Results for 'Ece Özdemir'

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  1.  18
    Modeling information exchange opportunities for effective human–computer teamwork.Ece Kamar, Yaʼakov Gal & Barbara J. Grosz - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):528-550.
  2.  17
    The Place Of Sunnah In el-Baci’s Fıqh Methodology.Recep Özdemir - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):51-69.
    el-Bâcî is one of the leading jurists and hadith scholars of the Malikis who lived in the tenth century. He contributed to the formation of Andalusian Malikism and was accepted as the leader of Andalusian Malikiism during his time. He came to the fore and was known for his hadithism and proceduralism. He is known for his works in the field of hadith and procedure. He played an important role in authentic hadiths reaching today and understanding Imam Malik's work named (...)
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    What To Do When the Risk Environment Is Rapidly Shifting and Heterogeneous? Anticipatory Governance and Real-Time Assessment of Social Risks in Multiply Marginalized Populations Can Prevent IRB Mission Creep, Ethical Inflation or Underestimation of Risks.Vural Ozdemir - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):65-68.
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    The Problem of Using Ijtihads Declared Specific to Historical Conditions as a Source of Ifta.Ahmet Özdemir - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1543-1562.
    Ijtihad is the mujtahid's putting forward all his efforts on a fiqh issue within the framework of methodological principles. Fatwa, on the other hand, are the explanations made regarding the questions asked in fiqh issues. Therefore, although there are similarities between fatwa and ijtihad in terms of declaring a fiqh knowledge, there are also some differences that distinguish both scientific activities from each other. Because of this difference, not every ijtihad qualifies as a fatwa that a Muslim can apply in (...)
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    Te’vîl'tü’l-Kur’'n ve Tefsîru’l-Men'r’ın “Akletmez misiniz” Ayetleri Bağlamında Karşılaştırılması.Ahmet Özdemir - 2021 - Marifetname 8 (2):431-452.
    Kişinin bazı yükümlülükleri uhdesinde barındırması için akıllı olması şarttır. Bu durum hem dinî hem de beşerî sistemlerde aynı şekildedir. Bu bağlamda Kur’an’da aklı kullanmaya vurgu yapan birçok ayet vardır. Her bir ayetin anlatmak istediği aklın nasıl kullanılacağına dair bir hakikat mevcuttur. Bu hakikatin ortaya çıkarılması ise ehil olan kişilerin izahlarıyla mümkün olacaktır. Öte yandan bu ayetlerin bağlamıyla birlikte değerlendirilmesi doğru bir anlamın ortaya çıkmasında önemli bir etkendir. Nitekim aynı ifadeler birçok ayette tekrar edilmesine rağmen her birinde farklı bir konuya temas (...)
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  6.  24
    Siyah Sancaklı Mehdî: Mehdî İnancı Perspektifinden Ahb'ru’l-Abb's’a Yakından Bakış.Öznur Özdemir - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):157-171.
    Mehdî inancı, İslam toplumunda yayılışından kısa bir süre sonra, kitleleri harekete geçiren bir motivasyon olarak Abbâsî İhtilâli sırasında yeniden ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sebeple, ihtilâli ele alan birçok çalışmada halkta yaygınlık kazanan bu inançtan nasıl ve ne şekilde istifade edildiği incelenmiştir. Abbâsîler, Mehdî inancı olarak ifade edilen beklenen kurtarıcı inancından, ihtilâl başarıya ulaştıktan sonra da hilafette kendilerine meşruiyet sağlama amacı ile istifade etmişlerdir. Böylece Ahbâru’l-Abbâs adlı, Abbâsîlerin ihtilâlle sonuçlanan mücadelelerinin yarı resmi tarihi olarak sayılan kaynakta da Abbâsîlerin beklenen kurtarıcılar olduğunu vurgulayan (...)
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    Mefhum-i Muhalefet Yönteminin Ayrık Şartlı Kıyasa Evrimindeki Devinim.Mahmud Muhammed Özdemir - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):497-518.
