Results for 'EU asylum law'

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  1.  13
    EU Immigration and Asylum Law.Steve Peers - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 519–533.
    The gradual development of European Union (EU) immigration and asylum law has been characterized by two related, ongoing tensions: the conflict between EU competence in this field and national sovereignty, and the friction between immigration control and the protection of human rights. The EU's approach to resolving the two key tensions in this area are assessed by examining the four key subjects addressed by immigration law: visas and border controls, irregular migration, legal migration, and asylum. The European Union (...)
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    What Is Wrong with Solidarity in EU Asylum and Migration Law?Eleni Karageorgiou & Gregor Noll - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (2):131-154.
    In this article, we explore why solidarity has not worked according to expectation in EU migration and asylum law and why it is unlikely to work in the future. First, we consider discourses of burden-sharing and solidarity in EU law from the 1990s up to the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 to identify emergent path dependencies. This period saw the introduction of primary law provisions on solidarity, such as Article 80 TFEU, as French and Dutch electorates had rejected a European (...)
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    Lessons of the First EU Court of Justice Judgments in Asylum Cases.Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):477-505.
    Starting from 2009, national courts of the EU Member States for the first time gained a “real” right to request the EU Court of Justice for preliminary rulings in asylum matters. First judgments of this Court demonstrate equivocal tendencies: some are blaming the Court for incompetence in asylum matters, others believe that the adoption of authoritative decisions at the European level will assist in developing consistent practice of applying asylum law in the European Union, something that failed (...)
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    Protection under the European Convention on Human Rights – Oasis for Asylum Seekers in Europe?Lyra Jakulevičienė & Vladimiras Siniovas - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):855-899.
    Even though the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) does not explicitly address the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, the case law of the European Human Rights Court (ECtHR) confirms that their rights can be successfully defended under this mechanism. In parallel, in its evolving jurisprudence on asylum the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) refers to the Strasbourg case law, where there is a certain interrelationship between these two jurisdictions, (...)
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    Beyond the “Hybrid Attack” Paradigm: EU-Belarus Border Crisis and the Erosion of Asylum-Seeker Rights in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.Aleksandra Ancite-Jepifánova - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (2).
    While in the recent years violations of asylum-seeker rights have been increasingly documented in EU Member States, the crisis at the EU-Belarus border has opened up a whole new chapter in this area. In response to the perceived migrant instrumentalisation by the Belarusian regime, several Member States—Latvia, Lithuania and Poland—have openly introduced long-term, far-reaching and blanket legislative measures that severely restricted the right to seek asylum and formalised pushbacks—contrary to their obligations under EU law and international refugee and (...)
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  6.  45
    Problems of Application of Detention of Asylum Seekers in the Practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.Laurynas Biekša & Eglė Samuchovaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1407-1422.
    The question of detention of asylum seekers is specific due to the special situation of detainees (persons who have experienced human rights violations and apply for asylum in receiving country) and due to peculiarities of detention itself (persons have not committed crimes, but come or stay illegally because they have been forced to do so by fleeing from human rights violations). Therefore, lately it raises many discussions at the European level. Sooner or later, discussions influence national laws, as (...)
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  7.  37
    Reception Conditions Directive: Concerns of Transposition into Lithuanian Legislation and Implementation.Lyra Jakulevičienė & Laurynas Biekša - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):313-333.
    The 6th of February 2005 marks the deadline of transposition of the EU Council Directive No. 2003/9/EC (Reception Conditions‘ Directive) into national legislation. This article is the second in a series of articles on transposition of the European Union Asylum Directives in Lithuania and remaining concerns. It analyses the transposition of the Reception Conditions Directive in the country, the impact of the directive‘s provisions on the development of the Lithuanian asylum law and draws attention to the remaining concerns (...)
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    Unilateralism in Refugee law—Austria’s Quota Approach Under Scrutiny.Peter Hilpold - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):305-319.
    In the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” and of crumbling state structures, an exodus of unknown proportion from the Near East and from Northern Africa has set in and was further exacerbated by civil war and ISIS terror rule over large territories in the Near East. As a consequence, thousands of refugees came to Europe. Many of them fulfilled the conditions for non-refoulement according to Article 33 of the Geneva Convention on the Law of Refugees of 1951 or were at (...)
