Results for 'E. Mcintosh'

946 found
  1. Expertise and the interpretation of computerized physiological data: Implications problems by experts and novices.E. Alberdi, J. C. Becher, K. Gilhooly, J. Hunter, R. Logie, A. Lyon, N. McIntosh & J. Reiss - 2001 - Cognitive Science 5:121-152.
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    What Can State Medical Boards Do to Effectively Address Serious Ethical Violations?Tristan McIntosh, Elizabeth Pendo, Heidi A. Walsh, Kari A. Baldwin, Patricia King, Emily E. Anderson, Catherine V. Caldicott, Jeffrey D. Carter, Sandra H. Johnson, Katherine Mathews, William A. Norcross, Dana C. Shaffer & James M. DuBois - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):941-953.
    State Medical Boards (SMBs) can take severe disciplinary actions (e.g., license revocation or suspension) against physicians who commit egregious wrongdoing in order to protect the public. However, there is noteworthy variability in the extent to which SMBs impose severe disciplinary action. In this manuscript, we present and synthesize a subset of 11 recommendations based on findings from our team’s larger consensus-building project that identified a list of 56 policies and legal provisions SMBs can use to better protect patients from egregious (...)
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    Effects of amniocentesis for genetic purposes on the pregnancy and its outcome.E. V. Davison, A. S. McIntosh & D. F. Roberts - 1987 - Journal of Biosocial Science 19 (3):295-304.
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    A Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Security and Contentment for Latency Aged Children in Shared-time Parenting Arrangements.Christina Sadowski & Jennifer E. McIntosh - 2015 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46 (1):69-104.
    This study explored the lived experience of security and contentment, and their absence, for latency-aged children living in shared-time parenting arrangements following their parents’ separation. A descriptive phenomenological methodology was utilized. Sixteen children living in shared-time were interviewed about their experiences of two phenomena: “feeling secure and content living in shared-time” and “not feeling secure and content living in shared-time.” The eight richest protocols were selected for analysis. The two resultant general structures and their core constituents are presented, and individual (...)
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    What reasons do those with practical experience use in deciding on priorities for healthcare resources? A qualitative study.A. Hasman, E. Mcintosh & T. Hope - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):658-663.
    Background: Priority setting is necessary in current healthcare services. Discussion of fair process has highlighted the value of developing reasons for allocation decisions on the basis of experience gained from real cases.Aim: To identify the reasons that those with experience of real decision-making concerning resource allocation think relevant in deciding on the priority of a new but expensive drug treatment.Methods: Semistructured interviews with members of committees with responsibility for making resource allocation decisions at a local level in the British National (...)
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  6. To Whistleblow or Not to Whistleblow: Affective and Cognitive Differences in Reporting Peers and Advisors.Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Logan Steele, Paul Partlow, Megan Turner, Cory Higgs & Tristan McIntosh - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):171-210.
    Traditional whistleblowing theories have purported that whistleblowers engage in a rational process in determining whether or not to blow the whistle on misconduct. However, stressors inherent to whistleblowing often impede rational thinking and act as a barrier to effective whistleblowing. The negative impact of these stressors on whistleblowing may be made worse depending on who engages in the misconduct: a peer or advisor. In the present study, participants are presented with an ethical scenario where either a peer or advisor engages (...)
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    The impact of happy and sad affective states on biases in ethical decision making.Nicolette A. Rainone, Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Tristan J. McIntosh & Kelsey E. Medeiros - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (4):284-300.
    ABSTRACT Researchers have increasingly acknowledged that affect plays a role in ethical decision making. However, the impact that specific affective states may have on the expression of decision biases in the context of ethical dilemmas has received limited empirical attention. To address this, the present effort examined the impact of happy and sad affective states on biases in ethical decision making. In an online experiment, undergraduate students read short stories that either induced happy, sad, or relaxed affective states, followed by (...)
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  8. Idealism and Common Sense.C. A. McIntosh - 2021 - In Joshua R. Farris & Benedikt Paul Göcke, The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 496-505.
    The question I wish to explore is this: Does idealism conflict with common sense? Unfortunately, the answer I give may seem like a rather banal one: It depends. What do we mean by ‘idealism’ and ‘common sense?’ I distinguish three main varieties of idealism: absolute idealism, Berkeleyan idealism, and dualistic idealism. After clarifying what is meant by common sense, I consider whether our three idealisms run afoul of it. The first does, but the latter two don’t. I conclude that while (...)
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    Parent and Peer Attachments in Adolescence and Paternal Postpartum Mental Health: Findings From the ATP Generation 3 Study.Jacqui A. Macdonald, Christopher J. Greenwood, Primrose Letcher, Elizabeth A. Spry, Kayla Mansour, Jennifer E. McIntosh, Kimberly C. Thomson, Camille Deane, Ebony J. Biden, Ben Edwards, Delyse Hutchinson, Joyce Cleary, John W. Toumbourou, Ann V. Sanson & Craig A. Olsson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: When adolescent boys experience close, secure relationships with their parents and peers, the implications are potentially far reaching, including lower levels of mental health problems in adolescence and young adulthood. Here we use rare prospective intergenerational data to extend our understanding of the impact of adolescent attachments on subsequent postpartum mental health problems in early fatherhood.Methods: At age 17–18 years, we used an abbreviated Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment to assess trust, communication, and alienation reported by 270 male (...)