    Bu makalede, İslam hukukunda kaynaklardan hüküm çıkarma yöntemi olarak kullanılan ve epistemolojik değeri üzerine ciddi tartışmalara yol açan, aynı zamanda birçok fıkhî ihtilafın kaynağı olan mefhum-i muhalefet yönteminin, İslam hukukçuları arasındaki görüş ayrılıkları doğrultusunda zaman içinde geçirdiği evrim incelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda mefhum-i muhalefet yöntemine yönelik tutarsızlık eleştirilerinin akabinde yöntemin ıslahı için getirilen şartların mefhum-i muhalefet yöntemini bir ayrık şartlı kıyasa çevirdiği iddia edilmektedir. Mefhum-i muhalefet, metinde belirtilen bir ifadenin zıddından hüküm çıkarma yöntemiyken ayrık şartlı kıyas, bir hükmün belirli şartlar altında (...)
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  8.  54
    One Size Does Not Fit All: Toward “Upstream Ethics”?Vural Ozdemir & Bartha Maria Knoppers - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (6):42-44.
  9.  21
    Even: Use-Values.Ece Korkut - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:145-162.
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  10.  43
    Are We Asking the Right Ethics Questions on Drug Shortages? Suggestions for a Global and Anticipatory Ethics Framework.Vural Ozdemir, Yann Joly, Edward S. Dove, Aspasia Karalis, Denise Avard & Bartha M. Knoppers - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (1):13 - 15.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 1, Page 13-15, January 2012.
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  11. Baillargeon, R, 489 Bloom, P, 166, 649 Bonatti, LL, 247 Bradshaw, MF, 237 Bulloch, MJ, 206.R. Ozdemir - 2007 - Cognition 105:724-725.
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  12.  65
    Collateral Damage: War and Civillian Casualties in Islam and the Ottoman Practices.Bülent Özdemir - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):261-280.
    The well-known perception of war-hungry Muslims who had the Qur’an on the one hand and sword on the other offering a choice of either accepting Islam or losing one’s head has easily been created in the literature by the Orientalist scholars. Today the stress on the Jihad controversy by mass media in Europe and America is important and needs to be corrected. That jihad has usually been translated by the Western media as “holy war” is a greatly misunderstood principle in (...)
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  13.  7
    Aristoteles ve Heidegger’de Zamanın Amaçsal Araçsallığı.Ece Saraçoğlu - 2021 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):54-72.
    Aristoteles ve Heidegger’in zaman görüşleri onların ontoloji temelli düşüncelerinde önemli bir yere sahip olmasına rağmen, “amaçsal araçsallık” anlayışıyla ilişkili olarak derinlemesine irdelenmez. Hâlbuki bu düşünürlerin görüşlerindeki amaçsal araçsallığın yakından incelenmesi, hem onların zaman felsefelerinin hem de genel olarak zamanın “yapıcı ve kurucu” özelliğinin daha anlaşılır olmasını sağlamaktadır. Aristoteles’in ve Heidegger’in ontolojik zaman soruşturmaları, zamanın amaçsal anlamda da araçsallığının olanaklı olabileceğine işaret etmektedir. Bu fikirden hareketle meydana getirilen bu makale, Aristoteles ve Heidegger’in zaman düşüncelerini amaçsal araçsallık ışığında incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu sebeple (...)
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  14.  25
    Metric error monitoring: Another generalized mechanism for magnitude representations?Ece Yallak & Fuat Balcı - 2021 - Cognition 210:104532.
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  15.  27
    Practical Life in the Face of Abstract Principles in William James.Ece Merve Yanardağ - 2024 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 8 (1):47-57.
    In the history of philosophy, philosophers have defined philosophy based on their own perspectives. This situation shows that it is a difficult and meaningless endeavor to put forward an understanding of philosophy that has clear boundaries and is accepted by everyone. However, despite these differences in definitions, there are some common points. Perhaps the most important of these common points is that philosophy is a stance, a positioning activity in the face of truth. In this positioning, William James tried to (...)