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  9.  4
    Negar la política, negar sus sujetos y derechos (Las políticas migratorias y de asilo como emblemas de la necropolitica) | Deny the Politics, their Subjects and Rights (Migration and Asylum Policies as Emblems of Necropolitics).Javier De Lucas Martín - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 36:64-87.
    Resumen: Las políticas europeas de inmigración y refugio han sido criticadas por quienes las consideran emblemas de una concepción que pone en grave riesgo elementos básicos del Estado de Derecho y aun de la democracia. El epítome es la aparición de mercados de esclavos en Libia, a las puertas de la UE, un Estado fallido que la UE y sus Estados miembros se empeñan en elevar a la condición de partner privilegiado de sus políticas de externalización. Tomando como base los (...)
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    Where is the justice in EU anti-trafficking policy? Feminist reflections on European Union policy-making processes.Jane Freedman & Sharron FitzGerald - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (4):440-454.
    In this article, we reflect on our personal experience of acting as ‘independent academic experts’ in an European Union policy forum, to reflect on how the EU utilises gender to legitimise certain policy discourses in combating sex trafficking. Starting from our personal experience, we draw on wider feminist research on gender expertise and on Fraser’s new reflexive theory of political injustice, to consider how the EU structures debates in this area to determine ‘who’ is entitled to speak and be heard (...)
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  11.  2
    Understanding solidarity in the European Union: an analytical framework.Daniele Saracino - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (5):1093-1118.
    Solidarity is a key concept in the European Union. However, the concept of solidarity lacks systematic theoretical examination to enable a sufficient understanding of its contextual meaning and to provide an operationalisable benchmark for analysis. To address this research gap, I propose an analytical framework for solidarity in the European Union that features four necessary conditions: particularity, instrumentality, reciprocity, and responsibility. I develop the framework through a transdisciplinary conceptual history approach, substantiated with a thorough document and legal analysis of European (...)
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  12.  35
    Asylum Law or Criminal Law: Blame, Deterrence and the Criminalisation of the Asylum.Paresh Kathrani - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (4):1543-1554.
    Although the Refugee Convention 1951 generally provided that contracting states should recognise those who came within its definition as refugees, it did not prescribe how contracting states should determine this in order to enable them to balance this obligation with their national interests. However, evidence from the background and drafting of the Refugee Convention 1951 suggests that the provisions that a contracting states would implement in order to protect its interests would be commensurate with the human rights spirit of the (...)
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  13.  12
    EU Competition Law in a Global Context.Giorgio Monti - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 315–333.
    This chapter provides an overview of the key European Union (EU) competition law provisions, focusing on their impact on the global economy and how this impact is managed. It considers the main transnational themes that arise. The first is the age‐old question of the extent to which national law applies across its borders. The second is the question of externalities, which has two ramifications. The first is an economic one, whereby the concern is that the enforcement of competition law in (...)
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  14.  9
    EU Environmental Law.Maria Lee - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 568–587.
    The European Union (EU) has developed a vast body of environmental law, relying on a treaty title setting out normatively and descriptively complex environmental principles and approaches, as well as on those parts of the treaties focusing on the internal market. This chapter provides some introductory insights into EU environmental law. It explores that the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) shows the potential of an approach to governance that sets environmental norms in a collaborative, problem‐solving forum beyond the face of legislation. (...)
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  15.  12
    EU Procedural Law.Andrea Biondi & Ravi Mehta - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 153–165.
    This chapter reexamines the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) through the prism of the modern structure of the foundational treaties of the EU: the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The Lisbon Treaty has reshaped the structure of the positive law of the EU, marking a new stage in the process of creating a closer union. For EU procedural law, this has led to (...)
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  16.  16
    Ethics in practice in asylum law: asylum legal aid lawyers’ moral reasoning in respect of ‘hopeless cases’.Tamara Butter - 2022 - Legal Ethics 25 (1):26-43.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: first, it seeks to provide a better understanding of lawyers’ ethics in practice in the field of publicly funded asylum law. It does so by examining Dutch asylum legal aid lawyers’ moral reasoning in respect of the ethically challenging issue of ‘the hopeless case’, employing a version of Christine Parker’s four approaches to moral reasoning in legal practice: adversarial advocacy, responsible lawyering, moral activism and relational lawyering. Second, it aims to demonstrate (...)
