Results for 'Eberhard Döring'

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  1. Eberhard Doring, Paul K. Feyerabend zur Einfuhrung. [REVIEW]R. Noske & V. Bohnigk - 2000 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 107 (1):246-247.
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    Döring, O. Der Anhang zum analytischen Teile der Kritik der reinen Vernunft über die Amphibolie der Reflexionsbegriffe.O. Döring - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    Foreign Institutional Investors, Legal Origin, and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure.Simon Döring, Wolfgang Drobetz, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami & Henning Schröder - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):903-932.
    The disclosure of corporate environmental performance is an increasingly important element of a firm’s ethical behavior. We analyze how the legal origin of foreign institutional investors affects a firm’s voluntary greenhouse gas emissions disclosure. Using a large sample of firms from 36 countries, we show that foreign institutional ownership from civil law countries improves the scope and quality of a firm’s greenhouse gas emissions reporting. This relation is robust to addressing endogeneity and selection biases. The effect is more pronounced in (...)
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  4. Seeing What to Do: Affective Perception and Rational Motivation.Sabine A. Döring - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):363-394.
    Theories of practical reason must meet a psychological requirement: they must explain how normative practical reasons can be motivationally efficacious. It would be pointless to claim that we are subject to normative demands of reason, if we were in fact unable to meet those demands. Concerning this requirement to account for the possibility of rational motivation, internalist approaches are distinguished from externalist ones. I defend internalism, whilst rejecting both ways in which the belief‐desire model can be instantiated. Both the Humean (...)
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    The Bright and Dark Side of Gossip for Cooperation in Groups.Terence D. Dores Cruz, Bianca Beersma, Maria T. M. Dijkstra & Myriam N. Bechtoldt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Philosophie der Gefühle.Sabine A. Döring (ed.) - 2009 - Suhrkamp.
    Wenn es in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts so etwas wie die "arme Verwandtschaft" unter den philosophischen Themen gab, so waren das die Gefühle. Zwar hatten sich Klassiker wie Platon, Aristoteles, Spinoza, Descartes und Hume eingehend mit ihnen befaßt, aber seit Kant, der sie als "Gegner der Vernunft" abtat, wurde den Gefühlen in der Philosophie nur noch wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Erst seit den 1960er Jahren rückten sie wieder in den Fokus des Interesses, und zwar aufgrund der Einsicht, daß Gefühle (...)
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    What a Difference Emotions Make.Sabine A. Döring - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 191–199.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References Further reading.
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  8. The Logic of Emotional Experience: Noninferentiality and the Problem of Conflict Without Contradiction.Sabine A. Döring - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):240-247.
    Almost all contemporary philosophers on the subject agree that emotions play an indispensable role in the justification (as opposed to the mere causation) of other mental states and actions. However, how this role is to be understood is still an open question. At the core of the debate is the phenomenon of conflict without contradiction: why is it that an emotion need not be revised in the light of better judgment and knowledge? Conflict without contradiction has been explained either by (...)
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    Do Criminal Offenders Have a Right to Neurorehabilitation?Emma Dore-Horgan - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):429-451.
    Soon it may be possible to promote the rehabilitation of criminal offenders through _neurointerventions_ (interventions which exert direct physical, chemical or biological effects on the brain). Some jurisdictions already utilise neurointerventions to diminish the risk of sexual or drug-related reoffending. And investigation is underway into several other neurointerventions that might also have rehabilitative applications within criminal justice—for example, pharmacotherapy to reduce aggression or impulsivity. Ethical debate on the use of neurointerventions to facilitate rehabilitation—henceforth ‘neurorehabilitation’—has proceeded on two assumptions: that we (...)
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  10. Why Bayesian Psychology Is Incomplete.Frank Döring - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):S379 - S389.
    Bayesian psychology, in what is perhaps its most familiar version, is incomplete: Jeffrey conditionalization is not a complete account of rational belief change. Jeffrey conditionalization is sensitive to the order in which the evidence arrives. This order effect can be so pronounced as to call for a belief adjustment that cannot be understood as an assimilation of incoming evidence by Jeffrey's rule. Hartry Field's reparameterization of Jeffrey's rule avoids the order effect but fails as an account of how new evidence (...)
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  11. Rationality, time and normativity: On Hedden’s time-slice rationality.Sabine Döring & Bahadir Eker - 2017 - Analysis 77 (3):571-585.
    In his stimulating recent book Reasons without Persons, Brian Hedden develops a novel theory of rationality that he calls Time-Slice Rationality. One of the main theses of TSR is that all rational requirements are synchronic. We argue here first that this thesis is not well-motivated. We also demonstrate that Hedden is in fact committed to an even stronger claim about the rationality of an agent at a time. Finally, we provide some arguments against the conception of rationality that results from (...)
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  12. Conditional Probability and Dutch Books.Frank Döring - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):391 - 409.