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    İslâm borçlar hukukunda berâet kavrami ve mezhepleri̇n berâet kavrami üzeri̇ndeki̇ metodoloji̇k ayriliklari.Muhittin Özdemir - 2017 - Dini Araştırmalar 20 (51):1-1.
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    Molla Fen'rî’de Tasavvuf Metafiziği: Misb'hu’l-Üns Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Muammer İskenderoğlu.Sema Özdemir - 2017 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 3 (2):161-167.
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    Platonun Timaios Diyalogunda Akıl-Zorunluluk İlişkisi.Gülay Özdemir Akgündüz - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:3):625-650.
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  19.  38
    Political Use of Conversion in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Context: Some Cases From Salonica.Bülent Özdemir - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):155-169.
    The purpose of this study is to shed light on a period of time in Ottoman history when conversion policies and practices, influenced by the changes of times and, resulted in unprecedented socio-political directions. In order to do that, some conversion cases from the Ottoman society in Salonica will be presented. Conversion to Islam is of central importance in explaining the rise of empire and its formation in many scholarly studies. It was usually presented as an official policy of Ottoman (...)
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  20.  86
    Epileptic High-Frequency Oscillations in Intracranial EEG Are Not Confounded by Cognitive Tasks.Ece Boran, Lennart Stieglitz & Johannes Sarnthein - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Rationale: High-frequency oscillations in intracranial EEG are used to delineate the epileptogenic zone during presurgical diagnostic assessment in patients with epilepsy. HFOs are historically divided into ripples, fast ripples, and their co-occurrence. In a previous study, we had validated the rate of FRandRs during deep sleep to predict seizure outcome. Here, we ask whether epileptic FRandRs might be confounded by physiological FRandRs that are unrelated to epilepsy.Methods: We recorded iEEG in the medial temporal lobe MTL in 17 patients while they (...)
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  21.  11
    Turkish newspapers’ role in winning votes and exasperating Turkish–Kurdish relations: The Ağrı shootings.Ece Nur Kaya & Lyndon C. S. Way - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (1):82-100.
    Relations between Turkish authorities and their Kurdish minority have been a source of conflict for decades. On 11 April 2015, in the run-up to Turkey’s parliamentary elections, a gunfight broke out in the south-eastern province of Ağrı, resulting in six Kurdish people being killed and four Turkish military personnel wounded. Although skirmishes like this are not unusual, this caught the public imagination as it became clear that Kurdish civilians had helped wounded Turkish soldiers after the shoot-out. The government denied such (...)
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  22.  23
    Ab initiostudy of the structural, electronic and optical properties of NaTaO3.E. Ece Eyi & Suleyman Cabuk - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (21):2965-2976.
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    Çeviride İzlek Ve Yeni Bilgilerin Düzenlenişi.Ece Korkut - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):859-859.
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  24.  47
    A Code of Ethics for Ethicists: What Would Pierre Bourdieu Say? “Do Not Misuse Social Capital in the Age of Consortia Ethics”.Vural Özdemir, Hakan Kılıç, Arif Yıldırım, Effy Vayena, Edward S. Dove, Kıvanç Güngör, Adrian LLerena & Semra Şardaş - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):64-67.
  25.  41
    Kur’an’da Tekebbür Ehlinin Özellikleri.Ahmet Özdemir - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1591-1622.
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    La temporalité et la civilité chez Balibar.Seçkin Sertdemir Özdemir - 2015 - Rue Descartes N° 85-85 (2):191-202.
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  27.  12
    Nietzschede Ebedi Dönüş: Zamanın Kurtarılması.Gülay Özdemir Akgündüz - forthcoming - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Perceptual uniqueness point effects in monitoring internal speech.Rebecca Özdemir, Ardi Roelofs & Willem J. M. Levelt - 2007 - Cognition 105 (2):457-465.
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    Usage of social networks by digital natives as a new communication platform for interpersonal communication.Ece Kahraman, Tutku Akter Gokasan & Bahire Efe Ozad - 2020 - Interaction Studies 21 (3):440-460.
