Results for 'E. Regener'

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  1. The energy flux of cosmic rays.E. Regener - 1995 - Apeiron 2:85-86.
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    Symposium on Dignitas personae.E. Christian Brugger - 2009 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 9 (3):461-483.
    The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the prefecture of Joseph Ratzinger, published its instruction Donum vitae in 1987 to provide moral guidance on bioethical issues. Since 1987, many new ethical issues have arisen, especially in the areas of regenerative medicine (which includes stem cellresearch) and assisted reproduction. To address these the CDF, under the prefecture of William Levada, published the bioethical instruction Dignitas personae inDecember 2008. The present symposium includes reflections on the strengths and weaknesses of the (...)
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    Returning to the stem state: Epigenetics of recapitulating pre‐differentiation chromatin structure.Mehdi Shafa, Roman Krawetz & Derrick E. Rancourt - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (9):791-799.
    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can self‐renew indefinitely and contribute to all tissue types of the adult organism. Stem cell‐based therapeutic approaches hold enormous promise for the cure of regenerative diseases. Over the last few years, several studies have attempted to decipher the important role of transcription factor networks and epigenetic regulatory signals in the maintenance of ESC pluripotency, but the exact underlying mechanisms have yet to be identified. Among the epigenetic factors, chromatin dynamics and (...)
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    Blood and immune cell engineering: Cytoskeletal contractility and nuclear rheology impact cell lineage and localization.Jae-Won Shin & Dennis E. Discher - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (6):633-642.
    Clinical success with human hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation establishes a paradigm for regenerative therapies with other types of stem cells. However, it remains generally challenging to therapeutically treat tissues after engineering of stem cells in vitro. Recent studies suggest that stem and progenitor cells sense physical features of their niches. Here, we review biophysical contributions to lineage decisions, maturation, and trafficking of blood and immune cells. Polarized cellular contractility and nuclear rheology are separately shown to be functional markers of (...)
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  5. Towards the Phenomenology of Hybrids as Regenerative Design and Use -A Post-Heideggerian Account.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj & Vincent Blok - 2022 - Environmental Values 1 (4):469-491.
    Grasping the identity of hybrids, that is beings which cross the binarism of nature and technology (e.g. genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), syn-bio inventions, biomimetic projects), is problematic since it is still guided by self-evident dualistic categories, either as artefacts or as natural entities. To move beyond the limitations of such a one-sided understanding of hybrids, we suggest turning towards the categories of affordances and the juxtaposition of needs and patterns of proper use, as inspired by the Heideggerian version of phenomenology. Drawing (...)
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  6. Stem Cells and the Microenvironment: Reciprocity with Asymmetry in Regenerative Medicine.Militello Guglielmo & Bertolaso Marta - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (4):1-27.
    Much of the current research in regenerative medicine concentrates on stem-cell therapy that exploits the regenerative capacities of stem cells when injected into different types of human tissues. Although new therapeutic paths have been opened up by induced pluripotent cells and human mesenchymal cells, the rate of success is still low and mainly due to the difficulties of managing cell proliferation and differentiation, giving rise to non-controlled stem cell differentiation that ultimately leads to cancer. Despite being still far from becoming (...)
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    The New Treatments in Regenerative Medicine and in Oncologic and Degenerative Diseases.Pier Mario Biava - 2016 - World Futures 72 (3-4):191-204.
    Experiments carried out on different tumor cell lines showed a significative growth reduction of all treated lines due to the administration of zebrafish embryo extracts withdrawn at different stem cells differentiation stages. Research conducted in order to establish which molecular events were involved in control and downregulation of cancer cell lines demonstrated a transcriptional regulation of the key cell cycle onco-supressor gene, like p53 and a post-translational modification of molecules, like pRb. Research on apoptosis and differentiation processes showed that stem (...)
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    Stem cell epistemological issues. Chapter in Charbord P and Durand C (eds) Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.Lucie Laplane - 2015 - River Publishers.
    This chapter brings a philosophical perspective to the concept of stem cell. Three general questions both clarify the concept of stem cell and emphasize its ambiguities: (1) How should we define stem cells? (2) What makes them different from non-stem cells? (3) What is their ontology? (i.e. what kind of property is “stemness”?) Following this last question, the Chapter distinguishes four conceptions of stem cells and highlights their respective consequences for the cancer stem cell theory. Determining what kind of property (...)