    There is no set Δ of probability axioms that meets the following three desiderata: (1) Δ is vindicated by a Dutch book theorem; (2) Δ does not imply regularity (and thus allows, among other things, updating by conditionalization); (3) Δ constrains the conditional probability q(·,z) even when the unconditional probability p(z) (=q(z,T)) equals 0. This has significant consequences for Bayesian epistemology, some of which are discussed.
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  13. Sexual selection, social competition, and speciation.M. J. West-Eberhard - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise (eds.), Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  14. Karl Rahner and the Supernatural Existential.Kenneth D. Eberhard - 1971 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 46 (4):537-561.
    The key to understanding Karl Rahner's theology is his doctrine of the supernatural existential; it is, moreover, a microcosm of many of his major theological themes.
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    The Influence of Pre-specified Targets on Categorisation Tasks.Doring Natalie, Brooks Anna & Van Der Zwan Rick - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Die Herrschaft der Zahl.Eberhard Reichmann - 1968 - Stuttgart,: Metzler.
  17. How Safe Should We Feel? On the Ethics of Fear in the Public Sphere.Sabine Döring - 2020 - In Sebastian Schmidt & Gerhard Ernst (eds.), The Ethics of Belief and Beyond: Understanding Mental Normativity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 215-233.
    The question is why it is that objective safety level and subjective feeling of safety may come apart. Answering this question requires an analysis of the nature of fear in the public sphere since feeling safe means to feel that one avoids the frightening, i.e. the threats or dangers that one perceives in the world. Döring argues that the fact-resistance fear might display in the public sphere is due to the characteristic function that fear fulfills in this sphere. In the (...)
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  18. Are movement parameters recognizably coded in the activity of single neurons?Eberhard E. Fetz - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):679-690.
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    Wilted Country.Roger Eberhard - 2010 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
    Roger Eberhard, Swiss-born and American-educated photographer, conceives his works as series, taking-up impulses and inspirations for new projects from any possible source, such as a story he learns about or media reports catching his attention. He is pa.
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  20. Why be emotional.Sabine A. Döring - 2009 - In Peter Goldie (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 283--301.
  21. What's Wrong With Recalcitrant Emotions? From Irrationality to Challenge of Agential Identity.Sabine A. Döring - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (3):381-402.
    I argue that, in experiencing a recalcitrant emotion, one does not violate a rational requirement of any sort. Rational requirements, as the expression has come to be used, are requirements of coherence. Accordingly, my argument is that there is nothing incoherent in any way about experiencing a recalcitrant emotion. One becomes incoherent only if one allows the emotion to influence one's reasoning and/or action, in which case one violates the ‘consistency principle’ and/or the ‘enkratic principle’. From the standpoint of rationality, (...)
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  22. Der Sokrates des Aischines von Sphettos und die Frage nach dem historischen Sokrates.Klaus Döring - 1984 - Hermes 112 (1):16-30.
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  23. The Great Passion: An Introduction to Karl Barths Theology.Eberhard Busch - 2004
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    The conscience.Eberhard Arnold - 2019 - Walden, New York, USA: Plough Publishing House.
    A trusted guide into the inner realm where our spirits find strength to master life and live for God. It is hard to exaggerate the significance of Innerland, either for Eberhard Arnold or his readers. It absorbed his energies off and on for most of his adult life--from World War I, when he published the first chapter under the title War: A Call to Inwardness, to 1935, the last year of his life. Packed in metal boxes and buried at (...)
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    Homo juridicus: culture as a normative order.Isaak Ismail Dore - 2016 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
    Homo Juridicus focuses on the normative foundations underlying all socio-cultural formations. The book uses the concept of ''normativity'' in an inclusive sense. It includes law, but it is not limited to it. As such, it explores the various social and cultural forces that persuade, incite, seduce, influence, direct, restrain, repress or control behavior. It is a major interdisciplinary study cutting across several disciplines of social science, such as law, anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics and philosophy. Its primary audience is law students, (...)
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  26. God as the Mystery of the World: On the Foundation of the Theology of the Crucified One on the Dispute Between Theism and Atheism.Eberhard Jüngel - 1983
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    Gab es eine Dialektische Schule?Klaus Döring - 1989 - Phronesis 34 (1):293-310.
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    Do Theodicists Mean What They Say?Clement Dore - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (190):357 - 374.
    Many theodicists have maintained that God is justified in permitting suffering on the ground that His doing so is a necessary condition of the realization of certain intrinsically valuable ends which the suffering serves and whose value outweighs the suffering which occasions them. Examples of ends which are frequently cited in this connection are freely chosen actions in accordance with stringent obligations to be charitable and steadfast. To say that the value of these ends outweighs the suffering which gives rise (...)
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    After phrenology : Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain de Michael L. Anderson.Mélyssa Thibodeau-Doré & Pierre Poirier - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):533-537.
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    Toward a Modern Revival of Darwin’s Theory of Evolutionary Novelty.Mary Jane West-Eberhard - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):899-908.