    Social Networking Sites (SNS), particularly Facebook (FB) have become extremely popular among digital natives, especially university-level students. Moreover, they sometimes may see social networks as an extension of their lives (boyd, 2014) which can be called as a new communication platform for interpersonal communication. For the purpose of the study, interpersonal communication skills (ICS) levels explored in four sub-sections both in the social and e-social environments.1 Digital natives’ IPC skills were measured to figure out whether there is any statistically difference (...)
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    Gaston Bachelard'ın Hayır Diyen Felsefesi.Ezgi Ece Çelik - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:3):765-778.
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    Peri Hermeneias Üzerine Orta Şerh.Muhammet Nasih Ece - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):119-157.
    Peripatetik felsefî yaklaşımın en önemli filozoflarından birisi olarak kabul edilen İbn Rüşd, dönemin felsefe paradigması içinde hemen her alana dair eserler kaleme almış bir düşünürdür. Onun kaleme aldığı eserlerin çok büyük bir kısmı, Aristoteles’in eserlerine dair şerhler oluşturmaktadır. Bu sebeple o Büyük Şarih olarak anılmıştır. Bu şerhler büyük, orta ve küçük şeklinde üç tarzda yazılmıştır. Burada Türkçeye çevirdiğimiz eser, Aristoteles’in Organon diye bilinen mantık külliyatının ikinci kitabı olarak kabul edilen Peri Hermeneias adlı eserin orta şerhidir. Bu eserin genel muhteviyatı isim, (...)
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    Serrac-Zade Hasan Hatif And.Selami Ece - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:84-103.
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    Sezai Karakoç And His “Kar Şiiri”.Ece Selami - 2006 - Journal of Turkish Studies 1:140-152.
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    İdeolojik Hadisçiliğin Tarihî Arka Planı. Mehmet Emin Özafşar. Ankara: Otto Yayınları, 2017.Ömer Ali Özdemir - 2021 - Atebe 6:199-203.
    Peygamber'in vefatından sonraki ilk üç asırda meydana gelen olaylar silsilesi bütün ilim alanlarını etkilediği gibi hadis ilmini ve hadis tarihini de derinden etkilemiştir. Özellikle Abbasiler döneminde hayat bulan Mihne olayı ve "Halku’l Kuran”ın dayatılması ve ortaya çıkan "haşevilik" olgusu hadis tarihinin arka planını bilmenin önemini hissettirmiştir. Mihne olayının ve haşevîlik olgusunun yaşandığı dönemde hadis literatürüne pek çok katkı sağlanmıştır. Ancak dönemin zengin kaynaklarını ve hadis tarihini bilmeden okuma ve çalışma yapmanın yanlış değerlendirmelere yol açacağı açıktır. Mehmet Emin Özafşar’ın İdeolojik Hadisçiliğin (...)
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    The Gezi Park Protests as a Pluralistic “Anti-Violent” Movement.seçkİn sertdemİr özdemİr - 2015 - The Pluralist 10 (3):247-260.
    a new era of public protest began in 1999 with the Seattle World Trade Organization (WTO) demonstrations, and continued through the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests and the 2013 Gezi Park insurrection in Istanbul. This new era of demonstrations differed from movements that had come before in the understanding of politics employed by the protesters, reconstructing popular imaginations about the future, bringing about a reconsideration of politics, its domain, and time itself. This article investigates the Occupy Gezi movement that began (...)
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    The existential signs through the works of Alev Ebuzziya Siesbye.Ayse Ece Onur & Erdal Aygenc - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (250):235-250.
    This article is about the signs during the creative stage of one’s self-development. With the acceptance of the creative act as an existential phenomenon, the research considers the creative process as a genuine expression that has been actualized during one’s search for his/her existence. An artist reflects his/her existential being through his/her work to construct an original self, by facing the world and within the struggle to construct the new self that stands beyond confusion. Tarasti’s philosophical approach to “existential semiotics” (...)
