The foundational difficulties encountered by the conventional formulation of quantum electrodynamics, and the criticism by Dirac, Schwinger, Rohrlich, and others, aimed at some of the physical and mathematical premises underlying that formulation, are reviewed and discussed. The basic failings of the conventional methods of quantization of the electromagnetic field are pointed out, especially with regard to the issue of local (anti)commutativity of quantum fields as an embodiment of relativistic microcausality. A brief description is given of a recently advanced new type of approach to quantum electrodynamics, and to quantum field theory in general, which is epistemically based on intrinsically quantum ideas about the physical nature of spacetime, and is mathematically based on a fiber theoretical formulation of quantum geometries, aimed in part at removing the aforementioned difficulties and inconsistencies. It is shown that these ideas can be traced to a conceptualization of spacetime outlined by Einstein in the last edition of his well-known semipopular exposition of relativity theory