    Darwin proposed that evolutionary novelties are environmentally induced in organisms “constitutionally” sensitive to environmental change, with selection effective owing to the inheritance of constitutional responses. A molecular theory of inheritance, pangenesis , explained the cross‐generational transmission of environmentally induced traits, as required for evolution by natural selection. The twentieth‐century evolutionary synthesis featured mutation as the source of novelty, neglecting the role of environmental induction. But current knowledge of environmentally sensitive gene expression, combined with the idea of genetic accommodation of mutationally (...)
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    On the distinction between the concept of God and conceptions of God.Eberhard Herrmann - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (2):63 - 73.
    The starting-point is the distinction between concept and conception. Our conceptions of gold, for instance, are the different understandings we get when we hear the word ‘gold’ whereas the concept of gold consists in the scientific determination of what gold is. It depends on the context whether it is more reasonable to claim a concept or to look for fitting conceptions. By arguing against metaphysical realism and for non-metaphysical realism, I will elaborate on some philosophical reasons for dealing with conceptions (...)
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  32. Dancing with DNA and flirting with the ghost of Lamarck.Mary Jane West-Eberhard - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):439-451.
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    Motståndets möjligheter: filosofiska repliker till Eberhard Herrmann.Eberhard Herrmann, Lena Edlund, Olof Franck, Mikael Stenmark, Karin Johannesson & Erica Appelros (eds.) - 2011 - Skellefteå: Norma.
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    A. F. C. Vilmars Entwicklung zum konservativen Politiker.Eberhard Amelung - 1965 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 9 (1):101-109.
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    Symbolische Physik.Eberhard Buchwald - 1949 - Berlin,: Schiele & Schön.
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  36. Die Methode der Ästhetik.August Doring - 1909 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 4:321-348.
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  37. Die aristotelischen Definitionen von syndesmes [Greek] und arthron [Greek] Poetik c. 20.A. Döring - 1890 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 3:363.
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    Lactanz und die klassiker.Eberhard Heck - 1988 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 132 (1-2):160-179.
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    Review essay / the scope and limits of criminal justifications.Laurie Kratky Doré - 1999 - Criminal Justice Ethics 18 (1):41-51.
    Robert F. Schopp, Justification Defenses and Just Convictions Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. x + 212 pp.
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    The Hall of Uselessness: Collected Essays.Dore J. Levy - 2015 - Common Knowledge 21 (2):329-330.
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  41. Conversation on Faith.Eberhard Mueller - 1961
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    Guest Editor's Introduction.Ole Döring - 2007 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 39 (2):3-17.
    Since our visual perception of physical things essentially involves our identifying objects by their colours, any theory of visual perception must contain some account of the colours of things. The central problem with colour has to do with relating our normal, everyday colour perceptions to what science, i.e. physics, teaches us about physical objects and their qualities. Although we perceive colours as categorical surface properties of things, colour perceptions are explained by introducing physical properties like reflectance profiles or dispositions to (...)
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    A model of loudness summation.Eberhard Zwicker & Bertram Scharf - 1965 - Psychological Review 72 (1):3-26.
  44. Beyond Perceptualism: Introduction to the Special Issue.Sabine A. Döring & Anika Lutz - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (3):259-270.
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  45. (1 other version)Thinking What We Want: A Moral Right to Acquire Control over our Thoughts.Emma Dore-Horgan & Thomas Douglas - forthcoming - In Marc Jonathan Blitz & Jan Christoph Bublitz (eds.), The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought, Volume 2. Palgrave.
  46. Conflict without contradiction.S. Döring - 2008 - In Georg Brun, Ulvi Doğuoğlu & Dominique Kuenzle (eds.), Epistemology and Emotions. Ashgate Publishing Company. pp. 83--103.
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    God's being is in becoming: the trinitarian being of God in the theology of Karl Barth: a paraphrase.Eberhard Jüngel - 2001 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This volume presents an entirely new translation of Eberhard Jungel's Gottes Sein ist im Werden, published twenty-five years ago as The Doctrine of the Trinity, a brilliant interpretation of Karl Barth's exposition of God's being. This work by Jungel is central to fully appreciating Barth's thought, and it remains of enduring significance for constructive trinitarian theology. Building on a paraphrase of Barth's discussion of the Trinity in Church Dogmatics, Jungel first explores God's being as "self-revelation" -- for Barth the (...)
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    Das Gespenst.Sabine Döring, Lars Neth & Wolf Lotter - 2021 - Brand Eins.
    Wenn es um „den Kapitalismus“ geht, regieren schnell die Gefühle. Die Philosophen Sabine Döring und Lars Neth appellieren an die Vernunft. -/- Interview: Wolf Lotter.
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    An Examination of the "Soul-Making" Theodicy.Clement Dore - 1970 - American Philosophical Quarterly 7 (2):119 - 130.
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  50. Manger ou ne PAS manger avec Les étrangers?: Quelques observations concernant genèse 43 et le Roman Joseph et aséneth.Eberhard Bons - 2013 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 93 (1):93-103.
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