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  37. No Problem: Evidence that the Concept of Phenomenal Consciousness is Not Widespread.J. Sytsma & E. Ozdemir - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):241-256.
    The meta-problem is 'the problem of explaining why we think that there is a problem of consciousness' (Chalmers, 2018, p. 6). This presupposes that we think there is a problem in the first place. We challenge the breadth of this 'we', arguing that there is already sufficient empirical evidence to cast doubt on the claim. We then add to this body of evidence, presenting the results of a new cross-cultural study extending the work of Sytsma and Machery (2010).
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  38.  6
    What are the Meaning and the Function of Subject Philosophy in the 21st Century?Muhammet Özdemir - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:3):775-791.
    Bu çalışmada küresel İkinci Soğuk Savaş koşulları, post-truth (hakikat-ötesi) kavramı ve gelişmekte olan ekonomi toplumlarının tereddütleri nedeniyle yeniden söz konusu olan özne felsefelerinin sorun çerçevesi ve işlevi ele alınmaktadır. Ram Roy Bhaskar ve Jean-François Lyotard’ın eleştirilerine dayanılarak öznenin ancak kendi ekosistemi ve ekolojisinde bir toplumsal gerçeklik, karşılılıklılık ve mantıksal doğrulama olanağına erişebileceği fikri geliştirilmektedir. Postmodernizm ve post-yapısalcı felsefenin büyük anlatıların veya meta-söylemlerin bittiği yolundaki bildirileri, öznenin ancak kendi kişisel yaşamı ve fiziksel olarak dokunabildiği toplumsal çevresinden hareketle konuşabileceği anlamında kabul edilmelidir. (...)
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    Putting God And His Prophet Under Obligation.Ahmet Özdemir - 2023 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):67-82.
    This work of ours is about the servant's display of behavior such as ruminating while fulfilling his responsibility to Allah. Since the verse related to our subject is in the Surah Hucurat, an evaluation will be made within the framework of this verse. During this evaluation, verses with similar characteristics that we think may be relevant will also be included. In addition, it will not only touch on the historical dimension of the issue, but also draw attention to what kind (...)
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    Kötülük Problemine Felsefi ve Kelamî Açıdan Mukayeseli Bir Yaklaşım.Metin Özdemir - 2018 - ULUM Journal of Religious Inquiries 1 (1):65-84.
    Kötülük meselesi, hem felsefenin hem de teolojinin ortak problemidir. Filozoflar ve teologlar bu konuda kendi din anlayışlarına, paradigmalarına ve metodolojilerine uygun bir teodise / ilahi adalet savunusu geliştirmişlerdir. Onlar dünyadaki kötülük olgusunu kendi yaratılış teorilerine uygun olarak izah etmeye ve anlamlandırmaya çalışmışlardır. Bu nedenle her iki taraf da hem metafizik hem de ahlaki kötülük konusunda ciddi ayrılıklar göstermektedirler. Filozoflar, tabii kötülük konusunda, kurgusal varsayımlara dayalı sudur nazariyesine bağlı kaldıklarından rasyonellikten uzaklaşmış; ancak ahlaki kötülükler konusunda son derece rasyonel bir yol izlemişlerdir. (...)
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  41. Yaygın Din Eğitiminin Z Kuşağına Katkısı: Cuma Hutbeleri Örneği.Saadettin Özdemir & Ahmet Yusuf Gıynaş - 2024 - Atebe 12:50-87.
    Yaygın din eğitimi örgün din eğitimin dışında bireylerin dini ihtiyaçlarını gidermek için resmi ya da özel kuruluşlar vasıtasıyla her bireye planlı ve amaçlı olarak verilen eğitimdir. Günümüzde yaygın din eğitimini şekillendiren temel kurum Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığıdır. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı yaygın din eğitimini cami içi ve cami dışı olarak yerine getirmektedir. Cami içi yaygın din eğitimi ise; vaaz, hutbe ve kuran öğretimi ile yapılmaktadır. Bu eğitimlerden olan hutbe, Müslümanları ilgilendiren bütün konuları ele alarak topluma dini bilgileri öğretmek; insanlarda olumlu yönde davranış (...)