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    Ethical Challenges in the Commercialization of Neurotechnology: Contending with Competing Priorities.Tristan McIntosh, James M. DuBois & Joel S. Perlmutter - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (1):60-62.
    The seven ethical issues and principles explored in the target article (i.e., privacy, responsibility, access, stigma, user control, family impact, enhancement) reflect important considerations for...
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    Libéral, libéralité, libéralisme: histoire et enjeux philosophiques, culturels et littéraires.Eléonore Le Jallé & Fiona McIntosh-Varjabédian (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    En s'interrogeant sur les enjeux philosophiques, littéraires, culturels et linguistiques des notions de libéralité et de libéralisme, dans leur lien avec l'adjectif "libéral", cet ouvrage collectif suggère l'existence d'une généalogie commune à ces trois notions. Il dessine ainsi les rapports unissant ce qui convient à l'homme libre et par extension à ce qui permet de l'éduquer et d'élargir ses vues (arts libéraux et éducation libérale), la libéralité entendue comme largesse et générosité mais aussi comme vertu d'user avec mesure de l'argent, (...)
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    Principal Investigators’ Priorities and Perceived Barriers and Facilitators When Making Decisions About Conducting Essential Research in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Alison L. Antes, Tristan J. McIntosh, Stephanie Solomon Cargill, Samuel Bruton & Kari Baldwin - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-24.
    At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, stay-at-home orders disrupted normal research operations. Principal investigators (PIs) had to make decisions about conducting and staffing essential research under unprecedented, rapidly changing conditions. These decisions also had to be made amid other substantial work and life stressors, like pressures to be productive and staying healthy. Using survey methods, we asked PIs funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation (N = 930) to rate how (...)
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    Robert E. Lewis and Angus McIntosh, A Descriptive Guide to the Manuscripts of the “Prick of Conscience.” Oxford: Society for the Study of Mediaeval Languages and Literature, 1982. Paper. Pp. xvi, 172; 2 maps. £6. [REVIEW]Thomas J. Heffernan - 1984 - Speculum 59 (1):238-239.
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  14. Conscious vision guides motor action—rarely.Benjamin Kozuch - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (3):443-476.
    According to Milner and Goodale’s dual visual systems (DVS) theory, a division obtains between visual consciousness and motor action, in that the visual system producing conscious vision (the ventral stream) is distinct from the one guiding action (the dorsal stream). That there would be this division is often taken (by Andy Clark and others) to undermine the folk view on how consciousness and action relate. However, even if this division obtains, this leaves open the possibility that con- scious ventral information (...)
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    Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho (review).Sarah Mace - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (4):636-639.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of SapphoSarah MaceJane McIntosh Snyder. Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. xi 1 261 pp. Cloth, price not stated.Snyder’s aim in Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho is to make Sappho’s poetry “come alive for the modern reader” (ix), which is to say, for the Greekless reader. To this end, the author bases her (...)
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural Philosophy (...)
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    Írás az éthoszról.Éva Ancsel - 1981 - [Budapest]: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.
  18.  12
    Történelem és alternatívák: a cselekvés válaszútjai.Éva Ancsel - 1978 - Budapest: Kossuth.
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    William Shedrick Willis and the ‘Ghost of Boas’: Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt & William Shedrick Willis: Franz Boas and W. E. B. Du Bois at Atlanta University, 1906. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 2008, x + 83 pp, US $35.00 PB.Julia E. Liss - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):211-213.
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  20. Fenomenolohichna teorii︠a︡ svidomosti E. Husserli︠a︡.I︠E︡vhen Mykolaĭovych Prychepiĭ - 1971
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    Professionalʹnai︠a︡ ėtika: moralʹnai︠a︡ propedevtika delovogo povedenii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie.E. S. Protanskai︠a︡ - 2003 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  22. Il principio trascendentale e l'autonomia dell'arte nell'estetica filosofica di A. Banfì.Note E. Rassegne - 1962 - Rivista di Estetica 7:442.
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  23. L'arte e la musica in Giuseppe Mazzini.Note E. Rassegne - 1966 - Rivista di Estetica 11:267.
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  24. Love Reveals Persons as Irreplaceable.E. D. Young - 2014 - In Christian Maurer, Tony Milligan & Kamila Pacovská, Love and Its Objects: What Can We Care For? Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Prêter voix: un chemin de création à l'école d'Édith Stein.Éric de Rus - 2020 - [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger éditions.
    À l'école d'Édith Stein -- À la recherche du geste intérieur -- Révéler la presence -- Anthropologie phénoménologique et théorie de l'éducation dans l'oeuvre d'Édith Stein (Résumé).
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  26. Probabilistic Inference and Probabilistic Reasoning.Jr: Henry E. Kyburg - 1990 - Philosophical Topics 18 (2):107-116.