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  17.  32
    Is there a Need for Extension of Subsidiary Protection in the European Union Qualification Directive?Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):215-232.
    The establishment of the Common European Asylum System by 2012 remains a key policy objective for the European Union. According to the Council of the European Union, the development of a Common Asylum Policy should be based on a full and inclusive application of the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and other relevant international treaties. In the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum attention is brought to the persistence of wide disparities amongst Member (...)
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  18.  16
    EU Criminal Law.Valsamis Mitsilegas - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 547–567.
    This chapter presents an analysis of complex constitutional framework, examining institutional developments brought about by the Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties and by focusing in particular on the major institutional changes brought about by the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. It illustrates how European integration in criminal matters has been organized over time. The chapter examines the extent of European Union (EU) competence to harmonize national legislation in the field of substantive criminal law and European integration in criminal matters (...)
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  19.  28
    Measuring common standards and equal responsibility sharing in EU asylum outcome data.Luc Bovens, Chlump Chatkupt & Laura Smead - 2012 - European Union Politics 13 (1):70-93.
    We construct novel measures to assess (i) the extent to which European Union member states are using common standards in recognizing asylum seekers and (ii) the extent to which the responsibilities for asylum applications, acceptances and refugee populations are equally shared among the member states, taking into account population size, gross domestic product (GDP) and GDP expressed in purchasing power parity (GDP-PPP). We track the progression of these measures since the implementation of the Treaty of Amsterdam (1999). These (...)
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  20.  8
    Emergence of EU Maritime Law.Barış Soyer - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 427–437.
    The European Union's interest in developing rules concerning maritime law and liabilities has gained momentum, particularly after the Erika disaster in 1999. The development of EU maritime law has taken place on an incremental basis and to a large extent it is closely associated with various EU institutions' knee‐jerk reaction to pollution disasters within EU waters, prompted, no doubt, by the extensive media coverage of public outrage following such oil spills. This chapter considers several relevant EU directives and regulations devised (...)
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  21.  35
    The Right to Confidentiality of Communications Between a Lawyer and a Client During Investigation of EU Competition Law Violations: The Aspect of the Status of a Lawyer.Justina Nasutavičienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):39-55.
    For the purposes of this article, the right to confidentiality of communications between a lawyer and a client (legal professional privilege) is analysed and understood as a rule under which, in judicial or administrative proceedings, the content of communications between a lawyer and his client shall not be disclosed; if this rule is breached, the content of the communications in question is not treated as evidence in the process. Legal professional privilege is related to several articles of the Convention for (...)
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  22.  22
    Taiwan’s Road to an Asylum Law: Who, When, How, and Why Not Yet?Kristina Kironska - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (2):241-264.
    Taiwan is considered to be one of the most progressive countries in Asia but has no asylum law. Does it need one? Many in Taiwan, including officials and politicians, claim that the regulations that are currently in place are sufficient. There are, however, some people in Taiwan who require protection, and the government is not able to respond effectively in the absence of an asylum law. The author has identified several different groups in Taiwan that would benefit from (...)
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  23. The application of EU competition law to the exploitation of human genome editing technology.Vladimir Bastidas Venegas - 2023 - In Santa Slokenberga, Timo Minssen & Ana Nordberg (eds.), Governing, protecting, and regulating the future of genome editing: the significance of ELSPI perspectives. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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  24.  44
    BLOG: Greece, Portugal, Spain and the East European states take on less than their fair share of responsibility for EU asylum seekers.Luc Bovens & Günperi Sisman - 2013 - LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (xx):xx.
    One of the stated aims of the “2008 Policy Plan on Asylum” by the European Commission is increased ‘responsibility sharing’ between Member States with respect to asylum seekers. Luc Bovens and Günperi Sisman assess the extent to which UNHCR outcome data reflect these aims between 2006 and 2011 – from the end of the first phase of the Common European Asylum System until the latest available data. They find that Greece, Portugal and Spain take on very low (...)
