Results for 'Edelcio Smargiassi'

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  1.  27
    A educação dialética: a luta por uma Educação Emancipadora.Edelcio Smargiassi - 2018 - Filosofia E Educação 10 (1):184-199.
    Estuda as matrizes conceituais da Educação. Aborda as epistemologias que sustentam as históricas concepções de educação e suas respectivas teorias educacionais. Define a concepção de dialética e aproxima esse conceito da prática educativa. Considera a Educação como uma expressão da prática social e afirma que tal derivação dispõe o caráter político e crítico dessas constituições educacionais históricas. Na sociedade de classes a Educação é, hegemonicamente, a produção e a reprodução das condições materiais e ideológicas do capital. Para uma abordagem contra-hegemônica (...)
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  2. The concept of quasi-truth.Otavio Bueno & Edelcio de Souza - 1996 - Logique Et Analyse 153 (154):183-199.
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    Paraconsistent Orbits of Logics.Edelcio G. de Souza, Alexandre Costa-Leite & Diogo H. B. Dias - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (3):271-289.
    Some strategies to turn any logic into a paraconsistent system are examined. In the environment of universal logic, we show how to paraconsistentize logics at the abstract level using a transformation in the class of all abstract logics called paraconsistentization by consistent sets. Moreover, by means of the notions of paradeduction and paraconsequence we go on applying the process of changing a logic converting it into a paraconsistent system. We also examine how this transformation can be performed using multideductive abstract (...)
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    Práxis de Jesus E práxis da libertação à Luz do anticristo de Nietzsche.Edélcio Ottaviani - 2007 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 19 (24):79.
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    Depois do annus mirabilis de Einstein: matéria e universo.Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (4):727-732.
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    Lindenbaumologia II: Cálculos lógicos abstratos.Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza & Patrícia Del Nero Velasco - 2002 - Cognitio 3:115-121.
    Resumo: Neste artigo, damos prosseguimento à análise do conceito de cálculo lógico, cuja primeira parte foi apresentada no número anterior desta revista. Apresentamos, também, uma versão do Teorema de Lindenbaum para teorias consistentes completas.Palavras-chave: lógica, cálculo, Lindenbaum, consistência, compacidade.: In this article, we continue our analysis on the concept of logical calculus, the first part of which was published in the previous issue of this magazine. We also offer a version of Lidenbaum's theorem for whole consistent theories.Key-words: logic, calculus, Lindenbaum, (...)
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    Multideductive logic and the theoretic-formal unification of physical theories.Edelcio G. de Souza - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):253-262.
    We present a kind of logic named multideductive logic and outline an application of it in the problem of theoretic-formal unification of physical theories dealing with the Bohr atom theory. This is just a preliminary study that will be developed in future papers.
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    Paraconsistentization and many-valued logics.Edelcio G. de Souza, Alexandre Costa-Leite & Diogo H. B. Dias - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper shows how to transform explosive many-valued systems into paraconsistent logics. We investigate mainly the case of three-valued systems exhibiting how non-explosive three-valued logics can be obtained from them.
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    Model Theoretical Generalization of Steinitz’s Theorem DOI: 10.5007/1808-1711.2011v15n1p107.Alexandre Martins Rodrigues & Edelcio De Souza - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (1):107-110.
    Infinitary languages are used to prove that any strong isomorphism of substructures of isomorphic structures can be extended to an isomorphism of the structures. If the structures are models of a theory that has quantifier elimination, any isomorphism of substructures is strong. This theorem is a partial generalization of Steinitz’s theorem for algebraically closed fields and has as special case the analogous theorem for differentially closed fields. In this note, we announce results which will be proved elsewhere. DOI: 10.5007/1808-1711.2011v15n1p107.
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    On a paraconsistentization functor in the category of consequence structures.Edelcio G. de Souza, Alexandre Costa-Leite & Diogo H. B. Dias - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (3):240-250.
    This paper is an attempt to solve the following problem: given a logic, how to turn it into a paraconsistent one? In other words, given a logic in which ex falso quodlibet holds, how to convert it into a logic not satisfying this principle? We use a framework provided by category theory in order to define a category of consequence structures. Then, we propose a functor to transform a logic not able to deal with contradictions into a paraconsistent one. Moreover, (...)
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  11. Adequação material para linguagens aristotélicas.Edelcio de Souza - 2006 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 17:98-111.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma definição materialmente adequada de verdade, no sentido de Tarski, para uma classe de linguagens formais capaz de expressar as proposições categóricas da lógica aristotélica.The aim of this paper is to put forward a materially adequate definition of truth, in Tarski's sense, for a class of formal languages that would be able to represent the categorical propositions of Aristotelian logic.
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  12. Conseqüência Lógica e Invari'ncia: Logical Consequence and Invariance.Edelcio de Souza - 2006 - Cognitio 7 (2).
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    O conceito de verdade pragmática em uma perspectiva lógico-formal.Edélcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2000 - Cognitio 1:138-144.