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    Emendations of Herodas.E. L. Hicks, Henry Jackson & Robinson Ellis - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (08):350-363.
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    Mythological Aspects of Trees and Mountains in the Great Epic.E. Washburn Hopkins - 1910 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 30 (4):347-374.
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    Zu den Scriptores historiae Auçustae.E. E. Hudemann - 1854 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 9 (1-4):278-278.
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    some English Documents Of The Conciliar Movement.E. F. Jacob - 1931 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 15 (2):358-394.
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  31. Scepticism and Religious Belief: Pascal, Bayle, Hume.E. James - 1979 - In Classical Influences on Western Thought.
  32. La division Des sexes chez Grégoire de nysse et chez Jean Scot érigène.Édouard Jeauneau - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes, Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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  33. Estʻetikuri aġzrdis princʻipi.Giorgi Jiblaże - 1968 - Tʻbilisi: Tʻbilisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba.
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    Kierkegaard y el salto de fe. Un acto de individualidad.A. Jonás E. Aponte - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (1):197-224.
    The purpose of this essay is to analyze succinctly the concept of faith through the very penetrating gaze of the Danish philosopher Sören Kierkegaard. Faith is analyzed by Kierkegaard from absurdity, resignation and the paradox of faith. In the same way, his concept of faith is carved with a chisel that would complete all his philosophy, that is, to touch human reality away from any abstract thought, trying at all times that his examination be seen on a personal dimension in (...)
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    De la sociologie juridique.E. Jorion - 1967 - Res Publica 9 (4):605-619.
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    Gipoteza globalʹnogo gumanizma: monografii︠a︡.E. A. Kafyrin - 2013 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGOU.
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  37. Lien ai lun ABC.êRh-Sung Kao - unknown
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    Too Many Ablatives Spoil The Broth.E. J. Kenney - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (2):471-472.
    The orthodox explanation of the syntax of lines 453–4 is that repeated by the most recent commentator, F. Bömer, p.343): ‘neque adhuc epota parte ist Abl. absol.; der Gegenstand, mit dem Ceres den Jungen überschüttet, ist mixta … polenta.‘ The ablative absoluteis in itself unexceptionable, but the proliferation of three ablatives in two verses is awkward writing. As transmitted, line 454 is the product of a copyist who, as is often the habit of copyists, was confininghis attention to the verse (...)
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    7. Nochmals zur Satzapposition.E. Kieckers - 1922 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 78 (3-4):397-400.
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  40. Blanshard's Criticisms of Wittgenstein's "Tractatus".E. D. Klemke - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):305.
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    (1 other version)On large cardinals and partition relations.E. M. Kleinberg & R. A. Shore - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):305-308.
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    Expressive syntax in modern English young adult fiction.E. A. Korableva - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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    I︠A︡zyk nerefleksivnykh form poznanii︠a︡: monografii︠a︡.E. A. Kormochi - 2010 - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiĭ: Kamchatskiĭ gos. universitet.
    Книга адресована специалистам в области теории познания, обществоведам, преподавателям философских дисциплин, аспирантам и студентам философских факультетов вузов, всем тем, кто интересуется данной проблемой.
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  44. Subsensory reactions and the problem of unconscious perception.E. A. Kostandov - 1994 - Sensory Systems 7:149-53.
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  45. Is the Best Really Necessary?E. R. Kraemer - 1990 - Analysis 50 (1):42 - 43.
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    The futurist from the planet Ro.E. P. Kulawiec - 1981 - World Futures 18 (3):279-283.
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    La religione nella vita dello spirito.E. Paolo Lamanna, Domenico Pesce & Angelo Scivoletto - 1967 - Firenze,: F. Le Monnier. Edited by Domenico Pesce & Angelo Scivoletto.
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  48. San Tommaso.E. Paolo Lamanna - 1969 - Torino,: Edizioni di Filosofia.
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    Khu̇mu̇u̇niĭ ertȯnt︠s︡ ba togtvortoĭ khȯgzhil: Shinzhlėkh ukhaany gavʹi︠a︡at zu̇tgėltėn, doktor, professor T︠S︡.Balkhaazhavyn 90 nasny oĭd zoriulsan ėrdėm shinzhilgėėniĭ baga khurlyn ėmkhėtgėl.T︠S︡ėrėnpiliĭn Balkhaazhav & B. Pu̇rėvsu̇rėn (eds.) - 2018 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: Soëmbo Printing.
    Memoirs and papers presented at a conference held on the occasion of the 90th birthday of the Mongolian philosopher Ts. Balkhaajav.
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    Freedom and Personality Again.A. E. Taylor - 1942 - Philosophy 17 (65):26 - 37.
    In an essay entitled “Freedom and Personality” I have contended that “intelligence is a principle of indetermination within us.” As I find that my argument, though to myself it appears incontrovertible, has not produced conviction in some quarters where I had hoped it might be effective, I can only suppose that, presumably by my own fault, it was not stated as clearly as it should have been. This must be my excuse for returning to the subject; in doing so I (...)
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