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  25.  23
    Determining Transgender: Adjudicating Gender Identity in U.S. Asylum Law.Stefan Vogler - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):439-462.
    Transgender legal protections have long been contentious issues, with courts often pathologizing or refusing recognition of transgender identities. Recently, however, courts adjudicating asylum claims have recognized “transgender” as a legitimate category of protection. I take this legal development as an opportunity to ask how courts determine if individuals are transgender. While previous work has shown how courts maintain the gender binary, asylum law offers the first chance to analyze how recognizing a distinct transgender category affects the legal gender (...)
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  26.  20
    Should she be granted asylum? Examining the justifiability of the persecution criterion and nexus clause in asylum law.Noa Wirth Nogradi - 2016 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:41-57.
    The current international asylum regime recognizes only persecuted persons as rightful asylum applicants. The Geneva Convention and Protocol enumerate specific grounds upon which persecution is recognized. Claimants who cannot demonstrate a real risk of persecution based on one of the recognized grounds are unlikely to be granted asylum. This paper aims to relate real-world practices to normative theories, asking whether the Convention’s restricted preference towards persecuted persons is normatively justified. I intend to show that the justifications of (...)
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  27. The Biopolitics of Asylum Law in the United States.Ariadna Estévez - 2016 - In Sergei Prozorov & Simona Rentea (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Biopolitics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  28.  39
    Becoming British: UK Citizenship Examined.Thom Brooks - 2016 - Biteback.
    From Syrian asylum seekers to super-rich foreign investors, immigration is one of the most controversial issues facing Britain today. Politicians kick the subject from one election to the next with energetic but ineffectual promises to ‘crack down’, while newspaper editors plaster it across front pages. -/- But few know the truth behind the headlines; indeed, the almost daily changes to our complex immigration laws pile up so quickly that even the officials in charge struggle to keep up. -/- In (...)
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    Correction to: Taiwan’s Road to an Asylum Law: Who, When, How, and Why Not Yet?Kristina Kironska - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):437-438.
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  30.  24
    Republican Theory and the EU: Emergency Laws and Constitutional Challenges.E. Herlin-Karnell - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (3):209-228.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has raised many intriguing questions both in the EU and globally, from the critical task of safeguarding lives to technical legal issues about competences to regulate health as well as the boundaries of emergency laws. This paper is interested in the connection between non-domination theory and the EU’s constitutional structure in the context of emergency laws. A key theme of the paper is that risk and emergencies are nothing new in an EU context, but concepts used by (...)
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  31.  34
    Reading the Stranger of Asylum Law: Legacies of Communication and Ethics. [REVIEW]Toni A. M. Johnson - 2013 - Feminist Legal Studies 21 (2):119-139.
  32.  52
    Abolishing asylum and violating the human rights of refugees. Why is it tolerated? The case of Hungary in the EU.Felix Bender - 2020 - In Elżbieta M. Goździak, Izabella Main & Brigitte Suter (eds.), Europe and the Refugee Response: A Crisis of Values? Routledge.
    Why are human rights abuses of refugees at the EU’s geographical periphery tolerated by other EU states? This chapter uses the case of Hungary and Germany to explore how the former abolished the institution of asylum, shedding light on the human rights abuses of refugees, and why states such as the latter seem to condone such actions. It argues that core EU member states condone human rights abuses at the geographical periphery of the EU as long as they contribute (...)
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  33.  24
    A few notes on the language of eu antitrust law in English-polish translation.Anna Piszcz - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):161-174.
    In this paper I would like to present a brief description of the issues in English-Polish translation in the field of antitrust. Ever since Poland became a part of the broadening European integration, the Polish antitrust laws have been strongly “Europeanised”. Many new linguistic elements exist in both the Polish language of antitrust law and Polish legal language. Whatever the cause, the result is a decrease in the quality of the language. The issues of concern are divided into two groups. (...)
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  34. The past, present and future of EU health law.Tamara Hervey - 2015 - In Catherine Stanton, Sarah Devaney, Anne-Maree Farrell & Alexandra Mullock (eds.), Pioneering Healthcare Law: Essays in Honour of Margaret Brazier. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Refugees' right to health: A case study of Poland's disparate migration policies.Krzysztof Kędziora - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):58-66.