    Resumo: Examinar-se á o conceito de verdade pragmática em uma perspectiva que poderia ser denominada de pragmática. Assim, pretende-se apresentar, de um ponto de vista lógico-formal, a idéia de verdade pragmática num sentido de que uma proposição é pragmaticamente verdadeira se e somente se, em determinado contexto, tudo se passa como se ela fosse verdadeira do ponto de vista correspondencial. Ora, A. Tarski, em 1933, ao examinar o conceito de verdade nas linguagens formalizadas forneceu uma definição precisa de verdade inaugurando (...)
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  14.  16
    Teorias físicas inconsistentes e lógicas multidedutivas.Edélcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2000 - Cognitio 1:145-152.
    Resumo: Pretendemos esboçar o conceito de lógica multidedutiva que constitui um sistema lógico subjacente à noção de verdade pragmática. Com base em lógicas multidedutivas, delineamos um aparato formal para o tratamento apropriado de inconsistências em teorias físicas.: we intend to delineate the concept of multideductive logic that constitutes a subjacent logical system for the pragmatic notion of truth. Based upon the multideductive logic we have pictured a formal apparatus used as an appropriate treatment to the inconsistencies in Physics theories.
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  15. Conjunctive and Disjunctive Limits: Abstract Logics and Modal Operators.Edelcio G. de Souza & Alexandre Costa-Leite - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):66-71.
    Departing from basic concepts in abstract logics, this paper introduces two concepts: conjunctive and disjunctive limits. These notions are used to formalize levels of modal operators.
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    Lindenbaumologia I: A teoria geral.Edélcio de Souza - 2001 - Cognitio 2:213-219.
    Resumo: Apresentamos uma abordagem geral da demonstração de completude de cálculos lógicos abstratos por meio da noção de valoração e de um resultado devido a A. Lindenbaum.: We present a general approach to the proof the completeness of abstract logical calculi through the notion of valuation and of a result due to A. Lindenbaum.
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    Remarks on Abstract Consequence Structures.Edelcio G. de Souza - 2007 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Alexandre Costa-Leite (eds.), Perspectives on Universal Logic. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica.
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  18. Logics and Their Galaxies.Hilan Bensusan, Alexandre Costa-Leite & Edélcio De De Souza - 2015 - In Arnold Koslow & Arthur Buchsbaum (eds.), The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziauvol. 1, Cham, Heidelberg, etc.: Springer-Birkhäuser. Springer-Birkhäuser. pp. 243-252.
    This article introduces some concepts that help exploring the ontological import of universal logic. It studies the notions of an antilogic and counterlogic associated to each logic and shows some of their properties. It presents the notion of galaxy, as the class of possible worlds compatible with a given logic.We explore some consequences of these developments.
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    On a First-Order Bi-Sorted Semantically Closed Language.Fernanda Birolli Abrahão & Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-13.
    This paper is about the concept of semantically closed languages. Roughly speaking, those are languages which can name their own sentences and apply to them semantic predicates, such as the truth or satisfaction predicates. Hence, they are “self-referential languages,” in the sense that they are capable of producing sentences about themselves or other sentences in the same language. In section one, we introduce the concept informally; in section two, we provide the formal definition of first-order semantically closed languages, which is (...)
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  20. Sobre Alguns Conceitos Fundamentais da Metamatemática (Tarski, Alfred).Alfred Tarski, Patrícia Del Nero Velasco & Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2001 - Princípios 8 (10):187-209.
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    Implications and Limits of Sequences.Alexandre Costa-Leite & Edelcio G. de Souza - 2017 - Studia Humana 6 (1):18-24.
    This paper analyzes the problem of implication and attempts to characterize conditionals by a criterion of adequacy. A definition of implication based on the notion of limit of an infinite sequence is proposed.
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    Sobre Alguns Conceitos Fundamentais da Metamatemática (Tarski, Alfred).Patrícia del Nero Velasco & Edelcio Gonçalves de Souza - 2001 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 8 (10):9.
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  23. Definability in infinitary languages and invariance by automorphims.Alexandre Rodrigues, Ricardo Filho & Edelcio de Souza - 2010 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:119-133.
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  24. Invariance and Set-Theoretical Operations in First Order Structures.Alexandre Rodrigues, Ricardo Filho & Edelcio de Souza - 2006 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:207-213.
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  25. A new paraconsistent set theory: A/l.Roque da C. Caiero & Edelcio G. de Souza - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 40:115-141.
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  26. Quasi-concepts of logic.Fabien Schang - 2020 - In Alexandre Costa-Leite (ed.), Abstract Consequence and Logics - Essays in Honor of Edelcio G. de Souza. London: College Publications. pp. 245-266.
    A analysis of some concepts of logic is proposed, around the work of Edelcio de Souza. Two of his related issues will be emphasized, namely: opposition, and quasi-truth. After a review of opposition between logical systems [2], its extension to many-valuedness is considered following a special semantics including partial operators [13]. Following this semantic framework, the concepts of antilogic and counterlogic are translated into opposition-forming operators [15] and specified as special cases of contradictoriness and contrariety. Then quasi-truth [5] is (...)
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