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    Through Thick and Thin: Gesture and Speech Remain as an Integrated System in Atypical Development.Ö. Ece Demir-Lira & Tilbe Göksun - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Gesture and speech are tightly linked and form a single system in typical development. In this review, we ask whether and how the role of gesture and relations between speech and gesture vary in atypical development by focusing on two groups of children: those with peri- or prenatal unilateral brain injury (children with BI) and preterm born (PT) children. We describe the gestures of children with BI and PT children and the relations between gesture and speech, as well as highlight (...)
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  43. The cognitive ontogeny of tool making in children: The role of inhibition and hierarchical structuring.Gökhan Gönül, Ece Kamer Takmaz, Annette Hohenberger & Michael Corballis - 2018 - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 1 (173):222-238.
    During the last decade, the ontogeny of tool making has received growing attention in the literature on tool-related behaviors. However, the cognitive demands underlying tool making are still not clearly understood. In this cross-sectional study of 52 Turkish preschool children from 3 to 6 years of age, the roles of executive function (response inhibition), ability to form hierarchical representations (hierarchical structuring), and social learning were investigated with the hook task previously used with children and animals. In this task, children needed (...)
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    Transport studies of carbon-rich a-SiCx:H film through admittance and deep-level transient spectroscopy measurements.I. Atilgan, O. Ozdemir, B. Akaoglu, K. Sel & B. Katircioglu - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2771-2796.
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    Readings in international relations: theory and practice.Selin Ece Güner - 2022 - San Diego, CA: Cognella.
    Unit 1. Realist readings -- Unit 2. Liberal readings -- Unit 3. Marxist readings -- Unit 4. Constructivist readings.
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    The political economy of patriarchy in the global South.Ece Kocabıçak - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Recent decades have witnessed both a renewed energy in feminist activism and widespread attacks taking back hard-won rights. Despite powerful feminist movements, the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly undermined the progress women have struggled for decades to achieve; how can this be? What explains this paradox of a strong feminist movement coexisting with stubborn patriarchal arrangements? How can we stop the next global catastrophe initiating a similar backlash? This book suggests that the shortcomings of social theory prevent feminist strategies from initiating (...)
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    Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir (eds.) - 2005 - Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
    Yet many in the USA and Europe are not familiar with his important work; this book seeks to rectify that gap.In Globalization, Ethics and Islam, Jewish, ...
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    Selling Translational Research: Is Science a Value-Neutral Autonomous Enterprise?Zubin Master & Vural Özdemir - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):52-54.
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    Two decision problems in Contact Logics.Philippe Balbiani, Çiğdem Gencer & Zafer Özdemir - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (1):8-32.
    Contact Logics provide a natural framework for representing and reasoning about regions in several areas of computer science. In this paper, we focus our attention on reasoning methods for Contact Logics and address the satisfiability problem and the unifiability problem. Firstly, we give sound and complete tableaux-based decision procedures in Contact Logics and we obtain new results about the decidability/complexity of the satisfiability problem in these logics. Secondly, we address the computability of the unifiability problem in Contact Logics and we (...)
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    Femmes, genre et corps dans l’Europe du Sud-Est et en Turquie (mi-xixe – mi-xxe siècle).Fabio Giomi & Ece Zerman - 2018 - Clio 48:153-179.
    Quand Lydia Sklevicky, l’une des pionnières de l’histoire des femmes en Yougoslavie, essayait de décrire en 1989 la place réservée aux femmes dans la recherche historique de son pays, elle utilisait une expression destinée à faire date : on y comptait, à son sens, « davantage de chevaux que de femmes ». Presque trente ans se sont écoulés depuis cette déclaration qui mélange ironie et amertume. La réalité actuelle est bien différente. Grâce aux synergies entre mouvements sociaux et recherche,...
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