    Poland has faced two waves of migration: the first was of irregular asylum seekers, which led to the humanitarian crisis on the eastern EU–Belarusian border since 2021; the second was of Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion. Although there are noticeable differences between these situations, and between the different reactions of the Polish authorities, it is possible to juxtapose them in terms of the right to health. The normative content of refugee and human rights law is the starting point for (...)
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  36.  27
    “A Better Coherence of EU Private Law” and Multilingualism: Two Opposing Principles?Reiner Schulze - 2008 - In Common Frame of Reference and Existing Ec Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  37.  41
    Refugees, EU Citizenship and the Common European Asylum System A Normative Dilemma for EU Integration.David Owen - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):347-369.
    This article argues that the practical difficulties and normative dilemmas at stake in the European refugee crisis as a crisis of EU integration extend beyond refugee policies into what we may call ‘the citizenship regime’ of the European Union in ways that are consequential for refugees, member states, and the European Union. It advances arguments for the relatively rapid access to citizenship of refugees, demonstrates that this norm has at least some acknowledgment in the policies of EU member states and (...)
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  38.  34
    EU Law and Semiotics.Colin Robertson - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (2):145-164.
    The European Union is one of the ‘big ideas’ of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and has been built on the idea of the European Community, which it supersedes. Seen in this light the emergent law of the European Union is becoming omnipresent in so many ways and yet it does not appear to have been the subject of as much semiotic study as it deserves. This paper takes a multilingual stance and explores emerging EC and EU law from a (...)
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    Refugee Asylum: Deuteronomy’s ‘Disobedient’ Law.Myrto Theocharous - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (4):464-474.
    Taking the contemporary definition for ‘refugee’ by the UN High Commission for Refugees as a starting point, this article examines the law on refugee asylum in Deut. 23:16-17 for parallel points and concerns, in order to gain insight into the ethics that have driven its composition. This law is commonly included in discussions on slavery due to the use of עֶ֫בֶד, but the identification of this ‘slave’ as a foreign refugee seeking asylum in Israel has not been adequately (...)
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  40. Reflexive Law and Climate Change: The EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2024 - In Joakim Sandberg & Lisa Warenski (eds.), The Philosophy of Money and Finance. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This Chapter studies legislative initiatives around sustainable finance deriving from the Action Plan: Financing Sustainable Growth (also called ‘Sustainable Finance Action Plan’, ‘Action Plan’ henceforth), published by the European Commission (‘Commission’) in 2018 (Communication 2018/97). I evaluate various instruments proposed in the Action Plan, using a reflexive law approach coupled with insights from business ethics and epistemology (De Bruin, 2013, 2015). I point to the challenges such an approach encounters, and offer suggestions how to address them. Reflexive law approaches to (...)
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    EU Law and International Humanitarian Law.Marco Sassòli & Djemila Carron - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 413–426.
    This chapter discusses the application of international humanitarian law (IHL) to EU military operations outside of the European Union (EU). It describes where the Union has performed best: promoting the development, acceptance, and respect of IHL by others. EU restrictive measures may be taken in its commercial policy, its foreign and security policy, and its development cooperation policy. A field in which the European Union may have a direct impact on violations of IHL is the export of arms. EU member (...)
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    EU External Relations and the Law.Marise Cremona - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 371–393.
    This chapter examines the role of law in European Union (EU) external relations from two perspectives. First, it examines the EU as a rule‐based (international) actor Law and focuses mainly on EU law‐ governs both the extent of the European Union's external powers and their exercise, the constitutional foundations of EU external relations and the legal principles that govern external action. Second the chapter turns to the European Union's characteristic use of law as an instrument and objective of its foreign (...)
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    The Ethical Spirit of Eu Law.Markus Frischhut - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This open access book seeks to identify the ethical spirit of European Union law, a context in which we can observe a trend towards increasing references to the terms ‘ethics’ and ‘morality’. This aspect is all the more important because EU law is now affecting more and more areas of national law, including such sensitive ones as the patentability of human life. Especially when unethical behaviour produces legal consequences, the frequent lack of clearly defined concepts remains a challenge, particularly against (...)
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  44. The Laws of Hospitality, Asylum Seekers and Cosmopolitan Right: A Kantian Response to Jacques Derrida.Garrett W. Brown - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (3):308-327.