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    The specificity triad: notions of disease and therapeutic specificity in biomedical reasoning.Shai Mulinari - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:14.
    Biomedicine is typically defined as the branch of medicine that is based on the principles of biology and biochemistry. A central tenet for biomedicine is the notion of disease and therapeutic specificity, i.e. the idea of tailored treatments for discrete disorders underpinned by specific pathologies. The present paper is concerned with how notions of disease and therapeutic specificity guide biomedical reasoning. To that end, the author proposes a model – the specificity triad – that draws on late philosopher and physician (...)
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    Comparativa de las ventajas de los sistemas hidropónicos como alternativas agrícolas en zonas urbanas.Vanessa Albuja, Juan Andrade, Carlos Lucano & Michelle Rodriguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):45-54.
    Este trabajo surge a partir de la investigación general de las técnicas hidropónicas teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas para de esta forma poder encontrar aquel factor determinante a través de una comparación de técnicas hidropónicas que permitan clasificarlas y escoger la mejor opción que genere menos impacto ambiental negativo y demuestre ser más productivo en los entornos urbanos. Adicionalmente, un factor determinante en las ciudades es su espacio limitado por lo que la mejor opción también deberá incluir un (...)
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  11. Ripensare, oggi, il Carnevale. Premessa.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:235-242.
    The International Conference "Tra rito e mito: il Carnevale nella cultura europea" was held online on the 16th and 17th of November 2020. We present twenty-two contributions coming from various fields of the Humanities and written in Italian, French, and German. This proceedings’ foreword traces back the thread that links these essays one with another, i.e., carnivalesque imagery between ritual and mythological dimensions. Moreover, this introduction provides a key to an interpretation of Carnival as a founding instance, both regenerative and (...)
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    Regeneration and Development in Animals.Michel Vervoort - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):25-35.
    Regeneration capabilities are found in most or all animals. Whether regeneration is part of the development of an animal or a distinct phenomenon independent of development is a debatable question. If we consider regeneration as a process belonging to development, similarly to embryogenesis or metamorphosis, the existence of regenerative capabilities in adults can be seen as an argument in favor of the theory that development continues throughout the life of animals. Here I perform a comparative analysis of regeneration versus “classical” (...)
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    Philosophical Studies.E. Jordan & G. E. Moore - 1924 - Philosophical Review 33 (1):88.
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    Locke against Democracy: Consent, Representation and Suffrage in the "Two Treatises".E. M. Wood - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (4):657.
    Interpretation of the classics in political theory seems to go in waves. For a while we had John Locke, the bourgeois thinker. Now we seem to be in a Locke-as-radical-democrat phase. Locke-the-bourgeois had problems of its own, but a radically democratic Locke -- not just the old Locke as liberal democrat but Locke as quasi-Leveller -- strains the interpretative imagination more than most; yet in recent years, several different kinds of argument have been advanced in support of it, both textual (...)
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  15. Class Structure and Income Determination.E. O. Wright - 1981 - Science and Society 45 (3):343-345.
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    Rural livelihoods in the arid and semi-arid environments of Kenya: Sustainable alternatives and challenges.Robinson K. Ngugi & Dickson M. Nyariki - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):65-71.
    The improvement of the welfare of inhabitants of arid and semi-arid lands, either through the enhancement of existing livelihoods or the promotion of alternative ones, and their potential constraints are discussed. Alternative livelihoods are discussed under regenerative and extractive themes with respect to environmental stability. Regenerative (i.e., non-extractive) livelihoods include activities like apiculture, poultry keeping, pisciculture, silkworm production, drought tolerant cash cropping, horticulture, community wildlife tourism, processing of livestock and crop products, agro-forestry for tree products, and micro-enterprises in the informal (...)
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  17.  28
    Formal Technique and Epithalamial Setting in the Song of the Parcae (Catullus 64.305-22, 328-36, 372-80).Marcos Ruiz Sanchez - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):75-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Formal Technique and Epithalamial Setting in the Song of the Parcae (Catullus 64.305–22, 328–36, 372–80)Marcos Ruiz SánchezThe present study aims to analyze the technique of verbal reminiscences and the structure of the frame of the song of the Parcae, one of the most important sections in poem 64 and the most controversial in meaning, together with the implications these verbal echoes have for the meaning of the text.Catullus’ poem (...)
