- Theme, Part 2: creativity -- Theme, Part 3: Freud and Mahler -- Coda -- Interlude -- Tender is the night -- Interlude -- Ingmar Bergman's persona -- Coda: Saraband -- Music and alchemy : Beethoven -- Gallery of the soul : Munch, Kahlo, Rivera -- To the lighthouse -- The fisher king and the handless maiden -- Prelude: the Alexandria quartet -- The Alexandria quartet -- Interlude: industrialization (...)
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  42.  41
    In defense of symbolic aesthetics.Edward G. Ballard - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (1):38-43.
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    Preface.Edward Minar - 2008 - Philosophical Topics 36 (2):5-5.
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    The Foundations of access to knowledge.Edward B. Montgomery (ed.) - 1968 - [Syracuse, N.Y.]: Division of Summer Sessions, Syracuse University.
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    The Literary Kierkegaard.Edward F. Mooney - 2012 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 4 (2):331 - 334.
    Kierkegaard is more than a theologian, existentialist, or philosopher. Ziolkowski gives us a sequence of exhaustively researched chapters that are fine-tuned accounts of the Kierkegaard who assiduously and enthusiastically read Cervantes, Shakespeare, Wolfram, and Aristophanes. He also introduces us to a literary powerhouse who comes to influence great writers of the late 19th and 20th centuries: Ibsen, Rilke, and Kafka; Isak Dinesen, Ortega, and Unamuno; Auden, David Lodge and John Updike. The volume is a pleasure to read, an indispensable source, (...)
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  46.  9
    The nature of religion.Edward Caldwell Moore - 1936 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
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  47.  30
    The Man behind the Syndrome. Peter Beighton, Greta Beighton.Edward Morman - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):134-134.
  48. Clinging to the wreckage.Edward L. Mowatt - 1990 - In Philip Windsor, Reason and history: or only a history of reason. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
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  49. The beginning or the end of a theological agenda: tracing the methodological flows through Vatican II.Edward Fowley & Dianne Bergant - 2003 - Gregorianum 84 (2):315-345.
    Cette étude examine cinq principaux changements de méthodologie qui se trouvent dans cinq documents-clé de Vatican II, afin de discerner à quel point ces documents sont cohérents avec ou différents des principales caractéristiques de méthodologie de la période du concile. L'article commence par une introduction à trois approches théologiques en voque dans les écrits catholiques romains au temps du concile: néo-scolastique, transcendantalisme et correlationisme. La conscience historique est aussi examinée comme une note importante de méthode théologique. L'article examine ensuite Sacrosanctum (...)
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  50. Ontologiczne podstawy logiki Arystotelesa.Edward Nieznański - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 41 (1):35-43.
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