    The purpose of this article is to respond to Jacques Derrida’s reading of Immanuel Kant’s laws of hospitality and to offer a deeper exploration into Kant’s separation of a cosmopolitan right to visit ( Besuchsrecht) and the idea of a universal right to reside ( Gastrecht). Through this discussion, the various laws of hospitality will be examined, extrapolated and outlined, particularly in response to the tensions articulated by Derrida. By doing so, this article will offer a reinterpretation of the laws (...)
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    Killing, asylum, and the law in Byzantium.Ruth J. Macrides - 1988 - Speculum 63 (3):509-538.
    One of the distinguishing characteristics of Byzantium, it is well known, in contrast to the medieval West, is the continuous tradition of Roman law and secular courts which the Eastern Empire possessed throughout its existence, as well as a central authority in a position to put these tools into effect. Thus the question of the nature of law and order in Byzantium would seem to be straightforward; whoever wishes to learn how the crime of killing was handled can consult the (...)
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    Multilingualism in the EU and Consistency of Private Enforcement of Competition Law: Two Examples from CEE Countries.Anna Piszcz - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):165-180.
    This paper attempts to address the question of how multilingualism in the EU might affect the consistency of private enforcement of competition law. In the literature, there have been concerns raised about the consistency of public enforcement of competition law, so in this paper attention has shifted to concerns about consistency of private enforcement. For the purposes of this paper, a distinction is drawn between rule-making and the application of competition law. The latter falls outside the scope of this paper. (...)
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    EU State Aids Law.Piet Jan Slot - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson (ed.), A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 334–356.
    State aids law has become a major subject in its own right. Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which lays down the substantive rules on state aid, and Article 108 TFEU, which provides for the procedural rules, form part of the treaty chapter on competition. However, there are now several important pieces of legislation. The first is Council Regulation 994/98/EC, which applies Articles 107 and 108 TFEU. The gist of the regulation is that (...)
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    Criminogenic Security of Law in the EU and Lithuanian Legislation.Viktoras Justickis & Vidmantas Egidijus Kurapka - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):217-238.
    The study focuses on the phenomenon of crime-causing (criminogenic) law. It includes a review of related studies on such laws and their criminal side-effects, the change in the legislator’s liability for effects of enacted laws, and the effects of the legislator’s afflatus on the potential criminogenic effects of law. Of special concern are cases where the legislator is aware of the potential criminogenic side-effects of a new law but carelessly neglects them. The study evaluates the tool for detection of probable (...)
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    Compliance with EU Law and Argumentative Discourse: Representing the EU as a Problem-Solving Multilevel Governance System through Discursive Structures of Argumentation.Maria Ferreira - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (4):645-665.
    This paper analyzes how, during the Juncker Presidency, the European Commission employed argumentative strategies to address the question of member-states’ compliance with European Union law. There is a literature gap regarding how European leaders employ argumentative strategies to coax member-states to comply with EU legislation and how those strategies can be associated with multilevel governance designs and problem-solving approaches. Building on van Eemeren and Grootendorst’s pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation, the paper explores what dialectical and rhetorical strategies were employed by the (...)
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    The EU Member Countries' National Law Influence on the Reform of the Institution of Labour Disputes in the Republic of Lithuania.Gintautas Bužinskas & Utenos Kolegija - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1153-1173.
    Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas Lietuvos Respublikos darbo ginčų instituto reformavimas ir kaita Nepriklausomybės laikotarpiu atskirų Europos Sąjungos valstybių patirties kontekste. Darbo ginčų reforma Lietuvoje minimu laikotarpiu vyko keliais etapais, iš jų paskutinysis, prasidėjęs 2013 m. sausio 1 d., pakeitė darbo ginčų komisijų organizavimo tvarką, šias komisijas pradėjus kurti teritoriniu principu, prie veikiančių Valstybinės darbo inspekcijos teritorinių padalinių, nustačius, kad į darbo ginčų komisiją su skundu gali kreiptis ne tik darbuotojas, bet ir darbdavys, įvedus kitas naujoves. Tačiau šie pokyčiai vis dar neatspindi europinių (...)
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