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  18. Love Reveals Persons as Irreplaceable.E. D. Young - 2014 - In Christian Maurer, Tony Milligan & Kamila Pacovská (eds.), Love and Its Objects: What Can We Care For? Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  19.  8
    The Personal Universe: Essays in Honor of John Macmurray.Thomas E. Wren (ed.) - 1975 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
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  20.  10
    Linguistic urban studies: achievements, problems and expectations.E. A. Yakovleva - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (6):419.
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    Ufa as a text: the image of the national city on the example of the restaurant discourse of Bashkir cuisine.E. A. Yakovleva & A. F. Ismagilova - 2020 - Liberal Arts in Russia 9 (5):334.
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    Aristophanes, Clouds, 520 FF.E. C. Yorke - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):165-.
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    Ad Ioannem Diaconum Vindicandum.E. C. Yorke - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):114-115.
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    Here and now.E. M. Zemach - 1972 - Mind 81 (322):251-255.
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    Ought, is, and a game called "promise".E. M. Zemach - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):61-63.
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    On negative names.E. M. Zemach - 1985 - Philosophia 15 (1-2):137-138.
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  27. Globalisation and totality (role of global culture and philosophical determination of globalisation).E. Zenko - 2000 - Filozofski Vestnik 21 (3):153-159.
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    Local, Institutional, or Transnational? Social Networks of Russian Marriage Migrants in Turkey.E. Murat Özgür & Ayla Deniz - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (2):347-363.
    This study focuses on the spatialization and institutionalization of social networks of Russian women who migrated to Turkey via marriage in the last 30 years. Specifically, it investigates how and why their social networks have been changing at the local and transnational levels. We conducted in-depth interviews with 56 women between 2014−2021. Our extensive analysis indicates that despite their newly established status via marriages, the Russian women have weak ties with the locals regardless of the migration period, preferring mostly to (...)
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    Psychophysiologische Erkenntnistheorie.E. B. T. - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8 (4):444-446.
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  30. Multideontische Logik, Prozedurale Rechtstheorie, Diskurs.E. Zimmermann - 1999 - Rechtstheorie 30 (3):311-327.
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  31. Aktualʹnye problemy semasiologii: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.Ė. V. Zueva (ed.) - 1991 - Leningrad: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. pedagog. universitet im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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  32. D. Westerstå hl. Quantifiers in formal and natural languages.E. L. Keenan - 1997 - In J. F. A. K. Van Benthem, Johan van Benthem & Alice G. B. Ter Meulen (eds.), Handbook of Logic and Language. Elsevier. pp. 837--893.
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    The new phenomenology of carrying forward.E. T. Gendlin - 2004 - Continental Philosophy Review 37 (1):127-151.
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    Body parts: Property rights and the ownership of human biological materials.E. Richard Gold & Russell Scott - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (3):250-252.
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    A Conceptual Approach for a Quantitative Economic Analysis of Farmers’ Decision-Making Regarding Animal Welfare.É Gocsik, H. W. Saatkamp, C. C. de Lauwere & A. G. J. M. Oude Lansink - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (2):287-308.
    Decisions related to animal welfare standards depend on farmer’s multiple goals and values and are constrained by a wide range of external and internal forces. The aim of this paper is twofold, i.e., to develop a theoretical framework for farmers’ AW decisions that incorporates farmers’ goals, use and non-use values and to present an approach to empirically implement the theoretical framework. The farmer as a head of the farm household makes choices regarding production to maximize the utility of the household. (...)
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  36.  52
    "They Were All Human Beings: So Much Is Plain": Reflections on Cultural Relativism in the Humanities.E. H. Gombrich - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (4):686-699.
    In the fourth section of Goethe’s Zahme Xenien we find the quatrain from which I have taken the theme of such an old and new controversy, which, as I hope, concerns both Germanic studies and the other humanities: “What was it that kept you from us so apart?” I always read Plutarch again and again. “And what was the lesson he did impart?” “They were all human beings—so much is plain.”1 In the very years when Goethe wrote these lines, that (...)
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    Reply to Geach.E. J. Lowe - 1982 - Analysis 42 (1):31 -.
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  38. On a supposed temporal/modal parallel.E. J. Lowe - 1986 - Analysis 46 (4):195.
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  39. The Young Darwin and His Cultural Circle. A Study of Influences Which Helped Shape the Language and Logic of the First Drafts of the Theory of Natural Selection.E. Manier - 1980 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 31 (1):85-89.
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    Augustine and the Sources of the Divided Self.E. J. Hundert - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (1):86-104.
    For the good that I would, I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Romans 7.19-20.
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    The ethics of corporate governance.E. Eugene Arthur - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):59 - 70.
    The failure of the critics of corporate governance to agree on what should be done to improve the governance process can, in most cases, be traced to a different understanding of the role of corporate directors in that process. This article analyzes and contrasts the obligations of directors under two legal theories, the fictional person theory and the organic theory, of the corporation. A comparison of the director's obligations under each theory indicates that the organic theory provides a better basis (...)
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  42. The obligationes of John Tarteys: edition and introduction.E. Jennifer Ashworth - 1992 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 3 (2):653-703.
    L'ed. delle Obligationes si basa su quattro mss.: Praha, Knihovni Metropolitni Kapituly, M.CXLV ; Oxford, New College, E 289 ; Praha, Státní Knihóvna CSR, VIII E 11 ; Salamanca, Biblioteca de la Universidad, 2358 . Nell'introduzione l'A. prende in esame la tradizione manoscritta delle opere di Giovanni Tarteys, fornendo anche una breve notizia biografica di questo magister artium attivo ad Oxford tra la fine del Trecento e gli inizi del Quattrocento. Segue un'analisi comparata del De Obligationibus di Giovanni con le (...)
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  43. The Pythagoræn Sodality of Crotona, Tr. By E.K.Alberto Gianola & K. E. - 1906
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  44. Smysl i granit︠s︡y chelovecheskoĭ dukhovnosti: (filosofsko-kulʹturologicheskoe ėsse).V. E. Gromov - 2005 - Dnepropetrovsk: Nat︠s︡īonalʹniĭ gīrnichiĭ unīversitet.
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    The Unique Manuscript of Apvleivs' Metamorphoses (Laurentian. 68.2) and its Oldest Transcript (Laurentian. 29.2).E. A. Lowe - 1920 - Classical Quarterly 14 (3-4):150-.
    The chief works of Tacitus and Apuleius have come down to us in a single Beneventan—i.e. South Italian—MS. of the eleventh century. The Annals and Histories of Tacitus, and the Apologia, Metamorphoses, and Florida of Apuleius, depend solely on the authority of the famous Florentine MS. preserved in the Laurentian Library under the press-mark 68.2. Any new light that can be thrown on such a MS. is of interest to classical scholars. With the portion of the MS. containing the works (...)
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    Definability of R. E. sets in a class of recursion theoretic structures.Robert E. Byerly - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):662-669.
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    Trisyllabic Feet in the Dialogue of Aeschylus.E. C. Yorke - 1936 - Classical Quarterly 30 (2):116-119.
    In R. C. Flickinger's (3rd ed. second impression 1929) we read on pp. 171In the iambic trimeters written by Aeschylus a trisyllabic substitution (tribrach, anapaest or dactyl) for the pure disyllabic iambus occurs only once in about twenty-five verses.Tragic Drama of the Greekstrimeters’ lines like.
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    Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and Answers for Catholics by Janet E. Smith and Christopher Kaczor.William E. May - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (1):207-209.
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    Dworkin e Posner acerca da existência de respostas certas para as questões jurídicas: a reconstrução de um debate.Ana Carolina da Costa E. Fonseca - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):63-71.
    Dworkin respondeu afirmativamente à pergunta título do seu texto “Não existe mesmo nenhuma resposta certa em casos controversos?”. Posner criticou Dworkin e respondeu a mesma pergunta negativamente. Discute-se neste artigo as diferentes maneiras como cada filósofo entendeu a pergunta que acarreta diferentes respostas a ela, isto é, de que modo diferenças na concepção do que é o Direito acarretam diferenças a respeito da existência de respostas certas para questões jurídicas.
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    From synchronous neuronal discharges to subjective awareness?E. Roy John - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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